Snow diary 600 words (15 general articles)
Both wind and rain
2023-09-02 07:03:41

Snow diary 600 words (1)

It's snowing

He vaguely remembered that this season of that year was suitable for holding hands, for warming two people's hands with a pair of gloves, and for carrying the weight of two hands in one pocket

Stand in front of the window, gently pick up a snowflake with your hand, and carefully put it on your palm. The snow slowly melts, and the palm full of cold can't keep the weak snowflakes that are about to melt, nor can the full of treasure keep the memory that is about to disappear!

Is it wrong? It seems that he is really wrong! He hurt a snowflake again. He was blaming himself, blaming himself for carelessness, blaming himself for being too stupid, blaming his hands

He opened his palm and looked at the broken and broken texture, which was filled with some snow water. The snow turned into water on his hand, and the snow water flowed over his palm. He thought maybe this was the river he remembered. The snow water slowly flowed through his palm until it disappeared.

When he tried to reach for it, he found that he had no strength at all and could not grasp it. Instead, he lost the memory left in his hands and could not grasp it... Why could he not grasp it? What can be retained? The only thing that can be retained is the thin, moist air that stays in the memory

He breathed hard, his mouth was cold, and he tore it into his lungs along his throat. Breathing was frozen and collected at this moment... He could not hear it, but saw the sound of snow falling all over his eyes

The snow stopped

The snow covered the whole aisle, a vast expanse of white

Snowflakes are fairies who fall into the mortal world, fairies who live in the wrong forest, and the other shore that is near and far

It's said that the flowers are blooming on the other side of the river, and the bright red snowflakes have flooded the other side of the river. All his dreams and dreams are buried in this place piled with snow.

Stepping on it, the sound of snowflakes' broken bones is clearly visible. Maybe this is snowflakes' dying moan

Maybe the life of snowflakes is like this, drifting, falling, disappearing

The snow dances in the setting sun, reflecting only the afterglow of the setting sun.

The snow has melted

The road is still like that! When the wind blows, pull the collar with your hand. It's time to learn to take care of yourself. He thought, life has begun again

Melting snowflakes will start a new memory, a new dream

Snow diary 600 words (2)

Winter is a season not unfamiliar to everyone. A year is divided into four seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter are natural laws. Some people hate winter, but some people also like winter. I am one of those who like winter. The reason for those who hate winter may be that the north wind blows back and forth like a knife, plus the snow of the cold man. These reasons are enough for those people not to like winter. I don't think so. I think it would be better if it were winter all the year round. Because winter is beautiful, lovely and joyful.

When I was young, I often thought: how good winter is. Those who do not like winter or even want winter, their ideas are too ridiculous, too childish, too fanciful. When I grew up, I realized that my idea was too ridiculous, too childish, too fanciful. Even so, I still like the beautiful winter.

Once, I remember playing with my friends when I was young. We were playing and suddenly it snowed. We shouted, "It snowed, it snowed, oh, it was great.". I made an appointment with my friends that if the snow was thicker tomorrow, we would go out to have a snowball fight, make a snowman and kick the silver tree. It snowed all night without our thinking. The next day when I went out, the snow dressed the trees and houses in silver, and paved the road with a silver carpet, giving people a different feeling to all things on the earth. My friends and I found a particularly large space, and we played with snowsticks. We sweated all over and had no feeling of winter. We have a snowman. We rolled two very big snowballs, one for the head and the other for the body.

We have done it, but we always feel that it's almost something. By the way, it's bad for eyes, ears, nose and mouth. We use two cucumber slices as our eyes, a cucumber stalk as our nose, two smaller snowballs as our ears, and a small mouth under our nose as our mouth. Well, everything is ready. It's not bad. We have an idea to try to lift the snowman to the most conspicuous place, so that everyone can have a look at our snowman, and then praise it after watching it: this snowman is really beautiful. Then we went to kick the silver tree, kicking the number of silver is kicking poplar and willow trees, because snow falling on the tree is like putting silver on the tree, so we called it the silver tree. Once we kicked the silver tree, the snow fell one after another, and the scene was also beautiful.

Anyway, I still like winter

Snow diary 600 words (3)

The first snow of this year comes quietly in everyone's expectation. The first snow of every winter is attracting people's attention. The arrival of this snow indicates that we will enter a world of ice and snow.

The first snow of this year was not big. Despite this, it still brought us a surprise in the eyes of all of us. After the snowflakes fell, the earth was covered with a thin layer of snow, like a layer of gauze. When I walked in, this layer of gauze broke a hole at our feet. This snow is so fragile that I have to worry about these small flakes of snow before my joy lasts long.

With this snow this year, it reminds me of the first snow last year, which fell heavily. It came into the eyes of people in an unexpected way. One afternoon, the snowflakes were falling all over the sky and covered the earth with an overwhelming force. Just one snowfall put the earth on a thick cotton padded jacket, and this layer of snowflakes naturally became the object of those of us who were greeting the winter. We rushed into the snow, and our deep footprints were left in the snow. We started our winter games in the snow falling from the sky and on the earth with cotton padded jacket.

Speaking of the game in winter, there are snowball fights and snowmen gradually forming under our hands. The first snow in winter to a large extent reflects the popularity of this winter. There are not few people who like winter in life, and the snow in winter is the object we always watch.

When the first snow falls in winter, those of us who have a fairy tale dream in winter can't wait to get out of the house and enjoy the first snow in winter.

Although the first snowfall in this winter was not big, this thin appearance also has a special flavor, and it is also worth our careful taste.

I like the snow in winter. The first snow in winter can bring surprises.

Snow diary 600 words (4)

"It's snowing! It's snowing!" Listening to the cheering voice of the children downstairs, I couldn't help peeping out of the window and looking: "Wow! It's really snowing!"

The snow drifted down from the sky, and was very disordered by the wind. One moment it drifted to the left, the other to the right. The whistling wind accompanied the sound of the leaves being blown, as if many elves were dancing and singing in music.

It wasn't snowing heavily, so I quickly took out my camera and snapped some photos. I picked them up to watch and play. Some snow fell on my clothes, hands and arms, and would not melt away soon. I carefully observed the elf from the sky. The white snowflakes were crystal clear, and there were some thorny objects on six small corners. Before I finished my observation, the snow turned against me and melted away.

There is a saying between our children: snow is our paradise. Although there is no snow, snow is also my favorite. I want to see it in my dreams. So I put on my shoes, picked up a washbasin and headed downstairs. I put the basin on the ground first. I don't know how long it took, but there was a little snow in the basin. I was afraid that they would melt away, so I immediately grabbed a handful, kneaded it into snowballs, and threw it out. With a sound of "Pa", the snowball was thrown to pieces. "Ha ha!" A smile appeared on my face. Just when I wanted to catch another pot of snow, the snow was small. I put my hands together and said to myself: God, don't let this hard won snow stop! But God didn't seem to hear my prayer. The snow was getting smaller and smaller. Sometimes it caught raindrops and fell on my head. I knew it was raining, so I had to take the washbasin and go home. The weather is not beautiful. It's almost impossible to see white snow in this rainy and snowy weather.

After a while, the rain stopped and the snow disappeared. I can only use the photos taken when it snowed to remember the snow.

Snow diary 600 words (5)

It's snowing

He vaguely remembered that this time of year was the right time to hold hands. He used gloves to warm the hands of two people. He used one pocket to carry the weight of two hands

Standing in front of the window, gently pick up a snowflake with your hand, and carefully put it in your palm. The snow slowly melts, and the cold palm can't keep the weak snowflake that is about to melt, nor can the full collection keep the memory that is about to disappear!

Is it wrong? It seems that he is really wrong! He hurt a snowflake again. He was blaming himself, blaming himself for his inadequacy, blaming himself for being too stupid, blaming his hands

He opened his palm and looked at the broken and broken texture, which was filled with some snow water. The snow turned into water on his hand, and the snow water flowed over his palm. He thought maybe this was the river he remembered. The snow water slowly flowed through his palm until it disappeared.

When he wants to reach out and grasp, his creation itself has no power at all, and can't grasp it. Instead, he loses the memory left in his hands, and can't grasp it... Why can't he grasp it? What can be retained? What can be retained is only the thin, moist air that lingers in the memory

The snow stopped

The snow covered all the walkways, a vast expanse of white

It is said that flowers bloom on the other side of the river, and the bright red snowflakes engulf the other side of the river. He buried all his fantasies and dreams in this place piled with snow.

Stepping on it, the sound of snowflakes' broken bones is clearly visible. Maybe this is snowflakes' dying moan

Maybe the life of snowflakes is like this, drifting, falling, disappearing

The snow dances and the setting sun reflects only the afterglow of the sunset.

He breathed hard, his mouth was cold, and he tore it into his lungs along his throat. Breathing was frozen at this moment... He could not hear it, but saw the sound of snow falling all over his eyes

The snow has melted

Snowflakes are fairies who fall into the world, fairies who live in the wrong jungle, and the other shore that is near and far

The road is still like that! When the wind blows, pull the collar with your hand. It's time to learn and take care of yourself. He thought, life has begun again

Melting snowflakes will also start a new memory, a very new dream

Snow diary 600 words (6)

This year, something very rare happened in Suzhou. Do you know what it is? It's snowing in Suzhou!

It's not easy to snow in Suzhou, because Suzhou is located in the south of China, so the weather is more humid and hot than that in the north of China. This year, God seems to want us children with childlike innocence to be happy. I just opened the curtains in my room, and found that the earth has been covered with white frost, The footprints that people stepped on the ground yesterday were completely covered, which made me refreshing. The earth has become silver white, beautiful!

As soon as I got dressed, I received a phone call from my neighbors and asked me to go downstairs to play with snow. When I went downstairs, many friends had already started to play. I hurried to play with them.

First we made a snowman. Some of us are responsible for snowball rolling, some are responsible for finding branches, carrots and other materials, some are responsible for collecting snow, and some are responsible for rounding the snowball. After our efforts, a big, lovely and beautiful snowman was born under our skillful hands. Then, one of our creative girls said, "I have an idea. Let's make a background and put our snowman in the background. This will make our masterpiece full of poetry." We agreed unanimously. After discussion, we decided to make a background of love. We first made a big love with footprints, and then made a small love inside. We protrude the outside circle of snow with other snow to make it three-dimensional, clarify the edge of the little love, and finally put the snowman in the center, so that our "snowman work" is over.

Next, we went to have a snowball fight. Sometimes, the snow will pour into my neck, which is chilly; Sometimes, snow will pour into my mouth, with a smell of sand and dust; Sometimes, snow will fall from the sky, feeling like being in the "snow curtain hole".

Snow is really a masterpiece of nature! It gives people a new feeling, makes people have fun, makes people feel a kind of pure beauty, and really hopes to have more opportunities to contact snow in Suzhou.

Snow diary 600 words (7)

In Texas, snow is very uncommon, so people don't have too much hope for snow. Even if it snows only once in the whole winter, people are satisfied. Just a few days ago, when people were in a hurry and inadvertently, a snow landed in Texas in its hurry.

Because this is spring snow, people are very excited and surprised about its arrival, leaving behind footsteps one after another to stop and look at the leisurely snowflakes in the distance. How fragile these snowflakes are! Touching the ground and melting, life brings people infinite hope and fantasy, small and selfless, small and great. Although it snows only once a year, people in the city will always remember snow.

I still remember that it was the last class, and snow began to float outside the window. These flowers are really naughty. They bring a lot of inconvenience to people who come home from work at this time, but they can't satisfy the children's desire to play with snow - the snow is too small, it just disappeared on the ground, leaving only a pool of water for people to be disappointed.

Gradually, as the children expected, the snowflakes became bigger, thicker and dense, and they could be vaguely seen far away from the window. At this time, they, like thousands of butterflies, rushed to the window glass, hit it playfully, and flew to one side.

After school, the students rushed out of the building door in a swarm and opened their arms to embrace the snowflakes. The snowflakes fell on my hair one by one and gradually melted into small drops of water. I reached out my hand, and the crystal snowflakes fell on my palm, which looked transparent and clean, and could purify people's hearts. Slowly, it melted, my hand is the settlement of its soul, it lies in my hand, immortal and my heart.

The snow stopped. I don't know when it stopped. Maybe it was at night. The next day, I went to school with a good mood. The snow on the ground had piled up in pieces. Some places were covered with a little snow, and some places had frozen into ice. I almost slipped several times. So I only tread on places where there is much snow. I like the "creaking" sound when I stop treading on snow. It's gloomy and crisp. I guess only snow can interpret it.

A spring snow, a joy, a snow scene, a reverie.

Snow diary 600 words (8)

You must have fresh memories of last year's snow! It was the heaviest snow in a hundred years. Snow, I have seen many things in my paintings, newspapers, TV, and even in my life. I believe you too! But last year's snow was really mysterious. It changed from light snow to blizzard, but I still like this beautiful snow girl very much.

Snow, like many butterflies flapping their wings, gently fluttered and fell on grass, flowers and countless houses. The snow is like a small silver bead, a small rain, willow catkins and poplars, which have hung the vast white curtain of snow for us

I remember that day when I was doing my homework at home, a group of white elves came from the dim curtain. They wore white hexagonal hats and floated to my window. They were more beautiful than the window decorations in previous years, just like the skillful Weaver Girl carefully cut them. oh That's the beautiful snowflakes. This made me open the window, open my mouth and stick out my tongue to add the snowflakes. It tastes strange. It is said that it is like white sugar, but it is not sweet; It looks like salt crystal, but it is not salty. A breeze blew, and the elf seemed to want to play with me, so he got into my sleeve, which made me feel cool.

The next morning, to my surprise, the ground was covered with a thick layer of snow. Look at the pedestrians and vehicles nearby. The pedestrians have already put on their white "coats". The cars were also put on a thick "cotton padded jacket", and many trees lowered their heads and bent down... This made me think of an idea, why not go down and make a snowman? Thinking of this, I immediately went to the kitchen to get some fruit and ran downstairs. I quickly made two small balls first, and then rolled back and forth on the ground to become two big balls. Then I carefully made two "hands", and finally put its eyes, nose, mouth and ears on it. Ah! Finally, when I finished, a lifelike "little urchin" appeared in front of me immediately, and then I felt my hands were cold, but I felt very happy in my heart

I love snow, and I love snow more for giving me this joy and joy.

Snow diary 600 words (9)

"Suddenly, thousands of trees and pear blossoms like the spring breeze in one night". Snow is a very, very beautiful thing, but it is very rare in the south.

This is the first time in my life to watch snow. On Thursday morning, when we finished class in the second section, the students were as usual, some skipping, some chatting, and some doing homework. No one noticed that the sky was changing strangely.

I don't know which student said: "It's snowing!" The exclamation sounds like a command! In an instant, the students swarmed around the railing and reached out to pick up the crystal clear snowflakes. But the little snowflakes are like naughty elves. They are light and drifting towards you when they don't stretch out their hands. But as soon as you reach out your hand, it "hides" far away, as if playing hide and seek with you. When it falls on your hand, it melts away immediately, and only feels a faint chill.

For ten minutes, we watched the snow on the railing. It was not until the bell rang that we reluctantly returned to the classroom. In English class, I always feel that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at me and turning around to look at the snow (I sit in the position closest to the window). I was almost attracted away. I glanced at it with my spare light. The scene outside the window surprised and pleased me! The little snowflakes floating down from the sky are no longer speckled. They fall on the ground, trees and houses like catkins and turn into water immediately. Feel the whole school, oh! The whole world should be "sealed" by snow.

The sudden snow lasted until the afternoon. I hurried to finish my lunch and thought that it would be a rare time to see snow. I would go to see snow as soon as possible. When I came to the playground, the old crowded runway was empty, and no one went to play basketball on the basketball court. I saw a group of people standing on the court, looking up at the sky, stretching out their hands to catch the snowflakes. Some two people pull red scarves, which are covered with small snowflakes, and they open their mouths to taste the snow, but they don't know that their hair and clothes are covered with ice crystals

Ah! Snow is really a very, very beautiful object!

Snow diary 600 words (10)

Southerners have always liked snow, which may be due to its small number. So far, I still have a deep memory of the years when it snowed, but in my mind, there is no year when it snowed more heavily and accumulated more snow than this year.

When we were still in Chinese class, we were quietly translating classical Chinese, and I don't know who called out: "It's snowing." 59 pairs of eyes stared out of the window in unison. The snowflakes were flying all over the sky, really like pieces of goose hair, floating in the air. But the goose hair, once it fell on the ground, once it fell on the leaves, it melted. What a pity. I had no intention to attend class for a long time, waiting for the bell. It seems that other classes are also cheering for the long lost snow, and there is a lot of noise outside. Reading the text, we lost patience. Finally, when the bell came, the students rushed out of the classroom with a shout. Earlier, other classes stood in a row in the teaching building to watch the snow, and some even rushed to the playground to play with the snow. But there is no snow on the ground, but I think it will soon accumulate. The size of the snowflakes can be expected to be large, and the snow will be very thick.

As I expected, the snow kept falling until the end of the evening. I went to the playground with several classmates to step on the snow, only to find that the snow had already lost our shoes. We walked across the playground, leaving a series of footprints, deep, if it looks like a giant on weekdays. At the end, he turned around and, for some reason, couldn't help shouting and cheering at the empty playground. Someone had a whim and let us walk in a row of three, one in front and the rest behind, stepping on the footprints of others. In this way, some people may think that three people's footprints will be left when they come, and only one person's footprints will be left when they leave, or the footprints will be reversed. It may cause misunderstanding and suspicion, just like the crop circle. Back to the dormitory, the head and back were covered with snow, and the young man's head turned white overnight. We all laughed and played snow for each other. Then, we turned off the lights and went to bed, waiting for the next day to play snow.

Snow diary 600 words (11)

Snow is the messenger of winter. Snow is the symbol of purity. It adorns the earth with its unique posture. I love snow because of its purity and loveliness; I love snow because of its selfless dedication.

I like snow and the feeling of snow falling on me. It is as light as yarn and as white as jade. And the snowflakes flying all over the sky are like the winter girl wearing a holy silver yarn, like the willow catkins in spring, like the fallen leaves in autumn, up and down, left and right, gradually falling from the sky. The snow keeps falling, falling... Soon, a silver world is outlined.

Look! Snowflakes fall on the earth, a vast expanse of white, as if to change the earth into a white coat; Snowflakes fall on the roof, as if they were covered with a thick white blanket; The snowflakes fall on the pine trees and become beautiful mists.

Beautiful snowflakes fall from the air like white quilts covering the earth. The dazzling sunlight shines on the snow, just like the stars blinking in the clear night sky. This scene is like the silver white earth dotted with small golden flowers. At this time, the snow on the trees is like silver bars, like towers. A breeze blows, and the pure snow turns into jade chips, scattering everywhere.

Snow, like the white carpet of the earth, covers the withered yellow grass and the black road. The kitten ran over and left a string of plum blossoms on the snow. Although I am 12 years old, I still like to step on the snow under my feet. It sounds like a wonderful movement.

I love snow, because it can not only bring people good mood, but also add water to the earth, purify the air, freeze pests to death, which is conducive to agricultural production. As the saying goes, "A good snow augurs a good year", that is, a good snow in time indicates a good harvest year next year.

Snow, it is you who make the earth more beautiful and make the earth more elegant from demon burning. I love winter, but also the symbol of winter - snow!

Snow diary 600 words (12)

One piece, two pieces, three or four pieces, each of which is so lovely and crystal clear. It flies in the air, sometimes kissing people's faces, sometimes slapping people's shoulders, and sometimes playing hide and seek with people.

In the morning, the park, the street, the trees, and the roof all became a world of powder jade. Those evergreen pine trees and holly trees in winter and summer are covered with fluffy and heavy snowballs, as if they were a special gift from heaven. When the wind blows, the lovely snowballs shake off.

The lovely snowflakes are like little paratroopers flying around the world, and also like lovely dandelions, flying all over the sky and slowly falling. I reached out to pick them up to see how they looked, but when the snowflakes came to my hand, they immediately turned into crystal clear beads and rolled in the palm of my hand! How shy the little snowflake is! Don't let me see its face.

The farmland is a vast expanse of white. The snowflakes press on the ground, like covering the earth with a quilt. The branches are covered with countless exquisite flowers, and the bare branches add some color, much like a tall "jade tree".

I love winter, but I prefer winter snow. It not only has a graceful charm, but also has a pure and clean style. It is so white, so lovely and moving. I am completely intoxicated by the beauty of snow!

[Chapter II]

Winter is cold, cold and lifeless in the eyes of many people. But it is full of vigor and vitality because of such a spirit. She is the messenger of winter - snow.

When the snowflakes fall, walk in the snowflake flying world, imbibe the spirit of snow, and experience the romantic feelings.

Snow girl is not stingy. Every leaf and every corner has left her agile posture. Her footprints are everywhere on the tree, which really has the meaning of "suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom".

Before long, the small snowflakes were as big as goose feather, and a thick silver blanket had been paved on the ground. Walking on it, it would make a creaking sound, like a fresh music, which was played for you by the land and the snow elves.

Soon, the snow gradually stopped. The trees, the ground and the roof are all white, just like a world made of powder and jade. People came out. Children played snowball fights and made snowmen. Each one was happier than the other. But I think the farmer uncle should be more happy. Next year will definitely be another bumper year, and auspicious snow will herald a bumper year!

This first snow not only announced the arrival of winter, but also brought joy to people. I love you, Ruixue!

Snow diary 600 words (13)

The snowflakes fell on the ground quietly, and I walked alone in the street. It was very cold, but the store was not closed. The two loudspeakers sang beautifully: "Accept my care, look forward to your smile, and the structure of the word 'people' is mutual support..." I did not know why. Listening to it, I remembered the matter in my heart.

It was an unforgettable winter. It was also snowing heavily. The crystal snowflakes danced in the air. I was wearing a thin coat outside the house, waiting for Grandma's return. The north wind howled outside, and I had to hold myself. I read in my heart: What a bad day! Not only did I remember the wrong date of class, but Grandma went out to visit her family again recently. Although she could come back in the afternoon, she had to wait until 7:00 in the morning! I complained angrily to myself: why not remember the class date? I stomped my foot and stepped on the ice, which made me fall into a big squat. The crystal snowflakes are shining with white light, spreading from the sky on the roof and the ground... The world has become a white dream in the haze. I stood up and brushed the snow off my buttocks. My pants were all wet. The cold wind was chilly and made me shiver. I was helpless in the icy snow and was threatened by the cold wind.

"What's the matter, little sister?" A sweet voice wanted to be in my ear! Hey, it's the big sister from the opposite door. "I don't have the key, no one is at home!" Then I sobbed. "Let's go to my house." Big sister took my hand. Her hand was warm, and the intimacy was hard to refuse. When I arrived at her house, she first found a pair of pants for me to change, and then heated a glass of milk for me to drink. She told me that this would warm me up, and she cooked a delicious lunch for me. In this way, I stayed at her house all afternoon until Grandma came back. When I left, she asked me to visit her house often.

The snow stopped quietly, and the song in the shop continued "Yes, indeed, the society is small, but it is a home..." That cold winter, in the ice and snow, she warmed me and that unforgettable winter with her hot heart

This junior high school diary describes snow in 600 words. It is a concise and clear article

Snow diary 600 words (14)

The snow is clear and white, brighter than the sky, more transparent than white porcelain, and cleaner than eyes. Snow is the communication between heaven and earth. It comes tenaciously and leaves invisibly. The wind cannot be found. You and I don't know. Maybe most of the people who are bustling in the city do not know the good of snow, and snow does not understand their bad. Every cycle brought by snow shows a little literature and art and sadness. Can people who stop and stop read some hope of ending?

The snow is only occasionally beautiful. It comes from the sky, penetrates into the dust and leaves. It is like a soft kiss without touch, taking a farewell, and it is also the cold that penetrates into the bone marrow. It is only a temporary contact, and it will die when touching the skin. It is not willing to fall into the dust. It seems to have no scruples in pursuit.

Snow may really be a rogue. At one moment, it also attacks every tree and grass with hysteria. It oppresses the dead branches and leaves with evil. Any kind of frosty day is frozen in the white light. In a moment, it raises its beautiful skirt in exchange for sunshine. She quietly goes down, making people see the traces of meaningless and harmful, like suddenly turning into a harmless girl, watching you vaguely, Be careful, I didn't do it.

Snow really makes people feel helpless. You naughty go into your sleeves to seek for a slight temperature, even make people unable to settle accounts with her. You especially feel that the old man who takes care of Alzheimer's has his chin wet and his sleeves are crying. The seemingly cold in an article is as hot as a child's unreasonable scream. You are deeply worried and helpless

Even though she died in an instant and played in an instant, she also had a story called "life". She came from cold and left after enjoying the warmth. She traveled and fell for thousands of miles and tasted the earthly world in a hurry. Where there were too many beauty and ugliness, good and bad, advantages and disadvantages, people would comment on them, but some people remembered her temperature for a moment, It would be nice to keep that unprepared attitude.

The snow is coming, which makes us feel a bit human. How can we sigh for it?

Senior 2: Liu Yike

Snow diary 600 words (15)

This is the first snow in the winter of 20xx, and the snow is stronger than that in previous years!

At half noon, the gray sky suddenly unexpectedly crackled with salt sized snow. These dense snow hit my face and hurt. At noon, I ran on the way after school and could race happily with the drifting snow. The numerous snowflakes become more and more thick, spreading all over the sky, like goose feathers, like reed flowers, like catkins, one after another, one after another, the scenery before us will soon become a vast expanse of white!

The north wind is whistling, my brother and I are happily chasing in the snow, giggling, happily picking up snowflakes, kneading snow balls, and the scenery before us is unknowingly turned into a white world of powder and jade.

The snow is so white. The snow falls on the roof, and the roof looks like a bed of thick cotton wool; The snow falls on the branches, and the big trees are like white flowers, and the snow falls on the ground; The earth looks like a big carpet, and the snow falls on the stone table, like a natural cream cake. The beauty of the snow scenery is amazing. These are the pure natural gifts that God has given to mankind!

In the evening, the sky became darker and darker, the sky showed no signs of staying, and the snowflakes continued to sprinkle on the earth, which made the scene more winter!

I was very excited to tell my relatives and friends in the south about the snow in Puyang on QQ, and let them share with me the white, beautiful and fresh breath of snow!

The next day, after the snow, it was sunny. The whole family happily built a huge snowman on the playground in front of the door. We also took a group photo with the snowman. The photo was fixed in this wonderful time!

Adults like snow, because "snow augurs good years"; Children like snow because they can make snowmen in the snow and have snowball fights.

I love you, winter snow!

Part II

"It's snowing! It's snowing!" This is the first snow of this year, and we are all very excited, especially adults. My brother and I heard the conversation of my mother and grandmother, "This snow is really timely!" "Yes, yes, if it doesn't snow, the weather will be too dry. Let's drink some water and then we will come, but the children will get sick again."

Not only adults are excited, but also our children are extremely excited. You see, some are making snowmen, some are having snowball fights, and some are leisurely circling in the snow, hoping to enjoy the taste of snow.

Just a few days ago, Grandpa Winter gave us a gift - spotless white snow. A grain of snow fluttered down from the sky, like groups of lovely elves flying down from the sky. It's raining. The snow is not as small as it was just now. It's getting bigger and bigger. Now it's like pieces of fluff, falling down one by one.

It snowed more and more heavily. Later, he simply became a beautiful flower. He danced slowly and quietly with the wind. He floated to the house and dressed the house in a white dress, so that she was no longer afraid of the "mixed doubles" of cold wind and rainstorm

Then she floated to the tree, and he sent a white hat to the tree brother, so that the tree brother would not be afraid of the cold in the cold wind, so that he could quickly grow into a white towering tree; Finally, he came to the embrace of Mother Earth again and gave her a big white and crystal carpet. Let Mother Earth not be afraid of people's heartless feet.

The arrival of the first snow this year made us very excited. I watched the snowflakes flying all over the sky, and they had come to us silently.

Part III

The first snow of 20xx came later than usual. Yesterday, the sky was clear, and the next day was a vast expanse of white.

In the morning, as soon as I got up, I felt particularly dazzling. When I opened the curtains, I knew it was the light from the snow. The snow in the sky is still falling. At the beginning, the snow was small, like silver powder; Slowly, the snow is falling more and more heavily, stirring the sky and the earth dark, showing the power of winter. Snow is as white as a goose, as big as snowflakes, and falling like a scattered flower. snow! What power, what boldness, how beautiful, how natural! Only you, Xue, is the protagonist of winter. I would like to enjoy the gift of nature - the baptism of snow alone. I love snow. If I taste it carefully, it will be interesting. When the snow poured down, it was really white all over the sky.

I went downstairs. Oh, what a world of snow, full of poetry and painting.

I watched the snow quietly, and it fell slowly. Snowflakes, as light as smoke, as white as silver, as moist as jade, kiss the long lost earth. Snow, like a butterfly, is naughty, sometimes falling on the house, sometimes falling on the branches, and sometimes bumping into the faces of pedestrians. The branches on both sides of the road were covered with snow. A cold wind blew past, and the branches shook uncontrollably. The snow on the branches was shaken off by the wind, but the branches were immediately covered with "white flowers". The evergreen pine trees also wore snow crowns.

I walked in the snow, and could not bear to leave my dirty footprints on the holy snow; I walk in the snow, listening to the "creaking" sound of stepping on the snow; I walked in the snow, listening to the "rustle" of snow. The scenery is intoxicating!

The first snow in 20xx was extremely beautiful. The poet could not write his power, the painter could not draw its charm, and the sculptor could not carve his elegance! I love the first snow in 20xx.