Autumn October Composition (Collection of 19)
Sun flower
2024-05-30 04:48:35

Autumn October Composition (1)

"It is dark and light purple, melting and smelting yellow. The pottery fence is colored, and the house is fragrant. When it is forbidden to expose again, it is actually the setting sun. I hope that the golden parrot will become the king of Baiyutang." On the National Day holiday, the mid-autumn chrysanthemum in Yingze Garden bloomed, and looked from afar, it was like a sea of flowers.

All kinds of chrysanthemums come into sight, colorful, competing for beauty, faint fragrance, as if they are competing for people's eyes. The creamy white "Guohua Baiyue Mountain" nodded in the breeze, proud and dignified; The sun like golden "Zen Whisk" is like the brilliant fireworks in the night, holding her head high, as if to show her bright face; The pale yellow "Independent Cold Autumn" looks like a pure and gentle fairy in flowers, leaning gently to show people her graceful dancing posture; Look, there is a lime yellow "Guohua Powerful", just like her name, huge flowers are swaying, like the king of chrysanthemums, showing wealth and prosperity; Next to "Guohua Powerful", "Bianliang Purple Jade", elegant and quiet, is blooming like a small jasper, showing its beauty to viewers; There are also lots of rose red and yellow daisies, like a tapestry of flowers and stars, which simply set off the enchanting chrysanthemums in the garden, creating a beautiful picture

In front of this beautiful scenery, I can't help thinking of the poem "Chrysanthemum" by Yuan Zhen, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, which said, "The autumn clumps around the house are like potters, and around the fence are gradually inclined. It is not the flowers that prefer chrysanthemums, but the flowers that bloom are even less flowery."

When the last leaf fell in autumn, the branches were bare, and other flowers in the garden also withered. Only the chrysanthemums stood upright in the cold wind, deeply digging their roots into the soil. Chrysanthemum is so fearless of cold, difficulties and perseverance. Her supreme character has to be admired!

Chrysanthemum in cold autumn is the most beautiful!

Autumn October Composition (2)

In the golden autumn of October, the Jiangnan Watertown is particularly beautiful.

The reeds in the lotus pond are blooming. Do you know reed shoes? It was a kind of shoes worn by the ancient people. The ancient people didn't wear shoes, and their feet were very cold. They went to the lotus pond to pick reed flowers, and then made mats of reed flowers, which would be warm. My mother wore these shoes when she was young. These shoes made of reed flowers are very warm.

There is a kind of rhombus called red rhombus, which has four corners, floating on the water surface, with sharp corners; There is also a black diamond; There is also a kind of rhombus with only two horns, like a clown's hat, which is very funny. It is slightly dark and dark brown.

Lotus root has many small holes, fat. Seen from a distance, hey, it really looks like a white radish. I once had a dessert, which was stuffed with glutinous rice in the hole of lotus root and cooked with sugar. It was delicious.

In the evening, when the sun was setting in the west, the smoke was curling up, and the returning boats came from afar. The fishermen on the boat were very happy and sang a fishing song, singing: "Today's harvest is really big, there are fish, shrimp and scallops, today's harvest is really big, our hearts are happy!" A cheerful fishing song came from afar.

At night, when the lights are on, the light comes out from the window. The bright moonlight falls on the golden autumn night, and the maple leaves also fall on the golden autumn.

Ah, how beautiful Jiangnan is in autumn and October!

Autumn October Composition (3)

On a golden October day, I came to the Linyuan Park in Liaoyuan City myself. First, the four gold filled characters of Linyuan Park were hung in the middle, and the trip began.

First of all, I came to the grove. The grove was the most beautiful at this time. These leaves floated down like fiery elves, and they rustled from time to time. If this is a painting about autumn, the artist's skill is too great.

The next step is the garden. At this time, it is the turn for chrysanthemums to compete for fragrance and beauty. At this time, the fragrance of chrysanthemums is overwhelming and intoxicating. A bunch of red flowers also opened. When I looked at the place where a bunch of red flowers were planted, it was fiery red. I felt that it was not inferior to roses at all.

Walking, we came to the field. The wheat in the field was golden and plump. Looking from afar, it was like a golden ocean. At ten o'clock at noon, the sun shone on the wheat. Someone went to harvest it and then transported it out, which naturally reminded us of the harvest season in the countryside.

Then there is the gymnasium. I saw several grandfathers playing goal kick. They played very well. I think this gymnasium is specially designed for them.

Finally, I came to the fish pond and saw the fish were playing. There were goldfish and carp in the water. Look, there is a frog over there. What an interesting fish pond!

I will not introduce some scenery one by one. I hope you can come and have a look when you have a chance.

Autumn October Composition (4)

China, an ancient civilization standing in the east of the world; China is a peaceful country that is moving towards national rejuvenation. I am proud of my motherland! I am proud because I am Chinese!

My motherland is an ancient civilization with a long history. Long ago, ancestors invented gunpowder, compass, papermaking and printing, and made great contributions to mankind. Today, Grandpa Yuan Longping engaged in rice research and raised millions of people. Chang'e flew to the moon and the "seven gods" flew into the sky, which not only realized the dream of thousands of years, but also made the whole world look up to it.

My motherland is still a vast world power. On the 9.6 million square kilometers of vast land, we have the Great Wall of the Yangtze River, the Huangshan and Yellow Rivers, the picturesque landscape of Guilin, the flat grassland of Inner Mongolia, and the vast sea

However, in modern history, my country has been bombarded with fire and destruction. You have been humiliated and trampled for more than 100 years, and experienced more than a century of suffering and torture. Generations of people with lofty ideals have gone forward and fought hard, and finally overthrew the "three mountains". In the golden October of 1949, "the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China was established", which was completely resounding in the world!

After the founding of New China, it has gone through 70 years of ups and downs. You have experienced a series of setbacks and frustrations, and you have worked hard to bring your children to adulthood and cultivate them into talents. You are selfless and fearless, and bring us up with sweet milk. How can we not love you, how can we not thank you?

I am a lucky boy, growing up under the red flag of New China. Although I have not experienced the war of gunfire, I have not witnessed the smoke of gunfire. But through TV and books, I learned that the people of old China lived in dire straits, and I can also realize that peace and happiness are hard won now. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, our life is like a sesame blossom. All this is from your motherland and the great Communist Party of China.

As primary school students, we commemorate the revolutionary martyrs and inspire patriotism by singing the national anthem and raising the national flag. Whenever the loud national anthem sounds, I will be full of passion. When the bright red national flag rises slowly, it seems to see the figure of the revolutionary predecessors. I know that the five-star red flag was bought by countless revolutionary martyrs with their lives and blood. As a Young Pioneer, I also know that the red scarf is the corner of the red flag, and Young Pioneers are successors to the cause of communism. I will bravely climb the scientific peak, study for the rise of China, and strive for the rejuvenation of our country!

Autumn October Composition (5)

·When autumn came, the fields had a bumper harvest. The rice was golden and looked like a field covered with gold from afar. People were very happy when they saw it, and immediately came to the car for rice cutting. Their joy is like a fire. They forget their hard work and sweat. It was 6 o'clock in the evening and they were still harvesting. They put the cooked rice into the lunch box and brought it to eat. When I went back to have a look during the summer vacation, I found that every year the house was full of rice. I asked my mother-in-law why there was so much rice in the house. My mother-in-law said: "Every year, watering and killing insects need careful care like a child to grow up. "After listening to my mother-in-law, I prefer the golden October and cherish my life now.

Autumn October Composition (6)

On October 2, the Xinxin family invited me and my parents to visit Mentougou Mountain.

We set out on time at 9 o'clock. I left the city and entered the nature. I was very excited all the way. Maple leaves on both sides of the mountain road are bright red. Not far away, there is a golden corn field, and farmers are harvesting crops! The magpies on the branches are singing leisurely, the crickets in the grass are playing beautiful melodies, the leaves are swaying the trees with the wind and dancing ballet. Look! A cute little squirrel suddenly ran out with a pine tower in his hand. When he saw the car, he dropped the pine tower, ran back to the tree at the same speed as an arrow, and looked at us from afar. Eh? What a loud music! Oh, it turned out that a motorcycle was coming, with a national flag on each vehicle. From the leading motorcycle, we heard the familiar song: the five-star red flag fluttered in the wind, how loud the victory song is, singing about our dear motherland, and moving towards prosperity and strength from now on

So we sang and passed the eighteen bends of the mountain road to the destination Xiaweidian Village. After lunch, we are going to climb the mountain. Standing at the foot of the mountain, we look up. What a magnificent mountain! I made up my mind to climb up the mountain. Half way up the mountain, the houses were at our feet. The wild flowers on the mountain were very beautiful, purple, white and pink. There are wild fruits everywhere, hawthorn, walnut, persimmon, and many wild fruits can't be named. The sky here is so blue. In the middle of the sky, an eagle is flying. These beautiful sceneries make people forget to return. I took out my camera to record all this and put it in my memory. The sun was going to set, so we walked down the mountain step by step, holding hands.

The sky here is blue, the mountains here are high, and the orchards here are more beautiful. When I walked into the orchard, apple trees, jujube trees, peach trees... immediately appeared in front of me. The branches were covered with rich fruits, and my mouth was watering down. I picked one, but I didn't care to wash it. I rubbed my clothes a few times and ate it. It was really sweet!

I love Beijing's October, I love Beijing's mountains and rivers, golden October, the motherland, I wish you a happy birthday!

Autumn October Composition (7)

I rode through youth, through grass, across snow capped mountains, avoiding the occasional joys and sorrows and impermanence. I stayed in the picture scroll of high school, where I wrote my own story.

Life is a gem that nature endows human beings to carve. We are sculptors, carving the most beautiful gems in the world. Under the encouragement of "one score is higher than another, and the score determines the score. One question will be one question, and the question will result in the college entrance examination", we are working hard to engrave it. For nothing else, just for this life without regret. We did it because we tried. At this moment, we are writing the story of our own in another place.

We are a group of wanderers, absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth, the essence of the sun and the moon. The sweet milk of Tao River nurtures us, and the warm embrace of our alma mater nurtures us. Let us truly become "living as Tibetans and dying as souls". Although, now we are scattered all over the country, working hard for ourselves. However, each of us is a new leaf growing from the old tree of our alma mater. He plays his own role on the social stage.

In the golden autumn of October, the crops are abundant and the leaves fall to their roots. They left the most beautiful dance in the world. This is a season worth celebrating. At this moment, sit alone in front of the window, look at the most beautiful scenery of the snow covered antelope city, and enjoy the autumn rain outside. Open the corridor of memory, and recall the 'bits and pieces' of high school. The familiar smiling faces appeared in front of me, and those memories were like yesterday's dreams, which precipitated in time with charming sadness. But I still continue to have such a dream, the dream is still alive!

I believe that a beautiful memory is a song without words. And we are the most beautiful notes in this memory. Beautiful memories can not be waved away. Once the laughter, can not erase. Who can understand the sorrow of separation and reunion? Ask Heaven: When can we meet again?

Today, I passed the scroll of memories again. Just like the beginning, type the story into words and freeze it in the memory of immortality. Be able to close your eyes and feel your presence.

Recall high school, see the years in a hurry, precipitated memory, floating in the heart of concern, can not erase the faint beauty of yesterday. It can only be sent in melancholy words.

Borrow this article and write it to yourself. To my good brothers and sisters who share weal and woe with me. And teachers. Wish you a bright future! be successful in one 's official career!

Autumn October Composition (8)

In golden October and harvest season, I like to read the scenery of autumn. I prefer to listen to the voice of autumn.

In the golden autumn of October, fruits and melons are ripe. Red apples, yellow orange and orange pears, the sweet smell of autumn fruits waft all over the mountains. Colorful fruits are displayed on the streets. Those fruits with good color, smell and taste strongly impact our vision, seduce our taste, and make us drool. We would like to have two more mouths to eat.

There are harvest scenes everywhere. As long as you listen carefully, you can hear many voices you don't know. In the fields, cotton blossomed white, soybeans were full, sorghum blushed with laughter, and rice bent over with laughter. Looking at this harvest scene, farmers were talking and laughing in the fields, their mouths were full of joy, and their hearts were happy to blossom.

Autumn has come, and the earth has changed from emerald green to colorful. The leaves slowly turned golden yellow, like small fans swaying in the wind; Maple leaves become red, like red stars; There are also pine trees that are not afraid of the cold, standing in the autumn wind, maintaining a proud attitude

Listen, the voice of autumn is everywhere and everywhere.

The sound of autumn is wonderful, it is high pitched, but at the same time, it is backed by a deep voice. A beautiful song, intertwined together, formed an autumn hymn.

I like the sound of autumn, and I praise it: it makes this golden, busy, rich world more vibrant. I like autumn, more like the sound of autumn! It brings beautiful scenery and rich fruits.

Autumn October Composition (9)

In the community where I live, there is a small flower bed in which many flowers are in full bloom, such as magnolia, osmanthus, honeysuckle, peach blossom, pomegranate... There are many flowers in every four seasons, and all kinds of flowers bloom in different seasons. Here, my favorite flower is osmanthus. Let's enjoy its many advantages.

Every autumn, the flowers in the small flower beds in my community are about to enter hibernation. Osmanthus fragrans have opened alone, adding a lot of vitality to autumn. Osmanthus fragrans has a very beautiful appearance. Golden petals surrounded by yellow stamens, really like yellow elves, one by one formed a group! It emits a faint fragrance, and offers its own fragrance to people. This is the osmanthus, a beautiful osmanthus.

Poet Li Bai wrote a poem describing the beauty and fragrance of sweet scented osmanthus. "People plant peaches and plums in Jinzhang Gate." "Climbing for shortcuts, and this spring wind is noisy."!

Autumn October Composition (10)

The sky is high and the clouds are light, the golden wind is cool, the blue sky is full of white clouds, and the gentle sun sprinkles the golden sun on the earth.

Look, the forest is golden. The leaves have become golden yellow. When the autumn wind blows, some leaves sway on the branches, like a girl dancing there; Some of them are "rustling", like crickets singing... When the breeze blows, they fly down like butterflies. The fallen leaves float to the ground like golden pieces of paper. The setting sun gently covered them with a layer of golden color, as if they were covered with a layer of golden carpet.

The orchard in autumn is a scene of bumper harvest. Look at the red apples growing on the branches like children's faces; Look at the gourd like golden pears hanging all over the branches; The clusters of crystal clear grapes like pearls hung all over the branches

The field is a scene of bumper harvest. Look! The yellow corn showed golden teeth, as if nodding and smiling at us. The flaming sorghum stretched and straightened its waist. If you look at it from a distance, you will feel its hair is as red as fire. The millet is also golden, which looks like a layer of gold from a distance.

October golden autumn, golden autumn October, this is really a beautiful season.

Autumn October Composition (11)

There are four seasons in a year. You listen to the footsteps of spring, smell the breath of summer, look at the color of autumn, and face the crystal of winter. Each season has different beautiful scenery, waiting for you to savor it. Let me say that the most beautiful thing in the four seasons is autumn, which is like a landscape painting scroll.

Often sit alone by the window and think quietly, what color is the poetic autumn? However, after many times of meditation, I could not get a satisfactory answer.

You said autumn is red. Look, the red maple leaves are dancing in the wind, telling the charm of autumn. In the orchard, red apples are like shy girls, smiling and hiding behind the "green screen". Persimmons, like small and exquisite lanterns, hang high on the branches and raise their heads in the wind. Looking at the mountains, it was red. It turned out that there were clusters of begonias in the mountains.

You say autumn is golden. In autumn, under the high blue sky, pieces of mature rice look like a golden ocean. The autumn wind blows and the golden "waves" billow. How delightful! When you come to the garden, yellow birds of paradise and chrysanthemums attract your eyes. Suddenly, bursts of fresh and elegant fragrance came to my nose. Ah, isn't that sweet scented osmanthus? Walking in the wild garden and immersing yourself in the golden world, how can you not feel relaxed and happy and linger?

Autumn in my eyes is a colorful picture. The phalaenopsis all over the mountains like beautiful butterflies, playing in the lilies. The chrysanthemums are blooming vigorously, red as fire, yellow as gold, white as snow, and blue as sky. When entering the orchard, the yellow pears, the watery grapes, the fiery pomegranates, and the sweet and delicious oranges are all guarding the orchard day and night. When autumn comes, they rush to invite people to enjoy themselves. Red leaves and yellow leaves drift with the wind. What a pleasant scene!

Ah—— The golden autumn in October is as beautiful as a picture

Autumn October Composition (12)

In October, it is late autumn, and the maple leaves in the mountains turn red continuously. The sky is high, the clouds are light, and the autumn with many fruits is so beautiful, just like a wheat field with only harvest and no decay. It is golden everywhere, and occasionally there are some dark red trees standing on the ground covered with fallen leaves. The poplar in the distance is tall and straight, standing proudly on the vast field, looking very tall; The unknown small trees nearby are exquisite and small, as lovely as children.

Of course, every day in autumn is beautiful.

In the morning, when the rising sun smiles at the window, my mood will be particularly good. I will go out quickly, bathe in the warm sunshine, and greet this new day with a smile. It seems that the difficult topics in the class have become much simpler all of a sudden. I have been very happy all morning.

In the afternoon, the sun is always strong. I will go to the playground and sit on the lawn lazily to bask in the sun for a while. The warm sunshine shines on me, and the breeze blows slowly from time to time. It is very comfortable, and there is an indescribable freshness. At this time, I was so small in the middle of the wide playground

In the evening, sometimes the wind is cool and sometimes the rain is gentle, which is quite different from the hot summer. The autumn evening is always cool, and the evening after the rain has a moist feeling. The autumn dusk will make you more deeply experience the sentiment of "the sunset is infinitely good, just near dusk".

The beauty of autumn is clear and mature. Golden October, the harvest season, let us harvest a brilliant achievement together.

Autumn October Composition (13)

October 1, 1949.

Tiananmen Square, Dongcheng District, central Beijing, China.

Beijing Tiananmen Square held a grand opening ceremony.

This is a great moment in the history of the Chinese nation. It is the anniversary of the founding of New China; It is the anniversary of the official establishment; It is the birthday and anniversary of our great motherland; In a twinkling of an eye, our great motherland is 65 years old! We have gone through many vicissitudes and humiliations. It is like a withered tree that has gone through vicissitudes of life but has regained its youth. Now, it has finally become a unified big country, standing in the east of the world.

China has its own unique cuisine, which has a long history, superb technology, rich categories, numerous schools and unique styles. It is the crystallization of thousands of years of development of Chinese cuisine and enjoys a high reputation in the world. Kung Pao chicken, sweet and sour sirloin, spring rolls, dumplings, fish flavored shredded meat, Mapo tofu... all are good in color, smell and taste. Of course, these delicious dishes are loved by foreign friends!

China has its own calligraphy treasure - Chinese characters. Chinese characters are the treasure of thousands of years' culture of the Han nationality and the spiritual home of every person who is our lifelong mentor and friend. Chinese characters can often arouse our wonderful and bold association and give us good enjoyment. Chinese characters are also the most widely used characters in the world. According to statistics, more than 1.6 billion people use Chinese characters and Chinese. No matter how many unintelligible dialects and words there are in China, Chinese characters have become the chief conductor of this symphony!

China is a multi-ethnic country. 56 ethnic groups have nurtured China's culture for five thousand years and contain a lot of cultural charm. Let's form a united and loving family. "Ren, Yi, Li, Zhi, Xin" is the traditional etiquette of our Chinese nation, but we Chinese people should have such qualities!

Here, I would like to say proudly to my mother: "China, I love you! How many splendid nations you have bred, 5000 years of glorious history, and renowned Chinese civilization!

Grade 6:**

Autumn October Composition (14)

October, late autumn, maple forest.

With a sense of leisure, I unloaded my tiredness and walked towards the dense forest with joy. The autumn wind suddenly rises and leaves fall. The red and yellow leaves hovered and fell in the air. Perhaps it was the joy of returning to the ground that made a gentle smile at the moment of embracing the dead leaves on the ground.

Looking at the path decorated with maple leaves, I just wanted to take a step, but I felt a little impatient. Because I don't want to disturb the sleeping creatures. However, when I finally stepped on that step, I felt the softness of the soles of my feet and felt the joy spreading in my heart.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkles all over the trees and the paths, making the leaves hanging on the trees more brilliant and vivid. With the fresh soil smell in the forest, I want to follow the trace of predecessors in the maple forest. But I don't want to leave footprints of our predecessors on this happy road. Slow down and watch the surrounding scenery carefully. I want to put them into my memory little by little. When I feel irritable and depressed one day, I can recall the scene of today and let me feel free and unrestrained joy again.

Look far into the sky, see the setting sun like blood, and play an autumn symphony with the red maple forest. Splendid and magnificent, lingering sound. It seems that there is only one piece of blood left between heaven and earth. Suddenly a picture came into my mind. Next to the piles of golden rice harvested, stood a mother with a cloth towel on her head and ears of wheat in her hands. Her eyes locked tightly on the path far away, full of yearning. That piece of brilliant gold blended with endless yearning, as warm as fire.

Gold seems to belong to autumn. The graceful maple forest scenery and the golden yearning accompanied by the rice fragrance make autumn seem so affectionate and beautiful.

Autumn October Composition (15)

In October, autumn puts a golden coat on plants. It seems that all plants become golden overnight. In the sky garden, leaves fall all over the ground. Although it is not as loud as autumn in the north, it has the charm of autumn in the south. The first month of autumn begins.

Autumn is different from other seasons. It is a season of fragrant fruits and melons. Its coolness also makes everyone energetic.

The cicadas that sang on the tree all summer disappeared, the branches were unhappy, the color began to change, the original bright green clothes became simple yellow, and the tree began to slowly age. But after winter, new life will be born.

On a half yellow and half green leaf, a small 'insect' attracted everyone's attention. It turned out to be a small strange insect. It was brown and yellow, with six feet. Its small antennae added many colors to it, making it more lovely.

I fantasized: "A leaf slowly fell into the water, rippling a thousand layers of ripples, putting a simple veil on the crystal clear water. What a beautiful scene it will be!"

Most of the flowers also began to wither. Even the original freshest and most eye-catching yellow cicada with hard branches began to change from light yellow with vitality to dark yellow. Several yellow cicadas with hard branches had fallen to the ground and were trampled on.

When I got up in the morning, I felt colder than before. It was autumn, and the tree began to fall leaves. It seemed that I was knitting a thick quilt to cover its roots, so that it could hibernate better in winter and sprout better in spring. Frogs hid in the mud at the bottom of the pool. It was warm and comfortable there. It must be the best place for them to rest. In a cold place, the bright flowers I saw yesterday withered today. Just think how fast autumn is coming! Migratory birds also began to move from the south to the north.

This is the beginning of autumn.

Autumn October Composition (16)

Let's talk about yesterday's English morning class! As soon as the bell rang, my eyebrows locked, as if blood had been drawn, I lay on the desk softly, raised the book with both hands powerless, and followed everyone to read those annoying letters in a powerless voice. The voice became smaller and smaller as I read, and then it disappeared, leaving only my mouth open and closed, and I didn't know what "alien language" I was talking about. Two eyes were also staring at the English letters on the book, which were horizontal and vertical, but I wonder if the English letters have learned the ninja split technique, and suddenly became two, still very vague. When I started to spell letters, I accidentally read one A into two A. When the teacher said "Be careful", I didn't come to my senses, and rubbed my eyes strangely:, He deliberately said to us sternly: "Everyone sit up straight for me!" Everyone heard that they were reading aloud with their backs straight and their hands held up the book. But I was in a state of wandering, and did not hear what the teacher was saying. Still maintaining a "beautiful" posture, my deskmate saw that I did not respond, so he hit me with his elbow. I just quit the soul tour mode, and suddenly found that there was a straight waist in front of me. Only then did I realize my situation. It seemed that there were two eyes staring at me with "murderous" eyes behind me, which made my hair stand on end. My palms were sweating, and I pretended to erect my unconscious spine. But when the teacher left with satisfaction, I took another breath and yawned, which made me relax again and lay down on the table. My heart has been thinking hard: Brother bell, sing quickly! Hurry up and liberate us!

In this golden October, it has been drizzling, and I have changed because of the weather. Alas! I don't know when I can turn back to the sunny and diligent me in September.

Autumn October Composition (17)

[In the golden autumn October, the composition of osmanthus fragrans fragrance is 400 words (I)]

In the golden season, around the sweet scented osmanthus season, the tenth anniversary of the grand birthday, the autumn wind sent invitations.

You, like a sudden burst of bright sparks, draw a beautiful arc track in my life, delaying an extremely brilliant beam of light; Like a beautiful ribbon, dancing in my mind forever. Let me call out your name: Experiment.

In the flow of time, I have spent five years in this campus that carries my dream. Here, I pursue the moving chapters in my life and write my own tune for the future. And when I suddenly look back, I am surprised to find that this has become another important place in my life, with many kinds of emotions rippling in my heart

There is a fragrance in the air of the campus. The sound of the book is far away. This is a forever spring. I am drunk in it. The feeling of schoolmates here is "a bosom friend at home and a neighbor from afar"; The meaning of teachers and students here is "fragrant plum blossom, peach and plum spring breeze"; The campus life here is "bittersweet, enriched and satisfied". Everything, stained with air and soaked with sweetness, turns into beauty.

You taught me to respect; It is you who let me know how to be grateful; It is you who make me grow up happily and healthily. You have nurtured many excellent students. It is you who make our dream wings more powerful.

When I walked on the path of the campus again, walked through the classroom again, smelled the scholarly atmosphere of the campus, and passed the "ambitious" again, I knew that my dream had set sail here, and I was proud to know that I was a student from here!

You have quietly spent ten years, silently dedicated ten years of passion, but your face is still beautiful. Let me recall you once again: the spacious school gate welcomed many children looking for dreams, and sent out many top students looking forward to the future; The bright classroom is full of the sound of reading, and the learning faces are still fresh in memory; Gentle teachers, take pains to teach again and again; The light red runway is full of laughter and joy

Yes, we are here to bloom our smiles, display our talents and nurture our dreams. Experiment, I'm proud of you!

[In the golden autumn October, the composition of osmanthus fragrans fragrance is 400 words (2)]

In the golden autumn of October, osmanthus is fragrant. I sat in front of the farmyard, looking far away

Looking up at the sky, clouds have different shapes: some are like fluffy lambs, some are like bouncing white rabbits, some are like kind grandfathers... In the blue sky and white clouds, rows of geese are crowing and flying to warm places, and they seem unwilling to leave the beautiful Liyang. Continue to look into the distance, the eyes are golden. The rice, soybeans, corn and sesame in the farmland have been bearing many fruits, and their heads are lowered, rippling in the wind. "Good harvest!" the hardworking farmers shouted happily. The farmers are sweating and harvesting, which is very hard, but they are still very happy, because they harvest their own labor, harvest their own sweat, harvest their time and energy day by day, so they feel extremely honored, proud, and happy.

It was almost dusk. I walked and enjoyed the unique scenery. I came to the lake unconsciously. The trees along the lake gradually withered and withered. There were no flowers blooming in spring, no vitality in summer, only fallen leaves on the ground. It seems that few people are willing to "decorate" autumn flowers in the rustling autumn wind, but golden dahlias and ten mile sweet osmanthus are willing to give their rich fragrance and colorful colors in autumn. The Dali chrysanthemum, golden, red, purple, white, yellow like gold, pink like rosy clouds, white like snow, how charming!

The sun is almost setting, and the setting sun is like the face of an old woman, with a sweet and kind smile, and like a ripe persimmon, it gives everything a layer of golden yellow.

Autumn October is harvest, yellow and bright tomorrow!

[In the golden autumn October, the composition of osmanthus fragrans fragrance is 400 words (3)]

In this charming October, the small yard of Grandma's house is full of the fragrance of cassia.

Grandma said that this sweet scented osmanthus tree has been fragrant once in September. At that time, I thought I had driven too much last year. This year I will drive a little more. Who would have thought that when it came to October, it was full of beige flower buds. The sweet scented osmanthus is in bud, like the shy faces of little girls. It's very cute! A gust of autumn wind blew, and the sweet scented osmanthus in the yard seemed more fragrant.

A few days later, I came to my grandma's yard again. Those shy little girls were all smiling at us! I suddenly felt a little thirsty and asked Grandma for tea. Grandma smiled and said, "Try our osmanthus tea this year!"

"Osmanthus tea?" I asked inexplicably.

"Yes, aren't the osmanthus on our osmanthus tree ready-made materials?" Grandma smiled again.

"Good, good! Let's drink it quickly! Let's drink it quickly! OK, Grandma?" I said as I coqueted with Grandma.

"Uh huh, good... good, as long as my granddaughter is happy, everything is OK!" Grandma's eyes narrowed into a line.

After saying that, Grandma immediately picked some osmanthus from the osmanthus tree for me, soaked them and gave them to me.

"Wow! Have a good drink, Grandma, you are great!"

"Of course. When your grandpa came off work, I would offer a cup of warm osmanthus tea. It was so fragrant."

"However, the osmanthus is not open all the year round. How can it be that grandpa has it as soon as he gets off work?" I asked again.

"Little fool, after the osmanthus is dried, you can enjoy the sweet scented osmanthus tea at any time."

"Grandma, you are so smart!"

"Hehehe, smelly girl, drink quickly, or it will be bad if it gets cold"

"Hmm, Grandma" I nodded

Osmanthus fragrans, once did not move my heart or make my heart happy, but when I walked into it and listened to the words of flowers all over the sky, its silence was already better than sound. At the moment of approaching, it told me all its beauty, at the same time, it also told me all its feelings, it told me its pleasant fragrance, it told me its colorful dance...... How can it not be exciting?

Osmanthus fragrans smell good. It tastes better after making tea.

I love this lovely and charming osmanthus, which has accompanied me through the 12 golden autumn.

Autumn October Composition (18)

Chapter 1: Feelings before and after autumn outing

I remember who said: autumn outings are a common experience for children of our age, but they still make us lose our excitement; But I don't think so. Listen! Listen! what is it? This is the sound before our school's autumn outing. Before leaving, the students were excited to fight, and some were still talking about what delicious food they had in each other's schoolbags. Laughter filled the whole campus.

Some students may not be happy because of autumn outings; The second reason is that today we can finally stop spending a boring day in school. However, this is also the happiness brought by the autumn outing.

On the way back from the autumn outing, I also heard many students' comments on the autumn outing.

"It's really boring. What kind of park is that? Nothing to play with!"

"The puppy just now is so cute! I really don't want to leave!"

There is a continuous stream of such comments.

In my opinion, it's really... quite boring. Especially in the park, in addition to the wind is the sun. But we can't "knock over a boat of people". In the afternoon, we will be very happy at the activities in the pet park; Those puppies are so cute that I don't want to come out. And the project of picking oranges is very popular. It's just

There are too many worms.

Therefore, both good and bad; There are always two sides to everything in the world. It is not perfect. Even playing is the same. As long as you have a happy heart, you will always be a pistachio.

Chapter 2: Go outing in autumn October

On October 2, the Xinxin family invited me and my parents to visit Mentougou Mountain.

We set out on time at 9 o'clock. I left the city and entered the nature. I was very excited all the way. Maple leaves on both sides of the mountain road are bright red. Not far away, there is a golden corn field, and farmers are harvesting crops! The magpies on the branches are singing leisurely, the crickets in the grass are playing beautiful melodies, the leaves are swaying the trees with the wind and dancing ballet. Look! A cute little squirrel suddenly ran out with a pine tower in his hand. When he saw the car, he dropped the pine tower, ran back to the tree at the same speed as an arrow, and looked at us from afar. Eh? What a loud music! Oh, it turned out that a motorcycle was coming, with a national flag on each vehicle. From the leading motorcycle, we heard the familiar song: the five-star red flag fluttered in the wind, how loud the victory song is, singing about our dear motherland, and moving towards prosperity and strength from now on

So we sang and passed the eighteen bends of the mountain road to the destination Xiaweidian Village. After lunch, we are going to climb the mountain. Standing at the foot of the mountain, we look up. What a magnificent mountain! I made up my mind to climb up the mountain. Half way up the mountain, the houses were at our feet. The wild flowers on the mountain were very beautiful, purple, white and pink. There are wild fruits everywhere, hawthorn, walnut, persimmon, and many wild fruits can't be named. The sky here is so blue. In the middle of the sky, an eagle is flying. These beautiful sceneries make people forget to return. I took out my camera to record all this and put it in my memory. The sun was going to set, so we walked down the mountain step by step, holding hands.

The sky here is blue, the mountains here are high, and the orchards here are more beautiful. When I walked into the orchard, apple trees, jujube trees, peach trees... immediately appeared in front of me. The branches were covered with rich fruits, and my mouth was watering down. I picked one, but I didn't care to wash it. I rubbed my clothes a few times and ate it. It was really sweet!

I love Beijing's October, I love Beijing's mountains and rivers, golden October, the motherland, I wish you a happy birthday!

Chapter 3: The Countryside in Autumn

With yellow leaves falling, autumn is coming.

On Sunday morning, my father took me to the countryside by bike. I sit on my bicycle leisurely, bathed in the autumn sunshine, enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way, and enjoying the happiness brought by autumn to me. Although the autumn wind is slightly cool, it is so comfortable on the face.

When I came to the suburbs, I was immediately attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of me. Red lanterns hung on persimmon trees, red faced fat dolls laughed on apple trees, and dark red pearls on hawthorn trees were waiting for people to pick them! Listen, is the bird singing? I followed the sound, ah, on an old poplar tree, many birds seemed to be having a get-together! I came to the tree and stood quietly. They seemed to welcome me and sang more happily.

Looking around, the distant mountains seem to connect with the sky, like a colorful oil painting presented in front of me, which is amazing.

I hopped along the path covered with yellow leaves. It was hard to express my happy mood in words. It was not until sunset that we reluctantly left.

How beautiful autumn is! The countryside is more beautiful in autumn!

Chapter 4: The Countryside in Autumn

Autumn is coming. I went to the countryside with some friends.

We went to the lawn first. The lawn was yellow. In the yellow lawn, there were many flowers in full bloom, including chrysanthemums, string reds and morning glory. The chrysanthemums are very beautiful: red like a big sun, shining orange like a big orange, laughing at us like yellow chickens, playing with us... Suddenly, a small wind interrupted my thinking, and the wind gave off a faint fragrance. Ah! How fragrant! I picked some wild chrysanthemums, and then I went home.

Suddenly, the student over there asked us to climb the hill. With his cry, I came to the foot of the hill. The hill was very high and very shaking. I was very tired when I climbed halfway. But when I thought of the beautiful scenery on the mountain, I gritted my teeth and climbed up at one go. The scenery on the mountain is really beautiful! Red maple leaves, green leaves, like a beautiful picture.

We were enjoying ourselves on the mountain when we suddenly smelled the aroma of fruit. With the aroma, we came to the orchard. Fruitful! There are red apples, yellow persimmons and pears.

How beautiful the countryside is in autumn!

Autumn October Composition (19)

The autumn wind in autumn October caressed us like a kind mother. We seemed to feel the roughness of the hand, the tiredness and hardship of the hands, the weathered history of the hands, and the tenderness of the hand. We seemed to snuggle in the arms of our mother. In the golden autumn of October, osmanthus is fragrant. On Monday morning, our school is holding a solemn flag raising ceremony, with a string of red smiles under the October sun. A bright five-star red flag is rising. We are walking in the team salute, singing the national anthem, looking up at the national flag, feeling grateful for the party and the motherland, and the historical pictures emerge in front of us. Listen! A loud reading voice came from the classroom: "Let's swing our oars, the boat pushes away the waves, the sea reflects the beautiful white tower, and the green trees and red walls are all around. The boat gently floats in the water, and the cool wind blows in the face?" Students holding free compulsory education textbooks are singing their ideals: we are the flowers of the motherland, we are the future of the motherland, We should carry forward the past and open up the future, study hard, and build our country into a more prosperous and powerful country in the future. Look! The streets and alleys of the festival are full of prosperity. You can see that Chaoyang Street is full of bustling crowds, with colorful flags flying in front of stores and balloons hanging high. All shopping malls are also taking advantage of the National Day holiday, people's golden time, with a variety of promotional means to sell a variety of goods, buyers are also dizzy. Every street and every shop shows a lively atmosphere. Look again at our new countryside. Many people drive cars in foreign style houses. In our home, we have color TV, refrigerator, washing machine, electric car, electric water heater, solar energy, electric cooker and all kinds of electrical appliances. Our village has not only tap water, but also gas pipes! Life really gets better day by day. There are a group of old people in the village who learn to dance every night! It turns out that the spiritual and cultural life is becoming more and more rich! The red flag flutters freely in the sun, and we grow happily in the sun. Every time the flag is raised, it always makes us daydream. Without the blood of our ancestors, how can we be happy and healthy? Without the leadership of the Communist Party, there can be no prosperity and strength of the motherland? We love the beautiful fields, we love this lovely hometown!