600 words composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (19 compilations)
It's late in the old days
2023-09-12 03:56:03
Junior two

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (1)

When the early spring in the south came near the water, the sun was just warm, the geese flying south were lined up in a neat "man" shape, people's happy smiles on the street and the children in the town were setting off firecrackers... Everything was covered with warmth, and this feeling seemed familiar, and I remembered that time again.

The same weather, the same warmth. Bookstore, alone, quiet. I am enjoying, roaming in the world of books. It was a strange voice that broke the silence when we were having fun;

"Hello, can I sit here?"

I looked up, and a beautiful girl stood in front of me. Clear eyes, pink cheeks. I nodded blankly. At first, I was not entangled or even angry, but I never expected that we would finally become good friends. "Wow, are you reading this book? She looked at the book" Watching "in my hand in surprise, and I told her that my favorite writer was actually the same as her! I said," This is really a coincidence! "She also smiled and nodded.

In the future, we will gather together in the bookstore every day and talk about the world, as if there are endless common topics between us. In this way, I have a bosom friend. In the morning of early spring, we will take books to the bakery. We both like to eat chestnut bread. In the warmth and aroma of bread, we can turn over pages of books and let time rush. We also participated in the reading meeting. It was my first time to communicate on the stage. You helped me review, revise and finalize the draft, and always encouraged me to be my most enthusiastic audience. How many times have we appeared together on the stage of talent show. My friends said that we were conjoined babies, and even the security guards in the community knew about you.

I will never forget that day when we met in the bookstore. We worked hard together, grew up together, urged each other together, and became better and better together... When we were sad and sad, you were always by my side, singing a song to comfort us, "refuse to grow up, become what we want..." When we were happy, you were also by my side, laughing with me. When I was wronged, you helped me fight against injustice. When I was unhappy, you made me laugh. There are too many, seemingly everyday things, but it has brought me countless moves.

Growing up, we ran all the way, laughed all the way, weaved beautiful dreams with ups and downs, wrote the music of youth with sorrows, joys and tears... Thank you for meeting, I met you, which is the best dialogue.

600 words of composition in the second day of junior high (2)

In the long years, I suddenly met a tree in blossom, which surprised me and warmed the time.

The morning, however, is like the evening. Clouds of darkness hide the clearness, but they can't see through the light. The air is filled with wet fog, and the cool wind stirs this fog more hazy. Silk rain is intertwined with Qinglu. The wind blows through the nostrils, immerses the heart, and the whole person becomes wet. The silk rain fell petals and ground without mercy. As soon as the smoke floated, it was scattered by the rain. The rain slid down the eaves and fell on every corner of the country. It was dark and sorrowful.

The pen in my hand trembled slightly, but I couldn't drop a pen. My heart was full of impatience. I wanted to break the pen in my hand and throw it away, but I couldn't. So he was unable to open the seat, made a loud noise, became more upset, and went out of the door.

Walking carelessly, I watched the pedestrians walk quickly. I watched the rain get bigger and bigger, and the rain curtain gradually rose and fell on the bluestone road. The louder the voice, the colder the heart.

I suddenly walked around a corner and was shocked.

Beauty is true beauty. In the misty rain curtain, this cherry tree stands, and the luxuriant flowers dot the branches one by one, which is pink and tender. The rain water is more pure, so bright, like a cloud of powder, floating from above. Looking up, it is a pink sky, dispelling the darkness around, bright and charming. Occasionally, the rain will drop the petals on the hands, cool, soft and soft, like good silk, a tree of vitality, a tree of cool. At the corner, I met a tree.

"Don't chill yourself." Your hoarse voice is slightly distressed.

I turned to look at you. My grievance was sudden and I sobbed out, "Grandma."

You take me in your arms, hold my hand, put it in your pocket and rub it. The eyebrows are slightly frowned, the eyebrows and eyes are soft, the turbid eyes are full of heartache, the back is slightly bent, the lean body is slightly trembling in the cold wind, and the wrinkles on the face are gently shaking. The grey hair on the temples is stained with the traces of years, which is sparse and fierce. But the arms become warmer. Under the tree, I met you.

"Don't be afraid, Grandma is here." You don't know what happened to me. You only know that you are here, even if you try your best to protect me. Even if I am powerless, I still bite my teeth and stand up to shield me from the wind and rain in the years of wind and rain. Under the tree, I met a love.

Looking back, I will meet you under the tree. Because of you, time will blossom everywhere.

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (3)

There is a jujube tree at the entrance of the Hutong of Grandma's house. The tree is thick and strong, which is as tall as the second floor. Grandma often said, "Ah! I've never seen such a tall jujube tree before."

When I was young, I would go to my grandmother's house to play every summer vacation. I stayed there for four or five days. At that time, my favorite game was to stop ants' nest under the jujube tree. I carefully searched under the tree. When I found a small hole, I squatted down, cleared the small mound around it, and then put a small stone on the hole to block it. The ants outside could not get in, and those inside could not climb out. They pushed the stone desperately. More and more ants were able to push it away. I squatted beside them and watched, I didn't know the sun was going down. Every time I run home with a disheveled face, my great grandmother immediately takes out a towel to wipe me when she sees me as a dirty child, and then hands me my favorite jujube cake. I usually wipe it casually, and then take it to my mouth. My great grandmother smiles and says, "Slow down, don't choke."

A few years later, jujube trees still blossom and bear fruit. But I have less and less time to go to my grandmother's house. Every time I drive into the familiar alley, I always see her old figure under the jujube tree. She sits on the saddle, wears the most beautiful flower coat, keeps looking at the end of the road, and carefully identifies each car. Finally, she sees us, shows a happy smile, and stands up hard, Trembling towards us.

"Grandma, your legs are not convenient, so don't pick us up in the future." Mother told Grandma sadly. "It doesn't matter. You haven't come here for a long time. Come here, come in quickly. I'll get you some jujube cakes."

Last year, the village was demolished and the old houses were demolished. Grandma tried to keep the jujube tree, but it was cut down because it affected the layout too much.

Later, my grandmother, who was over 90 years old, went to the nursing home and heard that she loved to talk about the jujube village and her great grandson.

At the end of the year, my great grandmother left. That night, I slept with tears in my eyes, and dreamed of the jujube tree sprouting again

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (4)

That winter, I stood at your feet for the first time and looked up at you. The morning mist has covered you with a layer of dreamy white yarn, making me feel like I am in Penglai. Tall, holy, the temple of learning, that is my first impression of you, dear school.

That day, I leaned against the railing of the corridor after school, and the cool wind messed up my hair.

After a day of learning, my swollen and painful eyes are relieved by the brushing of green. I saw the panorama of the school at dusk. The last yellow and red gleamed on the horizon. Several translucent ribbons were thrown out, looming in my vision, mysterious and elegant, fresh and dignified. The lights were still on in the complex building, and the sound of basketball landing and cheering on the playground ran into my ears one after another. This is the vitality that students can still show after a day of study and life.

I looked up and my mind was drifting away with a feather in the sky.

What a good school I am in!

A year and a half ago, I came here from other places and stood here in blue. At that time, I was young, ignorant, and afraid of the road with a dim future. And now, I'm standing here again, dressed in school clothes, blowing the wind in my busy time. Learning has turned me into another posture.

I met you, my dear school, in the helpless and panic of having to change from one city to another.

You gave me a chair to sit down, my dear school, before I could breathe from the fatigue of the long journey.

The school shone into the cool corner of my heart like the morning light.

I met the school and hope, which gave me great hope in my study and life.

I still remember that a "good" inspired me and let me know that I belong to this collective. I met a sweet young smile, I know I love this collective. After I met one beautiful thing after another in school, I know that life is not only about the present, but also about poetry and distant fields.

After studying, I enjoyed happiness and beauty. All ordinary little things are worth making me smile.

My dear school, thank you for meeting you and giving me the opportunity to taste the nectar of knowledge and happiness. Thank you for meeting you, otherwise, how could I know such happiness.

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (5)

Looking at all these things on the street, all kinds of people, all kinds of things, all kinds of colorful lights... Friend, do you still remember? We were lucky to meet, to enter the same class, to become good friends

I remember that we didn't know each other at that time. I often came to you because I liked your paintings. From then on, you no longer refused me like other students, and you began to accept me slowly. Since then, we have become very good friends.

However, later, my parents said to me earnestly, "You'd better not play with her anymore. It's time to stop playing in the sixth grade." When I heard it, it was like a bolt from the blue. One second ago, I was still laughing with you, but now, remember? When you had your birthday, I went to your house to play, and a phone call destroyed this beautiful moment. I didn't expect to return home... I know that my parents also worked hard for my sake, but I really couldn't put it down. Several times, I secretly shed tears in the bed for this matter. What comes to mind is that you and I are playing together, making fun together, laughing together. I really don't know what to do

That night, I didn't sleep well at all. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I found that I was still crying. So I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror: a pale face, a pair of red eyes, a red nose, two empty eyes. I smiled at myself and found myself ugly. I washed my cold face and sighed: let it go, let it go

So I went to school the next day. In the face of your request, I didn't promise it at once. I didn't answer you easily. Several times, I couldn't help but want to promise you, but

Finally, after graduation, we were drawn to the same school, but not in the same class. But, is this enough to prove that we are very lucky?

In fact, I really want to find you, but it's too far away. Really, I want to continue playing with you. I really want to

I think, in our hearts, we must still think about each other. I think, if we can be like before, how good, if we do not separate, how good!

Let's keep each other's hearts in our hearts and treasure them!

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (6)

Maybe it's all by accident, or maybe it's fate. There will always be some encounters that make you feel different. I write this sentence not because I am too confident, but in the future, you will have an unforgettable encounter. It's not crazy, it's just a piece of gossip.

When I was a child, I could say that I had changed countless teachers and met countless people, but only a few of them could be completely imprinted on my memory. After all, it doesn't matter to me what is not important. But how can we know that a book, a poet, will go into memory.

It's also fate, but I accidentally read a word on the spur of the moment, which changed my almost frozen heart for a long time. In a word, for a long time, I seldom cry. Even if I do, it is just the surface, but my heart is still like a pool of stagnant water. The first word I read was "Magnolia Flower Order" by Nalan Rongruo. In the book, I met with the talent of the young master. I don't know why. It was out of sympathy for the young master, or was stunned by the words, and my heart was tingling. When he realized that he was in a bad mood, he left the book behind and wrote down a sentence, "Be calm and calm", and slowly calm down.

I don't know whether this encounter with Nalan Ci is good or bad. I know the meaning of the words, but I didn't expect that I would understand what kind of injury. I would rather not live in the scars of others than live in the boring years. But I couldn't help myself. When I closed my eyes, I could see many words in my mind, and the authors were all sentimental men like "Nalan Rongruo". I couldn't help but pick up the book I had left behind again. Looking at it, I suddenly found that my vision was blurred. I didn't realize it until tears fell on the page. It was tears that fell. Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing at myself. I used to cry when I read. Is this still me?

Since then, I have read many words, some of which are tolerant and some of which are not. I don't understand why other people's words, I can't read the truth in them. At most, I can read thanks and praises.

Unconsciously, there are only two kinds of words in my mind. If it were not for this piece of gossip, I would not find it. It may be good to meet the injury of childe. After all, my heart is relaxed and people know it. What is man in the world? How about people's hearts? At the beginning of a man, his nature is good, but who will know later.

It is better to taste in poetry than to wander in the world. Meeting people is just a glance; The spirit of heaven and earth is nature; For me, only when I meet Nalanci can I be sincere.

However, a piece of gossip has no other intention. As for meeting, it was only this time that I felt a little moved.

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (7)

Meet you and me when flowers bloom and fall; How to count it as meeting? But under the same sky, in the vast sea of stars, you and I meet, meet, and see each other again.

That year, the year you met me, maybe you didn't open your face to me, but I always remember your meeting with me. In summer, the small pond in Grandma's backyard was the place where we met. You stood proudly in the middle of the pond, closing the buds between the flowers, and the shadow reflected in the water. The reddish face never had a smiling face. Yes, you are a lotus, but I am a person. We are not the same but the same. We are both the most lonely and small stars in the sky, The moment I saw you, I couldn't move my eyes. You were alone, standing proudly. The buds had not yet opened, and your face was dotted with tears. I also thought that you would cry silently because you were lonely, and secretly regret that you had no friends. I seemed to see my parents out, my grandmother out to work, and no friends. However, the day I met you, I thought you were my friend.

Since that day, I only hope that you can smile at me every day. As each day goes by, your face gets redder and redder, and the buds open day by day, I will naively think that we are good friends and will never be separated. However, our friendship may not come as quickly as a storm. After that rain, you never woke up. Your posture was not as straight as before, and your smiling face became so yellow. I tried to resist the pain of tears and said happily to you, "You don't want to play with me, do you? It doesn't matter that I wait for you to come back. People say that death is just another extension of life!" I will never forget your meeting with me. If one day you come back, Don't forget the meeting between you and me.

Meet, meet lotus, meet again, and be the last time to leave! The lotus leaves the mud without stain, and the lavender is clean without demon. It is such a gentleman like you that let me meet, meet, and goodbye with you. It is also such a lotus that let me know how to meet.

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (8)

"Encounter", as soon as I talk about this word, I think of the cool boy who met him accidentally last winter.

It was snowing heavily and the north wind was blowing bitterly. I stood shivering under the bus stop sign. The cold wind made me unable to open my eyes. It was not easy to get on the bus. The temperature warmed me a lot and I was relieved immediately. At the handrail, I shook the snow on my body and straightened my hair that was disturbed by the wind. It took me a long time to slowly raise my head. A cool boy appeared in front of me. He was about seventeen or eighteen years old. His white face was suffused with a faint blush. He closed his eyes and wore headphones. I was out of tune with the aunt carrying fruits and vegetables and the noisy children around me. While I was daydreaming, I stopped my imagination by shouting: "What are you doing! Stepping on me, there is so empty, you have to stand here for what!" The boy shouted. I didn't respond at the moment. A few seconds later, the eyes of people around me turned to me, and I felt the burning pain on my face, It seemed that I was very embarrassed. A burst of anger rushed up, and I also shouted to him: "I didn't mean to? Why so fierce?" Then I walked to the back of the crowd, turned to look at him, and closed my eyes, as if nothing had happened.

At that time, I really felt that he was a handsome boy. He was so ugly that he was unreasonable. Fortunately, I would get off at the next stop, I thought.

When I got off the bus at the station, he followed me. I was still angry. I turned around and asked him, "What do you want?" "Look at your bag!". He said, "Just now when I saw someone moving your bag on the bus, I shouted and came down to say sorry to you." At that time, I was stunned again, and he said, "On purpose?" When I thought I wanted to thank him, he had already gone away. I quietly looked at his disappearing figure, and for a moment I thought he was really a cool boy, Not only the appearance but also the inner.

The most beautiful encounter between people is that I helped you without your knowledge and said "I'm sorry" to you

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (9)

In the world, there are a group of people called mothers and fathers who are doing a great cause.

From that moment on, life began to count, the journey of elegance officially started, and we met.

You rubbed my childish face, smirked, and scanned with gentle eyes, just like an artist admiring his own works, holding me in his arms solemnly, excitedly, proudly, humming disorderly tunes in his mouth, trembling, and giggling all the time. Not long after, I arrived at another embrace, and the more powerful arms held me, soft and hard intertwined. Enjoying, I slowly fell asleep.

First encounter, warm and sincere.

I staggered on the hard ceramic tile, and from time to time behind me there was rapid applause. My heart overflowed with joy. It must be her! Accompanied by applause, I walked faster, and staggered to the end of a pair of sturdy legs. Hurry to hold tightly, look up, a pair of small eyes hanging under the not thick eyebrows, exuding a faint love experience, heart, mind rippling.

I shut myself in a small study, and with the help of the yellow light, my pen tips beat in the paper industry under the traction of my hands, leaving traces of dullness. I don't know how far the moon has shifted. I put down my pen gently and broke off my numb fingers. The door opened, and she smiled and handed over the eyepatch. She didn't sleep either.

Accidental encounter, thoughts, threads, and heartbreak.

Life in the world, such as water boating, the vast sea, meet is not easy. But you are different. Our meeting is a destiny given by heaven. It is destined that we will continue our cause and effect. From that moment on, you became the greatest person in my world, and I became the happiest person.

From that moment, I became your only one, and you became my whole; From that moment on, I was destined to be your dedication, and you were destined to be my shelter. Meeting is fate, and abiding for a long time is eternity.

You met me without complaint; I met you without regret.

600 words of composition in the second day of junior high (10)

"Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow." The sun shines straight on people, but only feel a bone chilling chill.

Looking around, the mountains are rolling, and the sky is clean with only a few white clouds. The outline of the mountain becomes blurred from clear. But its white color has never changed. The wind blew through, blowing small snowflakes, blowing my determination to climb the "Jade Dragon Snow Mountain".

Walking on the wooden path, it is nearly half a meter from the surface of the snow mountain, but I can still feel her enthusiasm, because the small snowflakes always drill into my sleeve, making me itchy and cold.

This is the first time I met her, and I am deeply fascinated by her.

Among so many dangerous peaks, she is the highest and most beautiful one. I thought the climbing process would be smooth, because it seems that there is no problem except for altitude reaction.

The weather was unpredictable. Looking at the other hills, it was flat and light. We had hailstones and huge snowflakes. The temperature dropped several degrees at a time, and the plank quickly froze. I stumbled and grabbed the railing with a snap. I was afraid when I thought that it would be thousands of meters high. As I walked, the hail hurt my head very much, but it stopped soon, and then came the heavy snow. To what extent? It's like holding you in a net. Visibility drops quickly, let alone the sun. I can't even see the peak. The eyebrows and cheeks were already covered with frost, and the clothes became stiff, apparently frozen. Every step I take will consume huge energy. Every breath of hot air I exhale will become smoke in an instant.

I never thought about giving up, because I only had to climb to the top in my mind. My lungs seemed to be pinched. I had to exhale as fast as I could without taking a breath. The cold air seemed to make the lungs burning. I can only use both hands and feet, and look around. There is no one else except those who walk with me. But even if there is any difficulty, I will climb to the top to see her face. In this way, pain and happiness, one step, two steps

Finally, I climbed to the top, and finally experienced the mood of "not afraid of the floating clouds to cover my eyes, and I am bound to be at the top." I saw the beauty of "countless heroes have bowed down", and felt the ambition of "a long wind and waves will sometimes, and the cloud sail will help the sea".

Beautiful Yulong Snow Mountain, the first time I met you, I received two extremely precious gifts - beauty and persistence.

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (11)

No matter how we end up, I only know that meeting you is the most beautiful ornament in my youth.

First encounter - Qiaocheng back table

I remember when my eighth grade time came, the teacher told everyone to change places. My heart is very uneasy, because habits and personality take a long time to break through. I am very weak in adaptability. I am afraid I will not adapt if I change my position. This is my inner anxiety. Fortunately, God has arranged him behind me. I did not have a very profound impact on it. When I turned my head back, she gave me a bright smile, like the winter sun, which dissipated my anxiety and anxiety. Since then, the impression of being not tall but very kind has remained in my heart.

Encounter - become friends

It was a boring morning. The cicada lost again and never got tired of crying. The sun touched everything in time. In summer, of course, ice-cream was essential. I hurried into a shop, carefully selected the ice-cream that my bosom friend liked, and felt in my pocket. too bad! When I forgot to bring money, the atmosphere was very awkward. I was in a dilemma and was at a loss. A familiar voice broke the embarrassed atmosphere. I turned my head. It was her. He still had a bright smile on his face. Then he looked at me and said to the boss, "Let me help him pay!"! After that, I was very embarrassed to say thank you to her. She smiled and said, "What is it?"! We are friends

Meet - like the sunshine in winter

I finally got the grade I had been looking forward to for a long time. I knew that the exam was out of order, so I didn't dare to look at it. But then the teacher announced the grade, and my grade was hard for me to accept. Because my grade life was boring, and there were some personal reasons, I didn't do well in the exam. Then I went to the small garden and walked on the field path alone, Tears not only fell on the ground unconsciously, "What a coincidence! You are here, too." I turned my head and saw her bright smile. He asked me what was wrong. I said that there was no god or devil. The sand blew into her eyes, and she seemed to understand my meaning. She said to me, "Keep the green mountains here, and don't be afraid of being burned.". After that, we eat together, play, learn

Time passed quickly, and three years passed in a hurry. No matter how we ended, you are the most beautiful ornament of my youth.

600 words of composition in the second day of junior high (12)

In the long river of life, I will meet many people or things. They may just be passing by in a hurry, but they leave me a deep impression.

The first time I met it was in my old hometown. My friends and I walked on our way home after we went out to play, talking and laughing about today's adventure. At this time, the roadside suddenly gave out a scream, and we were startled at first. We walked over to carefully observe and found that it was a bird. Maybe it was scratched by the fence and iron wire beside the field, I thought. I carefully walked over to pick it up and found that its feet were injured. Later, I took it home.

Gradually, the bird recovered and became familiar with me and my family. Every day he sings happily. Before that, I had never raised an animal. I was more curious about the bird. The bird lived the same life in the cage day after day, but it brought me a lot of happiness.

I still remember one time, when many guests came to the house and just opened the door, the bird called, as if to say welcome, welcome! The guests laughed and praised the bird's cleverness. At this time, it made a clear cry, like saying thank you! The guests all laughed.

As time went by, I didn't realize a problem. Suddenly one day, I found that its eyes were no longer shining, but a heavy. A few weeks later, there was no clear singing in its throat.

Finally one day, the bird somehow flew out of the cage. After school, I looked at the empty cage and burst into tears. Maybe it is back to its nature, back to a place where it can sing loudly, back to a place where it can really enjoy itself.

I don't know how long I cried, but I gradually calmed down and told myself that only in this way can it get happiness. Then I began to think, it has food and drink, why should it fly away? Later, I understood that it could not be free!

This bird is just a passer-by among all the things I met. But it made me understand that some birds can't be caged because every feather of them is shining with freedom.

600 words of composition in the second day of junior high (13)

In this world, the most beautiful thing is to meet. The people, things and things we meet in our life are the most beautiful. As long as we are predestined to meet, we will meet them. Therefore, we should cherish the beautiful meeting in our life.

In the morning, the fresh air rushed towards me, and the red sun rose slowly. In such a good weather, I finished my homework early and went out for a walk. Then, I met the most beautiful spring.

I met spring on the branches, with buds, willows on the roadside, and apricot blossoms on the branches. It was very beautiful. I saw many apricot flowers on the branches, each with its own posture. Some apricot flowers crowded together like a big disk; Some apricot flowers hide behind the branches, like a shy girl; Some flowers and bones are blooming like a graceful girl! This eyeful of scenery, this beautiful spring, is the most beautiful meet!

I walked forward slowly, and vaguely heard a gentle wind. When the sound of the breeze passed by, I heard a clear and pleasant sound. It was the birds singing in the branches. Their songs were clear and pleasant, which made people easily intoxicated.

Grass naturally refuses to lag behind, and tries hard to squeeze up. Grass bends down and looks at large areas full of new green. In the distance, trees grow thick leaves. Grass under the trees is still green, dark green, the scent of grass, and the delicate fragrance of flowers make the earth full of vitality. People are full of spirit. Nature is full of vitality at a glance, ah! "One year's plan lies in spring"

Ah! The spring rain comes, which moistens all things and revives all things. After the rain, the sky is clear, and it is a beautiful scenery.

Spring is in my eyes; I hear spring; I feel spring in my heart. Spring is my most beautiful encounter. Thank you for these encounters. On the background of my life, there are beautiful colors everywhere. Encounters are beautiful. Bring us happiness!

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (14)

On the way of growing up, I met countless people who cared about me, including teachers. They not only taught me to follow, let me learn a lot of knowledge, but also let me understand a lot of principles of life. Among them, the most memorable one is my head teacher, Mr. Yi.

I remember one time when you were ill. In order not to delay our learning progress, you took classes with illness. Although you showed a little haggard in class, you not only insisted on attending the whole class, but also kept the class alive, making us feel that your class was full of fun. Another time, you had a bad voice and could only speak in a low voice. Other teachers would ask for leave in this situation, but you were different. You insisted on teaching with a microphone, and we would never miss a lesson. You are persistent. I was touched by the spirit of taking classes with illness. It is you who taught me persistence.

Once, when I was sick, my parents advised me to take a day off at home, but I thought of you. It was because your spirit moved me. I wanted to be like you, so I gave up taking a rest at home and resolutely went to school.

You also let me know what is fair and just, because of your fairness and justice, let me also become the language group leader of the class. You advocate that the class cadres of the class should be elected by the students. In a position election, you let everyone participate in the election in front of the whole class. First, the squadron committee, the class representative, the team leader, and the team leader. Each position was chosen by each of our students, which was recognized by us, and each link was fair and just. When I was running for the position of leader, our group's classmates raised their hands and unanimously agreed that I was elected as the leader of the language group. I was very happy and I was very willing to serve you. It was you who gave me a chance to be a team leader, and also gave me a chance to serve everyone.

Thank you, Mr. Yi. Your words are like your mother's instruction, your example is like your father's guidance, and your smile is like the sunshine. Meeting you on my way to growth makes my way to growth more exciting!

600 words of composition in the second day of junior high (15)

"Because I met you, I learned to cherish it. Even in the face of more storms, I will firmly go on. If one day I will lose you, the world will be dark and no longer beautiful. Is there anyone willing to listen? The little secret in my heart, because everything is doomed when I meet you."

Home - a warm harbor

From the moment I came to the world, I met you - Dad, Mom. Since then, you have become my strongest backing. No matter when, always stay by my side. This kind of care is always accompanied by my mother's greetings and harsh criticism from my father. If you fail, your mother will encourage you; I succeeded, and my father was there to remind me. This home is warm because of you.

"You are an important part of my life. How can I forget you......"

Teacher - diligent gardener

From the first time I entered the school and the first step into the classroom, I met you, the teacher.

You are like a red candle. Although the burning of the red candle is temporary, it is you who take us to travel in the ocean of knowledge. It is you who tell me that there is not only one way in life, but that you let me grow up slowly from a child who knows nothing. We are saplings, your cultivation, let us thrive.

"Meeting you in the vast sea of people is like the sun shining in my heart. The most beautiful time has you to depend on, and moving forward hand in hand with you. Every day is worth remembering......"

Friend - a listener who has no desire or desire

Friend, do you still remember me?

At that time, we often played together, advanced and retreated together, and shared happiness. It is you who listen to me when I am wronged and point out the direction for me when I am at a loss. You are pure jade, you are a dove flying in the blue sky, you are the most delicious flower in the flowers, you are the most shining star in the sky. I can't express my feelings when I met you.

The journey of life is like a train. There will be many stations on the way, and people coming and going will get on or off the train here. I don't know, can you and I meet again after getting off the bus? When we meet again, can you and I still remember that we once knew each other? However, in any case, I will always carry your expectations and continue to move forward with the train.

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (16)

"Beauty" is not a noble word, nor just a surface. If a person can lend a helping hand to those in need, or go forward bravely without fear of difficulties... no matter what his appearance, he is worthy of the word "beautiful".

On a cold winter day, the "beautiful flower" bloomed proudly in a bus that had lost its paint, warming the time.

The bleak wind blew that day, and it was bitterly cold. The bus was overcrowded, and the frozen body in the crowd regained consciousness. Everyone is looking forward to the bus driving faster so that they can go home early.

On my left is a high school student with heavy makeup, gorgeous clothes, two beautiful eyes filled with indifference, bent head and fiddled with mobile phone, which is a typical "rebellious girl". Her strong perfume made me choke and I leaned to the right.

On the way, a small group of elderly people scrambled to get on the bus which was already full. The car became noisy. A tall boy shouted angrily, "The car is crowded. Why did you come back?"

Someone in the crowd applauded, and the boy proudly said a few ugly words. The old people were full of wrinkles, and their faces were red with cold. They barely held up an apologetic smile. They were embarrassed to look at a bus of people watching the theater, and were at a loss.

"If you are too crowded, you can get off first."

It was the girl beside me who seemed indifferent. She just glanced at the tall boy with disdain, and then calmly helped the remaining old people to get on the bus, ignoring the boy who was red with anger and wanted to talk to her.

Bad appearance, contemptuous attitude, frivolous tone, and the act of holding the old man is gentle and penetrating into the eyes.

The old people grabbed her and murmured words of gratitude and praise. The girls are not coy, and they smile generously.

I can't help feeling warm, and feel guilty about judging people by their appearance. The perfume in the air suddenly became soft and sweet.

I met Beauty. It is a proud and soft heart, burning in its own way.

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (17)

Just after school in the afternoon, it suddenly began to rain. It was neither continuous like silk nor inclined, but it was still a bit cool.

Walking out of the school gate, holding a small umbrella, we managed to squeeze through the crowd. He felt the heat from the crowd, so he bought a bottle of ice juice from the milk tea shop and continued to walk with an umbrella

After drinking, he lost the empty bottle and fell to the ground with a sound of "Dong". Suddenly behind me came a voice from a middle-aged man, "Don't throw rubbish at random next time!" I turned my head and saw a gentleman smiling at me. At the same time, behind him was a woman sweeping the fallen leaves on the roadside. They seem to be cleaners! But their decent clothes seemed totally incompatible with what they were doing!

I nodded stupidly and bent down to pick up the bottle I had left behind. He patted me on the shoulder with his hand -- then I found that his arm and another woman's arm were all hung with red stripes of "volunteer"!

The rain soon stopped. It was a solar rain, and a faint rainbow appeared in the sky. The sun is not so dazzling, and the soft light shines on a clean and spacious street.

I met a selfless couple!

In the late summer and early autumn, a group of geese in the shape of "human" will sometimes fly across the sky, and there are always some tireless Chan'er calling in the trees. I never knew where the cicada was hiding, but watching the wild goose disappear in the sky and listening to the cicada's voice disappear in my ears, I felt more carefree and comfortable.

I seem to understand that their behavior is also a kind of dedication to nature, and they can undoubtedly bring people comfortable feelings.

I met a spirit dedicated to nature!

I met people who are dedicated to the society!

The wild geese and cicadas may be the cleaners and policemen, selfless and unknown people... Maybe we will meet a more beautiful world when the wind blows.

600 words of composition in the second day of junior high (18)

Meeting is a poem, in which there are laughter and laughter, as well as sadness and sadness; Encounter is also a song, in which there are high excitement and gentle implication. It is the encounter that makes life colorful.

The time of primary school passed in the blink of an eye, and we came to middle school in the twinkling of an eye. During the time of middle school, we often recalled what happened in primary school. At that time, we were lively, naughty and active... Now, we have left each other to realize our dreams.

She came here in the third grade. When she came, she was assigned to be my deskmate. I was faced with this new student, and I didn't know how to communicate with her. I looked at her blankly. She had big eyes and a long ponytail. In my opinion, she is a very sunny girl, but I found that her words are very few, which can be said to be silent, which makes me want to know what kind of person she is.

In the past few days, I found that she often sits alone in her own position for a long time. Because she doesn't like talking, few people pay attention to her. During the class, I didn't know what I was thinking and lost my mind. At that time, my deskmate gently touched me with her elbow. I came back to my senses and looked at her. I was wondering why she touched me. Her eyes looked at the teacher and looked at me again. Then I realized that it was the teacher who asked me to answer the question. I was shocked. I just lost my mind and didn't hear the question. Then she touched me again, Hand me a piece of paper with the teacher's question written on it and the answer below. I can't get on with anything else. I read according to the note, and then I sat down smoothly. After class, I said thank you to her and she smiled at me. It turns out that she is so beautiful when she smiles, with white teeth and sweet dimples. Since this incident, I have more contacts with her, and found that she is a person with cold appearance but hot heart. We help each other and go to school together. We have become a pair of inseparable good friends, and our friendship is getting better and better.

Perhaps, our meeting is a kind of fate, and I am also very lucky that this meeting has made me this rare friendship.

On that day, I met with friendship!

600 words of composition for meeting in the second day of junior high (19)

"Because I met you, I learned to cherish it. Even in the face of more storms, I will firmly go on. If one day I will lose you, the world will be dark and no longer beautiful. Is there anyone willing to listen? The little secret in my heart, because everything is doomed when I meet you."

Home - a warm harbor

From the moment I came to the world, I met you - Mom and Dad. Since then, you have become my strongest backing. No matter when, always stay by my side. This kind of care is always accompanied by my mother's greetings and harsh criticism from my father. If you fail, your mother will encourage you; I succeeded, and my father was there to remind me. This home is warm because of you.

"You are an important part of my life. How can I forget you......"

Teacher - diligent gardener

From the first time I entered the school and the first step into the classroom, I met you, the teacher.

You are like a red candle. Although the burning of the red candle is temporary, it is you who take us to travel in the ocean of knowledge. It is you who tell me that there is not only one way in life, but that you let me grow up slowly from a child who knows nothing. We are saplings, your cultivation, let us thrive.

"Meeting you in the vast sea of people is like the sun shining in my heart. The most beautiful time has you to depend on, and moving forward hand in hand with you. Every day is worth remembering......"

Friend - a listener who has no desire or desire

Friend, do you still remember me?

At that time, we often played together, advanced and retreated together, and shared happiness. It is you who listen to me when I am wronged and point out the direction for me when I am at a loss. You are pure jade, you are a dove flying in the blue sky, you are the most delicious flower in the flowers, you are the most shining star in the sky. I can't express my feelings when I met you.

The journey of life is like a train. There will be many stations on the way. People coming and going will get on or off the train here. I don't know, can you and I meet again after getting off the bus? When we meet again, can you and I still remember that we once knew each other? However, in any case, I will always carry your expectations and continue to move forward with the train.