Classroom Quiet Composition (5 in total)
A gentle breeze blows across the face
2024-05-13 00:11:13

Classroom Quiet Composition (1)

The bell for class has rung. It is always Mr. Chen who arrives in the classroom early. Today, she is about two minutes late.

"Sorry, I'm late." Teacher Chen's face was apologetic.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Chen," we said in unison.

We all know that Mr. Chen has been ill these days. His pale face and dry lips are obviously traces of high fever. Teacher Chen insisted on attending class with illness. We were moved by her professionalism. The unprecedented silence in the classroom was that we didn't want to let Teacher Chen worry.

Teacher Chen continued to lecture for us. Although her voice was not as loud as before, we all listened clearly. We can even hear the sound of a needle falling to the ground. As for our performance today, Teacher Chen gave us a sweet smile. Maybe she said in her heart, students, you have grown up again and know how to love your teacher.

I'm happy for today's silence. What I worry about is whether I will keep so quiet in class in the future. If only it were like this every day! In fact, my concern is not without reason. In the past, there will always be a few naughty boys in the class. They will not listen to the class well, but also affect other students. However, these students did much better than usual today. Oh, I finally understand that despite their usual mischief, they still love their teachers.

Mr. Chen still lectures as carefully as he used to.

I suddenly found that several beads of sweat were oozing out of Miss Chen's forehead. From her facial expression, I could see that she was trying to control the volume of the lecture. She wanted to make the students listen more clearly. What a good teacher!

I found that the students looked at each other. They must have been moved by Mr. Chen's excellent performance. Mr. Chen's hand in writing on the blackboard was trembling, and our hearts were extremely uncomfortable.

I finally got up the courage to raise my hand. Teacher Chen asked, "What is it?"

I said, "Mr. Chen, let's teach ourselves the second half of the class."

Mr. Chen looked at the students and lowered his head gently.

We all learned by ourselves according to the course content, and kept quiet in the classroom. I stole a look at Mr. Chen sitting on the platform.

Mr. Chen has no rest and is correcting the students' homework.

My eyes are wet.

Classroom Quiet Composition (2)

A strange thing happened in the classroom today. You can see it from the title! The classroom is particularly quiet.

Usually before class, the classroom is very lively! Like the atmosphere in the street on Xuri, the teacher talked above and the students talked below, as if they were arguing. Nobody would let anyone, but it was terrible. 1 But the classroom was very quiet today, even a pole fell on the ground! Why is this? Can't wait for the reason!

Oh! This morning, the students came to the school to read the class early. The bell rang, but usually the Querian language teacher always came early. Why didn't he come to class after reading the class early today? The students immediately discussed and the classroom became lively. After some inquiry, the students learned that the Chinese teacher was ill today. Some students laughed and said, "The teacher is so annoying that he deserved to die of illness!" Some said, "Today we are lucky to play by ourselves..." But no one said to see the teacher all the time. After half a class discussion, I suddenly heard the familiar footsteps coming from the stairs, but it was different from the usual, very slow, and it sounded like there was no strength. It was the Chinese teacher who came. The students immediately stopped talking and pretended to read carefully. When the teacher opened the door, Shoushou walked into the classroom and pretended not to be ill. She gave lessons to the students as usual. It was obvious that she was very hard to teach. The students knew that the teacher was ill in class, and felt guilty for what she said and did. Some of them had tears in their eyes, but they didn't want to let the teacher know that they were worried. Some of them covered their eyes with mouth paper and pretended to wipe their eyes, but after a while the paper was completely wet. The students were moved by the teacher's sick class. The class was very good, very quiet, and even a needle could be heard falling on the ground. When the teacher saw this cut, a smile appeared on his pale face.

Through this lesson, the students learned that the teacher has spared no pains to work for his students, so they should study hard to answer the teacher.

Classroom Quiet Composition (3)

On that day, the classroom was so quiet that even the heartbeat of the students could be heard. Even the lawless Zhang Qi sat quietly in his seat. Why is this?

One day in English class, we were enjoying watching English cartoons. Suddenly, there was a sound of "meow". It turned out that there was a small stray cat standing at the door.

This kitten has yellow and white fur, and a yellow spot on its buttock. At first sight, it looks like wearing a briefs. Its two small ears rotate like radar detectors. However, this kitten is very thin, like a matchstick. Obviously, it is a homeless cat who is hungry and cold.

So we decided to be kind and save the poor little cat. First, the teacher asked the students to buy some food for the kitten. Because Gao Muyuan and I ran faster, we accepted this glorious task.

We went to the vegetable market near the school. It took a lot of effort to find a dead fish in the corner. It was really a bargain. We put it in a plastic bag and ran back to the classroom quickly. When we returned to the classroom, the kitten had gone to sleep.

But it smelled the fragrance, as if awakened by the smell of fish, yawned lazily, and then walked gracefully to the front of the bag, where it devoured the fish and then "whimpered" several times. It seems to be praising "Well, this fish is so delicious." Then we put it in the grove. Kitten, will you have a good time there?

How quiet the classroom is today!

Composition comments:

1. The content of the composition is to write a story about saving a stray cat, which is inconsistent with the topic.

2. The topic is "The classroom is very quiet today". The classroom is very quiet. The whole class must be listening carefully or concentrating on doing something to help the kittens. Some students will make a noise when they go out to buy food. Therefore, the topic and content are not consistent.

3. The full text is fluent and clear.

Classroom Quiet Composition (4)

"Ding Ling Ling", the bell for class rang, and we were still noisy in the classroom, talking alternately from front to back, left to right. The naughty boy refused to return to his seat, and the teacher had not come in.

"Dong Dong Dong" There was a knock at the front door of the classroom, and the whole class was quiet. "Good morning, teacher!" the whole class said in unison. Today is Miss Wu's class. She usually has a very loud voice, but this time she said in a very low voice: "Please sit down, students!" We looked at the teacher: Miss Wu's face was paler and haggard than before, and her formerly energetic eyes were gone, only tired and dull, but the kindness and warmth in her eyes remained unchanged. Everyone guessed that Miss Wu might be ill, and then asked the teacher with concern: "Miss Wu, are you sick?" "No, I'm fine." Miss Wu waved her hands carelessly, but her voice was hoarse. We all knew in our hearts that Mr. Wu was deliberately saying that he was OK in order not to worry us. In fact, he was giving us lessons with illness. We were very moved by her seriousness and responsibility for us. This time, our whole class became active. There were more people raising their hands. Even the usual naughty boys were listening attentively. We used to be noisy and chose to lecture quietly and carefully because of the teacher's seriousness and responsibility.

This Chinese class is very noisy, but the noise contains seriousness and emotion. I hope that every Chinese class in the future will be as noisy as this one.

Classroom Quiet Composition (5)

Downstairs, I saw that the students in other classes were also full of confidence, and some were still warming up for the game. After a while, the competition began. Our class defeated many classes all the way and finally successfully entered the finals.

There was only a whistle, and the game started! At first, our class seemed to have the upper hand and pulled the rope a little bit. But then our opponent, Class 4 (4), also started to work. The rope began to go to their side. The red part in the middle of the rope was getting closer and closer to the line of their class. At this time, the students in our class also held their breath and pulled back with all their strength. However, we lost to them this round. The teacher comforted us, gasping for breath, and said, "Pull hard in the next two games. If we win all of them, we can win the championship. So don't lose heart and try to defeat our opponents!" The teacher's words inspired us and made us full of strength again.

Then, the second round started again, and every student in our class put all their strength into the game. Ha ha, we finally pulled back this round. Everyone in our class has a smile on his face.

The most important round is coming! This is the game that decides the outcome. Therefore, everyone in our class or the rival Class 4 (4) is very serious. We decided to pull back as hard as we could at the beginning, just like the last game. While we were doing our best, some cheerleaders from Class 4 (4) came over and shouted to our class, "Oil leak! Oil leak. The students walked into the classroom one by one with heavy steps.

The classroom was very quiet. No one was joking or doing anything else. Everyone was thinking about the tug of war just now, and some female students were crying quietly.

That day, the classroom was very quiet!

Composition comments:

1. From the content of the composition, when we returned to the classroom after losing the competition, everyone was silent because of their heavy heart, so the classroom was particularly quiet. But the tug of war competition before the composition is very lively. The competition accounts for more than half of the content of the composition, so the content of the composition is not relevant enough. 2. Pay attention to the correct use of "De, Di, De".