Happy Labor Day (18 compilations)
2024-02-04 09:41:46
junior middle school

Happy Labor Day (1)

Hope, hope, May Day has finally come.

Today, the sky is overcast, but my heart is boiling, because my mother said to help me make up for my birthday. I quickly finished my breakfast and went shopping with my mother. At this time, it began to drizzle in the sky, and everything was green. The flowers looked particularly beautiful under the rain. Occasionally, a few drops of water rolled down from the petals. The street is full of endless vehicles and people. When we get to the supermarket, wow! A sea of people, you hug me. Mother said: "There are so many people, let's have a simple birthday today! Shall we make dumplings by ourselves?" Now I worked harder, pulling my mother to squeeze into the supermarket like a small fish. After a while, all the materials needed for making dumplings were bought, and my mother also bought a delicious fresh milk cake.

We returned home all the way with laughter and joy, and my mother mixed the dumplings. "You can do it now." Look, Grandpa, like an old urchin, pinches a white rabbit with the wrapper of a dumpling, which is lifelike and lifelike. Cousin Jiafang likes to eat meat. A small piece of dumpling skin is stuffed into a large lump of meat. It is bulging like a big bragging frog, which almost blows its belly out. As for me, I don't like meat. I just put a little meat and wrap it flat, just like a skinny camel. Although our dumplings are not as strong and beautiful as those made by adults, and they are still cooked in pieces, they taste very interesting because we make them ourselves.

Finally, my mother took out the cake and lit the candles. With everyone's good wishes, I made a wish in my heart. Thank my parents for giving me life. I hope everyone is safe and healthy, and I hope I will not be careless any more, study hard, and get good results at the end of the term.

May Day Holiday

On May Day, my parents and I jumped three feet high excitedly. Because I was too excited, we fell down.

The place we went to was Babao Mountain. We laughed and laughed all the way. When I got to Babao Mountain, I ran first and turned around to see a large reservoir next to me. The reservoir is crystal clear and free from any dirt. I also saw a family near us also having a barbecue. My father quickly opened the pot and said, "Go ahead, I haven't even eaten breakfast, and my stomach is almost flat." My mother and I said with one voice, "OK." My father put the coal in first, and then took a lighter to light it. The first thing we roasted was sirloin, My mother picked up a bunch of delicious tenderloin and handed it to me first. I said to my mother, "Thank you." We washed the lobster again. The lobster was so lively that we couldn't take off its head and tail. After washing the lobster, we began to bake again. At the moment of roasting, I found the lobster was still alive and kicking, as if nothing had happened to it, I will increase the fire a little more to see if it is alive and kicking. When the firepower is big, the lobster door is saying, "How hot! How hot!" The sound of laughter comes out. Then, it's time to roast mutton kebabs. When roasting mutton kebabs, my father said a poem to mutton kebabs, called "Ali Baba, Ali Baba". We all finished eating. On the way, I also picked some red berries to eat. My father said, "These red berries are all pesticide treated and can't be eaten." I went to ask my cousin if they can be eaten! My cousin said, "Yes!" My father said that these red berries could not be eaten. Who should I listen to? "It's a headache.

Hey, I wish this day would be slower!

Happy Labor Day (2)

Today is Labor Day. My sister and I got up very early. After we got up, we saw my mother sweeping the floor. So we asked my mother why we started cleaning so early? Mother said that because my brother had not got up in the morning, he would not run around and be naughty everywhere, so he could take advantage of the moment to clean up. So, since today is Labor Day, let's work together!

After our mother assigned us jobs, we began to clean. I just thought it was just cleaning. What's the big deal? Can it still baffle me? Let's mop the floor first, so I picked up a mop to mop the floor and play. I looked back and saw that my sister and mother had almost finished cleaning, so I stopped playing. I quickly picked up a mop and moped up. But I didn't expect that cleaning was so tiring, and my mother had to clean the bathroom every day, and also had to cook and wash clothes. I used to be ignorant and angry with my mother, so I shouldn't have done it, I should learn from my sister later, be sensible, and help my mother share some housework.

Looking at the clean house, I was very happy. Although I am very tired today, I am also very happy because I have tasted the joy of labor!

Happy Labor Day (3)

Today is May Day, our family set out to visit Yangkeng Shiren Gorge.

It is secluded from the rest of the world and the air is fresh. It's really a beautiful place! The sound of gurgling water came from my ears, and the birds were whispering. There were green waters and green mountains, surrounded by mountains.

The green lake reflects the beautiful scenery on both sides, as if it were a big mirror. The lake water is crystal clear, and the supposed silent mountain forest is broken by a burst of laughter. There is a large beach over there. People set up a barbecue rack on it, and the smell of aroma is blowing up, which makes people drool. The smoke from the red coals on the barbecue rack made everyone cry, and they couldn't open their eyes, and the smoke made them cry, Those are happy tears.

Others sat there with fishing rods, learning from Jiang Taigong to fish, waiting for the fish to bite. There was also a family sitting around happily playing cards. The children were chasing and playing in groups on the beach with bare feet, and the whole mountain forest could not stand alone because of the joyful laughter. There are many stones, one of which is like a man standing there guarding the whole mountain forest, so it is named Shiren Gorge. There are some big waterfalls beside the stone. When I saw the waterfalls, I thought of a poem: the river flew down three thousand feet, and the Milky Way probably fell nine days ago. It's really immersive and empathetic.

Unconsciously, time passed quickly. In the blink of an eye, we were going home. We reluctantly said goodbye to the beautiful scenery. This is the end of today's happy journey. During the May Day holiday, the whole family gained a rare leisure happiness.

Happy Labor Day (4)

Today is May Day. My mother took me and my brothers and sisters to climb the mountain in Yushui Villa.

Along the winding mountain road, I saw the flaming azaleas blushing with laughter, the green grass growing next to several dense pines, and many unknown wild flowers also competing to open.

When I got there, I couldn't wait to get out of the car and walk to the riding track. Passing through a quiet path, I saw the beautiful peacock. It had colorful feathers and a tail like a big fan. The peacock opened its screen beautifully! The lively and lovely duckling played and played on the riding field, and a white horse ran quickly on the field. We left the riding track, and just walked a little way, we saw an old yellow cow eating tender green grass on the broad grass.

Next, we arrived at the amusement park. I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to play the ferris wheel." I sat on the ferris wheel to the highest place, and the whole scenery of Yushui Villa was in my eyes.

How time flies! Come and go in a hurry, this is my happy May Day.

Happy Labor Day (5)

On the May Day International Labor Day, a holiday for working people all over the world, we have three days off this year, so we can't travel far away. On the 1st day, when my parents saw that the weather was fine, they took me to my uncle's house to play. My uncle's house is in Ningbo, very close to Carrefour Supermarket.

So, after getting off the bus, we went to Carrefour Supermarket first. In the supermarket aquarium, I saw various kinds of live aquatic products in glass tanks filled with water, including fish, crab, shrimp, loach, eel, bullfrog, tortoise and turtle. I saw bubbles constantly emerging in a water tank, and curiously pricked one of the largest bubbles with my finger. Unexpectedly, a big carp jumped up. Oh, my god, what a carp jumped out of the Dragon's Gate, scaring my mother and me. I saw a fishnet bag on the fishbowl, so I jumped up and grabbed it, put it in the fishbowl and pressed it down hard. I finally caught a big carp with great effort, but I don't know whether it was the guy who "teased" my mother and I just now. I don't want to wrongly treat "people", even one. Forget it, let it go. Just then my father asked me to go and see what's different between turtles and turtles. I found that there were many regular diamond patterns on the turtle's shell, but the turtle did not. Dad pressed the head of the tortoise with his hand, and the head of the tortoise shrunk into the horse. No wonder people call them to shrink their heads. After I came out of the supermarket, I went to my uncle's house for two days. In the morning, I watched the CD I just bought with my little brother. At noon, I went to the small park in front of my uncle's house to play swing, and played hide and seek with my little brother. At night, I went for a walk in the nearby park. On the day of my return, my parents took me to Ningbo Xinhua Bookstore to buy many books. The Labor Day of May Day is about to pass, and I feel like I had a happy dream.

Happy Labor Day (6)

Today, as usual, when I got up, I began to fold the quilt, put on my clothes, then brush my teeth and wash my face. When I finished these things, I was about to watch TV when my mother called me over and said, "Xiujun, my mother is going out to do something today. You can fold your clothes neatly at home and make the bed and wardrobe."

I said, "Oh, bye."

When I came to my mother's room, I said: "Wow... Wow! There are so many clothes on the bed, I want to sort them out until the end of the year!" I thought: Does my mother want to test me! He said, "I will not only tidy up my mother's clothes, but also clean the house. Come on!"

I put my mother's clothes in the same way as I put my own clothes in order, left and right. How time flies! It was sorted out in a twinkling of an eye. I looked at the time and said: Oh, my mother is coming back soon. I want to clean up before my mother comes back to give her a surprise. "I said that I should pick up the broom, drag it left and drag it right. After a 365 degree rotation, I swept the floor clean. Then I picked up the duster cloth and ran to the table. This time, I turned 365 degrees five times to wipe the table clean, but my head was dizzy. Because I just turned too fast, I turned five times again. Do you think I can stop dizzy? Then I cleaned the window as clean as new.

After a while, my mother came back, and I immediately reported my housework to my mother. My mother said, "Praise, Xiujun, and become obedient. "I was very happy after hearing this sentence.

Today, although I did a lot of housework, I rotated 365 degrees several times, but I felt dizzy. However, I heard my mother's praise, but my heart was sweet and I smiled happily.

This is my happy Labor Day.

Happy Labor Day (7)

In a beautiful civic center, I walked into the gate of the capital and saw the construction site, post office, aviation center, magic school, department store, etc. Like a bustling big city.

First, I went to experience the navigation school and learned to open a large ship. At the beginning, I was very nervous. With the teacher's patient explanation, I slowly relaxed. When the ship started, wow! It feels so good! Later, I went to be a doctor again. I put on a white hat and a white hook, took a thermometer to measure my heart rate, and also helped other children to see a doctor under the guidance of the teacher. My mother said that I was really like a little doctor.

At noon, I went to play with my favorite fire brigade and waited there for an hour and a half before it was my turn. I put on the clothes and helmet of the fire brigade and listened to the captain explain the knowledge of fire fighting. After listening to the captain's detailed talk, I knew how to extinguish the fire. While lecturing, an alarm suddenly came, saying that the nearby building was "on fire". We quickly picked up the high-pressure water gun and rode to the fire scene to put out the "fire". After putting out the fire, I feel like playing with a water gun.

Finally, I became a policeman again, and my aunt gave me a task, asking us to stand guard in turn. After a while, the aunt came to us and said, "Go to every corner of Do City in pairs to find a blue bag. It's time, but we haven't found the bag yet, so we have to go home. By evening, I had earned 118 do dollars. I think I will come to the aviation center, the environmental sanitation station, and rescue and study if I have a chance in the future. I think it's fun

Our happy life comes from our parents' hard work day and night, from teachers' hard work, and from the common contribution of the vast number of workers in the whole society. Let's salute them and greet them! I wish them "Happy Labor Day".

Today is May Day, everyone seems to have a little smile on their faces. It seems that the beautiful flowers are blooming for today, the warm spring breeze is blowing for today, and the colorful flags are fluttering for today... Everything on the earth seems to have been agreed in advance, and we gather together on May 1st.

There are endless people and vehicles on the street, and one of the biggest characteristics is the dazzling goods in the shopping malls and supermarkets! Those commodities range from exquisite pendants to household appliances! Many famous big stores have put out attractive advertisements, such as "May Day holiday big rewards", "celebrating May Day, all goods are 50% off", "holiday goods big sale", which attracted our attention. Big stores offer rewards to customers, and the affordable prices provide many conveniences for ordinary wage earners.

There are many kinds of goods, and the people who participate in the business are also various. There are migrant workers from other places, local fixed businesses, college students, and "office workers" who are in fixed positions every day... This also fully proves that people's business awareness and business philosophy are gradually changing. Among the crowded people on the street, there are smart housewives, over 50 years old people, fashionable urban youth, and innocent and lively children

Happy "May Day" is just one day in a year. We are creating a bright future with our hardworking hands every day. This happiness is not limited by time!

Happy Labor Day (8)

This year's "May Day" is my happiest day. On this day, we visited the famous fairyland, a place where immortals live.

Along the way, I kept asking my father if he had arrived. Dad said, "Don't worry, we'll be there soon.". After about an hour, we finally arrived at Xianju. Dad took me to a place. When I got off the bus, I was shocked by the scene before me: the endless rape flowers, which are several hundred mu in total. My father said, "This is the rape flower that everyone came to see earlier, because there were so many people at that time. Although the rape flower is not as vigorous as before, it is still very beautiful." I looked at the distance, could not see the edge, looked around, we were like little bees from the flowers.

With that, there were really several industrious bees buzzing in the flowers, flying around busy collecting honey. I said to my parents, "Shall we play hide and seek?" My mother said, "OK, then you should go to hide, and your father and I should come to find you." I hurried to the depths of the flowers, and my father and mother could not find me. Later, I ran out by myself.

At this time, I got a lot of rape petals on my body, and my mother said that my whole body was fragrant with flowers. Sitting on the bus home, I was very happy because I became an immortal on May Day this year.

Happy Labor Day (9)

Today, my parents and I went to my grandmother's home for Labor Day. On the way, I asked my father: "How did Labor Day come?"

Father said: "Labor Day is the common holiday of the proletariat and working people all over the world".

When I got to Grandma's house, my sister and I discussed cleaning for Grandma's house. My sister also agreed. Then we divided our work. My sister took a broom and a dustpan to sweep the floor, and I took a mop to mop the floor, and I dragged it. Dad came over and didn't see it. He trampled on the place I had just dragged. I said reluctantly: Dad, I hate it. I just cleaned it, and you dirtied it again. Dad even said, "Sorry, can I help you drag it? I said," No, you work hard every day, today is Labor Day, it's your festival, or I should mop the floor. "Grandma praised me and my sister are good children who love working. Today I had a meaningful Labor Day.

Happy Labor Day (10)

On the May Day International Labor Day, a holiday for working people all over the world, we have three days off this year, so we can't travel far away. On the 1st day, when my parents saw that the weather was fine, they took me to my uncle's house to play. My uncle's house is in Ningbo, very close to Carrefour Supermarket.

So, after getting off the bus, we went to Carrefour Supermarket first. In the supermarket aquarium, I saw various kinds of live aquatic products in glass tanks filled with water, including fish, crab, shrimp, loach, eel, bullfrog, tortoise and turtle. I saw bubbles constantly emerging in a water tank, and curiously pricked one of the largest bubbles with my finger. Unexpectedly, a big carp jumped up. Oh, my god, what a carp jumped out of the Dragon's Gate, scaring my mother and me. I saw a fishnet bag on the fishbowl, so I jumped up and grabbed it, put it in the fishbowl and pressed it down hard. I finally caught a big carp with great effort, but I don't know whether it was the guy who "teased" my mother and I just now. I don't want to wrongly treat "people", even one. Forget it, let it go. Just then my father asked me to go and see what's different between turtles and turtles. I found that there were many regular diamond patterns on the turtle's shell, but the turtle did not. Dad pressed the head of the tortoise with his hand, and the head of the tortoise shrunk into the horse. No wonder people call them to shrink their heads. After I came out of the supermarket, I went to live with my uncle for two days. In the morning, I watched the CD I just bought with my little brother. At noon, I went to the small park in front of my uncle's house to play swing, and played hide and seek with my little brother. At night, I went for a walk in the nearby park. On the day of my return, my parents took me to Ningbo Xinhua Bookstore to buy many books. The Labor Day of May Day is about to pass, and I feel like I had a happy dream.

After I came out of the supermarket, I went to live with my uncle for two days. In the morning, I watched the CD I just bought with my little brother. At noon, I went to the small park in front of my uncle's house to play swing, and played hide and seek with my little brother. At night, I went for a walk in the nearby park. On the day of my return, my parents took me to Ningbo Xinhua Bookstore to buy many books. The Labor Day of May Day is about to pass, and I feel like I had a happy dream.

Happy Labor Day (11)

Happy Labor Day

May Day is coming, I make dumplings with my mother to experience labor. First, we went to the market to buy meat, leeks and dumpling skins. As soon as we got home, we began to "work".

First of all, my mother reconciled the stuffing. I spread the dumpling skin in my hand, put the stuffing on the dumpling skin bit by bit with chopsticks, and then clamped the dumpling skin with both hands, one by one fat dumpling was born. Look at my mother, she has already finished several. In order to catch up with my mother, I also quickly packed up the stuffing. As a result, there was too much stuffing. I squeezed this side, and then the other side came out again. This forced me to remove some of the stuffing again before I could wrap it successfully.

In the process of packing, I accidentally knocked my mother's chopsticks off, but my mother said, "Don't get rid of my weapons, I will continue to" fight "!" After listening to my mother's words, I was puzzled. What is a "weapon"? What is "fighting"? My mother seemed to know my mind, and said with a smile: "The weapon is chopsticks, and the war is dumplings!" "Oh, so it is!" I suddenly realized that my mother's imagination is really rich, and dumplings can be likened to this image.

"Ha ha ha" A burst of laughter came from my mouth. Do you want to know why? I tell you that my dumpling gave birth to a pair of "eyes". It turned out that I was careless and stained the leeks. I laughed and removed the leeks. At this time, a dramatic scene appeared, "Is it my dumpling that has feet?" My mother screamed. I didn't see it, but I laughed at it immediately. Mom didn't hold it firmly, so the dumplings slipped onto the table.

In the sound of laughter, our "labor" ended, we successfully made 100 "various" dumplings, ate delicious dumplings, and spent a happy and full Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day (12)

”May Day is a great holiday for the working class all over the world. It is a great holiday that is warmly celebrated all over the country and the world. Our country has designated May Day as a legal holiday, and our school is also a holiday. On this day, many workers still insist on contributing to our country in their jobs. I sincerely want to learn from them and salute them.

At noon, after dinner, my mother took me to the street. I saw slogans and colored flags celebrating "May Day" hanging everywhere. The pedestrian street was crowded with people, beaming and festive. The shopping mall was crowded with people, competing for shopping, which reflected that people were rich. Later, my mother took me to Zheshan Park to play. In the park, colorful flags and lanterns were hung. The flower beds were repaired neatly, and all kinds of flowers were blooming brightly. In the children's playground, many parents and children were playing to their hearts' content. We came to the "pirate ship" and saw many people queuing up. I wanted to take it, but I didn't dare. Then my mother encouraged me: "Go and play. Don't be afraid. There are many people playing. It's irrelevant. Be more daring. "With my mother's encouragement, I decided to have a try. So my mother bought me a ticket. I took the pirate ship in Shanghai. With the ringing of the bell, the pirate ship slowly started, and gradually accelerated. My heart also jumped with it quickly. At one moment, it lifted up high and fell into the bottom valley again. I felt the ship was spinning and the sky was also spinning. Many people screamed with fear. I held the handle tightly with both hands, closed my eyes, and it would be ten minutes soon. It was really exciting to think about that.

I had a very happy day. Today our task is to learn. I must learn my own learning well, grow up like a worker, create wealth for the country, and contribute to the construction of the motherland.

Happy Labor Day (13)

When the "May Day" has not yet arrived, I am wondering how to have a meaningful Labor Day. After discussion with my father and mother, I decided to help my grandmother pick tea on May 1. On the morning of May Day, when it was still dawn, I carried a small bamboo basket, breathed fresh air, listened to the cheerful cries of unknown birds, and walked to the tea garden with brisk steps. When I entered the tea garden, I saw neat rows of tea trees, with dew rolling on the green tea buds. I gently smell the tea fragrance, which makes me relaxed and happy.

When I was intoxicated with the fragrance of tea, Grandma picked several tea buds. I quickly pinched the tea buds with my fingers. When I felt that it was very simple to pick tea leaves, my grandmother said, "Xin Xin, you are not picking tea leaves in the right way." While demonstrating, my grandmother continued, "Keep your eyes on the tea buds, gently hold the tea buds with two fingers, and then gently pull them.". As soon as I saw it, my two hands kept picking. At the beginning of picking, I felt so relaxed. It took me more than an hour to pick half a ridge of tea buds. I was a little discouraged. At this time, the sun showed its power. It felt hot when it shone on people's backs, and the sweat on their faces kept dripping. I quickly ran to the shade of the tree, drank some water, had a rest, and then I continued to pick tea. At this time, I realized the hard work of picking tea.

Near noon, I picked more than half a basket of tea. Although I was tired, I felt very happy when I looked at the fruits of my work. When I got home, I poured tea into the bamboo flat and loved the broken buds with my grandma. Only selected tea buds can be fried.

After dinner, I watched my grandfather stir fry tea. My grandfather said while stir frying: "The first step of stir frying tea is to clean it, the second step is to knead it, and the third step is to smell it.". I saw my grandma burning the big iron pot with a fierce fire to make it smoke. My grandpa quickly smeared tea oil all over the pot, immediately poured tea buds into the pot, and kept stirring tea buds with both hands. When the tea buds were hot and soft, they were immediately poured into the bamboo flat, and Grandpa kept rubbing hard to get the tea green. At this time, the room could smell the thick tea fragrance.

When the tea shoots are poured back into the pot after being green, only the tea leaves can be stir fried on low heat. Because tea leaves are easy to paste when the fire is big. I saw grandpa grabbing tea with his hands, rubbing it while grasping. After half an hour, I heard the rustling sound from the iron pot. Grandpa told me: "The tea buds have been dried.". I saw my grandpa's hands were red with hot iron pan, and his face was full of sweat. The second step of tea frying was to knead the tea. Suddenly I heard my grandpa say to my grandma, "Use a big fire to make incense". At the moment when the fire started, a smell of tea came to the nostrils. After the tea was fragrant, it was poured into the bamboo flat to cool.

Today, I picked tea and watched it stir fry. I realized that tea is hard won. When people hold up a cup of tea with green soup and overflowing aroma, can we ever know the difficulty of the whole process. I deeply realize that only through hard work can we have fruitful results. Labor brings us everything. Only labor can bring us rewards can bring us gains. On the occasion of this festival, I wish everyone a happy Labor Day! I welcome every student to my home!

Happy Labor Day (14)

May Day is coming, I make dumplings with my mother to experience labor. First, we went to the market to buy meat, leeks and dumpling skins. As soon as we got home, we began to "work".

First of all, my mother reconciled the stuffing. I spread the dumpling skin in my hand, put the stuffing on the dumpling skin bit by bit with chopsticks, and then clamped the dumpling skin with both hands, one by one fat dumpling was born. Look at my mother, she has already finished several. In order to catch up with my mother, I also quickly packed up the stuffing. As a result, there was too much stuffing. I squeezed this side, and then the other side came out again. This forced me to remove some of the stuffing again before I could wrap it successfully.

In the process of packing, I accidentally knocked my mother's chopsticks off, but my mother said, "Don't get rid of my weapon, I will continue to" fight "!" After listening to my mother's words, I was puzzled. What is a "weapon"? What is "fighting"? My mother seemed to know my mind, and said with a smile: "The weapon is chopsticks, and the war is dumplings!" "Oh, so it is!" I suddenly realized that my mother's imagination is really rich, and dumplings can be likened to this image.

"Ha ha ha" A burst of laughter came from my mouth. Do you want to know why? I tell you that my dumpling gave birth to a pair of "eyes". It turned out that I was careless and stained the leeks. I laughed and removed the leeks. At this time, a dramatic scene appeared, "Is it my dumpling that has feet?" My mother screamed. I didn't see it, but I laughed at it immediately. Mom didn't hold it firmly, so the dumplings slipped onto the table.

In the sound of laughter, our "labor" ended, we successfully made 100 "various" dumplings, ate delicious dumplings, and spent a happy and full Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day (15)

I spent every day of the May Day in happiness, especially on May 2, when we came to Tai'an to play in the morning.

First, we watched the Dai Temple. Dai Temple, also known as Dongyue Temple and Taishan Temple, was the place where ancient emperors worshipped Taishan gods and held sacrificial ceremonies. Ah! What a magnificent Dai Temple, with towering ancient cypresses, numerous steles, cypress trees planted by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, inscriptions carved by the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty, murals that have been handed down for thousands of years, authentic calligraphy works of emperors of all dynasties, and the three treasures of Mount Tai in Zhenmiao... I am surprised by the masterpieces of the ancients and proud of the wonders of China.

In the afternoon, we climbed Mount Tai, the first of the five mountains, which is 1545 meters high. Ah! What a magnificent Mount Tai! The trees on the mountain are lush and luxuriant, the flowers are like brocade, and the spring water is ding dong. From a distance, we can see the continuous mountains and forests, prosperous cities, prosperous villages, green wheat fields, yellow rape, the train running on the railway, the water horse riding on the road, the busy farmers in the fields... The beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland can be seen everywhere. Close up, Nantianmen is magnificent and full of people. We walked in the Tianjie Street, took photos under the golden stone inscriptions of the Tang Dynasty, watched the sun on the Sun Watching Peak... The steep stone walls are engraved with immortal chapters of ancient and modern scholars, and the revolutionary ancestor Grandma Deng Yingchao also wrote the touching words of "climbing Mount Tai to see the magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland.".

The sun was setting and the sky was full of sunshine, so we reluctantly left Mount Tai.

On May 3, we visited Cherry Orchard again. Cherry trees are green and green, red cherries and yellow cherries are all hung on the branches. I pick cherries from trees, play with water in streams... What a happy May Day!

Happy Labor Day (16)

Today is the second day of the May Day holiday. The weather is particularly sunny. My father and I decided to go to Shanjuan Cave in Yixing. It is said that it is the hometown of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. It is also said that Shanjuan Cave is so ingenious and colorful!

I was excited to see how amazing it was. After more than an hour's drive, we finally reached our destination. Queue up to buy tickets to enter the cave, and find that it is composed of upper hole, middle hole, lower hole and water hole. Colorful light shines on the stone walls everywhere, coupled with the mountains and waters dripping from the cave roof from time to time, I walk in the cave as if I had entered a fairyland, suddenly feeling refreshed. In my heart, I am amazed that the landscape left by nature is really wonderful!

Because there are too many tourists, we have no chance to go to the water cave by boat. I must go there again next time!

Happy Labor Day (17)

This is the most unforgettable day for me - May Day. I had a good time that day! Because my parents took me to the children's park to play.

When I arrived at the Children's Park, I became more excited. What are you playing with! When I bought the ticket, the first thing I played was water bowling. As soon as I entered the ball, it was quiet and there was no sound, unless you shouted loudly. The staff pushed me and the ball into the water together. All of a sudden, my whole body felt not so hot, but also cool up! It seems that an air conditioner is on. This game is to exercise your ability to climb. I crawled in the ball and fell from time to time. After a while, steam evaporated from inside. Now, I'm in trouble! There is steam in it. It's slippery when I climb. I always fall down. When the time came, the staff immediately took the "ball" and "let me out".

The second one is' Canyon Rafting '. It's exciting! But this ticket is also very expensive: 50 yuan per person. My mother and I sat on the board and the "boat" started. OK, start! Just entered the bridge. The water is flowing fast. All the people on the "boat" spontaneously shouted. After crossing the bridge, the "boat" was made to stumble and hit the stone wall, and the water gradually rose to the height of the "boat". At the turning angle, I was even more frightened. The "boat" almost turned over. Now, I was so frightened that I didn't know what to do. "It's finally over!" I said to myself. Now, I can rest assured.

"Ah! It's half past four, let's hurry home!" I said. Finally, I reluctantly bid farewell to the Children's Park. This time, although I only played two games, I was satisfied. I hope I can come here again next time and finish all the games!

20XX Labor Day Grade One Happy Labor Day Composition Related

Happy Labor Day (18)

Happy Labor Day Diary 1

Today, as usual, when I got up, I began to fold the quilt, put on my clothes, then brush my teeth and wash my face. When I finished these things, I was about to watch TV when my mother called me over and said, "Xiujun, my mother is going out to do something today. You can fold your clothes neatly at home and make the bed and wardrobe."

I said, "Oh, bye."

When I came to my mother's room, I said: "Wow... Wow! There are so many clothes on the bed, I want to sort them out until the Year of the Rat and the Month of the Horse!" I thought: Does my mother want to test me! He said, "I will not only tidy up my mother's clothes, but also clean the house. Come on!"

I put my mother's clothes in the same way as I put my own clothes in order, left and right. How time flies! It was sorted out in a twinkling of an eye. I looked at the time and said: Oh, my mother is coming back soon. I want to clean up before my mother comes back to give her a surprise. "I said that I should pick up the broom, drag it left and drag it right. After a 365 degree rotation, I swept the floor clean. Then I picked up the duster cloth and ran to the table. This time, I turned 365 degrees five times to wipe the table clean, but my head was dizzy. Because I just turned too fast, I turned five times again. Do you think I can stop dizzy? Then I cleaned the window as clean as new.

After a while, my mother came back, and I immediately reported my housework to my mother. My mother said, "Praise, Xiujun, and become obedient. "I was very happy after hearing this sentence.

Today, although I did a lot of housework, I rotated 365 degrees several times, but I felt dizzy. However, I heard my mother's praise, but my heart was sweet and I smiled happily.

This is my happy Labor Day.

Happy Labor Day Diary 2

During the May Day holiday, my father and I stayed in Xinyu for a few days, and we were going to take the bus from Xinyu to Kowloon back to Xishan Ridge, but this bus stopped altogether. After inquiry, it was learned that because the new steel company was restructuring and the steel pipe factory was purchased by private enterprises, the workers faced unemployment and could not get proper resettlement and appropriate economic compensation, so 70 or 80 people gathered at the gate of the special steel company to protest and petition, at least the traffic was interrupted. In desperation, we had to get off at Zhou Yu first, and then go back to Xishan Mountain by taxi.

When we arrived at Zhou Yu, we saw that the people who had protested and petitioned had dispersed, and only a few police cars were parked nearby, so the traffic was restored. According to Mo's master, these workers gathered here for several days without any result, nor did anyone deal with it. They are going to Xinyu tomorrow. It is now the May Day holiday. Doing so will not only affect the city's appearance, hinder traffic, cause bad social impact, but also lead to social chaos if contradictions are not upgraded properly.

We are learning "eight honors and eight disgraces" recently, which is "proud of serving the people and ashamed of deviating from the people". Are these workers deviating from the people by taking this extreme way to reflect problems? But then again, they are also worthy of sympathy. If they did not harm their interests, they would not be like this, right? I really hope that the relevant leaders can handle this matter as soon as possible, so that the workers can have a good job or receive appropriate economic compensation. This is also to serve the people!

Happy Labor Day Diary 3

Today is May Day. My mother took me to the Ocean Park to play.

On the way, I wish I could fly there to see the lovely fish.

When I came to the Ocean Park, I went to the first floor first and saw many fish. Some fish were big and some were as small as their little fingers. They all swam happily in the water. Seeing a big shark attracted me. Wow, I thought this shark was really big! I have never seen it. But the shark was sleeping there, and I didn't disturb it. I looked up and saw a small shark swimming on my head. I really wanted to catch it, but it was in the glass. I really wanted to go in and play with the fish! Walking, walking, I saw a magic ball. There is a lot of electricity. As long as you put your finger on it, the electricity will be there. How interesting! Going further, I saw a crocodile. We can take photos with it. The man let me touch him. I was surprised and pleased. I also saw a long snake in the tree. It flew out like an arrow and scared us. This snake is really powerful! I also saw a small piranha. I really wanted to catch a piranha, but I was afraid it would bite me, so I left. A turtle was lying under the water. It was the size of a student's desk. I gave it food to eat. When I put food in, it swam over. I lifted the food up. The tortoise didn't eat it. The second time I put down the food, the tortoise put out his head and ate it greedily. I could not help laughing.

Finally, I watched the animal show. A dolphin is playing "Mermaid and Fish Dance". The dolphin and people keep spinning, which dazzles me. We were all very happy and kept clapping our hands.

Ocean Park is so interesting. I really hate to leave it.