My competitors (20 required)
The Sound of Nature
2024-01-07 06:40:57

My competitors (1)

At the beginning of the fifth grade, the teacher told us that competition is the driving force. If you want to make great progress in learning, the best way is to find a competitor with the same or slightly better strength, compare each exam, learn from each other, and learn from each other.

Xiaomei is my neighbor and my classmate. Her exam results are always on a par with mine on weekdays. So when the teacher told us to find a competitor, the first person I thought of was Xiaomei.

The two of us hit it off, registered with the teacher, and officially became competitors. We both agreed that after each exam, we would compare our scores and rankings, including single subjects and total scores. The loser would be punished to copy ancient poems or English words.

Since then, we have stayed in the classroom every afternoon to study and discuss problems together. Although we are competitors, our relationship is very harmonious. We have never been jealous of each other or deliberately reserved for fear that the other party will surpass us. Once, I came across a difficult math word problem. I thought about it for more than ten minutes, but I still didn't have a clue. So I asked Xiaomei for advice. Xiaomei enthusiastically helped me solve it. Later, I learned that she thought about this problem for an hour last night, but now she freely and unreservedly explained the idea of the problem to me. I also got a similar question in the midterm exam. I thank Xiaomei in my heart. With such studious and enthusiastic competitors, it's hard for me not to study hard, so we help each other, and at the same time, we catch up with each other.

Xiaomei's academic performance is excellent, and all subjects are very good, while I am relatively partial to the subject and weak in mathematics. Later, after a period of effort, my math performance improved rapidly, which included Xiaomei's contribution. I often said with guilt: "Xiaomei, you helped me so much, and wasted a lot of your time. I'm sorry." Xiaomei always responded bluntly: "Students just need to help each other. I'm happy to see your progress. Only when my competitors become stronger can I encourage me to pursue progress. We promote each other." After that, we held hands, went for a walk on the playground, and then walked home together.

This is Xiaomei, my learning competitor. She is a good girl who is good at character and learning, kind and self-motivated. I am proud of having such an excellent competitor. I will also continue to work hard to learn from Xiaomei, so that after one year, we can both enter the ideal middle school.

My competitors (2)

Since the calligraphy and reading test, the teacher has found an opponent for each of us. I am No. 2 and my opponent is No. 2. His name is Zhang Jiale.

One time, I was in the examination room, thinking again and again, Ai! Finally, I came up with a good material selection, which was also exemplified by our teacher. I wrote seriously and thought slowly. Suddenly, I thought of my opponent Zhang Jiale! I firmly think that I must surpass Zhang Jiale! I think I will be more serious later.

Look at my opponent Zhang Jiale again! He also racked his brains and carefully examined the topic. Her serious face seemed to express that I must surpass Shen Yufan. His hasty pen was seriously writing a composition.

I'm looking forward to it. The score of the truth composition finally came down, and the teacher finally wanted to read the score. I listened nervously. When Shi Guangsheng read my name, his heart was almost out of my throat. Shi Guangsheng said, "28 points", and I was surprised to cover my mouth. The teacher seemed a little incredulous and said, "How many points?" Shi Guangsheng read aloud and clearly for 28 points. The teacher smiled at me, and I was very happy. Then, I listened to Zhang Jiale's score of 24 points, so I easily got 40 points, ah! I defeated Zhang Jiale! I'm so happy.

I beat her! I beat her! I beat her! Important things are to be repeated for 3 times! Ha ha ha! How happy!

My competitors (3)

Past, present and future, my dear competitors:

How do you do. I write this letter for you today. I don't want anything, but I hope you can read it carefully.

First of all, I should thank you. Thank you for standing next to me among all the experts. I regard you as my competitor, although I may be just a weak dog tail grass in your eyes. You have a high IQ with highly developed nerves, and you also have enthusiasm to work hard. By your side, I, who was originally sharp, was a little worried for the first time, and lost my original high spirit for the first time since I entered the Yunfeng. I really admire you. You have lofty ideals and are constantly striving for them. In the classroom, there are you who write fast; On the playground, you are vigorous; In the dormitory, there are you who are working hard secretly... You have never noticed that no matter when and where you are, there is always a persistent girl who is watching you secretly to see where you are better than her. Why do you always "win a big victory" with no effort

It can be said that you are the most important people in my seven years of student life. Without you, I might not have today. Because of you, an unknown girl began to make a vow to surpass you; Because of you, a proud girl slowly becomes mature and knows that "there are people outside the world". Without you, I would still be the 17th student in the class, and I would still be the "empty shell" without motivation. Once upon a time, as soon as the exam results were released, I went to ask for the results like a nervous streak. What I asked was not my results, but yours. Although it always ends in failure, I'm still happy to put down harsh words to you again: I will surpass you next time!

I regard you as competitors, but also as friends. In the conversation with you, I found your advantages and my own shortcomings, so I worked harder to surpass you. But you are like the deep heaven! It's unpredictable! Even if I burn midnight oil, I will not be able to enter the top ten of the level department. You just need to use your spare brain to pass. I began to hate you, and I often thought that if there were no you, would that "sky" not be high... But I can't persist, what reason do I hate you? Is it just because you are better than me? Isn't I too mean?

You always "laugh" at me and talk so easily, but you give me a heavy burden. With tears in my eyes, I looked at the sky, hoping that the tears of failure would flow back to my eyes. Why, you walk slowly in front of me, but I have to chase you desperately in the back? Are you gods? I want to read that until now, you have to say something lightly; You're hysterical again. Yes, my dear competitors, I'm just that hysterical girl, I've been in the wind, never left

friend! I would like to call you kindly!

At last, I would like to say the old saying: I will surpass you next time!

A silly girl standing in the wind

My competitors (4)

Jiang Jinwei, with dark black skin, large fleshy nose, light eyebrows, and fierce eyes all day long. I am better than him in sports and Chinese, he is slightly better than me in mathematics, and we are equal in English. I am always ready to surpass him.

Every day when I get home, I take two fourth grade primary schools from the table and go to Huanggang. Then I take out a pen and begin to work on the problem.

"Brush brush brush brush", I worked hard to write, has written three sides, but in writing the fourth was puzzled by a question. I clenched my fists and thought hard. "Ah! How can I write this question? If there are similar questions in the exam, one deduction will be 5 points! In this way, I'm sure I can't do as well as him."

This question is a chicken rabbit cage expansion question.

I immediately asked Zhan Junhao for advice and told him that I would defeat Jiang Jinwei. Zhan Junhao smiled and said, "Come, I'll help you." Zhan Junhao sat beside me every day and taught me math very carefully.

As time goes by, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day, and soon the final exam is coming, which is also the ultimate pk for Jiang Jinwei and me.

My heart was so excited that my hands kept shaking and I was very nervous.

"Ding Lingling --" The exam began. After I finished writing my personal information, I looked at the whole exam paper and couldn't help feeling complacent. I had done it myself, hooray. I finished the test paper very quickly, but to be on the safe side, I checked it carefully.

"Dang, dang, dang", the bell rang, and I handed in my paper confidently. Two days later, when the teacher announced the results, my eyes were shining, and I was eager to get a high score: "Sun Weibo, 99. 5! Jiang Jinwei, 98!" I was relieved, and the high score was hard won!, I was so happy that I finally defeated him.

He made me have fighting spirit, so that I could get high scores. Thanks to my competitor, Jiang Jinwei.

My competitors (5)

On a sunny Sunday, I was walking home with my newly won "Story King" trophy in my arms. I wondered in my heart what my competitor, my brother, would look like when I saw my trophy. Is it envy, jealousy, or sprinkle some "silver beans"? My brother and I competed last year It was the eve of the Spring Festival. My father bought a bookcase, and my mother said to my brother and me, "This is a gift for you for the Spring Festival. The first box is my sister's prize display corner, and the second box is my brother's..." Before my mother finished speaking, my brother jumped up and clapped his hands and said, "OK, OK!" Then she said to me, "Sister, let's compete!" I deliberately calmly replied, "OK:" But he clenched his fist secretly A semester later, my brother and I each got a certificate of "Three Good Students", and we drew Unexpectedly, one day last year, I came home from school and just put down my schoolbag, my younger brother came back skipping.

His face was excited like a red apple, his eyes became crescent moon, his hands held a bright black thing in front of me, and said: "Sister, look at 1." I took it and was surprised: "How beautiful a horse is! Where did 1 come from?" His brother suddenly flashed a pair of big eyes and said with an air of "spell sigh!" I looked carefully and saw a line of small words on it: "Twilight Cup" second prize. Oh, I suddenly understood that it was my younger brother who won the prize in the intelligence contest. He picked up the horse and stuck it to his face. He said softly, "The pony is fast. I want to compete with you. I am the running horse of the motherland. Don't blame me for running ahead!" When he got to Chuanhuasha, his mother smiled and walked in from outside, Holding his little brother's small face in both hands, he said: "This is the good boy:" After listening to my mother's praise for my brother, I felt very embarrassed, and I could not help clenching my fist again Now I hold the trophy, my heart is full of joy, and I have arrived at home before I know it. I secretly plan a good way to trick my brother. Where do you hide the trophy? Hiding behind him, my brother will soon find out. I put it on the ground for fear of polluting the trophy.

Suddenly, I found that the window sill of the corridor was a good place, so I quietly walked down the steps and put the trophy there. Turning to the steps, I was about to knock on the door, but I almost laughed. I was quiet for a while and knocked on the door. "Coming:" With my brother's voice, the door opened. I hurriedly pretended to be worried, sighed heavily, and leaned on the desk. My brother gently poked my hair with his little hand and said, "Sister, why didn't you win the prize? Choose a good story next time!" I saw my brother's sad look from my fingers. "Silver beans" really would roll out, He couldn't help laughing. He wiped his sleeve on his eyes and said, "You lied to me. Where is your prize. He stepped in front of me, grabbed the trophy with both hands, looked left and right, and could not put it down. Then he mysteriously put his mouth close to my ear and said to me, "Sister, I will also fight for the first place in the future, and take a trophy like yours". He stood up and put the trophy in my display corner In front of the bookcase, my brother and I talked about the pictures on the trophy: steep mountains, tall pines and cypresses, flying waterfalls, blooming flowers.

My competitors (6)

In the marathon of learning, you and I, catch up with each other, and draw a complete end to the semester's study. Whenever our scores are equal, we always bite the bullet and prepare to surpass each other in the next exam.

You are my motivation for learning. Whenever I see you studying hard, I dare not be slighted.

Whenever you surpass me, I will work hard, and I will not be proud, because you will catch up with me with a little effort.

Whenever we stand on the podium together, we always smile at each other, as if we are encouraging each other, or demonstrating against each other: I am better than you.

Because of our efforts at the same time, we have become inseparable friends. We buy the same exercise book and the same reference book. Although we are competitors, we all know the advantages of developing strengths and avoiding weaknesses. Whenever I have bad math, you always carefully teach me how to do it. Your reading comprehension is not as good as mine, and I always take the trouble to teach you.

Because we have learned from each other for a long time, we are the first.

We will keep on being the best friends.

My competitors (7)

"Hum, what's so amazing! I got 110 points in a math test, what's so impressive!" Facing Li Yang, who was dancing around with his math paper, and looking at the scarlet "100" points on his math paper, I felt a great irony - the top ten students in the class who are always famous for their good study, How can I be convinced that I was defeated by my deskmate outside the top ten?

"If you don't believe me, you can overtake me!" At this time, Li Yang was a little complacent. I was angry, but what can I do? Who makes himself inferior to others? "Well... then we might as well compete in the final exam!" I said unconvinced. "OK, no problem!" Facing my challenge, Li Yang not only did not hesitate, but also answered my "Challenge Letter". "OK, it's a deal!" "It's a deal!"

I didn't take Li Yang seriously at first, but he was still in the high grade of the next exam as always, while I was still hovering between more than 90 points and 100 points. I was a little flustered. It seems that this opponent is still difficult to deal with. I dare not take it lightly any more!

I moved in "high efficiency", "classic" and other magic weapons to win. I immersed myself in the hard work, read many questions, thought about it, but still some questions were unclear. What should I do? When I saw my deskmate who was also working hard, the voice of two villains fighting suddenly appeared in my heart: "I asked him if he could?" "Why not?" "He is his own opponent!" "What are opponents afraid of? Mutual help can promote progress!" "That... OK!"

After making up my mind, I turned to my deskmate and asked, "Yang Yang, do me a favor and tell me about this geometry problem!" Unexpectedly, he agreed without hesitation. "OK! I also have a question to ask you!" "OK! OK! OK!" I also happily agreed to it. Soon, we began to "duel".

The final exam is getting closer and closer. Although the smell of gunsmoke between us is still strong, we still help each other. Anyone who has a question will not ask the other, and the other party will explain to the other party without reservation. Others say that we are more like friends than rivals. Yeah! I think opponents should help each other and make progress together!

"Liu Pengyu, 118 points, Li Yang, 117 points..." After the final exam, my math score finally defeated my opponent. Although it was only one point more than him, I didn't want to ridicule him, but I wanted to thank him, because with such a competitor, I could make such great progress!

"Dude, we will be competitors next semester!"

My competitors (8)

In life, there is competition everywhere, there is open struggle, there is also "secret struggle". Competition is like the air everywhere, pervading the crowd. Many people are very afraid of competition, afraid of being eliminated in the competition; But I don't think so, because it is those competitors that make me progress, so that I can see my own shortcomings!

I have many competitors in my study: Gao Xueying, Han Rubing, Bai Shuyue, Sun Siyu... They are all better than me in some aspects, but I am not afraid of them, but they make me work harder in my study.

I remember that when I first took the math test in junior high school, I got a "good start" - the first place, and I was the only one in the class who scored 95 points, which made me feel a little elated, and I didn't study hard. Who knew that when I announced my results in the second exam, I had a chance to win, But I never thought that a girl named Gao Xueying would take my first place. This is undoubtedly a great blow to me. It took me several days to pick myself up.

In the process of my recovery, I found that I didn't study hard as before, and I could make mistakes in many simple questions. I was too proud! It really comes true that pride is bound to defeat. When I cheered up, I secretly made up my mind and said to myself, "Since you have found your own shortcomings, you must correct them! You have competitors, so you must work hard! You must be clear that you are not the best! However, do not be afraid of competitors, competition will make progress!"

Yes, don't be afraid of competitors. Only with competition can we make progress! It is under the encouragement of the competitor Gao Xueying that I have made more efforts in learning! Finally, I beat her again in the third math test, but I didn't relax. Finally, I beat her again in the fourth test!

Now, in mathematics, I have a new opponent. He is the little boy in our class, Zhao Sibo. I still say to myself, "I am not afraid of competitors! I am not afraid of competitors! I......"

In terms of learning, I don't have Han Rubing's English stick, Bai Shuyue's reading volume and Sun Siyu's composition... But I'm not afraid! Although these competitors are stronger than me, as long as I work hard, I will not lose when competing with them!

Not only in learning, but also in extracurricular activities: playing the piano, dancing, painting. I also have many competitors, but I have enough courage to face them and work hard to meet the challenges. I want to thank them, because it is their presence that gives me the impetus to move forward!

I am not afraid of competitors, because it is these competitors that encourage me to learn more enthusiastically. Those who are afraid of competition, please don't be afraid, because it is competition that makes our life interesting!

So, don't be afraid of competitors, let's compete fairly and fairly with the right attitude!

My competitors (9)

Although I am good at learning, I also have a person I admire, that is, my competitor, Yang Xun.

A round face, big dark eyes with long eyelashes are more energetic, and a talkative mouth can talk a lot. With mushroom head, two shallow dimples appear on his face when he smiles, which is very cute.

She is modest and serious. I remember that day, our class was taking an exam, and she and I were seriously working on the problem. Soon, I was sweating all over. It was too hot. Look at Yang Xun again. She is still working on her calculations. In a few days, the results will come out soon, and my heart is pounding. The teacher announced 99 points for Luchang and 100 points for Yang Xun. I came to Yang Xun and congratulated her: "You are so powerful, congratulations.

She is also very helpful. On that day, she was on the day when one of our classmates, Xi Yu (ill, often causing trouble), had a dispute with another girl, Chen Xiaoyi. She took the initiative to mediate after learning about the situation, and finally Xi Yu and Chen Xiaoyi got along in harmony.

Her qualities of modesty, seriousness and helping others deserve my study. I admire her very much.

My competitors (10)

Past, present and future, my dear competitors:

How do you do. I write this letter for you today. I don't want anything, but I hope you can read it carefully.

First of all, I should thank you. Thank you for standing next to me among all the experts. I regard you as my competitor, although I may be just a weak dog tail grass in your eyes. You have a high IQ with highly developed nerves, and you also have enthusiasm to work hard. By your side, I, who was originally sharp, was a little worried for the first time, and lost my original high spirit for the first time since I entered the Yunfeng. I really admire you. You have lofty ideals and are constantly striving for them. In the classroom, there are you who write fast; On the playground, you are vigorous; In the dormitory, there are you who are working hard secretly... You have never noticed that no matter when and where you are, there is always a persistent girl who is watching you secretly to see where you are better than her. Why do you always "win a big victory" with no effort

It can be said that you are the most important people in my seven years of student life. Without you, I might not have today. Because of you, an unknown girl began to make a vow to surpass you; Because of you, a proud girl slowly becomes mature and knows that "there are people outside the world". Without you, I would still be the 17th student in the class, and I would still be the "empty shell" without motivation. Once upon a time, as soon as the exam results were released, I went to ask for the results like a nervous streak. What I asked was not my results, but yours. Although it always ends in failure, I'm still happy to put down harsh words to you again: I will surpass you next time!

I regard you as competitors, but also as friends. In the conversation with you, I found your advantages and my own shortcomings, so I worked harder to surpass you. But you are like the deep heaven! It's unpredictable! Even if I burn midnight oil, I will not be able to enter the top ten of the level department. You just need to use your spare brain to pass. I began to hate you, and I often thought that if there were no you, would that "sky" not be high... But I can't persist, what reason do I hate you? Is it just because you are better than me? Isn't I too mean?

You always "laugh" at me and talk so easily, but you give me a heavy burden. With tears in my eyes, I looked at the sky, hoping that the tears of failure would flow back to my eyes. Why, you walk slowly in front of me, but I have to chase you desperately in the back? Are you gods? I want to read that until now, you have to say something lightly; You're hysterical again. Yes, my dear competitors, I'm just that hysterical girl, I've been in the wind, never left

friend! I would like to call you kindly!

At last, I would like to say the old saying: I will surpass you next time!

A silly girl standing in the wind

My competitors (11)

Since you came to our class, I have known that you are not a fuel efficient lamp. Because of your popularity, you won the first place in the election for the squadron leader. Later, your "official position" was always promoted again and again, which almost pushed me down. But I have the feeling that heroes cherish heroes, so I can only keep this sentence in my heart, not let you know.

I remember listening to the teacher's hypnotic music in the moral class. We always snore off the stage, but despite the "punctuation" of the moral teacher sweeping thousands of miles, some students can not afford to look up and have entered the "dreamland".

"Hu Xiaodie, this question should be answered like this?" The character teacher points at you who is dating Duke Zhou. So you opened your misty eyes and dawdled for a long time before opening your golden mouth: "Teacher, you forgot your eyes and can't see." Clearly, your glasses were placed at the corner of the table, so the character teacher let you go.

"My comrade Xiao Hu, your trick to cheat the teacher has already been used by Confucius students. You are using it now, I'm afraid it's too late!" I laughed at you after class.

"Be careful that I work against you!" You are obsessed with using "professional terms". "The son is not a fish, and he knows the joy of the fish." I found an ancient text to stop your mouth. "No, I am the Monkey King. I have great power. You are not a fish. How do you know I don't know about you?"

Every time we are alone, we are rivals; But when there are outsiders, we are consistent and good friends.

When the exam was coming, we looked at each other. We both felt the smell of fighting in the air and the Great Wall was written in our eyes. I walked up to you and gave you a book. "Hu Xiaodie, look quickly. Remember to return it to me next week." You looked at the title of the book - Final Review Outline, and threw a piece of paper - "Let's meet in the classroom at the stairs this afternoon!" I decided to go to the meeting alone and go to your "Hongmen banquet".

As a result, I ranked first with you in this exam. You look at me and I look at you. We both laughed from the bottom of our hearts.

We are both good friends and competitors.

My competitors (12)

In life, there is competition everywhere, there is open struggle, there is also "secret struggle". Competition is like the air everywhere, pervading the crowd. Many people are very afraid of competition, afraid of being eliminated in the competition; But I don't think so, because it is those competitors that make me progress, so that I can see my own shortcomings!

I have many competitors in my study: Gao Xueying, Han Rubing, Bai Shu Sun Siyu... They are all better than me in some way, but I am not afraid of them. Instead, I work harder in my studies.

I remember that when I first took the math test in junior high school, I got a "good start" - the first place, and I was the only one in the class who scored 95 points, which made me feel a little elated, and I didn't study hard. Who knew that when I announced my results in the second exam, I had a chance to win, But I never thought that a girl named Gao Xueying would take my first place. This is undoubtedly a great blow to me. It took me several days to pick myself up.

In the process of my recovery, I found that I didn't study hard as before, and I could make mistakes in many simple questions. I was too proud! It really comes true that pride is bound to defeat. When I cheered up, I secretly made up my mind and said to myself, "Since you have found your own shortcomings, you must correct them! You have competitors, so you must work hard! You must be clear that you are not the best! However, do not be afraid of competitors, competition will make progress!"

Yes, don't be afraid of competitors. Only with competition can we make progress! It is under the encouragement of the competitor Gao Xueying that I have made more efforts in learning! Finally, I beat her again in the third math test, but I didn't relax. Finally, I beat her again in the fourth test!

Now, in mathematics, I have a new opponent. He is the little boy in our class, Zhao Sibo. I still say to myself, "I am not afraid of competitors! I am not afraid of competitors! I......"

In terms of learning, I don't have Han Rubing's English stick or white book? I read a lot, not as good as Sun Siyu's composition... But I'm not afraid! Although these competitors are stronger than me, as long as I work hard, I will not lose when competing with them!

Not only in learning, but also in extracurricular activities: playing the piano, dancing, painting. I also have many competitors, but I have enough courage to face them and work hard to meet the challenges. I want to thank them, because it is their presence that gives me the impetus to move forward!

I am not afraid of competitors, because it is these competitors that encourage me to learn more enthusiastically. Those who are afraid of competition, please don't be afraid, because it is competition that makes our life interesting!

So, don't be afraid of competitors, let's compete fairly and fairly with the right attitude!

My competitors (13)

The two roles of opponent and friend seem to be opposite, but in my life, the opponent and friend are played by one person, Xiao Ming, my classmate.

(1) Fight in secret

Xiao Ming is thin and small, but he has big, flickering eyes and is full of resourcefulness. He was appointed as my "master" by the teacher with outstanding achievements, but I always regarded him as an opponent and fought with him secretly. In our daily study, there seems to be a wall between us. I don't want to communicate with him. When he comes to me to discuss problems, I also deliberately pretend to be careless: If I teach you, when can I surpass you? I have always been complacent about my attitude, but what happened next made me ashamed.

(2) Plagiarism

After school that day, I went to the teacher's office to ask questions. When I came back, the corridor was quiet, and the students probably had gone home. When I came to the door of the classroom, the scene in front of me made me angry: through the glass on the door, I saw Xiao Ming sitting on my seat reading my summary book. He frowned from time to time, wrote something with his pen, stretched his eyebrows from time to time, and looked over with interest. So he is plagiarizing! I have worked hard to sum up that! I pushed the door open, rushed to him angrily and grabbed the summary book: "What are you doing?"

(3) Be at ease

He smiled slightly: "Sorry, without your consent, I accidentally saw your class notes, and found that your summary was not comprehensive. I helped you to fill in the missing points. There was also a question mark. Once I saw the problem, I couldn't help solving it, and tried to do it." I lowered my head in doubt and opened the book in my hand, Sure enough, he wrote a hint on the geometry problem that I hadn't thought of all the time - it can be proved by four points sharing a circle. I felt a burst of gratitude, mixed with guilt, and doubted him for no reason. It was really wrong! I looked up and saw his faint smile and kind eyes. I didn't know what to say for a moment. He seemed to understand me and casually patted me on the shoulder, but he said firmly: "We can be rivals in learning, but we are more friends!"

After the final exam, I got the report card. I was ahead of Xiao Ming by one point, but I was not happy. "Congratulations, I'm going in front of Shifu." Xiaoming's clear voice sounded in my ear, "Xiaoming, I..." "What's the matter, I'm not happy to win? Although you have won me this time, I will take you as an opponent to catch up. Only in this way can we make progress together!" What a simple words, what a generous mind.

What a lovely friend! The "opponent" who competed with me is also the "friend" who pushed me. It's good to know you, Xiao Ming! My biggest competitor, my best friend!

My competitors (14)

In the study of the seventh grade, what impressed me most was my classmate Chen Ziyi. He is fat, with two big eyes on his white face, a small mouth under his not tall nose, and his slightly curled hair can match his larger face better.

What impressed me most was his two completely opposite characteristics.

He is fond of playing. When he was in class, he could not keep his mouth shut and kept chatting with his classmates at the next table. Almost every class has to be told several times, and almost all teachers in each subject have ordered him. "Chen Ziyi!" "Chen Ziyi! Look here!" "Chen Ziyi! Don't talk!" Every time he heard the reprimand, he would stop for a while, and then saw that the "limelight" had passed, he began to talk with his classmates again.

He studies well. He seems to have two brains. One is for playing with others, and the other is for listening to the teacher. Every exam and homework, he can do it quickly, and most of the answers are correct. Every time we ask him for his tips, he just jokingly says, "I'm not a big deal. I need to learn to find XXX!"

This is my classmate Chen Ziyi. He is naughty and good at learning. He is fat, handsome and good at talking. What about? Do you like him?

My competitors (15)

When it comes to competitors, I can describe him well. He is my deskmate, wearing a pair of glasses, and is a typical nerd. He cuts his hair very short every time. In his words, his hair is short and smart, and I can't find words to contradict him. Although he always looks dull, the fact is not so.

He once participated in the county math contest on behalf of our school, and won the second place. In addition, he is also a small expert in painting in our class. Each issue of blackboard newspaper was completed under his auspices, which can be described as versatile. I guess you have to say that it's a great pressure to find such an excellent person as a competitor. That's for sure. Although he often doesn't read books, he always ranks in the top three of the class in each exam, but I'm not willing to fall behind.

I am a typical bookworm. I only read books. I can't read anything except books. Every time, he will teach me to learn how to learn, not to study hard. When he is free, he will teach me to draw some simple pictures, which makes me happy. Of course, in return, sometimes I will give him delicious food. Two people are competitors and good partners, Sometimes when I did not do well in the exam, he would cheer me on, and every time I would quickly get out of the shadow.

Thank you, my deskmate and competitor, I will surpass you one day.

My competitors (16)

In my study and life, I have a competitor.

This competitor is my good friend Chenchen. We were classmates. On the first day of school, when we saw the notice at the door of our class, we learned that we were in the same class through chatting, so we knew each other.

After the official opening of school, the two of us became very good friends. Before each exam, we both set our own goals and strive to achieve the ideal score in the exam. If we fail to do well in the exam, we will encourage each other and help each other to fill in the weak subjects.

With the existence of my good friend Chenchen, I have more power to move forward when I study. I hope we can always be good friends and competitors, and move forward together to success.

My competitors (17)

My competitors

My competitors

"Ha ha, two points more than you, and four points more than you in Chinese. Are you convinced?" I said proudly to my "enemy" You Zhou.

"Hum! Don't be happy too early. If I hadn't written my composition well, how could you be so arrogant?" He smiled bitterly, shook his head at me, and took the paper to reflect on his seat.

You Zhou is my good friend. We usually play together. He is my learning competitor, and I am determined to surpass him! He is similar to me in mathematics, but he is more meticulous and has a solid foundation than me. I have to work harder and be more careful to surpass him.

Let's let this exam pass him by a narrow margin, but I'm not particularly happy because we still have competition! From the first grade to the fifth grade, I also learned about his achievements. His composition and language foundation have always been his weaknesses. Of course, I don't take advantage of them. Sometimes my composition is biased and the topic is not new. The most important thing is that I am not careful about the topic. If I can think about the next topic carefully, how to write it more appropriately and how to write it better, Then my performance will not only improve, but also the gap between me and him will certainly open.

When I rest, he is running, and when I run, he is also running. I have to redouble my efforts to correct my own shortcomings in order to reach a higher level. Youzhou, I will definitely surpass you!

Although we compete with each other in study, our friendship in life is very profound. Play basketball together, chat together, play together Our time together is spent in joy. We are inseparable friends.

You Zhou, let's all correct our shortcomings, study hard, and have a real fight!

Feeling after reading "Thank You Opponents"

After reading "Thank You for Your Opponents", I felt that recently, I was reading the book "Thank You for Your Opponents". I just read the beginning of the book, and I became a treasure. Because this book contains countless truths, it makes me deeply educated. Opponents are often in people's minds "serious troubles". They are regarded as "nails in the flesh" and "thorns in the eye", and we wish they could come out as soon as possible. However, we have to think carefully. Only with an opponent can we have the idea of defeating the opponent and becoming a strong one. Therefore, having an opponent, especially a strong opponent, is a kind of fate, a kind of strength, a whip, a dose of heart enhancer, and a pair of propellers. The opponent is a kind of power, which always encourages and pushes us forward. Because there is an opponent, when we are in danger, we will be inspired by him to overcome all difficulties and obstacles to win. Let's talk about the story of wolves and deer: people organized the Borzoi action to protect the deer. What was the result? The wolf is all dead, and the deer will not become the food of the beast. However, the deer has no opponent -- the wolf. Since then, it has become greedy, lazy, and finally all dead. Yes! If an animal has no opponent, it will become lifeless. Similarly, if a person has no rivals, he will become willing to be mediocre, develop inertia, and eventually lead to mediocrity and inaction. Now, I finally understand that your opponent is not your "enemy". Maybe he is your "benefactor"! First of all, because there will be competition when we have competitors with equal or even higher strength. In the competition, competitors will stimulate our potential. In the competition, we can grow up and become stronger. If we win in the competition, we will have a sense of achievement, become winners, and add a little confidence. Everyone should have a suitable opponent. Cooperating with him in the competition will become more powerful. Life will be wonderful with competition! We should be grateful to our strong competitors!

Competition with competitors

Competition with competitors

Huang Yuchen

On the first day of the semester, our fifth grade was re divided into classes, and the new teacher replaced us. My colleague was my opponent. After finishing the first unit of mathematics, we began our first mathematics test.

This time, I was confident. I scored 96 points when the test paper was handed out. The teacher selected a competitor for us according to the famous times. My opponent was Zhuang Ruiqi, a little fat man.

At first, the two of us were very young. Nobody pays attention to anyone, but one thing makes us very good friends. One morning, I hurried to the school. Yesterday, as soon as I got home, I was hungry. I was so busy eating that I forgot to do the last question. At school, I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but when he came to the classroom, he kindly said to me, "The teacher said this question yesterday. I suddenly became happy. "Go, go outside." What I said that day made him admire me. On this day, I found my bosom friend.

But after the monthly exam, we became serious again and began to compete. I won't let him in school, and he won't let me. I firmly believe that we must study hard and listen carefully, but he pays more than I do, and I'm not as good as him every time the test papers are issued.

In this way, we are competitors in class, but he is my intimate friend in my spare time.

Instructor Cui Meiru

Competition, I thank you

Competition encourages us to make progress, to fight bravely, and to make progress in the face of difficulties. Competitors are even more valuable wealth in life, which can not be bought with money

In fact, competitors are like torrents. You are a raft, competing with each other. If you fail or give up, you will not advance, you will retreat. If you win, you will advance bravely

In real life, we all want to be brave people, but this needs the help of competition. Especially for our students, if we want to achieve good results, we can't be without a sense of competition. For example, mountains and rivers are fought down. Achievements are fought out

The final stage of the second volume of the first year of the junior high school was the best opportunity for me to prove myself, because I made rapid progress, had little pressure and had enough confidence. However, 20 days before the final exam, Zhou Jie suddenly said to me that I would definitely surpass you in the final exam. Wait. At that time, I didn't care much, but in the subsequent exams, he always got the upper hand. Whenever he was better than me in the final exam, I will say contemptuously, "See, strength". Suddenly, an inexplicable pressure hit me, making me feel a fear. Under the intense competition, I had the idea of giving up. I really need to think quietly: will I be surpassed? Am I inferior to him? Thinking, the past scenes come back to my mind. Every day I study late at night and give up going to cram school on weekends... After hard work, I will always be happy. Hard work will pay off, and competition is the only way to succeed. Thinking of this, all the depression has been solved. In the last '10 days, I put aside the pressure and studied twice. Finally, I exceeded Zhou Jie in the final exam, and gradually reached the peak in the process of competition

At the same time, I would also like to thank Zhou Jie. It is the opponent who arouses our fighting spirit and urges us to make progress. It is the opponent who helps us to reach a higher level and make ourselves more perfect. Life cannot be separated from the opponent, and competition is the best way to make progress. After all, the strong wind knows the strong grass, and the strong fire knows the true gold. The distance is just the horse power, and the old days see the people's heart

Thank your opponent

Keyword: Thank your opponent Thank your opponent In the study, work and career of composition, everyone may meet your opponent, and everyone hopes to surpass your opponent. But no matter success or failure, we should thank our competitors, because they compete with you and climb the mountain of learning with you. He is a stimulant and propeller for you to climb the mountain of learning. Opponents are often friends. I have such a rival friend, Chen Jie. Chen Jie is a good student who cares about the collective, is willing to help others, and has excellent achievements. The day I stepped into Class 4, Grade 5 of Yankui Primary School, I knew him. In the communication and play with this rival friend, I am studying hard in silence, because I want to surpass him. I remember the first time in Yan Kui's Chinese exam, my score was not ideal, not 90 points, but Chen Jie was several points higher than me. I was very sad and disappointed. My heart was as cold as ice. I had a leisurely afternoon class at school, and the bell after school called me back from the disappointed world. Standing on the busy street in a cold sweat, I always feel that the world seems to have abandoned me. Mom came to pick me up, and I slowly climbed onto the car seat. My mother saw through my trembling. She looked at me, and I told my mother my grades with a trembling voice. Mother didn't speak, but I could see five words on her face: Mother was angry! Since then, I have studied hard, but I will play and talk with my rivals and friends after class. Time is flowing away in learning and playing. Having learned the lesson of the first exam, I read the questions carefully and answered them carefully in the second exam. Finally, I beat my rivals and friends by several points. I was very happy that day. I always felt that the sky was blue for me, the birds were calling for me, the flowers were opening for me, and the wind was blowing for me... There was a happy boy on the busy street. Mom came to pick me up. I almost jumped on the bus. My mother saw through my mind like a magician, and she smiled. Later, my mother said to me, "I have made progress in this exam, and I will try to get a higher score next time." She also told me that we should work together with our rivals and cheer together. Opponents are their own pressure, but also their own motivation. Moreover, the greater the pressure from the opponent, the stronger the motivation will be. Competitors compete and promote each other. Especially in the arena, without opponents, there will be no vitality. Thank you! Because opponents are stimulants and propellers that help you climb to the peak of learning. Thank my rival friend Chen Jie. I will always be his opponent and friend.


Competitors, as the name suggests, are people who compete with themselves. The opponent will not only compete with us, but also become a driving force to motivate us. Therefore, the opponent is very important. He can not only make us have goals, but also overcome difficulties and achieve final success.

Everyone will meet more than one opponent. They may not be human, but may be one thing. They will bring us different troubles and difficulties, but they will be defeated or overcome by us in the end.

When I was young, my opponent was dependent on my parents. Every time I go out, I may sometimes stay with my friends, grandparents or aunts. It's OK to have my parents with me. If I don't have them, I may promise in the daytime, and I will definitely cry at night to go home, no matter how late or far away. This situation lasted for a long time until I went to primary school.

Slowly, I became sensible and began to understand that if I did not change this problem, it would have a great impact on me. So I began to try to change this problem, and my dependence on my parents became my opponent.

I began to try to live at my grandma's house or aunt's house. At first, I still didn't get used to it. The idea of going home at night came back to me, and I couldn't sleep as before. I wanted to give up, but I thought this time I had to stick to it for so long. So I slowly got up, but finally fell asleep. When I woke up the next day, I was very surprised. I finally managed to survive the night. They all said that everything was difficult at the beginning. I made a good start, and I will succeed!

With the first successful experience, my subsequent attempts were successful, and I finally defeated my opponent and relied on my parents.

It is not just that one opponent, but also that we will encounter countless opponents in life. As long as we have the belief that we will win, we can certainly defeat it.

When a reporter asked Liu Xiang whether his biggest opponent in the Olympic Games was Cuba's young player Robles, Liu Xiang said: "The biggest opponent is himself, as long as he wins, it is a victory!"

No matter who the opponent is, he will eventually be defeated, but he is an eternal opponent!

Embrace your opponent

Embrace your opponent

From childhood to adulthood, my personality belongs to the kind of person who is very powerful. The opponent who wants to surpass in the heart must decide the outcome before giving up. At that stage, I worked as hard as I could to defeat my competitors. No matter who is my friend or who I know, I will be treated as an enemy (of course, purely legitimate competition) until that time, He changed my mind

It was on a monthly test in Grade 5. Because he had studied hard before, his performance had always been in front of me. Fortunately or unfortunately, he became my competitor. The original class of Gemini slowly began to show signs of fragmentation under the shadow of the exam. On the Sunday before the exam, he called me to go home to review together, but I was hesitant when I would be happy to agree. At this critical moment, it might have unexpected results, but he is my opponent. No, I can't do it with him. After thinking for a while, I timidly rejected him, Although he pleaded repeatedly, I still didn't get excited. Before I hung up the phone, I heard his heavy sigh and felt uneasy. Yes, it was really an immoral act to exchange someone's sincerity for his rejection, but it was also unavoidable to surpass him!

With the passing of the monthly exam, the whole person's body and mind relaxed a lot, but at the same time, he was slightly nervous, and the ground of his right eye was beating frequently, which seemed to indicate that my performance was not ideal. Sure enough, the composition of the Chinese examination paper was somewhat off the topic, which made this subject dozens of points lower than him. Even if other subjects were better than him, I could not surpass him. Looking at the black clouds outside the window, I really realized my mistake, and tears could not help pouring out. I quickly lowered my head and secretly wiped the tears from the corner of my eyes. Suddenly, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder, Looking back, it was him. He comforted me and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't pass the exam, it's just a test! Ha ha." Looking at his innocent smile, I hugged the opponent, who is not only my opponent, but also my best friend!

In a sense, your opponent is also your friend. We should cherish this memory and keep such a lucky thing in our mind forever.


I never like to compete with others. I am always unknown in my class. There is a boy at my right back table.

One day in PE class, I ran the relay race side by side with him. Because I was nervous, I ran across the road. He tried to push me back, but I suddenly fell down. He became my friend.

The teacher arranged a match. My opponent was two girls. Although I didn't compete with him, I always wanted to compete with him, and he became my opponent.

Grade 4 is coming to an end, and the final exam is a rare opportunity for me to compete with him. I turned around and asked him, "Have you reviewed well?" He said, "Not at all.". This kind of opponent is difficult to deal with and unpredictable. "Go to the small garden to review this afternoon! I'll treat you to ice lollies."

"Why did you get 83 points in your math test?". "Aren't we rivals? Surpassing each other is what we should do. How did he help me?" I was surprised at his kindness.

This opponent, in order to determine the high and low, does not miss every opportunity. The balance of the mind does not allow any violation of the rules. But he is not ordinary. In order to compete fairly with me, he also came to help me and put us on a horizontal line. We are rivals and brothers.

My competitors (18)

In real life or work and study, everyone has written a composition. A composition is a style composed of words, which expresses a theme through language organization after people's thinking. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. Here are my competitors and classmates' excellent compositions collected and sorted out by Xiao Bian. Welcome to learn and reference, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

The two roles of opponent and friend seem to be opposite, but in my life, the opponent and friend are played by one person, Xiao Ming, my classmate.

(1) Fight in secret

Xiao Ming is thin and small, but he has big, flickering eyes and is full of resourcefulness. He was appointed as my "master" by the teacher with outstanding achievements, but I always regarded him as an opponent and fought with him secretly. In our daily study, there seems to be a wall between us. I don't want to communicate with him. When he comes to me to discuss problems, I also deliberately pretend to be careless: If I teach you, when can I surpass you? I have always been complacent about my attitude, but what happened next made me ashamed.

(2) Plagiarism

After school that day, I went to the teacher's office to ask questions. When I came back, the corridor was quiet, and the students probably had gone home. When I came to the door of the classroom, the scene in front of me made me angry: through the glass on the door, I saw Xiao Ming sitting on my seat reading my summary book. He frowned from time to time, wrote something with his pen, stretched his eyebrows from time to time, and looked over with interest. So he is plagiarizing! I have worked hard to sum up that! I pushed the door open, rushed to him angrily and grabbed the summary book: "What are you doing?"

(3) Be at ease

He smiled slightly: "Sorry, without your consent, I accidentally saw your class notes, and found that your summary was not comprehensive. I helped you to add the missing points. There was also a question mark. Once I saw the problem, I couldn't help but solve it, and tried to do it." I lowered my head in doubt and opened the book in my hand, Sure enough, he wrote a hint on the geometry problem I hadn't thought of all the time - it can be proved by four points sharing a circle. I felt a burst of gratitude, mixed with guilt, and doubted him for no reason. It was really wrong! I looked up and saw his faint smile and kind eyes. I didn't know what to say for a moment. He seemed to understand me and casually patted me on the shoulder, but he said firmly: "We can be rivals in learning, but we are more friends!"

After the final exam, I got the report card. I was ahead of Xiao Ming by one point, but I was not happy. "Congratulations, I'm going in front of Shifu." Xiaoming's clear voice sounded in my ear, "Xiaoming, I..." "What's the matter, I'm not happy to win? Although you have won me this time, I will take you as an opponent to catch up. Only in this way can we make progress together!" What a simple words, what a generous mind.

What a lovely friend! The "opponent" who competed with me is also the "friend" who pushed me. It's good to know you, Xiao Ming! My biggest competitor, my best friend!

My competitors (19)

She has short hair, big eyes, fat body, and a small mouth that can speak. She is my opponent - Yang Yang.

After several years of schoolmates coming down, I have a very deep relationship with her and let each other do everything. However, there has always been a big gap between our scores. Every time Yang Yang fails in the exam, I will sincerely encourage her and explain some questions she does not understand.

However, I don't know when her grades are going up bit by bit. Now Yang Yang has become my strong rival in learning. But I stood still. In addition, Yang Yang has many advantages. For example, he did not show any pride even though he did well in the exam; As for me, as long as my exam results exceed those of my classmates, I will feel complacent and even feel light when I walk. I am almost swaggering.

The ancients said: "Modesty makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind". This sentence is all right. Now the difference between my performance and Yang Yang's is more than one hundred and eight thousand miles. I can hardly keep up with her. So, every time she gets good grades, I will be jealous: Why is she always better than me? Why can't I surpass her? What secret does she have to learn?

I decided to launch an "investigation" operation. Every time I have class, I always look at Yang Yang from time to time. Wow! She listened carefully and attentively, as if she wanted to hear every word and sentence of the teacher. What surprised me more was that she had to do what she called "rumination" after class - review the past and learn the new. No wonder her grades are so good. In addition, Yang Yang's father said that Yang Yang would do some math problems every night. He didn't go to bed until nine o'clock. He got up at six o'clock in the morning and began to read English early. After reading, he reviewed the key contents of Chinese. Finally, he recited the text calmly and skillfully at school. No wonder her achievements have improved little by little, and she has succeeded in surpassing her former self. But I have been spending time in jealousy. Alas, it's really ridiculous!

She is always an excellent person. I will turn jealousy into motivation, and I will start to work hard to become an excellent person. I will take her as the motivation for learning. I believe I will surpass Yang Yang in the near future!

Yang Yang, you are my opponent and my good friend. Let's go hand in hand!

My competitors (20)

We need a lot of rivals in our life to urge and encourage us to make progress.

For each exam, each of us has selected competitors for ourselves while reviewing. We want to surpass our competitors in the exam.

I have also selected an opponent for myself, because the opponent is the direction we strive to move forward. I worked hard and studied hard. Finally, after the exam, my scores improved by one or two hundred, surpassing my competitors.

From ancient times to the present, all the vigorous undertakings and the history of Fanggu are the result of fierce battles with rivals. Lu Xun is very great, and half of his greatness also needs rivals. Hu Shi, Guo Moruo, and Liang Shiqiu are all literary giants. In order to defeat these rivals, Lu Xun used all his skills to have the articles that sparkle with wisdom and his lofty literary status. Every step of Yao Ming's success is inseparable from the encouragement and approach of his opponents. Shaquille O'Neal is an important competitor in Yao Ming's life. Opponents and opponents encourage and create obstacles one after another in the game. When they overcome obstacles, Yao Ming will move forward. In the competition with powerful opponents, Yao Ming finally becomes the top center in the NBA.

Life needs rivals, and life without rivals is incomplete. Because the opponent can stimulate our willpower. It is because we are unwilling to lag behind that the opponent can urge us not to slack off and always forge ahead; Opponents can make us keep a sense of crisis and never fall behind. If a person has no opponent, he is likely to fall behind. If he has no opponent, he will become arrogant. If he has no opponent, he will enjoy himself. If he has no opponent, he will be short-sighted. In the end, he will be abandoned by the times.

From now on, find a competitor and a goal that can motivate you. As soon as I see him, I can find my own shortcomings and the gap between myself and him. As soon as I compare with him, I dare not relax, and I will fight with the spirit of twelve points. As soon as I think of him, I will be full of unyielding spirit, and I will think about how to score higher and lower. If I have such an opponent as my partner, I can establish a strong sense of opponent.

We need rivals in our life. It is precisely because we have rivals that we can become more substantial, forge ahead and move towards the other shore of success in life.