People you miss (12 practical chapters)
Sunrise and Midheaven
2024-03-11 07:38:12

The person you miss (1)

Missing is a ship ticket, I am on this side of the sea, you are on the other side of the sea; Missing is a phone call, I am outside the phone, you are inside the phone; Missing is a song, hearing a familiar song, thinking of you far away

Before we were separated, you always came to me to nag me, urged me to write my homework, and told me the truth of life from time to time... At that time, I always hated you for being annoying, for taking too much care of you, and didn't care about my feelings at all. I always quarrel with you, make trouble with you, make you angry and disappoint you... Now you send me to my hometown to go to junior high school to improve my academic performance, and you also go far away from me to make money. Since you are not with me, I gradually understand something.

At the beginning, I thought it was good that you were not with me. Nobody cared about me, and nobody nagged me. Want to play, want to sleep, live a "taste". But gradually, I really want to hear you nagging around me, I really want to eat your cooking, I really want to spend our time together. Gradually, I understand your kindness to me. You always give me the best for me. In the past, except on Sundays, you got up early every day to cook for me and send me to school, and at night you taught me how to do my homework in the dark... Now, you almost have to stand and work for nine hours every day, and you don't get off work until nine o'clock at night. If you go out alone and are far away from home, I don't know if you will be afraid; I don't know if you will get lumbago because you are too busy with your work; I don't know if you will stand too long every day and your legs hurt; I don't know if your fingers will be swollen due to work

Mom, you have done too much for me, and I owe you too much. At school, I will seriously focus on my study and try my best to learn my lessons, so as to live up to your expectations of me.

"Listen to my mother, don't let her get hurt, grow up little by little, and protect her...".

The person you miss (2)

It is another midsummer, and it is also a sprinkling rain. Lovely, do you still remember that summer, your agreement with me?

Inadvertently, I looked through the student record and saw that you just wrote "We are always good friends" in the "whisper" of the graduation album. I shook my head and sighed that you are "ungrateful". However, you came to me quietly in my sleep

In the classroom, students take a nap in a variety of positions. The fan above the head slowly shakes, and birds outside the window jump around the branches, watching the restless students keep fanning and chirping. I fell asleep on the table and drooled. You could not help laughing when you saw my embarrassed appearance. I slowly opened my eyes and just met your eyes. Old Time stopped his steps and quietly looked at the fragrant sister flowers. You seem to be at a loss. You hurriedly turn the wind direction of the folding fan towards yourself, with a trace of embarrassment in your eyes, and the air is filled with sweet breath.

I asked, "Are you fanning me?"

You said modestly, "No, I haven't."

I smiled, buried my head under the table, and whispered, "I just thought of a joke, I'll tell you about it, and I'm afraid I'll forget it later.".

On the playground, the laughter of the students spilled on every corner, and all kinds of happy games were played happily. I looked up, but your shadow disappeared. I hurried through the crowd to find you. Not far away, you stood quietly with an examination paper in your hand. I thought of countless ways to comfort you. I ran quickly, put my arm around your shoulder and said, "Stupid is stupid. I will contract your math scores later, and I will teach you." You were surprised, and then ran away, holding a full score test paper and shouting, "Little fool."

I miss the afternoon nap when I was fanned by you, the primary school days when I told you jokes I might forget at any time, and the happy days when your sudden jokes frightened me.

"We will always be good friends", yes. His face could not hide a smile. He looked carefully at the album. Although there was only one sentence, every word was carefully written. With the simplest story and the strongest emotion, we are telling every little thing that happens around us.

Lovely girl, you often walk into my dreams and recall every past, every sad or happy thing with me. After waking up, you don't see your shadow. But, do you know? You are the person I miss most. I always want to ask you "How are you recently?"

People you miss (3)

Time has passed. It has been more than a year since I graduated. The only time I went to see you was when you were in Grade One. My teacher, even if you are near my home, you can only leave endless thoughts.

The only visit

It was a Friday. I went back to school with my classmates and saw the teaching building that had hardly changed. Only Class 6 (2) was missing. There are our photos, the trophies we won, and our dear head teacher, Mr. Lv. You said, "I'm glad you have become mature", but what makes us sad is that you have become old. Although we only walked together for three years, it is a diamond like memory for me.


Once, I was wronged by you; Once, I was encouraged by you; I was once cared about by you.

A math class is full of your difficulties, but they are talking. I don't want to be with them or let you down, so I listened carefully. Unexpectedly, I was called up, perhaps because I was not a very stable student, perhaps because I was close to them, in short, I was wronged. At first, it brought me a lot of anger and sadness, and I also wrote articles to express my dissatisfaction, but when I think about it, it brought me more growth. With grief and indignation, pleasure is also indispensable.

In the football league, you always praise me. Although I didn't keep up with my expectations and didn't bring honor to the class, you encouraged me by saying, "Sometimes we can ride the wind and waves, and we can sail straight to the sea". Later, the football league won every time, from the third to the second to the first. What a hard process, and what a happy process! It's all about you. My goalkeeping skills are getting better and better. It is your concern that gives me strength.

It was a virus storm near the beginning of junior high school. I was not spared from chicken pox. Every day, I received intravenous injections. The whole person was not well and was sickly. But your concern made me and other sick students deeply moved, as if it were sunny after rain. One month's time is long and short. We come back to the class one after another. It is you who lead the whole class to welcome us. Your concern for me makes me miss you, your encouragement makes me miss you, and your expectation makes me miss you even more.

Mr. Lv, I miss you most! I will visit you again if I have the chance.

People you miss (4)

Missing is a ship ticket, I am on this side of the sea, you are on the other side of the sea; Missing is a phone call, I am outside the phone, you are inside the phone; Missing is a song, hearing a familiar song, thinking of you far away

Before we were separated, you always came to me to nag me, urged me to write my homework, and told me the truth of life from time to time... At that time, I always hated you for being annoying, for taking too much care of you, and didn't care about my feelings at all. I always quarrel with you, make trouble with you, make you angry and disappoint you... Now you send me to my hometown to go to junior high school to improve my academic performance, and you also go far away from me to make money. Since you are not with me, I gradually understand something.

At the beginning, I thought it was good that you were not with me. Nobody cared about me, and nobody nagged me. I want to play, sleep, and live a "delicious life". But gradually, I really want to hear you nagging around me, eat your cooking, and miss our time together. Gradually, I understand that you are good to me. You always give me the best for me. In the past, except on Sundays, you got up early every day to cook for me and send me to school, and at night you taught me how to do my homework in the dark... Now, you almost have to stand and work for nine hours every day, and you don't get off work until nine o'clock at night. If you go out alone and are far away from home, I don't know if you will be afraid; I don't know if you will get lumbago because you are too busy with your work; I don't know if you will stand too long every day and your legs hurt; I don't know if your fingers will be swollen due to work

Mom, you have done too much for me, and I owe you too much. At school, I will seriously focus on my study and try my best to learn my lessons, so as to live up to your expectations of me.

”Listen to my mother, don't let her get hurt, grow up little by little, and protect her... ".

People you miss (5)

The tide is in.

I swam to and fro at the seaside, my eyes fixed in the crowd at the seaside through the vague sea water. I'm trying to find that childish face.

The noon sun wants to bake me. The gentle sun at ordinary times is like a sharp blade at the moment, which makes me feel burning pain all over. I fanned the fish gills desperately, trying to use this method to keep myself alive in this small sand pit with only a little water. Unfortunately, I was washed ashore because of grounding. Water is my life, and life is leaving me. The temperature is higher, and the speed of my fanning the gills is slower. I'm very hot, and I'm afraid I can't stand it.

A pair of bare feet are stepping on the footprints on the beach step by step. In the vagueness, I felt as if I had been lifted up. After a burst of footsteps, I felt covered by the sea water. A burst of cool brought me back to consciousness. Swinging his tail, a lovely face stopped in front of me. Because of the sea, I couldn't see his face clearly, but when I wanted to see it for a while, the little boy had already got up and left. All I have left is his receding figure.

The sea bottom is actually a lonely world. There is no light at all in the deeper waters. There is no one like me in my area, so I can only swim around alone. Without companions, I am very lonely. But after that, I had a person I missed, a person I missed very much. He saved me, but I didn't have time to thank him, and I didn't even remember his appearance. If it were not for him, I think I would have said goodbye to this beautiful world. This is the only regret in my heart now.

So after a long time of ideological struggle, I decided to go back to the seaside and look for him again, even if I had a look at him again, as long as I could find him; It doesn't matter if I can't find it. Let me take a last look at the beach and the blue sky there, and let me find the feeling I once felt again.

So I really came to the seaside and stared at the passers-by coming and going at the seaside, trying to find his traces there. But I didn't find anything. The only thing that responds to me is the surging waves. I don't give up, still procrastinate, in order to wait for that figure that I miss so much can appear in my sight. However, there is still nothing.

The tide is out. I finally took a look at the seaside and reluctantly swam back to the bottomless sea.

People you miss (6)

dear friend:


In the dead of night, rain and wind are blowing, I miss you.

I miss you, miss your smile, you love smiling so much. I miss the smile when you met me, I miss the smile when you played with me; I miss your knowing smile when you help me; I miss your look back and smile when you leave...... Your smile has already been in my heart and branded with deep fire.

I miss you, miss you who helped me. You are so helpful. A few years ago, before a math class, I found that my math book was soaked by my leaking cup, just like clothes that had just passed water. I was at a loss and sweat slipped down my face. Without saying a word, you use napkin to suck water on the book, one page, two pages, three pages... "Stand up, you two. "What are you doing? It's been such a long time in class!" In the face of the teacher's criticism, I wish I could find a crack in the ground; In the face of you, I can only feel deeply guilty.

I miss you, miss you who care about me, you are so considerate. One afternoon, my eyes felt itchy, so I rubbed them. "Your eyes are red." You remind me quietly. Although I just said "nothing" lightly, I felt a warm current in my heart. "Jingle bell!" When I got home, the phone rang. I picked up the phone, and your voice came from the other end, with some worry; "Are your eyes red?" I went to the mirror, looked at it and said, "It's all right." You smiled, "That's good." In a moment, a warm current spread all over the body, and I found my eyes red again

Time passes, leaving me a long feeling for you. Missing is like an endless river, which has no end. It just soaks into my heart and moistens it. When can we meet again? At the end of the long river, I seem to see your familiar face.

Finally, he said, "Friend, you are the person I miss most!"

People you miss (7)

I put a mouthful of bitter gourd into my mouth, and the slight bitter and sweet wisps spread in my mouth. My missing for Grandma also spread in my heart.

I hate balsam pear very much, since I was young.

When I was young, I lived in my hometown with my grandmother. I loved watching her pick bitter gourds. With the clear sound of "click", mature balsam pears lie quietly in the bamboo basket. Although I had a good harvest with my grandmother, the dishes made of bitter gourd were my childhood nightmare because it was too bitter! At that time, Grandma was always patient, cooking hard, and always tried to persuade me. I just ate a few mouthfuls.

Later, I came to the city with my parents. The fast-paced life here gradually blurred my childhood memory. But to my surprise, the bitterness of Momordica charantia and my grandmother became something I missed together.

In junior high school, the pressure of learning gradually increases. My parents called my grandmother to take good care of me.

One morning, when I got up, I found my grandmother was not at home, but after a while, her figure appeared outside the door. She carefully lifted the balsam pear, gently opened the door, and said, "Today, eat balsam pear to clear away heat and detoxify." I watched the cool dew glistening on the balsam pear, and though reluctant, I agreed. Grandma seemed to be more happy when she saw this. She hurried into the kitchen and started the familiar action again. What condensed in it was endless yearning and longstanding concern.

Looking at Grandma's skillful movements, I can't help recalling the memory of picking and eating bitter gourds with Grandma when I was a child. These memories, like the whirling autumn wind, are full of passion. I can't help but look forward to the bitter gourd I've been waiting for for a long time.

After a while, a plate of bitter gourd was gently put on the table. Grandma sat opposite me and murmured, "The time with you is my happiest day." I tried my best to hold back the tears I wanted to run out of, picked up a piece of bitter gourd and tasted it carefully. A little bitter mixed with hard to erase the sweet, gradually faint in the mouth. I can't stand it. Two tears fall down

Now Grandma has returned to her hometown again. It is Grandma and the bitter gourd that haunt me.

Bitter gourd stirred up memories, but also turned deep thoughts. Add a piece of bitter gourd into your mouth, and the bitter turns into sweet, which again infiltrates my missing heart.

People you miss (8)

My missing for you flows like a river, my missing for you is as bright as the sun, and my missing for you is as fragrant as a flower. I miss you very much, my sister. Remember when you were a kid? Sister, let's dig out the eggs together. There is a tall orchid tree in our family. Every spring, it blooms white and beautiful orchids. Grandma always picks them and strings them into a bracelet for us to wear, just like a amulet, to protect us young. In the early morning of that day, the thin fog covered the orchid tree with a looming dress, but it still failed to stop your eyes. You saw the bird's nest at once and shouted to show me, "Sister! Look! It's the bird's nest, it's the bird's nest"! You laughed happily. The laughter was as clear and bright as the golden bell on the pavilion. I look in the direction of your fingers. It's good. It's really a bird's nest. "Sister, let's go and get the eggs"! You said excitedly, of course I agree, my silly sister. Before I could speak, you had already climbed up the tree and squatted on the branch, like a naughty and lovely monkey waiting for me to feed. "Sister! Look, I've taken down the whole nest". I nodded to show my acquiescence. Sure enough, after you showed me the whole nest, you finally put it back. You said, "How worried their mother should be when she can't find them"! This is you, always very friendly. We also went to catch butterflies. The fields full of rape flowers looked very beautiful under the sunshine. There are many butterflies flying in the field. You have a whim and say you want to catch butterflies. I agree again. With you coming to the rape flower field, I was shocked by the scenery in front of me. It's really beautiful. The rape flower has your smile. We ran on the fields and among the rape flowers at full speed just to catch those beautiful butterflies. You come and go, and rape flowers sprinkle the fragrant petals on your hair. Although we failed to catch a butterfly in the end, you were very happy and I was also very happy. We all showed the same bright smile as cauliflower. I suddenly noticed that you had some skin abrasions on your legs, but you didn't say how to restrain your playfulness! My little friend. Enough fun, we often go to the pool to wash our feet. The river is so clear that the stones on the bottom are clearly visible. You always splash me with water when I'm not paying attention, and then fight with me with a smile. I often give you a hard look: "Stop playing! Go back"! Of course, you don't know how much I like the time I spent with you. Now the pool has become dirty. No one goes to wash their feet, and it's no longer ours. My hometown has changed a lot, but you are still the same, smiling brightly, having fun, and living in the sun. Do you know my missing for you? Have you forgotten the time we played together? Will you miss it? My sister.

The person you miss (9)

I put a mouthful of bitter gourd into my mouth, and the slight bitter and sweet wisps spread in my mouth. My missing for Grandma also spread in my heart.

I hate balsam pear very much, since I was young.

When I was young, I lived in my hometown with my grandmother. I loved watching her pick bitter gourds. With the clear sound of "click", mature balsam pears lie quietly in the bamboo basket. Although I had a good harvest with my grandmother, the dishes made of bitter gourd were my childhood nightmare because it was too bitter! At that time, Grandma was always patient, cooking hard, and always tried to persuade me. I just ate a few mouthfuls.

Later, I came to the city with my parents. The fast-paced life here gradually blurred my childhood memory. But to my surprise, the bitterness of Momordica charantia and my grandmother became something I missed together.

In junior high school, the pressure of learning gradually increases. My parents called my grandmother to take good care of me.

One morning, when I got up, I found my grandmother was not at home, but after a while, her figure appeared outside the door. She carefully lifted the balsam pear, gently opened the door, and said, "Today, eat balsam pear to clear away heat and detoxify." I watched the cool dew glistening on the balsam pear, and though reluctant, I agreed. Grandma seemed to be more happy when she saw this. She hurried into the kitchen and started the familiar action again. What condensed in it was endless yearning and longstanding concern.

Looking at Grandma's skillful movements, I can't help recalling the memory of picking and eating bitter gourds with Grandma when I was a child. These memories, like the whirling autumn wind, are full of passion. I can't help but look forward to the bitter gourd I've been waiting for for a long time.

After a while, a plate of bitter gourd was gently put on the table. Grandma sat opposite me and murmured, "The time with you is my happiest day." I tried my best to hold back the tears that I wanted to run out, picked up a piece of bitter gourd and tasted it carefully. A little bitter mixed with hard to erase the sweet, gradually faint in the mouth. I can't stand it. Two tears fall down

Now Grandma has returned to her hometown again. It is Grandma and the bitter gourd that haunt me.

Bitter gourd stirred up memories, but also turned deep thoughts. Add a piece of bitter gourd into your mouth, and the bitter turns into sweet, which again infiltrates my missing heart.

People you miss (10)

Time flies like an arrow.

In the twinkling of an eye, I left my golden childhood and came to junior high school. In the past few years, there have been many things, among which my most appreciated teacher, who gave me knowledge, strength and encouragement... It was a warm afternoon, and the students' bright reading voice resounded through the campus, making the campus colorful. The teacher walked to our classroom at a light pace and began to impart knowledge to us, so we listened carefully. There are many problems in the learning process. It seems that learning is like sailing against the current. At this time, I had a question that I couldn't answer, and I didn't dare to ask the teacher. I was afraid that the teacher would think I was stupid, so I held back

Day after day, as I accumulated from a few difficult problems to the majority, my performance plummeted. Until one day, the teacher realized my achievements and called me to her office. At that moment, the teacher changed my life, changed my path, and changed my destiny... The teacher took the trouble to fill up most of the questions I didn't know. I was very moved at that time, and had to mention that the spring cicada died until the end of the sweet life, and the wax torch began to dry into tears.

Now this little thing is still reverberating in my mind and will never disappear. Now that I have entered the ideal middle school, I want to ask, where are you, teacher, and how are you!

People you miss (11)

The withered vines and crows, the flowing water and people's houses, the afterglow still exists, the west wind is thin and the horse is thin, and people are at the end of the world.

Standing in the desolate frontier of the desert, walk to the horizon of the long river sunset. The sky looks yellow, it is my concern for you when I can not speak of the downturn; The frost forest, which is dyed by every layer of forest, is my inexpressible grief when I miss you; The falling maple leaves are the wordless loneliness when I miss you.

The sound of gurgling water makes me miss you so much. "Everything is different. Tears flow before words." The bench that depends on you is still in place, but you can never be found again. "People have their joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs." The corner where I parted from you has become the harbor I watched alone. "The passage of time is like this, day and night." You can't be found in the flowing crowd. The afterglow illuminates the world but cannot warm my missing heart. The full moon illuminates the night but cannot guide my way forward.

The sharp crows pierced my memory, and a dry branch hung our little bits. The wind of time blows away the white clouds, but it does not make me miss you. Years of destruction can not destroy my missing heart.

The fiery fire cannot burn the chapters we wrote, and the cold snow cannot bury the time we spent together. Touch your head and send it to my arms to watch the touching love story; Take your hand to the noisy street to experience the true and false human customs. The indelible you in the deep memory is my pillar to resist the scorching sun and cold. The long dark night you spent with me is that I can never forget the holiday.

Standing by the river, I talked about my missing. "I went to the willows in the past." The breeze blew the willows along the river, as if touching the heart of yearning that could not be calm for a long time; "The night rain makes autumn, just on my mind." The light rain ripples on the lake, as if it is nourishing the dry memory branches.

You are the person I miss most!

People you miss (12)

I miss you year after year, day after day. Time never stops, just like I miss you. You stay in my mind, as if you have never left.

I always remember clearly that you cooked three meals for me every day. You know what I like to eat and what I don't eat. But when I grow up, you are not here. How I want to have a meal for you, but I have no chance. I miss you very much. I want to hear your voice again. You pick me up and send me to school every day. No matter it's windy or rainy, you are always on time. It's so warm to lean on your back. You are like a big tree to shelter me from wind and rain. I haven't had time to honor you.

October 1, 20xx, is a day I will never forget in my life. I clearly remember that we had a holiday that day, and my father picked me up to play at the work place. You called me and said the last word, telling me to be obedient and study hard. I didn't disappoint you, but you were absent forever. If time can go back, I will accompany you without going anywhere that day, even if it is more than a minute, so that I can hold your hand again and listen to you.

Qingming Festival is coming again soon. I miss you even more. Are you all right there? My beloved grandfather!

You Dad's comment: The little writer's article is sincere in emotion. Every sentence contains his own emotion. There is no superfluous sentence, and more of his feelings for grandpa are integrated into every sentence of the article. Missing is a kind of emotion that is difficult to describe clearly. In the article written by the little author, You Dad read about his deep missing and memory of his grandfather. He recalled his grandfather's three meals a day. He recalled that he always picked up "me" rain or shine. The article was filled with a light sense of sadness. In fact, you dad wanted to tell the little author that grandpa certainly hoped that the little author could turn these sad thoughts into happy memories with grandpa.

Little author: Chen Bowei