Compositions on Chang'e (9 pieces)
You and I make a speech. I don't see you in my middle age
2024-05-06 06:58:57

Composition on Chang'e (1)

On the evening of October 24, I was fascinated to read the "Five Thousand Years of China" just borrowed from Zongrui Library. My father and mother shouted excitedly in the living room: "Bobo, watch the live TV broadcast of" Chang'e Flying to the Moon "

I went there in response, "Oh, the countdown to the launch of China's first lunar exploration satellite has entered!" My mother tightened my hand nervously, and the whole family stared at the live broadcast. At 18:05, with the end of the countdown, a huge flame like a flame burst out from the tail of the "Long March 3A" rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center. A few seconds later, a roar like spring thunder came, and the rocket soared into the sky. The "Chang'e-1" satellite, which has attracted countless people's attention, carries a long AAA rocket to bid farewell to the "hometown", with the first greeting of the Chinese nation to the moon, and with the dream of flying to the sky for five thousand years, it runs to the vast sky like a fairy in the sky

Amazing, "Chang'e" flies to the moon! At that moment, I cheered as if I were the "Chang'e" fairy flying across the beautiful China: I crossed the Yangtze River, the mother river of the Chinese nation, passed Chongqing, Chengdu, Wuhan, Changsha, Xiamen, and in a twinkling, I flew to Taiwan, the island of treasure, and directly into the South China Sea. Looking back at the capital Beijing, the Forbidden City is magnificent, and the Great Wall rises and falls like a dragon among the mountains. At 18:29, I reluctantly separated from the "Long March 3A" star arrow, my good partner who sent me to the sky, went up to the sky and flew into the big elliptical orbit around the earth at a speed of 8 kilometers per second.

Beautiful, "Chang'e" dances! 18: I flew over South America, unfolded my solar sail, and flew into space. Since ancient times, Chinese people have been full of longing for the sky, from shooting the sun next day, Chang'e flying to the moon, to spring and autumn

Warring States Period, a hundred schools of thought; From Tang and Song poetry and the four great inventions to Huangji Calendar, Dayan Calendar and Tongtian Calendar; From kites, Kongming lanterns and planetariums to China's first atomic bomb, artificial satellites and manned spacecraft; From Wan Hu, the first scholar of the Ming Dynasty who tried to fly by rocket in the world, to Yang Liwei, China's first hero in space on October 15, 2003. This time, after arriving at the moon, I undertook the task of "4+5 Action" - completing four scientific tasks: taking three-dimensional lunar topographic maps, exploring the distribution of special elements on the moon, assessing the thickness of lunar soil and the reserves of helium-3, and finding out the space environment 400000 kilometers away from the earth; Achieve five project goals: develop and launch China's first lunar exploration satellite, preliminarily master the basic technology of lunar exploration, carry out the first lunar scientific exploration, preliminarily build the lunar exploration aerospace engineering system, and accumulate experience for the follow-up project of "Chang'e Flying to the Moon" exploration.

The Chinese dream lasts forever. Chang'e flies to the moon, and the great cause meets the golden age. The spaceship goes into space. "A nation has some people who pay attention to the sky, so they have hope". I wish the "Chang'e moon exploration" a complete success!

Composition on Chang'e (2)

According to the legend, Hou Yi and Chang E were both people in the Yao Dynasty. According to the myth, ten suns appeared in the sky at the same time in the Yao Dynasty, scorching the land and drying up the crops. People were so hot that they could not breathe and fell unconscious on the ground. Because of the hot weather, some strange birds and beasts also ran out of the dried up Jianghu and the flaming forest, killing people everywhere.

The disasters in the world shocked the gods in the sky. The Emperor Chang Jun ordered Hou Yi, who was good at archery, to go down to the world to help Yao eliminate the suffering of the people. Hou Yi came to the world with a red bow, a bag of white arrows and his beautiful wife Chang'e.

Hou Yi immediately started the battle of shooting the sun. He took off the red bow from his shoulder, took out the white arrows, and shot at the arrogant sun one by one. In an instant, nine of the ten suns were shot. Only because Yao thought that leaving one sun would be useful to the people, he stopped Hou Yi from continuing to shoot. This is the famous story of Hou Yi shooting the sun.

However, Hou Yi's great achievements were envied by other gods. They went to the Emperor of Heaven to slander him, which alienated him and eventually condemned him to the world forever. After being wronged, Hou Yi and his wife Chang'e had to live in seclusion and rely on hunting for a living.

How does Chang'e fly to the moon? There are different versions in ancient books. According to the record in Huai Nan Zi, Hou Yi felt sorry for his wife who had been exiled to the world because of his involvement, so he went to the Queen Mother of the West to ask for the elixir of immortality, so that they could live in harmony in the world forever. Chang'e, however, could not get used to the hard life. When Hou Yi was not at home, she ate all the elixirs of life and fled to the moon.

The other is recorded in Qu Yuan's Tianwen, which said that Hou Yi later cheated on Chang'e and had an ambiguous relationship with Hebo's wife, which caused Chang'e great dissatisfaction and left Hou Yi for heaven. Chang'e soon regretted after she flew to the moon. She remembered her husband's benefits and warmth in the world. Compared with the loneliness in the moon, she felt desolate.

Composition on Chang'e (3)

Composition on Chang'e Flying to the Moon (I)

Mythical Stories about Chang'e Flying to the Moon

According to the legend, Hou Yi and Chang E were both people in the Yao Dynasty. According to the myth, ten suns appeared in the sky at the same time in the Yao Dynasty, scorching the land and drying up the crops. People were so hot that they could not breathe and fell unconscious on the ground. Because of the hot weather, some strange birds and beasts also ran out of the dried up Jianghu and the flaming forest, killing people everywhere.

The disasters in the world shocked the gods in the sky. The Emperor Chang Jun ordered Hou Yi, who was good at archery, to go down to the world to help Yao eliminate the suffering of the people. Hou Yi came to the world with a red bow, a bag of white arrows and his beautiful wife Chang'e.

Hou Yi immediately started the battle of shooting the sun. He took off the red bow from his shoulder, took out the white arrows, and shot at the arrogant sun one by one. In an instant, nine of the ten suns were shot. Only because Yao thought that leaving one sun would be useful to the people, he stopped Hou Yi from continuing to shoot. This is the famous story of Hou Yi shooting the sun.

However, Hou Yi's great achievements were envied by other gods. They went to the Emperor of Heaven to slander him, which alienated him and eventually condemned him to the world forever. After being wronged, Hou Yi and his wife Chang'e had to live in seclusion and rely on hunting for a living.

How does Chang'e fly to the moon? There are different versions in ancient books. According to the record in Huai Nan Zi, Hou Yi felt sorry for his wife who had been exiled to the world because of his involvement, so he went to the Queen Mother of the West to ask for the elixir of immortality, so that they could live in harmony in the world forever. Chang'e, however, could not get used to the hard life. When Hou Yi was not at home, she ate all the elixirs of life and fled to the moon. The other is recorded in Qu Yuan's Tianwen (about 340 BC), which said that Hou Yi later cheated on Chang'e and had an ambiguous relationship with Hebo's wife, which caused Chang'e great dissatisfaction and left Hou Yi for heaven. Chang'e soon regretted after she flew to the moon. She remembered her husband's benefits and warmth in the world. Compared with the loneliness in the moon, she felt desolate.

After rising to the Moon Palace, Chang'e lived in the desolate Guanghan Palace and missed Hou Yi. Her mood and life made many scholars and poets sigh and daydream. The poem Chang'e written by Li Shangyin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, deeply expresses her loneliness and regret:

The mica screen has deep shadows.

The river is falling and the stars are sinking.

Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir.

Blue sea, blue sky, night and night.

The main idea is: "The screen made of mica is stained with a layer of dark and dim candle shadow, and the Milky Way is gradually falling. The star has also sunk. Chang'e in the Guanghan Palace must regret that she stole the elixir, but now she is alone in the blue sea and the blue sky and cold at night."

Wu Gang won the laurel

It is said that the osmanthus tree in front of the Guanghan Palace on the moon grows luxuriantly and is more than 500 zhang high. There is a person below who often cuts it down. But every time after cutting it down, the place where it is cut is immediately closed. For thousands of years, this cassia tree can never be cut down. It is said that the man who cut down the tree was Wu Gang, a man from Xihe in the Han Dynasty. He followed the Immortal to practice and reached the heaven. But he made a mistake, and the Immortal relegated him to the Moon Palace. Every day, the Immortal did this kind of useless drudgery to show his punishment. In Li Bai's poems, it is recorded that "those who want to carve the laurel in the middle of the moon will be paid by those who hold the position of cold".

Emperor Tang Minghuang Visits the Moon Palace

Tang Minghuang likes watching the moon very much. It is said that on August 15 of one year, Tang Minghuang invited Tianshi Shen and Taoist Hongdu to watch the moon together. When the three people were looking at the moon and drinking and having fun, he suddenly had a whim and wanted to travel to the moon. Tianshi Shen immediately began to do magic and took Tang Minghuang and Taoist Hongdu to the moon.

There, Tang Minghuang saw a group of graceful fairies in front of a towering palace with the words "Guanghan Palace" written on it.

Dancing with the music, they were enchanted. After returning to the world, Tang Minghuang composed a beautiful and beautiful song based on his memory of the music he heard in the Moon Palace, and then matched it with a dance that imitated the dancing posture of the Moon Palace Fairy, which became the famous "Nishang Feather Clothes Dance" in history.

Composition on Chang'e Flying to the Moon (II)

Chang'e Flying to the Moon Since I can remember, I have been very interested in flying to the sky and the moon, especially the name Chang'e, The reason is that my dream is to say to Chang'e, who is looking at her hometown on the moon, "Hello, the Chinese people's moon landing plan has been implemented in the hearts of all Chinese people for a long time, but the first person standing on the moon cheering is Neil Armstrong. He is an American and has inspired the hearts of Chinese people. Since then, we Chinese have begun to intensify our research on flying to the moon and landing on the moon, and have recently roughly completed the "Chang'e Plan". China will launch "Chang'e-1" in about 2012. It will carry the greetings of all Chinese people to Chang'e's home, the moon, and broadcast 20 songs with Chinese national color to the moon to relieve Chang'e's loneliness. Chang'e is not a real person, but it is a real thing. Scientists are all working hard. With the help of modernization, they are making rapid progress. After completing the Shenzhou Plan quickly, they quickly carried out the Chang'e Plan, which was originally scheduled to be carried out in 2020, eight years ahead of schedule to 2012. It is no wonder that China is not so strong in every aspect? With the promotion of a group of scientists, nearly 90% of the science and technology that used to be one or two hundred years inferior to that of foreign countries has been completed in these three or four decades. There is no racial discrimination, no one calls us "the sick man of East Asia" anymore, and China is now moving towards developed countries. The launch of "Chang'e-1" is also a precursor for China's space science and technology to be officially integrated into the world. Therefore, I strongly hope that the "Chang'e-1" will be successfully launched and the "Chang'e Plan" will be carried out smoothly. Come on China, come on Chang'e Plan.  

Composition on Chang'e Flying to the Moon (3)

Chang'e Flying to the Moon When I was five years old, my grandmother once told me a legend called Chang'e Flying to the Moon. After Hou Yi shot off nine suns, he had a beautiful wife, Chang'e. Their family is very happy. One day, Hou Yi led his disciples to hunt and let Chang'e stay at home. After Hou Yi left, Chang'e suddenly felt weak and her head ached, but Hou Yi was not around. How could she not do that? Anxious, she had to find the elixir Hou Yi had asked the Queen Mother to take. After a while, she suddenly felt that her body was going to fly. She looked down slightly and found that her body was really flying, and it was flying higher and higher. This made her very sad, but what could she do? She had to fly to the nearest moon to become an immortal. When Hou Yi came back, he found that Chang'e was missing. When he asked his neighbors, he was surprised by the answer. Chang'e became an immortal! In grief, he had to put incense table and honey food in the backyard to pay a visit to Chang'e who settled down on the moon. "Ah? Chang'e must be very sad, right?" I asked, "Yes, how can a family be separated from each other without being sad?" Grandma said. I was moved by this story. Yes, there should be love in the world. How can the world be more beautiful without love?

Composition on Chang'e Flying to the Moon (IV)

Chang'e Flying to the Moon Today is the 61st birthday of the great motherland! It is China Pavilion Day of Shanghai World Expo! It is the day of the successful launch of Chang'e-2 satellite! When people across the country were celebrating the birthday of the motherland, the second good news came one after another, that is, Chang'e-2 was successfully launched! Chang'e flew to the moon, the motherland also spread its wings, and flew to prosperity! Flying the kingdom of science and technology! At 18:59:57 on October 1, 2010, the Chang'e-2 satellite was slowly lifted off with an earth shaking roar. At 19:25, Chang'e-2 and the rocket star were officially separated; Then Chang'e-2 accepted various challenges from space. Chang'e-2 broke through the atmosphere and headed for the moon. At 19:55, Chang'e-2 was launched successfully! The whole country is jubilant! This is another big step of our country towards space! Recalling the scene of the launch at the beginning, it's really exciting and unforgettable! With the calm command sound, the fire was ignited and launched... "The orange flame rushed out of the ground like a dragon and sent the rocket into the sky. Amid the smoke, the rocket soared up at an astonishing speed, like a fire of hope, and flew into space with the hope of our countrymen. We are proud of the great achievements of China's space industry! Chang'e-2 has accumulated the efforts, energy and research achievements of many people working day and night. It is the space workers who use accurate calculation, fine manufacturing, sincere cooperation and precise launch to add a brilliant stroke to our country. Great motherland, great aviation staff, great Chang'e-2! I want to say to you: "I love you, I am proud of you, proud! Chang'e flies to the moon! China soars!"

Composition on Chang'e Flying to the Moon (5)

Chang'e Flying to the Moon I often sat in front of my grandfather and asked him to tell me stories. My grandfather told me the most moving story of Chang'e flying to the moon. In ancient times, there was a girl from a minority nationality. She is beautiful, intelligent and intelligent. She was recognized as a stepdaughter by the moon father in law. Since then, she often travels between the moon and the earth. Whenever she has time, she weaves colored cotton in the moon palace. Do you know where the girl's hometown is? It is located in Xichang, China, so Xichang is known as the Moon City. There are many legends about its beauty everywhere. While doing my homework, I heard my father's excited voice: 'Come and see! Chang'e is going to the moon. " The story told by my grandfather was repeated in my mind for many times. Curious, I also came to the TV to see how Chang'e flew to the moon. At 18:5. With a roar, Chang'e-1 flew to the moon under the long fire dragons. It is flying in the sky at 7.9 kilometers per second. In order to better monitor Chang'e-1. We have tracking and control stations on land, on the sea and in some foreign countries. In order to let Chang'e fly into the sky, scientists use the three-tier Long March rocket developed by China, which has three stages in total. After five or six minutes, the first stage fell from both sides. After more than ten minutes, the second stage also fell off. At ten minutes, the satellite flamed out. My heart suddenly came up. Watching TV, it was said that the rocket would ignite again without oxygen. My heart felt much more secure. After more than 20 minutes, the third level also fell down. Our beautiful Chang'e girl flew to the moon palace with beautiful dance in the universe. If the universe is the sea, the earth is the land, and the moon is an island in the sea. In order to verify whether there is life in the universe, scientists have developed China's first satellite to enter the moon. It is the 49th satellite created by China, but it is a unique satellite, and A is the only satellite developed by China to enter the moon. In the next 15 days, the satellite will undergo several orbit change corrections, and the satellite will operate in a 5100km orbit. This satellite has three breakthrough research tasks. One is to obtain three-dimensional pictures on the moon, which is not available when foreign satellites land on the moon. The second is to use microwave to detect the earth. The third is to analyze the material of the moon and transmit the data to the earth. The satellite will land on the moon in ten days. Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce the appearance of the satellite. It is a yellow shell, a sky blue battery panel, and a large white disk in the middle. There are antennas on both sides of it to receive and transmit information. I believe that this satellite exploration of the moon will be successful. This is another big step forward in China's science and technology. We should study hard now, strive to be the successor of the next generation, and create a more brilliant tomorrow.  

Composition on Chang'e Flying to the Moon (6)

Chang'e Flying to the Moon Funny Version (2)

The back wing caught Pang Meng and beat him. But Pang Meng was innocent, but he was beaten half dead by the back wing. (Khan) is really pathetic

The rear wing yelled: "You boy, steal my elixir, scare away MM, and I must kill you!" As he said this, he gave a punch. Pang Meng reacted conditionally and laughed. (Strange) The back wing saw that he was still laughing at this time, so he kicked him and Pang Meng flew three meters away. Ignoring the danger of being beaten, Pang Meng shouted, "I can fly. Am I the legendary bird man.

As soon as Pang Meng woke up, he said to the back wing, "Boss! It's not a small man who stole your elixir! It was Chang'e's SB who stole it! She was guilty when she saw me, swallowed the elixir, and flew to the moon like a salted egg superman!" The back wing said, "You are right, too. Alas, it's a pity! My elixir! My MM!" Pang Meng said, "Don't be sad, boss! You should be proud of Chang'e! " Back wing: "?" "She is the first person to land on the moon. At last, he came up with the idea of "genius": "It's OK to shoot down with a rocket!~Then he climbed to the moon and asked his disciples to have bamboo poles to climb up. Anyway, it's OK when the sun comes out

Composition on Chang'e (4)

The mica screen has a deep candle shadow, and the long river is gradually falling and the stars are sinking. Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir.

——Chang'e by Li Shangyin

The Moon Palace is magnificent, empty and quiet. The marble floor and the crystal pillars reflect each other, and the white yarn hangs down along the roof. There are mahogany seats in the hall. Inside, a screen made of mica stone stands on the side of the room. Next to it is a beautiful bed. On the table, the candlelight reflects the indoor things.

In the deep night sky, the shape of the Milky Way gradually blurred. The stars that announced the dawn also blinked their bright eyes and sank.

The soft and beautiful Chang'e sits in front of the window of the Moon Palace, wearing a moonlight white long sleeved gown and a water blue cape. The long green silk was draped on the shoulder, and only a simple hair bun was combed, and a silver step was inserted, with a cool light on it. The green jade finger is hidden in the water sleeve, holding the white rabbit whose hair is as white as snow, and looking at the blue sea and sky with melancholy eyes, my heart is extremely sad. The sweet happiness of mortals and Hou Yi was recalled in my mind. I can't help brushing my mouth upward. But thinking of the cold silence of the Moon Palace, I couldn't help frowning. My heart was filled with remorse for stealing the elixir and rushing to the moon, but it could not be retrieved. Only night and night mourn the good life of the past.

Postscript: If I had known this, why should I have done it?

Composition on Chang'e (5)

Chang'e Flying to the Moon "continues my dream, what is happiness, a proposal to the headmaster, and the red scarf heart Chang'e Flying to the Moon" continues the two beams of light of the scorching sun passing through the room, just like two transparent golden belts, shining with specks of dust inside. Chang'e Flying to the Moon, the first star to appear, twinkled on the dark blue sky.

It is so big and bright. It is the only one on the whole vast sky, radiating eye-catching light, like a light hanging in the sky. The frog's green body is covered with dark green spots, and its white belly seems to be inflated. The sky washed by autumn rain is as blue as the sea. White clouds float slowly on the water like boats sailing. He was only in his twenties, and his face was pale, as if he had not slept well.

He always frowns and doesn't talk much. The smile lines almost disappeared on his face. He was wearing a faded blue cloth coat, as if he would always wear such a coat. His thin chin shell and bright shoulders are lifeless.

The whole city is like a burnt out brick kiln, making people breathless. The dog lay on the ground and stuck out its bright red tongue, and the nostrils of the mules and horses were very wide open. Although he was only in his early forties, his temples were already frosty. His thin and waxy face was covered with wrinkles, and his hands with exposed veins were covered with hard calluses. Bright stars, like jewels, are strewn over the vast night sky. The milky white Milky Way flows from the northwest sky to the southeast across the midheaven.

Composition on Chang'e (6)

The clanking name "Chang'e No.1" has made every Chinese excited. It has witnessed the moment of the rise of the Chinese people. China, once known as the "Sick Man of East Asia", has also opened its doors to the world with its own wisdom and hands.

At 18:05 on October 24, 20xx, the first lunar exploration satellite "Chang'e-1" designed by China itself was launched at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, realizing the Chinese people's millennium dream of flying into the sky. I witnessed this sacred moment with my own eyes: When all the people count down to "ten, nine, eight...", which Chinese people will not hold their breath and stare? Which Chinese is not deeply moved? Which Chinese people are not proud of it? "Zero! Launch" only heard a "boom", which sounded like thunder and shook the hearts of every Chinese people. This brilliant flame made us move towards glory. "Chang'e-1" was successfully launched! "With this earth shaking cry," Chang'e-1 "broke through the earth's resistance and headed for the vast universe; The Chinese people have broken through the ridicule of the world and straightened their chests!

How many vicissitudes has China experienced from the century long dream of flying to the beautiful myth of Guanghan Palace, and now the successful launch? How much shame? "A hundred year dream will come true!" People realized their dreams with science and wisdom.

It is believed that the successful launch of Chang'e-1 will enable China's science and technology to advance by leaps and bounds and make China increasingly prosperous and strong. I hope the motherland will have a better tomorrow! More brilliant!

Composition on Chang'e (7)

I slept all afternoon, but when I got up, I found that I was in a very gorgeous palace. Suddenly something jumped from the ground to the bed. I saw that it was a rabbit. The rabbit was soft and white, and could also speak: "Here comes the master! Here comes the master!" The rabbit said cutely.

A woman with the appearance of a fairy flew in and asked me, "Who are you and why you came to the cold palace?".

"Are you Chang'e?" I asked, "Exactly." Chang'e replied, "It's so cold here!" I shivered. "Of course, it's a cold palace here!"

After Chang'e and I got to know each other, Chang'e took me to the Moon Palace. Most of the rooms in the Moon Palace are silver white, and the rooms should be 30 ㎡ in size. The Little Jade Rabbit can bounce around in its own nest of dozens of square meters every day, but today it is very cute. After turning around for a while, I found that the moon palace was so advanced. It was all made of crystal. It was so beautiful, and I held the jade rabbit for a whole day.

When it was dark, Chang'e and I said goodbye, and in a blink of an eye, we returned to our warm home.

Composition on Chang'e (8)

With the change of times and the improvement of science and technology, one day in 2100, I went to the moon in the "Shenzhou 10" manned spaceship and reunited with the beautiful fairy sister Chang'e. "Ah, I can finally realize my dream! I can finally land on the moon that people have been looking forward to for a long time."

I cheered and jumped. On January 1, 2100, the spaceship was ready to launch. I boarded the spaceship under the spotlight. I am so proud and proud. "Prepare to launch!" Finally, I was very excited about the launch. I looked at those expectant eyes and felt the heavy burden on my shoulders! Ah, there is a temple in front of me. There is a fairy standing in front of the gate. It seems that she is expecting me to visit her as soon as possible. "Ah, it's Sister Chang'e!" I came to her palace. Sister Chang'e said with tears in her eyes: "Why are you here now? I have waited for years. Hurry up, go into the room." I followed my sister into the room, wow, what a world! The splendid walls of the golden wall and the pure and clean floor are really ancient imperial palaces! "Sister Chang'e, I knew you were a national beauty, and today you really deserve your reputation! Oh, Sister Chang'e, how have you been for decades? We all miss you!"

Sister Chang'e said, "I miss you very much, will you come to the moon?". I tried hard to eat and put the dessert into my mouth, which made me feel very embarrassed. Sister Chang'e finally smiled and said, "You are hungry. Eat slowly. If you are not enough, I will take it for you." I embarrassed to slow down. Then I went for a walk in the back garden with my sister Chang'e. Wow! I'm totally intoxicated. It's almost a spring here, red, purple, fragrant, orange, yellow, orange and green, with a panoramic view... Time flies, I should also go back, and Chang'e sister and I are reluctant to part. Wow! How beautiful you are on the moon. You will be another home for mankind.

Composition on Chang'e (9)

Whether you are in school or in society, you can't help but contact or use composition, which can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition, and college composition (thesis). When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is a carefully arranged composition about Chang'e-2. We welcome you to use it for reference and hope it will be helpful to you.

At noon, when the three of us had dinner at Grandma's house, my father prompted us to change the TV channel to CCTV 1. At that time, it was the broadcasting time of the Noon News. When the news host broadcast about the launch of Chang'e-2 satellite, the whole family listened very carefully. I learned more about the launch of Chang'e-2.

1: The launch time and place of Chang'e-2 satellite.

Chang'e-2 satellite is called Chang'e-2 for short, also called Chang'e-2 satellite. Chang'e-2 is the sister star of Chang'e-1 satellite, which is launched by the Long 3C rocket. However, the resolution of the ccd camera on Chang'e-2 satellite will be higher, other detection equipment will also be improved, and the detected data about the moon will be more detailed. At 18:59:57 on October 1, 20xx, Chang'e-2 satellite was launched from Xichang Launch Center.

2: Time record of Chang'e-2 satellite during the whole moon flight.

Record of the whole journey to the moon: Chang'e-2 was launched at 18:59:57 on October 1 → at 19:25, the satellite separated from the rocket entered orbit → at 03:39 on October 2, the first Earth Moon imaging → at 12:25, the first midway orbit correction.

3: Digital analysis of Chang'e-2 satellite.

Chang'e-2 satellite weighs 2480kg; The Long March 3C carrier rocket that launched Chang'e-2 will have a total length of 54.84 meters, a take-off mass of 345 tons and a carrying capacity of 3.8 tons. The launch of Chang'e-2 will be the 131st flight of the Long March series rockets.

Chang'e No. 2 20xx National Day "Flying to the Moon", the most precious gift for the motherland, wish our motherland more prosperous and strong!