400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (15 selected articles)
One meter sunshine
2023-08-18 00:51:18

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (1)

In a twinkling of an eye, the happy winter vacation will be quietly gone, and we will start school. The unforgettable events during the winter vacation, such as going to Kaohsiung's foreign residence, watching movies, and playing in the park, are all in my mind. Among the activities, the most impressive thing is the year-end cleaning.

As it happens to be the Spring Festival during the winter vacation, the general cleaning is very important during the Spring Festival. I have grown up this year, so I can help! My job is to clean my bedroom. First, I take a rag, wet it, and wipe the door and bedside table clean. Then I tidied up the desk in the study and watched the things on the desk change from chaos to orderliness, like a dirty person who became very clean after taking a bath. The bedroom and study became shiny, and the whole person was relaxed!

The next day, my mother and I cleaned the yard together. It was a bit cold that day, so I didn't want to help when I started cleaning, but I couldn't bear to watch my mother work so hard. I also helped clean the gate and walls. When I was cleaning, my mother was about to carry a bucket and splash water on the iron door of the garage. As soon as the water sprayed on the iron door, it splashed everywhere, There was some water sprayed on my mother and me. It was really embarrassing! But sweeping the courtyard is really fun!

I think sweeping is a good thing, because sweeping can not only make the home clean, but also usher in the new year. It's really beautiful.

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (2)

Every winter vacation, I have a wonderful time. This winter vacation, I went to Zhouzhuang, the first water town in China.

When we walked into this beautiful ancient town, we saw houses and water everywhere. Water, very clear and bright, sparkling, like a mirror. When the sun shines on the water, it shows the colorful lake water, which is very beautiful. From time to time, there is a small boat slowly driving, drawing waves. I regret that I didn't bring a pen and paper to draw the beautiful scenery. As we walked and watched, we felt very comfortable and relaxed. Suddenly, we felt that thousands of huge stones had been put down. It's soft.

Just now I talked about houses. Yes, there are only a few people here, and most of them have become a snack bar. I smelled the smell of stink and fragrance, and I immediately got a share of it. Wow! It smells so good! It's delicious. My brother didn't eat stinky tofu at first. Later, I saw that my mouth was full of oil and I ate a piece of it. Later, we swept it away.

We came to the famous Shuangqiao in Zhouzhuang. My parents said that the bridge was built hundreds of years ago. I was surprised that my steps on it were light and small. My mother asked me why. I said I was afraid of collapsing the bridge, but everyone laughed at me. Why? It's not impossible, it's hundreds of years old!

Zhouzhuang is a famous historical and cultural town in China. Today's visit has allowed me to enjoy many beautiful scenery and learn a lot of knowledge!

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (3)

The interesting events in winter vacation are like a song with lingering sound. At the beginning, I didn't think it was amazing, but when I taste it carefully, I will find it very interesting and just want to immerse myself in it

One sunny day, the sun was very warm. I wanted to take my sister out to play. Suddenly, I heard my mother's instructions and peeled shrimp together. Today, my mother bought a pound of shrimp. It seems that there is a big meal today!

My sister and I jumped up happily when we saw some live prawns. At that time, my mother asked us, "Do you want fried or stewed?" "Fried to eat". I didn't let my sister say anything and shouted to my mother loudly. "No, I think it's better to stew and eat delicious food." My sister could not shout at me, so she had to use her lovely and invincible weapon to try to impress her mother.

Seeing that the war between my sister and I was about to escalate, my mother said, "You'd better stir fry!"! After listening to my mother's words, we both calmed down. My mother took the shrimp into the kitchen to twist the shrimp shell. I thought it was fun to follow my mother into the kitchen to help my mother twist the shrimp shell.

Mother said: When twisting the shrimp shell, first break the sharp corner of the shrimp head, and then twist the shell to wash the dirt inside its head, so that you don't have to be afraid of the shrimp stabbing you with the sharp corner. I did as my mother said, and it was much faster to twist the shrimp shell like this. At the end, there were still a few shrimp left. I picked up a big shrimp. Just when I wanted to break its horn, it bent up and stabbed my hand with its horn. I threw the shrimp to the ground hurriedly. After I calmed down, I picked it up again and finally broke its horn. My mother asked me to do my homework and twisted the rest. At noon, my mother cooked the shrimps. I saw that the original crystal clear body of the shrimps was now turned into white and transparent, making people drool three feet. I couldn't help picking up chopsticks to pick it up and eat. The shrimps bent over as if they wanted to challenge me. I was still afraid when I remembered the scene just now.

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (4)

One day in winter vacation, my father said to go to Jiexi. I woke up from my sleep, and I said proudly, "Can I not go?" But when I saw my father's eyes were very serious, I had to brave myself to get up.

After a while of preparation, I set foot on the road to Jieyang City, the destination. After more than an hour, we finally reached our destination. My father's classmates invited our family to his so-called "humble abode" for lunch, and five minutes later we arrived at his home. As soon as we entered, there was a big table with delicious food on it. We took our seats. I said, "It's delicious, but my stomach can't hold any more..." Everyone laughed at me

After lunch, my father's classmates suggested going to see the waterfall. But there was a traffic jam before we got to the place where we bought tickets. Finally, we got to the place where we bought tickets. My father and classmates bought tickets and walked to the waterfall. Just because I was a little tired at the foot of the mountain, I was depressed. My father saw my mind and said, "Now that I am here, I will play happily.". After listening to my father's words, I walked to the top of the waterfall, but the waterfall was too high. I wanted to give up and stop climbing. Suddenly, when I saw my younger brother who was much younger than me, he went forward bravely. If I flinched, I would look down upon myself. I had an impulse to climb up to the peak in one breath, which was a spectacular sight I had never seen before.

From this incident, I realized that we should always move forward bravely when we don't give up easily.

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (5)

In the summer, I have many interesting things, one of which is my most interesting thing. Come and have a look!

Grandma lives in Xinhou Village, more than 40 miles away from our home. Grandma's family lived in a small village. There was a crossroad in their village. There were two small supermarkets beside the crossroad. The market was next to the supermarket.

Once when I was at my grandmother's house, my brother and I rode bicycles on the road at the gate. When my brother and I were tired, my legs had become uneven hills, because my legs were itchy when bitten by mosquitoes. I hurriedly went to the room to take out the six god flower and put it on my leg, which soon stopped itching. My brother and I rode bicycles again. We both rode very fast, like rabbits. My brother and I were very happy. Grandma said beside him, "Ride slowly, don't fall, and pay attention to safety."

At noon, my brother and I went to my aunt's house to watch cartoons. There was a very funny cartoon. There was a fat man who fell down as soon as he stood up because his legs were short and thin, like a bamboo pole. My brother and I are rolling around laughing. After a while, my mother asked us to go to the restaurant to have lunch. The lunch was very delicious, including fried potatoes, cauliflower, beans, and so on. I ate with relish.

In the afternoon, I went to the supermarket with my brother to buy popsicles. My brother and I bought two glutinous rice balls, two ice popsicles, and a magic ball for a total of 5 yuan and 50 cents. We paid 10 yuan to the waitress aunt, who asked us for 4 yuan and 50 cents. My brother and I went home happily.

Boys and girls, what's your holiday fun? Come and write it!

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (6)

"Pa! La! La! La! La..." Listening to the sound of fireworks, the expression was not different from that of ordinary people, and the solid inside was already happy to blossom. I thought: New Year's Eve is a busy day! So he couldn't help running and saying, "Play with fireworks!"

When I got to the downstairs of the community, I saw many people playing with fireworks. I didn't know how happy they were, so I hurried to the convenience store at the door to buy fireworks. When I entered the store, a variety of fireworks were placed on the table in front of the door. There were many shapes. It was really confusing. I didn't know what to buy. I thought about it for a while, and then I bought what I liked and returned home excitedly.

Take down the lighter from upstairs and hurry downstairs. I held a lighter in my right hand and fireworks in my left hand. I used the lighter to ignite the fuse, and a gust of wind blew, and the fire went out! Just like the mouse was afraid of the cat, I could not summon the courage to try again. At this time, the fireworks "magnetically" burst out a flame, emitting a bad smell. Seen from a distance, it looks like a small red and green ball running around. Seen from near, it looks like a child running around, naughty! After burning, I took the triangle tube to play and lit it. I quickly ran to the grass nearby to hide, afraid of being injured, and appreciated its beauty in the distance. Wow! Sparks run up to show their beauty; After a while, it ran around, which made people dazzled. When the wonderful moment came, the spark was like a disobedient child circling around, which really scared me.

When I returned home, I was still recalling the scene of playing fireworks, thinking about the scene, watching the fireworks, listening to the voice, and I smiled happily

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (7)

A happy and short winter vacation quietly slipped away from us, and we ushered in a new semester. Interesting events happened in the winter vacation are like stars in the sky, countless, which are unforgettable past events in my mind.

During the winter vacation, I wanted to set off guns very much. I bought many guns on New Year's Eve and asked my parents to accompany me to set off guns. At first, I was very afraid that the artillery would blow my hand. After my father taught me and I carefully thought about it, I finally figured out the skill of firing artillery.

I carefully lit the fuse of the gun, and then quickly ran to my mother. But after a long wait, the gun did not explode. I felt very strange. I thought: Why did the gun not explode? I saw the gun fuse burning! What's going on here? I wanted to see the artillery, but my mother stopped me and said to me, "The artillery is very dangerous. What if the artillery suddenly explodes when you go?" I said to my mother, "It's OK, the artillery won't explode." I forced myself to walk over. Sure enough, when I nearly walked in front of the artillery, the artillery suddenly exploded, which almost made me sit on the ground. Fortunately, it was a small artillery, It didn't hurt me. My mother was so frightened that she turned pale and ran to me. When she saw that I was undamaged, the stone hanging in her heart fell to the ground. This makes me understand how dangerous artillery is. So I threw the gun and stopped picking it up, otherwise the gun would explode and people's hands would be useless.

At this time, a lot of artillery went off. I made a wish that I would work harder in the new year. "Shen Yudong!" Eh, who is calling me, I turned around and saw that it was my classmate. We played together and had a good time!

I can't count the interesting things in the winter vacation, but I will never forget this wonderful memory.

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (8)

My good friend Zhang Yihui lives on the fourth floor of my house. He is white and fat, with shiny black hair and a pair of bright eyes.

We both like shooting. Whenever at noon, he began to shout in the walkie talkie: "Zhang Yifei, Zhang Yifei, do you want to come down and shoot?" I would immediately pick up the walkie talkie and respond: "OK, you should hurry down!" So I took the polishing gun I just bought for the Spring Festival this year and set one off. Zhang Yihui dropped the incense and quickly covered his ears, He shouted, "Zhang Yifei, don't let go. Let me light the incense. Don't let it go." So we all lit the incense and started shooting. This time, Zhang Yihui let it go first. He carefully pointed the incense at the twist of the cannon, lit it in his hand, and threw it out. But this time, he threw it at his own feet, scared out of his wits, Covering his ears, he squatted down at once. Fortunately, it was a dumb squib that could not sound. I remember another time, after he took a small "grenade" and lit it, he unexpectedly put the incense on the edge of the gun. Only to hear the "bang" of the gun, the incense exploded into small pieces. Ha ha, isn't it funny.

Zhang Yihui is really a cute little friend. We must pay attention to safety when shooting.

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (9)

Happy times always pass quickly. Although the pleasant winter vacation has passed, many interesting things are still unforgettable. What I remember most is setting off firecrackers with my mother on the evening of New Year's Day.

On New Year's Day, the street was very busy. My mother and I bought some firecrackers while shopping. Mother said, "Let's set off firecrackers tonight!" I said excitedly, "Great!"

It was evening in a blink of an eye. After having a reunion dinner, I couldn't wait to take out the firecrackers I bought in the morning. My mother said, "Wait a minute, it's not completely dark yet! You can't set off firecrackers until it's completely dark, otherwise it's not beautiful!" I listened to my mother's words and stood in front of the window all the time, looking forward to the coming of night without blinking. Finally, it was dark, and I said excitedly, "Mom, should we be able to set off firecrackers now?" "Of course!" Mom said, taking out a large square shaped firecracker and putting it in our yard. I looked at the firecracker and thought curiously: What will it look like when it is released? Then I saw my mother take out the lighter, and said to her, "Can I have some firecrackers?" My mother shook her head and said, "No, it will be very dangerous." I had to stand beside her and watch her point. My mother squatted down, stretched out her arms, and carefully lit the lighter on the fuse. With the sound of "hiss", the fuse burst into flames, and my mother immediately pulled me away. Boom! How loud it is! The sound of firecrackers is deafening my ears. I looked up at the sky. What a beautiful firecracker! Just like flowers, they are colorful and beautiful. I was so excited that I sang and danced.

Although the winter vacation has passed, this funny story has been in my mind and has become a good memory.

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (10)

I had a full and interesting winter vacation this year. My mother and sister set off on the journey back home with my father's new car. The beautiful scenery on the way deeply attracted me. I saw a lot of things I had never seen in Changzhou, and I was really 'happy. After three days and two nights, we finally returned to my hometown - Sichuan.

When I came to my hometown, I finally saw Dada and my uncle, whom I missed so much. They were also very happy to see me. They all came up to hug me and kiss me. I was shy. The day after we arrived at our hometown, we attended our cousin's wedding. My sister was also a bridesmaid. It was the first time that I saw the bride at close range. It was beautiful. I hope my cousin can always be so beautiful and happy. During the Spring Festival, I got to know many friends. I played hide and seek with them and set off firecrackers. Everyone had fun. When I went to my uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings, I saw little goats at his house. They were very cute. I also went to the hillside with my uncle to take them to eat grass. I wanted to take them back to Changzhou, but my mother said it was inconvenient to take them back, so I had to give up. I really couldn't bear it. I would miss your little goats. I returned to my hometown and got a lot of rewards. I got a lot of friends, expectations of the elders, and more importantly, a lot of red envelopes. After staying in my hometown for a period of time, I was still reluctant to leave. I would like to go back and have a look later when I have time. That is my root after all, because my parents often say that people can't go far and "forget their roots". This winter vacation was the happiest one of all my holidays, because I had a full time. I will soon devote myself to my study. In the new year and semester, I will study hard and make progress every day. I will be a good child of parents and a good student of teachers.

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (11)

"It's snowing! It's snowing!" cried my sister happily. I ran out to look. The earth changed and put on a white dress. Snowflakes danced in the air like elves. I said excitedly, "Why don't we go to make a snowman together?" "Well, well" My younger brothers and sisters agreed with the idea of making a snowman very much, so we started to take action.

Before going out, I asked my younger brother and sister to wear gloves to protect their hands from freezing. We quickly ran to a piece of open land in front of our house. It was perfect to make a snowman here. My younger brothers and sisters come to shovel snow and pile it together so that we can roll snowballs. My cousin and I roll snowballs. My cousin rolls his head and I roll my body. Who knows, the snowballs we roll out are very black, which makes my younger brothers and sisters laugh. Finally, the body of the snowman was rolled, and there was only one left to dress up. My sister found six stones to be eyes and buttons. My brother found two branches to work with, my cousin found a scarf, and I found a hat, and I left a carrot for my nose. My little brother ran home and got a carrot. The snowman was finally stacked. My brother and my sister were very happy!

Although the snowman we made is not beautiful and a bit dark, I like it very much because I see the efforts of my younger brothers and sisters from the snowman. They try to make the little snowman well, because this is their first time to make a snowman. The little snowman is our victory!

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (12)

I can't help laughing when I think about the winter vacation.

Today is going to be a holiday. I thought to myself: it's finally a holiday. The hard work of a semester has finally ended. On the way home, I kept thinking of an assignment assigned by my teacher: "Do something meaningful". "That's right," I suddenly cried out. "Working at home can not only help the family, but also earn some tips."

When I got home, I asked my mother to do this, and she said yes. I started my life as a "part-time worker". Every time after dinner, a "symphony" of bowls and plates sounded in the kitchen, which was very lively. When my clothes are dirty, I have to wash them. Boys and girls, although washing clothes seems to be a simple housework, reaching into the cold water will make you shiver all over. At first, I wanted to back down and give up, but when I thought of this as my first job in life, I could never give up halfway. I clench my teeth, brush and brush hard, and rub and rub ceaselessly. Since there is always a reward for the effort, I look at my red hands, and then look at the clean and tidy clothes, and can smell a faint fragrance, which feels good! I try my best to do everything well. My mother is very satisfied with my work performance. I heard from my father that my mother will give me a raise! I was so happy that I couldn't sleep.

On the evening of New Year's Eve, the table was full of sumptuous dinners. Mom got paid, a total of 40 yuan. When those two new twenty yuan bills were handed to me, I felt very happy because they were my own money. I decided to buy some good composition books and some school supplies with the money.

Ha ha, this winter vacation is really meaningful.

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (13)

Today is a special day - New Year's Eve. On this day, people have to paste Spring Festival couplets, eat reunion meals, set off firecrackers, and there is a happy atmosphere everywhere.

Early in the morning, I was awakened by bursts of firecrackers. After getting up, I pestered my father and mother to take me to buy fireworks, and they readily agreed. We happily went to the fireworks shop, looked left and right, finally found a few fireworks, returned home, quietly waiting for the arrival of the night, when I suddenly felt that time passed slowly. Gradually, the sun went down, and the naughty moon doll finally hung on the treetop. I couldn't wait to pull my father and mother downstairs. I found a space to put fireworks on and let my father go to order some. Dad took the lighter and walked towards the fireworks. Just one o'clock, he turned and ran, eh? Why didn't you react at all? oh It didn't light up! Dad went over and lit the fireworks again. With a loud "chirp", the fireworks were like meteors across the sky. "Ah! Colorful, colorful, beautiful!" I couldn't help admiring. After the fireworks, I looked up at the sky and there were countless fireworks in bloom, and the sound of "pingpingpingping" firecrackers came from time to time. When I got home, I watched the Spring Festival Gala with my family. I was very happy!

New Year's Eve is really a happy and festive festival!

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (14)

There is no homework during the winter holiday, which is called "cool"! But why not do homework? So I called my brothers and sisters together to play cards.

When the door opened, the card god began to play. The 'card' in my hand was good in the first round.



"Two, three, six, and four -- count the money!" I shouted excitedly when I played the cards in my hand. I won the first game. It's a good start! I want to catch up with them and win them several games.

Sure enough, after several rounds, my empty pocket became bulging. After winning the money, let's get away. Thinking of this, I said, "My stomach hurts a bit. Let Yaqing play for me."

"Hey, if you win the money, you want to slip away. No way, no way!" My sister immediately accepted the argument, "I have to win the money back today."

"Agree!" everyone said in unison.

I had nothing to say, so I had to bite the bullet and continue fighting. But I found that the card god had left me, and the money in my pocket was like timid mice who ran into cats and slipped away one by one. "I'm waiting for you to come back!" I prayed in my heart. ( )

Maybe my prayer worked, and indeed the card god will come back. I won several games in a row again, so that my pocket could not hold any more.

"Eat"! At this time, there was a cry from Grandma. I hurried over, "Haoyu, the harvest is not small." Hearing my mother's words deliberately teasing me, I really ate sugar cane dipped in honey - sweet with sweet.

"Haoyu, continue playing cards after dinner!" said the elder sisters and brothers in unison.

"Ah?" My heart sank.

"Hahaha......" Grandma's living room echoed with the laughter of the whole family.

400 words of interesting stories in winter vacation (15)

"Pi li pa la" With the sound of fireworks and firecrackers, we came to a place outside the city. As usual, I went there to set off fireworks.

It was the evening of New Year's Day. My family and I came to a place similar to the countryside to set off fireworks. It is very interesting and happy to set off fireworks here. Fireworks have become an annual festival in our family.

My heart was like a seedling in a long drought that day. I was so happy after drinking the spring rain. When we came to the place where fireworks were sold, my father and uncle selected some very interesting and safe fireworks for us. Then we came to an empty grassland and started to put up these fireworks. "Uncle, hurry, I want to put a beautiful fireworks first." Uncle handed me the fireworks. This is a firework that looks like a mine. It is said that as long as you touch the fuse, it will fly into the boundless sky and explode a very beautiful firework in the sky. Because that's the most exciting and beautiful fireworks I've ever let go. My heart was tense like a full bow string, and my hands trembled slightly. I took the incense and slowly walked towards the fireworks placed in the paper tube, and then slowly put the incense end on the lead wire. I only heard the sound of "scattering", and I ran back to hear the loud sound of "popping", and the beautiful fireworks opened in the sky. The bright colors are like red roses. My sister standing next to me was dumbfounded, and my heart seemed to spray out brilliant and happy sparks. At that moment, I understood that happiness will not only bring us happiness, but also bring us happiness and satisfaction. Looking at the beautiful fireworks in the sky, no, they should be smiling faces. They seemed to tell me: "Nothing is more precious and important than happiness!"