I like her 600 (8 articles in total)
A glass of wine, brother I
2023-11-25 06:39:36

I like her 600 (1)

Fine eyebrows, big eyes, long eyelashes, blond hair, several "black sesame seeds" on her face... Who is she? Yes, she is not Chinese. She is a Russian child, Yina Jia.

Not long ago, our Children's Art Troupe was invited to visit Russia to perform. In Moscow, I live in Najia's home. After more than half a month of contact, I gradually fell in love with her.

Najia is 10 years old and not tall. Although she looks so delicate, she is actually a "tomboy". Her words and deeds are particularly interesting. She loves to dance and sing. At home, she can't help singing like a warbler. Character is "active".

Every time she eats at home, Najia always runs around, putting the plate and wiping the fork... When the meal is ready, she always puts the plate in front of me first, and puts the tableware in my hands first. She also says something in her mouth, "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Once, Najia came up to me with some pictorials, turned page by page, and told me. But I didn't understand, so I had to nod my head. Unexpectedly, Nanjia found out that I was pretending to understand. She curled her mouth, shrugged her shoulders, and ran away with the pictorial in her arms.

How is it, Nanjia? Is it interesting? There are many things like this!

On May 1, our "family" went to the village villa. There are mountains, water and trees. It's really beautiful. Najia came to "inspiration". She made a bow with bent branches, then ran to the nearby pond to break some reed stands and shot arrows. Her footprints were left in the yard, on the hillside and beside the pond. Eh, Nanjia, who was playing here just now, disappeared in a blink of an eye? I looked around but couldn't find her.

I was in a hurry, when I heard a burst of "cluck cluck" laughter. I'll follow my reputation. Hey! At some time, Najia climbed up a big tree. Listening to her cheerful laughter, I also laughed aloud.

Najia is really an innocent, lively and hospitable girl. I like her very much!

I like her 600 (2)

She was originally a gravel in a desert. After numerous polishing, she stood out. Standing on the stage, singing songs written by yourself and dancing dances made by yourself, it is impossible to become famous overnight. Her strong will and amazing perseverance have always attracted me. I like people who are so confident and have pursuit in their hearts!

In March 2018, I was lucky to know her because of the program Creation 101. There are only 11 starters for 101 girls, which is very cruel for a girl who wants to be an artist. It's like thousands of troops crossing a single wooden bridge. What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. It is possible to practice dancing in the invisible basement all your life. At that time, my eyes followed her closely when she came to the stage. Her confident light really attracted me. Because I am not a confident person, others are thinking about doing the bottom, and she went straight to the C position, which only strong people can do. She sat down under the pressure of public opinion and her own ideals.

At that moment, the music sounded, and she sat in the position that a group of girls dreamed of. Since then, I have found that self-confidence is the prerequisite for a person to succeed. If you always keep your head down and wait for others to find you, then the opportunities will always be less than the opportunities to be eliminated. In life, I try my best to show myself to everyone in a comprehensive way. Big square is the most beautiful time for girls.

Since I began to like her, I have been motivated to do anything else. When I studied, I encouraged myself to want to see her and watch her concerts. Now I have to work hard! Because of her, I entered the first two hundred grades. I know that the top priority now is to study, so I will keep her in my heart silently. When I am tired, I will look at her photos and microblogs.

It turns out that I can miss someone I have never met so much. From her debut in a group to her dissolution, I watched her make a little progress. She also accompanied me through the three years of junior high school, the fourth year of junior high school, and the last year. I believe that I can definitely take the entrance exam to the first high school!

It has been more than three years since I began to like her. In the past, I always liked a star to go with the flow, and I would like a star who is popular in any TV series. Now I only like her, she has become my belief.

I like her 600 (3)

She is fat, with dark hair and round eyes. She often wears a smiling face on her face, which is very attractive.

Every time she has a PE class, she frowns: "Let's go! Let's face it!".

It's almost noon break. I want to find a companion to buy something to eat, but I have found many people who are unwilling. When I asked her, she readily agreed and reminded me to hurry up, otherwise I would be punished for copying on duty.

Although we have different personalities, we have become good friends. Once, I couldn't write a word, so I went to her. She told me the stroke order of the word, and saw that I was still a paste in my head. So she put out her hand and wrote on it with a pen. After writing it, she shook her head, and said helplessly, "Alas, 'Xueba' in our class can't even write such a simple word! It's too humiliating!" I listened, Glancing at her, she immediately followed me and said, "Okay, okay, I didn't say anything, I'm sorry!"

The second class has 30 minutes after class, which is a good time for her to read. Look, she ran to me excitedly. Before I knew it, she grabbed the book in my hand and said, "Hey! What book are you reading? -- Ah! It's Beijing Treasure Hunt. I like it. Whose is it?"... Needless to say, my book has become her favorite food in the past 30 minutes.

"Ding Lingling..." When the lunch break came, I saw a burst of "machine guns" urging homework in the classroom: "Zhou Jiangtao, have you finished your homework?", He really deserves his reputation as a "little teacher" and "little assistant of the teacher"!

She is Wei Qianqian, the "woman man" in our class.

I like her 600 (4)

Women are not very good-looking, but very gentle. When busy, gently pucker up your mouth, slightly frown, and let the red pen dance on the paper. She is serious and strict in her work, but she always lets us study in happy laughter. Somehow, I just like her.

Women are very lively. He is as energetic as a child. Once I saw her playing table tennis with her classmates, and I had to admire her skill. The table tennis ball fell with her cleverly, and she calmly changed her position at the table. We shouted to her, "Come on, teacher!" She pulled out and nodded and smiled at us

Women have a unique taste in walking posture. I often see her in the corridor with several books in her right arm, and her left forefinger waving a long mobile phone belt, carrying a backpack. Sometimes she walks slowly, and her unique style suddenly comes out. When she walks, she shakes her waist from side to side, and her jeans show more slender legs. She looked up as if nothing could knock her down.

But somehow, I just like her.

One evening self-study, the woman sat on the platform, staring at the computer in front of her, and tapped out a harmonious symphony on the keyboard. I walked up gently and stood beside with bated breath. I wanted to ask a question. She seemed to be aware of something, raised her head reflexively, took the book in my hand, quickly scanned the rows of words, and the index finger made a beautiful picture on the paper. Then, she and I began to discuss in a low voice. I clearly remember her saying: "I haven't had time to analyze this data in detail, but after a rough reading, I can think from these aspects." I could not help but be attracted by this idea, and the picture loomed in front of me. That's the question I heard most thoroughly.

Yes, I just like her.

I like to see her spoil me with a grapefruit; I like to see her encourage me to finish the ancient poems with her encouraging eyes and give me three points without stint; I like to see her warm words after my composition; I like to see her look at me heartily, and earnestly ask me to change my work and rest time. I like to let her hug me like a good friend, and I like to "bump into" her on the way to the canteen and chat with her.

No matter how angry she is or how she blames us, I know she is doing it for us. I just like her, and I like her best, my dear Miss Yang!

I like her 600 (5)

"You're going to die! You don't have eyes when you ride a bike!" I tried to control the left and right swinging faucet, looked at the fleeing figure and said angrily.

"Boom", finally, I fell heavily on the road with my car and people. I was in a trance, and my heart felt pain spread around my wrist. "Eh!" It hurt my eyebrows!

She went to rehearsal together. She hurried to me and carefully lifted me up. "Are you all right?" I squeezed out a smile more ugly than crying and held her shoulder: "It doesn't matter, I'm not dead!"

Today, the white music classroom is a bit more quiet, bright sunshine, gently sprinkled on the piano covered with red cloth, making people feel particularly solemn. I sat quietly, letting the pain attack my fragile nerves again and again.

"I asked the guard for some medicine to help you eliminate inflammation." Her beautiful voice sounded like an oriole. I was stunned for a moment. "Anti inflammation?" I recalled the scene when I was injured and applied medicine. It was really tragic! I quickly stood up, put my hands on my chest, and said with a smile, "Well, can you stop painting.

I sat on her slender legs, tightly grasping the simple and refreshing clothes, smelling her taste. "Ouch!" I cried. She patted my head gently: "Idiot, I haven't painted yet!" I smiled awkwardly. She slowly lifted my hand, holding the cotton swab in her slender fingers and clicking it at the bloody place. I dared not look at it, and pressed it tightly against her shoulder. Eh? No pain! She frowned and asked, "Does it hurt?" I shook my head happily. She passed again. Her long eyelashes were like two small fans, covering her eyelids. They flickered with her blinking action. The lips with moderate thickness are concentrated and gently pressed, as pink and delicate as cherry blossoms. The pupils are so clear, as if full of stars. "Hmm? Don't you want to cry?" She looked back and smiled. I touched my head innocently and said, "Ha ha, ha ha!"

How I wish time stayed at this moment.

I like her. Her appearance and heart deeply touched me. In my eyes, she seems to be an angel, so beautiful! So kind! So careful!

I like her 600 (6)

"The light is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle". The good time of six years in primary school has passed quickly. We have left behind the joy of success, tears of failure, seriousness in class, and laughter in play. Turn around to look, want to find, but it has become some bubbles in the sea, into some memories in the heart. I left at the end of the sixth grade. Looking at her, I fell into deep memory

When I entered the first grade, I saw her greet us warmly. I was shocked by her beautiful appearance and broad mind! The singing of birds is her singing, the slender willow is her hair, and the green lawn is her coat. Ah! In this broad embrace, I can't find the classroom! At this time, she helped me and gave me a campus map. "Well, Class One, Grade One, here, here, I found it!" Thank you for your help, beautiful alma mater.

Whenever I failed in the exam and walked in her arms dejectedly, she seemed to know what I was thinking and sent birds to convey her comfort. The beautiful singing made me feel elated. Looking up, I saw the green grass, the vast sky, flowers blooming and butterflies dancing. I got my courage and enthusiasm again. I worked hard again. Thank you for your encouragement, my beautiful alma mater.

I like growing up in her arms, with the excellent environment she provides, and the class is very dynamic; With her quiet self-study, she is very energetic in doing exercises; With her wide track, she is very motivated to run. Reading early in the morning, she was immersed in the ocean of knowledge. At this time, she was full of poetry and painting; At noon, the music was all over every corner of the classroom. We were all dancing on the playground. At this time, she was full of vitality; In the afternoon of self-study, the whole campus was quiet and the time seemed to be still. We were all thinking and writing. At this time, she was full of knowledge and beauty. After school in the afternoon, the day ended like this, but the harvest was full. At this time, she needed to rest and prepare for the next day's work.

She is the beautiful alma mater that trained me, nurtured me and educated me for six years. My alma mater, my heart has deeply rooted in you, and I can't extricate myself, but I have already parted, and I can't change the past time. "People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs"! Stepping out of the campus and looking back, I saw the beautiful girl I like. She was so excited that tears filled her eyes

I like her 600 (7)

I like her who is bold and enthusiastic. Although it's a bit baffling, the fact is so.

The words bold and unrestrained and enthusiastic are absolutely worthy of her. I knew her at the beginning of the fifth grade. She was excellent and was set as a goal to surpass by many students. She is very popular, but she has nothing to do with me. I always appreciate her because she is excellent!

At that time, the class seemed to be calm, but in fact, there were a lot of ups and downs. There were few scandals about who, which was really a normal thing. I looked like I had nothing to do with myself. I "stand aloof from the world", and the "fire of war" cannot burn me. However, she suffered a lot. Even for her sake, the class organized a "world meeting", and reported something if it happened. She was very domineering. She caught the black hand behind the scenes and beat her for several times. Since then, the waves are still raging, but they have not been able to shoot her.

She is very enthusiastic. She has two close friends. When you see one of them, you can see the other two. No matter what the teacher gives them, he will do it regardless. Not to mention, it has the momentum of "not hitting the south wall, not turning back". The bricks on the south wall are really inferior, and she can break them every time.

Sometimes she also talks to me. As a person, I am very nervous when someone calls me. I always hesitate to say a few words from my mouth. When she talked with me, although she felt that there were 8000 adult male deer competing in my heart, there was also an indescribable ease.

I have never seen her nervous, like an old wise man. Those obscure questions to me seem like family chatter to her. She always has a smile on her face, like a sun that never sets, hanging in the sky for a long time. On that day, it rained. It was a light rain, splashing on the ground, making countless tiny splashes.

I probably can't forget that scene in my life. The raindrops hit her face like a disillusioned meteor in the bright day. The dark hair like ebony flew in the air, as if it could turn into black smoke and fly away at any time. She ran so fast, her figure blurred, and finally disappeared in the alley.

I just like her who is so bold and enthusiastic because of a story I don't know.

I like her 600 (8)

well! Who is that little girl standing there? She is my good partner.

She has dense eyebrows, as black as under the black color strokes; A pair of big, watery eyes, like a pair of bright glass beads, shine in the sun, and the brightness is really amazing; A head of shiny black hair, especially dense, tied with two cute plaits, very cute when jumping up, so everyone said my hair grows well; A nose, long under a pair of big eyes of water spirit, long pointed, tall, especially clever, any smell, can be smelled! More clever than a dog's nose; There is also a mouth, red, red like blood all day long, red like lipstick; There is also a pair of ears. No sound can escape her ears! Let's talk about it. Is her ear smart?

She has a naughty character. She always likes to seal some words or pictures on the paper with needle and thread. But she is very strange. She always doesn't like learning, but her scores are very good. For example, this time, her Chinese test was 116, her math test was 114.5, and her English test was 100 points. She got another 95 points. Hey! Did she do well in the exam? In my opinion, she did well in the exam! What a good result!

She did a naughty thing! Listen, it's like this: Mom and Dad went out to work that day, and she and her brother were at home, just fooling around with nothing to do. I was about to watch a movie when I saw many bottles of beer beside the rice cooker. My eyes turned. Good idea! Her brother patted her and whispered, "Wow! You can drink a bottle of wine! Take it!" She said, "No! No! We haven't turned 16 yet! You can't drink! Besides..." Her brother said, "Oh, you can drink it, it doesn't matter! Come on, I'll drink it too!" She stopped refusing and drank. That night, my father found it and said, "Eh?

It's strange. Were there 10 bottles of beer last night? Why are they 8 today? " Just after the words ended, Dad smelled a smell of wine again. He smelled it in their mouth. It was the wine they drank! Then his father beat them up and said, "Hum! I dare to steal wine at a young age! I dare you not to steal it! I dare you not to steal it! If you throw me again, I will kill you!" Hey hey! Look at her, is she really naughty? Sure enough, after her father beat him, he stopped drinking! Her father's words work! Let's talk about it, right?

Who is she? Tell you, she is me, a lively and lovely me.