Composition of individual characters (set of 5)
Don't worry too much
2024-05-13 02:41:05

Composition of Individual Characters (1)

All kinds of people live around us. Their behaviors and languages are different, and their personalities are even more strange. They may make you frightened, envied, angry, strange or even scared. These are very ordinary emotions. There is also a special emotion in the world called speechlessness.

He is a well-known person. The students in our class have an indissoluble bond with him.

He was wearing fashionable clothes at the moment, kneeling cross legged on the chair, staring at a book. People who don't know him will definitely say, "Ah, this boy is really hardworking." However, he is not as good as these people say, or even an alternative. After all, eyes are fixed on the book, and few punctuation comments are made. Nobody knows what he is thinking

This is what I want to introduce to you, Brother Shi Shang!

His thinking can not match with most of us at all, and sometimes it can be called unconstrained. It can not be said that he is standing at the top of the pyramid, let alone that he is the last layer of hell. I can only say that he has almost deviated from the concept of human.

As for him, the clothes he wears every day are unique. For example: T-shirt+autumn clothes+jacket+down jacket; Or autumn clothing+down jacket+down jacket. And he often does some strange actions. It is difficult to write with his left hand when he is persuaded by his teacher five times and three times. There are many things like stars in the sky, such as scribbling in the exercise book without homework in class. When he was willing, he would occasionally make two or three small toys to pass the time in class, such as a bouncing rubber with a spring and rubber, etc.

When the teacher wanted to speak, he also wanted to say that I had convinced him. After the teacher admonished him several times, he still went his own way, and "Rourou"'s admiration for him increased. He also likes to talk about other people's embarrassing things in front of his teachers or classmates, but never looks for his own advantages. And when others annoy him, no matter what he is doing, he is ready to declare war immediately. At the same time, he always likes to show off his own things and always wants to brush his sense of existence in front of friends or classmates. I admire him very much for his wife.

When we said what he should do, he always pretended to want our advice, but afterwards, he always went in one ear and out the other. Sometimes asked him, he often answered with a "yes", which immediately made the brothers want to vomit blood.

As for the "Fashion Brother", I kept aloof. More often it can only be speechless.

Composition of Individual Characters (2)

When we talk about Class 5, it is really a "pool of talents", which is full of "wind and cloud". Now, I'd like to introduce you to Yu Qin, the most famous "man of the day" in our class.

Speaking of his name and "heroic deeds", everyone in the class knows that he is also "famous" even in his grade. He has a big head and a big brain, and his round face always has a strange sly smile; A pair of eyes as cunning as a mouse are always rolling around, which makes people wonder what kind of devious idea they are making!

There are so many "heroic deeds" of this "troublemaker" that he can't finish them for three days and nights. Let me talk about some recent events!

Once, the leaders of the county came to our school to supervise and inspect, which happened to be a lesson for Yu. Suddenly, Yu Fan inexplicably ran out to pick up something. Yu Qin, who was sitting at the door, suddenly closed the door of the classroom and refused to let Yu Fan in. Yu Fan hurriedly pushed the door outside, but Yu Qin stood against it inside. They pushed and pushed in front of Yu and the whole class in class. This irritated Mr. Yu. He walked to Yu Qin angrily, picked up his collar, opened the classroom door, and asked him to stand outside with Yu Fan. Who would have thought that this scene was really seen by the leaders from the county, the education bureau and the school, which could cause disaster. I heard that Mr. Yu was severely criticized by the school leaders for this. After that, Mr. Huang severely criticized Yu Qin in class. Who wants to turn his eyes over and say as if he felt aggrieved: "It's not all my fault..." Unexpectedly, Mr. Huang heard his mumbling words clearly. There is no way. The "naughty king" who has not changed his bad nature can only be "invited" to the office by Mr. Huang, the head teacher

In order to enable students to have a better learning environment, the school has equipped a water dispenser for each class. It is hard to spare time and often takes several students to carry bottled water, which is originally a good thing. However, the "troublemaker" could not resist his nature of "troublemaker". He took the other people to drill several large holes in the lower part of the drinking bucket, so that the water in the water flowed all over the classroom, turning the classroom into a "vast ocean", which made several students sitting beside complain repeatedly. This matter was known by Mr. Huang, and the result of course was that he became a "martyr" again, and was punished by Mr. Huang for standing on the "post" all morning, and he could not drink water for a week. But he still kept his temper and muttered: "Why can't I drink water? I also paid for it!"

You see, this is our class's "wind and cloud" character - "mischievous king" Yu Qin. In fact, we hope that Yu Qin can correct these bad habits, do something meaningful for the class, and be a good student that students like and teachers like!

Composition of Individual Characters (3)

In the big family of school, there are countless happiness. If we want to talk about the source of happiness, we should start with those personality characters in our class.

"Little rabbit" Quan Xin

There is a classmate in our class called Quan Xin. She has white skin, big eyes and pink lips like flowers. She is very beautiful. Although she looks gentle and quiet like a lady, in fact, she is as lively and lovely as a rabbit. I remember one time, when Quan Xin came to my house to play, she took a fancy to my rabbits at a glance and asked me to give her one. But I liked my rabbit so much that I would rather die than give it to her. She will comb the rabbit's hair, and then gently touch the rabbit's head with her little hand to whisper to it. After a while, she became active as if she were a different person. She jumped and jumped in my house, which scared me. She said, "In the future, I will become a little rabbit myself, so I don't have to ask for rabbits for you anymore." Hearing her words, I was amused to laugh.

"Little Cat" Shao Hanxue

There is a classmate named Shao Hanxue in our class. She learns cat calls very well and often scares you when you are not prepared. I remember one time when the bell rang. I sat on the playground and didn't hear it. She came up quietly at some time and shouted "meow!" behind me. It scared me. Seeing that I was still in shock, she began to comfort me again. It was really love and hate.

"Jasmine" Wu Duoyu

There is a boy named Wu Zeyu in our class. He has big eyes, pink mouth, small nose and white skin. We give him the nickname "Jasmine". Once, when we did gymnastics together, he did very well, and I couldn't learn it. After the gymnastics was finished, I asked her, "Why did you do it so well?" He smiled and said, "You are talented."

These are some personality characters in our class. I like them. How about you?

Composition of Individual Characters (4)

Your coming to our class is like coming to the "dangerous" Jianghu. You must be more careful. However, "war" is breaking out in our class. The "war" is divided into two factions: the "squad leader faction" headed by the squad leader and the "anti squad leader faction". Let me introduce the personnel from both sides of the war!

"Class leader" - Gong He

Gong He is the close friend of Duan Linqing, the monitor. The beautiful Great Xia has a beautiful face, long hair and big eyes. No one can see that this lady is an important person in our school. She is the inspector of the Young Pioneer Brigade Department, the outdoor monitor on duty on Monday, the indoor monitor on duty on Wednesday, and the health inspector on Thursday

"Anti monitor faction" - Huang Jiahao

He is the second child of the "anti monitor faction". As for the boss, I will mention it below. The following is Huang Jiahao's personal information: Huang Jiahao, a male, anti monitor, sent his second child, a professional "thug", who was specially responsible for bullying female students in physical education classes. In some cases, he would set up a "gang" to "attack" the monitor. He had beaten and cried our monitor Duan Linqing.

"Crazy Fight King" - Guo Jiayu

This man is an important figure of the anti squad leader faction. As the leader, he formed a "gang" in his class. Each member of the "gang" has a strong "combat effectiveness". He named three of the gangs "ruthless", "cold-blooded" and "homicidal maniac", and attacked the squad leader first and then.

Gentle monitor Duan Linqing

This person is an important figure of the squad leader faction, who has studied in the "Shuxiang Sect" and "Self Defense Sect" successively. As the main target of the "gangsters", she never went out after class. But because she provoked many people, some people took the risk to attack her in the classroom. Why did these people take the risk to attack her? Because many of these people envied her. In the "squad president election" at the beginning of our school, Duan Linqing was elected as the monitor with 48 votes. You know, there are only 54 people in our class!

After listening to me, you should not dare to come to our class! However, as long as you don't offend them, they won't do anything to you. It is because of them that our class is famous among the six classes.

Composition of Individual Characters (5)

Speaking of the celebrities in our class, they are all top experts.

Let's talk about Chen Ying, the "king of nonsense" in our class first! Every time when the teacher is in class, just one sentence, her 18 sentences follow. When class is over, if I stay with her, my ears will be ruined. If I could ask Chen Ying to give a speech in the desert, it would certainly turn the desert into the second Amazon forest.

Speaking of Xie Shangmin, the "fighting king" in our class, everyone knows that! I remember once, Xie Shangmin was upset by the members of the five-year class. He clenched his fists as if to fight the man to the end. If I say a bad word about him, I will be beaten to pieces by him.

Finally, let's talk about our class's "Zhiduoxing", Zhao Liang, who has a good reputation called "Zhuge Liang". Zhao Liang likes reading very much. His three Chinese examinations are the first in the class. Zhao Liang is also very humorous. Whenever he makes a speech in class, he always makes us laugh.

How about the heroes in our class! When I have time, I'll come with you again!