Compositions describing the beauty of the countryside (19 compilations)
Taste life
2024-05-11 09:22:51
describe the scenery

Composition describing rural beauty (1)

We live in cities all day long. Although the cities are modern, the air quality has declined greatly, which is far worse than that in the countryside.

In my grandmother's field, the fertile black soil emits a delicate fragrance, the birds sing in the field, and the grass sticks out from the ground; The golden rape flower sends out a faint fragrance in the field, which often hooks the children's feet. There are radishes and cabbages in the fields... From time to time, the chickens they raise will peck pests in the fields. I picked out the rotten vegetables in the field, dried them in the sun, and used them as firewood. The fire was very strong. In the yard, there are chickens, ducks, geese and dogs. The dog is black all over, and only the hair on his chest is white. As soon as he saw me, he jumped up happily, eager to play with me.

In a ravine, there is an artificial small lake surrounded by high mountains and green water. The lake is too deep to see the bottom, as if it could not rise after falling. My father and I like to go fishing in that lake, and when we get interested in fishing, we may stay here for a day! I bought a small firecracker and went to blow up "mines" to scare away the fish, so that my father could not catch fish. When my father could not catch fish, he scolded me again, and then threw the rod again. Looking at my father, I felt that my prank was successful, and I was very happy.

In the summer, my little friend and I went to steal lotus roots. When the watcher fell asleep, we jumped into the pond, secretly picked up the lotus roots and swam out of the water. At this time, the watcher turned over, and we immediately dived into the water bottom and breathed with the prepared breathing tube. When it was safe, we went home with "stolen goods" in our arms.

The countryside is really beautiful. It's really "a good year to remember, it's the time of orange"!

Composition describing rural beauty (2)

"The mountains are green and the rivers are white, and the sound of Zigui is like smoke." In this misty and rainy day, I came to the countryside and enjoyed the picturesque countryside scenery.

In spring, the yellow rape flowers along the river fluttered in the wind, just like a golden ocean. Grass poked his head out and looked at the new things in spring. The colorful flowers launched a beauty contest. The spring water of "Hualala" played a lively song for spring.

In summer, there are luxuriant trees and chirping birds everywhere. People are laughing and laughing in the shade, chatting about their family affairs. Naughty children are catching small fish in a jade belt like river. The little turtle slowly climbed onto the bank and basked in the comfortable sunshine.

In autumn, the trees bear crystal fruits. The persimmons on the persimmon tree are like red lanterns. The apples on the apple tree opened their smiles to greet people who had been busy all day. The oranges have bent the branches. The vegetable garden also produces a lot of vegetables. There are bright red peppers and large pots of pumpkins.

In winter, it snowed heavily. Some children are snowballing, some are making snowmen, and some are having snowball fights! The green shaded green mountain has also become a silver snow mountain! The rice stubble in the field stood straight, and the rape flower was still green, but they bent over like a mistaken child; The snow covered the wheat seedlings with a quilt to make them sleep warm. The trees beside the road were covered with ice and smooth. On the tip of each leaf are round ice crystals, as if wearing a playful crystal cap.

Ah, what a beautiful countryside, like a beautiful continuous landscape painting! I love such a village!

Composition describing rural beauty (3)

Because he quarreled with his parents, he was angry and came to Grandma's house.

When I set foot on the country road, I found the scenery before me very beautiful. The farmer uncle carried the potion on his back to water the seedlings. Although the sun sets in the west, the sun still shines on the seedlings, swaying its delicate waist and legs with the wind, and the whole body is bathed in the coolness brought by the evening wind. Walking on the small bridge, the river flows slowly. The water is very clear. Occasionally, I saw several small fish swimming over. It was fun. I couldn't help picking up a small stone and throwing it into the river. "Dong!" There was a big splash on the water surface, and the little fish was frightened. I didn't know where to hide. The ripples were like a string of beads on my mother's necklace.

It will take me more than 40 minutes to walk from my grandmother's house. I kick stones while walking. Suddenly, the voice of a tricycle came from behind. Looking back, it was a white haired old woman carrying a fat boy. Sympathy! Soon, the old woman caught up with me and stopped in a building not far away. Wow, there is a blooming lawn in front of the house!!

I want to play there for a while, but time does not allow. I reluctantly said goodbye to the grass.

It was dark, and there was no barking of dogs, no running of chickens, no sound of wind blowing grass. Everything was quiet and terrible. I didn't dare to walk or even breathe. Suddenly, a burst of music came into my ears, and I was so frightened that I forgot even to shout. I tried not to think about zombies, wild ghosts and so on. The seedlings behind me did not move at all. It seemed that I was too frightened by the tense atmosphere to speak out. Looking up at the sky, it was dark. The sun was on duty when the moon changed. I was upset when I saw the crescent moon. It seemed to challenge me. Inadvertently, I glimpsed the loudspeaker on the electric pole. Oh, I know the source of music!

I ran wildly on the sheep gut path in the countryside - the moonlight was just bright.

Composition describing rural beauty (4)

In the rolling mountains, there are scattered small villages. Their tranquility and harmony, simplicity and beauty are desirable.

A small village must have a clear stream. It passes through the whole village, winding and limpid, just like a shining jade belt. The water in the brook is so green that it makes people tremble, and they marvel at the ingenuity of nature; The water in the stream is so clear that you can see every fish in it. There is a group of ducks playing in the stream. They all hold their heads high and flapped their wings from time to time, splashing water. Summer has come, and many children are swimming in the river. They are like a group of ducklings, drilling up and down in the water. Those with good water quality will sink to the bottom of the river and come up again, shaking their wet hair.

On the hill behind the village, there is a dense bamboo forest. The mountains are green, and bamboo stands tall, casting a green shade. The bamboo leaves are thin, like a girl's eyebrows. When a gust of wind blew, a "whoosh" sounded, and bamboo shoots danced with the wind, just like water waves in the pool. After several spring rains, the bamboo shoots stuck out of the soil. They were chubby and looked like babies.

When dusk came, people who had worked hard all day went home one after another. The setting sun caresses the earth with the afterglow. The grass and flowers no longer compete for beauty. The running river seems not so happy. The chickens and pigs lie quietly in the nest fence, and everything is quiet. The sunset in the sky is extremely gorgeous, golden yellow, orange, bright red, light purple, deep purple...... From far to near; The shape is also changeable. For a moment, it looks like a flowing stream, suddenly it becomes a layer of gauze, which makes people dizzy. When the sunset completely disappeared, a round transparent moon had been inadvertently hung high on the branches.

The countryside is like a poem, thought-provoking; The countryside is picturesque, with light color and thick ink; The countryside is as clear as a song.

I love this beautiful country.

Composition describing rural beauty (5)

The rural life is peaceful and beautiful, and the rural scenery is also picturesque

As I walked along the path stretching to the countryside, rape flowers opened to the outside world and formed a beautiful brocade with the lush mountain forests, showing the most beautiful side to visitors.

Looking away, emerald green seedlings swayed in the farmland in the warm spring breeze, as if saying hello to something and warmly welcoming my arrival. The rice seedlings seemed to be glistening with water, as if it was because of the rain yesterday. Dewdrops are as shiny as natural pearls, which contrast with the rice leaves. Its posture makes me fascinated. It reminds me of the farmers' hard work in transplanting rice seedlings. At that time, the warm spring seemed to be accompanied by a cold wind, and the swallows had already arrived here to add vitality to the spring. Farmers have just started planting. From a close view, we can see the wind and frost on the farmers' faces. From a distance, we can see the shadow of farmers and rice fields linked to the painting.

Looking up, I felt a sense of happiness when the spring breeze brushed my cheeks. When the breeze blows, the seedlings dance with it. Although its dancing method is ordinary, it is more common because of this kind, which makes me feel its beauty.

The weeds often seen in the countryside have also become an eye-catching scenery. The plush appearance of Setaria viridis is loved by people, and the firmness of taurine grass makes me very impressed. There are also some unknown weeds that can't help me. They overlap with each other and form a spider web one by one.

Cows ate grass with relish on the grass and drank water greedily. When the cow realized that her baby was missing, she summoned the calf. The calf said, "But I haven't played enough.".

The proud rooster flew to the roof and sang a song. It stood on the roof and looked down like a tyrant, overlooking the world.

The only person who can fight and sing with a rooster is a frog. Its whooping sound is the same as that of a rooster. They sing together like a concert orchestra.

In the evening, the sun gradually set. In the evening, the ground was covered with a light yellow coat, and the animals returned home, cheering for tomorrow's dawn.

Composition describing rural beauty (6)

My hometown is in an unknown small mountain village. There is a high altitude, surrounded by green trees into shade, and the air is particularly fresh. My grandfather said that because of the high mountains and long roads, the transportation was inconvenient. Many local specialties here, such as fresh bamboo shoots, delicious red bayberries, and sweet chestnuts, could only be produced and sold by themselves. If they could not eat enough, they would waste it. The villagers' lives were so poor that young people went out to make a living.

Now, you ride along the clean but not wide road winding, eyeful of green, will make you refreshing! Take a deep breath, you will feel that this is natural oxygen bar! When you come to our village, pavilions, villas, sports equipment, foreign trash cans... these things, together with ponds, chestnut trees, myrica rubra trees, and bamboo forests, will brighten your eyes! People in the village wear fashionable clothes, come and go on clean and tidy cement roads, and sometimes wear cars to and fro. What a bustle! You would think: is this a city or a country? It turned out that our small mountain village was rated as a "beautiful village" by the government because of its good air, rich resources and beautiful scenery. With the support of the government and the efforts of the villagers, the hometown has taken on a new look. People who go out to work have come back to build their hometown!

Every day, tourists come here to relax. Villagers have opened "Farmhouse Fun" at their own homes. The unique food has been praised by guests! Enjoy the beautiful scenery, taste delicious food, fish, pick red bayberries, pick chestnuts... different seasons, different fun! Tourists go and come again, never tired! Surplus local specialties are sold through Taobao and WeChat platforms, plus the publicity of upstream customers, and the supply exceeds the demand!

Every weekend when I go home, I can always see Grandpa's happy smile. I asked my grandpa, "Why are you so fond of smiling?" My grandpa stroked my head and said happily, "Boy, thanks for the good policy of the country, which has made us live a better life than the city people. Can we be unhappy?" I was also happy, and felt happy to grow up in a good era!

Composition describing rural beauty (7)

My hometown, Tatou Liu, is a beautiful village. If you don't believe me, please go and have a look with me——

Early in the morning, please go to the square in the village, and you can see a group of old people in the village holding a "Wulin Assembly". Look, the white haired grandpas and the old ladies over sixty are all in high spirits and playing Taijiquan! With soothing music, their movements rise and fall like tides! The old man in the middle, who was dressed in a snow-white silk training suit, seemed to move slowly and steadily. It could be said that one move was a combination of hardness and softness, a bit like a master. After playing Taijiquan collectively, we will practice in groups. We can see that grandparents are practicing pushing hands and practicing Taijijian in pairs. It's wonderful!

As night fell, light music began to ring from the stage in the village. The scattered crowd has already been orderly arranged, and the aunts are dancing like beautiful butterflies on the cheerful drums, shining brightly from time to time under the glow of night lights. Their graceful and graceful dance movements made the onlookers fascinated. The past entertainment methods such as visiting and playing cards have been "retired". Instead of them, healthy and civilized entertainment life has taken place. Isn't this a beautiful scenery in the countryside?

Oh, and I forgot to take you to see the Ciyuan Tower at the seaside, a major scenic spot in the village. Ciyuan Tower is tall and straight, simple, and gives people a beautiful feeling. The hexagonal pavilion style stone tower looks so delicate. Looking at the shadow of the tower from a distance, it looks like a beautiful picture. At night, the beautiful tower is shining with golden light! Standing by the tower, the sea breeze gently caresses your cheek. You can listen to the voice of the sea quietly, "Whoa, whoa..." It seems to tell the story of the industrious and brave villagers. Listening to the sound of the waves, you will feel extremely calm. Isn't it a pleasure to walk among them?

Welcome to the beautiful countryside!

Composition describing rural beauty (8)

It was the day for young journalists to collect stories. We went to the beautiful countryside village by bus.

After a while, we arrived at the station. After getting off the bus, we lined up neatly. The teacher led our reporter to the first stop: Siheyuan. There are colorful flowers, beautiful chickens, geese like ducks, and transportation tools commonly used by ancient people. Very beautiful!

Second stop: Stone Museum. When we went in, there were many stone paintings, including the twelve zodiac signs and scenery. My favorite pictures were handsome dragon, lively carp and high mountains. Then I went into a room, which was dedicated to painting stones. Unfortunately, there was no paint. I thought I could not paint any more. But it's worth seeing so many beautiful stones.

The third stop: Handan Evening News Home for Little Journalists. When I entered the home of a small reporter, I saw a red cloth. After signing on the red cloth, we entered the main room. I saw a lot of lovely balloons, and then looked at other rooms. There were some neat beds, which made me very comfortable to lie down. I really wanted to sleep in bed. Unfortunately, I have other things to do, so my little wish will not come true.

At noon, after we had lunch, my brothers and sisters sent us newspapers so that I could sell newspapers. I wondered if selling newspapers would go well this time? At a glance, I found the "target" in front of me. It was an uncle. I went to ask, but he agreed! I can't believe it. I sold it so quickly. I happily went to get another newspaper and continued to search

Objectives. Not far from the starting point, I asked an aunt, who refused me. I was a little sorry. When I asked an old woman, she also refused me. I wanted to know why, so I asked my mother. She whispered a sweet word in my ear, and I did it. An uncle bought it, and I was very happy. When I was selling a newspaper, I was rejected again and again. Now someone finally bought this newspaper. Of course, I was happy.

This activity, let me know, want to do a good job, is not so simple, but also enjoy the beautiful scenery of the countryside.

Composition describing rural beauty (9)

In the morning, I naturally wake up.

"Let's go to Zhouxiwu Reservoir for a walk!" said the lover.

"All right!" I answered brightly. It's sunny today. It has rained for several consecutive days. I really want to go to Zhouxiwu to see the streams and reservoirs.

So we took a little bit to go.

Along the way, I saw the stream of Shima River flowing into the distance, singing happily. What I could see was the unique green in summer. After passing Zhangfan Village, I met my old friends and walked happily to Zhouxiwu Reservoir. The air after the rain is particularly fresh. Seeing the peach shaped plums with rich fruits in the harvest season, standing in the humid air, it seems a little overwhelming joy, and a little tired, just like a pregnant woman about to give birth. What attracted me was the corn field with a good harvest in sight. I felt an impulse to rush forward to pick some and then bake them. The taste must be delicious.

I walked to the dam of Zhouxiwu Reservoir before I knew it. The cool wind blew and the whole village was in full view. Those unpainted houses, surrounded by thick green around them, are very simple, silent in the mist, just like a freehand landscape painting. There are three large steps to the dam bottom, and countless steps overlap. It only took me 4 minutes to run to the bottom and back again. Turning around, the water surface of Zhouxiwu Reservoir was quite calm, and some leisurely fishermen stood around. Looking up, there are lush trees... "What a beautiful countryside!" Stop to enjoy the charming rural scenery. I am intoxicated with mountains and waters, making people relaxed and happy!

Ah! This beautiful village is a village with no collective income! When I think of the unfinished office building in the village, the activity center for the elderly that has not been implemented in the village, and the eager waiting of the village secretary and village director, I can't help but feel heavy!

How wonderful it would be if the "China Dream Show" hosted by Bobo also accepted the "dream" with political color! However, "the road is built by people". Only when we dare to face "problems" can we build a more beautiful Chenhu Village!

Composition describing rural beauty (10)

August is a hot season. My father-in-law's fig field is full of figs. From a distance, it looks like a small green pillar hung with red and green small bells. From a closer look, it looks like cute little lanterns. It's really cute. I found that the fig leaves are very similar to the green leaves of the French sycamore tree. Although fig is so called, it has flowers. It is just a little small, about the size of a grain of rice. "Twitter" I seem to hear the voice of birds, originally want to steal figs. It happened that I was a little hot just now and put my little shawl on the pillar. The bird thought it was a scarecrow and flew away. The green leaves and red fruits are like red agate on a jade.

There are many crops growing in the land at the gate of my mother-in-law's house. There are small seedlings with black awnings, and there are sesame seeds with small snow-white flowers. As the saying goes, "sesame seeds blossom steadily". I think the harvest of sesame seeds in my mother-in-law's house must be very good this year. There are also cucumbers growing on the branches, which can support the weak vines of cucumbers and help the growth of cucumbers. I found that eggplant grows out of beautiful flowers. When it is not yet mature, the flowers wrap the upper part of the eggplant, as if one friend is reluctant to leave another friend! On the top of my mother-in-law's chicken house, there are many vines hanging down, with dark green leaves, yellow flowers, and many loofahs on them! I feel very happy to find so many mature fruits in such a small land.

The sunset reddened the azure sky. At night, the stars twinkle in the sky like bright little eyes. The black night sky, set off by small eyes, turns into sparkling diamonds. On the bed, I heard the cries of many insects. Although they were not pleasant to hear, they seemed to be singing a lullaby for us!

The beautiful countryside is really good. There are delicious fruits, fresh air, and beautiful nights. It is refreshing!

Composition describing rural beauty (11)

My home is a unique and charming landscape at any time and in any season.

In the current season, my family is surrounded by a vibrant green. The air here is particularly fresh, which is simply a natural oxygen bar. There is an endless wheat field in front of my house. The wheat in the wheat field has turned a little yellow, which is the prelude to the maturing of wheat. When the breeze blows gently, I will remember the charming music - the wind blows the wheat waves.

There are a variety of fruit trees on both sides of the path in front of my house, including apple trees, pear trees, peach trees, pomegranate trees and fig trees. They will blossom and bear fruit in different seasons, and then I can pick and share delicious food with my sister. In order to prevent weeds from growing under the tree, my grandmother and I also planted many beautiful flowers together. Every season, they will be very beautiful. There are yellow, red and pink flowers. These beautiful flowers will not only attract many bees to collect nectar, but even passers-by will take pictures here with their mobile phones.

I also planted a piece of strawberry outside the wall of my house. This is their mature season. Every day when I go back from school, I will pick a few red berries with my sister to eat together. It's really delicious. If you go to the back of my house, you will see all kinds of vegetables planted by my grandparents, including green vegetables, cucumbers, beans, eggplants, peppers, garlic, and loofah. Speaking of loofah, I think it is particularly interesting. Now it has grown nearly one meter high. After a period of time, they will grow very long vines and climb the whole shelf and wall. The towel gourd that just came out looks like a cucumber, but its skin is green. When it grows thicker than a cucumber, it can be picked up, fried and eaten. And the endless towel gourd can let it grow older. The mature old towel gourd can be used to wash dishes after its skin and seeds are removed, which is really healthy and economical.

This is my home in the countryside. Whenever it is in my heart, it is the most beautiful scenery.

Composition describing rural beauty (12)

In winter vacation, we walked in the sunshine to the beautiful countryside.

In the morning, when I woke up from my bed, I slowly walked to the window and slowly opened the window. A beautiful scene also came into view.

Outside the window, the sky is blue, like the vast sea, reflecting everything on the earth. From time to time, there are several fantastic clouds floating in the air, some like mountains, some like horses, some like giants... These clouds are also constantly changing, making people feel its strangeness. Sometimes there are several geese flying across the blue sky. They line up in a neat "one" or "man" shaped line, and sometimes make several calls, as if to say: "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!" When these geese pass through the clouds, their wings beat fast, looming in the clouds. Out of the clouds, white clouds wrapped around the wings.

At this time, I lay on the windowsill, looking at the outside world, staring. The warm sun shines in and shines on my face, warm

At noon, a breeze blew, and the big trees beside the stream rustled. The weeping willows were standing beside the stream, trimming their long hair! Orioles and birds flew past and stopped on the branches, singing sweet songs. Grass on both banks swayed and swayed with the breeze and the song of birds, as if dancing to the beat in the bird's concert. In the stream, small fish swam happily, leaping out of the water from time to time, turned over and shook their tails, revealing their big white bellies. Then, the scales on the body emit dazzling golden light under the sunshine. Soon, the fish returned to the water again, splashing white water, and the water surface was covered with small halos

The noon sun was shining hot on the water, and the water was shining with dazzling golden light

At night, I was in my bed, looking out the window at the silent world. The dim light scattered on the river, which was flowing with grass and wild flowers. I smell the fragrance of flowers in the air, listen to the ding dong sound of spring water, and slowly fall asleep

This day is really beautiful!

The natural and harmonious countryside is unforgettable.

Composition describing the beauty of the countryside (13)

One summer vacation, my parents and I came to my aunt's house. My aunt's house is a village where fruits and melons are fragrant and trees are shaded. I also did many interesting things there. Now let me talk about my country trip.

In the morning, we were driving to my aunt's house. A few hours later, we arrived. As soon as we entered the door, a cool air rushed to our face. It turned out that this was a melon. These melons were of many colors, including red, yellow, and green. They were all in various shapes. In summer, the melon fight was a landscape and a unique natural air conditioner.

In the morning, I followed my little cousin to watch the water wheel and the river. The silvery fish in the river were playing hide and seek, the shrimp jumped out of the water along the flowing river, the little frog was basking in the sun on the small lotus leaf, and there was a huge wooden water wheel. When it went up and down, the little fish regarded it as a ferris wheel, and there were two small water wheels beside it, There is a place for shrimp to dive and play. These waterwheels are not only a paradise for fish and shrimp, but also a natural generator.

At noon, my aunt led me to drive the ducks. The groups of ducklings were very cute. They were primitive brown, and their light yellow mouths seemed like small splints. It was very convenient to catch fish. I started to drive the ducks. I took a small whip and hit the ground behind me. The ducks were so scared that they walked straight forward. It was driving the ducks.

In the afternoon, my aunt took us to the pigsty. Several pigs were taking a nap greedily in the pigsty. At this time, my cousin and I thought of a wonderful plan, which was to wake up the pig. My sister and I took a branch and knocked on the pig. The pig rolled reluctantly and got up. I know how you feel. I thought: But this is good for you, So you can bear it! I didn't finish thinking about it, but the little pig with "spirituality" lay down again!

In the evening, I watched the beautiful Huoshaoyun and ate delicious food. I thought: the countryside is not so bad, just some more farm work and some pure local flavor! Alas! What a day! Soon, I will leave the country again, and this trip to the country will make me nostalgic for going back and forth.

Composition describing rural beauty (14)

I have visited the boundless prairie; Green Expo Park with pleasant scenery; The magnificent sea; The world-famous Expo Park... But what I like most and yearn for most is my hometown - the beautiful countryside.

During the National Day holiday, my mother took me to my hometown in the countryside. Leaving the noisy metropolis, the car was driving on the road to hometown. Open the window. As time goes by, there are fewer vehicles on the road, and the air becomes fresh and sweet. My mother and I are walking on the country road. There are some unknown small wild flowers on the roadside. They are purple, red, yellow and pink. They are colorful. Although they are not pruned like the flowers and plants in the park, they are not inferior to those flowers, but can be compared with them. A breeze blew, and the flowers danced with the wind, as if they were welcoming us. The air was filled with the fragrance of flowers. Suddenly, a group of industrious bees came to collect honey.

The fields also ushered in a harvest scene. The rice field is golden, like a golden ocean; Sorghum also raised a torch for the harvest; The big golden teeth of corn are exposed; Soybean also grinned. The farmer uncles are driving the harvester to harvest the crops, and their faces are filled with the joy of harvest.

Through the fields, we came to the woods, the leaves have turned yellow. When the breeze blew, some leaves were dancing, some were still swaying, and some were turning somersaults, not wanting to leave the tree mother. After a gust of wind, the ground was covered with fallen leaves, which creaked when stepping on it. Occasionally, there were several clear birdsong sounds, as if there was a concert in the forest.

Unconsciously, we came to Grandma's house. There is a small vegetable garden in Grandma's yard. The cucumbers, beans and loofah planted in the garden have climbed onto the shelves. There are also eggplants and peppers planted nearby. The hottest one is called "Chaotian Pepper", and the "Persimmon Pepper" like Xiao Pang. There are red, green and yellow ones, which look like small lanterns.

In the yard, some chickens are basking in the sun, and some are learning to catch insects with their mothers.

How beautiful the countryside is! It is like a beautiful picture. I love my hometown, I love this beautiful countryside!

Composition describing the beauty of the countryside (15)

I love the countryside. Although there are magnificent high-rise buildings in the city and only small houses in the countryside, the scenery in the countryside is charming all the year round, which makes me intoxicated.

In spring, the peach blossom turned red and the willow tree turned green. In this beautiful environment, the farmer uncle came to the dark land and sowed the seeds on the ground, and soon sprouted. The grass poked its head out of the soil; The stamens bloom; The willow has grown leaves; The dandelion is also mature. When the breeze blows, her baby flies out like a well-trained soldier.

In summer, rice becomes green. In addition to crops, there are frogs in green armor. The children rolled and played on the lush grass. When they were tired of playing, they collected "Mao Mao needles" on the grass, put them in their mouths and chewed them. After a while, the children blew the wheat whistle again. The sound was really beautiful. Seeing how happy they are, I also want to play with them.

In autumn, the fields have changed into beautiful clothes again. The rice and wheat are all mature. Ah, this year is another bumper year! The harvester works in the boundless field, and it is like singing a song. It cuts into the distance and is out of sight... The fruit farmers are picking fruit on the fruit trees. After packing, they are preparing to send it to the destination. Look, the fruit truck is also coming.

In winter, snowflakes slowly floated down from the sky. The fields were dressed in new white clothes. From a distance, they were all white, like a big white cloth covering the fields. A few leaves on the tree that had not fallen were covered by snow, only one corner of the leaves was exposed, and the snow covered the trunk like ice lollies. The children are having a snowball fight, making snowmen and snowballing at their doorstep. They are so happy that they refuse to go home.

I love the countryside. The scenery and people in the countryside attract me, make me intoxicated and forget to return. Village, I love you, beautiful village!

Composition describing the beauty of the countryside (16)

My family lives in the countryside, where there are unique scenery all the year round.

In spring, the trees on both sides of the village road in front of the village grow green leaves. The grass poked its head out from the ground and looked curiously left and right. Suddenly it began to rain. The children jumped down happily, washed the dust off the little flower, and the little flower smiled happily. The spring rain drips in the stream, "Didi Dongdong" to sing. Duke Lei took out the big drum that he had hidden for many years, and "boomed". The bamboo shoots hidden in the soil were awakened. He rubbed his eyes and said, "Who is it?"

In summer, the leaves on the tree turn from tender green to green, like a green tent. The farmer uncle worked in the field and sweated heavily. When he was tired, he would always take a rest under the tree. The cicada on the tree cried "know know know know, know know know know...", as if to say: "How hot, how hot!" After the old grandfather and grandmother finished lunch, they moved out of the small stool, took out the fan, sat under the tree to fan and chat. Suddenly, a summer wind blew, and they could not help saying, "How cool!"

In autumn, the trees behind the village changed into yellow clothes. The leaves on the tree were blown all over the ground by the naughty autumn wind, and they slept comfortably in the arms of Mother Earth. The garden is full of chrysanthemums: red, pink, blue and white. These flowers are red like rosy clouds, pink like ice-cream, blue like crystal, and white like snow. They are extremely beautiful. A gust of wind blowing, chrysanthemums nodded frequently.

In winter, people wear cotton padded clothes, cotton socks, hats, scarves, gloves, and even wool in their shoes! As long as people go out of their homes and take a gentle "breath", you can see a puff of smoke, and a layer of mist often floats on the fields. If several trees are planted near the field, they can be haunted.

Look, the scenery in my hometown is so beautiful and charming all the year round. "An inch of time is an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time." I will cherish the good time spent in the countryside in the future.

Composition describing the beauty of the countryside (17)

The sun is lazily shining on a small house, which is the health room of our village. Through the transparent glass window, it is lazily cast on a woman.

She is the only doctor who has lived in the village for a long time. She has been in our village for several years.

She used to work in the city. Whether it was on a whim or for some other reason, she came here - a small village. At that time, she was childish and stubborn, full of youth and vitality. Although it is not very remote here, it is also far away from the city. There are almost no people of her size in the village. Most of the old people in the village, the girls from the city have been doubted. Those eyes, like needles, pierced her heart. She left. The villagers did not respond much. A few days later, she came back when we almost forgot about her. She told everyone that villagers can see a doctor at a low price, and if it doesn't work, she will refund the money to everyone. At that time, everyone was still skeptical. At that time, her clear eyes contained a firm belief.

Although her life in the village was not hard, it was also quite bad. Loneliness and loneliness filled her free time. Mother once found the loneliness in his eyes and asked why she didn't go back. She smiled and replied, "I'm a doctor." Just four words shocked everyone, but she answered so calmly and rightfully.

I often go to the clinic where there are sometimes more people and sometimes less people. But she always takes it seriously and never begrudges her smile. She really tried her best. Her slender figure always appeared in every household in the village. She wore a clean and tidy white coat, with a large medical case with a red cross hanging on her thin shoulders. Her clean and refreshing hair was neatly tied up high. The original clean white cloth shoes were also stained with a little mud, and sweat left along the white face, Wet collar.

She always gently holds the hand of the lonely old people in the village, just like her parents, holding their hands full of years, looking at them with gentle eyes, chatting with them, earnestly telling them what to eat, what not to eat, when to take medicine, how much to take at a time... She always repeats.

Over time, she gradually integrated into the village, as if he was born and raised here. She became a star in the village, illuminating the whole area.

How long has passed in a twinkling of an eye? Looking back, she has already taken root in this place. When I saw her again that day, she seemed much more mature and less childish. She holds a lovely child, very similar to her, I think, that is her child. How familiar is the look in her eyes when she looks at children. It used to be the look in our eyes, kind and gentle.

It doesn't matter what her name is. Just know that she is a doctor, a doctor who dedicates to other people in the countryside.

Composition describing rural beauty (18)

I have seen the boundless prairie and the blue sea, but I still like the simple and beautiful countryside in my hometown.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning shines into the window, waking me up. After getting up, I was very cheerful when I saw the green ivy on the wall. Walking into the yard, it was full of flowers, fragrant in bursts, like a picturesque fairyland.

Outside the window, the stream flows happily, limpid like a natural mirror. By the side of the stream, I saw a boy turning grass and plowing land. There were people making chicken cages nearby. Not far from the river, there was a child peeling lotus! This is not the picture written by Xin Qiji? The so-called "Big boys hoe the east of Douxi, and middle boys are weaving chicken coops. They like young rascals best, and the head of the stream is peeling lotus."

Composition describing rural beauty (19)

After reading Chen Zuiyun's "Rural People", I am very longing for rural life. I also want to go to the countryside to see the beautiful scenery.

Walking into the countryside, the rivers are like blue ribbons winding around endless green fields. In the distance, there is an ancient cottage making shapes. A gust of wind blew the straw, and the straw fluttered all over with the wind, as if greeting us. On the grass, the children were lying comfortably, with straw in their mouth, blowing into the air. The sound of "Wubu, Wubu, Wubu..." came from the wheat whistle. When they were thirsty, they collected some "Maomao needles" and chewed the stems of the leaves in their mouths, which gave them a refreshing taste.

At noon, we came to the stove and began to live. My friend gently picked up some hay, lit it with a fire, and then threw it into the hearth. However, the small flame was soon extinguished by the wind. After a while, he came up with a good idea:

The hay is wrapped in a knot and lit all around. Suddenly, a group of people rolled, and a lot of smoke rose from the pot.

After cooking, due to the poor control of the heat, a pot of rice became a hard pot. However, with its own labor, the rice pot is delicious. I feel happy when I eat my own food.

After dinner, I walked in the fields and saw beautiful fruit trees, wide fields, dense trees, very beautiful!

Even the picturesque West Lake cannot compare with nature in such seasons and landscapes. Harmonious pastoral scenery and pastoral beauty make me nostalgic.