Gone (9 excellent articles)
Plum Orchid in Northern China
2023-11-18 01:02:34
Senior 2

Disappearing (1)

China has a long history, splendid culture and vast territory. China is one of the four ancient civilizations, and I am proud of it. China has a long culture of 5000 years, which is daunting.

Chinese culture is of profound significance. All kinds of traditional festivals run through the four seasons, such as the Spring Festival of "firecrackers to bid farewell to the old year, and hearts to welcome the spring"; Ai Fuxiong yellow rice wine, dragon boat racing and eating rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival reflecting Gaoyang, and the hope for reunion and family happiness of "bright moon plate, sending relatives from afar"... These traditional festivals are passed down from generation to generation by Chinese children, and have an indelible color.

Today, Christmas has become a small "Spring Festival" romantic Valentine's Day in the eyes of some people instead of the "Tanabata" April Fool's Day smiling face in front of them; It seems that the climbing of the Double Ninth Festival has gone away... Are these foreign festivals more attractive than the traditional Chinese festivals? Is the traditional festival meaningless?

It's no harm to absorb some foreign things, but these people don't even know the origin and symbols of Christmas, Halloween, April Fool's Day. Isn't this a modern version of "learning to walk in Handan"? I don't want the traditional Chinese festivals to pass by in the so-called imitation

While learning and appreciating other people's festivals, don't blindly follow suit. Western culture and Chinese culture are different, but they have their own characteristics at the same time. We should learn by exploring and learning what is worth learning.

China's traditional festivals have a long history. Like the torch, they are passed down from generation to generation from the hands of Chinese people.

Disappearing (2)

In today's society, where the quality of life is constantly improving, prices are rising, and science and technology are developing rapidly, in the era when people are constantly rushing for money and going out to work in order to become famous, we have gained money, status, and face in front of people, but no one cares about the disappearing pastoral life

When I recall the life in my hometown, I always smile unconsciously, and a beautiful radian ripples around my mouth.

At that time, I liked to run on the winding yellow mud roads in my hometown. Whether it was running purposefully to school, to market, to deliver lunch to my father who was harvesting rice in the fields, or running aimlessly, there was always sunshine on my body and it was just warm; I like to eat vegetables grown in the garden behind my house, green beans and eggplants in summer, Chinese cabbage and rape moss in winter. The food in my mouth is too fragrant to be opened; I like to take a cool chair to enjoy the cool in the yard on the night with the moon, Grandma's fan fan fan fan fan fan, fan away the blood sucking mosquitoes, fan away the summer heat, fan the ghost stories of black and white impermanence and the capture of unfilial women by the King of Hell, fan the nightmares of the night; I like to catch peach blossom fish barefoot in the stream in front of the door after the summer rain, followed by a group of young friends much younger than me. I am the elder sister in front of them, and the fish they catch belongs to me. I leave the largest one for myself after baking, and the small fish and shrimp are shared with them. I like the swallows whispering in the beams in spring, the catkins fluttering gently in the sky and the earth, the lotus leaves running wildly on the way after school in summer, and my mother picking persimmons from the trees in autumn. The fiery sweetness warms the whole winter of our family.

Now that I am in the second year of junior high school, I read in my textbook that Tao Yuanming wrote that "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely", and that Wu Jun wrote that "the wind and smoke are clean, and the mountains share the same color". I can't write such words, but in my hometown, I have experienced such a comfortable pastoral life first-hand.

Memory is good, at least it can dilute some sadness in the cruel reality.

Now back home, there is no longer a meandering yellow mud road at my feet, but a cement road stretching to every village and household, and I can no longer run wild on the road, because a roaring three wheeled motorcycle may fly across at any time, and the land in the village is full of weeds because no one cares about it. Occasionally, I can see several small cabbages poking around in the weeds, as if expecting people to fertilize and weed quickly. Everyone eats vegetables and fruits bought from the supermarket, which are bright in color and uniform in size, but many vegetables no longer taste like vegetables. The only primary school in the village was cancelled, and the children went to school in the city. When they met, they stopped playing around wildly. The words "How are your grades?" dimmed each other's faces, and then they smiled awkwardly.

When will I go back to the low tile roofed house to eat my own vegetables, even if I am bitten by the hateful mosquitoes at night, and then let the story of the ghost scare me.

The disappearing pastoral life, oh, can't just disappear. Let me lean down and kiss you, my dear pastoral life.

Disappearing (3)

The air was full of wet smell. "Pa da, pa da" several drops of water splashed down from the broad loquat leaves, and it seemed that I could vaguely see the figures of several old women leaning against the trees to cool off on the road covered with bluestones.

This is Dongdi Road in Xiashan District. The old buildings on both sides of the road have now become a flat parking lot. When I recall my childhood, the laughter I talked with my grandfather seemed to reverberate in my ears.

When I was young, I liked my grandfather to walk in the streets and alleys. I watched the tall loquat trees drape shade on people, the faces of the arcades on both sides were mottled with vicissitudes, and the smooth and moist bluestone road with some broken bricks and tiles stacked on the corner of the wall covered with moss. The bag shop at the intersection of Qingdao was also filled with attractive fragrance, All kinds of hawking voices also echoed in the street, but I love the arcade and Dongdi Road alone. In my opinion, this road is like a life that sees through the vicissitudes of the world and records the ancient culture.

In the past, arcades were mostly used for residential purposes. The wooden window lattice has been stripped of its original color under the wind and rain, and has opened its mouth unreservedly; The iron wire window has also been stripped of a layer of bright clothes by the salty sea breeze; The worn and rough fishing net was neatly hung by the fisherman on the rusty hook, which looked like the wrinkles on the old man's face; Even the roadside poles have been tangled by disorderly wires for several times, which is like a shabby old lamp in the blood vessel room under the skin flashing with warm light, as if you are trying your best to tell others that this is a life.

It was an old but energetic life.

A few years later today, I went to Dongdi Road to look for those lively lives, but I found that it was ripped open by cold machines. I can't find the shade of that tree any more, and I can't find the bag shop with endless customers. Most of the beautiful figure of the arcade has been removed, and the exposed debris looks like white bones, which makes people jumpy. Will the arcade, the culture of sea breeze mixed with salty smell, and the originally energetic life, like a drop of water flowing into the ocean, gradually disappear in the long river of history with the passage of time?

Life is precious; The life of culture is even more valuable. The arcade is just a microcosm of thousands of lives that are disappearing. Moreover, the life of intangible cultural heritage hangs on a thread: less than four embroidery masters of rice paper; There are less than three national inheritors of filigree inlay; Two techniques of Qingtian stone carving are on the verge of being lost; There is only one master of the inheritance of Thangka painting of the Miansa School. These shocking figures remind us that the life of culture is gradually disappearing!

In today's high-tech era, we should protect the beauty of culture and inherit the essence of culture. At the same time, we should also develop modern science and technology, and do not let the modern edge end this ancient life.

Looking up again, the green buds covered the old branches, and slowly opened their hearts under the gentle touch of the breeze.

Disappearing (4)

My childhood gives me the deepest impression, and the most pleasant memory is to go for a walk on the side of the mountain in the wild with my father. My family lives in the countryside and has a large rice field. My father and I often walk along the path by the mountain.

Every summer evening, when we finished our dinner, my father and I would take a walk with a fan to avoid the noise of the children next door. I remember when I was still young, as if I was only seven or eight years old. I always walked to find some wild flowers and grass to play with. My father will tell me stories while walking, such as "Little Swallow Learn Skills" and "The Wolf Comes". I know that now I still remember as new, because I was young at that time, I always felt that everything was very fresh, and I didn't know how to distinguish between flowers and grass on the roadside. Then I asked my father, and he told me one by one what "wheel grass", "thorn grass" and so on, I love listening.

When I was talking and laughing with my father, all of a sudden, vicious mosquitoes sprang out of the dark corner in groups. They formed a group in the air, as if they were discussing something. But I felt that they were planning a "massacre" tonight. So I took a fan and fanned them vigorously. They just ran here, A large crowd of people came over there and finally fanned away. A large crowd of people were waiting for my father and me in front of us. I was so tired that I was sweating. Now I think back to that time, it's really funny.

Here, in spring, it is the most beautiful season. The ice in the river has already melted. The earth is wearing a green "skirt". It is the season to cultivate and transplant seedlings. My father and I still go out for a walk after dinner every day. My father and I caught many dragonflies during our walk. On the way to victory, my father told me many reasons, such as: "Insects are also alive, we need to love them and protect them. They have their own responsibilities in the nature." So I seemed to understand the reason and quickly put those dragonflies back into the nature. I thought, We have a home, and those insects must also have a home, so I let them go. My father smiled at me and said, "This is the good child." Then my father and I went home.

This path was a paradise in my childhood. My father and I left many beautiful memories on this path. Everything there was so familiar and nostalgic. Now the path is gone, the rice fields are gone, the rivers are gone, and tall buildings are replaced. Although those familiar things have disappeared, I still remember the laughter of my father and I there, Those laughter still remain in my memory, buried in the deepest memory.

I will never forget every day that my father and I spent here.

Disappearing (5)

Traditional culture, formed in the development history of the Chinese nation for more than 5000 years, is the precious wealth of the Chinese nation. However, after human beings entered the 21st century, the globalization of industry and commerce is gradually changing people's mode of production, mode of thinking, and mode of behavior, dissolving the essence of traditional culture, and traditional culture is on the verge of disappearing.

The traditional folk culture has added a rich and colorful life to us. The joy of childhood is set up by some colorful things, but it is the continuous superiority of life that makes it disappear without trace.

In this way, the folk art that once flourished among the people is also in danger of being lost.

In our childhood, we liked to go to the "Happy Stall", while my favorite was a small but happy sugar painting stall. The sugar seller was an aunt or an old grandfather.

A small stool, a small table, a small stove, a sugar spoon, a stereotype, and a turntable are all the "belongings" of the sugar painter's sugar booth. Draw shapes and patterns with melted brown sugar on the stereotype. After the brown sugar water cools, put a stick, shovel the sugar with a shovel, and eat it when it is dry. Next to it is a turntable. There are many small squares on the turntable. There are flowers, birds, animals, insects and other patterns in the small squares. There are pointers in the drawing plate. After paying the money, you can turn the pointer on the dial. Then you can turn the pointer to any pattern to let the sugar painter draw something. Like a lottery, when the needle has not stopped, you can't help but feel nervous.

When the sugar painter drew sugar, the children and adults nearby stopped to watch. Some children pulled their parents' clothes and said, "It's so funny. I want to buy and eat."

Now life is getting better and better. These handicraft activities, which were seen outside school or on the street, have become new and rare. Children are not interested in them, and parents are not at ease.

Recalling my childhood, I would go to the sugar painting booth to have a look after school myself. At that time, when I was in my fifth or sixth grade, the sugar painting master introduced some new ways of eating in order to do better business. In those years, sugar painting became popular again. But after I graduated from primary school, I could not find my childhood and sweetness when I returned to primary school.

At that time, the sweetness was sweet in the heart, bitter with sweet. Although the sugar painting process was so common and the materials were so simple, it outlined the beautiful memories of childhood. The beautiful golden childhood is colored by such sweetness.

Drawing sugar is not only a craft, but also a folk art. I sincerely hope that the art of sugar painting will not disappear, and that this ancient art can be passed on, so that more people can understand this traditional craft!

Disappearing (6)

In life, work and study, everyone has tried to write a composition. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a composition on the topic of fading memory, which is organized by Xiao Bian. Welcome to share.

The sound of Zheng resounded in my ears, and the ripples in my mind made me feel as if I were in the scene and would never leave. How beautiful, exquisite and novel things are.

Step into the high threshold and come to the beautiful and spacious Sui and Tang houses. Tall and delicate columns like giants support the backbone of the house to make it stand erect. The tables and chairs in the lobby are dignified but still make people feel the harmony and happiness between the host and his family. How delicate it is to touch the patterns on the delicate pillars! How fascinating! The golden dragon was twined on the column, and its bright eyes looked at the distance, as if to tell the emperor not to limit himself to one point. I have some doubts in my heart, but I don't know what it is. It suddenly dawned on me that there was nothing modern about it? I think it is the wisdom of ancient Chinese people. I feel sad again. I not only sigh but also feel sad and indignant for the loss of Chinese tradition.

Suddenly, a modern mechanical crash broke my fantasy and pulled me back. Bring back the real world where traditional culture is passing away. The passage of culture appeared in front of me like a mirror image. After seeing it, I couldn't help hanging down my heavy head. In the past, when we met traditional festivals, we would put out lights and decorations. Now, traditional festivals are disappearing before our eyes. Let's appreciate the patriotic Dragon Boat Festival. Because of our forgetfulness, the "Jiangling Dragon Boat Festival" in South Korea shows the atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival and has been included in the national world intangible heritage by UNESCO. But this is a good thing, because it makes us understand the importance of protecting our traditional culture, but after all, it does not belong to South Korea. Not only that, many traditional cultures and memories have passed before our eyes. It is like the wind blowing them away and bringing them back, but they are no longer them.

In my memory, there is a tall wooden door in my hometown, which looks like the gate of an ancient house, majestic and simple, towering into the sky. Unfortunately, there is only one empty shelf left. Like an old man dying, it is very sad. The Chinese culture has a long history, which accumulates the oldest memory of the Chinese nation and represents the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation. It has provided rich nourishment for the Chinese nation's continuous growth and development. Now, they are going to disappear. The pocket is bulging, the head is empty, and ethics is lost. People need excellent traditional culture and traditional culture to shape humanistic quality and spiritual realm. Only by retrieving the lost memory can the traditional culture be evergreen.

Disappearing (7)

In the ordinary study, work and life, we often see the figure of composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of solitude, calm our mind and think about our future direction. Still at a loss for composition? The following is a 650 word composition on the vanishing Tea Horse Ancient Road, compiled by Xiao Bian for you. Welcome to read it. I hope you will enjoy it.

Tea is the crystallization of thousands of years of labor in China, and almost all the tea and tea ceremony in the world are carried forward from China, including mellow black tea and delicious green tea... But it is an ancient road and caravan with a history of thousands of years to transport them. In Chongqing, the Sichuan Tibet Tea Horse Road, which began in the Tang and Song dynasties and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties, became the most prosperous after World War II, and it was there that China most needed economic development. After that, it gradually disappeared, and only a few people were still engaged in some ancillary work on the Ancient Tea Horse Road.

At first, the formation of the Ancient Tea Horse Road was organized by some local salt merchants and chambers of commerce. It is not mainly selling tea that sells some small commodities. It has been gradually formed in the later development. After the formation of this ancient road, it promoted the development of tea production and tea planting in many places in China, and accelerated the increase and improvement of tea varieties and quality.

This ancient road provides convenient services for people in other provinces of Tibet. In Tibet, minerals and other important elements. Butter tea is made from tea and milk of own cows, which can also degrade the surplus fat of Tibetans and supplement vitamins for Tibetans.

The Ancient Tea Horse Road extends from China to West Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia and other regions. It has promoted the development of the entire Asian economy and has great historical and economic significance.

Now, with the development of economy, there are efficient means of transportation such as planes and trains. The Tea Horse Road is no longer as prosperous as it used to be. The ancient road of thousands of years has gradually disappeared, and all the intangible cultural heritage related to it is also slowly withdrawing from the historical stage. But this is a huge impact on China's intangible cultural heritage.

I think we should protect some intangible cultural heritage and itself of the Tea Horse Ancient Road correctly and effectively. Just like the tea ceremony, it was spread from China to Japan, while China completely forgot it, while Japan developed the tea ceremony into a spirit.

All these tell us that the cultural heritage needs to be protected and inherited by all Chinese people. Otherwise, after they all disappear, what will remain of China, a great country with more than 5000 years? A group of Chinese who can't even tell what cultural heritage China has?

Disappearing (8)

In daily study, work or life, everyone often comes into contact with the composition bar. Composition is a way for people to express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is 750 words of the fading voice composition compiled by Xiao Bian for everyone. It is for reference only. Let's have a look.

He sat on the roadside, holding an old, unpainted erhu.

The sky is like blood. An erhu, the strings of which are grinded together, sounds at the top of one's voice.

The hoarse voice, together with the golden dust all over the sky, in the high-rise buildings built of steel and iron, is dumb and sad.

I looked at him and his erhu in silence. The flow of people was hasty and nobody stopped.

The old ancient music rises with the wind, and finally disappears in this city, like a sound that goes over a thousand years Sigh. It's like the sadness in the dusk, but nowhere to speak.

The collapse of culture is like the removal of pillars from the Temple of Heaven. Even if the incense sticks in the temple have lasted for thousands of years, the red lacquer paintings and the treasures everywhere are difficult to float in the air. And that pillar is called human heart.

Some people say that this is an age of vanity. People's souls are in a fog of confusion and there is no place to return. When knowledge loses the carrier of books, it is evacuated to digital; When the historic sites are no longer sleeping in poetry, they become the efforts of gold and silver; When learning only for fame and wealth; When tea and wine are only for flattery; When the classics of traditional Chinese culture have become a pressing thing; When poems and songs are ignored! Who can remember? Only the roaring north wind on the Loess Plateau, only the stubborn rocks in the surging rivers, and only the rusty dusk I am still listening to a mottled cry!

The great Chinese civilization has been surrounded by Chu songs!

This era is full of sophisticated egoists who introduce the torrent of greed. The city, the ruins, these numb eyes! Who can get out of the mud without being contaminated? Who has the courage to be unyielding? China's character is fading! The voice of the dying cry! Where will it be?

No matter how sad, I still remember. I remember that a group of young people who shouted when the country was in danger a hundred years ago sounded the voice of the people in such a turbulent era! I believe that the Chinese spirit will never die, because we are still young and still have the same fervent heart as our ancestors. There will always be a group of young people who do not want to share power and wealth, shouting to light the beacon of cultural recovery! Even if the demon cloud is thousands of miles away, there will be a breeze, sweeping away Haoran!

In the sound of erhu, the setting sun is dusk.

A thousand years of love is lingering in this land. The blood is connected, so it never leaves.

I can still look forward to the next dawn without fear of the night.

Disappearing (9)

Looking around Beijing, a satellite city has been formed, and people's living standards have reached a high level. However, as the capital and the center of all political exchanges, Beijing has failed to protect its history. The changes of the times have proved that the quadrangle is the place where the older generation lived before. It has the special feelings of the older generation. They were born, worked, studied, and lived in the quadrangle. There are the joys, sorrows, and sorrows of the older generation. It witnesses the history, the development of the times, and the architectural history with Chinese characteristics. It is a sign of the changing times. Now there are few quadrangles left. Some people have bought it for reconstruction, but its classical flavor is different. Others have demolished it and created new residences. This behavior is common in people's eyes, but it is shameful in the eyes of people who love culture.

Beijing is a place where many ethnic groups live and various cultures exchange. The quadrangle is a distinctive building in Beijing. In the quadrangle, we can see such a scene: a large group of people get together and talk happily: neighbors help each other and live in harmony. They are the existence that old Beijing residents want to remember most. But this kind of memory faces the biggest danger - demolition. And isn't this word too destructive? Wouldn't it hurt too many people's hearts to write a big word on the body of the quadrangle? The ancients said: people go to the scene as before. Now we have developed into an old friend who has gone back to the west, and we are in danger of not leaving any more buildings! We can't keep the life of our old friends, but we can keep the signs bearing culture, fame and prosperity. There are also those invisible precious wealth that we can't see through in our current identity and age.

Siheyuan is a typical existence. It is not only a large meeting site, but also a sacred place that can be called a culture. Siheyuan is also a witness to historical changes and cultural changes. It has gone through vicissitudes of life and the washing of wind and rain before leaving, right? If we do not stop this destruction of history and culture, there will be an uncontrollable tragedy. History can only be history, and its authenticity will be doubted by future generations. Isn't this the result of our ignorance and other foolish behaviors? Therefore, we should establish the determination to protect the material and intangible cultural heritage, and protect this fading cultural symbol. Set up the belief of making the home more beautiful, so that the things bearing the history can be preserved forever, and we can stand up and say that the cultural symbol of China is eternal existence.