600 words of good teachers around (6 recommended)
Sakura of Fog Island
2023-09-01 06:28:38

600 words of good teachers (1)

This article, "600 words of essays from good teachers around me", is arranged by the composition collection of primary school students for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

"Hao Kaipeng, put on your clothes and don't get cold." Listen, how kind the voice is. This is the voice of my teacher, Mr. Jia. Maybe you will think the teacher is fierce; Maybe you think the teacher is very annoying; Maybe you will speak ill of the teacher behind his back; But in my eyes, Mr. Jia is just like my mother, taking care of me carefully. In class, Mr. Jia imparted knowledge to us without reservation; After class, Mr. Jia sometimes plays and plays games with us. Teacher Jia is broad-minded and selfless. He will not hate a person because of a trivial matter.

It was an ordinary morning. I was walking on my way to school. My light footsteps walk on the hard ground, making my mood happy. I saw Mr. Jia and said hello to him. Mr. Jia also said hello to me. Teacher Jia stopped me when he saw that I was about to hit a tree. Although I didn't hit the tree, Mr. Jia hit a telephone pole for me. Teacher Jia fell to the ground. I stood there in a panic and did not help Teacher Jia to stand up. Teacher Jia sat on the ground, covering his forehead with his hand. An old woman saw this and hurried to help Teacher Jia up. After Mr. Jia stood up, he said "thank you" to her several times. When the old woman saw that Teacher Jia was ready, she hurried away. My eyes fixed on Mr. Jia, and I felt uneasy, ashamed and nervous. After that, Mr. Jia didn't scold me deliberately, and let me remember this matter with deep and deep memory.

Mr. Jia was hurt for me, and I felt his deep love for me. In this regard, I often use this thing to encourage myself: never fail to live up to teacher Jia's expectations of me, and I will repay teacher Jia with my excellent achievements and good performance. This is my good teacher!

600 words of good teachers (2)

Some people say that it is your parents who accompany you for the last half of your life; It is your partner who will accompany you for the rest of your life. The teacher is the one who accompanies you and gives you infinite knowledge.

Miss Huang is a good teacher beside me. He is very fat, with a blessing in his fat. He led all the students in Zhuoyuan class to march forward bravely. Looking back on the more than one semester of Grade 8, we worked hard. Under the command of Mr. Huang, we fought numerous "wars", big and small, and created miracles one after another.

Think of the school opening ceremony in the first semester of Grade 8

I stood on the playground in the scorching sun. At the beginning, I was energetic and seemed to have saved enough energy. But as time went by, I could not bear it anymore. God, I haven't exercised for a long time. I had no problem standing for a whole day, but I can't stand it in less than an hour. While leaning down, I prayed that the teacher on the rostrum would finish his speech quickly. But the teacher kept talking, and my strength was almost exhausted. What should I do?

Miss Huang, who had been observing at the back, seemed to see my discomfort and hurried to ask me, "Zhen Jie, are you all right?" As I said, "All right, all right", my body fell down dishonestly. Miss Huang hurriedly asked another girl to help me up and help me to a cool place. Gradually, I lost consciousness

Someone was stabbing me with a needle, but I didn't feel any pain at all. Gradually, I realized that Miss Huang had asked a teacher who knew acupuncture to treat me. When I woke up, the teacher asked me if I was better. Miss Huang also ran to buy me a bottle of water. Seeing that I was getting better, Miss Huang called my mother again. Soon, my mother came to pick me up. When I left, I looked at Mr. Huang and saw us. I felt very lucky because I had a good teacher.

This good teacher will "tease" me when I sit down with my schoolbag on my back: "I'm so tired, and my schoolbag is still there?" He will take me to rest when I feel uncomfortable; When we are already asleep, we will make growth videos day and night... Which teacher will take care of us so meticulously?

Miss Huang, a good teacher beside me, is the only one.

600 words of good teachers (3)

Teacher Yao teaches her students to be active and has rich feelings. Her class time always passes quickly. Mr. Yao gave a very detailed lecture. Whether it was to analyze the text or explain knowledge, Mr. Yao quoted a lot from other sources, which was vivid and interesting. We listened with great interest. Teacher Yao is also very serious in correcting homework. Those who want to be lazy cannot escape the teacher's bright eyes.

Every morning, Mr. Yao would come to the classroom early and read aloud. After all, the plan of a year is spring, and the plan of a day is morning. Teacher Yao regards the classroom as her home. Whenever something is not clean, she always tries to clean up the stains with her classmates. When she sees waste paper, she will bow her head and pick it up to set an example for us. We are often reminded to pay attention to personal hygiene and change clothes in time.

The teacher treats us like a mother treats her children. She divides her love into 34 parts, each of which is unreservedly poured into us. Whenever we have questions that we don't understand, she always tries her best to give us solutions; When I did not do well in the exam, the teacher was more anxious than we were; Whenever we get hurt, the teacher will give us greetings in time. In short, the teacher taught us about right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness.

Ah! Dear Mr. Yao, you are the gardener and we are the flowers. You feed us with your hard sweat. I hope that we can become the pillars of the country as soon as possible. Your sweat will not be wasted and your hard work will not be wasted. You can rest assured that we will work hard to make you satisfied with our ideal results.

Mr. Yao, you are a good teacher beside me. With your care and care, we will grow up healthily.

600 words of good teachers (4)

I can't forget that when I first met him, he was dressed in a casual summer dress. He was not tall and his skin was dark. When we first entered the class, we couldn't believe that he was actually an English teacher. But when he made a fluent and profound self introduction in English on the platform and made our whole class quiet, we really realized that we had met a good English teacher.

Teacher Fan is very kind, and all the students in the class like to joke with him or talk with him heart to heart. What impressed me most is that Teacher Fan gave birth to a baby last semester. After two weeks' absence, the smile on Teacher Fan's face is even heavier, just like a jar full of honey, sweet! We are also happy for Mr. Fan from the bottom of our hearts. We prefer to look at his cute computer desktop and make a loud exclamation. We will also ask him about the baby's recent situation and giggle.

Speaking of Mr. Fan's English teaching, it's really amazing! I like the slides of words and phrases produced by him in each unit best. The trivial grammar and collocations of common words form a network structure in my mind after listing and sorting out, which are connected and complementary. I still remember one time when Teacher Fan hit five predictions for the college entrance examination on the screen. At the beginning, we were a little careless. We were shocked by the answers reported by the teacher. We had to admire Teacher Fan's insight. He could cut our weaknesses like a scalpel, making us more comprehensive and improving our English faster.

Teacher Fan is more dedicated. Every time he reads English early or listens to English, he will go to the class to inspect and urge us to complete it carefully; Every English homework he will carefully correct, and pick out the easy to make mistakes focused on analysis; After each English exam, he will make detailed statistics on the completion of the test paper and help us analyze the scores and points lost in the composition.

Love in heart and practice in action. Teacher Fan must be the lovely students who love him deeply. We also admire him from the bottom of our hearts. This is a good teacher around us. He is very ordinary and ordinary, but he is great and brilliant.

Good teachers around 600 words (5)

When it comes to the title of teacher, everyone has different feelings. Some students are afraid, and some students respect. And me? More is love.

I just transferred to this school from last semester, and everything was so strange. It was the kind teachers who helped me get through this difficulty, and I quickly adapted to the new school and class. Among many teachers, my favorite is Chinese teacher Wang Nina.

Mr. Wang has beautiful hair, which has been ironed into a cute little roll, adding a little beauty. From the first day of Chinese class, I noticed Miss Wang's eyes. The most special part of these eyes: bright, especially bright. The pair of watery eyes were like dew shining on lotus leaves in the morning. The teacher's eyes are not only beautiful, but also can talk! When I actively expressed my opinions in class, the teacher's eyes fell on me as if to say, "Come on, you are great!" When I sometimes wander or make small movements in class, the teacher seemed to say to me, "You should pay attention to the lecture in class." It is these eyes that constantly encourage and urge me, so that I do not feel proud or inferior. It is these eyes that help me grow up healthily.

I remember one day, my leg suddenly hurt deeply, and I didn't tell the teacher. I thought I just knocked somewhere, and I'll be fine later. Who knows that the leg still hurts in the afternoon, and the pain is getting worse. Fine beads of sweat oozed from my head, and my legs seemed to break. Mr. Wang seemed to see my discomfort, and quickly walked over to touch my forehead, and asked me thoughtfully: "What's the matter? Are you sick? Get down on the table and rest, and I will contact my mother immediately." Mr. Wang's bright eyes were full of anxiety.

Mr. Wang not only cares for us, but also is very dedicated.

Noon is the teacher's break time. But Mr. Wang uses this time to change our homework every time, every day. I think this is the reason why Mr. Wang is not in good health. Miss Wang fell ill last semester. During these days, we all miss her very much. We all want to see her kind smile, but we want her to have a rest at home for a while. Only a week later, Miss Wang returned to her job. She was worried about our "troublemakers".

The autumn wind is cool, and the fallen leaves are fluttering in the air, as if writing a thanksgiving movement. Teacher, it's the season to bless you again, but how can my childish pen express the thousand words in my heart? Only a word from the bottom of my heart flows out of the tip of the pen: "Thank you, teacher!"

A good teacher nearby writes a 600 word composition for junior high school students

There is no earthshaking, insufferable, enviable wealth and power, no temporary fame and honor, no leisurely comfort and ease, just ordinary, ordinary, almost trivial. This is the life portrayal of our teachers. In the big group of Shixiao, in the insipid and trivial, right beside me, there have emerged many moving good teachers. But the teacher I admire most is Zheng Yuehua.

Teacher Zheng is an angel who spreads knowledge. In class, your voice is always high and low, strong and weak... It is like a clear spring in the mountains, flowing slowly through the hearts of children. The rich expressions in your class lead the children to feel the joys and sorrows of the world with you. You are sometimes in high spirits, that is, you are telling children about the ever-changing achievements of the motherland; You are sometimes glaring, that is, you are exposing the barbaric acts of the imperialist aggressors; You nod silently sometimes, which is your full affirmation of the children's research and learning achievements; You often smile, which is your sincere encouragement to the children's progress... You are rigorous in teaching, dedicated and refined, and are our model!

Mr. Zheng is a frank friend. After class, you are a big friend of the children. You talk, play, and explore with the children together... Asking for warmth to the children is like sending a warm stove in the cold winter, and the children suddenly warm up; Playing with children is like a lonely child ushering in a kind mother, and the children are immediately happy; To have a heart to heart talk with children is like the bright sun shining into the children's hearts, and the children are suddenly bright; You are the children's closest friend. You are gentle and kind-hearted, and love life as a child. You are our model!

Mr. Zheng is a tireless teacher. You are an experienced head teacher. Whenever we encounter problems in teaching, you always take the trouble to analyze and solve them for us; Whenever we are lack of confidence, you always encourage us sincerely and open my heart one by one; We can always see your continuous learning in our spare time... You are united, friendly and positive, and are our model!

Small things see spirit, ordinary things see greatness. This is Zheng Yuehua, a good teacher beside me. Like thousands of other excellent teachers, she works and lives beside us in a down-to-earth manner, without earth shaking deeds. Some of them are firm beliefs about education and solemn commitments to work and life, career and ideals with their own words and deeds. Thank you, Mr. Zheng, for giving me the power to pursue progress in the future.

A good teacher beside me writes a 600 character composition for junior high school students

When I typed these nine powerful words into my computer, my thoughts immediately flew to my work post and returned to my familiar colleagues. The scenes of working and getting along with my colleagues in the garden every day flashed in my mind like a movie... I can say without exaggeration that in my mind, Any teacher in our Hehai Kindergarten can be called a good employee!

Early childhood education is a special industry with strong professionalism and particularity. Every teacher in every corner of the park, no matter who sees the parents and children coming for consultation, always shows a sincere smile

Let's praise our principal Wan first. You can always see her busy figure when the first ray of sunshine falls on the earth in the morning. Look at the safety factor of outdoor equipment; What is the working status of teachers that day; Whether they need help in teaching and life; Look at the state of children entering the kindergarten... Her love and sense of responsibility affect every one of our employees all the time. She is more like an experienced "helmsman", leading us to set sail.

My teacher, Miss Wan Jie, has just become a mother. However, in order to create a kindergarten, she sacrificed a lot of time to accompany her children. She also blames herself, but her strong sense of responsibility makes her work hard and busy for the school. She was happy to say to me: blossoming began to learn to speak! However, the first thing we learned was not mother, but father. Let's think about it, which mother does not want her child to learn to say the first word is "mother"? Because the work is too busy, the task of accompanying the child falls on the father of the child, so the child learned to call the father first! I also want to praise the blossoming father here.

Speaking of my father, I have to praise my teacher Hao, who is one of the two male teachers in our kindergarten. This year, I am honored to be able to work with him. He is really like the father of all the children in our class. He works hard and carefully. Every morning, you can see him and the children jumping on the playground, He is a good teacher who can infect others. Under his guidance, children can always play happily all morning. I often wonder if Mr. Hao has ever been a soldier, because the quilt he folded is literally the most tidy in the whole park. I suggest the park leaders hold a quilt folding contest to see if our teacher Hao is the first!

Dear colleagues, pay more attention to your good colleagues, because good colleagues are everywhere, because we are in a united, friendly, harmonious and progressive collective. Everyone knows that good children boast, and I think good teachers boast even more! Let's always boast about the good teachers and colleagues around us, so that everyone will have more confidence and enthusiasm!

A good teacher beside me writes a 600 character composition for junior high school students

There are many teachers around me, such as math teacher, English teacher, politics teacher, physics teacher, history teacher, biology teacher, etc., but one teacher is very good, he is our language teacher Zhou. Now let me tell you what's good about Teacher Zhou!

Teacher Zhou is very serious in class. If any student makes trouble, she will use harsh words to train him. Sometimes, when our class starts to mess up, other teachers are so worried that they beat and scold. When we were in Chinese class, Ms. Zhou didn't use harsh words to teach the students a lesson, but used euphemism. For example, when Ms. Zhou was speaking with a classmate, she would say, "A classmate, stop talking", If you don't listen to "I don't think it's important that you handle your affairs first. It doesn't matter when I talk in my class, or whether I talk in a class. It's all about these things anyway". The teacher's words were both tactful and reasonable, so the students quieted down and the teacher began to lecture. The teacher talked about more than 20 minutes in class, and then gave the rest of the time to the students. They need to remember to write, memorize the text they need to memorize, and ask the teacher again if they don't understand. The teacher once wrote a composition for our class on her blog, and there is a sentence like this: "I always enter the teacher with a happy mood, but leave the teacher with a very frustrated mood", which shows that the discipline of our class is very poor, and teacher Zhou is very dissatisfied with us. Teacher Zhou not only speaks well in class, but also is a responsible person. She doesn't want students to whisper when she is lecturing. The teacher can ignore the words and continue to speak. But why does the teacher care? It is because you don't study and affect other students. Teacher Zhou's good performance is that no matter how angry we are in class, she will not hold grudges. Teacher Zhou once said in a class, "I have been angry and angry with you a lot, but I forget after class and never bear grudges with students". Mr. Zhou never looks down on you, but looks at you with an encouraging eye.

The good teacher beside me is Mr. Zhou! I learned from her that surfing the Internet can not only play games, but also learn how to revise compositions, how to do something meaningful, and so on. Know that there must be many good teachers around you! Then write it out, let's share it!

600 words of good teachers (6)

At first, I was not interested in books, but since my father bought me a copy of The Water Margin, I felt Wu Song's pride, Lu Zhishen's spirit, Wu Yong's wisdom and courage... deeply moved, and this book has become my favorite.

In "Outlaws of the Marsh", Wu Song's fight against tigers made me feel deeply!

Wu Song drank 18 bowls of "Three bowls of wine without a hillock" at Jingyanggang, and then went on his way unsteadily. When he came to Jingyanggang, he was very tired and sat down to rest. But at the moment when Wu Songgang sat down, a tiger rushed out, and Wu Song and the tiger had a fierce fight. Until dusk, Tiger finally died under Wu Song's hard fists, and Wu Song became a tiger fighting hero.

How brave Wu Song is! I admire him very much because

One day after school, I still walked home by the path. When I was only a little way from home, two dogs were tied to the path. The two dogs were very fierce. I was about to approach them when they barked twice. The four legs were on the ground from time to time, as if ready to meet the "battle". I slowly walked over, leaning to the roadside, afraid of being bitten, the dog went to the middle of the road and blocked the road, his mouth wriggled, as if to launch an "attack". I was so scared that I ran back before he bit me. I could have gone home directly, but because I was timid, I made a big circle before going home.

Now, I have learned that in the face of difficulties, we should not be afraid. If I had marched forward bravely at that time, I would not have spared a large circle of "injustice". After reading the Water Margin, I learned to be strong, and I became more fond of reading.

A book is an umbrella in the rain, an oasis in the desert, a rainbow after rain, and a "good teacher" who often accompanies me!