Little Bird Pupils (Selected 18)
Plain white skirt
2023-12-10 00:41:36
primary school

Primary School Students of Birds (1)

There is a bird on my desk. It doesn't fly like a bird in the sky, nor does it chirp like a bird in a cage. It always stops there quietly. Oh, it's a bird made of shells.

This exquisite shell bird is composed of four shells. Look, the oval one above is the head of a bird; A spiral pattern ingeniously forms the eyes of birds; A sharp little snail is its small mouth; The larger part below is the slightly raised small wings; Even the bird's calf is made of shells.

The shell bird was placed on the desk, its head pointing out of the window, and its eyes seemed to stare at the blue sky. The wings are puffed up as if to spread their wings and take off. How many times have I picked it up and said to it, "Fly, bird, fly to the place you yearn for day and night!" It seems to look at me with grateful eyes, but it does not move. Does it forget the happiness in the blue sky? Oh, it's a shell bird!

At this time, I seem to hear bursts of "wow... wow...". It was the ebb of the sea that left countless colorful shells on the golden beach. They lay safely on the beach, waiting for the uncle of the shell carving factory to select them. The workers' uncles came. They bent over the golden sand beach, picking and picking. Soon, the car was full of colorful shells. The car full of shells was pushed up, squeaking and singing like a song. The workers' uncles ran and laughed, and accompanied by the singing of the wheels, they flew to the processing plant.

In the shell carving factory, there is a sound of "rustling". Oh, the flying grinding wheel grinds the shells very smooth and moist. The old master on the workbench was patiently teaching his disciples to glue shells, and birds made of shells flew out of their hands

Looking at the shell bird in front of me and thinking about the workers who made it, I gently lifted it again. Oh, bird, fly, fly to the distant seaside, and tell the workers of the shell carving factory how grateful people are to them! It is they who bring beauty and happiness to people with their smart minds and smart hands! The shell bird seems to understand my words. Its wings are rising. It will fly to the seashore shell carving factory with my wish.

Comment: "It's not like... nor..." What is it? The article was very attractive at the beginning. Then, it introduced the shape of the shell bird in detail, first the direct description from the beginning to the end, then the side contrast, "head out of the window, eyes seem to stare at the blue sky. Wings up, like to take off", these vivid imagination reflects the beauty and lifelike of the bird. The most distinctive feature of this article lies in the imagination of the birth process of shell birds - beach, shell carving processing plant... Finally, the article has a certain depth when it comes to the praise of shell carving workers.

Primary School Students of Birds (2)

Tonight, on a whim, I wanted to observe my little Xiuyan sleeping.

I walked to the cage on tiptoe, barefoot, and found that the cage was covered by cloth, but I didn't give up. I found a small hole in the cloth, so I approached it carefully. I was just going to take a look at it. Unexpectedly, my legs were weak and I fell down. The birds were startled to fly all over the cage with a sound of "plop". The raid ended in failure.

But I didn't give up. I waited for a moment and then went to take a look. This time I was careful. My hands were on the ground and my neck was stretched out. Fortunately, the bird didn't find my peep. Little Xiuyan looked around, looked back and forth, and confirmed that no one was there, so she twisted her neck and buried her head in the feathers. But she was still alert and exposed her eyes, looking worried about being attacked. After a while, the bird was relieved to bury its head in the feathers. I also took a long breath, but there was a question mark in my heart: will the bird's neck not twist when it sleeps like this?

This observation has increased my knowledge and deepened my friendship with birds.

Primary School Students of Birds (3)

Looking at the title, you must think that there is a Japanese in my family? In fact, Heisanlang is a baby bird without a mother. There are many stories about it.

During the summer vacation, my grandpa and I went to the fields to pull grass. There is so much grass. The lambs will have enough to eat when they go back. At this time, the rhubarb dog and the small alarm barked more than once. Looking in the direction of its barking, a grass snake was swimming towards us. I was about to run away when the grass snake suddenly jumped up and grabbed a bird and swam away. Grandfather pulled up the grass and found it was a bird's nest. Just when I was afraid of the scene just now, grandpa greeted me and said, "Come and see!" Only a young bird fell out of the nest. I think the chicks will die without their mother, and they should be fed. Grandpa also agreed, and we took a nest of birds home.

When I woke up, the next day when I went to see the birds, I only heard the squeak of one bird, and all the others were dead. Nature is so cruel and merciless to little creatures!

On October 1, I returned to my hometown. As soon as I entered the door, the water splashed on my face. After a careful look, I found a black bird in the water. It was the bird we saved during the summer vacation! Unexpectedly, it took more than two months to grow so big and grow black feathers, so I gave it the healthy and unique name of "Heisanlang".

By the middle of October, the birds should fly south. What about Heisanlang? So I want it to learn to fly. I made a two meter high and six meter long "Learning Flying Shed" from the wood left by my grandfather's sheep shed, and put a thick "sponge" underneath it, so that the birds would not be injured even if they fell down in flight. In order to have a good foundation for Heisanlang to take off, I built a "take-off platform" one meter high. The flying shed was made, and a live grasshopper was put on it. I put the bird on the platform, and it flew a few meters forward. The second time, I flew one meter more than the last time. I took pains to train back and forth. In the struggle, it finally flew. What we have to do now is to welcome the coming of autumn.

On November 11, the bird stayed in my hands for a long time and flew to the sky! I saw it chirping in the sky, hovering for a while, like nostalgia for this home, but finally flew away, I know, it belongs to the free sky. I also know that it will fly back next spring.

Primary School Students of Birds (4)

After the rain, many birds stopped on the wires, branches and flowers one after another. The clear bird calls, like melodies, are so lively!

Some people like to raise pigeons. Early in the morning, the owner waved a flag to let the pigeons fly out of the cage and fly in the sky, as if the army were training and flying towards the light. The pigeons spread their gray wings and drew a line in the sky. Their smart bodies glided like airplanes. At dusk, pigeons flew back to their cages one by one, and the lovely and lively scene disappeared from the blue sky.

In the green paddy field, it seems that there are clusters of white spots. When you open your eyes, you can see that it is the dancer of the birds, the egret mandarin, who is stopping in the paddy field and pecking with its sharp mouth. Throw a stone into the field, and all of a sudden, groups of egrets spread their big white wings and flew into the blue sky. The flying posture is incomparable! The light body rose to the sky, waving powerful wings and flying in the sky. I almost regarded it as a beautiful crane. The beautiful and elegant flying posture made me dance with it.

Uncle Lin next door likes raising birds very much. I often go to his house to watch birds. As time passes, I can also feel the feelings of birds in the cage. I found that birds are also emotional animals, and like us humans. The bird hanging under the eaves occasionally looked up at the free flying bird in the sky and shed a few tears, as if crying sadly: "Let me out! Let me out!"

When I saw those birds, I felt sorry for them. Some of them were dying of pain. Some struggled to peck at the hard iron lock with their sharp little mouths. I advised Uncle Lin to take the poor one. The birds were released. Uncle Lin looked at them and looked at the sky pitifully. He opened the cage door and released the remaining birds.

Birds are our companions in life. They belong to nature. Now many people kill birds, which is wrong. We should love them.

Primary School Students of Birds (5)

Once, my grandfather was very bored when he went to work, so he picked up a big net to catch birds, and I followed him. Although my grandfather only had some basic skills, he caught four birds for us, each of which looked different. The first bird is called Dian Dian, because there is a small spot on his body. The second bird is called Xiao Xiao, not because of his age, but because his body is very small. The third bird is called Liangliang. Because he is very similar to the fourth bird, and the feathers on his body are the most beautiful. The fourth bird is called Linglong. He is my favorite bird, because he is small, the most beautiful, the smallest and the most lovely.

So it's called Linglong. I love these birds as much as I love my family. But as soon as he was released, all the birds would urinate everywhere, so we had to close the birds in a paper box and make several large holes. But the birds didn't eat or drink after a day. I think they must miss their family very much, but my brother likes the birds very much and won't let them go. So I said to my brother: "Birds belong to nature, not their own, just like you are a bird. Your parents went out to play. You must be unhappy, so we should release them."

After my advice, my brother finally released the bird. Diandian, Xiaoxiao, Liangliang, Linglong You must live well or with your parents.

Primary School Students of Birds (6)

Xiaoming's father likes to shoot birds. Today, he put a gun on his back and prepared to go bird hunting.

"Xiao Ming, you should study hard at home and don't run around. At night, Dad will stew bird soup for you!" "Dad, don't hunt birds, will you?" Xiao Ming begged. "You usually like to drink bird soup, don't you? Why now......" Dad said puzzled. "I will never drink bird soup again. Birds are our good friends. If you kill one more bird, you will destroy one more life." "Anyway, I don't kill many birds. It doesn't matter." Dad said as if nothing had happened. "Have you ever heard the idiom 'dripping water wears away the stone'? If the days are long, the stone will also be worn out. Kill a bird one day, and you will kill a bird. If the days are long, the birds will be extinct, and we will never hear the clear and beautiful song of the birds." Dad thought for a while, Then he said: "I will never catch birds again, but there are so many people in the world catching birds, what should we do?" Dad said while putting down his gun. "I think we should tell people more about the benefits that birds bring to people." "Xiao Ming, you are great!"

"Jiji..." A few clear bird calls came out of the window, as if thanking Xiao Ming.

Primary School Students of Birds (7)

Since the bird was injured, the boy who hurt the bird wanted to mend his ways and stop hurting the animal. He wanted to save the bird and help it heal its wounds.

So he climbed up the tree to save the bird, took out his toolbox, carefully bandaged the bird's wound, and built a warm house for it. The bird seemed to say, "Thank you, little boy. If you hadn't saved me, I would have died. I don't know how to repay you." Day after day, the bird's body gradually recovered, and the bird and the boy became inseparable friends, playing interesting games. Until one day, the bird's wound finally healed.

Standing in front of the window, it jumped into the air and drew a beautiful scenery in the air. Fly to the window and look at me as if to say to me, "Master, I'm going to find my mother, goodbye.". So the bird flapped its wings and flew to the blue sky

Primary School Students of Birds (8)

Today is a fine day, with white clouds floating in the blue sky. Xiaoming came to the park to play happily. He walked and came to a big tree. Suddenly, he found a mother bird flying around in the sky. He also flew into his nest from time to time to watch the birds.

Xiaoming saw it and thought: I will shoot the mother bird to death now, and then go to its nest to get some eggs to eat. He thought so, and immediately picked up the slingshot. Just as he was about to shoot it, Xiaohong ran quickly over. She said, "You can't shoot a bird!" "It's none of your business that I shoot a bird, not you." Xiaoming replied. Xiaohong said: "The bird is our human friend. It flies in the sky every day to help people catch pests. It works so hard and makes contributions to us. But we want to kill it. It's a shameful act!"

Hearing what Xiao Hong said, Xiao Ming couldn't help blushing. He put down his slingshot, turned around, bowed his head and went home.

Ah! We should protect birds, which are our good friends!

Primary School Students of Birds (9)

Sunday is a rare holiday. It's a beautiful day. Wang Li and Xiao Wen have an appointment to go to the park.

"Wang Li, here you are!" Xiao Wen said with a smile. Wang Li said energetically, "Hmm." I don't know what it is. With a whoosh, the rain fell on Wang Li's shiny black hair. It was under the eaves of the park. The bird's nest droppings fell off one by one. Xiaowen blurted out, "Wang Li, come here and let me help you remove the bird's droppings from your head." "Thank you!" Wang Li said politely. Just as Xiaowen took off the excrement on Wang Li's head, Xiaowen said to himself, "Damn the bird, even the excrement on Wang Li's head will be torn off. I'll see how I can take you!" Xiaowen said endlessly, "Wang Li, look, the bird excrement is all on your head, or should I find a bamboo pole to poke the bird's nest?" "OK!"

After a while, a second, a minute, an hour. Xiaowen walked under the bird's nest with a bamboo pole and posed to stab it. The frightened bird fluttered away. Only Wang Li, holding a ladder and a hammer in his hand, angrily walked up to Xiao Wen and said, "No, no, no!" Wang Li was very worried. "I have a good idea." Xiaowen looked up at Wang Li and climbed up the ladder. At this time, Xiaowen thought again, "Wang Li, the boy, is more considerate than I expected, and should use a hammer to knock. Xiaowen put the bamboo pole in his hand aside. However, Xiaowen was wrong. To his surprise, Wang Li installed it with thick boards to make the bird's nest stronger, and the feces would not fall down.

At this time, it was the most beautiful dusk. Xiao Wen was still boasting Wang Li's agility and wit, regretting that he was not as smart as him. At this time, the bird's puffing wings came back, ecstatic, because its nest had changed back to its original shape, and it was not afraid of dropping its own feces.

Just under the eaves in front of the park, the two children laughed happily.

Primary School Students of Birds (10)

I am a bird.

My name is Xiaoxiao.

I have a small wish

I remember before, I lived happily in the big forest with my parents and brothers and sisters. My mother told us that we should serve people wholeheartedly. So we peck insects for trees every day to make them grow healthily. One day, when we were pecking insects for Grandpa Huaishu, we suddenly got a shock, and then fell heavily on the ground, as if falling into an abyss. Grandpa Huaishu was cut off by the woodcutter and fell heavily to the ground. When I was dizzy, I fell into a bloody hand. Then I was taken to an iron cage, where many of my companions cried to me: many of our companions were killed. The more we listen, the more afraid we are, and we try to fly outward. Finally, we flew out of the cage that made us jumpy when we remembered it.

My brother Maomao and my sister Miaomiao flew into the woods and found Grandpa Huaishu still lying on the ground. At this time, there was a "bang", and Brother Maomao fell to the ground. Brother Maomao said to us with difficulty: "Little, please take your sister Miao Miao out of here. It's dangerous here! Hurry!!" Fortunately, people can't understand our birdsong. We sadly left Brother Maomao and embarked on a new journey.

My sister Miaomiao and I are flying in the air. We dare not fly low and keep flying high. Suddenly, a "black dragon" came at us. It was the waste gas from the factory. Young and frail seedlings have no time to hide, and they are smoked by waste gas and fall down.

After flying all day, I was already thirsty and hungry. It was not easy for me to stop and find a place to rest when it was dark. When I came to a pond, I could not care about three or seven or twenty one for a long time. I squatted beside the pond and drank water to my heart's content. Suddenly, I felt a hot smell in my throat, which reached my stomach. I found that it was the sewage discharged from the factory. I was about to open my mouth to speak, but I found that I could not make a sound.

People, let us go! Don't you want us to serve you wholeheartedly?

Primary School Students of Birds (11)

You must think that there is a Japanese in my family, right? In fact, Heisanlang is a baby bird without a mother. There are many stories about it.

During the summer vacation, my grandpa and I went to the fields to pull grass. There is so much grass. The lambs will have enough to eat when they go back. At this time, the rhubarb dog and the small alarm barked more than once. Looking in the direction of its barking, a grass snake was swimming towards us. I was about to run away when the grass snake suddenly jumped up and grabbed a bird and swam away. Grandfather pulled up the grass and found it was a bird's nest. Just when I was afraid of the scene just now, grandpa greeted me and said, "Come and see!" Only a young bird fell out of the nest. I think the chicks will die without their mother, and they should be fed. Grandpa also agreed, and we took a nest of birds home.

When I woke up, the next day when I went to see the birds, I heard only one bird chirping, and all the others were dead. Nature is so cruel and merciless to little creatures!

On October 1, I returned to my hometown. As soon as I entered the door, the water splashed on my face. After a careful look, I found a black bird in the water. It was the bird we saved during the summer vacation! Unexpectedly, it took more than two months to grow so big and grow black feathers, so I gave it the healthy and unique name of "Heisanlang".

By the middle of October, the birds should fly south. What about Heisanlang? So I want it to learn to fly. I made a two meter high and six meter long "Learning Flying Shed" from the wood left by my grandfather's sheep shed, and put a thick "sponge" underneath it, so that the birds would not be injured even if they fell down in flight. In order to have a good foundation for Heisanlang to take off, I built a "take-off platform" one meter high. The flying shed was made, and a live grasshopper was put on it. I put the bird on the platform, and it flew a few meters forward. The second time, I flew one meter more than the last time. I took pains to train back and forth. In the struggle, it finally flew. What we have to do now is to welcome the coming of autumn.

On November 11, the bird stayed in my hands for a long time and flew to the sky! I saw it chirping in the sky, hovering for a while, like nostalgia for this home, but finally flew away, I know, it belongs to the free sky. I also know that it will fly back next spring.

Primary School Students of Birds (12)

Slowly waving beautiful wings, I dance in the sun. I walk through the white clouds. I fly low, over the water, over trees, over roofs, over people's heads, lingering in every beautiful place, every vibrant place, every place full of laughter, lingering in the colorful world. I am a lovely bird, a little bird who loves life and is willing to help others. I am not the ornament of scenery in people's eyes!

Each of our birds, regardless of species and color, has a kind and simple heart.

In a large forest with lush vegetation and flowers, there is a huge animal family. In this huge animal family, there are many big animals and small animals. They are united and help each other, get along peacefully, treat people politely, and never haggle over every small thing. My family is built on the trunk of a towering tree in this forest, and is also a member of the big family.

In the morning, the sun shone through the thick leaves into my warm little home, but I was no longer there. I went outside to look for food and some short dead branches. Dead branches are used to build new houses for winter. "Lalala... Lalala... Hi! Hello! Dear Brother Tiger." "Oh! Hello, Sister Bird! What are you doing? What can I do for you?" "Yes! I'm looking for some short dead branches to build a new house. But I don't know where there are better branches that can build the house firmly." "You are smart and lucky! I know there are a lot of good short branches under the big tree in front, which are very suitable for you to build a new house. Come with me! I'll take you there. " "Really? Thank you very much! I will treat you to a delicious meal after I have built the house." I followed Brother Tiger to the big tree, and was excited when I saw the branches I wanted.

In the following week, I was busy with my new house. Finally, I used those branches to build a new house that I dreamed of, comfortable and warm. Looking at the new house, I remembered my promise to Brother Tiger and flew to his home to invite him to have a big meal. When I came to the tiger's house, "dong dong! Dong dong, I pecked at his teeth with my sharp mouth, and the meat came out. Brother Tiger turned his sorrow into joy and also wanted to invite me to have a delicious meal, so he thanked me. Finally, I held a banquet with Brother Tiger and invited many good friends to have dinner together

I am very happy, and also very happy, living together with my partners, caring for each other, solidarity and fraternity, spent day after day.

Primary School Students of Birds (13)

I looked at it, and it looked at me. The bird's eyes were full of longing and begging eyes. How he wants my help! I saw it from the bird's eyes. So I observed carefully. The bird was found injured.

In the morning, I stood at the window to breathe the fresh air, still stretching my hands and bending over from time to time. Suddenly, a bird flew over and landed on the window. I feel very curious. So I want to get close to it and play with it. I approached it quietly, trying to touch it with my hands. At this time, I think the bird will fly away immediately. So I want to withdraw my hand. Eh, it's strange that the bird didn't fly away. So I caressed its feathers with my hands. It still didn't fly away. When I stroked its feathers, it began to shiver all over. He also pecked my hand with his small mouth from time to time. Later, when he saw that I had no malice towards him, he came to me. Ah, what a lovely bird! What an interesting bird!

I looked at it, and it looked at me. The bird's eyes were full of longing and begging eyes. How he wants my help! I saw it from the bird's eyes. So I observed carefully. The bird was found injured.

I quickly rushed into the house to find something to wrap it up, and also took some food to feed it. But when I returned to the window with gauze, medicine and food, the bird disappeared. I can't see it on the window anymore! On the windowsill, there was only a drop of blood, a drop of red blood

At this time, I looked around and saw no trace of birds. I think the bird must fly back to its own nest to seek the help of its partner, or maybe it wants to overcome the pain alone. What a strong bird it is!

On this day, I didn't even feel like playing. I missed this strong bird all day long.

Primary School Students of Birds (14)

In the woods on the edge of the city, there live two small birds named Ling and Yan.

One day, they were chatting in the woods about the interesting things that had happened in the past few days, but a sharp sound of the electric saw drowned their voices. It turned out that several lumberjacks were destroying their homes. They couldn't help crying when they thought about the changes here in recent years.

A few years ago, Ling Heyan's family moved here for the first time. At that time, the sky was deep and blue, like a blue quilt, dotted with white clouds. The trees on the hillside were tall and sturdy, and the hillside was covered with green grass. Colorful flowers among the green grass danced happily with the breeze, and the streams ran happily around the hillside.

However, the good times are not long. Many high-rise buildings have sprung up here, and many factories have been built here. Since then, the sky is no longer blue, but always gloomy; The air is no longer fresh, always filled with dust and smoke; Trees are no longer lush because of being cut down in large numbers; The stream is no longer clear and cries every day.

Ling Heyan used to have many friends here, but because of the increasingly harsh environment, some of their partners and families were hunted by humans, some fled because they couldn't stand the harsh environment here, some starved to death, and some were poisoned to death after drinking the water from the brook Now they are living side by side. Thinking about it, they went to sleep. In their dream, they returned to the past, sang happily in the forest, and flew freely in the sky

Primary School Students of Birds (15)

When I came to the market, my eyes were immediately attracted by the stall selling birds. There were many birds of different colors and sizes chirping, as if saying, "Come and see us!" I went to the stall and looked at the birds. When my eyes turned to a blue bird, I suddenly stopped. The bird was wearing a blue shirt and a black cloak, with small eyes as bright as sapphire and a mouth as bright as pepper. The most striking thing was the circle of black spots on his neck. Seen from afar, it looks like a string of Buddhist beads. Plus its chubby little face, it really looks like a small "living Buddha". The bird looked around with its head raised and its neck turned. How lovely!

It's getting late. It's time to go home. I reluctantly left the market.

Primary School Students of Birds (16)

Today, a bird landed on my windowsill with messy feathers and a small amount of blood. Its eyes showed a painful look, and its small mouth couldn't stop crying. Its sad cry was like a needle stuck in my heart, which suddenly tightened my heart.

I quickly opened the window and held the bird carefully in my hands. It trembled in my hands, and looked at me sadly with frightened eyes. I felt the bird's heart beat faster because of the shock. I said softly, "Don't be afraid, I will help you." After that, I quickly put the bird in a box covered with cotton. The bird may see that I am helping it and stop shaking. It silently looks at me with a pair of dark eyes, and then I check its condition. Ah! The heart beat slowly, as if it could stop at any time. I found blood running on its wings. I quickly took Yunnan Baiyao and put it on the wings of the little sparrow. Then I filled some millet and some water. I don't know what's wrong with the little sparrow. It seems that it hasn't eaten for several days, so it greedily ate. After eating, it drank two mouthfuls of water. He looked at me with those black eyes happily, as if to say: "Thank you."

After a week, the little sparrow recovered and flew around the house. I think sparrows have mothers too! I am determined to let it go. I opened the window and let it fly away. The sparrow also seems to understand that we are reluctant to part. I watched it go away until it disappeared into the blue sky.

Look, there are so many animals and people in the world who need our help. Let's extend our warm hands to help them!

Chapter 2

One morning, the weather was very sunny. The sun was red, like a big fireball. The sky was blue, like the sea. The white clouds were white, like cotton. There were flowers and grass in the distance. When I finished eating, I felt bored, so I ran to the yard to play. Suddenly, I saw a wounded bird under the tree stump.

I felt sorry for the bird, so I picked him up. I took him home. When I got home, I looked at the bird and said, "Eh, the bird's leg is broken, and I want to bandage him." I quickly took out the gauze and ran to the yard to bandage the bird. The bird's eyes were very bad, and he might be very hurt. But it bravely let me bandage it.

On this day, I had nothing to do. The weather was fine, so I took the bird outside to bask in the sun, play games with it, and read comic books with her. It was very interesting. However, the bird was not happy. I asked strangely, "Bird, bird, why are you not happy when you are healed? Why are you not happy?" The bird said, "I miss my parents." So, I reluctantly let him go. The bird spread its wings and flew to a big tree. Looking at me, it seemed to say, "Thank you, little master, I will remember you." After that, it went to find my parents.

From then on, I miss this bird. This bird left a deep impression on me.

Primary School Students of Birds (17)

Every morning, when the first ray of sunshine illuminates the earth, I jump on the branches and sing clear and rhythmic songs to welcome the beginning of a new day. Walk through the forest, fly, and do exercises after getting up. At this time, I greet my friends in the forest. Hey, the big bear is up; Mrs. Duck gets up early! The sun is up, you lazy pig... I fly to the farmer's fruit forest again, secretly peck at the red and big apple, and take a rest in the beautiful and fragrant flowers to alleviate the fatigue of the long flight.

At noon, my stomach was like a deflated football. Lunch can be full and nutritious. I flew to the wheat field on the top of the mountain and had a good meal. The rustling song of the stream led me past. I pecked a leaf from the tree, put it on the stream, and jumped up myself. This leaf, just like what people call a speedboat, quickly went down the river and helped me to get home. I was really tired and soon dozed off. Ah! I left the "boat" and rushed out. Below is the tail cloth of the waterfall. I had no sleep just now, so I beat my wings and flew to the shore. This is really safe! However, we are almost home.

The night drew down the curtain, the sky was dark, only countless stars gave out light. I lie down. Look at the beautiful night sky. There was silence around me, I fell into a sweet dream, and saved today in my beautiful memory

Primary School Students of Birds (18)

One day, Mingming and his brother Xiaoming were playing under a tree. Suddenly, his brother Xiaoming saw a bird's nest in the tree. There were two lovely birds in it. They were calling their mother to feed them. Xiaoming thought the two birds were very cute. He wanted to catch them and take them home to raise them, so he climbed up the tree. Just when he wanted to catch the two birds, the birds flew away from the tree with their newly learned flying skills.

Mingming saw it and shouted: "Brother, come down quickly! It's wrong for you to do this!" Hearing his brother's order, he quickly climbed down. Mingming said solemnly and loudly, "You drove these two birds away, and the mother bird who caught the food will be worried." Hearing this, his younger brother was ashamed, and he lowered his head. When he looked up, he found his brother was climbing on the tree. His brother felt very strange and asked, "Brother, what are you doing?" It turned out that his brother put his hat on the branch with a bird's nest and made a beautiful little bird's nest. At this time, the two birds who had just been scared away returned to the tree and cried excitedly in the nest, as if to say, "Yeah! We have a new home again!"

Part II

One summer morning, Xiaoming and Xiaogang went to play in a forest. They went to a tree, heard the sound of birds singing in the tree, looked up and saw two birds in the tree.

Xiaogang thought, "How lovely the bird is! I'll catch one." So Xiaogang climbed up the tree quietly. However, as soon as he climbed the tree, the bird flew away. Xiaoming said earnestly to Xiaogang, "Why do you want to hurt those birds?" If the mother bird came back and found her child lost, how sad she would be!

Xiaoming thought for a while and climbed up the tree quickly. Xiaogang asked strangely, "What are you doing?" Xiaoming said, "You'll know later." Xiaoming took off his hat, carefully placed it on the branch, and then went home with Xiaogang.

The next day, Xiaoming and Xiaogang came to the tree together. Xiaoming pointed to the hat on the tree and said, "Look, the birds are back again!" The birds were singing happily in their nest, chirping, chirping, as if to say to them: "Thank you, let us have a beautiful new home." Xiaogang said happily: "Xiaoming, you are great!"

Spring is coming, and many birds are flying out. I hope everyone can protect them and let birds live beside us. It's a happy day to hear the clear cries of birds every day!

Part III

One day, Xiaoming saw two birds in a big tree. He went up to the tree to catch the birds. When the birds saw them, they flew away quickly. Then a big brother saw it and said, "Don't hurt small animals."

The elder brother thought: If the mother bird came back and saw her baby lost, how sad it would be! So he thought of a good way.

Big brother climbed up the tree, and Xiaoming said, "Big brother, what are you doing?" Big brother said, "You can see what I'm doing when you look at it." Big brother put his hat on the branch, and he waited for a while, and the bird flew back.

Big Brother and Xiao Ming were very happy and said, "We have done a good thing!"