Watch the Dragon Boat Race (Collection of 18)
be cynical
2023-12-24 09:14:19

Watching Dragon Boat Race (1)

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the traditional festival of the Chinese people - the Dragon Boat Festival. This festival is in memory of the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. He threw himself into the river because his country was humiliated. Dragon Boat Festival customs are: eat dumplings; Throw dumplings into the river; With purse and colorful thread. Dragon boat racing is one of the most interesting events.

At seven o'clock in the morning, people came to the Songhua River, anxiously looking forward to the arrival of the dragon boat.

Suddenly, two "dragon boats" came from a distance. Ah, they are not dragon boats, but boats carrying cheerleaders. The cheering team played drums, adding a warm atmosphere to the dragon boat race.

Here comes the dragon boat! There are 16 dragon boats competing. The eyes of the dragon boat are protruding, and its head is high and mighty. Its tail is tilted, like a high burning flame. The dragon boat has two colors: gold and red. Each dragon boat has about 22 athletes, all wearing uniform clothes. Among them, 21 people rowed and one stood at the bow of the boat, beating drums hard to cheer for the athletes.

The game begins! The athletes rowed the dragon boat vigorously. The dragon boat rushed out of the starting line like an arrow, and the drummer in front beat the drum harder. People shouted, some shouted: "Come on, don't lose to them!", some shouted: "Come on, you must do it!", others shouted: "Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Otherwise, you will be caught up!". The dragon boat of the Blue Team has always been at the front. I support the red team. At first, he was the fifth from the bottom. Suddenly, the drummers of the red team beat the drums desperately, as if they had installed accelerators for the dragon boat rowers, so the team members rowed more vigorously. In order to encourage the red team, the audience on the shore shook their bells and cheered for the red team! Inspired by the audience, the Red Team surpassed many rivals and soon became a competitor with the current No. 1 Blue Team. After a while, other dragon boats were unwilling to lag behind, and their speed was several times higher than before. The Blue Team missed the championship due to lack of stamina and poor physical strength. The red team took the lead again, and other dragon boats also came. The red team stood by and won the championship. I jumped up happily. There was thunderous applause from the shore, and the audience congratulated the red team one after another!

I think: The red team is great! This is inseparable from the efforts of the team members and the encouragement of the audience!

Through watching the dragon boat race, I learned that "unity is strength". Let's learn to unite and move towards the same goal together in the collective in the future!

Watching Dragon Boat Race (2)

dragon boat festival dragon boat race is a unique folk activities, the causes of this event is to commemorate one of ancient china during the great poet - qu yuan established.

i am fortunate enough to see a dragon-boat race, because my father just the day time, so our whole family to see the dragon-boat race. dragon-boat race to reach the venue, the shore on both sides has long been the people watching wai was packed, and i saw a gap on the bridge, perhaps family members crowded the past. this position clear at a glance down the entire river.

Dragon load race igan, each boat is like an arrow, the effort forward, every boat is tied to many of the following are dumplings, each step forward, there are people on the boat with a knife to cut rice dumplings thrown into the water the next. each dragon boat is not at the speed of up and down: onthe 1st minute lead on the 8th again and pretty soon to catch up with the. van

suddenly, it seems efforts to increase boating hand, each only a faster boat. at this time, the hands began to beat the drum-ming, rowing hand is immediately followed by the rhythm of the : thunk! thunk! ho! ho! ho ho ho 。 seems to boost the morale of god , has started drizzling. really drum! voice! cheers! blast sound! rain! sweat! compatible with the river water!

dragon pace, as if in the long rapid river groups in the ft. gradually, gradually. 1, 5, 9, constitute the leading group. 100 meters! 50 meters! 20 meters. . . . . . the end draws near, only 5 of the power of the outbreak out of control! two dragon boat to the back of far left behind, and then the finish line of the!

dragon-boat race is a fierce competition ah!

Dragon boat racing is a unique folk activity of the Dragon Boat Festival, which was set up to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great poet in ancient China.

I was lucky to watch a dragon boat race this year. My father was free that day, so my family went to watch the dragon boat race. When I arrived at the dragon boat race site, the two sides of the bank were already crowded with onlookers. I saw a gap on the bridge and asked my family to squeeze through. The whole river is clear at a glance.

The dragon boat race began. Each dragon boat was like an arrow, rushing forward. Each dragon boat was tied with a lot of zongzi. Every step forward, someone on the dragon boat cut zongzi with a knife and threw them into the water. The speed of each dragon boat was neck and neck: soon No. 1 was ahead, and soon No. 8 caught up.

Suddenly, the rowers seemed to gain strength, and the speed of each dragon boat was faster. At this time, the drummer began to beat the drum, and the rower immediately shouted rhythmically: "Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho." The Heavenly Lord seemed to come to cheer, and it began to drizzle. What a drum! voice! Cheers! The sound is deafening! rain! Sweat! River and water are compatible!

The speed of the dragon boat is getting faster and faster, as if the dragons are soaring in the river. Gradually, gradually. No.1, No.5 and No.9 constitute the leading group. 100 meters! 50 meters! 20 meters. The end point is getting closer and closer, only to see the force of No. 5 breaking out uncontrollably! Leaving the two dragon boats far behind, and then crossing the line!

The dragon boat race is really a fierce competition!

Watching Dragon Boat Race (3)

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming. In this day full of dumplings, I go to watch the dragon boat race.

The first link is "finishing touch". Several people were holding a pen in one hand and paint in the other hand, and they were concentrating on drawing the eyes of the dragon. After people's embellishment, each dragon head becomes energetic, as if ready to rush to the end and win the championship. After painting the eyes, bring safflower to the dragon head. The dragon head becomes more lifelike against the background of safflower.

Suddenly, a burst of cheers sounded, and suddenly the crowd was boiling. Some people are joyfully waving their hands, some are holding flags and dancing back and forth, some are tearing their throats and cheering. The whole scene was full of excitement. The game is about to start.

Just listening to the "bang", the helmsmen began to force the oars into the water, rowing backward, lifting and falling, and rowing in order. The sweat on the back has been mixed with seawater and soaked the clothes. At a glance, countless oarsmen strove hard and splashed water.

Just as I was absorbed in watching the oarsmen struggling one by one, drums sounded in my ears. When I looked sideways, I saw a drummer holding the drum stick tightly with both hands and beating the drum face alternately. The drum sound ignited people's passion like a flame, mixed with some cheering sound, and inspired the hearts of the players.

Just then, a dragon boat was about to hit the wall. At this critical moment, the helmsman made a big drift, and the audience suddenly heard applause and cheers.

Finally, the first place was born. The oarsmen happily slapped the river with their oars, splashing waves.

Time always passes unconsciously, and the game is about to end. Although the game is over, the fierce scenes just now are still reverberating in my mind. I wish there was another one!

Watching Dragon Boat Race (4)

Today is our annual Dragon Boat Festival. In the morning, I got up early to have breakfast and went out with my father to watch the dragon boat race.

I saw those dragon boats flying like dragons in the middle of the river. The competition rule is to set sail at the same time within the specified distance, so as to determine the ranking after arriving at the destination.

The dragon boat is different from ordinary ships. It is long and narrow, with the head decorated with a dragon head and the tail decorated with a dragon tail. The colors of the dragon head are red, black, and gray, which are similar to the head of the dragon lantern and have different postures. Generally, it is carved from wood and painted with color (also with paper and yarn). The dragon tail is usually carved with whole wood, with scales carved on it. In addition to the dragon head and tail, the dragon boat is also decorated with gongs, drums, flags or hull paintings. What a spectacle!

The length of each dragon boat is about 20-30 meters, and there are about 30 sailors on board. They are all strong and powerful people. They paddle together, and work together, without saying a word, and do their best to move forward bravely! I saw you chasing each other, one after another. It's really competitive and exciting! The cheerleaders of all teams also worked hard under the stage, cheering incessantly, and some people even snapped their fingers! I secretly raised my thumb to those who were racing dragon boats and thought, "You are great!"

Finally, the red dragon boat finally won the championship in the sprint stage. Excellent! As I wish, I am really proud of you. I can't help but encourage the losers in my heart: "Friendship comes first, competition comes second. Where you fall, you must rise from where you fall. As long as you work hard, you will win next time. I will cheer you up!"

Finally, in the sound of people's joy, I was still in the mood of Dai He to go home with my father. On the way home, I have been recalling the scene of the dragon boat race, and I think the dragon boat race is wonderful!

Watching Dragon Boat Race (5)

Speaking of the dragon boat race, I think everyone has heard and witnessed it. You can hear the sound of gongs and drums, firecrackers, and the dragon boat race is about to start.

The two sides of the river and the sea of mountain people surrounded the audience. The debate between you and me is about who wins and who loses. The dragon boat rowed out one after another. The three dragons were neck and neck. The players rowed their oars "one two one, one two one" in order. Standing at the bow of the boat was a tall man. He took the drum hammer in his hand and pounded it forcefully to boost his morale.

The watchers on the bank kept their eyes fixed, and shouted for refuel with anxiety. The players on the river rowed with joy. They listened to the audience's strong shouts of patience, and immediately became full of confidence. They rowed more vigorously. The sound of gongs and drums became louder and louder, and the speed of paddle rowing became faster and faster. The river water was stirred to be turbulent and splashed with snow-white spray. The river water beat fiercely against the river bank, and the players became more and more brave. When it was hard to resolve, the Blue Team strove forward and finally won the championship. Although the other two teams lost, they did not lose heart, but congratulated the Blue Team with an optimistic attitude. At this time, the firecrackers burst out in unison, and the crowd roared to award the champion. It was time for cheers and shouts. The sound of firecrackers was the most dynamic symphony in the Dragon Boat Competition.

The river calmed down and gongs, drums and firecrackers disappeared. The lively atmosphere just now gradually faded, and the grand dragon boat race drew down the curtain.

Comment: At the beginning, we went straight to the theme. "The sound of gongs and drums, firecrackers", without seeing the scene, was heard first to create a lively and festive atmosphere. In the third paragraph, the scene of the dragon boat race was pushed to a climax. The lively cheers and shouts seemed to reverberate in our ears, and the end was natural and simple. It was memorable.

Watching Dragon Boat Race (6)

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. My uncle and I went to Ruyi Lake to watch the dragon boat race. The scenery there is so beautiful! There are grass, water and trees, and I found that there are various hats of different ages on the pillars near the lake, with different shapes, which dazzled me and made me unable to count them.

The weather was really hot, and the heat waves came in bursts. Soon it was sweating heavily. Finally, the dragon boat race began. The first round of three dragon boats appeared, and the No. 1 dragon boat won. After the second round started, No. 2 and No. 3 collided at the beginning due to their poor cooperation ability. As a result, both of them lost to the first team. In the third round, No. 2 won and No. 4 lost. The second of the fourth round won... Although the weather is very hot today, I understand how important the strength of team unity is. I am really happy.

Watching Dragon Boat Race (7)

Early in the morning, I was awakened by the sound of "Dong Dong...". I put on my pajamas and went to the balcony. Oh, there were only two dragon boats racing! The white dragon boat, like taking a stimulant, marches forward bravely, leaving the red dragon boat behind. Not to be outdone, the members of the Red Boat paddled their oars neatly and quickly, and shouted loudly. I seemed to smell the gunpowder on the river. The red dragon boat, like a hungry wolf, quickly overtook the white dragon boat. The closer the red dragon boat gets to the white dragon boat, the louder the cry, and the team members paddle hard. The white team members probably lack physical strength and are surpassed by the red dragon boat.

Although it was early in the morning, I found that many people stopped on the bridge and many passers-by stopped to watch the battle. I ran all the way from the north balcony to the south window. Before I got there, the two dragon boats disappeared, leaving only the distant cry of "hey yo" and the ripples on the water surface. These young people started exercising early in the morning, which made my blood boil.

Watching Dragon Boat Race (8)

It is the traditional custom of our hometown to hold the dragon boat race on the fifth day of May every year.

Every year, we look forward to the Dragon Boat Festival. We have been looking forward to the day of dragon boat race. There are two dragons on the water, a red beard and a green beard. There are strong young people on the two dragons. The game begins. The two dragons chase each other. You won't let me, and I won't let you. Qinglong's team members worked together and acted quickly, as if full of confidence. Qinglong is far ahead, while Honglong is far behind. Red Dragon's team members immediately united to catch up with Green Dragon. The two dragons are evenly matched. Finally, they crossed the Longmen together! The audience was so addicted that they cheered happily and shouted "OK! OK!" for a long time.

This is the traditional custom of our hometown: dragon boat race. We welcome you to visit our hometown.

Watching Dragon Boat Race (9)

Dragon boat racing is an important activity of the Dragon Boat Festival, which is very popular in the south of China. It was originally a sacrificial activity for the ancient Yue people to sacrifice water gods or dragon gods, and its origin may have begun in the late primitive society.

Dragon boat racing is a traditional Chinese folk water sports and entertainment event, which has been popular for more than 2000 years. Most of them are held in festivals, and are collective rowing competitions. According to historical records, the dragon boat race was launched to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. It can be seen that dragon boat racing is not only a kind of sports and entertainment, but also reflects the patriotism and collectivism spirit in people's hearts. The size of dragon boats varies from place to place. The race is to set sail at the same time within the specified distance, so as to determine the ranking after reaching the destination. The dragon boat races of all ethnic groups in China are slightly different. Han people usually hold the Dragon Boat Festival every year, with a captain of 20-30 meters and about 30 sailors on each ship.

Watching Dragon Boat Race (10)

Do you know why dragon boat races are held on the Dragon Boat Festival? Because when Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, people rowed boats to salvage Qu Yuan's body. Now, dragon boat racing has become a way to commemorate Qu Yuan.

I still remember the scene of watching the dragon boat race.

"Come on, come on!" The sound of encouragement rose one after another on the river, and the team members pulled forward with their oars. Another member of the team beat the drum to cheer and cheer for the team members, directing them, hoping to win the first place. The water waves rowed by the team members quickly retreated, and the dragon boat was moving forward like an arrow on the river. It was almost the end point, and the team members strode to the end point with all their strength, "Oh, victory!" - the team members' faces showed the joy of victory.

Look, this is the dragon boat race, the traditional culture created by excellent Chinese people in the long history.

Watching Dragon Boat Race (11)

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Father Sun is in a good mood today. I have been clamoring my mother to watch the Dragon Boat Race. When I came to the Longjin River, there were a lot of people here. After a while, with the sound of the starting gun.

At the beginning of the competition, the dragon boat rushed out of the starting point like a departing sword. The usually deserted river became an arena with loud gongs and drums. The chants were like thunder, "Hey yo" and "Hey yo". The water splashed with white spray. Several members of the dragon boat could work hard, and no one would let anyone. The people on the bank shouted, "Come on" and "Come on". As soon as No. 1 was about to win, it was, No. 4 has reached the end again. The game is over. No. 4 has won! At the moment when I returned home, I still remembered the situation of the game in my mind. Today I was very happy.

Watching Dragon Boat Race (12)

On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival, I went home to watch the dragon boat race beside the TV. The race was not only breathtaking, but also had the taste of traditional Chinese culture.

First of all, the Black Dragon Team came up in high spirits, and the Red Dragon Team was unwilling to fall behind and draw to the starting line. After a while, the referee blew the whistle, and the Black Dragon team rowed and rowed desperately. The Red Dragon Team saw that the Black Dragon Team was rowing so fast. Afraid of losing to the Black Dragon Team, the Red Dragon Team strove to the Black Dragon Team. Every time the dragon boat paddles forward, the green water will line up. On both sides of the lake, there are a lot of visitors. The two teams are neck and neck. I cried out, "Come on, Black Dragon..." Suddenly, the Red Dragon team flew past the Black Dragon team like an arrow. The Black Dragon team was very surprised and flew to the end. Only the Black Dragon team passed the end.

I'm really looking forward to the coming of the next Dragon Boat Festival!

Watching Dragon Boat Race (13)

The colorful flags are flying by the river, and the lapels are dancing with ribbons. On the shore, there are endless streams of people. With a loud and solemn announcement: "In 20xx, the Chinese Dragon Boat Competition is now starting!" The sound of gun salutes and cheers resounded through the sky, and the scene was very spectacular.

The first race is the 200 meter ranking race. All the teams are ready for it. Jiangnan University, Yichun Team, Wenzhou Team! Ah! Wenzhou Team! I jump and jump. Come on, Wenzhou Team! come on. The "bang" competition began. The players rowed hard, and the teams started almost at the same time like arrows leaving the string. My eyes are mainly focused on the Wenzhou team. They are working together, rhythmically and forcefully paddling, arousing a series of water splashes. The water splashes back, like thousands of silver bracelets. When they fall into the water, the "silver chain" breaks and becomes stars. The speed of the four teams is almost the same, and the gap is very small, but it is only 50 meters away from the end. I am nervous. Which team will win? In the sprint stage, the team members tried their best to row together, and the drummer accelerated the beat of the drum, making the drum sound loud. At this time, Yichun team suddenly accelerated, one step ahead of other teams, and Wenzhou team was second. Thirty meters, twenty meters, the end is right in front of us. At the moment, I was so worried that I wanted to fly to help them, but because of the distance of thousands of miles, I could only recite in my heart: Wenzhou team can't lose! step on it! The Wenzhou team seemed to hear my voice, accelerated its speed, and almost crossed the finish line together with the Yichun team. The results came out. The Wenzhou team won the second place, only 0.002 seconds away from the first place. I was dizzy!

What I admire most is the Foshan team, especially their team spirit and speed. When they lift the slurry, they lift the slurry at the same time, as if a black cloud appeared on their heads. When rowing, they can always force the oars into the water at the same time. Everyone tries hard to row for the sake of the collective. Tired, bear with it! Acid, bear it! From their expressions, we can see that they are happy. Although they are tired, they are worth it for the champion. I will work hard!

These are the spirit of the Chinese dragon, who dare to fight, dare to compete, and have team spirit. So, we want a Chinese dragon with no regrets!

Watching Dragon Boat Race (14)

Today is the fifth day of May, the annual Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival was established in memory of Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet and writer. On this day, people have folk customs such as eating zongzi and racing dragon boats.

Today, our whole family came to the river to watch the dragon boat race. There are many people by the river. It was not easy for me to squeeze into the crowd. Standing in the crowd, I really felt the hot feeling of Tang Monk and his disciples entering the Flaming Mountain. When the host announced that last year's XX team, the red team, appeared, the riverside immediately became boiling. After a while, all the teams came out, they were ready for the final preparations and were ready to go.

When the referee gives an order, all the teams start together. There are seven teams participating in this competition. Their dragon boats are arranged in the order of rainbow colors. Some teams moved forward in accordance with the rhythm of the bow commander's drum beating, desperately moving forward, and all of a sudden they were ahead; However, some of them are in a hurry and end up in the end. As the saying goes, haste makes waste. The players on the river rowed hard, and the people watching the game on the river side were not idle. They kept shouting slogans of cheering, and the cheering became stronger and stronger. The contestants seemed to work harder and more energetic in the cheers of the audience. The voice of the commander beating the drum was deafening. The players cooperated with each other in a rhythmic manner, and the morale of all teams was high.

The game is drawing to a close. For the players, it can be said that they have reached the stage of sprint. The audience held their breath. There was almost no breathing in the audience, only the beating of drums by the ship's commander. The red team is still leading, and the purple team at the last place starts to catch up. At this time, some audience could not help shouting loudly to cheer for the purple team, which also made the purple team more confident. Purple has exceeded five teams in a row, and has raised its ranking to the second place in one breath. Then the referee whistled, and the game ended with the whistle. In the end, the red team successfully defended the title of xx, and the purple team won the second place, which refreshed the team's best performance. The audience was excited again, and encouraged the spirit of the purple team.

The game is over, and time is passing quickly. Today, I watched a wonderful game and had a happy Dragon Boat Festival.

Watching Dragon Boat Race (15)

"The fifth of May is the Dragon Boat Festival; the door is planted with wormwood, and the hall is filled with incense; eating rice dumplings and spreading sugar; and the dragon boat is launched in a happy mood." Hearing this children's song, you must know that the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. This day is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, commonly known as the "Dragon Boat Festival", which is a traditional festival of our Chinese nation. Every day, calamus and wormwood are hung on the doors of every household, which is said to ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters. Of course, every family can't live without making dumplings. Among them, the most exciting and desirable thing for me is the dragon boat race!

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. It was a sunny day. At noon, a dragon boat race will be held on Liujiang River, the "mother river" of Liuzhou City. When my mother and I came to the Liujiang River early, the rows of energetic dragon boats on the clear Liujiang River were ready to go.

The competition officially started, and the drummers on each dragon boat hit the big drum at the bow with great force, "Dongdongdong," "Dongdongdong," and the drum sounded across the two sides and reached the sky. The players on the dragon boat made great efforts and swung their oars in a neat manner. Dozens of dragon boats shot out like arrows off the string. On the shore, people watching the game were shouting "Come on! Come on"... Some even displayed the banners they had brought with them, only to see two striking characters on them - Come on! The deafening cheers and eye-catching banners seemed to add strength to the players in the race. They rowed faster, and the water splashed on the river. Under the sun, the players were shiny, and could not tell whether it was sweat or water. It was almost the end of the race. The contestants tried their best to swing the double oars, hoping that their dragon boat would fly up and run straight to the end of the race... "Di -" The whistle sounded, and the race ended, xx came into being - a red team. I jumped up with joy! People around are also immersed in joy!

My mother told me that the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet and writer of the Chu State, who was hurling into the Luojiang River. After listening to my mother's words, I thought: if Qu Yuan, a writer, had a spirit, he would be very happy to see this competition!

I'm looking forward to the Dragon Boat Festival next year.

Watching Dragon Boat Race (16)

"The fifth of May is the Dragon Boat Festival; the door is planted with wormwood, and the hall is filled with incense; eating rice dumplings and spreading sugar; and the dragon boat is launched in a happy mood." Hearing this children's song, you must know that the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. This day is the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, commonly known as the "Dragon Boat Festival", which is a traditional festival of our Chinese nation. Every day, calamus and wormwood are hung on the doors of every household, which is said to ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters. Of course, every family can't live without making dumplings. Among them, the most exciting and desirable thing for me is the dragon boat race!

The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. It was a sunny day. At noon, a dragon boat race will be held on Liujiang River, the "mother river" of Liuzhou City. When my mother and I came to the Liujiang River early, the rows of energetic dragon boats on the clear Liujiang River were ready to go.

The competition officially started, and the drummers on each dragon boat hit the big drum at the bow with great force, "Dongdongdong," "Dongdongdong," and the drum sounded across the two sides and reached the sky. The players on the dragon boat made great efforts and swung their oars in a neat manner. Dozens of dragon boats shot out like arrows off the string. On the shore, people watching the game were shouting "Come on! Come on"... Some even spread out the banners they had brought with them, only to see two striking characters on them - Come on! The deafening cheers and eye-catching banners seemed to add strength to the players in the race. They rowed faster, and the water splashed on the river. Under the sun, the players were shiny, and could not tell whether it was sweat or water. It was almost the end of the race. The contestants tried their best to swing the double oars, hoping that their dragon boat would fly and run straight to the end of the race... "Di -" The whistle sounded, and the championship came into being at the end of the race. It was the red team. I jumped up with joy! People around are also immersed in joy!

My mother told me that the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival to commemorate Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet and writer of the Chu State, who was hurling into the Luojiang River. After listening to my mother's words, I thought: if Qu Yuan, a writer, had a spirit, he would be very happy to see this competition!

I'm looking forward to the Dragon Boat Festival next year.

Watching Dragon Boat Race (17)

Dragon boat racing is a unique folk activity of the Dragon Boat Festival in the Pearl River Delta. The cause of this activity is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a great poet in ancient China.

I was lucky to watch a dragon boat race this year. My father was free that day, so my family went to watch the dragon boat race. When I arrived at the dragon boat race site, the two sides of the bank were already crowded with onlookers. I saw a gap on the bridge and asked my family to squeeze through. The whole river is clear at a glance.

The dragon boat race began. Each dragon boat was like an arrow, rushing forward. Each dragon boat was tied with a lot of zongzi. Every step forward, someone on the dragon boat cut zongzi with a knife and threw them into the water. The speed of each dragon boat is equal to that of the other: after a while, No. 1 and No. 8 catch up.

Suddenly, the rowers seemed to gain strength, and the speed of each dragon boat was faster. At this time, the drummer began to beat the drum, and the rower immediately shouted rhythmically: "Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho." The Heavenly Lord seemed to come to cheer, and it began to drizzle. What a drum! voice! Cheers! The sound is deafening! rain! Sweat! River and water are compatible!

The speed of the dragon boat is getting faster and faster, as if the dragons are soaring in the river. Gradually, gradually. No. 1, No. 5 and No. 9 form the group. 100 meters! 50 meters! The end of 20 meters is getting closer and closer, and the power of No. 5 is breaking out uncontrollably! Leaving the two dragon boats far behind, and then crossing the line!

The dragon boat race is really a fierce competition!

Watching Dragon Boat Race (18)

Today is the fifth day of May, which is an annual event. The Dragon Boat Festival was established in memory of patriotic poets. On this day, people have folk customs such as eating zongzi and racing dragon boats. Today, our whole family came to the river to watch the dragon boat race. There are many people by the river. It was not easy for me to squeeze into the crowd. Standing in the crowd, I really felt the hot feeling of Tang Monk and his disciples entering the Flaming Mountain. When the host announced that the red team, the champion team of last year, appeared, the riverside immediately became boiling. After a while, all the teams came out, they were ready for the final preparations and were ready to go. When the referee gives an order, all the teams start together. There are seven teams participating in this competition. Their dragon boats are arranged in the order of rainbow colors. Some teams moved forward in accordance with the rhythm of the bow commander's drum beating, desperately moving forward, and all of a sudden they were ahead; However, some of them are in a hurry and end up in the end. As the saying goes, haste makes waste. The players on the river rowed hard, and the people watching the game on the river side were not idle. They kept shouting slogans of cheering, and the cheering became stronger and stronger. The contestants seemed to work harder and more energetic in the cheers of the audience. The voice of the commander beating the drum was deafening. The players cooperated with each other in a rhythmic manner, and the morale of all teams was high. The game is drawing to a close. For the players, it can be said that they have reached the stage of sprint. The audience held their breath. There was almost no breathing in the audience, only the beating of drums by the ship's commander. The red team is still leading, and the purple team at the last place starts to catch up. At this time, some audience could not help shouting loudly to cheer for the purple team, which also made the purple team more confident. Purple has exceeded five teams in a row, and has raised its ranking to the second place in one breath. Then the referee whistled, and the game ended with the whistle. In the end, the defending champion of the Red Team succeeded, and the Purple Team won the second place, setting a new record for the team. The audience was excited again, and encouraged the spirit of the purple team. The game is over, and time is passing quickly. Today, I watched a wonderful game and had a happy time.