Describe Plum Blossoms in the Snow (Collection 3)
Why go far without dreams
2024-05-01 06:58:18
Grade 3

Description of Plum Blossoms in Snow (1)

"Sand, sand", another goose feather snow. Looking at the world of ice and snow, I can see the bright red like snow again in my mind

One winter, my parents and I took a walk on the road. In this heavy snow, everything seems to be asleep. No vibrant green leaves could be found on the tree, and only a dry branch remained in the flower. Between heaven and earth, it seems that there is only white snow and howling cold wind. Although we kept snowballing and snowball fights, we were still shivering with cold.

At this time, I vaguely saw the dots of red, smelled a trace of aroma. "Are there any flowers?" I was puzzled. "How can they bloom in such a cold winter?" When I came closer, there were several plum blossoms blooming on the branches. On the branches, many snowflakes are piled up on the branches to form a thick layer, which is wrapped with plum blossoms emitting wisps of faint fragrance. Plum blossom tenaciously resists the severe cold. Whether the snow is flying or the cold wind is biting, it is still open.

"Why can plum blossom bloom in such a cold winter?" I wondered. After smelling the pleasant fragrance, my mother said, "Because it is very strong. The colder the weather is, the more fragrant the flowers will be. This is the reason why 'Baojianfeng comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold'." "Yes," my father touched my head, "you should be as strong as the plum blossom."

When I looked at the plum blossom, I felt awe. It is so gorgeous that it adds a lot of vitality to winter. The petals are purplish red, and one by one they are folded into small disks. In the center of each "small disk", there are several stamens. The stamen is white, thin and long, with a small black spot on the top. Such small and exquisite flowers, coupled with purple ball like flower buds, make the snow covered winter seem particularly enchanting. However, there is not a bee or a butterfly around the beautiful plum blossom. Thinking of the strong and unyielding spirit of Plum Blossom and its silent dedication, a warm current surged in my heart.

In this cold winter, I was moved for a long time by the flickering red dots

Describe Plum Blossoms in Snow (2)

"There are several plum trees in the corner, and Ling Han opens alone." This fully demonstrates Mei's "loneliness". Lonely but proud; Although cold, don't admit defeat to difficulties. This is why I appreciate Mei.

I went to Harbin for a visit during the Spring Festival. Mei was so proud there!

I clearly remember that it was minus 20 degrees Celsius that day, and people in the street were slightly angry. It is as small as an empty city. But my mood of watching plum blossoms broke through the wall of my heart. I came to the park to enjoy plum blossoms.

The park is full of wintersweet, yellow, pink and white. Mei in the snow, not afraid of the cold, held back the wind and snow, bravely fought against the snow. The snow covered my front feet. I looked up and saw that the plum blossoms were bigger, rounder and more beautiful. The snow kept falling, and the speed gradually increased, but after all, Mei could not fight. Only helplessly lowered his head. The heavier the snow, the more beautiful the plum blossom will be. Although it is wintersweet, I can see that the petals are in full bloom, and each one is exquisite and transparent. Each one is golden and shiny, and seems to have been dipped in honey wax. The white plum is also unwilling to be outdone. Because its color is similar to that of snow, she tries to bloom and show her style. The white plum blooms very vigorously. Each branch condenses into a bunch of snow, emitting a refreshing fragrance. Of course, Red Plum Blossom will not be soft hearted. Her difference from snow is somewhat different, so she shows her graceful body dancing with the snow, fast and slow. The whole park is immersed in Mei's world.

Is the plum the only remaining flower in winter, or the earliest flower in spring? When the snow breaks the branches, the flowers wither, and the plum blossom comes with the wind and snow. But when winter goes and spring comes, everything comes to life, and flowers fill the garden, the plum blossom goes first again. Is it to follow the wind and snow? Or leave the spring it brought to the world?

If life is also a plum blossom, I think I will choose the combination of wind and snow rather than warm spring. Because people honed in difficulties have super perseverance, and you will always use this perseverance to overcome every difficulty. The reason why plum blossoms are so fragrant and beautiful is that she has the determination to overcome difficulties.

Isn't that true of people? I think I am the plum blossom blooming silently.

Description of Plum Blossoms in Snow (3)

"The plum blossom is three times as white as the snow, but the snow loses its fragrance." This is a poem by Lu Meipo, a poet of the Song Dynasty, praising plum blossom. This sentence hides the noble and resolute quality of plum blossom. Because I appreciate this poem very much, Mei Lai has become my favorite flower. Plum blossoms in winter, and it only grows leaves when the flowers wither. Its leaves are tender green at first, and then grow more and more green. It feels very rough. The stamens of the plum blossom are tender yellow, like a graceful girl, dancing in the biting cold wind.

The north wind is howling and the snow is all over the sky, but the plum blossom is blowing against the wind. Although the fragrance of its flowers is not as good as that of peonies, the golden chrysanthemum is as pungent as it is. But it also has its own characteristics. The fragrance of plum blossom is a faint fragrance, just like a wisp of fragrance emitted from a pot of tea, which allows your thoughts to fly freely. Plum blossom in the wind and snow has backbone, character and soul. No matter what the situation, a Chinese should have the nature of plum blossom. Plum Blossom, with its proud frost in full bloom, has attracted our attention and become the "proud son" of literati. We should learn the quality, faith, spirit and persistence of Plum Blossom. Plum Blossom is not only a kind of beauty that is pleasing to the eyes, but also an inspiration to us.