600 words of happiness in composition (18 compilations)
Better tomorrow
2023-09-16 00:13:46

600 words of happiness in composition (1)

"The goal of all human efforts is to obtain happiness." What is happiness? Where is it hidden? In fact, happiness is always around you.

When I got up early in the morning, when my eyes were still open and closed, I felt the warm morning light from the window, which spread around me. Suddenly, I was full of vigor and vitality, and felt that the new day had rekindled hope, which was happiness; Walking in the campus, I found all the wonders of nature with my classmates around me, even if it was just a small group of ants, it was also happiness; It is a great happiness to run on the court with friends, play team understanding with teammates, and score offensive goals; In the classroom, if you look at your friends beside you, you can know what he wants to say, which can also be happiness; On the way back from school, I talked with my classmates about what I found one day at school, and walked home laughing and talking. That was the happiness we all longed for. There is a saying: "It seems that the happiest people are those who are happy for no special reason. They are happy just because they are happy." Happiness is hidden in every corner of people's life, not that you never get happiness, but that you never find it! But from now on, let's throw ourselves into the embrace of happiness forever.

Happiness is like a flickering light. At ordinary times, you feel it is not eye-catching; But when you are in the dark, it gives you the most warmth and help! Happiness is so precious and important, but it is readily available; Happiness is often like a cat and its tail. When a cat desperately chases its tail, its tail is chased by the cat. Therefore, when the cat decides to move forward, happiness follows... This is just like when people try hard to pursue happiness in the camp, they will only end up in vain; But as long as people move forward bravely, happiness will follow; Happiness is like the dawn in the morning, not dazzling, but can bring us warmth; Happiness is like a smile, just a little bit, can make people intoxicated in it, but do not know.

"True happiness is invisible to both eyes; true happiness exists in invisible things." Happiness lies in my opening my eyes; The moment I closed my eyes and looked up, I found it.

600 words of happiness in composition (2)

I am a small dandelion.

I can't see the streams flowing in the mountain stream; I can't see flowers blooming in the garden; I can't hear the birds chirping in the woods; I have no way to experience the heroic imagination of the trees on the mountain! I am a small dandelion, a dandelion forgotten by the world in a dark corner

I complain about the unfairness of God, because he failed to let me land in the beautiful spring; I complained that my mother was too ordinary, because she failed to make me stand out in this corner; I also complain that the wall in this corner is too high, because it doesn't make me realize how beautiful the outside world is!

So, I grew up alone! When the rain came, it knocked down my fluff; The snow came, it covered my whole body; When the butterfly comes, it never stops for me, even if it is just a moment of appreciation; The bird came, and it never spoke to me, even if it was just a loving look! My inferiority, inferiority has no peony's national beauty and natural fragrance; I am inferiority, inferiority is not strong and tenacious like a big tree; I am inferiority, inferiority has no daisy to be charming and charming; I am inferiority, inferiority does not have the free flight of birds!

Can I really only be a small dandelion?

Shake your head for an answer.,

I looked forward to it. Finally, spring came. Her sunshine shines on me, making me feel warm and comfortable. I saw white parachutes floating in the wind under the blue sky. I felt that I was held up by the spring wind. I left this dark corner and flew over the high wall.

What a wonderful world! I saw the news flowing; I saw the blooming of flowers; I heard birds chirping and singing; I heard the heroic imagination of Big Tree! So life is so beautiful!

Yeah! Don't complain that flowers don't bloom, because spring is not here! Don't complain about the weather, because the rain has not passed!

When the spring rains, the flowers will bloom, the sky will clear, and the world will be better!

And happiness will be harvested!

600 words of happiness in composition (3)

"The blue sky is filled with white clouds, and horses run under the white clouds..." Whenever I sing this familiar song, I can't help recalling an experience that once happened on the prairie. This event makes me feel the true feelings of the world and gain full happiness.

The romance of strolling on the grassland and the carefree ride on horseback are extremely happy, but unfortunately, things happen quietly. Facing the wind and pedaling, I bravely rode on the horse's back alone and roamed freely on the endless prairie. Just when I was in high spirits, the horse suddenly rushed out of the fence and ran with me like an arrow. I was scared out of my wits by this sudden scene.

The owner of the horse shouted at me loudly: "Hold the stiff rope, keep calm, I thought of my parents' care for me from childhood to adulthood, and the wonderful time when my classmates and I played together, and I felt sad.

"What's the matter with you, kid?" I suddenly turned around and saw a smiling herdsman uncle asking me with concern. At this time, I was like grasping a straw to save my life, and I couldn't wait to tell the herdsman uncle what just happened, After hearing this, he kindly said to me, "Why don't you go to my house and have some food first, and then I will take you to the racetrack safely".

I readily agreed. I tasted local specialties and drank thick mutton soup at the herdsman's uncle's house. The herdsman's uncle treated me, a little lost guest, with his heroic enthusiasm. I am grateful for the enthusiasm of the grassland people, and I have gained happiness from the grassland people. Under his escort, I finally returned to my parents.

I will never forget the blue sky, white clouds and galloping horses on the grassland, but I will never forget the herdsman uncle who once helped me. He let me get the true feelings of the world and let me feel full of love.

600 words of happiness in composition (4)

Both intelligent human beings and low-level animals have the right to harvest happiness. We can have happiness, we can also give happiness.

I am an exaggerated and insignificant person. I am not as fragrant and charming as flowers; It is not as tall and awe inspiring as trees. But I can still have happiness like flowers and harvest happiness like trees. Flowers are praised by others, trees are praised by others, and I will not be alone because I have happiness!

I come from the embrace of my parents. With their love, I am very happy; I come from nature, with fragrance, I am very happy; I am from a lucky student. I have gained knowledge and I am very happy; I am envied by my peers for having friendship, and I am very happy. I'm glad I'm a student; I'm glad I'm a good athlete; I am glad that I have knowledge, I will harvest happiness!

Every day when I go home, I pass an old man's house. It is a simple hut, but its owner is not an ordinary person. Its owner is an old grandpa. Although he lost his hearing, he has his own ideal. A poet said well that "a person with an ideal is a capital person". I believe that grandpa is a capital person! Every day, he will go to help a person who is in trouble as himself, but he will help a person who is healthier and younger than himself. He went to help those children who could not afford to go to school. He smiled every day because he had gained happiness - I was happy for him when he helped others realize their dream of going to school.

On a fresh morning, no one would expect anything to happen. At this time, a girl with a cloth doll in her hand gave a girl who was unfamiliar with her but needed a doll. The girl holding the doll was full of joy, and the girl receiving the doll was full of excitement. Since then, the two girls who had never known each other have become good friends. Of course, you don't need to know who is who. But I know they all have happiness and harvest happiness.

Humanity depends on how much you have paid, not how much you have gained. You just need to remember that happiness is in your hands. Giving happiness and harvesting happiness are the rights of any life.

600 words of happiness in composition (5)

The hot atmosphere gradually fades away, and summer quietly goes to the distance. The sense of autumn has filled the air unconsciously, making people refreshing. Whenever I walk under the yellowing tree and pick a yellow leaf to look at it carefully, that piece of happiness, just like a leaf, floats to my heart.

Father always works outside. My father and I haven't seen each other for several months, and we miss each other more and more. The Mid Autumn Festival has just passed. That night, looking at the bright moon, I often asked myself: When will my father and I meet again?

Autumn is in full swing. In this beautiful day, going out for cycling is naturally the best choice to release pressure. As usual, I hummed a tune and rode leisurely towards the forest path. It's still early, and a round of sunrise, accompanied by morning exercise people, rises from the horizon. I have been intoxicated with the beautiful scenery on this beautiful day, totally unaware that the bicycle at my feet is changing.

When I noticed that the tire was leaking, I was far away from home. I couldn't help worrying when I saw the tire deflate bit by bit. Looking around, only giant trees stood on both sides. I pressed on the pedal, hoping that the car could move forward, but it backfired - the car didn't move. I was worried: what should I do? If the cart goes back, it may not arrive at noon. However, thinking of my mother waiting at home, I gritted my teeth and decided to push the cart home.

The bicycle squeaks under the push. Looking up at the sun, it has hung high in the sky. Beans of sweat have already covered my forehead, but home is still far away. I pushed the car hard and walked step by step. Suddenly, a powerful force was exerted on the back seat of the bicycle. I instinctively turned to look, ah! Father! Father was pushing his bike and smiling at me. I also smiled.

Bicycle, a pair of small hands, a pair of big hands, stroll in the forest path; The sound of laughter, carts, and words echoed on the forest path.

At the door of my home, I left a smile;

At the door of my home, I left my family behind.

In the bottom of my heart, a leaf fell;

In the bottom of my heart, a happiness floated down.

600 words of happiness in composition (6)

Parents' Open Day has always been an activity of home cooperation that our kindergarten attaches importance to. In order to let parents know about their children's daily life and learning in kindergarten; To strengthen the communication between the kindergarten and parents, this parents' open day activity can be said to start in a busy, orderly and expectant way, and end in a wonderful, successful and amazing way. Whether it is children's morning activities, morning exercises, classroom teaching, or parents' parent-child games, each of them fully reflects the spirit of unity, harmony and progress of our teachers and students, and also shows our innovative, rigorous and realistic work style.

In the education and teaching activities, we demonstrated the new educational concept of the kindergarten, demonstrated the talent and wisdom of teachers, fully reflected the children's subjective participation, and mobilized the enthusiasm of parents to participate in activities. Through the open day activities, teachers' educational methods and teaching forms have greatly inspired parents. While appreciating the wonderful teaching of teachers, parents also pay attention to their children's performance in the collective. It also makes parents more aware of the connotation of kindergarten education, and makes them deeply realize the importance of teachers' intentions and home cooperation.

The parent-child game brings teachers, parents and children together. Parents also seem to return to the past and find the shadow of their childhood. The teacher saw a satisfied smile on the parents' faces; I felt happiness and joy from the children's laughter.

After observing the activity, parents also filled in the "Open Day Activity Parent Feedback Form". The words of parents made us deeply appreciate their affirmation of our work and their trust, understanding and support for us. Parents also said that they should take part in more similar activities in the future, so as to know all kinds of education information of the kindergarten in time and cooperate with the kindergarten to carry out targeted family education more effectively.

We are very pleased to see the smiling faces and trusting eyes of parents and hear their heartfelt affirmation. There is always a reward for giving. As long as we devote ourselves to love, love children with the greatest "love", enter parents with the greatest "sincerity", and work with the greatest "sincerity", we will get the greatest reward happiness.

600 words of happiness in composition (7)

I am a small dandelion.

I can't see the streams flowing in the mountain stream; I can't see flowers blooming in the garden; I can't hear the birds chirping in the woods; I have no way to experience the heroic imagination of the trees on the mountain! I am a small dandelion, a dandelion forgotten by the world in a dark corner

I complain about the unfairness of God, because he failed to let me land in the beautiful spring; I complained that my mother was too ordinary, because she failed to make me stand out in this corner; I also complain that the wall in this corner is too high, because it doesn't make me realize how beautiful the outside world is!

So, I grew up alone! When the rain came, it knocked down my fluff; The snow came, it covered my whole body; When the butterfly comes, it never stops for me, even if it is just a moment of appreciation; The bird came, and it never spoke to me, even if it was just a loving look! My inferiority, inferiority has no peony's national beauty and natural fragrance; I am inferiority, inferiority is not strong and tenacious like a big tree; I am inferiority, inferiority has no daisy to be charming and charming; I am inferiority, inferiority does not have the free flight of birds!

Can I really only be a small dandelion?

Shake your head for an answer.

I looked forward to it. Finally, spring came. Her sunshine shines on me, making me feel warm and comfortable. I saw white parachutes floating in the wind under the blue sky. I felt that I was held up by the spring wind. I left this dark corner and flew over the high wall.

What a wonderful world! I saw the news flowing; I saw the blooming of flowers; I heard birds chirping and singing; I heard the heroic imagination of Big Tree! So life is so beautiful!

Yeah! Don't complain that flowers don't bloom, because spring is not here! Don't complain about the weather, because the rain has not passed!

When the spring rains, the flowers will bloom, the sky will clear, and the world will be better!

And happiness will be harvested!

600 words of happiness in composition (8)

The philosopher was very kind. He gently said to the man who came from afar, "My child, knowing that finding happiness in times of pain is an act worth affirming in itself! However, happiness is located on the other side of the desert. You only have to cross the desert first to find happiness."

It is also my happiness that I get good results in each exam, because I know that each exam is an inspection of my learning, which can let me know my learning effect in the past. If I get a good result in the exam, it means that I have mastered the knowledge I have learned, so that I can accumulate experience and rich knowledge, and win glory for the country in the future.

It's also my happiness to get a book I like to read, because there are many things I don't know in the book, such as chicken or egg? In the world of Fable insects, a series of stories happened when Alice fell into the rabbit hole, which made me immersed in the sea of books and fascinated me. I love books near my sofa, bedside table, bookshelf, computer desk, study desk, windowsill and even in the toilet. Hehe, don't laugh at me. I am so happy with books!

And I can take a bath every day, and singing happily when taking a bath is also my happiness. Mom said I was a singer in the bathroom. Do you know what song I sang in the bath? Ha ha, I sing "wash brush, wash brush, one, two, three, four..." Yes, sometimes when my mother is at home, we can have a water fight when we take a bath together, just like the Dai Water Splashing Festival, very happy!

When I went to my grandma's house for dinner, I helped set the dishes, served the rice and washed the dishes. I felt happy. Because when serving the hot food, my father said, "Ding Ding, stop serving it. It will burn you. Let my father serve it." I said, "It doesn't matter, Dad. I'm in the second grade. Let me serve you." Looking at the delicious appearance of everyone at dinner, my heart was very happy because there is also my share of the pay. I am also very happy at this time. I am willing to serve my parents and grandparents who love me. I am very happy.

I still have a lot of happiness. I can't say it all in one night. Do you feel my happiness?

600 words of happiness in composition (9)

The happiness of the sky is wearing blue; The happiness of the forest is wearing green; The happiness of sunshine is to wear golden clothes; But the happiness I have is colorful.

What is happiness? The candle told me that happiness is to devote oneself to the future, to warm people with a little heat, and to illuminate people's way forward with a little light. The steed told me that happiness is freedom and freedom, and you can run freely on the vast grassland. The eagle told me that happiness is to fly high and fight against the sky... In my opinion, the so-called happiness may be a spring in the hot summer, or a warm current in the cold winter.

A smile, a gesture, an encouragement, a reminder in daily life may be of great help to this person. A hint when people are confused, a word of comfort when people are sad, and an action when they fall up are the greatest encouragement to others and the greatest happiness to themselves.

The family care for us is all the time. At home, we can always get the care of our family, so that we can understand that it is not possible to have no family, and when we study outside, our family will never forget us. Therefore, we must know that we are happy, and we must cherish the happiness we have now!

In our study and life, we can't avoid many troubles. What we face together is our classmates and friends. After such a long study and life, our classmates and friends are all loyal to us. We have a lot of worries, and their troubles are shared by them. We have had tangles, troubles and quarrels, but I know they will be my most important navigation.

Of course, one of our friends is our teacher. Teachers guide us when we are confused; Heal us when we are hurt; When we are proud, we tell us that we should be modest. The teacher is a beacon, a steering wheel, and also a goal. The teacher's care and understanding of us are second only to our relatives. How can these relatives, classmates, teachers and friends not let me feel happy with their love for us?

This is happiness, happiness is beautiful. I will have happiness forever!

600 words of happiness in composition (10)

Happiness, what a beautiful word, people yearn for her and pursue her. Don't think happiness is so far away, so hard to come by, I have a happy childhood.

Everyone has a childhood, but the brush of life gives different colors to the childhood of people in different times. Life has painted a rainbow on my childhood.

My mother often said to me: "My child, you are living a comfortable life now. My mother was different when she was a child. My family didn't have enough food to eat, let alone the money for studying. At that time, the last term of high school was only 9 yuan, and my family still couldn't get it out. My mother got up at 4 or 5 o'clock every day, went to cut pig dishes, and then came back to study on her own. There were endless things to do at that time. If you want to read, you should learn to have the spirit of nails and squeeze out time. Mom sometimes has to read until late at night. She gets up earlier than the chicken in the morning and sleeps later than the dog at night. " How does mother get this knowledge now? It turns out that mother taught them all by herself. The schoolbag sewn by the front when my mother was a child is still collected, and the books read by my mother when she was a child are still intact. It can be seen that my mother was eager to read when she was a child.

Compared with me, my mother's childhood is too insignificant. When I was born, I was spoiled by my parents and the people around me. When I was a child, there were countless toys, such as toy cars and remote controlled planes. Other children have no money, but I often buy food with money. Three meals a day is my mother chasing me to feed food. There is meat in the dishes, and I live a carefree life. When I grew up, I still blamed my mother for my unhappy childhood. After listening to my mother talk about her childhood, I took a deep breath and recited: "I don't know the true face of happiness, but only because I am happy." My childhood is not a word that can be summed up by "happiness" for my parents!

For Tao Yuanming, happiness is "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing Nanshan"; For Fan Zhongyan, happiness is "to worry about the world first, and to be happy after the world"; For Yu Qian, happiness is "a mountain shaped by repeated tempering, and the burning fire is easy"; Happiness is "youth" for Samuel; Happiness is "money" for Bill Gates. The happiness of my childhood is the care and favor of my parents. What about my future happiness?

Mom and Dad, you wait. I will tell you with my actions that my happiness is up to me!

600 words of happiness in composition (11)

The white fog filled the sky, and there was only a vast expanse of white around. I lost my way forward. When I felt helpless, my heart seemed to be attracted by something and led me out of the fog, but what I saw was

When I woke up, I found myself still in the car, driving on the dark road. It turned out that I was going to meet my parents who had not seen me for several years.

It's already two or three o'clock in the morning, and finally it's time to arrive. From afar, I saw my father standing at the station waiting for me. There was a light yellow light bulb shining with me. The cold wind was raging in the open space. The wind beat hard on the window, making the sound of "dong dong". But my father stood straight without any hesitation. Finally, the car stopped and my father ran excitedly to pick me up, It was so warm, so excited, mixed with a trace of business.

With a little strange exploration, I opened a warm window in my heart, showing my family's deep love for me.

Every morning, my father wakes me up with a lazy body, and my mother brings me a cup of fragrant peanut milk to wash my face, do laundry and cook. She always gives me the good ones, and works hard to save money for my study and life.

Innocence always makes people like to make mistakes, and I often complain that my parents have not given me the love that other children are full of, but I have stipulated. Only once or twice in a few years can there be a short meeting. My heart is often covered with dust, without any real joy.

Perhaps it is because you are born in bliss and don't know your happiness. The fruits of happiness can only be harvested after suffering.

I was at the foot of the mountain, surrounded by thick fog.

At the top of the mountain, I was alone.

Only faint happiness remains.

600 words of happiness in composition (12)

The harvest is "planting one grain of millet in spring, harvesting ten thousand seeds in autumn".

It takes a year for a grain of millet to experience germination, flowering, pollination, fertilization and fruiting, absorb a lot of nutrients, conduct photosynthesis, accumulate starch, and finally harvest ten thousand seeds with endless efforts. Isn't this "pay, get"?

The harvest is the friendship of solidarity and mutual assistance, and the competition of catching up with each other.

In the real society, there will inevitably be contradictions between people. We should learn to cooperate in competition. Competition in cooperation will lead to higher achievements. The cooperation without competition is a pool of stagnant water, and the competition without cooperation is fragmented. Cooperation in competition, competition in cooperation will be conducive to learning and work, which is the harvest.

Harvest is a thorny road of life, we are not afraid of hard work; Keep moving forward. Harvest is also the goal to achieve, success to achieve, happiness to achieve.

The road of life is full of ups and downs. We keep moving forward for our goals, so we should overcome difficulties and go straight ahead, so that we can understand that if a person is afraid of suffering caused by difficulties, he is already suffering for this suffering. Isn't this a gain? When we overcome one difficulty after another, we will get the way to overcome the difficulties. We will understand that difficulties are the ladder of success. Isn't that a gain? When encountering difficulties, we resolutely chose to move forward, exercised our willpower, and realized the truth of growing up in difficulties. Isn't this a gain? Sometimes we will encounter difficulties that are difficult to climb over, and even fall. In order to achieve our goal, we will stand up and move forward again, so that we can understand the philosophy that where we fall, we will climb up. This is a gain; When we experienced countless failures and finally succeeded, we got the harvest of "failure is the mother of success". On the way of life, we keep growing. We gain when we grow, and we grow when we gain. Isn't that a gain?

No pains, no gains. We gain happiness in pursuit, ideal in struggle, hope in ideal, confidence in hope

600 words of happiness in composition (13)

Life is in a hurry. In just a few decades, some people may live to the old age, and no child of six or seven years old knows much about it. This is about learning. When we talk about learning as students, the first noun we think of may be "teacher"! Teachers are our initiators and guides, but who can calculate how much we have gained from teachers?

"When I was young, I thought you were beautiful, leading a group of birds to fly around......" In kindergarten, because of ignorance and childishness, the teacher always smiled at us again and again; Most of the time, we have freedom and happiness. It is the teacher who teaches us how to find happiness and the reality in dreams. What we gain is the method of entertainment. Therefore, activities were carried out again and again on campus, among students, in the yard, and among friends. We played like crazy and enjoyed ourselves like the wind.

"When I was young, I thought you were very powerful, and you always liked to hold us high..." Finally, our life journey entered our childhood. The ignorant and childish child has changed, become strong and enterprising. It was the teacher who pulled us forward again. Only in the first and second grades did we begin to touch simple words, numbers and symbols. It was the teacher who taught us how to write hand in hand and how to be horizontal and vertical; From the third grade to the sixth grade, on the basis of the past, the teacher taught us one good learning method after another. What we gain is the method of learning. So, in the classroom, students' homes, students enjoy the fun of learning. So, "When I was young, I thought you were mysterious, making all the problems fun..." is a true portrayal of the teacher.

"What time is worth cherishing most? It is the beautiful middle school age..." Unconsciously, we have passed 12 cold and summer seasons, bid farewell to our former teachers, bid farewell to the Children's Day of June 1, and entered the youth period. So parents said that we were premature, and teachers said that we were rebellious. Therefore, teachers began in-depth education. In politics class, teachers said, What middle school students should and should not do, we begin to learn how to behave and how to stand in the society. As a result, every corner is filled with a harmonious atmosphere. There is no fuss, no small belly, and life is full of songs and laughter.

In the process of growth, we will make progress and gain at each stage. All sections are harvest. We grow in harvest, and we advance in harvest.

600 words of happiness in composition (14)

"The goal of all human efforts is to obtain happiness." What is happiness? Where is it hidden? In fact, happiness is always around you.

When I got up early in the morning, when my eyes were still open and closed, I felt the warm morning light from the window, which spread around me. Suddenly, I was full of vigor and vitality, and felt that the new day had rekindled hope, which was happiness; Wandering around the campus, I found the wonders of nature with my classmates, even if it is just a small group of ants, it is also happiness; It is a great happiness to run on the court with friends, play team understanding with teammates, and score offensive goals; In the classroom, if you look at your friends beside you, you can know what he wants to say, which can also be happiness; On the way back from school, I talked with my classmates about the species I found one day at school, and walked home laughing and talking, which was the happiness we all longed for. There is a saying: "It seems that the happiest people are those who are happy for no special reason. They are happy just because they are happy." Happiness is hidden in every corner of people's life, not that you never get happiness, but that you never find it! But from now on, let's throw ourselves into the embrace of happiness forever.

Happiness is like a flickering light. At ordinary times, you feel it is not eye-catching; But when you are in the dark, it gives you the most warmth and help! Happiness is so precious and important, but it is readily available; Happiness is often like a cat and its tail. When a cat desperately chases its tail, its tail is chased by the cat. Therefore, when the cat decides to move forward, happiness follows... This is just like when people try hard to pursue happiness in the camp, they will only end up in vain; But as long as people move forward bravely, happiness will follow; Happiness is like the dawn in the morning, not dazzling, but can bring us warmth; Happiness is like a smile, just a little bit, can make people intoxicated in it, but do not know.

"True happiness is invisible to both eyes; true happiness exists in invisible things." Happiness lies in my opening my eyes; The moment I closed my eyes and looked up, I found it.

600 words of happiness in composition (15)

There are many people around me who love me, but I don't know how to cherish them. I don't feel valuable until I lose them. Today I have deeply realized this point.

The teacher asked us to write down our five favorite people. I thought for a while and wrote: "Dad", "Mom", "Aunt", "Brother" and "Grandma". Somehow after writing, there was a slight happiness, But Mr. Xiao's words made me fall from heaven to hell: "What you wrote just now are all your favorite people, so what you wrote down is not only five names, but the warmest sunshine in your heart. Unfortunately, you have to cross off one of the five people, which means that you can no longer hear her voice and see him. Don't worry, think slowly."

I am in pain. I can only choose between my grandma and my brother. I used the slogan of Haiquan to point to "Grandma", and when I crossed out "Grandma", I thought of Grandma and me every bit: Grandma worked hard to "serve" me, and I often lost my temper, but Grandma didn't care at all, and her face always bloomed like a chrysanthemum smile. I have a kind of reluctant, closed my eyes, slowly moved my hand, and scratched my grandmother away.

Mr. Xiao asked us to cross another one, and I crossed "Brother" sadly.

The teacher said with a heavy voice, "I'm sorry to make you sad, but you must cross another one. The fate is so cruel. Maybe in a rainy morning, a dark dusk, your relatives will leave you forever."

I thought for a long time. I remembered the kindness of my aunt, mother and father. When I decided to cross off "Dad", tears rolled in my eyes and a drop of tears fell down. I raised my eyes and looked up. I tried to control my tears and crossed out "Dad" and "Aunt". I was very frightened.

Mr. Xiao said heavily, "Now the person you love most will also leave you. Please cut him off." I can no longer control. Tears are like broken beads. I totally fell from the world to hell. I lay on the table and never crossed my favorite mother. Mr. Xiao did not know.

Although my teacher told me later that this was just a test of family ties, and our loved ones were still alive and around us, I learned from it that life and death are like summer. Although the sky has always been clear, one day it will be cloudy, and one day it will leave us. We should cherish it.

600 words of happiness in composition (16)

One day a little prince suddenly wanted to set out to find happiness. Because the greatest wizard in China told him, "Happiness is a blue bird with the most beautiful and crisp voice in the world. When you find it, you should put it in a cage made of gold immediately. In this way, you can get the happiness you want."

So, the little prince ignored the king and queen's bitter pleading and retention, took only a gold cage and set out on the road to find happiness. The little prince was brave. Although there were high mountains and mountains blocking him, he was not afraid, because the persistence in his heart was supporting him. The little prince passed through many countries and gained a lot of knowledge that he had never seen or heard of before. He became a knowledgeable person.

The little prince caught many blue birds, but after putting them into the golden cage, the birds died somehow. He thought that was not the happiness he wanted to find.

Later, the golden cage looked old, and the little prince was no longer young. He remembered his parents in the distance with sudden intensity. So the little prince returned to his own kingdom, but when he returned to his own kingdom, he was already in trouble. Not long after he left, the king and queen passed away one after another because of excessive sadness and missing. Since there are no heirs, the people of this kingdom gradually moved to neighboring countries in order to enjoy asylum. Now there are only a few families left.

The little prince was walking lonely in the desolate street when suddenly a man grabbed his clothes and stared at the golden cage in his arms. That is an old man with grey hair. "Great wizard!" The little prince recognized him and cried out. "Prince, I'm sorry for you. I shouldn't have encouraged you to look for Qingniao." The old man sobbed and took out an item from his shabby pocket.

This is what the king and queen asked me to teach you before they died. I hope you will treasure it. With that, the old wizard shook his head and left sadly. The little prince saw that it was a yellow warbler that the king had carved for him when he was young. In an instant, all the memories kept appearing, and sad tears welled up in his eyes. He held the wooden bird tightly in his chest, very regretful. Suddenly, the wooden bird in his arms moved and cried out. The little prince was stunned, but accidentally, the oriole flew away. At that time, the happy green bird, but he had no time to put it into the golden cage.

Do you care about people, things and things around you? Do you know how many people love you? Concerned about you? And do you really care? Or, like the little prince, you are still determined to leave happiness and look for a false image that does not exist.

600 words of happiness in composition (17)

I have been thinking since childhood, what is happiness?

This time, I decided to go out of the house to find true happiness. I came to the park first. The air in the morning is very fresh, and the vitality of the city is revealed in the dawn. I saw two old people talking while walking. The old man didn't know what to say. The old woman opened her mouth with few teeth and smiled like a child. Happiness permeates the faces of two ancient and rare people! Looking at the old people, I thought of their love hidden in the daily necessities.

This is happiness with history. I walked all the way. Suddenly, I saw a young couple coming from the opposite side, pushing a baby carriage. The husband loved his wife very much and wiped the sweat off her forehead from time to time. The wife and her husband looked at each other gently, and the love could be seen at a glance. The children in the car slept soundly and their chubby faces made people want to pinch them at first sight. Happiness appears in the family of three! This is the simplest happiness!

I am not satisfied and continue to move forward. Suddenly I saw a beautiful girl in a white dress by the moat. It seemed that she was waiting for someone. Sure enough, a handsome man came soon. The two were very intimate for a while. Suddenly, the man knelt on one knee, took out a diamond ring and proposed to the girl. The girl was surprised, but hesitated for a while, and happily agreed. The man was so happy that he picked up the girl and turned her around! This is the happiness that is agreed by three generations. I'm satisfied and ready to go home. At home, my mother has prepared a table of food waiting for me. Looking at my mother, I understand the meaning of happiness again

Happiness is a table of good food and good wine; Is a sweet smile; It is a family reunion; It is family, love and friendship! Happiness is uncertain. But what is certain is that as long as you pay attention to the "little things" around you, you will find that happiness is everywhere! Let's pick up the "shovel" that we have worked hard to discover the happiness hidden in the daily necessities!

As Rousseau said: "Real happiness cannot be described, it can only be experienced, and the deeper the experience, the more difficult it will be to describe, because real happiness is not the collection of some facts, but the continuity of a state." Happiness is not for others to see, and has nothing to do with what others say. What is important is that your heart is full of happy sunshine, that is, you don't need to look for it, Happiness is in your own hands, not in the eyes of others. In order to love you and the people you love, cherish what you have now. Don't wait to lose it to know how precious it is.

600 words of happiness in composition (18)

Junior high school harvest happiness composition 600 words material I

"The goal of all human efforts is to obtain happiness." What is happiness? Where is it hidden? In fact, happiness is always around you.

When I got up early in the morning, when my eyes were still open and closed, I felt the warm morning light from the window, which spread around me. Suddenly, I was full of vigor and vitality, and felt that the new day had rekindled hope, which was happiness; Walking in the campus, I found all the wonders of nature with my classmates around me, even if it was just a small group of ants, it was also happiness; It is a great happiness to run on the court with friends, play team understanding with teammates, and score offensive goals; In the classroom, if you look at your friends beside you, you can know what he wants to say, which can also be happiness; On the way back from school, I talked with my classmates about what I found one day at school, and walked home laughing and talking. That was the happiness we all longed for. There is a saying: "It seems that the happiest people are those who are happy for no special reason. They are happy just because they are happy." Happiness is hidden in every corner of people's life, not that you never get happiness, but that you never find it! But from now on, let's throw ourselves into the embrace of happiness forever.

Happiness is like a flickering light. At ordinary times, you feel it is not eye-catching; But when you are in the dark, it gives you the most warmth and help! Happiness is so precious and important, but it is readily available; Happiness is often like a cat and its tail. When a cat desperately chases its tail, its tail is chased by the cat. Therefore, when the cat decides to move forward, happiness follows... This is just like when people try hard to pursue happiness in the camp, they will only end up in vain; But as long as people move forward bravely, happiness will follow; Happiness is like the dawn in the morning, not dazzling, but can bring us warmth; Happiness is like a smile, just a little bit, can make people intoxicated in it, but do not know.

"True happiness is invisible to both eyes; true happiness exists in invisible things." Happiness lies in my opening my eyes; The moment I closed my eyes and looked up, I found it.

Junior high school harvest happiness composition 600 words material 2

When I was a child, I grew up in an environment full of love and thought that being loved was just like being loved. When I grow up, I realize that it is the greatest happiness to care about those who love you.

When I was very young, I thought Grandma was very ordinary, just like an old tree in the courtyard. I heard the wind blowing the leaves every day, but I didn't pay attention to it. Only in autumn, when I grew up, I picked up a piece of yellow leaves that had been blown down by the wind, and the days I lived with my grandmother when I was young, they were reflected in my mind like a movie.

In the hot summer, Grandma coaxed me to enjoy the cool under the thick branches and leaves of the old trees in the yard. She waved an old palm leaf fan in her hand to tell me stories and teach me to count the stars in the cold winter night. When I fell asleep in Grandma's arms, I felt the warmth brought by Grandma's temperature, and her soft and powerless ballad always haunted my ears:

"Shake and shake, shake and shake, shake to Grandma Bridge" So I grew up in Grandma's love until I returned to school in the city.

In the city, Grandma disappeared, but my yearning for her deepened day by day. As I grew up, my grandmother gradually became weak and sickly. Summer vacation, I can't wait to go back to see grandma. When I saw my grandmother, I felt a pain in my heart. Grandma's kind and ruddy face became like a withered red jujube. Years have mercilessly carved old wrinkles on her forehead, which are the same as those of the old trees in the yard. As soon as I saw Grandma, I immediately took out a large bag of carefully selected things and handed it to Grandma. Grandma took it and put it aside. She shook my hand and gently rubbed the back of my hand with her calloused palm. Her eyes were filled with excitement and joy.

I gently pulled up my grandmother's rough palm and took her to the big tree in the courtyard. Suddenly, a gentle wind blew, and Grandma's silver hair rose slightly in the wind. I couldn't help but say, "Grandma, you are so beautiful!" Grandma was stunned first, and then she laughed: "Old! Old!" Under the shade of trees, Grandma smiled so brightly, like a blooming autumn chrysanthemum. I noticed that her eyes were full of happiness.

The old wrinkles are also relaxed. Looking at Grandma's happy smiling face, I was surprised to realize that such a simple and casual action makes people who love you feel happy, and at the same time, I also get full happiness.

The breeze rustles through the leaves, as if the familiar song in childhood sounded "shake and shake, shake and shake, shake to grandma's house" Grandma, I will keep you happy in the years to come!

Junior high school harvest happiness composition 600 words material 3

I am a small dandelion.

I can't see the streams flowing in the mountain stream; I can't see flowers blooming in the garden; I can't hear the birds chirping in the woods; I have no way to experience the heroic imagination of the trees on the mountain! I am a small dandelion, a dandelion forgotten by the world in a dark corner.

I complain about the unfairness of God, because he failed to let me land in the beautiful spring; I complained that my mother was too ordinary, because she failed to make me stand out in this corner; I also complain that the wall in this corner is too high, because it doesn't make me realize how beautiful the outside world is!

So, I grew up alone! When the rain came, it knocked down my fluff; The snow came, it covered my whole body; When the butterfly comes, it never stays for me, even if it is just a moment of appreciation; The bird came, and it never spoke to me, even if it was just a loving look! My inferiority, inferiority has no peony's national beauty and natural fragrance; I am inferiority, inferiority is not strong and tenacious like a big tree; I am inferiority, inferiority has no daisy to be charming and charming; I am inferiority, inferiority does not have the free flight of birds!

Can I really only be a small dandelion?

Shake your head for an answer.

I looked forward to it. Finally, spring came. Her sunshine shines on me, making me feel warm and comfortable. I saw white parachutes floating in the wind under the blue sky. I felt that I was held up by the spring wind. I left this dark corner and flew over the high wall.

What a wonderful world! I saw the news flowing; I saw the blooming of flowers; I heard birds chirping and singing; I heard the heroic imagination of Big Tree! So life is so beautiful!

Yeah! Don't complain that flowers don't bloom, because spring is not here! Don't complain about the weather, because the rain has not passed!

When the spring rains, the flowers will bloom, the sky will clear, and the world will be better!

And happiness will be harvested!