Writing composition with classmates (17 refined articles)
Youth remains
2023-08-13 07:49:33

Write a composition with classmates (1)

She is described in one word. lovely? good? Friendly? optimistic? No, no, no, these words are not suitable for her. Only one word "domineering" can describe her.

Every time you eat, no matter in the canteen or dormitory, no matter who it is, you will grab it, just like a cat sees a mouse! I remember once, we had snacks in the dormitory after dinner. As soon as we ate, she came back, but she didn't grab food from us. There was something wrong at first sight. We asked her what was wrong, and she said that she had quarreled with her best friend. That's simple. It didn't take us a few minutes to make her "cloudy and clear" with our small mouths that can be called crosstalk. Alas, she is fine. Our snacks have suffered again.

Our housekeeper has a lot of teachers. Sometimes the housekeeper goes to bed early, so we take advantage of that time to sleep in the same bed. She insisted on sleeping with me. OK, just go to sleep. However, she slept very dishonestly. After a while, he kicked me and dragged my quilt away. Sometimes, like a long man, he put it in the "big" character. I can stand these things. What I can't stand most is that she talks in her sleep.

When she was talking in her sleep, her voice was so loud that I could only call her up. She was angry when I called her up. At this time, my heart is extremely collapsed. Meditate in my heart: I will not sleep with you next time. But once she is coquettish, I will be soft hearted. I can't do it if I don't let her come!

She is a careless person. It doesn't exist to leave half of what she says to her mouth. Therefore, if it is her fault that she quarrels with her girlfriend, it must be because of her unrestrained mouth. You can think of it with your heels.

When she is in a good mood, no matter how noisy she is. When she is in a bad mood, she will immediately become a "tigress", as if she wants to eat people, as long as she says something more serious. At this time, it is better not to talk.

Write a composition with classmates (2)

My ` classmate, he is always pushed aside, so he usually chooses to go alone in class. He reads books and newspapers in his seat, plays ball games and runs by himself. In Wugu Primary School, many people have heard of his name, but he is not bad! He is my classmate, a different classmate.

On campus, he sometimes can't control himself and strangely provokes others, so what he provokes from time to time is only the "dirty" or angry fists of others! In this kind of environment, I feel lonely and helpless when I spend my school life hard! Although he did not say. In his mind, the school days should also be black and white, rather than rainbow like brilliance.

In fact, he is not bad! He is my classmate. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. Our classmates may overemphasize his shortcomings and ignore his lovely and kind-hearted side, so that they often conflict over little things, or look at him unfavorably, and attack him in groups. They never stand in his position to think about it, or turn a corner to look at it from another angle, He will be a good friend worth making contact with. I hope that through this apology, everything can start over again, and we can respect each other, so that the whole class can be harmonious, less hostile, and full of love.

Friendship is valuable. What is valuable is to reach out for help at a critical moment. I think I will never use words to tease or violence to bully him, build a bridge of friendship with him, and create a better future with my classmates. Let's start today!

Write a composition with classmates (3)

Speaking of my classmates, hey! It's a perfect word to describe him - stingy.

Outside the window, dark clouds are gathering, and there are some glittering and translucent things on God's sad face constantly falling... Looking at this scene, I can't help thinking of that.

On that day, I went to the Olympiad Maths Test with him. Looking around, many of the questions were learned by me, so I could do them easily. But on the way to "kill", I met a "fierce" who would trap me in the same place. I tried all kinds of ways, but I couldn't figure them out. At the critical moment, I sent him a "distress signal", but he turned a blind eye and used that piece of paper as draft paper. The most hateful thing was that he said, "Thank you!"! I was so angry that I patted him directly: "Hey, question 27, what is the corresponding 56. 73865%?" I kept my voice to the lowest level, afraid of being found "shooting indiscriminately". "Brother, it's not that I won't tell you, but this exam is very important. If you... Shh, here comes the teacher." The teacher looked back and forth and went out. Now there is no teacher in the examination room, so it's a good time to say, "Oh my god, stop honking and hawing, just like a girl, tell me quickly!" "No, it will hurt you. I can't do it to hurt my brother. Sorry, no comment!" "Shit! Don't pretend to be a gentleman, stingy, despised!"

He still did what he did and regarded me as air. Soon, the alarm sounded and I was completely desperate. It seemed that our army had been defeated.

After the exam, he still talked and laughed, and put his hand on my shoulder: "How was the exam? OK, I should be able to enter, I believe you!" "Cut, hypocrite, My eyes were full of grievances... Then I recalled the whole story of this matter and found that I was wrong.

Then one day I apologized to her, but he shook his head as if nothing had happened, scratched his head, and laughed heartily: "Low oil, when did it happen? Hee hee, I didn't expect you to have the same side!" "What? Say it again" "Ha ha, oh, yes, I'll tell you about that question!" "OK, thank you." "73/0. 367 * 3. 260% of them are looking for Factory Ding... "He pointed to the manuscript and explained to me word for word. I looked at him, but he still explained to me carefully without paying any attention to my side. After a while, he recovered. We looked at each other for several times, and couldn't help laughing. That smile is very bright.

Another time, we had a dispute over a small matter, and we refused to give way to each other. Just as I was about to raise my hand to strike each other, his eyes turned and he showed a very treacherous smile: "A gentleman will not do anything, do you want to be a hypocrite?" Hearing this, he had to put down his arms, but he said again: "It's great to change if you know your mistake!" Since all this has happened, we had no choice but to reunite with him.

By the way, he is my classmate xxx.

Write a composition with classmates (4)

The students I want to praise most are Chen Bo, Bi Yixian and Zhou Jingqi.

They all have a kind heart. Once, when Chen Bo saw that there were no napkins in the classroom, she brought a lot of napkins. She also saw that there were not many green plants in the classroom, so she brought a pot of green plants.

Here I want to praise Bi Yixian and Zhou Jingqi most. Once, I fell down. Bi Yixian and Zhou Jingqi helped me up quickly and sent me to the clinic. Then they went to eat. After dinner, they went to look for me again, but they couldn't find me in the classroom. They went to the junior high school and senior high school, but they still couldn't find me. Then they went back to the classroom. When I came back, they all gathered around and asked me with concern: "Where have you been?" I said, "I went to the hospital to have my needle stitched." They were shocked and said to me, "Do you feel pain?" I said, "No pain..." I was moved to tears after hearing their words.

There are many students like this in our class. It's warm to live in this big family.

Write a composition with classmates (5)

In the twinkling of an eye, I have been studying in a new school and new environment for a month, and those strange faces have gradually turned into familiar faces in my memory.

My deskmate on the first day of school, Jia Jia, was a cheerful, cheerful, ruddy faced, stout, short man with a big stomach. His favorite pastime was to eat and drink. In the bulge of fat on his face, he had a pair of small eyes, which looked like dough with two small coal balls embedded by naughty children. He has a short and thick nose. The nostrils are slightly lifted up, which is a bit provocative and naughty. His biggest feature is his ears. Those two strange ears can cover his eyes in case of wind and sand. His body is very strong, a pair of small arms fat white and strong, like a small mallet, he often raised his small fist, making a boxing posture. There is also a pair of short fat thighs, wearing fat pants, like two upright round pillows.

He likes to play cool in front of people; Sometimes he pretends to be pathetic, which is really funny. Therefore, we can always hear "gossip" about him in our class.

I remember one time, it was an English class, and Teacher Tang was giving us a lively lecture. At this time, I do not know who whispered to me and my classmates next to a "explosive news" - Jia Jia is looking at his belly. I didn't believe it. Looking at the corner of the classroom, I saw him lift up his clothes, revealing his round, chubby "fat meat". He was looking at his belly with puzzled eyes, and his hands were still playing with something from time to time. Looking at his embarrassment, I couldn't help laughing. Other students around him were also amused to death by his funny action, but he didn't know... Ah! This big fool!

I remember another time when I had a labor technology class. This time, I used cans to draw pictures. Since he forgot all the tools in the labor skill class, he was bored when we made them. So he had to pretend his angry and funny actions again, like a rascal, and said, "Hmm... Please, lend me scissors and cans to play with for a while?" "No, I have to finish my homework! Last time you broke my two cans, this time I won't be so stupid! " "Oh... please, it's the last time. I will never break it this time. I'm really boring!" I still don't believe him, because he promised that twice before, but the truth is! I was cruel, and answered his two cold words, "No way!" He looked miserable and disappointed, and said: "Wang Yuting, how can you be so cruel!......" I was really amused by his appearance.

This is him, a lively, cheerful, mischievous, intelligent but always make the teacher angry chubby little guy.

Write a composition with classmates (6)

Our monitor is Zhou Ziqi, only one word from my name, but we are very different. She not only studies well, but also grows very tall. Her big watery eyes are bright and attractive.

I remember in the first grade, the math teacher taught us to do a problem, and then say it again. My name echoed in the classroom when I was listening to a vague and half understood story. I stood up and hesitated without a word. The teacher invited Zhou Ziqi again, but she finished it at one go, and it was very detailed and complete. The teacher asked us to give her applause. I clapped my hands mechanically and really wanted to find a hole to drill down.

Zhou Ziqi not only studied well but also was very sorry. Once, when I played with her, I said to the words she wrote on the blackboard: "Zhou Ziqi, your handwriting is very beautiful". But she said, "My handwriting is not beautiful.".

Zhou Ziqi, in my eyes, is a good monitor who is excellent in both character and learning, and a good helper who is conscientious in the eyes of teachers. So I hope I can grow up quickly and get close to her.

Write a composition with classmates (7)

A melon seed face, a high forehead, two willow like eyebrows, big eyes, a tall and straight nose, a cherry like mouth, often wearing a blue hair clip on her head, Wenwen is quiet, and looks good when smiling. Guess who she is? She is my best friend, Zhang Yunqi.

Unlike us, Zhang Yunqi skips all day long and often violates discipline. Instead, she sits quietly in her seat, or chats with classmates, reads books, and occasionally fights with "crazy girls" like us. I like her very much.

Although Zhang Yunqi's learning is not as good as the "top students" in our class, her handwriting is very good. Once the teacher said to me, "Jiang Wenxuan, your handwriting is the best in our class. Why is Zhang Yunqi's handwriting the same as yours? Why are you wearing different clothes? Why are you different in height?" After hearing this, I was extremely ashamed and wanted to find a crack in the floor.

Zhang Yunqi not only has a quiet personality and good handwriting, but also can comfort people!

Once, a girl in our class had a conflict with He Jia, and mobilized other girls to ignore He Jia. He Jia was very sad and walked away crying, but Zhang Yunqi said it was wrong and ran to comfort He Jia: "It's OK. She is just angry for a while. After a while, it will be better. Don't be sad. Besides, they ignore you and me!" He Jia listened, As expected, he opened his eyes and smiled. After hearing what Zhang Yunqi said, a feeling of admiration arose spontaneously.

You see, this is my good friend Zhang Yunqi, a beautiful, quiet and excellent girl in all aspects.

Write a composition with classmates (8)

There are 41 students in our class. Everyone is a unique flower. Everyone has his own characteristics. Follow my pen to understand.

She, this is our new female classmate. She has a short stature, white skin, round, bright eyes, a small nose and reddish lips, which are extremely "harmonious" on her face. The most enviable thing is that she must have dark, fluffy hair, as well as those neat bangs, which together are wonderful.

Her math scores have always been very good, at least 90 points. It has something to do with her study habits. Every time, the words in her math homework book are beautiful and comfortable to watch. The correct rate in the exercise book is also very high. There is always a big and bright "A ☆" written in red pen on the book, and sometimes you can get "A ☆". When she works on a topic, she always lowers her head and silently does her own thing.

She won't haggle with others, so many students like to chat with her and become her friends. Her speed of speaking when answering questions is also very characteristic. She is always slow. The answers are complete and the analysis is thorough. She loves to laugh. Although she is sometimes serious in front of teachers, she is a humorous person in private. Her smile is also very beautiful. Her mouth grins slightly online, revealing neat, white teeth, and her eyes "gurgle", as if she is using some "crooked brain". It's really a ghost spirit.

She is such a person. After knowing her, do you want to know her name? Then I will tell you loudly: she is Lin Wen Xin!

Write a composition with classmates (9)

I have a classmate named Li Liming. He has a ruddy little face, like a bud in bud. The most interesting thing is neither his nose nor his mouth, but his small eyes. When others smile, they will narrow into a crack. Don't laugh, your eyes have become a seam.

Once, he was not on duty but helped a sick one to work. After his efforts, the classroom became clean. Sweat washed his face, and dust fell on his face again, making his face black. He picked up each group of small pieces of paper carefully. The dust under the teacher's desk was swept out again. After sweeping, the tables and chairs were put in place. A satisfied smile appeared on his face. He helped his sick classmate home slowly.

Once, the school organized a sports meeting. Li Xiang, a sprinter in our class, was so worried that he didn't bring his sneakers. Li Liming lent Li Xiang his sneakers when he saw them and put on his retired grey shoes. After the sports meeting, Li Xiang won the first prize for our class, while Li Liming won the sixth. But he was happy about Li Xiang's achievements.

This is Li Liming. If everyone has a heart as golden as his, what can't be solved?

Write a composition with classmates (10)

There are 41 students in our class. Everyone is a unique flower. Everyone has his own characteristics. Follow my pen to understand.

She, this is our new female classmate. She has a short stature, white skin, round, bright eyes, a small nose and reddish lips, which are extremely "harmonious" on her face. The most enviable thing is that she must have dark, fluffy hair, as well as those neat bangs, which together are wonderful.

Her math scores have always been very good, at least 90 points. It has something to do with her study habits. Every time, the words' written in her math homework book are very beautiful and comfortable. The correct rate in the exercise book is also very high. There is always a big and bright "A ☆" written in red pen on the book, and sometimes you can get "A ☆". When she works on a topic, she always lowers her head and silently does her own thing.

She won't haggle with others, so many students like to chat with her and become her friends. Her speed of speaking when answering questions is also very characteristic. She is always slow. The answers are complete and the analysis is thorough. She loves to laugh. Although she is sometimes serious in front of teachers, she is a humorous person in private. Her smile is also very beautiful. Her mouth grins slightly online, revealing neat, white teeth, and her eyes "gurgle", as if she is using some "crooked brain". It's really a ghost spirit.

She is such a person. After knowing her, do you want to know her name? Then I will tell you loudly: she is Lin Wen Xin!

Write a composition with classmates (11)

Transformation 1: Scholarly Beauty Girl

At the beginning of the new semester, I packed the things in my dormitory. When I came to the classroom, it was already a sea of joy, but I didn't know any of them, so I had to return to my seat silently. I began to notice my deskmate, a girl reading a book.

Her expression was focused, in sharp contrast to the noise around her. Her handsome face coupled with her dedicated expression suddenly made her less charming and more intelligent. I think even if Jia Baoyu saw it, he would praise "What a beautiful woman!"! At this time, the class bell rang. She put away her books and smiled at me. I nodded instinctively in surprise. But that smile was pretty good. That's probably what Bai Juyi said when he said, "One smile makes a hundred beauties"!

Transformation II: Literature and Art

It turns out that her name is Lei Xinran. She is not only my deskmate, but also our upper and lower bunks!

Not only that, she is also an art expert. If the school had not organized an art expert gathering, I would not have known that she could play flute. She is so secretive! Don't tell me, she really plays the flute in style!

Listen, she is practicing again! When she played Let's Play the Twin Paddles, I was intoxicated, as if I was in the scene; "Seven Color Light" brought me back to my colorful childhood; The lively and bright "Yao Dance Music" brings out the customs of ethnic minorities... It's really an auditory feast!

Transformation 3: learning from hegemony is endless

The word "learning bully" is not true, whether it is a bookish beauty girl or a little literary freshness.

When I look at the calm Lei Xinran in front of the high graded papers, I can no longer hold them. I looked at her, puzzled, and said: "How can you get so high? How can you?" She said shyly: "How can you say that

Is it really "playing the devil's advocate"? Can you recite the definition backwards? Can you complete all pairs of homework without class? Can you pass the phonetic symbols at one time by striking them squarely? It can be

Xinran, I'm all your fans!

Transformation IV:

Xinran, we will spend the next three years together. Believe me, I will know your next change

Write a composition with classmates (12)

This semester, I took a third grade composition class in Yuxincai School, and met a special student named Xiao Shen, who was chubby, big eyed, somewhat naive and cute.

Compared with the little Shen three or four years ago, his composition foundation is also relatively poor. The "poor" of Xiao Shen was difficult to write - at the beginning, he could not write a word for two hours, while the dictation was relatively smooth; This little Shen was able to write a paragraph at the beginning, but the sentences he wrote were difficult to understand - there were many bad words and almost all of them were bad sentences. In contrast, this little Shen is more childish. He is happy when he writes a few lines. He looks very successful, and often makes me laugh and cry: criticism is not, but encouragement and encouragement.

Fortunately, I can feel that Xiao Shen is making progress, and I want to track him down and spend some time on him. However, he did not come the week before; His father was taken into the classroom last week; Today, under the escort of my father, I walked into the school and cried to go home

I forced the child to stay with the help of the security guards - the father of the child is a taxi driver, and he wants to do business. At the same time, I want to find out why children are unwilling to come to class.

Xiao Shen is stubborn. He coaxes him and criticizes him. He can't get into the classroom for a long time. I have to put him in the guard when I want to have class. After class, Miss Sun told me that after coaxing the child for a long time, he refused to enter the classroom. The leader also asked me to do the parental work and asked him to drop out of school. With the idea of trying, I went into the guard room again to talk with the child, and found that the child's face had no resistance.

After asking for a long time, I learned the reasons why the children didn't want to come to class: first, they didn't like writing compositions because they couldn't; second, the compositions of last week were the same as those of their deskmates, afraid of my criticism - which was the same as I expected. I told Xiao Shen that I never thought that he could not write a composition. When I saw two identical compositions, I didn't think that he must have copied them from his classmates - maybe they were discussed at the same table! Xiao Shen nodded and said yes.

Then, I talked about my father's work with Xiao Shen: taxi drivers are very hard and need to concentrate; It is dangerous to always worry about your son when driving; As a father's good son, he should not distract his father's attention when he is working... Xiao Shen looks at me with big eyes open and keeps nodding his head.

Finally, Xiao Shen promised to go back to the classroom with me. He said he didn't have lunch and was hungry. I said I didn't have lunch either. I had some snacks in my bag, and we shared them. He smiled.

Xiao Shen promised me that he would come to school next time. I wonder if he can do it. I found out all his compositions and wanted to make an analysis for him so that he could see his progress.

Write a composition with classmates (13)

It seems that just yesterday, we were still staring at the teacher in the first grade class. These six years have passed in a flash. In a twinkling of an eye, we have come to the stage of general review for the graduation exam. In the past six years, we have experienced many ups and downs. As the saying goes, "A friend in need is a friend indeed.". Each student has his own bosom friend, and my friend is her.

To tell the truth, she is fat, dark skinned, chubby with two small hands, and looks silly. But through her eyes, she sees the light of wisdom. We affectionately call her "--"

--Very helpful. Once there was a famine in Guizhou, and people were like ants on a hot pot. Our school mobilized us to donate things to them, more or less it doesn't matter. Just heard the news, the whole class was boiling, and everyone was discussing enthusiastically. The next day, we came to the school with our bare hands, and we had forgotten all about it. But only --, holding a big box of things came breathlessly, the students saw, in an uproar. She put her things on the ground, and these things suddenly piled up into a hill, forming a "scenic spot". There were clothes, bags, books, money and even her new pencil bag in it. I thought to myself: What are you doing with so many things? Just grab something, won't you? Thinking about it, I walked up to her and asked, "What are you doing with so many things? Just find something to do the job? Are you willing to bring your new pencil bag?" I asked her several questions in succession. She said easily: "This is what we should do, and it is the only thing we can do. Do you see the Chinese compatriots suffering? Although this thing is few, it can represent my heart. Only in this way can one side be in trouble, and support from all sides!" I was deeply moved by her words, thinking that she is so tall and I am so short.

--Such a person, no matter how much he has, always has to give.

Write a composition with classmates (14)

The outstanding student in our class is a humorous and funny person. He was born a foreigner and often told us some English stories, so we all call him "English expert".

I remember the mid-term exam a few days ago, the English test paper was very difficult, and many students frowned because of this. I just took the test paper and glanced at it. I was immediately shocked, thinking, "God, how difficult this test paper is! I may not even get 90 points!" I forced myself to work on it, but after a while, I met a problem, At this time, I was like an ant on a hot pot. At this time, a burst of laughter came from the side. I turned around and saw that it was "English Expert". He was sitting on the chair and "idly" looking at his scroll. I looked at the clock and it was only 20 minutes before he did it! When the English test paper was handed out, he scored 98 points, ranking first in the class! The whole class had to cast envious eyes on him.

The "English talent" is not only good at performance, but also first-class in daily use.

I remember that day, our whole class went to the suburbs for tourism. At noon, we came to a farm to check up on rural life. When the teacher came to the house, he knocked on the door and a foreigner came out. Our whole class was shocked. Even the English teacher had no choice but to deal with foreigners. At this time, the "English expert" came out confidently and said to everyone, "Let me come." After that, he left the confused students and walked to the foreigner. The two talked loudly. Soon, the foreigner gave him a thumbs up and warmly invited us to come in.

This is the "English Master" of our class. I admire him from the bottom of my heart.

Writing a composition with classmates (15)

Write your classmate's composition 1

A helpful classmate

There is a female classmate in our class. Her name is Yue Xiao. She is my good friend. She is ten years old this year. She has a lively personality and likes singing when she has nothing to do. She is very cute! She is very helpful. If you don't believe me, I will tell you two things about her! After school that afternoon, Yue Xiao suddenly found a schoolmate fell on his way home. Because the road was full of small stones, the schoolmate's knee was injured and red blood flowed out, He said to him, "Little brother, why are you so careless? Does it hurt? Can I take you to the clinic opposite?" The student looked at her gratefully and said, "Thank you, sister". Yue Xiao said, "You are welcome, this is what I should do." After coming out of the clinic, because the student's leg was very painful, Yue Xiao held him until he sent him home.

Yue Xiao is usually frugal in life, wears simple clothes, and never buys snacks. However, in the donation activity for the May 12 earthquake held by the school in 20xx, she donated all the pocket money and New Year's money that her mother usually gave her, a total of more than 400 yuan. She was the student who donated the most money in our class. Later, we asked her why you donated so much money, I can't see why you are so generous this time because you don't usually spend a dime yourself? She smiled and said: "The money we donated can make those sick people take medicine, and the children who have no food can eat food. They are short of food and clothing, but we don't lack anything. There is also a warm home. It's also good to donate some money to them to do our own little bit!" We were very moved to hear that.

how? Are you touched by Yue Xiao's spirit of helping others? I must learn from her this kind of helpful spirit in the future! Be a caring citizen!

Write your classmate's composition 2

I am an interesting classmate

He is a strong little boy, with a round head and a round head, and under a pair of thick eyebrows, a pair of round and big eyes flicker, which is full of vitality. With a high nose and a round mouth, the words spoken are very humorous and often make people laugh heartily. He often wears a black "duck tongue" hat, which looks very cute. Guess who he is?

Oh, so he is the "naughty" Xu Tong in our class. He is not only cute in appearance, but also interesting in words and deeds. In one class, everyone played outside and played games. When we were kicking shuttlecock with Li Mengting and Liu Yehua, I accidentally saw Xu Tong standing in front of the window, his body against the wall, his hands behind his back, and his eyes turning from time to time. I thought to myself: he must be thinking of some clever idea. Sure enough, he rushed to us, ready to grab the keys and throw them downstairs. Fortunately, Liu Yehua reacted quickly and grabbed the keys. Xu Tong not only didn't hurt others, but also hit the wall with too much force. While covering his head, he pretended to be free and said, "Is someone practicing Iron Head Skill? What's the matter?" This sentence made us laugh.

Another time, we were doing gymnastics, and Xu Tong was in front of me. When he was doing the first section of "Young Eagle Takeoff", he whispered: "I'm a bald eagle, and I can't fly..." When the students around him heard it, they couldn't help laughing.

The master of the class told the music teacher that he had made progress in singing, so he asked him to sing a passage. At first, it was OK, it was a tenor, and then it became silent, making people cry, not laugh, not laugh. It was really hard to cry!

Xu Tong, you are always so interesting, so cute, so naughty, and so humorous. We will always love your words and deeds!

Write your classmate's composition 3

A helpful classmate

There is a girl in our class named Liang Xinyue, who is my good friend. She is eleven years old this year. She likes to learn the bleating of lambs when she has nothing to do, which is very cute! She is also very helpful. If you don't believe her, please listen to the following two stories.

Once, when Liang Xinyue was walking to school, he saw a grandfather in his sixties pushing a cart full of bricks for a young man in his twenties. The young man kept hitting the old man on the back and said, "Don't hurry up, or I won't pay you two yuan!" Liang Xin was glad to see someone beating an old man of that age. She couldn't stand it, so she ran to the old man and asked her to push the cart for him. Grandpa said, "It's OK. I'm pushing hard. Besides, you kids still have to go to school. If you push the cart, you'll be late!" After listening to Grandpa's words, Liang Xinyue hurriedly said, "It's OK, Grandpa, I'm on my way!" Then he started pushing the cart. She shouldered the side posts of the carriage forward, and began to push the cart with her front strength. She pushed carefully. She used both hands and shoulders, leaned forward, and pedaled on the ground until the end. Grandfather was both moved and happy. He didn't know what to say to express his gratitude.

Another Double Ninth Festival, Liang Xinyue took the initiative to go to an elderly grandmother's house to help her clean the windows. She first took a cloth, and then put it into the water to rub it, and then began to wipe it up until the window glass of the grandmother was clean and bright. After wiping the windows, Liang Xinyue also performed small programs such as singing, dancing, and telling jokes for the grandma. The grandma was very happy and praised Yang Jing as a good child. On this day, the old woman happily spent an unforgettable festival. When parting, the old woman kept sending Yang Jing out of the gate. Liang Xinyue said to the old woman, "Go back, I will come back to accompany you when I have time!"

Students, after listening to my introduction, do you also think that Liang Xinyue is a helpful student?

Writing a composition with classmates (16)

Senior high school student composition 1

That summer, I entered junior three. At the beginning of the new school year, I transferred to Class 12, Grade 3, under the arrangement of my family. At first, I was "attracted by the name". I still remember the first day when I saw the schedule, several familiar names gathered on a piece of white paper, and they were the top students in our school, including Huang Xiaofeng, Xie Xiaoli, etc. I entered the third day of junior high school with curiosity and longing.

As time went by, I soon became one with my classmates, including him. The first time I looked at him seriously was in a PE class. A classmate with wandering and dull eyes attracted me. I looked at him. He was a bear with a tiger's back and waist, wearing a pair of thick glasses, under a little fringe were some footprints left by youth, and his hands were unnaturally placed behind slightly stiff. Isn't this Li Moushan's second year classmate? I have some impression. Huang Xiaofeng beside him has been circling around him, talking incessantly, as if he just wanted to make him smile. When I asked the classmate beside me, the classmate said, "He seems to have some problems in his brain." The answer made me more surprised at him. So i ran to him and asked for qq. That night, I gradually opened his heart on the Internet. He turned out to be a very talkative person, and the most classic line was: What's your phone model?

Later, I learned that he was very normal and was a shy and generous student. He can not only quickly understand the knowledge taught by the teacher in class, but also do a lot of exercises to consolidate after class. If he doesn't understand, he will break the casserole and ask the question to the end. This is also the key to his excellent performance. In my memory, he never missed class easily. On one evening of self-study, I saw him blushing and inserting his hands. When I asked him, I knew that he had a fever. However, he did not ask for leave and skillfully completed two math papers.

He is not only diligent and inquisitive, but also low-key and magnanimous!

In his life, he is a person full of thoughts and inner potential. Even though his grades are among the best in the class. But he never exaggerates, but hides his strength and bides his time. I still remember the time when I shared the table with him. My mood was often cloudy and sunny, and I would find him to vent my anger every few days. However, he never scolded me, but kept silent again and again until I talked and laughed with him as if nothing had happened. It was really a hard time to look back.

So I regard it as an example. At that time, I often followed him to buy breakfast, went to his seat to blow water during recess, and practiced shot throwing in PE class. So he naturally became my best friend. Because he is very cute, I always like to flirt with him in my spare time, so I became the second most popular fag in the class. In summer vacation or small holiday, I also like to talk to him on QQ and sing with him in yy. It seems that this has become a part of my life.

The high school entrance exam came as scheduled. I didn't get into Dianbai No. 1 Middle School and didn't go to his school to study. I feel like a relative is missing. I went to Dianhai to study under the arrangement of my family. On the first day of school, my mother sent me to school. Home gradually far away, that summer, also gradually behind me.

Senior high school student composition 2

It is early to know these students, and it is half a year after they met.

After adjusting the position, I was in the geometric center of the whole class, and the eight deskmates kept changing, which required constant familiarity.

Pangpang: Pangpang is probably the best familiar deskmate among them. He has a very loud voice and can be funny in class. He smiles every day. It seems that he has never been sad and will spread happiness to people around him. Know when to comfort and when to tease. Pangpang is very fat. I always take his "charming" figure as a starting point. He always has a good temper and is shy. It seems that he hasn't said a few words, and it seems that he has been infected by his happiness. In fact, simple Pangpang also has unpleasant feelings in his heart. Facing the inevitable sadness in his growth, he accepts with his unique happiness and bravely lives.

Xiaoyi: I thought she was quiet and introverted, and didn't like talking. After two weeks of getting along, I found that she, like all girls, is a smiling doll. Xiaoyi's life is always very orderly. She arrives at school in time and eats on time. She always looks up at the blackboard 45 times in class. After class, she likes to look at the small mirror and fiddle with her hair. Xiaoyi is always very careful. She copied English notes line by line, neat, and explained in great detail. If she encountered problems that she could not understand in class, she was patient and explained clearly. The original impression of her was wiped clean with an eraser and printed on her clean and sunny smiling face.

Maybe it was because I was unfamiliar that I closed the door of communication with others. However, when I realized my stupidity, my classmates around me opened the door for me and told me never to reject strange friends because of subjective thinking. Maybe it would be a great pity to miss them.

Two trees that talked loudly for a long time in summer saw each other's yellow leaves falling in the autumn wind. They were quiet for a moment and said goodbye to each other: See you next summer! Friends, always experience a period of life together, can be unforgettable. Always snuggle up to each other to understand each other's weight.

Will not forget each other, will only disappear each other. Only when time takes you away will you know who is irreplaceable in life.

Senior high school student composition 3

The students are very dutiful, behave themselves in everything, and dress simply, so they are not busy at first sight.

The students studied hard, so they got good grades. When he graduated from junior high school, he was admitted to our school with the best performance in the county. Compared with my classmates, I was very ashamed. Students don't like to talk. When no one answers the question with him, they will do it alone. read a book. Or thinking, always a person quiet, not noticeable. The whole class might not have noticed him if the teacher had not called his name and praised him every time when he handed out his scores in the exam. He is such a quiet person.

Although my classmates don't like bustle, they are very enthusiastic about me. I am a lively and calm person. Somehow, he likes to chat with me about his study. Sometimes, we also talk about the country. Sociology. Even in life. The students said that his goal in life was very simple, only four words: explain the world. When I heard this, I began to feel funny, but when I saw the serious expression of my classmates, I couldn't help but restrain myself. After being lonely for a while, my classmate suddenly asked me: "What about you? What is your life goal? You should have your own plan!" "Me. My life goal, like you, is also four words' change the world '. I replied. After listening to this, another student thought for a while, and said:" Your life goal is similar to mine, in essence it should be the same. " I said, "No, you are 'explaining the world', and mine is' changing the world '. One is quiet, one is moving, and the difference is far!" He closed his mouth, sighed, and said, "Yes, but it's all about the world, right?" "Yes", I replied with a smile.

Life in high school really goes by very fast, just like the clouds in the sky, it always floats very fast and becomes very fast. It's the end of the semester in the blink of an eye. "I heard that the next grade will be divided into different subjects. Do you want to study arts or science?" I asked my classmates in the classroom at noon one day. He thought for a moment, "Read science". "Me too." "Really? I hope we are still in the same class." "Yes." The nervous final exam finally came as scheduled, and we had a holiday after the exam. When I came back to school at the beginning of school, my classmates entered the best one in the science class, but I entered a less poor class by several points. Although I had expected the result before the exam, I felt some regret when I really saw it. The classmate said, "It doesn't matter, 'There is a bosom friend in the sea, and the horizon is more remote'." I also smiled, "Yes, but 'inaction is in the wrong way, and we share the same interests'!" The classmate also smiled. In this way, he and I entered two different classes. Because the classroom is too far away, we can't see it often with our classmates. Once in a physical education class, I happened to see my classmates. He also saw me. He ran to me happily and asked me: "Are you OK?" "OK, how are you?" "OK, OK". So we walked and talked along the playground as before.

Recently, with the monthly exam approaching, when I was anxious about myself, I couldn't help worrying about my classmates. Although his achievements are great, after all, his class is full of strong players. Besides, there are a lot of threats that are not threats. When I think of this, I also think of my classmate's simple face, thick back, and the way he walks steadily. He is not good at talking and doesn't like to communicate with others. I really worry about him. You should cheer up, classmate!

Later, I learned that the family situation of my classmate was not very good, but he showed such a tenacious character, which was down-to-earth, calm and kind... I sincerely hope that my classmate can be more cheerful and lively in the future, and that he will have a bright future as he wishes!

Writing a composition with classmates (17)

I remember one time when I didn't finish my homework. She was the head of the Chinese team and was about to finish it. I didn't have a clue. I missed a copy. I thought she had handed in her homework book and didn't wait for me. But nobody expected that she put down her homework book and walked up to me. She asked me, "OK? I'm going to hand it in. If you really can't write it, I can teach you!" "Thank you!" She taught me how to write and gave me several examples. After speaking, I had a clue and had a good idea. I wrote quickly. In a short time, I finished writing. Although this is just a small thing, it also reflects her love of learning and helping difficult students.

She is also my model!> At the sports meeting, she managed her classmates so that they had no voice. She was also among the best in the 60 meter run and softball match. If any student in the class was sad, she would run to comfort her and stop making her cry. Several students quarreled and threw the books out of the table. She would also go forward to pick them up and put them on the table and dissuade them from quarreling. It has enhanced the friendship between students. Of course, she never fights with her classmates, and she always reads seriously!

She is my classmate. She is the best student in every class.

Article 2: My classmate's composition

Huang Dexiang and I are classmates. We go home together after school every day.

He is a good student who is willing to help others. I like him very much.

After last summer vacation, we added common sense lessons. One day, the teacher of common sense assigned us an assignment to go home and find an earthworm for class the next day. After school, I was depressed and thought, "I haven't seen earthworms before. Where can I find them?". Just then, Huang Dexiang caught up with me and looked at my unhappy face. He asked "What's wrong with you?". The next day, he came to school early. Sure enough, he handed me a small box containing earthworms. I was very happy and thought that he was really a good and enthusiastic classmate.

He often helps me in life and study. When I am sick, he sends me homework and makes up lessons for me. I appreciate him from the bottom of my heart and admire him. He is my good friend.

Article 3: My classmate's composition

He is the tallest in our class. It is "the admiration of everyone". His hair is messy and dark, his face is long, and he has a pair of glasses on his high nose. Although he wears glasses, he is not good at learning at all, but she is very good at another sport, that is, playing basketball.

He is crazy about playing basketball. Every time I came to school, I saw him playing football with several "fans". Sometimes he even forgot to eat and sleep. We stopped him from playing. Instead of listening, he said, "What do you know? It's enjoyment." We had to shake our heads and go.

Another time, it can show that he loves playing basketball. It was Thursday. It was his turn to sweep the floor. We all thought he had gone to the sanitary area to clean, so we didn't worry. Unexpectedly, he came back after most of the class. It turned out that he went to play basketball again and forgot about sweeping the floor. He didn't go until he played the preparatory ring. At last he was criticized by his teacher. I thought he would never dare to play in the recess again. Unexpectedly, he has made another "old mistake", alas.

Now tell you his name. His name is Cui Yurui. Don't forget to say hello to him when you see him later.

Article 4: My classmate's composition is 400 words

I have a classmate whose name is Huang Xiaoqi. He is as normal as ordinary people, but our Chinese teacher often calls him a thousand year old monster or a monster. When talking about monsters, you may think of some creatures that make people feel scary, strange and abnormal. But my classmate does not make people feel scary and scary at all, but thinks he is very easy to get along with, It makes people think that people are very nice, although a little overbearing, but he also thinks that people are good after a long time. One of his shortcomings is a little ingratitude.

One day, after school, we went to Dingtai Fenghua to play basketball. We hit Huang Xiaoqi. He held a ball high and low on his feet, but she accidentally pushed the ball to the tennis court and the court door was locked. The only entrance was to climb in, but it was light, so we didn't get the basketball until it was dark.

In the afternoon, when it was getting dark, we were ready to take action. We tried one by one but failed. Later, someone took out the basketball, but Huang Xiaoqi went to play as soon as he took it out, without even saying thank you. She is ungrateful on this point.

But there is only one small defect that is relatively good on the whole. How can people be free of defects? No man is perfect.

Chapter 4: You at the table

My deskmate is Tian Yan. This is how we know each other. When I first came to this school, I came back from the toilet and met him. Seeing that he was young, I asked him how old he was. He said he was nine years old. Then we went back to work. What's more, Mr. Ma arranged us to sit at the same table, and we became good friends. Thank you so much!

Tian Yan is very handsome. The chubby, dark short hair has two crescent shaped eyebrows, and a pair of round big eyes. They are very smart. The eloquent mouth is more powerful. If you quarrel with him, you will not quarrel with him.

Tian Yan likes the game of pony crossing the river best. Even if his homework is not well written, as long as someone calls him, he runs faster than a rabbit!

He is still a mischievous rascal! Once after class, when I just stood up, he whipped my bench, and I "Ouch" sat on the ground, but he laughed. I was angry and ridiculous, and I had no choice against him.

He is naughty, but he likes to help people!

Sometimes when I can't finish handing in my notebook, he will help me with it. If I have no question, he will teach me.

Once, when it was the second group's turn to sweep the floor, he also helped. After sweeping the floor, his head turned white, like a little old man. Everyone laughed, and so did he.

This is my deskmate, a handsome, naughty and helpful Tian Yan.

Article 5: Your composition at the table

You at the same table, a pair of big, understanding eyes, seem to be able to see through my heart.

Your deskmate likes to be quiet and not take the initiative to play with others. At noon, you finally kicked shuttlecock with us, regardless of the lady's demeanor. You smiled, and we laughed too. You and I were immersed in laughter all noon.

My deskmate, you have become lively and cheerful since you kicked the shuttlecock. We have become inseparable friends. But you also have a powerful side, which can open my eyes.

At noon one day, you and I were walking leisurely when Zhang Lingyu's strange cry came from behind: "Yo, two sister-in-law, Lu Jiaxin!" The name "sister-in-law" in front of you has made you angry. Another word, you will be even more angry. Seeing Zhang Lingyu, you will go straight after her, and the lady will become a "pretty girl".

As soon as Zhang Lingyu saw that the situation was not good, he ran upstairs to the fourth floor. He gasped and said, "This is great, she

I'm not familiar with this place, so I can't catch up with it. " ha-ha! He is so wrong! I'm an old student here. Will I be unfamiliar with school? Besides, I often go to the fourth floor and know a secret passage! As a friend, I will certainly help her.

After a while, under my guidance, you caught Zhang Lingyu with one swift step, and we laughed happily. Where's Zhang Lingyu? I'm begging you to let him go!

Your deskmate is a book that I can't finish reading and tasting.

Chapter 6: You at the table

It has the gentleness of spring, and he also has a round face, medium stature, and a tiger head, especially those black grape like eyes, constantly looking around, full of a strong desire for knowledge. Moreover, he is very honest. He never retaliates when others hit him, and he never accuses others of teachers. I remember one time, he was hurt by someone, he cried, the teacher asked him what happened, but he said: I fell, broke. Look, he is gentle and honest.

It has a summer fever, and his face is red. When he speaks, his eyes twinkle like a pair of bright and beautiful pearls. Under the slender eyebrows, a pair of crystal bright and pure big eyes sparkled. He is not only handsome, but also has a good academic record. I remember once, he was the only one in our class who scored 100 points in the math exam. We all admired him. His hobby is playing football. Every time he comes back from playing football, his vest is always wet. Every time I can think of his craziness in playing football. He not only likes playing football, but also likes all kinds of sports. Maybe that's why he became the Sports Committee.

Chapter 7: My deskmate

In life, my deskmate is a person with great personality. His personality is humorous. Whether he is mature or naughty, no one can say clearly, but he just feels that he is different from ordinary people.

Once, in class, the teacher gave two questions. The first question came to me at once, but he was thinking intently with his eyebrows wrinkled and pen holder in his mouth. By this time, I had finished the first question. My classmate asked me quietly, "How can I do this question?" I said, "You are so stupid that I can't do such a simple question yet! I don't have time to tell you. I have to do the next question. Think of it yourself!" I thought I was going too far, but I thought I had said it, and there was no way to recover it.

The second question is very difficult. I racked my brains for a long time, but I just couldn't figure it out. I looked at him a few times. Yo, he has worked out all the answers to the two questions after thinking hard. Now he is checking them carefully! I regret that I didn't help him just now. Now it's my turn to meet difficulties. If I want his help, he will also ignore me. I can't think clearly at the moment. I just sit there.

He looked at me, as if he understood what I was thinking, and asked, "Have you not figured out a solution to the second problem yet?" I stammered, "I haven't" He saw me like this and slowly explained the meaning of this problem to me. He speaks very carefully and vividly.

There are many difficulties and setbacks on the road of life. As long as I try to overcome these difficulties, I can succeed.

Chapter 8: My deskmate

I have a very good classmate. She can rank first in every exam. She is also the deputy monitor in the class. Everything is good. She always helps some difficult classmates. For example, some students asked for leave and did not come to school. When they came to school, they could not write their homework. She would help them finish their homework. It's like a teacher teaching students.

I remember one time when I didn't finish my homework. She was the head of the Chinese team and was about to finish it. I didn't have a clue. I missed a copy. I thought she had handed in her homework book and didn't wait for me. But nobody expected that she put down her homework book and walked up to me. She asked me, "OK? I'm going to hand it in. If you really can't write it, I can teach you!" "Thank you!" She taught me how to write and gave me several examples. After speaking, I had a clue and had a good idea. I wrote quickly. In a short time, I finished writing. Although this is just a small thing, it also reflects her love of learning and helping difficult students.

She is also my model!> At the sports meeting, she managed her classmates so that they had no voice. She was also among the best in the 60 meter run and softball match. If any student in the class was sad, she would run to comfort her and stop making her cry. Several students quarreled and threw the books out of the table. She would also go forward to pick them up and put them on the table and dissuade them from quarreling. It has enhanced the friendship between students. Of course, she never fights with her classmates

Seriously read!

She is my classmate. She is the best student in every class.

Chapter 9: My deskmate

My deskmate is naughty and cute, with a dark face and a foul mouth. I gave him the nickname Stinky Duck and the nickname African Savage. What's more, the things he uses are very dirty, which is like a pile of smelly garbage. If I accidentally touch him, he will touch me. He is also very good at picking his nose. The nose worm like things he picks out are all wiped on the table on his clothes. The handwriting is also very ugly. We walk around as if we all despise him. He is gluttonous and brings money to buy popsicles, drinks and potato chips every day.

He likes watching TV. Every day when he came home from school, he did his homework. After doing his homework, he hurried to watch TV. His mother asked him to buy soy sauce. He also said he would watch TV instead of going. During the meal, his eyes were fixed on the TV and his hands were still holding chopsticks. His mother said, "Eat fast." He took a mouthful of chopsticks and then stopped eating while staring at the TV. It took an hour or so to finish eating. Mother said, "It's a fine day today. Let's go for a walk." He said, "It's a walk. I'm tired. I won't go." He sat in front of the TV and watched TV carefully. My deskmate is a TV fan and a computer fan. He likes to play 4455 games best. If he is accidentally killed by a monster, he will not pass the test. He successfully passed the second level and successfully entered the third level. He is really a computer player.

Article 10: My deskmate

My deskmate is Liu Shiyuan. He has a pair of curved eyebrows, like the moon. His big bright eyes are on the high bridge of his nose. His mouth is curved and he always smiles.

One of his characteristics is that he likes reading books very much and often reads them solemnly in his seat silently. His favorite book is Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Once, after lunch, he sat in his seat again and began to read. I walked over slowly and said quietly: "Liu Shiyuan, hurry to do your homework, I have already finished it." He did not answer. I said aloud to him again, and then he said angrily: "I will read for a while, and write for a while." I had no words, so I had to go to my business. After a while, the teacher came and saw Liu Shiyuan reading a book. He kindly said to Liu Shiyuan, "Liu Shiyuan, have you finished your homework? Liu Shiyuan hesitated and said," I haven't finished. "At this time, I also thought angrily," I wish this "nerd" had listened to me earlier. Forget it, don't listen, deserve it. After listening to the teacher's criticism, he had to bury his head in his homework.

Reading is a good thing, it can increase knowledge. But do you have to read after you finish your homework? In the future, we should learn from Liu Shiyuan, love reading and read more books, so that we can learn more knowledge from books.

Article 11: You at the table

My deskmate is Tian Yan. This is how we know each other. When I first came to this school, I came back from the toilet and met him. Seeing that he was young, I asked him how old he was. He said he was nine years old. Then we went back to work. What's more, Mr. Ma arranged us to sit at the same table, and we became good friends. Thank you so much! Tian Yan is very handsome. The chubby, dark short hair has two crescent shaped eyebrows, and a pair of round big eyes. They are very smart. The eloquent mouth is more powerful. If you quarrel with him, you will not quarrel with him. Tian Yan likes the game of pony crossing the river best. Even if his homework is not well written, as long as someone calls him, he runs faster than a rabbit! He is still a mischievous rascal! Once after class, when I just stood up, he whipped my bench, and I "Ouch" sat on the ground, but he laughed. I was angry and ridiculous, and I had no choice against him. He is naughty, but he likes to help people! Sometimes when I can't finish handing in my notebook, he will help me with it. If I have no question, he will teach me. Once, when it was the second group's turn to sweep the floor, he also helped. After sweeping the floor, his head turned white, like a little old man. Everyone laughed, and so did he. This is my deskmate, a handsome, naughty and helpful Tian Yan. My deskmate's composition is 400 words (2) My deskmate's you, a pair of big, understanding eyes, seem to be able to see through my heart. Your deskmate likes to be quiet and not take the initiative to play with others. At noon, you finally kicked shuttlecock with us, regardless of the lady's demeanor. You smiled, and we laughed too. You and I were immersed in laughter all noon. My deskmate, you have become lively and cheerful since you kicked the shuttlecock. We have become inseparable friends. But you also have a powerful side, which can open my eyes. At noon one day, you and I were walking leisurely when Zhang Lingyu's strange cry came from behind: "Yo, two sister-in-law, Lu Jiaxin!" The name "sister-in-law" in front of you has made you angry. Another word, you will be even more angry. Seeing Zhang Lingyu, you will go straight after her, and the lady will become a "pretty girl". As soon as Zhang Lingyu saw that the situation was not good, he ran upstairs and ran to the fourth floor. He gasped and said, "This is great. She is not familiar with this place, so she can't catch up with it." Ha ha! He is so wrong! I'm an old student here. Will I be unfamiliar with school? Besides, I often go to the fourth floor and know a secret passage! As a friend, I will certainly help her. After a while, under my guidance, you caught Zhang Lingyu with one swift step, and we laughed happily. Where's Zhang Lingyu? I'm begging you to let him go! Your deskmate is a book that I can't finish reading and tasting.

Chapter 12: You at the table

It has the gentleness of spring, and he also has a round face, medium stature, and a tiger head, especially those black grape like eyes, constantly looking around, full of a strong desire for knowledge. Moreover, he is very honest. He never retaliates when others hit him, and he never accuses others of teachers. I remember one time, he was hurt by someone, he cried, the teacher asked him what happened, but he said: I fell, broke. Look, he is gentle and honest. It has a summer fever, and his face is red. When he speaks, his eyes twinkle like a pair of bright and beautiful pearls. Under the slender eyebrows, a pair of crystal bright and pure big eyes sparkled. He is not only handsome, but also has a good academic record. I remember once, he was the only one in our class who scored 100 points in the math exam. We all admired him. His hobby is playing football. Every time he comes back from playing football, his vest is always wet. Every time I can think of his craziness in playing football. He not only likes playing football, but also likes all kinds of sports. Maybe that's why he became the Sports Committee.

Article 13: One of my classmates wrote a 400 word composition

In our class, there are many students, they are very cute and sunny. Now, I'm here to introduce Sun Xieyuan, a very good classmate of mine. Sun Xieyuan is a very cute girl. Her tall, slightly dark face was embedded with a pair of bright big eyes, but those beautiful eyes were firmly bound behind a pair of eyes. A small Joan has a talkative mouth under her nose. Because she wears glasses, Sun Xieyuan always makes people feel that she is a gentle, quiet and cute girl. In fact, as long as you get along with her, you will find that she is an outgoing girl who is cheerful, lively, warm and sunny. She always fights with us and spends happy spare time; She always collects a lot of jokes and tells them to us, which makes us laugh; She always likes to come and kiss us when she is very happy, which makes us unprepared&however, she is not just fun, and she is more refreshing in class. She always raises her hand actively when the teacher asks questions, and conquers these questions with the most accurate language when the teacher calls her to answer; When the exercise books are handed out, you can always see stars in Sun Xieyuan's neat handwriting. She is excellent in both character and learning, and is highly praised by the teachers of English, mathematics and English. I believe that through my introduction, you have begun to like my lovely and beautiful classmate Sun Xieyuan! Grade 5 of Zhenxing Road Primary School: He Yanping

Chapter 14: Greedy Table mates

My deskmate's 400 word composition: Greedy deskmate Liu Xuzhu, Class 4, Grade 5, Experimental Primary School, Yitong Manchu Autonomous County, Jilin Province I have a greedy deskmate Bai Qianning. Bai Qianning often brings food to the class. After class, she eats food every other day. Sometimes she steals food in class. Once in class, when the teacher was giving a lecture, she secretly ate snacks. The teacher asked her to answer the question. As a result, she could not say a word with her mouth closed. The teacher was surprised and asked, "What's the matter with you? Are you not feeling well?" Some students found out and told the teacher that she had snacks in her mouth. The teacher criticized her. She blushed and bowed her head. She felt very embarrassed. One day at noon, I took a bag of snacks and put it in my desk. I went out to drink water. When I came back, the big bag of snacks disappeared. I guess Bai Qianning was eaten. When I asked her, she smiled sheepishly and said, "I can't help it when I see food. I'm sorry. Next time you eat mine." Alas, I have such a deskmate. What can I do? Although Bai Qianning is greedy, her classmates don't hate her because she is very generous and will share the snacks that cannot be eaten with others, including me. In view of the phenomenon of eating snacks, the teacher suggested to eat less junk food, which is a waste of money and harmful to health. Although the teacher is right, it is not binding on Bai Qianning. My deskmate Bai Qianning is getting fatter and fatter because of her long-term gluttony! However, she has no plan to lose weight. She always said, "Eat some, get some.".

Chapter 15: Write about me and my deskmate

My deskmate and I are the worst in the class. Alas! I can't help it. I can't disobey my teacher's order. He not only has poor grades, but also speaks foul language, which is very boring! The teacher placed him beside me in the hope that I could set an example for him. The teacher knew that my self-control was very good, so he put him beside me, otherwise I would be affected by him! My deskmate, when it comes to unit exams, his neck is like an ostrich - as long as it takes. Needless to say, he came to my test paper, his eyes turned around, and he copied my answers when I wasn't paying attention. He always affects me. If it weren't for him, would my homework be so sloppy? If it were not for him, would my academic record have plummeted like an airplane? My deskmate and I are basically "guerrilla warfare" in class. One kick, one kick, one punch, one punch. I'll hit you and you'll give me back. Later, when there was no way out, I made a condition to him that whoever said a dirty word would be punished for copying that dirty word 1000 times. With this agreement, he not only didn't say dirty words, but also very quiet. But just a week later, he began to say again, alas! It's really a headache. My deskmate and I can count many things that happen every day, either trivial or trivial. We will always quarrel about such a trivial matter. Once, when he asked me a question that he couldn't do, I told him, but his left ear went in and his right ear came out again. When it came to the key place, he quarreled with me, and he had his opinion. I think I owe him in my last life. It's really unlucky.