High school essay 600 words (15 recommended)
Drunken Camellia
2023-08-28 02:39:24
informal essay

High school essay 600 words (1)

A glass cup that once could be filled with boiling water, if there is a crack, even if there is only a crack, it does not break. When the boiling water is added again, it will only burst. Maybe not everyone is as fragile as glass, but nobody wants to be hurt again and again. If the crack is not repaired in time, it will only go farther and farther, because it is not a perfect cup. This cup has hidden dangers and has a rift with the owner. At the moment of bursting, the hot water splashed out, even though it could not hurt the skin, it had already lost a cup.

No matter how different the cup is, it is just a glass. If it is broken, it can be replaced in time. There is not too much emotional added value, but it is simple to have a new container to replace this water. However, if there is a friendship between people and a problem is not solved, there will always be one side that will be broken like a broken glass when it is added to boiling water. The pieces of glass, like revenge, rushed to one of the ruthless and selfish ghosts.

It's better not to be too fragile in one's heart, but who can guard against people close to one another and develop a strong heart. Between cups and people, like a monarch, cups are people's cups, and people are the masters of cups. But friends are equal. Protecting the cup is made by people, but also for themselves. The convenience brought by the cup is the use of the cup. It is not romantic to talk about equivalent exchange between friends, and this is not clear. This is not as simple as drinking water. We are not always a fragile heart, which is the difference between us and cups. If the cup is broken, it can be filled, replaced or discarded. Feel free. If someone is hurt and the pain is over, it may be useless to recover. But people and people have a long life. Clean up the mess of the table, heal the injured, and heal the sad. When the hot water cools down, people will put it down. When the water has evaporated, it will not matter.

Even if they leave scars, they will not be finished. Just look back and think about whether it's easy to protect a cup without breaking, or to protect a friendship without changing. I think it's more difficult to protect the cup. After all, if you get angry, you will calm down after a person, but the cup has broken when you get angry.

High school essay 600 words (2)

Autumn comes with a cool breeze, and brings this coolness into the hot summer, which blows the yellowing leaves on the tree tops and opens my autumn story. "After the new rain in the empty mountain, the weather is late for autumn." The rain inadvertently scattered on the swaying leaves with the wind, and then slid down the vein of the leaves. Without hesitation and stop, it rushed to the asphalt road, joined with other raindrops and slipped into the nearby ditch, starting its new journey.

I held a small umbrella with my friend and walked quickly on the path of the campus. Dense raindrops hit the umbrella surface and made a sound of "dong dong". Then it slid to the edge of the umbrella and dropped on our shoulders. We made a thrill and raised the umbrella backward. At first, three slightly fat boys were crowded under one umbrella, The students on both sides tightly put their hands on the shoulders of the students with umbrellas in the middle, and some students without umbrellas plunged into the rain. They laughed with each other, although the rain had already soaked their clothes

The gloomy sky didn't shut up its raindrops because we would get wet. The puddles beside the road were splashed with countless splashes. I bowed my head and stared at the ground, fearing that my feet would not step into the puddles. From time to time, there was a dull thunder in the air. The cool wind and rain came running towards us. I gathered my coat, leaned a little closer in the middle, and tightly held my friend's arm. She seemed to notice that I moved my umbrella towards me quietly. I even felt that the umbrella almost all fell to my side, I saw the big raindrops splashing her clothes quickly. I gently pushed the handle of her umbrella. She turned to look at me and smiled: "Let's stop pushing. I don't want to play push-pull with you! Let's go."

We looked at each other with a smile, our eyes seemed to flash, and time seemed to slow down. Although the rain wetted our shoulders and trouser legs, I only knew that the rain was warm... "Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely, and I said that autumn is better than spring." Autumn is a gentle season, and it also brought me a gentle autumn story, but even if autumn left, I think my story has just begun.

High school essay 600 words (3)

On tiptoe, looking at the blue sky outside the window, I found that I was like a lonely caged bird. When I stand on tiptoe and look at something that is always higher than myself, there is always an inexplicable throb in my heart. Not pride, not joy, but a kind of unreachable loss and sadness. Tiptoes, not because long short, but because want to see more, want to see farther.

Sometimes the reason why I am in a daze is not because I am not paying attention, but because I am thinking about the future and how I want to be in the future. The future, this mysterious and illusory word, how I yearn for, how fascinated. Thinking about the future is everyone's unshirkable responsibility. Thinking about the future is the stepping stone to success. Only thinking about the future can create the future.

Youth is a period that cannot be described with words, either beautiful or sad. Youth is a threshold for everyone. You are an adult when you cross this threshold, but you can only say that you are childish and ignorant when you cross this threshold. On the road of youth, we always have ups and downs. Sometimes we have to give up. Maybe life should also be like this - we have to give up.

I always feel that the reality is too cruel, and I can't hold it. It's always easy to lose my way in the reality. Nobody can help you here. Your own actions determine everything for you. The sky is blue, but I am gray. The blue light reflects the gray people, looking at how they are not in tune. Maybe it's time to make some plans for yourself.

Sometimes I feel that I despise some things and everything. Maybe some people think it is arrogant. But I want to say that I disdain to represent my unwillingness, and my arrogance only represents my inner indifference. Time is a thief. It steals my insistence on tiptoe, my insistence on the future, the beautiful pictures in my youth memory, my thoughts on reality and my understanding of myself.

Time is gone forever, make a plan for yourself. Make great efforts to be yourself now, move forward to the future, and shout to yourself: move forward!

High school essay 600 words (4)

After a long visit to the forest park, the moment I stepped forward, I felt like a world away.

The soft light poured down from the sky. For a moment, everything was covered with a layer of warm yellow. They stroked the newly drilled green leaves, stroked the smiling faces of children playing football, and their ears were full of people's conversation and laughter. Playing chess, tennis, running and taking photos happen in the same park. I never thought that spring would come so fast that I was surprised when I saw the peach blossom forest last year and today. I smelled the fragrance of peach blossom, and it seemed that all these things had returned to the right track.

Children throwing sandbags gradually appeared in the open space below our house.

It's just that all the years have been quiet, but someone has carried the weight for us.

I think of the words of a deceased doctor when fighting pneumonia: "If one day I can see our newly prosperous city and crowded scenic spots, I won't leave any regrets."

Once the bleakness grabbed everyone's heart.

But today's warm spring is even more painful - those martyrs who use their lives and blood to earn things with hope can never open their eyes. When everyone is retreating, they are marching against the wind, giving those who are afraid of dawn, until they can no longer hold on and fall on the roadside.

I know that today we are the eyes of the martyrs. They use their lives to irrigate the spring. Let us see. I wonder if they can sleep when they hear the laughter on the ground in China.

The flowers, trees and grass I see today are the hopes of countless heroes. When the wind blew and the flowers shook, I saw them laughing and saying, "Spring is so good." I stroked the petals. In a moment, I seemed to feel that the martyrs met me through the torrent of time. They saw the blue sky, white clouds, green shoots, traffic shuttling, and the railway was completed through my eyes.

I saw their smiles from their hearts, and I will not regret even if I have gone through thousands of risks.

Because they see that we are carefree under the tree they planted in the future.

High school essay 600 words (5)

My father is a very ordinary farmer, but his behavior left a deep impression on me.

In the third sprint stage of junior high school, we had seven consecutive practice examinations; After the exam, my grades were relatively poor, and the strongest physical and chemical test was just a little bit, let alone other subjects. I cried. I felt sorry for him.

That time, he came to see me. It snowed and it was very cold. I didn't want to put my hands out; He came to give me living expenses. Then, he took out some money and put it into my hand, saying: "In school, we are short of money, take it, and don't bother ourselves.". When he left, I sat in the classroom and remembered the scene just now. I remembered that there was a layer of ice on his gloves, and I suddenly recovered. It turned out that my father was unwilling to spend money on riding a motorcycle. He rode a motorcycle with difficulty in the wind and snow. I cried, crying very sad, I felt sorry for him again.

After the exam, I came to see him on Friday with the test paper; When he looked at it, he frowned, and I suddenly became nervous. He patted me on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Failure is not terrible, it is mainly to find the deficiencies in the exam; the exam is to find the deficiencies, so as to better understand, so don't deny yourself just because of one exam".

I didn't find that my father was so good at learning. Then he analyzed how to learn and how to learn better. I listened carefully and nodded constantly.

I hate winter. Because every winter my father prunes fruit trees. Every winter, his hands are blue and purple. I hate winter, winter has my heartache.

Dad is not tall and a little thin. But he never bought food and clothing for himself, and gave me all the money he saved. I was very moved.

In the outward bound training, stepping on his hand hurts in my heart; When I arrived at the second floor, I was sobbing bitterly. This is the life road you built for me. You have paid a lot. Your hands are red and your waist can't stand straight, but your face has always been smiling. I know you are all willing to build a successful road for your children. You are happy because you are paying for us without any regrets.

Dad, you are too tired. Please take care of your body. I will study hard and won't let you down.

High school essay 600 words (6)

Immersed in the midsummer weather in July, sometimes there will be some rain sorrow. "Black Sweater" made him chant repeatedly. The green mountains are still there, the rain is merciless, and the thunder like bells and drums are vibrating. In a small room, there is a light sadness, more specifically, sadness.

"I believe there is a clear sky above the dark clouds, and I believe there is a rainbow after the wind and rain". At this time, it is like a touch of dust, gone with the wind. Can not keep the slightest love, can not forget the slightest love of the eyes. The rain is so charming in a ray of sunshine through the clouds, which makes people cannot help reverie. In the artistic conception of "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence", it is so lonely and beautiful. There is more or less a tendency of heartbroken people. I have nowhere to find the ends of the world; Where is the corner of the sea? I can't find it.

How many buildings in the misty rain, how many memories make people sad, how many years passed, how many sad white head. Forget the love at the bottom of my heart, and there will never be sunshine. Looking at the dragonfly flying in the sunset, why does it stay in the air? Is it a wanderer who wants to look back before leaving his hometown, or a lover who cannot bear to leave sadly.

The past is like a knotted hairball line. Sometimes I want to comb it, but I have no patience to open the knots one by one? But also have no choice but to cut and straighten it out. Is it sorrow of separation? Don't take it personally! So he sent the past to re weave, hoping to use it to awaken the long neglected feelings.

One more time, one more time, no! Sunshine always seems to give so few opportunities in front of feelings. Under the control of the "Dragon King", the raindrops still kept their magnificent momentum and splashed the turbid dust all the time.

What does the black sweater symbolize? Where is it here? Stop. "Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sinking boat. Thousands of trees spring before the diseased tree". Although the red bean was born in southern China, he seemed to have no intention of picking it, but gently stroked it, leaving endless sighs and endless lovesickness, so that the red bean fell to its roots.

A piece of liver and intestines break. But at this time, he realized that the liver was not broken and the intestines were not painful, so he found that the scene before him was still the same, but there was a little more heart shaking.

High school essay 600 words (7)

"Bing Xin" said: "The flower of success, people only admire its present brightness, but the original bud, soaked in the tears of struggle, sprinkled with the blood of sacrifice." Conversely, if there is no struggle of bud, how can the flower be bright?

As the saying goes, we should first "accumulate". Since ancient times, there has been an idea of "embracing everything", which tells us that we should learn with the attitude of inclusiveness. The more we learn, the more we will learn. Confucius said, "If three people walk together, there must be my teacher." This also confirms this point. When a person learns widely, different thoughts and ideas will be intertwined in his brain. He can also pick out the good ones and get rid of the bad ones. But this process does not mean waste. The Japanese writer Keigo Dongno said that losing something once owned does not mean returning to the time when there was no such thing. " The learning process will naturally bring us different gains

Broad accumulation is one aspect of success, while hard accumulation is another aspect. No pains, no gains. Which successful person is not accumulated bit by bit? Which scientific research achievement is not the result of numerous failures of the staff? Which scenic spots and historic sites were not built by workers one by one? There was a sprinter who changed his feet and started to challenge his own limit, which meant that his previous efforts were cleared, everything had to start all over again, instead, he worked harder. Others were resting and taking vacations, and he never rested.

In the end, he made even more amazing achievements. He is Su Bingtian, the Asian sprint record holder.

I hope that the relationship between accumulation and development is the same as that between "economic foundation" and "superstructure" in politics, but this "development" is not aimless and aimless in exploring its own direction, but should be guided by dreams, dreams as horses, and targeted efforts. As Mr. Shi Tiesheng said, "The limitations of fate can always exist, but unyielding challenges cannot be missed. We should also believe that no matter how small we are, we can leave a long shadow in the desert; no matter how small we are, we can make history sigh heavily. Dreams are the policy of human life, and we cannot give up because we are afraid of failure. Even if you fail, you should not be discouraged. You should work harder to save energy for the next leap.

It's a good sentence to say that a successful person can only work hard and not be a person who has nothing to do. The necessary condition for success is hard work. The so-called, thick accumulation, hair moment is very beautiful, the process of accumulation is intoxicating!

High school essay 600 words (8)

Because of the savings of the whole winter, there will be colorful spring; Because of the accumulation of innumerable flying experiences, it is the eagle that has been flying for nine days.

Thick product can make thin hair.

Just like Zheng Banqiao painting bamboo. Before Zheng Banqiao painted bamboo, of course, he had already known what he wanted to paint, but he was not eager to paint. First, carefully draw the white clouds in the distant mountains and between the mountains, and the green grass near the water and in the water with meticulous strokes or hooks, dots or circles. At this time, although there was no bamboo, the bamboo was already in the dribs and drabs of color. The lofty feelings and tall and straight heroism have long been around the corner. At this time, he slowly patched up the bamboo. So, a picture of the natural strength of bamboo came out. It is because of so much foreshadowing and rendering that the emergence of bamboo is logical. If there is no reserve of mountains and rivers, the spirit of bamboo will not be so vivid.

Painting is like this, so is life?

Su Xun spent several years studying hard in his study. After accumulating rich knowledge and knowledge, he left the study. At that time, he was no longer confused. But it was because of more than ten years of accumulation that he was admired by Ouyang Xiu, the literary leader, and became a star in the literary world of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Thick product can make thin hair. Houji is not always silent. Silence, for the moment of soaring into the sky. If you want to soar, you must first have the strongest physique, the softest feathers, and the firmest will.

Wang Guowei once said that there are three stages that must be passed by those who have achieved great things in ancient and modern times: "Last night, the west wind withered the trees, and I went up to the tall buildings alone, looking at the ends of the world." Only when we found the "man" in the "dim light", the moment of "suddenly looking back" seemed so moving.

Thick product can make thin hair. With the "product" of "coming out after a thousand calls and still holding the pipa half covering the face", the pipa girl's exquisite "hair" can be found; The "product" of Yang Luluo, the king of the early Tang Dynasty, "guiding the husband first" made it possible for the poetry of the Tang Dynasty to "develop" the twin constellations; With the "product" of 30 years of historical development of reform and opening up, today's "development" of striding forward to a well-off society has become a reality.

Thick product can make thin hair, thin hair comes from thick product!

High school essay 600 words (9)

The flowing years, pale light and shadow. We have nowhere to place our youth. Here, thick product can make thin hair—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I am a fleeting time, full of ancient legends, carrying the heavy trust between them, all the way to the mud. Here, thick product can make thin hair.

Endeavour like you, sweat for ten years, the best in ancient and modern times. Here, thick product can make thin hair.

When the flying snow and haze are submerged into the past vicissitudes in the alternate cycle of the sun and the moon, you put the past humiliation and pursuit into the thick course of life. When the flames of war spread all around you, you chose to keep creating in obscurity, and finally became "the swan song of historians, the unrivalled Lisao". You melt the feeling into the colorful writing, repress the pain into the boiling idea, and turn the ill fated fate into a surging chapter. You, Sima Qian, are persistent and obstinate. I am a fleeting time, here, your thick product can thin hair.

Determined as you, you can revive the world through hardships. Here, thick product can make thin hair.

For several years, he was humiliated by the destruction of the country. Seven foot men lay on straw mats, dressed in coarse clothes, and ate light meals. Determined to taste bitterness every day, because the ambition of national recovery will never die. As time goes by, you have always endured humiliation and remained unknown, accumulating strength to finally wipe out the State of Wu and revitalize the world. If there is a will, there will be a way out. Break the fire and sink the boat; The hardworking people will live up to the day. They will endure hardships and hardships. Three thousand people can swallow Wu. You, Goujian, who are bold and ambitious and bear humiliation. I am a fleeting time, here, your thick product can thin hair.

As natural and unrestrained as you, elegant poetry is famous in history.

In Nanshan Xichou, where wild chrysanthemums are everywhere, I wrote poems in front of the clear stream. Under the washing of the peach blossom pond, he cut off the water and chanted "How can we be Penghao people?", laughing and leaving. Along the rolling east of the Yangtze River, drunk into Chang'an. When wielding the brush on the Golden Palace, the strongman took off his boots and kept the spoon in his hand, mocking all the nobles in the world. Going out of Chang'an, I still firmly believe that "I am born in nature and I am useful". Since then, I have traveled around Jiuzhou and left countless poems. You, Li Bai, are full of ink, elegant and unrestrained. I am a fleeting time, here, your thick product can thin hair.

In the fleeting years, it is unscrupulously writing "thick accumulation and thin hair", a kind of strategic vision, a kind of deliberate accumulation, and a kind of upward pursuit.

Admittedly, without indomitable spirit, you cannot taste the fruits of sweet fragrance; Without his strong willpower, he can't wait for the time to disappear; Without the obstinacy of never giving up, you can't see the beautiful scenery ahead.

I am a fleeting time, quietly waiting for the floating and sinking of reality. Here, thick product can make thin hair.

High school essay 600 words (10)

The spring has the opportunity to proudly emerge from the ground to become a fountain, because it has gathered underground for more than ten years to form an undercurrent; The grass has a chance to break through the soil tenaciously and grow green leaves because its buds are soaked with tears of struggle. What can be accomplished in one move and become famous overnight? It is only through thick accumulation and thin hair that the most beautiful scenery is displayed.

We always like to see and admire the bamboo's clean and graceful style. How could we ever think that it has endured four years of darkness and hardship underground? After four years underground, bamboo will dig its developed roots deep into the soil to form an intricate network. After four years of obscurity, it will burst out of the ground at a speed of 30 cm a day for three months and then grow into the tall and beautiful bamboo we see. If it is not for the four years of patience and hard work in the dark to form a sound root net, then how can bamboo grow into a "bamboo when it is raised" look?

We always envy the ancients that "no one has asked about it for ten years, and we will become famous all over the world at once", and we are eager to win the title one day. I have been studying hard for decades in order to become the top student in high school and shine the family. However, it is more difficult to climb the Shu Path than to climb the sky; The road of the top scholar is also difficult to go up to the sky. It requires that when he was a teenager, he should take part in the Children's Examination to become a scholar, then he should take part in the "Autumn Feet" to become a scholar, and then he should take the "Spring Feet" examination to become a Jinshi, so that he may win the favor of the emperor in the palace examination and be named as the No. 1 Scholar. If we had not studied hard for ten years, and had not gone through the long road of No. 1 Scholar, how could we have the joy of winning the championship someday.

We are always impressed by Zhao Liying's superb acting skills and have successfully created one classic character after another. "After ten years, you will become famous", which can be described as Zhao Liying's life. In 20xx, she was lucky to enter the performing arts circle and began her acting career because she participated in a talent show. It's not easy to be an actor. She started from a group performance without lines, and still did not relax during the rest. She sat on the set to observe the performance methods of other actors, carefully pondered and constantly honed, and finally won a corner of Qinger in the 20xx casting of Huanzhu Gege. It is because of the experience accumulated and continuous learning in the past few years that the Qing Er she plays shines brilliantly in the play, and she also makes her debut in the performing arts circle, opening up her thriving performing career. Without her constant training and accumulation of acting skills, how could she become the shining "Yingbao" today?

It is time, perseverance, and talent that have accumulated. We should also be bamboo, which can withstand the hardships of "ten years of hardship", and finally become a person of great brilliance.

High school essay 600 words (11)

In our class, there is a person named Wu Zhen.

He is thin and small. He is about eleven years old. He has a pair of small ears, a nose, and a pair of small eyes. His hair is dark and shiny in the sun. When he smiled, his mouth showed two front teeth, like a little hamster. People who have seen Mi Xiaoquan's School Record still think he looks like Jiang Xiaoya when he smiles!

He also has a special function that almost nobody knows except me, that is, his back is a "golden bell jar"! When you hit someone on the back, someone might say, "Oh, my back hurts!" But when you hit Wu Zhen on the back, you must say, "Oh, my hand hurts!"

Do you want to know how I found out that he has a "golden bell jar"? If you want, don't worry, listen to me slowly——

One afternoon after school, when I had nothing to do, I secretly hit Wu Zhen on the back. Who knew that instead of getting angry, he revealed his two front teeth and said with a smile, "No pain, come again." I hit him again, this time with a heavy blow. He said, "How comfortable!" I was a little confused. At this time, he said, "Come again! Why not?" I suspected that this was somewhat provocative. I gave him a set of "Qi's Yongchun Sanda", which was my exclusive secret. I thought he would say it hurt this time, but there was still a gap between reality and ideal. Wu Zhen didn't say it hurt, but instead made a look of enjoying himself. He didn't pretend to be like that. I was completely blinded and almost fell on the ground. I never thought that there was such a strange person in the world! I almost got down on my knees for him.

The teacher said that staying with people with good grades will improve their performance. I don't think so. Because Wu Zhen often comes to me to play with me, a person who has hardly passed the 90 mark test. But his performance has not improved until now, but he is still very happy at school every day. He may think: Be a man! Happy is the most important!

High school essay 600 words (12)

Whenever I think of his receding figure, my tears will involuntarily flow out of my eyes

It was a Thursday afternoon. I was watching TV with relish when I sprained my feet to rest at home. Suddenly, a cry came from downstairs: "Collect the wine bottles -- collect the wine bottles!" I turned around and saw several empty wine bottles in the corner of the living room. Then I stagger to the windowsill, overlooking the whole small area, looking for the person who collected the wine bottles. Suddenly, I was stunned when I found that the bottle collector was a boy of eight or nine years old! This is unbelievable.

When I was about to take down those bottles, I thought: I can't take so many at one time, and I sprained my foot again. So he shouted to him to come upstairs. I looked at him from a distance: his untidy hair was long and dense, and his face could not be seen. He was wearing an old cotton padded jacket with several patches.

He put down his bamboo basket, looked up, counted the floors, and entered the corridor. I walked to the door and opened the door. He was standing in front of my house. Now I saw clearly: he was thin and short, but he looked very strong. It may be because of too much wind, rain and sun exposure, the skin is dark, and the hair is as yellow as smoke, losing its original luster. Under the bushy eyebrows and deep sockets, a pair of black and shiny eyes flickered, which seemed simple and kind. With a tall and straight nose and a small mouth, he is smart and clever.

Soon, he put all the wine bottles in the bamboo basket and put eight yuan into my hand. When he picked up the heavy bamboo basket and turned around to go downstairs, I suddenly remembered that today was Thursday. Shouldn't he be at school? "Why don't you go to school?" "I... My mother won't let me go." He lowered his head and whispered. "Do you want to go?" I asked again. Without hesitation, he looked up and shouted to me, "Of course!" Then he went downstairs without looking back.

Looking at his back, I couldn't help feeling speechless. This makes me feel how heartless and cruel the world is. How I wish he, the little boy who collects wine bottles, could swim in the bright classroom and the sea of knowledge like me.

High school essay 600 words (13)

600 word essay of high school students I: My teacher

I remember that when she came to our class for the first time, she walked into the bright classroom gracefully. Her steps were very big, her movements were consistent, and she was at one go. As soon as she entered the class, she gave us a feeling of "mother". She was so gentle, so kind and kind. Her hair is long and black, and her eyes are big, like two black grapes. Doesn't she often say that eyes are the "window" of people's hearts? Indeed, I can see from her eyes that she is a real, simple and amiable feeling.

She liked her when she first met her. She never beat or scolded students. She only used her smart tongue to persuade students.

Whenever the bell rang, she would come, and the students would sit upright. The teacher came and saw that we were so obedient. She smiled happily. She smiled so sweetly. She lectured very carefully and carefully. Judging from her manner, she was afraid of neglecting the key points. Every sentence and word is explained clearly to us.

I remember that when more than one coal body class came to "The Normandy Crash", she was willing to use her own money to rent CDs for us to see. She went door to door to find the audio and video tapes of Lizhigou. If we couldn't find them, she went to Sanya to find them. Finally, she found them in a small audio and video store. The students watched the film very carefully. She exchanged her sincere heart for ours. Since then, all the students have not only loved her, but also had more sincere friendship.

In class, she is a teacher and we are students, but after class, we simply have no distinction between teachers and students. We talk freely and talk freely. She sometimes jokes with us. In the days with her, let us know what the love between teachers and students is.

Teacher, come back! We all miss you! No matter where you go, I will let the blue sky and sea breeze bring our blessing to you. We will never forget you. Although I gradually forget your lessons over the years, you are still fresh in my memory.

High school students' 600 word essay II: motherland, I love you

"Rivers and mountains only haunt me in my dream. The motherland has not been close for many years, but no matter what, it will not change my Chinese heart..." Whenever I hear this song, I am particularly excited. The past and present of the motherland slowly emerge in front of my eyes.

In the past, China was poor and backward, without all kinds of household appliances, dazzling commodities, nutritious food, colorful teaching and high-rise buildings. There are only old clothes that have been mended and mended, only some malnourished wild vegetables, and only short, damp brick houses.

At that time, China was subjected to all kinds of imperialist aggression. Countless national heroes and innocent people died under their butcher knives, and countless precious treasures were taken away. All these were followed by the announcement of the founding of New China by Chairman Mao at Tiananmen Square. China declared to the world: "The Chinese people have stood up since then."

With a flick of the finger, the motherland is 60 years old. Over the past 60 years, great changes have taken place, during which countless trials and tribulations have been experienced.

The catastrophic flood in 1998 flooded many houses and civilians, but it could not submerge the love of millions of children. In May 20xx, another 8.0 magnitude earthquake occurred in Sichuan Province. The Chinese people fought tenaciously and united as one, and finally overcame this extraordinary natural disaster that shocked the world.

It is also because of these numerous hardships that China has made brilliant achievements today. The 20xx Beijing Olympic Games successfully realized the centennial dream of the Chinese people; The successful launch of "Shenzhou VII" has realized the great dream of the Chinese people to walk in space; The successful test release of the atomic bomb has realized the determination to stride forward to the world... All of this can only show that the world has been impressed by China now.

As a Chinese, a Chinese. I shoulder the responsibility of building the motherland and protecting it. Motherland, mother! I promise you that I will make you more prosperous, rich and prosperous. I will fight for your brilliant tomorrow!

Finally, I just want to say: "Motherland, I love you".

High school students' 600 word essay 3: Fishing

One day in the summer vacation, my father and I went fishing on the lake in Seoul Park. We prepared the fishing basket, fishing rod, fishing hook and earthworm at home, and then set out.

When we got to the lake, my father and I took out a small stool to sit down, tied the hook to the fishing line, and put the earthworms on the hook. After all the preparations were done, we began to hook fish.

I picked up the fishing rod, threw the fishing line far away, and inserted the fishing rod into the sand. After a while, the fish moved. After a while, I saw that the fish float was dragged around. I pulled hard and saw a small fish hanging under the fishing rod. I took it off the hook, never mind how happy I was. I threw the fishing line into the water again, hoping to catch bigger fish. However, after a long time, no fish caught the bait. I was so worried that my face turned red. I thought: Fishing is boring. I only caught a small fish for half a day. I might as well take a look at the scenery. I was about to leave when my father said, "Why, don't you want to fish?" I said, "It's boring not to see a fish hooked for so long." After listening to this, my father said angrily, "haven't you heard the story of Kitten Fishing? The kitten didn't catch any fish because it caught dragonflies and butterflies. What does that mean?" After listening to my father's words, I lowered my head, He sat down on the stool again. I stared at the fish float. After a period of time, the fish float suddenly sank into the water. I was very happy. I pulled hard and pulled up a fat and big fish. I shouted happily; "Dad, Dad, I caught a big fish!" I carefully took down the big fish, weighed it again, looked at it again and again, and couldn't put it down. About half a jin. My father said, "No matter what you do, you must do it wholeheartedly, so that you can succeed." I nodded silently.

I didn't catch much fish that day, but I was very happy because I understood more concretely and deeply the truth that I should be patient and concentrate to succeed.

High school essay 600 words (14)

Friendship High School Essay 600 words 1: I understand the power of friendship

The calendar after the school sports meeting has turned over several pages, perhaps because there is a distance, that memory becomes particularly clear in my mind. That day, I learned the power of friendship.

The green leaves were falling and the osmanthus was fragrant. At the school sports meeting, I was having a group meeting with Xiao Yi at the side of the playground after taking part in the high jump competition, but the sports committee member suddenly asked me to take part in the women's 400m race.

However, I stood on the runway like a lonely bird, looking sadly at the far end. At this time, I suddenly found her in the crowd - Xiao Yi, who is striding towards here. He shouted to me from a long distance: "Don't be afraid, you will succeed." When the breeze blew, my whole person shivered, but it was always hot in my heart. Only I knew that this confidence came from Xiaoyi's encouragement to me. When the starting gun rang, I quickly ran forward. I thought I would fight alone in this race, but Xiao Yi kept chasing me behind and kept saying to me, "Come on! Believe in yourself, you can succeed!" At this moment, the cheering voice of other classes no longer exists, only Xiao Yi's thin and weak voice echoed in my ears, It supports the building in my heart at this time! The autumn wind sweeps away the yellow leaves on the ground, but holds my heart high. I feel that thousands of eyes are watching me, and I want to win! I immediately felt full of power and stepped up to surpass several competitors. Xiaoyi's encouragement still lingered in my ears. It told me: "I can do it.

After the game, I found that the power of friendship is actually around us. It gives us strength invisibly: it can cheer up people who have lost confidence; It can make people who have given up struggle again; It can build a building in people's hearts!

Friendship High School Essay 600 words Part 2: Cherish friendship

Friendship is the antidote to our grief and the antidote to our passion; It is the outlet of our pressure, the shelter of disaster; It is our deliberator when we are hesitant, the freshener when we are confused, the outlet of our thoughts, and the exercise and improvement of our meditation.

It was a chance to meet Ru. There is an overpass on my way to school. Every time I walk on the bridge, I always look down. Once, when I walked slowly on the bridge, I saw her on one side, a white girl. She also saw me, looking at each other and smiling at each other, which lasted for two weeks once, every day. I was surprised by the coincidence. It was like making a movie. I have been looking forward to this moment. We don't need to speak, but it seems that we haven't stopped communicating. Later, she came to her very generously and said, "Hello." So we became friends.

Since we are not in the same school, we seldom meet each other every day, so the mutual gaze on the bridge every day has become a time for us to cherish each other. Later, Xiao Ru thought of a way: write a note. That summer, she gave me 26 pieces of notes, which I hid in my diary as a treasure. This includes encouragement in study, comfort in life and spiritual sustenance. When I am free, I will spread the notes on the table. The beautiful notes look like Xiao Ru's smiling face.

On weekends, we will go to the Book City together, eat a bag of French fries, watch Cat and Mouse together, share happiness and bear sadness together. We commented on the advantages and disadvantages of the new curriculum reform, discussed the advantages and disadvantages of Internet access, and even imagined that there were gods living on the other side of the mountain. Gradually, I found that our views of things and the world have many similarities.

Now, instead of writing notes, we talk on the phone every night. On the phone, there are always endless words. Later, I found that one day, not talking is like a disadvantage. Only by making a phone call can we sleep in peace. Although this kind of chat is a waste of time, we are happy and cherish it.

I remember a philosopher once said, "It's a kind of helplessness to have no chance, and it's a kind of sadness to have no chance." Xiao Ru and I have always been "fate" from meeting to knowing to knowing, and I will cherish this friendship forever. Let's build friendship and move towards a better tomorrow together. May the friendship last forever!

Friendship High School Essay 600 words 3: I understand friendship

Friendship, like the breeze, dispels the clouds in your heart; Friendship is like a mountain, which needs us to climb together; Friendship is a pearl chain, which needs us to wear together to become a shining "new star". But true friendship does not need rhetoric, pearls, diamonds and other material objects to embellish it. It only needs two people to confide in each other. Only such friendship can become a beautiful rainbow and glow.

In the past, I had many friends around me. I tried my best to help them no matter what difficulties they encountered, but when I encountered difficulties, I was greeted with such words as "no time" and "no". I am silent. Don't I have a bosom friend beside me? When I was wandering in the deep valley of loneliness, a pair of warm hands pulled me up. "What's wrong with you?" I looked up and saw that it was her. My cold heart had thawed, and there was a bosom friend beside me.

In the future, we help each other. If she has any questions, we will solve them together. If I have any difficulty in finding her, we will ride the wind and waves. We went to the park together on Sunday. She told me: "No matter what difficulties you encounter, you should know that I am your strong backing. Don't be afraid to do it bravely." Her words ignited the fire of strength in my heart. I said to her, "No matter what we meet, we will fight together." We encouraged each other and hoped that our words would bring confidence, courage and strength to each other. We both study together, make progress together, and move towards success together.

I finally understand friendship. Friendship is the best thing in the world, and friendship is a bridge between people. But true friendship requires two people to be honest and opposite. May you and I have true friendship.

High school essay 600 words (15)

600 Word Dragon Boat Festival High School Essay I

The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the Han people in China. The essential activities on this day gradually evolved into eating zongzi, racing dragon boats, hanging calamus, Artemisia argyi, fumigation, angelica, and drinking realgar wine. It is said that eating zongzi and racing dragon boats are to commemorate Qu Yuan, so after liberation, the Dragon Boat Festival was named "Poet's Day" to commemorate Qu Yuan. As for hanging calamus and wormwood leaves, fumigating atractylodes, angelica dahurica, and drinking realgar wine, it is said that the purpose is to ward off evil spirits. "China's Dragon Boat Festival" is one of the national legal holidays and listed in the World Intangible Cultural Heritage List. There have been a large number of literary works, such as poems, lyrics, songs and fu, handed down from generation to generation.

Today, the custom of my family is the traditional northern characteristics. My mother made dumplings and boiled garlic for us today.

Today, my grandma and mother were making zongzi at home. Grandma picked up a piece of zong leaf, rolled and rolled, rolled and rolled into a funnel shape, then put the glutinous rice in it, folded it, wrapped it with string, and threw it into the pot. I also want to try how to make dumplings. I also picked up a piece of zong leaf, rolled and rolled, rolled and rolled into a funnel shape. I put the rice in, but the rice I put in soon leaked out. Grandma said, "Nannan, you put the glutinous rice in the rice dumplings before you rolled the leaves. You don't leak the light. Who does?" I looked at my mother, really, there was no gap at the bottom, and then I looked at my little hole. No wonder! I picked up another piece and rolled it hard. Finally, there is no gap. I finally made a zongzi by myself. It must taste delicious!

My mother is cooking garlic again. I have no appetite at first sight. Garlic is so hot. How can you eat one garlic at a time? Grandma, dad, mom, grandpa, and even my lovely brother, Xiaoxiao, ate so delicious. I tried to pick up one, carefully peeled it off, put it in my mouth and chewed it. Hmm... noodles, sweet, and a little spicy. Really delicious! I eat one after another, and I'm always not tired of it. It's really good!

Grandma smiled and hung a sachet, and later made one for me. Grandma said, "You must wear it today, or it will be unlucky." I nodded obediently and said, "Yes!" Grandma and everyone laughed.

We had a happy Dragon Boat Festival again.

600 Word Dragon Boat Festival High School Essay II

There are so many traditional cultures in China! Even foreigners say that China's traditional culture is "quack quack". Then, let me introduce our traditional culture - the Dragon Boat Festival!

The Dragon Boat Festival came to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great patriotic poet in China. Qu Yuan grew up in the State of Chu. At that time, the King of Chu was ignorant, which made the State of Chu face extinction. Therefore, Qu Yuan was very angry and threw himself into the river with a big stone. In order to prevent the fish in the river and the legendary dragon from eating Qu Yuan's body, people went home to make dumplings and boiled salted duck eggs to throw into the river, so that the fish and dragon in the river could eat dumplings and salted duck eggs instead of Qu Yuan's body.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival, people still want to wrap dumplings in memory of Qu Yuan as usual. I said to my mother, "Mom, let's also make dumplings to commemorate Qu Yuan!" My mother said, "OK!" "Yes!" I danced happily. Then my mother took me to the supermarket by taxi. I bought some glutinous rice and white granulated sugar in the supermarket. Then I went to the food market and bought some zongzi leaves for making zongzi. When I got home, my mother told me the procedure of making dumplings. She said, first, soak the glutinous rice in a basin, and then told me to soak it for one to two hours; Then wash the leaves and soak them for a while. After soaking, put the leaves into a hot pot and boil them. Finally, fold the Zongye into a funnel shape, put the soaked glutinous rice in it, and be sure to fill it. Then bind the rice dumplings with cotton thread to prevent them from spreading, and the rice dumplings will be wrapped. At this time, boil a pot of hot water, put the wrapped dumplings into the pot and cook them.

Ha ha, after a few hours, a plate of delicious dumplings was freshly baked. Looking at the rice dumplings, my saliva was all flowing out, so I ate them greedily.

In this way, the Dragon Boat Festival has become our traditional custom, and zongzi has become a traditional food passed down!

600 Word Dragon Boat Festival High School Essay III

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is a traditional festival here. On this day, people will eat rice dumplings, eat salted egg yolks, drink realgar wine, eat snake meat... There are also dragon boat races in some places.

This morning, after I got up, my mother asked me: "Today is the Dragon Boat Festival again, do you want to eat snake meat?" "Of course!" I replied loudly. "Let's go to the food market to buy snake meat now." "Good! Let's go!" So I followed my mother to the food market.

When we came to the food market, we didn't see snake meat. So my mother took me around. It was not easy for us to find a place selling snake meat. The stall owner asked, "Do you buy snake meat?" I grabbed my mother and said, "Yes!" The man let us choose by ourselves. I saw those snakes swimming around in the cage. They also raised their heads from time to time. I can't help feeling a little jumpy. Mother was not afraid. Pointing at a medium-sized snake, she said, "Just this one!" "OK!" And the snake seller caught the snake. He pinched the head of the snake with his hands, stepped on the tail of the snake with his feet, took a knife with his empty hand, killed the head of the snake flexibly, and then immediately stripped the skin of the snake. Then, he took a knife to cut the snow-white and pink snake body into pieces and put them in a plastic bag. Mother paid the money, took the bag containing snake meat and went home with me.

At dinner, my mother put the fragrant braised snake meat on the table. When I saw this pot of snake meat, I couldn't help but have a big appetite. Before my mother put the pot on the table, I picked up chopsticks and put a piece of snake meat into my mouth and ate it. My father saw that I could not wait to eat snake meat, so he picked it up and ate it. Mother said: "Look at your father and son's greediness..." My father and I couldn't help laughing... Then, my mother followed us to taste together. The taste of braised snake meat is really delicious.