Xia's Composition 450 (5 Collections)
Life is as light as tea
2023-08-13 08:25:15

Xia's Composition 450 (1)

With the passage of time, the seasons are also changing, and the temperature is different every day. When the fragrance of lotus wafts into the nose, summer comes; When thunderstorms roar, summer comes; When the sun is hot, summer comes.

Although it is hot in summer, it is still loved by people, just like the cold winter. Now, the smell of summer has come to us. As long as we observe carefully, we will find it.

When other flowers lose their luster and surrender to the burning sun, people will remember the weak but strong figure in their hearts. How many people in ancient times admired its purity and nobility and appreciated its persistence? How many people in modern times would like to sing poems for it! "Love Lotus", "Xiaochi", "Lotus Picking Music"... All of them praise its quality! It is like the daughter of Sheng Xia, gathering the essence of heaven and earth. What can it be if it is not a lotus? Its fragrance is not like peony, nor rose, it is fresh and refined. This adds a touch of fairy charm to the taste of summer.

And summer also has a taste of "sunny after rain". The "ferocity" of the thunderstorm is no joke! The hint of rain is "dark clouds". It seems that what is going to fall is not the crystal rain, but the thick black ink. In the howling wind, trees are tottering. The thunder roared like a drum. The hot lightning tore through the sky. But thunderstorms can come and go. It is like light to come and wind to go. Everything is like a bath, and the originally turbid air has been washed clean by the rain. This is the pure taste of summer. Seven kinds of lights, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple, suddenly appeared in the sky. Who flew to the colorful bridge?

The taste of summer is getting stronger and stronger, which is also very complicated. Thousands of flavors make summer more charming and beautiful!

Xia's Composition 450 (2)

Xx ushered in summer in June. Today, I went to look for a beautiful summer with my classmates.

All the way, we came to xx. From afar, we can see a small tree full of pink and white flowers in a corner of xx, which is very eye-catching. There are many pedestrians taking photos under the tree! We cheered and ran to the small tree. "It's so beautiful," I couldn't help shouting. A light wind blew, and I saw those little flowers just like white butterflies flying freely in the air. Beside it, there are some tender green branches full of furry flowers. They are small, yellow and yellow, just like a chicken just out of its shell curiously looking at the new world.

Entering xx, we continue to look for summer. The fragrance of pine trees comes to your nose in bursts. This is the taste of summer! XX is full of vitality. The green grass is full of all kinds of small flowers. The flowers compete with each other for beauty. When the breeze blows, it seems that the next petal rain is coming. The grass looked up at the blue sky, as if watching the beautiful birds flying happily. The straight and tall pine trees are like a series of soldiers defending the country. Below the trunk is dark brown, and above it turns pale yellow. The huge green canopy spreads out like a big green umbrella. There are many birds in the Pine Garden, including cuckoo, cuckoo and sparrow. Those birds are singing happily in the branches, as if playing a summer symphony.

I like the beautiful summer because it is full of vitality.

Xia's Composition 450 (3)

Summer night in the community... Pukou Experimental Primary School Class 5 (1) Fang Siyuan Summer night, I like to play in the community! After dinner, I often come to enjoy the cool, take a walk, play badminton and keep fit. I can be seen everywhere in the square, riverside and alley of the community. In the summer night of the community, the square is the busiest, of course, there are the most people! When evening comes, many children come here in advance. Some play hide and seek, some play football, and some chase. Especially the little boys, like naughty boys, are running around on the fitness equipment, sweating constantly on their faces, their clothes are soaked, and they are still running, laughing and playing happily. Several little girls, wearing beautiful flower skirts, like beautiful butterflies, flew around the square, and the silvery laughter echoed in the night sky of the community. Gradually, more and more people came to the square. Some of the old people walked on the cobblestone, some sat on the stone bench to chat, and some walked in the clouds. The young mother came here with her lovely baby, squatting beside them and talking, while she kept shaking her head and fan. The most attractive part of the square is a dance team, whose members are mostly composed of aunts and grandmothers. They wear all kinds of clothes, listen to different 'music, and dance the same dance. In the night, in the music, they enjoy the beauty of life! As the night became thicker, there were more and more stars in the sky, and the lights of every household became brighter, people who came to the community to enjoy the cool had also returned home, and the children were reluctant to part with each other. At this time, the community was quiet again, and the chirping of insects in the grass could be heard. I like the summer night in the community!   ············

Xia's Composition 450 (4)

Some people like the spring when everything is reviving and birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, others like the autumn when everything is cool and fruitful, and others like the winter when everything is white and white, but I like the hot summer.

Summer is sweet. She often serves plates of delicious fruits enthusiastically, and let's try them. When summer comes, peaches and crystal grapes are ripe; Tomatoes are like lanterns. Round, green, sweet and delicious watermelons lie in the fields one by one... Each kind of fruit makes people stretch three feet, drooling, and endless aftertaste.

Summer is beautiful. Look! The lotus blooms all over the pond! The lotus flowers are very beautiful against the lotus leaves. The lotus flowers that have not opened occasionally are carefully dressed in the house; Some only show half their heads, looking at the world curiously; Others have spread out to welcome the sunshine.

Summer is harmonious. As the sun sets, we sit by the river, watching the sunset and enjoying it. At this time, the water of Haoxi reflects the green mountains, green waters and red sunset glow, forming a beautiful landscape painting. While watching the sunset, we were fighting in the river. Water drops splashed on our faces and happiness was in our hearts. Unconsciously, the moon climbed up, we lay on the lawn and whispered with fireflies, blinked with stars, listened to the sound of the river, listened to the sound of crickets and crickets, which was very pleasant.

Xia, you are a changeable magician, and you make life so colorful. I love summer!

Xia's Composition 450 (5)

Summer came to our world silently. She came and went in a hurry.

Finally, Miss Xia appeared. The farmer uncle had just seen off Spring. Before he could rest, she came to welcome the colorful summer.

Miss Xia came to the field and saw the farmer uncle was working. She brought a basin of water and poured it on the farmer uncle, which shed what we call sweat. Before long, she was very bored. She came to the watermelon field by accident and smelled the fragrance from Miss Xia's body. She opened her eyes happily. All watermelons rushed to Miss Xia's side when they saw her. They wanted to grow very big. Miss Xia smiled and waved her hand, making the watermelons look new.

Miss Xia came to the river and prepared to clean up. Inadvertently, she saw people playing in the water. They were slapping the river and splashing a layer of spray. It was beautiful. Miss Xia could not help but go to the water and take a bath. She was much more comfortable. At this time, a light wind blew. Everyone said that the wind came in time. Then they went to work happily.

Miss Xia came to the busy market. Oh, the clothing store is really doing well! Everyone is busy selecting beautiful clothes. Men choose short clothes, and girls carefully choose gorgeous long skirts and beautiful short skirts. It's really intoxicating to wear them!

People wear new clothes, and they are all proud and showing off their clothes.

I think: if the summer will not pass, then I will have more time to slowly enjoy this summer.