Composition at the beginning of composition (collection of 18)
Gu Lian Tea is fragrant
2024-05-01 04:22:15

Composition at the beginning of composition (1)

When it comes to kinship, people are presented with some warm pictures: the mother stretches out her hands to follow the toddler, with sweet tension in her face; The umbrella protects the child in the wind and rain. Although the father's body is wet, he still laughs happily; On the moonlit night, my grandmother taught my grandchildren to count the stars that will never be counted in the sky, and told countless myths and legends... What haunted me was the melodious singing of "shake and shake, shake to Grandma Bridge", "often go home and have a look", and the eternal chant of "a good mother with a thread in her hand, a wandering son with a coat", "being a stranger in a foreign land alone, and thinking twice about his family in festivals".

Kinship is the drizzle that moistens things and the intoxicating spring breeze; Kinship is a thick touch, deep gaze; Family love is a kind of sunshine, which makes the soul feel warm even in the cold winter; Kinship is a clear spring, which makes the emotion clear even when covered with the dust of years.

In the thick family care, each young life from the first loud cry, the first time to walk alone, the first sentence of the father and mother grow into a handsome teenager, young girls, the flower of life under the watering of family love rose and fell so beautifully.

When you are happy, you can share it with your relatives. The happy mood fills and spreads out, occupying not only the whole body and mind; When you are sad, the light sadness rises like smoke curling up in the eyes of your loved ones, and it is not just sadness that floats away. When frustrated, the words of encouragement from relatives are the driving force to promote the sail of life; When you succeed, applause, flowers, wine and trophies for your relatives are your greatest wishes.

Do you feel the deep kinship that accompanies every moment of life?

Today's children are happy. They are the moon at home. All the love of their parents, grandparents and grandparents is poured on them. Do children immersed in love feel it? Look at these common scenes at home and on campus: on the way out of school, elderly grandparents carry school bags on their shoulders, water bottles and lunch boxes in their left hands, and grandchildren with empty hands in their right hands; In the telephone booth on campus, children often blame their parents: it is you who forgot to put my books in my schoolbag. Send them to me immediately; There is a slight unhappiness at home. It's good to cry and shout at your parents

Today's children are also unfortunate. Too much care has made them accustomed to the love from their relatives. They feel that it is natural for their relatives to pay for themselves. They seldom think of paying their own love for their relatives, let alone repaying their relatives with their love. They gradually lose a keen sense of life and affection.

It's time, it's time to know how to feel family, and learn to repay family!

1、 Start with beautiful and simple language. There is beauty everywhere in life: beautiful flowers, beautiful scenery, beautiful clothes, beautiful mind... beauty is among us. (Beauty Among Us) On the way forward, I have experienced failure and also achieved success. Failure wakes me up, success makes me happy. (Remember My One Success) At the beginning of these two compositions, the language is simple and vivid, neat and neat, and the sentence pattern of combining whole and scattered sentences is used. It also sounds harmonious and catchy. Such a beginning will leave a good impression of simplicity and naturalness.

2、 The use of metaphor, personification, parallelism, antithesis and other rhetorical devices at the beginning of vivid rhetoric can often make the article vivid and concrete. For example, "I am a dove, a dove of peace that conveys joy." I am compared to a dove of peace, which has a novel and unique beginning and is more attractive.

3、 The language of a song that begins with a favorite song is beautiful in itself. If it can be borrowed properly, it can often add color to the article. For example, "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world..." As long as I hear the song "The dedication of love", the moving scene I saw on the way to school a few days ago will appear in front of me. "Here, using the beginning of the song, I can not only point out the topic, but also lead to the following.

4、 The delicate and true description starting with a delicate and moving description can often trigger many feelings in the hearts of readers, such as: "Life, there are always some unexpected small things happen inadvertently, but they can stir up ripples in each other's hearts." The picture of "Heart Lake" is intoxicating, and it also captures the hearts of readers.

5、 The way of directly entering the question should be fast. Never be wordy or rambling. Fast makes people like it, slow makes people hate it. This is the reading psychology of readers. For example, at the beginning of The Sun Was Warm That Day: "A golden ray of sunshine slanted on the table from the window and shone on the envelope, and the sun was warm that day..." Just three sentences brought me to the point. Even like the beginning of "Wish": "This wish has been buried in my heart for a long time.

6、 It is also called "flashback method" to start with suspense that is appetizing. For example: "In the short journey of life, I have met many people and things. Most of these people and things do not leave any impression in my mind, but one thing makes me unforgettable." ("Unforgettable Things") Why does one "thing" make me "unforgettable"? This makes people want to read further.

7、 It is also called "the method of expressing one's feelings directly". "Emotion is the first thing that moves people". It can also move readers by expressing their true feelings at the beginning. For example: "In the nine years of cold weather, teachers came one after another, gentle, serious, kind and lovely, unsmiling... And my good teacher only has books from beginning to end." ("Good Teacher") This beginning directly expresses the love for good teacher books.

8、 This is a new way of beginning in recent years. For example, "I want to sing a song" by a candidate in Shanghai began with "I want to sing a song, a song of my own. The gurgling spring will be my musician, and the clear birdsong will be my resonance". The content of this kind of beginning can be famous quotes and proverbs, or it can be your own words. Its' role is mainly to point out the main idea and strengthen the center. This kind of beginning is praised for its novelty and alertness.

Composition at the beginning of composition (2)

First: In my heart, there is a diamond that emits colorful light all the time. This is my little wish.

My parents came to Yiwu from their hometown to do business and made a lot of money, but they still often went back to their hometown to see the changes in their hometown. In my heart, my hometown used to be a poor county, and some places were full of garbage, which made people sick. But my father said that my hometown had changed, so a kind of curiosity crept into my heart

On that day, the sky was blue, several white clouds were dancing happily, birds were singing on the branches, and willows were combing their emerald hair and smiling at us.

I was so excited that I didn't know what to do, so I ran to the door, pulled my hand and stretched my head out. Ah! The bustling scene in front of me made me look numb: buildings have been built everywhere, amusement parks have been built everywhere, and cement roads have been built. I can't wait to get out of the car, look around, there is no garbage, and several beautiful garbage cans have been added on both sides of the road. On the roadside, the master is walking around, and children are kicking the ball. Every family has a car and a gym. There is a "nursing home" not far from my home! When I got to my house, I threw my bag away, took off my shoes and hurried to my "little baby" computer. My father saw it and came up to me and said, "Son, you don't know, great changes have taken place in my hometown in recent years. This is the result of our national labor. People's quality has improved, and the government has become more active and responsible. This has turned our land into a cornucopia." I listened, A thought came into my mind: the government is so kind to us. I want to study hard, learn skills, repay the people, and thank... I thought about it, and smiled. My father saw it, grabbed my head a few times, and said with a smile: "You naughty boy, this wish will come true when you grow up. Now study hard."

oh The reform and opening up has turned the backward and poor county into a rich county. When I grow up, I will certainly fulfill this wish and make my hometown rich.

Composition at the beginning of composition (3)

The precious friendship between you, me and him

Students, the word friendship is not unfamiliar to everyone, but do you really understand what friendship is? Have you ever experienced the warmth of others and made you feel the value of friendship? Do you bring happiness to others? Is it the friendship that he feels between everyone? Today, let's discuss the topic "The precious friendship between you, me and him".

In the school, you can see the "friendship spirit" reflected in every boy's companion. Next, let's go into the campus to see those moving stories.

One day, the teacher said, "Here, let me tell you a news. Well, there are several students in our class who will transfer to another school next semester..." The word transfer is particularly harsh. Transfer means that they will no longer be our classmates. Why transfer? Is it because of academic performance? no Whether your achievements are excellent or not, we are willing to make friends with you; Is it because of family background? no Whether your family is rich or not will never affect our friendship with you; Is it because of appearance? no Does appearance matter? Didn't the teacher say, don't judge people by their appearance Thinking about it, tears flowed out of his eyes unconsciously, and he turned his head to look at other students. They all became "little white rabbits". Although I don't usually interact with Fang Zhengyang, I am always a student who spent five study hours together. How could I let him go? Again, I wish Mr. Fang Zhengyang: I wish you progress in your study, like our school motto - take every step well!

No matter sentimental poems, beautiful articles, or leisure happiness, nothing can replace close friendship. Boys and girls, have you ever thought that friendship is valuable and also a need of normal psychology. However, students must be in need of each other. What can't stand the test is not true friendship. Therefore, this is the most valuable part of friendship: when friends need it, we can help them eliminate troubles, overcome depression, build confidence and overcome difficulties with sincere friendship.

Sincere friendship is what everyone yearns for, but what kind of friendship is sincere? It is the sincerity, equality, mutual help and mutual understanding among students who share the same pursuit. "Sincerity is the hotbed of friendship." Only on the basis of sincerity and equality can we establish and maintain friendship. Mutual help and understanding is the most basic content of friendship. Dickens once said that forgiveness is a noble quality, a noble virtue. There is an old saying in China that goes, "Let's sing together and ask for the same spirit." Yes, common pursuit is the spiritual bond that connects people closely.

Friendship can shorten the distance between people, make each other's days together like flowing clouds, and leave deep footprints on the way we walk. When the reincarnation of young time slips by us, it leaves eternal traces. That's precious memory.

Students, treat every friend around you kindly, that is the wealth of your spirit that is always sincere.

Before I started writing, I thought about all the good times of my childhood and some broken childhood stories. Every time I recall this, I can't help but add a lot of aftertaste feelings, feelings, things and memories of my childhood in front of me. I can proudly say that my childhood was happy and unforgettable.

2. There are countless frustrations and tears on the way of growth. That sour tears, sweet smile, I can not forget, my childhood, a very long dream.

My childhood has gone forever with the passage of time, but I can't stop myself from recalling those sweet memories.

4 When I recount my childhood life, I always feel the unforgettable childhood life and the memory of childhood life in my heart, and at the same time, I am gratified by my wonderful childhood life. Whenever I think of running in the mountains and forests like a child, appearing in the streets and alleys like a child, or appearing in front of the elders as a mischievous person, or feeling sad and disappointed because I didn't eat a single sugar, how precious and memorable these days are!

Composition at the beginning of composition (4)

Dear teacher, because of you, our world will become so beautiful. In chaos, there will be a guiding light, and in the confused night sky, there will be an eternal Beidou. You shoulder the sacred mission, you shoulder the future of the motherland, you shoulder the prosperity of the nation, you shoulder the heavy responsibility of history. In this way, generations of young people grow healthily under your care, and go to a great future under your concern.

Because of you, there will be a special festival - Teachers' Day. Since then, the whole society has paid a deep respect and attention to you. We have seen and felt your greatness and ordinariness. Your greatness lies in creating the world and sowing the future. You are the person who ignites our ideal and guarantees the fine quality of the nation in the future; Your ordinariness lies in nothing but dedication, no regrets, and no distractions. You never care about what you have lost, because you deeply understand what you are giving and what you are getting, which is the value of life and happiness outcome that cannot be calculated by any number. "Come with a heart and take no grass" is the true portrayal of our teacher's mood. Dear teacher, I compare you to green leaves, I compare you to red candles, and I cannot praise your dedication and achievements! You are not a green leaf, but you are nourishing it. You are not a red candle, but you can shine through your heart, because what is reflected in our eyes is always your figure. You have plated every note of our life into the most beautiful color in the world. From then on, our hearts are as majestic as the sea. I really want to take out strings of firecrackers, send out strings of blessings, and sing a heart song for our teacher with gorgeous flames. Sincerely wish the teacher happiness, happiness and happiness.

At this time, I really want to say loudly to the students: When we embrace success and enjoy the joy, don't forget that our teachers have paid their youth and sweat, and there is no reason why we should not be grateful to teachers. Finally, let's sincerely say: "Thank you!" Who is it? It leads us into the spacious classroom.

Teach us rich knowledge?

It's you! teacher!

You use hard sweat.

They have nurtured the young seedlings that have just broken the ground in spring.

Who is it? We are naughty

Educate to be considerate and helpful?

It's you! teacher!

Your care is like the warm spring breeze

It warms our hearts.

Who is it

Cultivate mature and sensible young people?

It's you! teacher!

Your protection enables us to grow healthily.

It bears great fruits in the golden autumn.

You've been working hard! teacher!

People who work hard in the heat and cold.

You've been working hard! teacher!

People who devote their youth to nothing.

We pay high tribute to you!

——You have worked hard, teacher!

I can only help here, teacher

Teacher - You are like the drizzle in spring.

It moistens the flowers and irrigates the earth.

And we suck the drizzle and grow up.

Teacher -- you are like a wind in autumn.

Blow yellow the earth, call gold the rice.

And we got fruitful harvest.

Teacher - You lit the brightest lamp for me on my dark life road;

Teacher -- you are my guide on my misty life road;

Teacher - You have pointed out the direction for me in my bumpy life path;

Teacher - you gave me a pair of powerful wings to travel in the world of knowledge!

Teacher - You lit the brightest lamp for me on my dark life road;

Teacher -- you are my guide on my misty life path;

Teacher - You have pointed out the direction for me in my bumpy life path;

Teacher - you gave me a pair of powerful wings to travel in the world of knowledge!

The teacher has paid too much for us!

You are like a candle, burning yourself silently and illuminating others! Page 1 of 2

Composition at the beginning of composition (5)

First: Everyone has a small wish. My wish may be easy to achieve, but there is always a question.

My wish is that I want to get a small spider web on my father's car to a tree or to the foot of a wall. Because the spider web is tied on the window of the car, and my father drives faster, so whenever the wind blows, the spider web will be rotten, and the next day it will be tied by a hard working spider. Whenever I see this scene, I have a heartfelt heartache and admiration. A small spider has such strong perseverance. We should learn from him! I remember reading an article in which I also wrote about my admiration for spiders.

I can't help thinking about us now. Even a small 'spider' is inferior to us. You think, when we encounter problems in learning, we shrink back and don't think, while the spider does something repeatedly. Isn't it still doing it? It didn't change the land to weave the net because it was not good here!

Speaking of which, it is a question, which makes me puzzled. That is: since spiders have tried many times, my father can't spin a spider web on his car, why does he want to weave the web again and again? So I would like to ask everyone to help me solve this problem. In addition, I also hope that you can learn the spirit of spiders and make progress in learning!

Composition at the beginning of composition (6)

1. This morning, I smelled a strong fragrance when I got out of bed. I hurried down to see that my mother was eating the freshly cooked beef noodles. I asked my mother, "Can you teach me how to cook beef noodles?"! Mom said, "OK.". When it started to burn, my mother taught me to take a small pot, put tap water on it, put it on the gas stove, and light the fire. After a while, after the water boils, you can put noodles and other materials in, and then cover them. After a while, you can do it. After listening to the method my mother taught me, I made it by myself. After finishing it, I tasted it and felt that I was not as delicious as my mother. My mother came up to me and said, "My child, it's no big deal whether the first time you burn it well or not. It's not just the third time you pack it. The most important thing is that you have confidence in yourself." After listening to my mother's words, my heart is sweeter than honey! Now do you know how to learn how to cook noodles? If you don't know, let your mother teach you!

2. In my family, every time we have dinner, there is the sound of chopsticks moving around. This is not greedy, but we give each other food clips, so that he can eat more good things. This is the happiness of my family brings a warm family. This family life gives me a sense of the warmth of the family. Can you feel it again?

3. When the first horn of life blows, kinship is the tears that ripple in the mother's eyes, and the smile that blooms on the father's face; When the boat of life begins to ferry, kinship is the twin oars that push the boat forward with clear water, and the beacon waiting in the air to guide the boat; When the boat of life is about to dock, kinship is the quiet harbor, the silent water that embraces you.

4. Many years ago, I was also considered successful in my career. In the eyes of others, my life was admired. I was rich in talent and wealth. Relying on the upper class society, I didn't know how many "beautiful women" surrounded me. Looking back at the once dusty lily, the Nine Heavenly Fairy has now been demoted to an ordinary housewife, infected with the secular smell, the once white and smooth skin has turned a little yellow, and the crow's feet have also emerged.

5. Home is a gentle harbor, which is composed of several members. One slap can't make a sound sound. Home needs each other's unique efforts, and can be managed by heart. It is not easy to have a warm and happy harbor, because it needs someone to understand and pay selflessly, to accommodate understanding, and to trust. Otherwise, it will not become a warm harbor, and can only be regarded as a pot of chowder at most.

Composition at the beginning of composition (7)

I love the spring rain because its drizzle comes down light and fast. In the blink of an eye, it has made a variety of sounds: hit the river and make a "crackle crackle" sound. The river seems to say: "Here comes another new partner! Here comes another new partner!" Hit the leaves and make a "tick tick" sound. The tree seems to say: "How comfortable to take a bath!" Hit the rock, With the sound of "ding dong ding dong", the rock seems to be singing this beautiful song. Under the sun, the layers of spring colors are almost illegible: red like fire, green like carpet, black like ink, and blue like sea... But in the rain, they are immersed in the hazy green. This kind of green is very beautiful. It is the only green in the rain. This kind of green is invisible in ordinary times. I like this kind of green very much.

I don't know when the spring rain stopped quietly. The wind also held its breath, and the mountain became very quiet. "Jijijijiji" a bird cried, as if there was an elegant melody. Nearby, the water droplets condensed on the petals and leaves are still dripping, and the sound of "ding dong ding dong" on the river is very clear!

I love the spring rain, its beautiful color, and its beautiful aftertaste!

Composition at the beginning of composition (8)

Cool and rainy, you bring vitality to mankind, I love you.

The spring rain is falling, bringing joy and harvest from the sky. The rain wet the flowers, plants and trees, and gave them enough water. The flowers, plants and trees tried their best to suck the dew, and happily sucked the rain.

Listen, dili, dili. It was the sound of spring rain, dripping, dripping. It was the sound of spring, dripping, dripping. That is the call of spring.

The rain is transparent, it is so thin, so small, so light, as if it is the tears of the day, the tears when the day is excited. It received the will of God and brought happiness and joy to mankind.

When I was young, I often heard adults say, "Spring rain is as precious as oil." Indeed, the silent spring rain, which falls so little, can bring the breath and expectation of spring to the earth.

The spring rain washes away the dust. The place it passes through is so fresh and the air is so fresh. "Good rain knows the season, when spring comes," the gentle rain brings new expectations to mankind. The spring rain washed the earth clean.

The spring rain is still falling. I love the gentle spring rain.

Composition at the beginning of composition (9)

Early in the morning on November 15, I wore my school uniform and carried a large bag of snacks to the school happily.

At eight o'clock, we got on the bus and set off. After about an hour and thirty minutes, we arrived at the beautiful Shajiabang. As soon as we got off the bus, we couldn't wait to follow the guide into the gate of Shajiabang. We walked on the tree lined path, bathed in the cool autumn wind, listening to the pleasant bird calls, feeling particularly comfortable. On both sides of the path are camphor trees. They are tall and straight, like big umbrellas. I picked up a fruit of camphor tree and observed it carefully. It was very beautiful like a black pearl. Some of the leaves become red with yellow, some yellow with green, and some are still green. They hang on the trees one by one, like colorful wind chimes. Further ahead, we saw several willows. A gust of wind blew, and it shook up its graceful body. Although half of the willow branches were withered and yellow, its dancing posture was still so beautiful.

The most common one here is reeds. I am very surprised because the reeds grow too high, far beyond my imagination. On the top of the reeds are plush reeds. When the autumn wind blows, these reeds will float in the wind under the blue sky and white clouds.

As we walked along, we saw that at noon, the guide set the place for dinner at the playground, and everyone was very happy. We put down our bags and went to the activity. What we play with is a device made of many hemp ropes, which we call "spider web". I climbed up after three or two times, but Xu Wenyan, who played with me, was very timid. He was eager to get down as soon as he climbed up. I said to her, "Don't be afraid to climb up boldly." But she still didn't dare, so I had to climb down and pull Xu Wenyan to climb up together. Then she boldly began to climb up. The more we played, the bolder we became. We deliberately kept shaking on the Internet until the teacher called us to stop playing. This "spider web" is really fun!

After lunch, we watched another performance of Let Bullets Fly. At the beginning of the performance, the actors of Ah Qingsao and Commander Hu came on the stage, and they were doing a happy event. After a while, two performers came up again. They were wearing "superman clothes", performing various strange actions, and walked out, which made the students laugh. What's more surprising is that each of them holds a large ceramic vat and performs acrobatics on their forehead... What a wonderful performance!

Later, we visited the "Spring Tea House" and the "Revolutionary History Memorial Hall". I learned the story of the military and civilian unity against the Japanese invaders.

Shajiabang, this beautiful red tourist attraction, is really fascinating!

Composition at the beginning of composition (10)

In the crisp autumn, I got up early and came to school early with a big bag of snacks. Today is the day of autumn outing. I read a book in my position, but my heart was excited like a rabbit.

"Please line up from grade three to grade six and gather on the playground." Teacher Xue's sweet voice was heard on the radio. Our class cheerfully formed two lines and came to the playground to gather.

The bus is waiting at the school gate. "Go to Hangzhou Paradise!" When we got on the bus, our whole class cheered. We ate snacks and sang happy songs. The car drove fast for nearly an hour and finally reached Hangzhou Paradise.

As soon as I got off the bus, I saw a big Ferris wheel, which was rotating at a constant speed in the air, which was the symbol of Hangzhou Paradise. The teacher divided the whole class into groups so that we could play games separately.

As soon as my team members and I entered the door, we ran to the big pendulum play area, where there was a long queue. The staff were checking the safety belts for the tourists. With the whistle, the big pendulum began to shake. Watching the big pendulum swing higher and faster, the screams in the air continued. I watched my heart tighten, my fists clenched unnaturally, and my palms sweated. This scene is simply too exciting! We are in line, but we are very tangled inside. The team leader seemed to see through our thoughts, and without discussing with us, he said, "There are too many people here. Let's go to the next scenic spot."

Under the leadership of the team leader, we wandered aimlessly. Walking, walking, I saw an ice cream shop on the roadside. The round ice cream was inlaid with orange edges, and in the middle was a blooming flower. It looked so attractive. But when we looked at the price, we were silent: Come on, ten yuan is too expensive. Seeing that we were leaving, the lady said that she could give us a discount price. In this way, a five yuan ice cream was available. Let's eat as we walk, not to mention how exciting.

"Shall we go and play a game?" "Well, there is a 'merry go round'!" Ding Mengfei shouted. Hearing this, we all ran in the direction of the merry go round. "The game is coming to an end, please get ready!" The robot is already counting down. Fortunately, we came to play in time! Everyone cheered and screamed and walked in. I picked a big and beautiful horse and rode it. The merry go round has begun. It's fun to ride the horse up and down. As it turns round by round, it is faster and faster! We were riding on the horse, chatting and laughing at the same time. It was really comfortable in the process of shaking. Soon after the end of the time, everyone carefully got off the horse, took their bags, walked out of a door with the word "exit", and continued to play other games.

After playing all afternoon, it's time to return to school. We reluctantly got on the bus and talked about the happy things during the autumn outing. I'm really looking forward to the next autumn outing!

Composition at the beginning of composition (11)

One summer holiday, the sun was shining brightly, but my father and I came to the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum with great enthusiasm. Wow! How big the science and technology museum is! It is divided into four floors and four cinemas. The cinemas are located on the first floor, the second floor and the third floor respectively.

After buying the tickets, we first came to the Audiovisual Paradise and saw three bullet like instruments. What is it for? I'm full of doubts? So I walked into one of them curiously. Under the guidance of the staff, I realized that it was the scene of simulating the flight. After I understood how to drive, I pressed the "start" button eagerly. The game started. I quickly pushed the accelerator with my left hand and pulled the joystick with my right hand back to avoid the mountain, and from time to time put a few missiles to directly bomb the mountain, Boom, I put another missile on it. There was another plane on it. I flew up and said it was late. It was fast. I pressed my machine gun and swept the guy down. At that time, I found myself flying too high. I adjusted my angle and flew down. Alas, I suddenly found that there was a mountain that could not be hidden. I thought I would crash and die, ah! There was another chance. I pulled the throttle back to slow down the plane to avoid the time of disaster. At the moment when I was about to hit the mountain, I controlled the plane to turn right and escaped a disaster. Then I was not so lucky. Another mountain came in the face. Before I knew it, I directly hit the mountain. The plane was smashed to pieces and the game was over, But I was still immersed in the thrill of flying a plane.

Then we came to the four-dimensional cinema on the second floor to watch the movie. The movie started, and we put on our special glasses. At this time, a big gun appeared on the screen. With a loud bang, the gun came at me. I involuntarily closed my eyes, and my body retreated, startled, and then responded that it was fake and simulated. But where did the smoke come from? I see a machine under the screen. It should come from there. Hey, the film is not only vivid, but also has feelings. At the climax of the film, two people fell into the trap set by David, and then a lot of crabs came out, ah! My feet are itchy. I scream. What is it? It turned out to be the effect of movie simulation. Finally, when the pirate vomited water, water really sprayed down from the top, and my body was wet, which is really wow. This movie is really interesting, and it gives people endless aftertaste.

Later, we had a lot of fun and went to the ball screen cinema to see a movie. The science and technology museum was really fun! I will go there when I have a chance.

Composition at the beginning of composition (12)

At the beginning of the New Year, there is a lively and cheerful atmosphere everywhere. After a long time, it is not likely that families will get together. Happiness is the theme today. Bamboo firecrackers, couplets, hilarious, happy, this year, I am happy.

The sound of firecrackers reflected a smiling face. Long time no, so happy, so wanton happiness. I am happy for the New Year. Dawn streaks through the night sky; Lanterns fly up the eaves one by one; Paste couplets on the wall one by one; New clothes run away from the wardrobe; The sound of firecrackers resounded through the world; Colorful clouds danced in the air; Cheers greeted the red sun; Word of mouth goes from one blessing to another -- New Year!

Composition at the beginning of composition (13)

When the Spring Festival came, every family hung red lanterns and pasted red spring couplets. Grandparents were happy and laughed until their eyes became confused; Mom and Dad were happy. They were busy greeting guests. The children were happy. They took red envelopes, lit firecrackers, and set off fireworks. It was a joyful scene.

When the Spring Festival comes, every street and every road in the community are hung with strings of red lanterns, colored flags and banners. Every household is decorated with lanterns and red couplets. Everyone is dressed in new clothes. Everyone, whether familiar or unfamiliar, wishes and thanks each other. Happiness is written on their faces and smiles. The sound of gongs and drums came, and people poured into the square like a tide to enjoy lion dance, dragon dance and various cultural and sports activities. By the end of the year, people would be laughing and cheering.

Composition at the beginning of composition (14)

The beginning of summer composition

A meaningful thing

Housework is a must for my mother. Every day I saw my mother go back to work this morning, and I saw her cooking instant noodles for me. I thought, "My mother is serving me every day, why can't I serve my mother once?" Thinking about it, I came to the kitchen and asked kindly, "Mom, can you teach me to cook instant noodles?" "Of course!" My mother said to me with a smile.

So I began to cook instant noodles. My mother told me, first pour a quarter of the water into the pot, then put the pot on the coal steam, press the switch to the left, turn it counterclockwise, the fire will be big, if you turn it clockwise, the fire will gradually correct. Five minutes after I turn the fire, the water will boil. You take the lid off the pot, pour the instant noodles into it, and then put all kinds of spices into it in turn, After waiting for another five minutes, a delicious smell came to my nostrils. It was really "hard work pays off". My instant noodles were ready. I poured them into a bowl and let my mother taste them. I said to my mother, "Mom, how is it? Is it delicious?" My mother said with a straight face, "What kind of food is this? It's too bad!" Suddenly, she gave a fake smile and said, "antonyms!" I thought to myself, this is the opposite of "this meal is too bad". Isn't it too delicious? I also smiled.

My mother and I enjoyed our breakfast - instant noodles.

This is really a meaningful thing. It can not only enhance my labor consciousness, but also share some housework for my mother. It's really killing two birds with one stone! A meaningful thing

On Sunday morning, I got up early because my grandmother and I had a secret agreement.

When Grandma was walking last night, she found a lot of poops on the lawn in the garden. When she came back, I heard about it. I said, "Grandma, let's clean it up tomorrow! Otherwise, it will affect the grading of civilized cities." Grandma said, "OK! As long as my good granddaughter is not afraid of stink, Grandma is willing to!" So, We made an appointment to quietly clean it up early this morning.

My grandma and I each took a bag and a pair of iron tongs to the big garden of the hydropower station. Grandma went straight to the destination. I didn't want to be outdone. I quickly followed her and came to the grass to see, "My God!" My stool was like a star in the sky, bit by bit here and bit by bit there.

Grandma and I acted quickly. Don't underestimate these things. It's troublesome to clean them up. We must be careful and careful, and not afraid of smell!

Gradually, there were more and more people in the garden, some playing Tai Chi, some running, and some dancing. They looked at me with approving eyes, as if to say, "This little girl is really a little guard of environmental protection!", "Thank you, little angel!". Don't mention how happy I am!

The sun came out and shone on my face, pulling my shadow long, like a big exclamation point. I looked at my grandmother and found her face shining like beautiful pearls! It suddenly occurred to me that Grandma had heart disease and could not be tired. "Grandma, take a rest!" and "Grandma is fine. Go to the tree and have a rest!"

None of us stopped until the sun climbed up on the treetops to clean up the grass. The green grass swayed gently in the breeze, as if to say, "Thank you, little girl, you let me put on my beautiful new clothes again." I said in my heart: "You are welcome, this is what I should do."

Grandma smiled knowingly when she saw me in a daze, and I smiled too. We threw the bag into the dustbin and hurried away.

Along the way, I hummed a song, my heart was beautiful, because I did a meaningful little thing!

Composition at the beginning of composition (15)

Friendship composition beginning

① First: Friendship is a bright light in life. It can guide you on the right path and make your life colorful. If there is no friendship in one's life, then life will be like a dry well.

① Ending: Friendship is the sun that never sets. Let friends approach your heart and nourish your soul.

Please extend your hand of friendship, let us hand in hand, side by side, sincerely experience friendship, sincerely feel friendship, cherish friendship, and let the flowers of friendship bloom everywhere. I firmly believe that our tomorrow will be more beautiful and brilliant!

② First: Friendship is one of the most precious feelings in life. Many famous people at all times and in all over the world have praised it with many beautiful poems. A great man once said: "Those who can't get friendship will be poor loners for life; a society without friendship is just a bustling desert." Friends are the spokesmen of friendship. They never abandon anyone and abandon anyone. Instead, they use their generous hearts to accommodate and accept others so that others can feel the warmth and care of friendship in them.

② Conclusion: Friendship is a bridge between people, but it needs to be honest with each other. Let's have the best friendship in the world!

③ First: Friendship is like the breeze, dispelling the sadness in my heart; Friendship is like a mountain, protecting my weak heart; Friendship is like a sailboat, carrying me through the wind and waves! Friendship is more precious than pearls: friendship is more shining than emerald. Friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world.

③ Ending: Friendship is priceless. Let's look for friendship together!

Part II

The precious friendship between you, me and him

Students, the word friendship is not unfamiliar to everyone, but do you really understand what friendship is? Have you ever experienced the warmth of others and made you feel the value of friendship? Do you bring happiness to others, which is the feeling of friendship between people? Today, let's discuss the topic "The precious friendship between you, me and him".

In the school, you can see the "friendship spirit" reflected in every boy's companion. Next, let's go into the campus to see those moving stories.

One day, the teacher said, "Here, let me tell you a news. Well, there are several students in our class who will transfer to another school next semester..." The word transfer is particularly harsh. Transfer means that they will no longer be our classmates. Why transfer? Is it because of academic performance? no Whether your achievements are excellent or not, we are willing to make friends with you; Is it because of family background? no Whether your family is rich or not will never affect our friendship with you; Is it because of appearance? no Does appearance matter? Didn't the teacher say, don't judge people by their appearance Thinking about it, tears flowed out of his eyes unconsciously, and he turned his head to look at other students. They all became "little white rabbits". Although I don't usually interact with Fang Zhengyang, I am always a student who spent five study hours together. How could I let him go? Again, I wish Mr. Fang Zhengyang: I wish you progress in your study, like our school motto - take every step well!

No matter sentimental poems, beautiful articles, or leisure happiness, nothing can replace close friendship. Boys and girls, have you ever thought that friendship is valuable and also a need of normal psychology. However, students must be in need of each other. What can't stand the test is not true friendship. Therefore, this is the most valuable part of friendship: when friends need it, we can help them eliminate troubles, overcome depression, build confidence and overcome difficulties with sincere friendship.

Sincere friendship is what everyone yearns for, but what kind of friendship is sincere? It is the sincerity, equality, mutual help and mutual understanding among students who share the same pursuit. "Sincerity is the hotbed of friendship." Only on the basis of sincerity and equality can we establish and maintain friendship. Mutual help and understanding is the most basic content of friendship. Dickens once said that forgiveness is a noble quality, a noble virtue. There is an old saying in China that goes, "Let's sing together and ask for the same spirit." Yes, common pursuit is the spiritual bond that connects people closely.

Friendship can make the distance between people close, friendship can make each other's days together like flowing clouds, friendship can leave deep footprints on the way we walk, when the reincarnation of youth slips past us, leaving eternal traces. That's precious memory

Students, treat every friend around you kindly, that is the wealth of your spirit that is always sincere.

Before I started writing, I thought about all the good times of my childhood and some broken childhood stories. Every time I recall this, I can't help but add a lot of aftertaste feelings, feelings, things and memories of my childhood in front of me. I can proudly say that my childhood was happy and unforgettable.

2. There are countless frustrations and tears on the way of growth. That sour tears, sweet smile, I can not forget, my childhood, a very long dream.

My childhood has gone forever with the passage of time, but I can't stop myself from recalling those sweet memories.

4 When I recount my childhood life, I always feel the unforgettable childhood life and the memory of childhood life in my heart, and at the same time, I am gratified by my wonderful childhood life. Whenever I think of running in the mountains and forests like a child, appearing in the streets and alleys like a child, or appearing in front of the elders as a mischievous person, or feeling sad and disappointed because I didn't eat a single sugar, how precious and memorable these days are!

Everyone has a childhood, and the interesting stories of childhood are just like the colorful seashells on the seashore. They sparkle in the company of the sea water, emitting colorful luster, and can't be counted. Now I still hold the most shining seashells in my hand, which is also the most unforgettable interesting story of childhood

6 My childhood is full of silly and interesting things, like bathing snow dolls and shaving eyebrows... It is just so many interesting things, and silly things make up a colorful childhood, a happy childhood, and a nostalgic childhood. Although this golden time is slowly passing away from me, I am not so stupid anymore. I believe that the funny stories of my childhood will definitely become the most beautiful memories in my life

7 "Childhood dreams, colorful dreams; childhood songs, happy songs; childhood footprints in strings; childhood stories in piles." Can this song remind you of a good childhood life? In those colorful years, many things happened, not as bright as the stars. My childhood is beautiful, and there are many things worth remembering

Although this matter has passed for a long time, and although I am still young and ignorant there, it has always spurred me on and made me move forward bravely and never retreat.

Childhood is an ocean of joy. In the seaside of memories, there are countless shells, some are gray, which remind a sad past; Brilliant, reminiscent of childhood fun. I was looking for the most beautiful shells on the coast of memory. Ah, I found

Childhood fun, everything is like a colorful shell, these colorful shells, hold up my colorful childhood!

I was very naughty when I was young. Now I will tell you an interesting story about my childhood.

Everyone has many interesting things in his childhood, and I am no exception. Now I will tell you an interesting thing in my childhood.

Childhood is colorful, warm and lovely. Childhood is so beautiful, and so is the fun of childhood?

Composition at the beginning of composition (16)

1) Faith is the pillar of a towering building. Without it, it is just a pile of scattered bricks; Faith is the riverbed of a surging river. Without it, there would be only a flood wave; Faith is the star of a raging fire. Without it, there is only a cold firewood; Faith is the main engine of ocean going giant ships. Without it, there would be only paralyzed giant ships.

(2) If life is a majestic castle, if life is a lush tree, if life is a flying seabird. Then, faith is the beam of the dome, the root of the deeply rooted tree, and the flapping wings. Without faith, the power of life will disappear; Without faith, the beauty of life will disappear to the west.

(3) The spring silkworm died, but left behind the luxurious silk; Butterfly died, but left beautiful clothes; The thrush flew away, but left a beautiful song; The flowers withered, but left wisps of fragrance; The candle burned out, but left a light; The thunderstorm passed, but left colorful neon.

3. The Road to Life, Life

(1) Only by setting out can we reach our ideal and destination, only by working hard can we achieve brilliant success, and only by sowing can we reap harvest. Only by pursuing, can we taste an upright person.

(2) Life is not a "abstract". It does not accept insipidity, but collects excellence. It is a complete process; Life is not a "serial", no matter success or failure, she will not leave a blank behind you; Life is not a "dress rehearsal". If you don't walk well, you can start again from scratch. She will never give you a second chance. You can't turn back when you walk past.

(3) Let's have a noble mind like an iceberg and a strong feeling like a green mountain, and use them to recognize the beautiful world and create a rich and colorful life!

4. Friendship

(1) If friendship is an evergreen tree, then it must be watered by a clear spring from the heart; If friendship is an invincible flower, then what shines on it must be the sun rising from the heart. How many laughter are aroused by friendship, and how many tears are wiped away by friendship. The harbor of friendship is warm, and the breeze of friendship fills the sails. Friendship is not an emotional investment, it does not need dividends and dividends.

5. Perseverance

(1) With the full moonlight, I hold a cup of the clearest; Falling afterglow, I hold a ray of the warmest; Burning red leaves, I pick up the hottest; Luxuriant grass, I pick a bunch of the most brilliant; Long life, I want to pick the world's most important - perseverance.

(2) Perseverance is the cohesion of sand and stone on a thousand mile levee. Only by accumulating little by little, can we have the magnificence of missing the head and the tail; Perseverance is the spring silkworm that spins around and sticks to it. Only when it breaks through the cocoon can it see the glory again; Perseverance is the sail of a sailing ship. With sails, a ship can reach the other side of success.

6. Love, Heart

(1) Love is a piece of sunshine that shines in winter, making the poor and sick feel the warmth of the world; Love is a spring that appears in the desert, making people on the verge of extinction see the hope of life again; Love is a song floating in the night sky, which makes the lonely and helpless people get spiritual comfort.

(2) This is the nature of the heart. Success is like the bright moon shining on the flowers, and the deep pool is full of ripples. Regardless of the success or failure, success or failure, success or failure, it is a post station that raises the whip and rides the horse to climb high and face the distance; After defeat, the water still wears away the stone and flows into the sea. There are people who are poor and strong, who do not fall into the blue clouds, and who are stubborn "generals and ministers have no owners, men should be strong". Rong, the country is still the same, the style is still the same, just like the sea Wushan, familiar with the flow of time, flashy myriad, disdain the past; Humiliation, Han Xin in the crotch, pines on the snow bottom, just like a feather fairy, who knows to step back, will not stop eating because of choking.

7. Happiness, Smile

(1) Happiness=material/desire. This is the happiness equation proposed by American economist Samuelson. From an economic point of view, the greater the material consumption, the smaller the desire, the greater the happiness, which is in line with the old Chinese saying "contentment is always happiness". On the contrary, what will happen if a person's material consumption is limited and his desire is infinite? Mrs. Luwazhan has so many "dreams" and so many "revelations". How can she not be painful and sad?

(2) Smile and sing the songs of life. Don't complain that life has given too many hardships, and don't complain that there are too many twists and turns in life. If the sea loses the rolling waves, it will lose its vigor; If the desert loses the wild dance of flying sand, it will lose its splendor. If we only want to have a smooth life, we will lose the meaning of existence.

8. Maturity, I Grow Up

(1) Maturity is a kind of bright but not dazzling brilliance, a kind of mellow but not greasy sound, a kind of calm that does not need to look at others, a kind of atmosphere that has finally stopped appealing to the surrounding, a kind of smile that ignores the noisy, a kind of radical indifference that has been washed away, a kind of thickness that does not need to be loud, a kind of height that is not steep.

9. Try

(1) Try not to stand on the beach quietly like a penguin and look forward to the opportunity, but to keep flying and circling like a goshawk, persistent in seeking; Try not to sigh in vain in the face of the twists and turns and the prospect of overgrown weeds, but to cut through the thorns and explore with every step; Try not to be confined by fate, but to knock on its mysterious door and open a new world. Smile and sing the songs of life.

10. Tolerance

(1) Tolerance is a kind of magnanimity, which can be selfless, fearless, unrestrained, dust-free; Tolerance is a kind of open-minded, more broad-minded than the sea and the sky, a broad and generous superposition, continuation and sublimation; It is the basic rule of life to be tolerant, priceless and lenient.

11. Appreciate the Lion, Appreciate the Dignity

(1) People appreciate the flowers that compete for fragrance, the trees with towering green shade, the grass that breaks through the ground, the land that breeds life, the vast sky, the inclusive sea, the loyal dog, and the smart cat. But what is the most valuable appreciation in life? Is it the charming and beautiful appearance of things? Or driven by your own intuition? No, I think the appreciation of people's highest value lies in the affirmation of the intrinsic character of things, the appreciation of firm belief, and the recognition of good personality. Therefore, I appreciate the lion with royal dignity.

(2) The lion has the domineering, dignity and demeanor of a king. This is the nature of the lion, which makes people afraid and keep away from it. As a matter of fact, people should live like this when they are alive. If they want to live, they should live with brilliance, value and dignity. Show your dedication to respect life and life with dignity. Therefore, I appreciate lions and dignity.

Composition at the beginning of composition (17)

Beginning of composition with "true feelings" as the topic

1. True love is a warm sun that warms your wet heart; The truth is a spring, washing away your unhappiness; True love is a fire in the dark, illuminating your way of life. What happened not long ago made me realize the true meaning of true feelings, which I can never forget. 2. What is true love? True love is a breeze in spring, blowing our young hearts; Truth is the washing powder in the washing machine, which washes away the unhappiness in our hearts; True love is a torch in the dark, which makes people rekindle hope for life. 3. True love is selfless dedication; True feelings are sincere friendship; True love is pure love. There is truth everywhere around us. 4. There is truth everywhere in the world. True love is a warm sun that warms your heart; The truth is a fire that lights up your life. 5. True love is a unique word. It is neither gorgeous nor beautiful, but it treasures the most precious thing in people's heart - emotion. A person can have no love and kinship, but he must have feelings and true feelings.

Composition at the beginning of composition (18)

It was a winter morning. I was dancing outside alone like a butterfly, but I seemed to forget the cold weather. Suddenly, what happened later surprised me.

Mother yelled at me like a tiger: "Han Yu, why? It's so cold, and you wear so little. It's so cold.". I pouted, as if unwilling.

But later, my mother took out a cotton padded jacket for me from home and said kindly, "Han Yu, obey me, put on the cotton padded jacket and dance outside.". I said gently, "OK". My mother kindly put a cotton padded jacket on me. I smiled at my mother and she smiled at me kindly.

After a while, something bad happened. When I was dancing, I sprained my foot accidentally. I fell to the ground, crying like a wolf. My mother came running like a cheetah and said anxiously, "Han Yu, my girl, why are you so careless? Does it hurt?". I hummed and hummed. Say, "It hurts.". My mother gently helped me home. I sat on the kang and shouted, "It hurts, Mom, it hurts.". After nearly a month, my legs are much better. I went out once.

I saw several white clouds in the blue sky, some of which looked like lively and lovely rabbits; Some are like lively monkeys in the forest; Some are like descendants of dragons. There are some happy birds on the tall tree, talking about it, as if talking about the good scenery seen in the flight. Walking out of the door, I saw a wide path on the road. At this time, I thought not only of these, but also of maternal love.

Only then did I know how great the mother's love was, that is, how high and thick the sky was, how deep the mother's love was.