Compositions describing the characters of jujube trees (8 in total)
Forget the past
2024-05-11 04:49:43
high school

Composition describing jujube characters (1)

Often at this time, I would sit beside the jujube tree in front of the door with my knees, leaning against her bulky body and listening to the song of dusk. This jujube tree was planted by my grandfather. It is almost the same age as my father. Now it has luxuriant branches and fruits.

Every time we pick dates, we are careful not to break her delicate branches. Jujubes are big, red, sweet and delicious. When you chew them, you can feel the warmth of mother's care.

This jujube tree is full of memories of my childhood. There are unrestrained, sudden whims, melancholy, laughter

Whenever I was sad, I would sit beside her and talk to her. She would swing her broad body and stand there quietly. Although she was speechless, I don't know why, but she could make my depression disappear immediately.

When I was a child, I climbed up the jujube tree all day to catch insects. Sometimes my friends came to help. The silvery laughter swayed with the tree, and the wind blew the leaves "rustling, rustling", as if they were accompanying us

I am lively and active. I like to chase and fight with my friends. Occasionally, I forget to look at the road, and I will bump into her head. At this time, she seems less gentle, and I burst into tears in pain. Grandma would smile and say to me, "Don't cry, or she will laugh at us." I nodded, and then climbed to the tree to catch insects for her, and the birds would rush to eat. If time can stop, I hope it is now

In midsummer, the heat is unbearable. However, under her shadow, our family's meals were much more relaxed and comfortable, and we did not need to take into account the warm baking of the sun father-in-law. Especially after dinner, I cut the watermelon just taken out of the water tank, and after eating it, I feel the whole world is cool. Jujube trees also whisk their dense branches and leaves to cool us down.

Day after day, year after year. I grew up, but my grandparents were old. I went to the county to study and could not often go home to visit them. Of course, I also miss this old jujube tree. When she came to her side again, she was a little less graceful and looked much older and more stable. Pick a jujube and put it in my mouth. It tastes sweet and slightly sour. I was dragged back to my childhood when I could never go back.

A gust of wind blew and the leaves rustled. This time it was she who told me that time will not only make us old, but also fill us with wisdom. Let us calmly face the troubles of growth itself

Composition describing jujube characters (2)

When I think of my hometown, I naturally think of the old jujube tree in Grandma's yard.

In recent years, it seems that all the memories of hometown can be replaced by an old jujube tree. So, when I think about my family, there is always the shadow of a tree. In the depth of my memory, in the thick moonlight, at the moment when I suddenly look back, it projects to my eyes, making my impetuous and noisy heart suddenly calm down.

That old jujube tree was planted by grandpa when he was a child. It has been more than 80 years. Although its trunk is slightly skewed and only half of its body is left at the bifurcation, it does not affect its tenacious vitality in any way, nor does it affect the shade of a tree it supports for the old house with branches and leaves. Its skin is very rough carved by years, but it will still bear sweet and crisp dates every autumn.

When children were young, they could not eat any special fresh fruit. So the jujube on Grandma's jujube tree became the delicious food we expected.

My sister and I often take a small bamboo pole to beat dates or throw shoes directly before they are ripe. At this time, some dates are beaten down, and we take the opportunity to satisfy our cravings.

It was not easy to wait until the dates were ripe, and look forward to the day of "date beating". Grandma usually arranges "date beating" in the early morning of Sunday, and tells us and the children in the neighborhood in advance to prepare bamboo baskets, large baskets, pots and other things to hold dates. Grandpa tied the pole to play the important role of "date beating".

Grandpa asked several cousins to climb to the high jujube tree to "shake the jujube", which was the most exciting thing for us. They shook the branches with all their strength, and the jujube fell down to the roof, hit the basin, the basket, and our heads. The sound of "ding dong" was everywhere. We scrambled, grabbed, laughed, and picked up the jujube running all over the yard. The jujube, the children running all over the yard, the laughter, the barking of the frightened dog, the crowing of the chicken, danced and floated in the morning sun, and then forever engraved in my childhood memory.

After the "date shaking" ended, Grandpa stepped on the chair and took a long bamboo pole to "beat dates", while we scrambled to pick up the dates into the basin and pour them into the big basket. This does not prevent us from filling our mouths with sweet dates and secretly filling our pockets with the big and good "jujube king".

After the jujube shooting, the children in the neighborhood went home with a pile of jujube in their clothes. Grandma was very skillful. She dipped the remaining hard dates in the wine bowl, and then put them into a sealed jar to store them. This is called "wine dates". They won't go bad until the beginning of next spring.

The old jujube tree is alive, and I believe it must also have memories. I know that I am in the memory of the old jujube tree, just like it is in my memory. The old jujube tree, which has experienced many years of vicissitudes, buried its most natural and tenacious life in the depths of my heart and became the deepest memory in my life.

Composition describing jujube characters (3)

It is said that when I was just born, I was fat and I only knew how to sleep all day long, which was totally different from my brother and sister. When they were a few months old, they loved crying and making troubles, and they never let adults worry about them. I sleep when I'm full, and I never cry or cry. Grandma likes me best, so she will take me to the countryside to raise me. For parents, one less child, one less heart. As a result, I lived in the countryside for six years when I was still in my infancy.

During the years I lived with my grandmother, I was very attached to her and looked like a bird beside her. When people see me, they will say, "This baby is really beautiful. Her grandma has kept it well!" Grandma is very proud to hear that. There is a small jujube tree near Grandma's house. Once it bears dates, I will invite friends to pick dates on the tree. The newly matured jujube is still a bit green, but if you bite it, you will still feel the sweet juice splashing all over. There are several big jujube trees around the small jujube trees, but we like to pick the dates on the small jujube trees; However, the small jujube trees have gradually become strong in the wind and rain.

I'm going back to the city - it's time to go to primary school. The comfortable life after returning to the city soon made me forget the soil, air and jujube trees in the countryside. Grandma occasionally calls, her voice is still very kind, but always makes people feel older and older. "When you come back, Grandma will pick dates for you to eat!" Grandma's soft Shaanxi dialect sounded in my ears. This sentence reminds me of the jujube tree. My friend told me that those big jujube trees were cut down, leaving only the small jujube tree that year, isolated outside the yard. It suddenly occurred to me that if I left Grandma, would she be lonely?

With the growth of age, my psychology is changing quietly. I always feel that there is an unspeakable gap between my grandmother and me. I don't want to answer the occasional phone call from Grandma. During the Spring Festival, my father took my grandmother over. When she first came here, Grandma held my hand with her withered and wrinkled hand like an old bark and said a lot. Grandma was very excited, but I just responded lightly. As a child, the attachment to Grandma vanished with the passage of time.

After my grandmother came, although I tried to communicate less with her, I still felt guilty - she finally came to live for a few days, and I didn't even want to see her! I comforted myself - I just grew up and learned to be independent, shouldn't jujube trees be like this? "You like to eat dates, so Grandma will pick them." She kindly made friends with me, and I stared at the TV without moving. "Last time, it was too dangerous. I almost broke my bone." My heart shook violently. I looked back at Grandma. Her expression was calm, and her smiling face made her eyes show a circle of rippled wrinkles. Misty tears blinded my eyes. I gently scolded my grandmother: "Don't do such dangerous things in the future." "You like to eat. When you were young, you would rather lie by the jujube tree than go back to the house." For a moment, I stared at the ground blankly, thinking of my ridiculous and ignorant performance, and stubbornly and blindly thought that there was nothing to say between myself and my grandmother, People who think we are two worlds... I walked into the room and wanted to cry for my own stupidity. I foolishly think that when I grow up, there is a generation gap between me and the older generation; He also stubbornly believes that no one should stop himself from flying. But I forgot, I forgot my loved ones, my family, my joys, sorrows and sorrows... I hope someone can talk with that lonely little jujube tree.

Time, like water, dilutes everything. An old woman plucked dates from a tree, and a little girl stood waiting beside her. The little girl held her grandmother's hand, and the setting sun gently sprinkled on them

Composition describing jujube characters (4)

In my backyard, you can see two trees outside the wall, one is a jujube tree, and the other is also a jujube tree.

The night sky above is strange and high. I have never seen such a strange and high sky in my life. It seemed that he was going to leave the world, so that people could not see him anymore. But now he is very blue, with his eyes twinkling with dozens of stars. He smiles in his mouth, as if he thinks he has deep meaning, and sprinkles thick frost on the wild flowers in my garden.

I don't know what those flowers and plants are really called and what people call them. I remember a kind of pink flower that once bloomed very small, but it still blooms now, but it is even smaller. In the cold night air, she was hesitant to dream, dreaming of the arrival of spring, dreaming of the arrival of autumn, dreaming of the thin poet wiping his tears on her last petals, telling her that although autumn comes, winter comes, and then it is still spring, butterflies fly everywhere, and bees sing spring lyrics. She then smiled, and though her color was red with cold, she still shrank.

Jujube trees, they almost lost all their leaves. Previously, there were one or two children who came to beat the dates left by others, but now there are none left, even the leaves have fallen. He knew that the dream of little pink and safflower was that there would be spring after autumn; He also knew that the dream of falling leaves was autumn after spring. He almost lost all the leaves, leaving only the trunk. However, he was very comfortable without the curve of the tree when it was full of fruits and leaves. However, some of them are still inferior, protecting the skin wound he got from the end of the jujube pole, while the straightest and longest ones have silently stabbed the strange and high sky like subway, making the sky twinkling with ghosts' eyes; stabbing the full moon in the sky, making the moon pale.

Composition describing jujube characters (5)

My family has a winter jujube tree. It is not as tall and straight as poplar, nor as graceful as willow, but it is extremely handsome and attractive.

In spring, the earth wakes up, the grass and trees are thriving, the spring rain is like silk, and the bare jujube trees greedily suck the nectar of this spring. A few days later, tender green buds grew on the jujube tree. A few days later, those buds became small green leaves. The leaves were oval, like small fans. The emerald green leaves, even the veins of the leaves can be clearly seen. The leaves are shiny and shiny. Under the sun's light, they look like pieces of green jadeite.

When summer comes, the leaves of the jujube tree become dark green, and some rice sized flower buds grow on the branches. After a period of time, the flower buds unexpectedly blossom out beautiful flowers, like a little girl in yellow competing for beauty. A gentle breeze blew, and the fragrance came to my nose.

When autumn comes, the jujube leaves turn yellow from green, and the trees also bear green dates, like small green bells. After a while, the dates changed from green to red, just like red lanterns. Pick a jujube from the tree and put it in your mouth. Chew it. It's sweet, sour and delicious.

Jujubes are not only delicious, but also valuable. Raw dates are appetizing. Cooked dates can nourish the body. Jujube stone is also a common medicinal material in traditional Chinese medicine. Unexpectedly, jujube has such a great effect!

Ah, I love the jujube tree at home!

Composition describing jujube characters (6)

Last year, when jujube trees sprouted, my father asked me to write an article about jujube trees. A year later, I didn't write. The main reason is that I don't know how to write and what to write. This year, when the jujube tree sprouted, my father brought up the old story again and talked about the main points of writing. I was forced to write. Before I started writing, I went downstairs to the garden to look at the jujube trees. I really didn't know how to write.

Most of the jujube tree trunks are crooked, neither tall and powerful pine and cypress, nor the towering, tall and straight, and rough bark of poplar. They never change throughout the year, and are extremely ugly; The sharp and long thorns grow all over the branches, like hedgehogs, which make people dare not approach. It is difficult for me to find beauty from them.

Jujube trees do not have buds bulging out before they are leafed. Neither do the branches turn green before they are leafed like willows, nor do apricots, peaches, and pears, like apricots, peaches, and pears, the buds have already bred life before they are blossomed, waiting to open, bringing the beauty of spring to the world.

The jujube tree leaves first and then blossoms, which is similar to the locust tree. The difference is that the flower of Sophora japonica can be eaten when it is tender, and the fragrance is pleasant when the bud is fully open. Sophora japonica trees are planted on both sides of the streets of Jiayuguan City. When the flowers bloom, the streets are filled with fragrance. The flower of the jujube tree has not yet opened. According to my memory, I only remember that the jujube tree has small yellow flowers. I don't know how many corners it has. It seems that there is no fragrance. However, when the small flowers fail, they will give birth to green young jujube seeds, and then grow into beautiful, attractive, beautiful, and nutritious big red jujube.

In retrospect, my biggest feeling is that jujube trees are like Chinese people, and greatness is reflected in the ordinary. Although it is unattractive, simple and unadorned, and can not attract attention, it can offer the most beautiful fruit in obscurity. This is also the end result that my father asked me to write this composition.

Composition describing jujube characters (7)

In my yard, there are two ordinary jujube trees.

The jujube tree is ugly. It is dark, and its branches and leaves are ugly, crooked, and full of needle like thorns. If you hurt it, it will stab you when you are not paying attention.

Although the jujube tree is ugly now, it has a beautiful side!

At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, two bare branches sprouted many tender green buds. A few weeks later, those buds gradually turned into small pieces of pale green leaves. The oval leaves were shiny and shiny. When the sun shone, they seemed to decorate the jujube trees with many emeralds. The tender green leaves slowly turned into dark green, and in the middle of the leaves, there were many flowers and bones like millet. In May and June, small flowers bloomed, and clusters of golden flowers crowded the branches.

In late autumn, the leaves of jujube trees gradually fell off from green to yellow, and those green dates gradually turned red, like countless small lanterns. Fiery red, like countless smiling faces. It's time to harvest. People cleaned the flat cement under the jujube tree and laid a bag on the ground. A big brother climbed up the tree to hit the dates. What fell down was like brave young warriors falling from the sky. They fall on us as if they were gently massaging us. After a while, it seemed to be getting tired and jumping down gradually. But in the middle of the air, the spirit came again, jumped on the ground and danced. Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter.

As the days passed by, I don't know when those lovely little yellow flowers gradually fell off, and where the petals fell off, there were many bright dates, so clean and smooth, like green beads hanging all over the branches.

Look! This is the joy jujube brings to us. I love my jujube tree!

Composition describing jujube characters (8)

Outside the mouth of the Luo River, there is a beautiful place with a long history, that is my hometown.

My hometown has golden flowers; A clear river; Big green trees in the sky. However, my favorite is jujube tree.

In March, flowers are blooming, willows are dark and flowers are bright. In the spring when the earth recovers, jujube trees are very small and green. After a period of time, the trees will send out green leaves. Leaves are like fans. The birds flew in and sang sweet songs. Butterflies and bees danced under the trees. In the distance, looking at the jujube tree, it looks like a green cloud floating on the horizon.

In summer, jujube trees begin to blossom. The trees are full of golden flowers. The flowers are so delicate and yellow, just like little golden bells. It smells good with your nose! All the incense goes straight into your nose. I often fold the leaves of several flowers, take them home, and insert them into the vase, so that the room is full of fragrance. Once you enter the door, you will feel like entering the Hundred Flowers Garden.

What makes me most happy is autumn. Jujube trees are more eye-catching. The crisscross branches are rich in fruits and red. It's said that eating jujube can also enrich blood. Pick a few and put them in your mouth. They are sour and sweet. I picked all the dates with several partners and ate them together. We sometimes put dates into honey, which is delicious!

When winter comes, the cold winter comes after the jujube trees offer the fruits of that tree to people. The leaves of the jujube tree were all blown away by the northwest wind, while the jujube tree stood tall and upright, protecting the wheat field in front of the cold wind with its own body.

Jujube trees in my hometown! Whenever I think of you, I will be happy! Ah hometown! My proud hometown! You have given me a lot of childhood joy, let me happy, let me happy. I love the jujube trees in my hometown.