Composition at sunset (3 in general)
Young after the vicissitudes
2024-05-11 09:38:40
Junior two

Composition in the Sunset (1)

No matter in study, work or life, we are inevitably exposed to the composition bar. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. So have you learned about composition? The following is the composition of "I'm waiting for you in the sunset!", which is 800 words in Grade Two, for reference only. Let's have a look.

At dusk, I always like to sit on the balcony and watch the sunset that is about to set, which is killing time. I know that I will only waste time like this, but I can't control myself. I have to be on the balcony to enjoy the west slanting sun and brilliant burning clouds. I feel that the clouds in the sky always smile at me, but it makes me feel sad.

Accompanied by the sunset, I began to remember my friend, I called her Jinger. As I call Jing, she is very quiet and often sits on her balcony to enjoy the dusk. Jing said that she liked the sunset because it was beautiful. I said, the sunset is beautiful, but very sad. I am not a person who likes sadness. I am an optimistic girl. Jing retorted that just because I am an optimistic girl, I cannot taste the charm of nature, which can be either sad or active. But she likes Yi An, so she likes the sadness of nature.

September 5, 20xx, I will never forget that day. That night, Jing suddenly called me and said that her father had found a good job in Guangzhou and decided to move to Guangzhou for her whole family and come back once a year. After listening to this, I began to cry. I sobbed and said to Jing, "Jinger, come back more when you are free, and I will wait for you in the sunset..." After that, I continued to cry. I heard that Jing was also sobbing, but she also comforted me: "Youyou, I will come back, don't cry, we must be strong!" She was usually quiet, but now she spoke so forcefully. I replied, "Hmm!" "After I leave, don't think about me, be happy, and still be happy..." Our conversation ended.

Since then, I have never seen Jing. The quiet seat is in front of me. When I saw her empty seat, my heart was empty, as if I had lost something. I often cry in silence. My good friend Ying, who is also a good friend of Jing, always comforts me: "It's not a farewell, just a long farewell. What are you crying about? If it's OK, Jing will come back soon." I know that Ying is purely comforting me, and she always looks at the corner and cries.

Alas, perhaps "there is no feast that never ends". It may be fate that good friends will eventually end. But I always remember what I said to her before she left, "I am waiting for you in the sunset". So I sat on the balcony every day, intoxicated with the twilight.

While I was absorbed in the twilight, the crow came back with the sunset. Listening to the crow noise, my heart could not help rising a slight wave. I remember once, when Jing told me that she wanted to be a singer, I made fun of her lack of five tones; Once, when I practiced singing in front of me, I made fun of her singing as hoarse as a crow's voice... Thinking of these "once", I couldn't help regretting that I had hurt my good friend.

"Do people have to leave before they regret it?" I suddenly thought of this question. I don't know. I believe Jingneng can tell me that in my mind, Jingneng is always my teacher. She knows astronomy and geography.

Twilight came again, and I sat on the balcony again and cried eagerly in my heart: "Jinger, I didn't break my promise, I wait for you every day in the sunset. Students miss you, come back!"

Composition in the Sunset (2)

Grandma's house is on the east slope, while on the west slope there are patches of dog tail grass as bright as the morning sun in spring. The children here like to go there, and happiness seems to be everywhere.

When I was young, my brother took me to run all over the hillside, sometimes to catch crickets, sometimes to catch butterflies, or to play games with the village partners.

"Let's play eagle and catch chicken!", I don't know who proposed it, and the partners all agreed. The eagle clawed and launched a fierce attack on the chickens. The chickens fried to a boil. "Chickens" flee everywhere. The "mother" cried out in a hurry to let the chickens come quickly. The "chickens" rushed over, but unfortunately one of the "chickens" fell down... The grass was elastic, not worse than the mat, just like falling into a soft big bed, which was quite comfortable. At this time, each child's face was red and his eyes were bright, but his clothes were dirty. The children looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. The silvery laughter spilled into the fields and the hearts of the children.

At sunset, under the cry of their parents, the children reluctantly went home, looking at the west slope from time to time nostalgically along the way, only to see that the dog tail grass under the sunset gradually became blurred in childhood

Composition in the Sunset (3)

The setting sun lies on the ancient wall and sits on the old rattan chair. The hawkers' shouts at the end of the stall fill my ears. Because of the wall, I quietly enjoy the undulating melody. It can bring people infinite leisure and tranquility more than the melodious songs in the old phonograph.

In the evening, the newly painted door frame was shining orange. Through the door, you can see far away. At this time, the sunset was like a tired cat lying on a low wall. As a result, the originally lifeless earth wall suddenly became energetic, and the sunset was so soft that people thought it was an elf climbing out of the low wall and spreading around little by little. A little later, the relationship between the earth wall and the setting sun would be completely indistinguishable.

Walls can be seen everywhere. High and low walls are made of clay, green bricks, and some are simply stacked with straw, but they are clean and clean.

A short earth wall, standing in a place of life silently, embraces the earth with dark colors, and interprets the cold, warm, cloudy and sunny life with a defiant attitude. The wall is silent, but not silent.

In an unfamiliar era, the wall seems to be an insurmountable barrier in people's life. At that time, the walls were high and solid. Sometimes you can vaguely hear the neighbors' whispers, sometimes it's homely, sometimes it's abusive. However, one can only hear its voice but not see its person. If the two families get along well, they will argue that the wall is too high, hindering the communication between the two families; On the contrary, if there is an original gap, I would like to build the wall higher, or even put wires and glass on it. In short, it is to throw complaints and hatred on the wall, clean and thorough. The wall will not resist, which will be understood by everyone. People will not say, but they must know that because of the wall, life will be clearer.

The wall has always protected everyone in the room with its unique composure. With a wall, there is an extra defense in life. Although, after the rain and wind, some walls broke loose, or collapsed completely, or even turned into soil and integrated with the earth, from a broad perspective, the houses, wells, and windows in the walls still stood and lay safely. The wall did fall and perish in the wind and rain. It collapsed in a mess and collapsed clean. No one will pity, no one will grieve. When a wall falls, some people will even clap their hands and say, "Fortunately, a wall has collapsed, and if the wall falls, we can build another one some day!"! The wall always gives comfort to others quietly, even when it falls and is destroyed.

The wall is the scene of standing quietly in life. This kind of old brick wall, which is too familiar, is forgotten but often mentioned.

At sunset, there will always be a sunset lying on the shoulder on a low wall. The wall is silent, but not silent, just like somewhere in our life.