Raven and Fox 600 (18 of the collection)
Happy Angel
2023-09-08 01:27:20

Raven and Fox continued 600 (1)

Late at night, we all fell asleep, but the toy cabinet was very busy at this time. The crow family was especially busy. It turned out that the mother crow was telling the crows about being cheated that year, hoping they could remember this lesson. That night, the crows flew out to look for food, but a naughty crow secretly flew away from the team. Suddenly, it found a square, dark thing on the ground, and the crow recognized it as its favorite food - fat meat. So the crow swooped down and picked up the meat. The little crow took the piece of meat and flew to a fork to rest, but the spooky little fox saw it, so the little fox pretended to smile and said all kinds of sweet words to the little crow, but the little crow remembered his mother's lesson, ignored the little fox's nonsense, and ate the meat with relish. Seeing that the crow ignored it, the little fox turned his eyes and came up with a clever plan. The little fox changed his face and swore fiercely: "You damned crows are the worst animals and the ugliest animals in the world. You are big liars and bad guys. Anyone who meets you will be unlucky, and anyone who hears your voice will be punished!" At this time, the little crow full of anger could no longer bear it, He said to the little fox, "You are the big liar!" Suddenly, the little crow felt that he was missing something. The meat in his mouth had already fallen to the ground. As soon as the little fox saw that the little crow had fallen into the trap, he ran quickly to eat the meat thoroughly. Then he said to the little crow with a smile, "Although you are alert this time, you still fall into the trap!" Then the little fox shook his tail and walked away without looking back. After returning home, the crow told his mother about his misfortune. The mother crow said to it, "My child, when we meet different situations, we should adopt different methods. We cannot blindly and stubbornly adhere to one method!"

Raven and Fox 600 (2)

Since the fox cheated the crow of a piece of meat, the crow has been very regretful. One day, the crow got another piece of meat. When she was resting on a big tree, the fox who came out to look for food happened to see her

At this time, the fox was dizzy with hunger. At a glance, he took aim at the crow's meat, and couldn't help drooling and salivating. But when she saw that the "owner" of the meat was a crow, her heart cooled. It turned out that after the crow was deceived by himself last time, he made a deep reflection and realized that "you can't listen to other people's rhetoric, and you can't neglect your carelessness". This time, it will be more difficult to cheat him. But the fox still didn't give up completely. "Who knows if this stupid crow will be cheated by me again! As long as I'm smart enough, there's nothing I can't do." He thought to himself. The crow also saw the unexpected guest. She cheered herself up and wanted to give the fox a beautiful roundabout. The fox went to the tree with malice. "Miss crow, it's a beautiful day. Can you allow me to have a rest here?" said the fox. The crow gave the fox a white look and continued to stay calm in the tree. "Miss Crow, don't worry about what happened last time. It's really wrong for my brother. I apologize to you here. Can you let me listen to your beautiful voice carefully?" Fox listened carefully, showing hypocrisy. The crow listened and sneered in his heart: "Don't you apologize to me because of this meat? Let me see how capable you are!" The crow pretended to be elated by the fox's words, and opened his mouth slightly. When the fox saw it, he was overjoyed and ready to take the meat. The crow opened its mouth and the meat slowly fell down. However, at the same time when the fox rushed out, the crow flapped its wings and flew down... Finally, the crow took the meat back into his mouth again with the speed of lightning, but the fox fell down heavily.

The fox never thought: instead of fooling the crow again, he was fooled by the crow.

Raven and Fox continued 600 (3)

Since the fox cheated him of a piece of meat to his mouth, the crow has been very regretful. One day, the crow got another piece of meat. When he stopped in a big tree, the fox who came out to look for food happened to see him. The fox looked up and saw that the meat was oily and shiny in the sun. It must be delicious.

So his eyes turned and he began to think again. He smiled and said to the crow, "Miss crow, I'm here to apologize to you today. Last time, your piece of meat fell down accidentally. I wanted to catch it for you, but it was too fragrant. I couldn't help swallowing it."

Hearing this, the crow remembered the humiliation of that year and glared at the fox.

The fox continued to smile and said, "However, your singing is really wonderful. I want to listen to it again. This time, don't forget to put the meat on the branch and sing again. Don't lose it again."

The crow looked at the fox warily, and at last, without saying a word, put the meat on one of the strongest branches of the tree. It opened its voice and began to sing. The fox clapped his hands under the tree. The crow sings more and more confidently.

At the end of the song, the fox said, "It's really wonderful. I want to hear another song. It would be better if you could sing and dance at the same time. Besides, it must be super beautiful with your black cheongsam!"

The crow proudly cocked its tail and danced on the branches. With a gentle jump, the branch bounced up, and the fat meat was bounced into the air. The fox jumped gently and caught the meat.

He forced a smile and said to the crow: "Miss crow, I'm really sorry, your meat is dirty by me. Oh, I will take it back today, and I will definitely give you a better piece next time!" Then he ran away.

Since then, the crow's cry has become more miserable. With his hoarse voice, he told future generations not to trust the fox's rhetoric. Be cautious, be cautious, and be cautious again.

Raven and Fox 600 (4)

Since the crow was cheated of a piece of meat by the fox, the crow was very angry, so he decided to find the fox for revenge.

A few days later, the crow knocked on the door of the fox's house early in the morning, and said to the fox with a smile, "Brother Fox, I have heard your name for a long time, and all said that you are very smart. I and the animals in the forest think that you should be the king of beasts!" After the fox heard this, he called him happy and invited the crow to eat at home.

The crow had already prepared and took out a bottle of good wine, but there was a laxative in it. The crow took the antidote first, and then drank several cups with the fox. After a while, the fox's stomach was very painful. The crow asked, "Brother Fox, how are you?" The fox covered his stomach, couldn't stand up, and said, "Ouch! My stomach is very painful, help me to bed quickly." The crow pretended to be kind and helped the fox to bed.

A few days later, the fox recovered from his illness. The fox had suffered a lot these days, but he didn't remember what the crow said last time. He really thought that he was going to be the king of beasts. He was so happy that he went everywhere to show off his pride.

At this time, the crow came with the tiger and said, "Your Majesty, he told you to lay off as soon as possible so that he could inherit your throne!" The tiger was angry at the thought that the fox frightened away all the animals with his own breeze last time, and said, "Fox! You played me last time, and I haven't settled with you yet! Now you have the idea of nesting the throne! You really ate the bear heart leopard gall! " "King, king! No, it's not what you think! It's all crows!" The fox hurriedly explained, but the tiger didn't listen at all, roared: "Come on, put the fox in prison!"

The fox suddenly understood that it was the crow who was calculating himself. "I robbed him of a piece of meat, didn't I? Alas, it seems that I can't mess with crows next time." The fox regretted sitting in the prison.

Raven and Fox continued 600 (5)

The sky was clear and blue as autumn water. The crow caught a piece of meat and met the fox.

"Oh, brother crow, where are you going?" said the fox in a strange voice. It seems that he wants to have the idea of this meat again.

The crow looked at the fox and ignored him. It flew to the tree - next to its own nest.

The fox said, "Brother, you are the most beautiful bird in the hundred birds and the brightest star in the night sky. Your singing is more beautiful than the lark, and your majesty is a bit more than the tiger..." The fox played the old trick again.

The crow, accustomed to this old trick, glanced at the fox and swaggered into the nest.

The fox was so angry that he shouted: "You dead crow, you stinky crow, you are a miser, you are......"

Then the crow was "scolded" and came out with a piece of "meat" that looked like meat in its mouth. When it saw the fox scolding it like this, it cried, "Fox......" But before the fox finished speaking, the piece of "meat" fell out of the crow's mouth.

The fox happily caught the "meat" and thought: "A stupid crow is a stupid crow. This meat is still for me... But the fox was not happy enough, so he coughed and spit out the" meat ". The fox looked at the crow and looked up with anger.

The crow was elated. He smiled and said, "Brother Fox, now that technology is developed, I use high-tech to disguise this" meat ". Unexpectedly, it fooled the" smart "brother Fox. It seems that you still have to study" high-tech "seriously, Brother Fox! Hahaha... "Then the crow flew back to his nest.

The fox wanted to cheat another piece of meat, but the crow taunted him. He blushed and went into the hole.

Raven and Fox 600 (6)

Since the fox cheated the crow of the meat in his mouth, the crow swore that she would never believe the fox's story again. She hated the fox and even dreamed of revenge.

The crow thought hard and finally one day she came up with an excellent idea. She first fried a piece of steak, then found some small pieces of glass, inserted them in the golden steak, and then spread a layer of sweet salad sauce on it. Finally, she used two pieces of bread to make a delicious hamburger. "Ah, how delicious!" The crow looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. The hamburger was so full of color, smell and taste that she even wanted to take a bite! She swallowed her saliva, then picked up the hamburger with her two wings and stood on the high branch.

The sly and greedy fox had not eaten for several days. He was dizzy with hunger and was lying under the tree to rest. Suddenly, he smelled a strong smell of meat, he immediately sat up, and suddenly came to spirit. "Is it a hamburger?... Yes, it must be. I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time." The fox thought to himself, and then he had followed the fragrance to find it.

From a distance, the fox saw the crow holding a big hamburger, sniffing and smelling incessantly. The fox's eyes growled and thought: This fool has got something delicious again. Now let's see how I can cheat him.

So the fox quickened his pace and came to the tree where the crow was. The fox looked up and said with a smile, "Dear Miss Crow, how are you? You are getting more and more beautiful. This time I came here to appreciate your beautiful dancing." The crow said, "Oh, it's Mr. Fox. Where can I dance? Don't make fun of me." The fox hurriedly said, "Dear Miss Crow, you are a dancing genius. I would like to be a waiter to beat the rhythm for you. Please come and dance."

The crow was about to dance when the hamburger fell from the tree. The fox ran over triumphantly and ate the hamburger in one bite. He had no idea that this was a crow's trap. There were pieces of glass in the hamburger. The glass pieces cut the fox's throat.

The crow took revenge, and she was very happy to ask the fox, "Can I dance well?" But the fox could not speak any more.

Raven and Fox 600 (7)

Since the fox cheated the crow of a piece of meat, the crow has been very regretful. One day, the crow got another piece of meat. When she found a big tree to rest on, she happened to be seen by the fox who came out looking for food.

The fox looked at the crow, his eyes turned, his tail wagged, and he stared closely at the piece of meat in the crow's mouth. The water was almost flowing into a river. The fox wiped his lips with his hand, pretended to be pious and said to the crow: Mrs. Crow, you are more beautiful today than when I saw you last time. Did you spray perfume today? It's really fragrant! The crow glared at the fox and turned away, ignoring it.

Seeing that the crow ignored him, the fox held his chin in his hand and quickly turned his eyes. Suddenly, he was startled and said, "Alas!"! Look, I forgot something. When Mrs. Crow passed by your house today, Little Bird Lili told me that your son was suddenly ill, but she couldn't find you. She asked me to find you with her. I can find you! The crow pretended to be puzzled and looked at the fox. He thought to himself, "The fox is full of lies. See what else he is going to do.".

The fox looked at the crow's puzzled expression and thought that his plot was about to succeed, so he made persistent efforts. After a while, he came up with another trick and said: Mrs. Crow, you misunderstood me. In fact, I took your meat last time to make a big meal and give you a surprise. Let's go home and take your son to the river to fish and barbecue at the same time. How nice! After hearing the fox's words, the crow seemed moved and was about to say something, wow. The fox was so happy that he quickly picked up the meat and couldn't wait to eat it. Just listening to the click, the two front teeth of the fox were broken. The fox was holding his face and rolling all over with pain. It turned out that the crow had hidden a stone in the meat in advance, all of which was to deliberately seduce the fox to take revenge for the loss of meat.

This time the crow can finally be proud, because it punished the treacherous fox.

Raven and Fox continued 600 (8)

After the crow was cheated of its meat by the fox, he learned a lesson and taught his children not to be cheated by the fox again.

One day, the son of the crow found a large and fat piece of meat. He was preparing a delicious meal when the fox saw him. The crow quickly held the meat firmly in his mouth.

When the fox saw the meat, his mouth watered down. He flattered the little crow: "My dear crow, your voice is really beautiful. Please sing a few words." The little crow remembered his father's teachings and ignored him. When the fox failed in his plan, he came up with another plan: If flattery is not enough, let's swear. So the fox cursed the crow: "You are really the scum of birds! You are covered with ominous feathers, and the cry will bring misfortune to the animals!" The little crow still did not pay attention to the fox. The fox turned his eyes and came up with a trick: "Good crow, give me something to eat. I haven't eaten for several days." The little crow remained silent. At this time, the fox suddenly fell down. The crow thought to himself, "You really deserve evil. This is the punishment from heaven.". The fox suddenly pounced on the crow. The little crow was shocked, and the meat slipped out of the crow's mouth. The fox immediately took the meat and prepared a good meal.

At this time, the old crow flew over. Seeing this scene, he asked the little crow what was going on. The little crow told the old crow about what had happened just now, and the fox was secretly pleased and ready to share the meat with the child. The old crow understood what was going on, and exclaimed, "Boy, that piece of meat is the meat that I worked hard to lick for you! Yesterday, I heard a health lecture and said that there were bacteria on the raw meat. I was afraid that you were ill, so I licked the meat at home with my tongue. But how did you give the meat to the fox?" When the fox heard this, he threw the meat away disgustedly. He also pretended to be clever and said, "You'd better eat such disgusting meat." The crow immediately took the meat. The old crow said to the young crow, "To deal with such a person, we should treat him in his own way." Then the fox knew that he had been cheated by the crow.

Raven and Fox 600 (9)

One day, when the fox saw a piece of meat, he walked over triumphantly. Suddenly, a crow also took a fancy to the meat. She dived down quickly and took the meat away from the fox one step away! The fox was so angry that his face turned purple. The volcano in his heart seemed to explode!

The crow wanted to fly to a tree to rest and eat the meat. But the fox came running, and he wanted to climb up. But crows don't give in. She hung the meat higher, and the fox was shocked! "Oh, my god! It's just a piece of meat! Is it necessary to work so hard?" The crow looked around when the fox was distracted. He wanted to get rid of the fox, but found something like meat in the tree. She flew over quickly and saw the words on it: "Top grade chili sauce (stir fried with chili peppers for 100 times and made with super hot concentrated chili sauce)". The crow didn't know what chili was, so she tasted it, "Ah!" A heart rending cry pierced the sky! "How hot! How hot! How hot! How hot! Where's the water? I want to drink water!

When the crow calmed down, suddenly she had an idea: "Put the top chili sauce on the bird's nest, which looks like a piece of meat, and then throw it on the ground for the fox to eat!" Thinking of this, she felt a twinge of joy in her heart and thought: This is really great! Then she hurried back to the place where she had put the meat. When she came back, she saw the fox and his good brother eating together, but they could not bite! When they saw the crow coming, they shouted, "Hi! Crow! Can you give us something to eat? We are starving!" The crow shouted, "Sure!" When the fox brothers heard the word "can", they were almost crazy with joy! The crow thought, "These two guys have no doubt. I can give them the meat with confidence!" The crow threw the "meat" down. When the foxes bit it, they shouted at the same time, "Spicy!... water! Where is the water?"

When the fox brothers finished drinking water, they found that they had been cheated. They were so angry that they cut their feet and wanted to find crows to settle accounts! But crows have eaten meat and gone away!

Raven and Fox continued 600 (10)

Since the crow was cheated of a piece of meat by the fox last time, it has been resentful and determined to avenge the last time.

One day, the crow picked up a piece of meat in the forest and thought, "This time, I will tease him." It flew back to the nest with the meat. When the fox saw the crow holding a piece of meat, he used the same method as before. "Dear Miss Crow, how are you?" asked the fox with a smile. The crow ignored it and bit the meat tightly. Then the fox said, "Dear Miss Crow, your voice is so beautiful! Just sing a few words!" The crow thought, "Hum! Let's use the last way! Since you want to listen, I'll sing!" So it hung the meat on the branch and began to sing. The fox thought to himself, "Well, the way is not working, what should we do?" Suddenly, he heard a gunshot in the distance. His eyes turned, and he had another way.

The next day, the crow took another piece of meat. Unexpectedly, the fox had borrowed the gun from the hunter's home early and put on the hunter's clothes. The fox came to the tree and shouted, "Crow! Get the meat out quickly! Or I will beat your nest to pieces!" The crow was so scared that he quickly said, "Hunter, kind hunter. I will give you the meat. But please don't break my nest." The crow hurriedly took the meat down, and the fox ran away with the meat in his mouth. At night, the crow sadly told the owl about the morning from beginning to end. The owl thought for a moment and said, "It must be the fox who cheated you. I will give you a bag. Tomorrow, the fox will come to you again, and you will give it to him." The crow thanked the owl and went home.

One day later, the fox held up his gun again and came to the tree wearing the hunter's clothes. Like the last time, he said, "Raven, give me the meat quickly! Otherwise, I will destroy your nest!" The crow said, "The meat is in the bag, take it." The fox could not wait to open the bag. "Alas!" cried the fox. Originally, the owl's bag contained honey peak. The fox was stung all over.

The crow was so happy that he said to the fox, "Don't you dare come!" The crow spoke with contempt. Hearing this, the fox left discouraged.

Raven and Fox continued 600 (11)

Since he was cheated by the fox last time, the crow decided to ask Grandpa Goat for advice and ask him to think about countermeasures. After hearing this, Grandpa Goat took out a book called "Fox Strategy" without saying a word, and said with a smile, "Take this book to read, and soon you will be able to achieve what you want." After reading it, the crow really came up with a clever idea.

The next day, the crow placed five big boxes on the tree. After a while, a delicious meat smell came out of the box. In fact, it was just meat dregs, which was filled with the props to pit the fox. The fox followed the fragrance and ran over, thinking that the box contained a large piece of meat. At this time, he saw the crow who had been cheated by him last time standing on the top, and he flattered and said, "You are so beautiful and kind. How about giving me the box?" The crow nodded, pushed the box down at once, and hit the fox head and blood. But at the thought of meat, the fox was very happy.

When the fox opened the first box, a boxing glove suddenly popped out and smashed it ten meters away. He was so angry that he stamped his feet, but he decided to open the second box. But just after opening it, a boa constrictor came out, which frightened the fox. However, he looked closely and found that it was just a balloon. The fox said angrily, "Stinky crow, dare you pit me!" Then he opened another box. It was empty and there was nothing in it. But as soon as he put his hand in, a secretion in his nose stuck to his hand. The fox held back his anger, glared, and opened the fourth box. As soon as he touched it, something clamped his hand. It was a trap! At this time, a rope suddenly caught fire and went straight to the fox. But the fox didn't notice. When he opened the fifth box, he heard the explosion, and the fox was blown away.

At last, the crow stood proudly on the tree and said loudly, "You'd better go by yourself. The best thing is what you can get by your hardworking hands."

Raven and Fox 600 (12)

Since the fox cheated a piece of meat, the crow has been very regretful. One day, he found another piece of meat in the forest. When he was resting on a branch, he happened to be seen by the fox who came out to look for food.

The fox smiled tactfully, his eyes rolled, and the ghost idea came out.

"Mrs. Crow, do you know what the most popular color is now? It's your black and shiny color." The crow looked up and down at the fox and thought: I'm not beautiful! You just want to steal the meat from my mouth! Seeing that the crow ignored him, the fox was about to jump out of his heart. However, the fox did not stop, and praised the crow: "Mrs. crow, the last time I took your meat away was because the tiger was out of the mountain. I must give him something to eat quickly. What if he wanted to eat me?" The fox pretended to be innocent, and the crow seemed to have countless words to tell the fox. "Mrs. Crow, why don't you talk? We are neighbors. We look down but don't see what we are looking up. Tell us what we are worried about!" But the crow still ignores what the fox says.

After all, the fox was still cunning, so he said, "Mrs. Crow, your voice is even better and clearer than that of a lark. Why don't you sing a song for me now?" The crow put the meat aside and said, "OK! Now I will sing a new song," I can't afford to hurt "! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..." "Stop! Stop! You ragged crow, your feathers are ugly! The sound is not as good as that of a sparrow! Although the whole body of the sparrow is rustic, like a country bumpkin, it is better than you. Look at you, your whole body is like burning black charcoal, and the sparrows at least can chirp a few times, which is like you, only a single wow wow wow, when people hear your voice, they know that bad luck is coming. So no matter where you go, people will hate your sad voice and hide far away, because you will only bring some extremely unlucky things to them. "

The crow was enraged, and cried out with a "wow". The fox picked up the meat and sang: "Only crows are good in the world, and the days with meat are really good!"! I ran into the tree hole in a flash

Raven and Fox 600 (13)

After the crow was cheated of its meat by the fox, he regretted very much. It learned a lesson and taught her children and grandchildren to use their brains in everything, so that they could no longer believe the fox's lies and be deceived by the fox.

One day, the daughter of the crow found a large and fat piece of meat. She was preparing a delicious meal when the fox saw her. The crow quickly wrapped the meat in paper and hid it in the basket.

When the beautiful red fox saw the meat, his mouth watered down immediately. She flattered the little crow: "My dear crow, your voice is really beautiful. Please sing a few words." The little crow remembered his father's teachings and ignored him.

When the fox failed in one plan, he found another. The red fox said to the crow, "You really don't know about fashion! Who eats meat now? Eating meat not only makes people fat, but also the clenbuterol in the meat is harmful to their health, which will make people unable to stay in a sub-health state." The crow still held the basket, but she carefully asked, "What is sub-health?" The fox smiled and said, "The models on TV are not only beautiful, but also well proportioned and muscular, which is a healthy performance. Don't you envy them?" The little crow nodded admiringly and thought: How beautiful it would be if I could get on the stage of the model contest! (Collection and collation) Thousands of exquisite dividing lines (VI) - Strangers - Blogs of Strangers

The cunning fox looked at the little crow's attractive expression and lost no time to say, "Do you know how the model's figure was trained?" The little crow shook his head and asked, "How?" The fox said, "Eat more vegetables and dance more every day, and naturally you can train a first-class figure." The fox said to the crow, "You are not fat, but your muscles are weak and flabby. If you practice the vigorous rehearsal for a month, you will be sure that the star scout will come to you." The fox's words made the crow elated. She quickly put the basket on the ground and begged the fox to teach her to dance the vigorous rehearsal.

With the rhythmic slogan of the fox, the little crow enthusiastically learned to dance. The more she practiced, the more she devoted herself to it. She had already forgotten the meat in the basket. But the sly fox retreated to the basket step by step, looked at the big fat meat, and smiled proudly

Crows and foxes continue to write 450 words of composition

Since being cheated of a piece of meat to the mouth, the crow has been very regretful. One day, the crow got another piece of meat. When he was resting on a big tree, he happened to be seen by a fox who came out looking for food.

When the fox saw it, his mouth watered for three thousand feet, but he had to hold back. How cunning it is! He turned his eyes and said to the crow glaring at him on the branch, "How stupid you are! Look at your appearance again. It's black, it's just a piece of coal!"

The crow didn't think it was. He held his head high and his chest straight. He looked like he didn't know the height of heaven and earth. When the fox saw it, he resisted his anger and said, "Tut tut, look at you, how brazen you are. How good the lark's voice is. The tree unfolded its hair and the flower raised its smile. Look at you, your voice is like a big trumpet."

The crow jumped three feet high with anger! Open your mouth to peck the fox. So just as the crow opened its mouth, the meat fell to the ground like a bird with broken wings.

The fox happily picked up the meat and stepped back a few steps. Because of his complacency, he forgot that there was a river behind him. As a result, he fell into the torrent and was drowned.

The fox who gloated and talked cleverly was punished. Although the crow lost a piece of meat, it also took revenge. So don't believe others' words easily in the future, and have your own ideas.

Raven and Fox 600 (14)

One day, the crow saw a fat and big piece of meat in the vegetable market, which reminded him of the disgrace. The crow gnashed its teeth and trembled with hate. I must punish that hateful fox! So the crow bought the meat and flew back with it. As he flew, he thought: How can I punish him? Yes, I will make a trap to punish the fox.

Just do what you want. The crow put the meat in the nest, found a flat place nearby, dug a deep hole, found a trap and threw it into it, then spread the nearby hay on it, finally put the fat and big meat on it, and a perfect trap was completed.

The crow finished the trap and went back to sleep in the nest. At this time, the elephant came over. It was going to attend the tiger's birthday. When the elephant saw the meat, he thought: The tiger just likes meat, so it's better to bring it as a birthday gift. With that, the elephant stretched its trunk, took the meat and left.

When the crow came back from sleep, he found that the meat had disappeared, and he was as anxious as ants on a hot pot. What should I do? The crow had to be ruthless and went to the vegetable market to find a piece of fat meat and put it on the trap. But how can we lead the fox? The crow came up with a good idea. He flew to the fox's house and pretended to be respectful. He said to the fox, "Brother Fox, you have been busy all day. You must be hungry. I found a piece of meat over there today." The fox has had nothing to eat for two days and two nights. Because of his deceit, the small animals in the forest ignored the fox. As soon as I heard that there was meat to eat, I cast my eyes wide open and ran away. If I saw a piece of meat, it ran over at once. Unexpectedly, it fell down and was caught in a clip and shouted "wow wow".

After being taught a lesson by crows, the fox dare not cheat people any more! Small animals in the forest all praise crows for their intelligence.

Raven and Fox 600 (15)

The fox has been hungry for several days. When he saw a crow standing on the tree with a piece of meat in its mouth from a distance, his mouth watered. The fox quickly walked to the bottom of the tree. He looked up and was happy. Ha ha, it was the stupid crow again last time. I will do it again today!

When the crow saw the fox under the tree, he couldn't help remembering that he had been cheated of a piece of meat by this sly fox a few days ago. He thought to himself: I should be more vigilant, but I can't be cheated again!

The fox pretended to be sincere and said to the crow, "Hello, Mrs. Crow! Sorry, I had to take your meat last time, because my old mother had not eaten for several days. Fortunately, it survived with that piece of meat. So I want to thank you, and please forgive me! By the way, Mrs. Crow, I was in a hurry last time, and I haven't heard your wonderful song yet! Please sing it again! "

Hearing this, the crow glared at the fox and stood still on the tree.

When the fox saw that the crow was indifferent, he was very angry, so he came up with a "good" idea. Then he mercilessly scolded the crow and said, "You black and ugly crow, singing is as bad as breaking a gong!".

The crow thought: This sly fox is too much! How can it say that about me? Suddenly, the crow came up with a good idea. Next, the crow took the opportunity to put down the meat in his mouth when the fox was not paying attention, and then picked up a piece of meat colored stone prepared in advance. Then, the crow pretended to be angry and said, "You are going too far..." Before the words were finished, "meat" fell out of the crow's mouth, and the crow pretended to be panicked. The fox did not know what was wrong. He raised his head and opened his mouth to catch the "meat". With a sound of "click", the fox looked for teeth everywhere in pain. The crow is enjoying the delicious food while "enjoying" the embarrassed appearance of the fox in the tree.

Since then, the fox has never dared to cheat the crow's meat.

Raven and Fox 600 (16)

The fox went to the tree with a smile on his face, bowed like a gentleman, and said, "Hello! Dear Miss Crow, how are you?" The crow learned the lesson of the last time, glanced sideways at him, and turned back to ignore him. The fox then said, "You know what? Now, I have become the king of songs in the forest! Do you want to hear me sing?"

Seeing that the crow didn't respond, the fox said anxiously, "You don't believe it? Let's ask the Lazy Sheep who is coming here." At this time, a little sheep was coming.

The fox ran to Lazy Sheep first and threatened him, saying, "Now, you should let the crow believe that I am the King of the Forest Song. Do as I told you, or I will eat you. He asked Lazy Sheep, "Do you think I am the king of songs in the forest?" Lazy Sheep hurriedly replied, "Yes, yes. Miss Crow, he is indeed the king of songs in the forest. I came here specially to ask him to sign his name." Then he took out a pen and paper to ask the fox to sign his name. After the fox signed, Lazy Sheep took the opportunity to run away. The fox said proudly, "Miss crow, do you believe this time?" The crow didn't return.

"If you don't believe me, I'll sing a song specially written for you." Then the fox couldn't wait to open his voice and sing, "The crow across the street looks, looks, looks, don't be frightened by my teeth, in fact, I'm not bad."

The song went through the woods, flew over the grass, and reached the ear of Grey Wolf. He found the song and came to the tree where the crows stayed. Seeing the situation, Grey Wolf understood what was going on. He also wanted to take advantage of it, so he helped the fox to please the crow and kept persuading the crow. But the crow at this time is not what it used to be. She had an idea and deliberately threw the meat between the fox and Grey Wolf. When they saw the fat meat coming to their mouths, they fought against each other. They just tore and bit each other crazily, so that they could not see the flesh falling on the ground. Then the crow flew to the ground, picked up the meat and flew away.

Raven and Fox 600 (17)

The crow meditates every day, hoping to revenge one day. Finally one day a good idea came to the crow's mind.

The crow fried a piece of meat, found some sharp pieces of glass to insert into the meat, carefully smeared a layer of sweet salad sauce, sandwiched two pieces of green cabbage leaves, and finally sandwiched two pieces of toast, a perfect "revenge hamburger" was completed. The fragrant man wanted to take a bite, but he swallowed water and held back.

Besides, the fox, who had been hungry for several days, was lying under a tree. I was dizzy with hunger, my eyes were full of stars, and my stomach was "rebelling". Suddenly, he smelled a special smell and immediately became energetic.

"Is it a hamburger?"

The fox flew to the tree where the crow was. The crow's wings were holding a hamburger with color, smell and taste. He laughed in his heart. The fool got something delicious again. This time I must be able to cheat her again.

The fox wagged his tail and said, "Hello, Miss Crow! I have a secret recipe for barbecue here. Do you want it? Last time I cheated you of your meat, I was very ashamed, and this time I came here to give you this secret recipe." The crow didn't say anything, and the fox said, "I know you don't believe me, but I really mean it!" The crow still ignored him.

The fox said, "Your dancing is really elegant, just like a fairy coming down to earth." The crow laughed quietly. "This stupid fox thinks I will be fooled again! If I don't teach him a lesson, I will not be called a crow!" The fox said hypocritically, "I would like to be your prosecutor and beat the beat for you." Then he began to beat happily.

When the crow saw that the fox had taken the bait, he took the opportunity to put down the hamburger. The fox quickly took a bite, and only heard the sound of "bang". The fox's teeth were broken, his mouth was cut by a piece of glass, and a lot of blood flowed. The crow taunted the fox while dancing its wings, "Ha ha stupid fox, is my dancing good?"

The fox listened and ran away.

Raven and Fox 600 (18)

That morning, the crow saw the fox wearing orange fur when looking for food, so he wanted to fly down to have a look.

When the fox was about to eat a piece of meat, the crow suddenly saw: Eh, isn't that the meat that the fox cheated from me last time? No, I have to find a way to get the meat back. The crow frowned and came up with a plan. "Brother Fox, what are you doing?" asked the crow. "I'm having breakfast," replied the fox. The crow thought: I can cheat him by luring the tiger away from the mountain. "Brother Fox, today there is a food festival in the forest. It's too shabby to eat a piece of meat here. It's better to eat good local delicacies." Crow began to lobby the fox. The fox glanced doubtfully at the crow and said, "You didn't cheat me, did you?" "It's true that the panda has brought bamboo shoots, the little cat has brought fresh carp, and the lion has brought high-quality colorful meat..." The fox listened and drooled, thinking: Although the meat is delicious, I haven't eaten fish and bamboo shoots for a long time. How rare this opportunity is! The fox thought of this and without saying a word, turned and ran into the forest. The crow saw the fox running away, and flew home with the meat in his mouth. The stupid fox is still running!

The fox ran all over the forest, but did not see the food festival crow said. Only then did he find himself in the crow's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain. The fox quickened his pace and ran to his house. Unexpectedly, the crow had already escaped. The meat was also taken away. The fox ran to the crow's house and shouted, "You sly crow, give me back the meat as soon as possible.". The fox fainted with anger.

With one mouth, the crow cheated the fox of the meat, which can be regarded as a way to treat the person.