Snacks (17 selected articles)
Better tomorrow
2023-11-06 04:58:05
fourth grade
Expository text

Snacks (1)

Snacks are an important part of Xiamen's food customs. This is not only because Xiamen snacks reflect the imagination and creativity of Xiamen people. Its variety is rich and diverse, rare in China; Not only is the flavor of Xiamen snacks unique and unforgettable; What's more, for Xiamen people, snacks can not only be snacks, but also serve as dinner, and even entertain guests at a banquet. No Xiamen people do not eat snacks. It has been deeply integrated into the eating customs of Xiamen people, and has become a preference, a habit, and a folk custom. For Xiamen people, the late night "Shaorouzong" in the streets and alleys, and the fried beans with the "smelly ten" (acetylene) lamp burning downstairs beside the road are unforgettable memories of their hometown. It can be said that if you do not know Xiamen's snacks, you cannot understand not only Xiamen's food customs, but also Xiamen people.

According to the survey of Xiamen Folklore Society in recent years, there are about 200 kinds of snacks in Xiamen. There are more than 2600 stalls, restaurants and restaurants that produce and sell snacks on the island alone. Many mobile vendors that appear after dusk are not included. With such a large number of snacks, we can only choose the most representative snacks. The most famous stalls and restaurants are briefly introduced.

The most famous and popular Xiamen snacks are; Bamboo Shoot Jelly, Braised Pork Dumpling, Five Spices, Taro Bun, Leek Box, Taro Jujube, Octopus, Scallion? Marinated bean soup, braised duck, oyster congee, noodle paste, fried dates, sweet onion cakes, pancakes, sand tea noodles, fish balls, oyster fry, sesame seeds, tribute squid, "fried" dried beans, fried snails, flower snails, taro? Fried, oyster fried, horseshoe crisp, fried? Noodles, noodle tea, shrimp noodles, roasted bean curd, peanut soup, fried noodles, fried rice noodles, bean buns? wait.

Bamboo Shoot Jelly is made from a small invertebrate mollusk called "Earthworm" growing on the beach. It is crystal clear, flexible, tender, crisp, fresh and sweet, especially with various seasonings. It is said that only the coastal beaches of Xiamen, Haicang and Anhai can produce "black earth earthworms" with bamboo jelly, and the quality produced in Xiamen Baigu Port is the best. Unfortunately, Yuandang is no longer a port for reclaiming land from the sea. Now, only Gaopu, Haicang, Anhai and other places can provide raw materials for the frozen earth bamboo shoots.

Five fragrances are also very delicious. It uses a special kind of bean skin, which is wrapped with chopped meat, water chestnuts, onions, etc., and wrapped into strips like spring cakes. Then it puts down the oil pan to fry them into brown, cut them into sections, dip them in seasonings and eat them. They are fragrant, crisp, fresh, and wonderful.

For oyster fry, the "pearl oyster" with black ears and white belly (the stronger the contrast between black and white, the fresher it is) is selected to mix with garlic, leek and sweet potato powder, spread it into the oil pan, and fry it thoroughly on both sides. Pay attention to a little bit. After being put into the pan, spread the scrambled eggs and fry them together. After cooking, sprinkle some pepper, add a few leaves of coriander, and dip it in mustard, hot sauce, and Xiangku when eating. It's like swallowing your tongue together.

The main ingredients of shrimp noodles are shrimp and noodles, but the beauty is not shrimp, nor noodles, but soup. First, remove the shell of the shrimp and water it until cooked. Then, boil the shrimp shell with this soup. After the first time, filter the shrimp shell out, mash it, and boil it with rock sugar. Then add the cooked pig bone soup, sprinkle with scallions and garlic, and then it becomes shrimp noodle soup. When eating, stir the noodles well. Put some cooked shrimps and pieces of pork in a bowl, add a spoonful of onion oil and a little garlic, then scoop into the boiled shrimp soup, sprinkle with pepper, the taste is delicious and unforgettable.

In the past, many peddlers used to hawk sugar onion cakes along the streets with their loads, but now they can only eat them in "Haoqingxiang" Restaurant. It uses a specially made spring cake crust with a diameter of about five or six centimeters, wrapped with a small section of specially refined onion sugar, sour radish, onion, garlic, hot sauce, and manga. After the entrance, sweet, sour, spicy, hot, salty taste, appetite.

Shacha noodles are the most popular snacks in Xiamen today. They can be found almost everywhere in downtown or deep alleys. The beauty of sand tea noodles is also in the soup. Good sand tea noodle soup is made of pig bone soup, sand tea chili sauce, peanut butter, etc. It is fresh and hot, and has a special taste.

Taro paste, taro dates and taro buns are steamed areca taro, mashed, then wrapped with meat, bamboo shoots, etc., steamed in a steamer to form taro buns. There is nothing to wrap, just add sugar, rub them into grains like dates, and then deep fry them to form taro dates. If it is fried with sugar or oil, it will become taro paste. After the mashed taro is cooked, it has a lot of oil on its surface and soon won't smoke, but the inside is very hot. If you don't know the bottom, you will suffer. There are also salty taro purees. For example, the "fragrant puree" of South Putuo vegetable dishes, that is, the apple puree is wrapped with various dishes, steamed in a whole plate or bowl, and then sprinkled with fried crispy and delicious shredded green vegetables, which tastes delicious.

The key to oyster porridge or crab porridge is that the rice should be "clear" and not be boiled thoroughly. The main drink is porridge soup.

Traditionally, a snack is always associated with the name of the shop or the owner of the most popular stall, such as Huang Zehe's peanut soup, "Haoqingxiang" barbecue palm, "Touchi" and "Zhenyuwei" fish ball farm, "Zhangji" shrimp noodles, Guanguan Neizhijie's beauty pancake, Cheng Ashu's oyster fry on Siming North Road, Chen Hanyi's fried five spices in the Ershe Temple, and the leek box in Wuchi, Taishankou, Ye Dongliang in the Tin Foil Lane and Chen Jinshui, the flute fairy, the bamboo jelly, He Jinchai's sand tea noodles at the corner of Fumao Street, and Wang Yiran's shallots at the customs? Tribute squid from the cat car on Siming North Road, taro bags from Lai Cuocheng and Cai Shuzhen, Ma Zi from Chen Ling, the foot of Shizizaki, etc.

As time goes by, few of these time-honored brands decades ago can survive today. But rising stars emerge one after another. Especially since the 1980s, the Eight Immortals have crossed the sea, showing their respective abilities, and pushed snacks to a new climax.

One trend is to "feast" popular snacks represented by "Haoqingxiang" restaurants. For example, "Jiulong Plate" uses a complete set of tableware as a medium to make nine kinds of snacks into a flavored plum blossom platter, which is quite ingenious. At the same time, the taro buns, meat dumplings, and shallots are also added? Snacks such as sandwiches are miniaturized and refined, so that people can taste a variety of snacks at a time. Snack feasts, twelve dishes, all of which are flavor snacks that can be seen in the streets and lanes of Xiamen, but they are more exquisite than those stalls in terms of materials and flavor.

The other trend is to make snacks "homely", such as taro dates, braised duck, spiced pork, braised dried beans, and salty? Wait a minute. There are many stalls in each food market, which are sold exclusively for customers to take home to make home cooked meals.

Whether the snacks are "banquet style" or "homely style", it shows how deeply Xiamen people love snacks. It is believed that the snacks in Xiamen will continue to develop and become more colorful and unforgettable.

Snacks (2)

My hometown is Qingbaijiang. There are many kinds of snacks in my hometown, including bean curd, cold noodles, glutinous rice cake, etc. However, my favorite snack is the sausage powder from my hometown. Because the sausage powder from my hometown is very fragrant, beautiful in color, and delicious, how can it not be liked!

The sausage powder in my hometown is very fragrant, not to mention fragrant, at least you can smell it from far away. The tempting aroma of the sausage powder. Whenever I smell this tempting aroma, my craving will break out. I will want to eat a bowl of hot sausage powder in the shop, and other passers-by are no exception. I think it is because the sausage powder is particularly fragrant that it may attract people from all over the world to taste it!

My favorite sausage noodle shop is the Yuanji original soup sausage noodle shop behind the park. I usually eat it every three or four weeks. When I walked outside the shop and smelled the fragrance, my appetite was not very good at ordinary times, so I immediately had a big appetite. Now if you ask me to eat a chicken, it will be no problem! Every time I come to the store, I don't hesitate to order a large bowl of sausage powder. When I saw the powder my aunt poured into the pot boiling in the soup, my heart kept boiling. I wished I could eat hot noodles quickly. I looked forward to the stars and the moon, plus drooling. My stomach was still growling. I had been looking forward to it for a long time and was almost asleep. Finally, the sausage powder was served. I was refreshed and half recovered. I took a look at this bowl of powder. The vermicelli gave out golden and shiny light under the sunshine. A layer of red light floated on the soup surface, making people have a great appetite. There were several pieces of green shallots floating on the soup surface. When the wind blew, those pieces of shallots were like several boats. They moved along the direction of the wind, and even those pieces of fat intestines gave out orange light under the sun, A hot aroma came out of the bowl.

I don't care how hot the sausage powder is, because I only have one idea in my head, so I can quickly eat the delicious food. I picked up my chopsticks and put some noodles into my mouth. I immediately got the taste of this bowl of noodles. The soup was a little spicy, but it was mainly sour. It was appetizing. The bean sprouts were very crisp and very refreshing with sour taste. The noodles were not glued together, very smooth. The fat intestines were soft, but not particularly soft. It was very delicious. This bowl of fat intestines powder was really hot and sour.

Every time I eat a bowl of sour and delicious Feichang powder, I feel it is a kind of enjoyment, so that every time I travel, I think of Feichang powder as soon as I see the Sichuan restaurant. When I get home, the first thing is to eat Feichang powder. He deserves to be my favorite hometown snack.

Snacks (3)

As the saying goes, "There is paradise on earth and Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth". Hangzhou is a very beautiful and quiet city. Of course, the snacks here are also famous at home and abroad. Lotus seed and lotus root starch are one of them. Perhaps, you would think that lotus root starch is just the most common thing. What is strange, and what can be described in detail in words? That would be a big mistake! Hangzhou has all kinds of lotus root starch, which is incomparable to other places. When I was young, I coveted it. Every time I go out, I hear the hawking on the stalls in the scenic spots. I always pull my mother's clothes and ask her to take me to buy lotus seed and lotus root powder. That bowl of lotus root powder is crystal clear, and the lotus seeds in it are indistinct. A bowl of lotus root powder passes in front of you, and a pungent fragrance comes to you. Take a deep breath, and can't help admiring: "How sweet!" The sweet and delicious taste can always be entwined with your dream. Taste a spoonful of lotus root starch. The taste is cool and soft. I just feel like I need to stick my mouth. Swallow slowly, just like a bright sunshine passing through my heart, warming my body; Like gurgling water, it moistens my heart. When chewing a lotus seed, it is tough, fragrant and chewy. A slight fragrance of soil goes straight into the heart, just like a beautiful Lianhua blooming in the body. Lotus seed and lotus root powder is not only delicious, but also nutritious. It can also detoxify, nourish the face, appetizers and stop bleeding... Supermarkets, shopping malls and small stores all sell lotus root powder. All kinds of brands and flavors are packed in bags and boxes, beautiful and affordable. People often stop here. Some buy it to honor the elderly, some buy it for themselves or children to eat, and some give it as a gift. If you are lucky enough to come to my hometown, you must try this special snack. I promise you that it will never forget it.

Snacks (4)

Cotton candy, like clouds in the sky, like cotton blossoming, more like fireworks in my father's mouth. It's fragrant and delicious. It's soft and white. You must know that it's my favorite, white Q cotton candy.

Stinky tofu is a little fragrant and a little smelly. The outside is crisp and the inside is soft. The pickles are crisp and refreshing. With delicious peppers, everyone takes one mouthful after another. Both adults and children love stinky tofu.

Rice with braised meat, which is QQ style, tastes like snow candy, the skin of the braised egg is like pig skin, and the yolk of the braised egg is like cheese. My taste buds are delicious when I eat them!

When I saw it, I couldn't help but move my fingers. Katz Katz bit it, wow! It is tender and juicy, crisp and soft inside. I fell in love with it after eating it. It can be fried or roasted. It has all kinds of flavors, which makes me give a thumbs up. It's delicious chicken chops!

The thin and long noodles, like a beautiful picture, can be enjoyed and eaten. If you are hungry, you can eat a lot. If you are in a good mood, you can eat a lot. It is a delicious food. Its aroma will always make everyone drool. Whenever I am hungry, I will think of spaghetti.

What does Mom eat today? The delicious white rice was stir fried with golden corn kernels and lovely carrots. They danced in the pan and sprinkled green celery. Today we will have fried rice with eggs! The fried rice with eggs is really delicious. I can't help but take a bite and blend it into my mouth. The eggs are QQ, the carrots are tender, and the peas are fragrant and soft. It's really delicious when mixed together!

Snacks (5)

Every place has its most famous snacks. For example, Beijing's roast duck, mixed sauce noodles, donkey rolls, fried sausage... If you want to eat these snacks, you can definitely get Nanluogu Lane or Qianmen Street in Beijing.

We went to Nanluogu Lane at six o'clock in the evening to have dinner and buy some special Beijing snacks.

Just came to the door, looked up and saw a blue sign on the door, with a gold pen writing Nanluogu Lane. Let's look away. The small alley is crowded with people. Almost every store is lined with a dozen people.

We walked along the stream of people. Look around to see if there is a small restaurant. We finally found one. Just walked in. They found that. There are few empty chairs in the hall. The waiter said there was an empty table on the second floor. We open the menu. I found a variety of things on the menu. I don't know what to order. Mom said. "Let's have a bowl of mixed sauce noodles and a roast duck."

In a short time, the mixed sauce noodles came up. A flower like plate and a tabletop bowl came up. The plate is divided into six pieces, with five petals on the side of a circle in the middle. In the middle, there are five petals of soy sauce, and cucumbers, green beans, soybeans, bean sprouts, and Chinese toons are placed respectively. I am not annoyed to put all these things in the bowl on the table and mix them with chopsticks. Take a piece of noodles and taste it. Mmm, it's delicious. Can't help taking a second bite. Another sip of the old Beijing specialty, the Arctic Ocean, is really delicious.

In a short time, Beijing Roast Duck came up. The handle holding the roast duck plate is made into a cute duck shape. The skin of the roast duck and the meat outside (that is, the meat other than the duck rack) are placed on it. The skin is golden yellow, and there is a layer of oil on it. In addition to duck meat, there is a steamer with a layer of skin inside. You can tell it's wrapped with roast duck without looking. There is also a dish with shredded green onion and cucumber beside it. I picked up a piece of skin. Holding a piece of roast duck, stand a little sauce and put it in the skin. Put a little shredded cucumber on it. Wrap it and smell it. It tastes delicious. It was eaten up by us soon.

After eating the snacks, we had to go to the Beijing specialty store again. We bought a bottle of old Beijing yogurt. After drinking it, it was really fragrant and pure, and every taste was extremely delicious.

Beijing food is so delicious! I haven't finished tasting yet!

Snacks (6)

Once you enter Shaoxing, wow! A strange smell came to my nose, smelly and fragrant, smelly and smelly. Is it the smell of garbage or the bad environment here? I asked my father, who smiled and said, "It's not what you think. It's the smell of stinky tofu." My father also said that this is a famous snack in Shaoxing. Oh, no wonder the street is full of this flavor.

It's time for lunch. We entered a restaurant. The smell of stinky tofu is stronger. Of course, it is also a dish on the table today. I pinched my nose and tasted it, because it was my first time to eat stinky tofu, so I felt it was terrible. But another specialty of Shaoxing, dried plum vegetables, I like seaweed a bit like my favorite.

It seems that different places have different snacks, and everyone has different tastes.

Snacks (7)

Food is the most important thing for people. Almost every place has its own special food. Songyang, our hometown, is no exception. Today, I would like to introduce a delicious food of Songyang - thin skin cake.

Grandma is the best at making pancakes. Look, Grandma mixed flour with water to make a proper consistency, and then mixed it evenly. Before spreading the pancakes, wipe a little oil on the pan, because the pancakes are very thin and easy to ripen. When they are ripe, grab the pancakes in time, or they will be burnt. I usually have a small assistant, and of course I am indispensable! Grandma and I worked together to make pancakes!

It was the festival again. My father fired delicious dishes, including yellow fried dough sticks, red tomatoes, green garlic shoots, brown squid strips... My mouth watered for three thousand feet. The family gathered at the dinner table, took out a steaming pancake and spread it on the table, put all kinds of vegetables on the table and spread it in a row, then pulled up one side of the pancake and covered it, then folded in both sides, finally rolled it up and ate it. Watching the family eating the pancakes with relish and smelling the fragrant smell, the taste was simply wonderful! I chewed carefully, chewing out a love, thick, warm!

Pizza not only tastes delicious, but also has rich nutrition and is very convenient. It also contains the flavor of local culture. It really deserves to be the characteristic snack of my hometown!

Snacks (8)

The whole family was very busy and didn't have time to cook breakfast, so they went to the roadside snack bar to solve the problem. The chopping boards and big oil pans of the small shop are all beside the road. The boss of fried dough sticks is wearing a big apron. The apron has colorful oil stains, black and white. He raised his dusty and shiny hands, grabbed a handful of noodle fish, and sent them to the house. I felt sick.

Snacks (9)

As the saying goes, "A hundred miles away is different from the wind, and a thousand miles away is different from the customs." We Hakka have unique customs, not only Hakka houses, but also Hakka delicious tea and fruit!

First of all, we need to know the origin of this tea fruit! Tea and fruit, which have a history of hundreds of years in Guangdong, are specially made food only for sacrifice. Now it has been involved in the daily life of the people.

Next, it's time to do something. First, prepare the necessary materials, including glutinous rice flour, sticky rice flour, sugar flakes, chicken excrement vine leaves. Second, wash the chicken excrement rattan leaves, press them with water to form Fengzhua, and then put the made slag and sugar tablets into a pot to dissolve them. Mix glutinous rice flour and glutinous rice flour well, and then add chicken excrement rattan juice into the flour several times, knead the dough and add it at the same time. Third, steam the prepared dough. At this time, it's finished, and my mouth is watering!

At this time, there will be a fragrance gently passing your nose, and you can't stop biting when smelling it. There are different flavors of tea and fruit! There are salty and sweet flavors, such as meat floss, eyebrow beans, shrimp, bean paste, peanuts... It is soft and tough to bite, and the filling is very offensive. There are other special flavors! For example, pumpkin tea fruit, cold melon tea fruit, grape tea fruit, laver tea fruit, and almond tea fruit... and they also have the effect of relieving cough and moistening the lung!

I wonder if the Hakka snacks I introduced meet your taste. If you really like them, you can taste them in our hometown or try them yourself!

This is our hometown snack - Hakka tea and fruit.

Snacks (10)

I'm a snack. When I'm hungry, I want to bite at the bricks. I have sharp teeth to chew food; I also have sharp nails, which are convenient for my hands to tear and peel food. My sister always says I'm fat.

Once, my grandma cooked a plate of streaky pork. I picked up my chopsticks and quickly ate a bowl of rice and this plate of streaky pork. I couldn't control myself, and then I ate... That's when I became fat!

My body is full of colorful meat. My weight has risen from 36 kg to 49 kg, and then to 68 kg. I can't resist the temptation of delicious food. I can't stop eating it. My sister used to say that I ate slowly, and she wrote "Laoyoutiao" on my certificate of merit. Now that I have gained weight, she said to me, "You are only 70 kg in the third grade, and I am only 80 kg or 90 kg in junior high school." I was speechless.

One day, my sister and I went out on a bicycle to buy food. As soon as I sat down, the cushion collapsed, while my sister sat down with the cushion pattern still intact. I was hit again.

I am a snack, but I hope I can become a lightning bolt, take off my fat coat, and become a little skinny person loved by everyone.

Snacks (11)

In my life, I have eaten many snacks, such as sliced noodles, pancakes, and ramen noodles... But among these delicious snacks, only wonton is the most unforgettable.

The reason why I like eating wonton is that it tastes good. It is composed of white elves, with laver, dried shrimps and scallions beside it. It is like a colorful abstract painting.

Speaking of his practice, it is much easier than cutting noodles and other snacks. First, take a piece of dough with your left hand, and then mix some meat paste with your right hand. In order to keep the edges of the wrapped wonton from spreading, apply some water with your hand to the sides, and finally squeeze it into a ball. After finishing one, make several more. Finally, pour them into the pot, and the wonton poured into the pot looks like fish scrambling for food. After a while, When the smell comes, they can go out of the pot, put them all in a bowl, and then add some laver, shrimp, onion to make decorations. A bowl of wonton with perfect color, smell and taste will be ready.

When I smelled its fragrance, my saliva couldn't help but flow out. Finally, I started to eat. I couldn't wait to pick up one with a spoon, and took a sip gently. "Ah, it's delicious." After I put a spoonful of hot food down, I ate it in a big mouthful, regardless of whether it was hot or not. After I had eaten all the wontons, I drank the soup again without a drop, I used my tongue to add another week, and suddenly the whole person was fresh and energetic. The taste of wonton was really memorable!

This is an unforgettable snack, wonton. How about my introduction? So action is better than heart stirring. Go eat quickly!

Snacks (12)

Nanjing is a very modern city, but it is also a famous snack city. Duck Blood Vermicelli Soup is a unique delicacy in Nanjing. At noon, I passed a small shop, and a fragrance came to my face. The greedy insects in my stomach were suddenly caught. Unable to resist the temptation, I rushed into the store step by step. Oh, it's the delicious duck blood vermicelli soup! In an instant, my steps were tied by invisible chains. I could not take another step, so I begged my mother to sit down and eat a bowl.

"How is the duck blood vermicelli soup made?" I was so curious that I quietly came behind the big sister who made the delicious food and observed it attentively. First, Big Sister took out a clean bowl and put it on the table. Then she took out a bunch of vermicelli from a large pot with an oversized bamboo colander, put them into the hot water that had just boiled, and rinsed them for about a minute. Then she put the hot vermicelli into the big bowl with a spoon. She skillfully took out a proper amount of duck blood, duck liver, duck intestines, and oil fruit cut into triangles from large porcelain bowls, put them into the bowls, then sprinkled with spices such as coriander and mustard, and finally put a spoonful of hot oil, a little salt and MSG, so that a bowl of duck blood vermicelli soup was completed. The steaming duck blood vermicelli soup is on the table! At this time, I wish I could turn myself into an ultra clear camera and deeply engrave the bowl of delicious food in my mind: green cilantro floats on the water like a slender "green leaf boat"; Dark red "duck blood fish" of different sizes poked their heads out from under the green leaves, as if they were greeting me; The "big stone" beside the "pond" - oleifera is particularly eye-catching; The fans of Da Tuan Da Tuan are crystal clear; And the gray "duck liver boat"“

Snacks (13)

There is a snack called Liu Jiabin in our class. He can eat it in the restaurant. How can he eat it? Don't worry, let me tell you slowly!

I also remember a time when we all ate delicious rice at lunch! But next to me, there is a god of eating. He eats at an amazing speed. We can eat two bowls when we eat one bowl. After eating, he keeps begging! When the teacher served him a meal, he always heard him say to the teacher: "More meat, more meat!" Our teacher Feng said seriously: "Eat less. What's your first bowl? Don't order it!" So Liu Jiabin dropped his hand and waited for the bell to ring dejectedly, but he couldn't help raising his hand to ask for food for the teacher! We all sighed at him, but he giggled at us and said, "My mother said that eating is a blessing!"

I feel he can eat, but it's not enough!

I still remember one time, Wang Yuqing, a life committee member, added a meal of bread, which was made by the baker of Yinghua Junior High School. The bread was soft and delicious! After everyone gave one, there were three more. Wang Yuqing said, "Anyone who still wants to eat, come and get it!" Liu Jiabin ran three steps and two steps to pick up the bread and put it in his mouth. We all said he was greedy, but people ignored you!

This is Liu Jiabin, a snack in our class. How can he eat it!

Snacks (14)

Before I got close, I saw that there was a lot of people there. As we walked along, we saw the colorful signs in front of the stall, which said, "The bridge rice noodles are economical", "Fried sparrows string for one yuan", "Sichuan cold noodles"... It was really dazzling. No need to taste, it's enough to make people drool.

It was so hot that soon I felt sweaty. There was a ice-cream buyer just in front of us. We couldn't help sitting down and buying some boxes. I picked up a box of chocolates and observed carefully. Dark brown chocolate ice cream was packed in a round box made of transparent plastic, embedded with a bright red cherry, and evenly sprinkled with black sesame seeds, making people want to eat at a glance. I took a spoon and dug a little into my mouth. Suddenly, I felt sweet and cool, and the heat disappeared. It's so delicious.

Unfortunately, the capacity of my stomach is limited. I don't know how many times I have to come to eat it all. Mom said that even if you eat all of them, it doesn't mean you have eaten all of the Chinese snacks. There are more than 30 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China, as well as Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao, where there are thousands of flavor snacks. How can you eat them all?

Really, I can't eat them all my life. But this is not regret, but pride.

Snacks (15)

The next morning, I got up early, dressed in a hurry, and pulled my parents out of the hotel happily. Following the winding mountain road, we walked for more than half an hour and finally came to Zhongshan Road, the most famous pedestrian street in the region. It is said that this pedestrian street gathers many local specialties in Xiamen. When I look at each specialty shop and smell the fragrance from the shop, my eyes shine and my mouth dribbles unconsciously. Suddenly, my eyes lit up and I found a big sign on the right side of the street, which said, "Eh, this is the famous Xiamen snacks that my mother found on the Internet." I thought as I looked, my mother saw my expression and said, "Let's go in and have a big meal now, so that you can also see the special snacks in Xiamen.". I couldn't wait to go into the snack bar. As soon as I sat down, I asked the boss to serve me three bowls of noodles. My mother stopped me hurriedly and said, "There are still many delicious dishes to taste. Let's have a bowl first, so that I won't have a stomach to taste for a while.". After a while, the hot sand tea noodles were placed in front of me. There was a bowl full of noodles, including shrimp, squid, tofu and some seafood I didn't know. I quickly picked up chopsticks and ate them. A delicious smell spread in my mouth. It was really delicious in the world. In a few minutes, a large bowl of noodles was wiped out by the three of us. After eating noodles, we continued to move forward, when I saw someone holding a cup with many bean like things in it, I turned to my mother and asked, "What is this? It looks delicious." My mother replied, "This should be burning fairy grass, which is a famous dessert in the local area." I took my mother's hand and ran to the store to buy a large cup of burning fairy grass, I saw that the cup was filled with sweet beans, waxy peanuts and Job's tears, delicious q fruits, and cold milk tea. At the bottom was the tortoise paste for eliminating fire and beauty. I dug a spoonful with a spoon and put it into my mouth. All kinds of flavors mixed together. It was really cool and relieving the summer heat. After a few bites, the heat dissipated more than half of it. I thought, this dessert is really cool and relieving thirst!

Next, we went to many snack bars, where delicious food made me unable to stop eating. Before long, my stomach was round like a big ball. I felt my round stomach and felt very satisfied. I thought to myself, Xiamen is really a good place to taste delicious food!

Snacks (16)

Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine and Guangdong cuisine are known as "the four major cuisines in China". Sichuan cuisine, with its unique cooking method and rich local flavor, has become a brilliant pearl in the Chinese diet culture.

You must have eaten dumplings! But have you ever eaten authentic Zhong dumplings? It is said that Zhong Dumpling was created in 1893. The boss's surname is Zhong, so it is named Zhong Dumpling. Zhong's dumplings are thin in skin and tender in filling. They are salty, sweet and slightly spicy. When you eat them, they are steaming hot. After you take a bite, the filling will be smooth, tender and refreshing. They will roll smoothly into your stomach, and the feeling of scalding will spread all over your body.

Speaking of Zhong dumplings, I thought of Long Wonton again. The origin of Long Wonton is different from Zhong Dumplings. It is not the boss's surname, Long, but the three clerks who discussed to open a Wonton shop in "Nonghua Tea Garden", named after the homonym of "Nong", "Long". Long Wonton has tender stuffing and thin skin. The soup is fresh and delicious. One end of it is served on the table with fragrance, making it a leader in Chengdu snacks.

Among Chengdu snacks, the most famous dish with the most local flavor is Chen Mapo, Chen Mapo Tofu. Chen Mapo Tofu has a history of more than 100 years. When you taste Chen Mapo Tofu, just put the tofu in your mouth and gently bite it, you will feel the whole tofu is cracked, and there is a spicy and delicious feeling. Chen Mapo Tofu is now a world-famous Sichuan dish.

Snacks (17)

This cold noodles should be eaten in the hot summer. At this time, the weather is too hot and people have no appetite. Therefore, the cool and pleasant cold noodles that are mixed with food become a favorite staple food in summer. In this hot weather, tasting all kinds of flavors of cold noodles is a must!

When summer comes, there are more cold noodle stalls. The vendors can be heard everywhere in railway stations, bus stations, parks, and streets: "Cold noodles - hot and sour noodles - tofu brain -". When children hear the familiar sound of selling, they twist to ask adults to buy a bowl of cold noodles. Usually, adults will readily agree: "Boss, a bowl of cold noodles!" "Good!" The vendor on the cold noodle stand picked up a milk pot, skillfully picked up the noodles in the bucket, quickly sprinkled a spoonful of fried soybeans, added salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, sugar, chopped turnips, shredded kelp, poured a few spoonfuls of ginger and garlic water, chili oil, and then poured them into a paper bowl, sprinkled with some scallions for decoration, A bowl of cold noodles with perfect color, fragrance and taste is complete. The peddler took out a pair of small bamboo chopsticks and handed them to the child. The child put a large folder of cold noodles into his pink mouth, his face brimming with satisfaction from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing how delicious the children are, I can't wait to buy a bowl. Look, green scallions, golden noodles, red peppers... It really makes my mouth water three thousand feet. I couldn't wait to pick up my chopsticks and immediately put a big one in it to taste. The noodles are very thin and smooth. When you inhale them gently, a cool feeling will slip through your mouth and make a "whoosh" sound. Ah! Spicy, crispy, sweet and sour, soft quilts are skillfully combined, which is really delicious! I ate a bowl of delicious and delicious snacks with gusto. The unique taste lingered on the tip of my tongue for a long time... Looking at the soup left in the bottom of the bowl, I really wanted to eat another bowl.

Hot and spicy, sweet and sour, refreshing, soft and delicious. I think it's really suitable to use this word to describe cold noodles.