Contract composition for keeping the heart (5 refined articles)
2023-10-23 03:59:23

Contract composition for keeping the heart (1)

The soft moonlight sprinkles on the bedside, and the breeze blows the leaves outside the house, sending out the broken words like balderdash. Are you asleep now? You know what? The memory of my heart and yours has become a contract filled with vows, and I am always waiting for it.

As a child, naughty I always liked to run out of the house to watch butterflies break cocoons, pick newly sprouted branches, and catch fish and shrimp in the stream. Then I got covered with mud and went home. You helplessly washed the mud off my body and told me that there was a wolf in the stream. I really believed it then. So every time my father said that he would teach me to swim, I would find all kinds of excuses to refuse, so I can't swim now. Later, when you talk about this, your mouth will show a smile. I know you are not laughing at my innocence, but remembering the good memories at that time. You will still ask me if I remember it. I remember, of course, the childhood innocence and your happy memories, I always keep them.

Keep the contract of the soul, keep the memory of the soul, keep your happy time and the memory of your innocent childhood.

Later, I went to primary school, and you had to work part-time in the town to support our family. At that time, I would look for you at your work place every day after school and sit on the stone bench beside the street waiting for you to go home. The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkles on the path home, holding your hand and singing the nursery rhymes in your heart. At this time, I found that your hands are no longer as beautiful and smooth as before, covered with calluses and scars.

Keep the contract of your heart, keep the memory of your heart, keep the memory of your selfless struggle and your own growth.

Now, you have gone to another city to work, and I have also gone to another town to study. We haven't seen each other for a long time. I don't know whether the white hair on your temples has increased or how deep the wrinkles on your eyes are. I only know that you are working hard for me. You gave me your youth, and you gave me your selfless love. The other day, you called me to tell me that you had found a very easy job and told me not to worry. But, do you know? I think your heart will never be calm. The missing of you has been written into the contract with our beautiful memories, which cannot be erased or forgotten

To keep the contract of the soul, we should not only keep the memory of the soul, but also keep the longing for you and the vision for the future.

The moonlight is very bright tonight, and summer insects are chirping. I got up, wiped the tears from my eyes, and kept the contract of my heart, the memory, the longing for you and the future in the deepest part of my heart, forever.

Deng Liye, Senior Three, Binjiang Middle School, Qingxin County, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province

Contract composition for keeping the heart (2)

I am often moved to tears by the ancient man called Wei Sheng. "I made an appointment with a woman, and she didn't arrive for three days. When she met a flood, she died." Mei Sheng is such a lovely and persistent gentleman. For the sake of that perhaps unimportant agreement, and in order to keep the contract written to her in the heart, he used his life to defend it bravely. I can see the shining two words from him - honesty.

I often miss the ancient times, which was a time full of personality charm. Behind the elegant demeanor of those gentlemen is a structure of people supported by honesty, credibility and persistent beliefs. Don't you think that the brave man who has gone away is reluctant to leave his hometown? Don't he know the danger and danger of going deep into the tiger's den? He went without hesitation, so firmly, with loyalty to the monarch and full of loyalty to the oath. Lin Xiangru, who was holding the Heshi Bi in his hand, made an impassioned speech in the Hall of the King of Qin. Don't you know that the King of Qin was insidious and greedy? He made a promise to return to Zhao before he left! He is following the hard road of fulfilling his promise to defend the interests of the country and the immortal contract in his heart bravely.

These are ancient stories. History and time may have faded them. The noise of the market and the bright shadows of neon lights have drowned the glory of human nature. We have to sigh for those lost qualities.

Those impetuous people who sing "Don't care about everlasting life, only care about once owned" may forget that marriage is a happy contract, but also a contract of the soul. Only by carefully guarding can we obtain the fruits of happiness.

Those greedy people who think of "having the right not to use, expiration and invalidation" may forget the original vow of Dan Dan under the party flag, which is not only the constraint of behavior, but also the plainness of belief. A person who can abandon his own belief will eventually be abandoned by the society.

A mind without restraint is empty and free, just like a soul without home, a tree without roots, a river without its source, which can only fall, wither, and dry up

A voice from the soul is crying: Keep it -- the contract of the soul: integrity!

Contract composition for keeping the heart (3)

For our young people, we don't need to do these big things. We should start from small things, bit by bit. On the crowded bus, we give way to our seats; In front of the red light, we stop; On both sides of the road, we bent down to pick up a piece of waste paper; At home, we share some troubles for our parents. This is a moral performance. If we all do this, China will become better.

Morality is a pair of hands, pushing open the window locked in the heart; Morality is a window, outside which is a beautiful sky; Morality is a sky, which breeds countless pure hearts. Morality is a code of conduct naturally formed in society and a standard for gaining trust from others.

We get a habit when we play an action; Sow a habit, and you will reap a character. Civilization has been put in an important place in people's mind. They are always talking with civilization. Do not regard civilized behaviors and habits as trivial matters. Everyone's every move conveys a wealth of civilized information. Let's start from now, from ourselves, from little things, to develop good civilized habits, to be civilized students, to control our mouth, not to spit everywhere; Control our hands and do not litter; Control our feet and don't trample on flowers and plants.

Morality is a gorgeous rainbow that we embrace in our arms. As soon as it appears, it will bring us joy and joy after rain, right? When we are in conflict with others, morality will let us reach out our hands with enthusiasm and take the initiative to reconcile with dialect; When we abandon ourselves, morality will help us find ourselves; When we are pessimistic and disappointed, morality will cheer us up and get out of the dark clouds; When we suffer setbacks and failures, morality will urge us to move forward courageously and firmly believe that "failure is the mother of success"; When the mission of the times comes, morality will make us hold the belief that "I am born to be useful" and take up everything bravely and fearlessly... It can be said that morality is the foothold of our life and the support of our life.

It is often said that morality is a stone, knocking out the fire of hope; Morality is fire, lighting the lamp of hope; Morality is a lamp, illuminating the way of life; Morality is the way to guide people towards brilliance.

From now on, start from yourself and consciously be the propagandist, practitioner and defender of moral construction, and be a moral person.

Contract composition for keeping the heart (4)

I often miss the ancient times. In that era full of personality charm, behind those elegant gentlemen with lofty ideals is the structure of people supported by honesty, credit and persistent beliefs. The hero who said goodbye to Xiao Xiao and Yi Shui, doesn't he miss his home? Don't he know the danger and danger of going deep into the tiger's den? He went without hesitation. He went so firmly, with his loyalty to the monarch and his loyalty to the oath. Lin Xiangru, who was holding the He Family Wall and making an impassioned speech on the Palace of the King of Qin, did not know that the King of Qin was insidious and greedy? Is he ready to die for his country before he leaves? He is following a hard road to fulfill his promise and bravely defending the interests of the country and the immortal contract in the heart of his own heart.

These are ancient stories, and the years may have faded them. The noise of the market and the bright shadows of neon lights have drowned the brilliance of human nature. I think "honesty" always seems to belong to that poetic and gorgeous era. Now, on the survey report based on modern technology, those cold figures tell us that we hesitated in front of "integrity". Is it true that there is too much load on the boat of life, and we must lose integrity to steer the boat of life?

However, now, I see that even now, in this era of civilization, there are still people who adhere to the contract of integrity as a gentleman. He moved me, and a word "you" moved me. I understand that he is not the first or the last one; A "first time" touched me. I knew that he did not hesitate, and that his integrity was as good as gold. A lottery ticket with light weight and small size, however, always carried the gold medal of integrity.

Honesty to people, honesty to oneself, honesty is a golden full moon, and only by looking at the high place can the real attitude towards life be precipitated; Honesty is a dignified weight. If you put it on the square, it will steadily incline to one end; Honesty is the water at the top of the mountain, which can wash away the vanity, the restlessness, and the deceit, leaving behind the essence of enlightenment.

Please keep your heart's contract.

Contract composition for keeping the heart (5)

The snow is falling like that, falling in the vast expanse. I snuggled up with my grandmother, in front of the window, watching the white elves fly.

"Ding Dong", the harsh doorbell, cut through the calm and long winter and stood out in the frozen air. I ran reluctantly and saw such a person through the cat's eyes: the hat with crystal snowflakes was cocked on the head, the bulging cheeks were red with cold, shivering and trembling, and the deep eyes reflected the light of expectation.

Grandma smiled and tried to open the door, but I stopped her. It was like burning a contract of trust between people signed at an unknown time. I was afraid that she was a liar. Grandma gently removed my hand, smiled and shook her head. "No," she said

The old man outside the door sat next to me trembling. He greedily took a breath of warm air and looked around like "ill intentioned". I was hostile and always on guard. The old man snuffed his snot, then took off his hat and said to his grandmother in non-standard Mandarin: "Thank you, comrade. It's cold today. My car broke down and I can't go home. I'll take a rest." Grandma smiled and shook her hand. She said repeatedly, "No thanks." She asked me to make a cup of bitter tea for the old man. At this moment, the wall in my heart, which is engraved with vigilance, is not as hard as before. When I lived with my grandmother when I was young, strangers who passed by would stop by and chat for a while. At this time, my grandmother would always treat these dusty guests with bitter tea. Perhaps at that time, when I was young, I had signed a spiritual contract with the world

I can't believe that the habit has not changed for so long. The warning system of the city paralyzed my once enthusiastic heart and made me turn away all warmth.

Through the dense water, I seem to see the simplicity and beauty of human nature. At the moment of tea delivery, it was amazing that a warm current invaded my fingers, wrapped every cell of my body bit by bit, like a bean pod bursting, full of flexible warmth. The old man's hand shook slightly when he took the cup, and then he held the warmth of his hand like a treasure. I know that the contract of the soul has not disappeared. I have kept it. This time, I will keep it firmly and keep the contract of my soul.

Because I have been living in the security door for a long time, living in a cement forest where I have to be suspicious all day long and hide a knife behind my back. I am used to taking and reaching out, but I forget that people should trust and help each other, and I have lost my enthusiasm to help others, and I almost forgot the contract of my heart. We enjoy all the happiness of taking and the happiness of material enjoyment, but we lose the strange happiness of helping the old man.

Helping others is also a kind of happiness, and trust is better than suspicion. I prefer to believe that every snowflake is the mood of those unwilling to be cold and lonely. Hold the contract of the soul, and embrace with the purest color of life!