Continue to write 600 words for the poor (20 practical articles)
Believe in yourself
2023-08-29 09:31:49

600 words for the poor (1)

Thirteen years had passed when Sonna opened the tent. In these 13 years, although their family had a very difficult life. I can only barely fill my stomach, but it is still satisfactory.

Years are merciless. The faces of fisherman and Sangna have been scarred by years, and their hands and feet are not flexible. But fortunately, the children are not ill. Nia and Al (children adopted by Sona and fishermen), like their five brothers, are tall and swarthy. When the children grew up, they went fishing with the fisherman every day and came back to have dinner with Sona at night. It is said to be eating, but in fact, it is black bread and fish. The days passed very quietly until one day... one morning, the soft sunlight shone through the hut. The cabin is warm and comfortable. That morning, Nia and Al went out to buy black bread, and the five brothers went fishing. At the moment, only Sona and the fisherman are left in the quiet hut.

"It's time to tell them who they really are! Anyway, they will know it then," said Sana.

"Hmm! But they are only fifteen years old! This fact is cruel to them!" said the fisherman, adding firewood to the stove.

"Are we going to cheat them forever? This fact!" Sonna was excited.

Suddenly, the door creaked, and the sound of hot brown bread falling on the ground was heard. What Sana and the fisherman worried about happened! It's Nia and Al standing outside the door! They were surprised, and tears filled their eyes. They went over, hugged the fisherman and Sona and said, "Thank you for taking me as your own son for 13 years. Thank you!"

After hearing that, Sonna held them more tightly, and then slowly said the past! The past is like smoke. Nia and Al listened to the past and didn't leave the fishermen. But I stayed here, only after that

The sun grew higher and higher, and bright sunlight shone into the house. Illuminated this brave moment

Grade 4: Huang Chaoyi

600 words for the poor (2)

Sonna brought Simon's two children home. There were seven children in the family. However, five children could not eat enough before, but could seven children still eat enough? The husband said, "Oh, the life was tight at first, but now it's good. There are two more mouths. Later, he will earn more money to support his family." So, the husband went out to fish an hour earlier in the morning than before, and Sona was also busy inside and outside, sewing and mending, in order to earn a small income. The happiest time for them is when they have a meal. They divide the black bread and look at the smiling faces of the children.

In the evening, the fisherman and Sonna watched seven lovely children fall asleep one after another and smiled involuntarily at their quiet and lovely faces. Sonna said, "Honey, the children have gone to bed. You are tired of fishing outside. Go to bed early. Let me mend this broken fishing net." The fisherman said, "Honey, it's not easy for seven children to be comforted at home. You are so tired, you'd better go to bed first. I... I'll go to bed after mending the net." "Honey, hurry up, go to bed early, there are many things to do tomorrow!" said Sangna.

As the days passed, they lived a life of fishing. Although it was hard, everyone was happy. However, one day, the husband suddenly fell ill, but there was no more money to treat him. What should I do? At this time, her neighbors knew about this, and when they saw that she was supporting other people's children and her husband was sick, they mobilized everyone to help them. This family will send some fish, that family will send some meat, and some families in good condition will send some money. Sangna's husband, who has money to cure her illness, finally gets better. When he recovered from his illness, the husband would return the things to others as long as he had enough to eat at home. Everyone said, "Such a person is a dignified person!"

Only those who help others will get help from others. Everyone for me, I for everyone, the world will be better!

Grade 5: Ren Tianlei

Continue to write 600 words for the poor (3)

"Look, they are here." Sonna opened the white and patched tent, and the fisherman looked at Simon's two children with light yellow hair and round little faces in the light. She blinked and smiled from time to time, as if dreaming. Sonna and the fisherman looked at the lovely child, and the long lost smile appeared on their faces.

On the second day, when the old clock struck the third sound hoarsely, the fisherman had already got up. He picked up the patched canvas and grabbed some pieces of black bread. When he was about to go out, he looked back at the children and put back some pieces of black bread. The cold wind was howling outside, and the surging waves hit the coast, splashing waves. The fisherman went out of the sea regardless of everything, Soon the five children woke up, and they found two more children beside them. "Eh, isn't this Aunt Simon's child? Why is it here?" A child asked. Sonna told them: "Children, Aunt Simon died and left two children. If we ignore them, they will freeze to death. After we adopt them, will you treat them well?" "Good." The children said with one voice, and then picked them up and played with them. Sonna was ready to cook, but there was not much black bread. Sonna took two pieces of black bread and put them in the water first, and then went out to look for wild vegetables. She wanted the children to eat black bread and eat wild vegetables by themselves. It was not long before it came to the evening. Although she didn't eat black bread, there were only one or two pieces left. Someone came in with a sound of "creak", The fisherman was holding a fish and a fishing net. "I finally got something this time!" The fisherman said of the fish, "Yes, but the black bread is almost gone!" Sonna sighed deeply. "Tomorrow, be a pawn. Don't let the children starve." The fisherman was helpless. "It's the only way." Sonna nodded.

In this way, the hard day has finally passed.

Grade 6: Chen Wangle

600 words for the poor (4)

When Sonna opened the tent, two children with golden curly hair came into the eyes of the fisherman. They were sweet and asleep, and their mouths moved, as if they had dreamed of something delicious.

Sona and the fisherman smiled heartily as they watched the two children sleep soundly. However, at the thought of Simon's death, they lost their parents' love at a young age. What a pity! What if they grow up, become sensible and know the truth?

Sangna and the fisherman thought for a long time, but they couldn't think of any good way to hide it. They had to hide it when they could. They went to Simon's house, buried Simon and returned to their home.

In the morning, two children with golden curly hair woke up. Sonna looked at them and ran to them, careful not to cry. Although I knew they were still young and didn't know their mother's death, I still looked at their faces. However, they didn't cry. They just looked at Sona blankly, yawned and slept again, probably because they hadn't felt so comfortable for a long time.

Sonna looked at it, relieved, and covered the two children with quilts

After a few years, the two children grew up, could walk and talk, and Sana and the fisherman were several years old.

Sana and the fisherman were very happy to see them playing happily. They thought they could bear the news of their mother's death, so they told them. When they heard this, the smiles on their faces broke, and tears dripped down one after another, wetting the earth. Sona and the fisherman thought they should calm down, so they left.

A few days later, a smile appeared on their faces, as if it was not they who were sad at that time. Sona and the fisherman both smiled.

In the next few decades, they went out to find jobs and earn money to support Sana and the fisherman. Although Sana and the fisherman were not their parents, they were touched by their parents' love, and from then on, they lived a happy life

Grade 6: Wu Yutong

Continue to write 600 words for the poor (5)

"Ah, they are!" said the fisherman.

"Yes, I brought them back when you went out. When I went out, I wanted to see if I could see your boat. When I couldn't see it, I thought of Simon, the sick female neighbor I wanted to visit in the evening. But when I found her dead, I thought: It's no good for two children to stay with a dead person, so I took them I came back. " Sona replied.

"Then you didn't think what my reaction would be?"

"I thought," replied Sonna, "I thought you would blame me and beat me because the five children at home could no longer afford to support you after I brought them back

"How come these two children are so pitiful that no one will take care of them once their mother dies. Now, the only person who can take care of them is us! We should take this responsibility!"

"Well, let's try our best!"

In this way, Sona and the fisherman give the best food and clothes to their five children and Simon's two children every day to keep them healthy. Day after day, year after year

Ten years later, the two children always thought that Sana was their own mother, but Sana never told the truth, fearing that the child's psychology would suffer a huge blow. Instead, she used only a little money for them to study, so that they could find a good job and let the family live a rich life. As for Sana and the fisherman, they still eat black bread and fish that are too small and too thin. So another ten years passed.

By this time, seven children had graduated from middle school and found good jobs. Now they live in a building, eat white bread, and have a variety of dishes. But Sona and the fisherman are gray haired. They look at their five children and Simon's two children, and their faces show happy smiles.

Grade 6: Xiao Zhao

600 words for the poor (6)

Sonna opened the tent, and there were seven children lying on the bed - five of them were her own children, and the other two were just Simon's two poor children. The fisherman looked at the two sleeping children and whispered to Sona, "So you have brought them back.". These two children are pathetic. Their parents are gone and they can't take care of themselves. It doesn't matter. I will work hard in the future. Even if I eat less food, I will bring them up. " Sonna smiled and said: Yes, these two children have no father or mother, one can't talk, and the other just can climb... They are too weak and need to be taken care of. In the future, we will regard them as our own children, and let them sleep, eat and play with our five children... No matter how hard it is, we have to bear it. " The fisherman nodded. The next morning, the children woke up, and Sonna picked them up to feed them. Simon's children smiled happily when they saw that Sonna was not strange, but they might not know that their mother had died. Sonna thought about it, and her eyes could not help but be moist. At noon, the children played together and waited for their father's return at night. After a while, the fisherman came back. He not only came back earlier than before, but also brought a lot of fish. He smiled: "Dear, I caught a lot of fish today, and met a noble man on the way. He is a rich man. Today, he wanted to go to the seaside to relax. When he saw the fish on my boat, he asked his staff to buy it for me, saying," I like fish best! " He bought me a fish for one dollar. He also said that this is deep-sea fish, healthy and nutritious, so he bought 20 at a time. I caught 29 fish at that time, but now there are still nine left. " Sonna was also very happy and hurriedly put the fish into the pot.

In the fisherman's cabin, Sana, the fisherman, and her seven children were happily having a big dinner. Simon and her husband can also smile!

Grade 6 of Changqiao Central Primary School: Huang Xin

600 words for the poor (7)

The Poor is a short story written by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. The text tells the story of the fisherman and his wife Sana taking the initiative to adopt her two children after the death of neighbor Simon, which truly reflects the miserable life of the fishermen under the autocratic system of Russia, and praises the good quality of the fisherman and Sana that they would rather suffer than help others. The following is a small editor who has sorted out the "600 words of excellent composition for the poor" for you. I hope it can help you.

Continuation of the 600 word excellent composition of The Poor 1

"Oh? You have brought them back?" The husband said happily, "Look, how lovely these two children are! With golden hair and deep big eyes, you see, how soundly they sleep! They may have been immersed in beautiful dreams. Although these two children are not ours, for the sake of their future and not to disappoint our neighbor Simon, we must cultivate them and contribute to society. " What makes Sangna more gratified is that his wife also has the good qualities of sympathizing with the poor, kind-hearted, and caring for others.

Since Sona and the fisherman raised these two children, life has become more difficult. Every day, the fisherman has to shoot more fish to support his family. But he has less rest time. Less than four hours of sleep time makes his body weak and gaunt day after day. Every day, he sits on the boat looking forward to the fish surfing the Internet. And Sangna is not idle. She also goes out every day to look for materials for making fishing tools, prepares enough fishing nets for her husband to catch fish, has to worry about her husband's safety, and has to manage seven children.

When the savings of a day are not enough, Sonna often sighs: "It's my fault. If it wasn't for me, could I become what I am now? But I can't go against my conscience!" The fisherman always says to her: "Although it's hopeless to become like this, bear with it, the day will pass, and we can save a little!" This sentence always inspires Sonna, She is also trying hard to get used to this lifestyle.

Day by day, Sana and the fisherman are getting old, and their children are growing up to become knowledgeable college students. Simon's two children have become promising under the careful care of Sana and the fisherman. Sana has never told them this secret, so that it can be kept forever

Continuation of the 600 word excellent composition of The Poor 2

Sonna opened the tent.

The two children slept soundly, like two sleeping angels. "Well done, Sonna!" Sonna covered her face and sat down on the chair painfully

The fisherman gently removed Sonna's hand covering her face, and his firm eyes reminded people not only of the rock on the beach! "Believe me, Sonna, we must get through it! We'd better make plans tomorrow!" The fisherman grabbed the bread on the shelf and shoved it into his mouth, then went to bed.

The fisherman went fishing early again. Sonna's oldest child can also help her do something. The children asked, "Mom, who are those two children? Sonna stopped her work and explained to the children," That's Aunt Simon's child. Aunt Simon was so sick. So God asked her to go to another place for treatment. "" Then what will they do? "Sonna sighed, Touch the head of the youngest child: "They will live with us in the future, you should treat them well!"

The older child immediately patted his chest and promised: "Mom, don't worry, we will take care of them, and I can help my mother do some work. Mom, you can take it easy!" Sonna nodded in satisfaction.

Perhaps because of the storm, the fisherman did not catch fish for several days. Sona is supporting the family. The fisherman's net is empty, so is Sonna's heart.

"Hey, Sona, look what I brought back!" "Come on, let me see." Before the words fell, a fish landed steadily on the shelf. " That's great. The dinner is finally settled. " Sonna quickly boiled the fish into fish soup. Everyone had delicious fish soup. Although not very full, it was enough.

Sana lies on the bed: Tomorrow, everything will be fine!

Continuation of the Excellent 600 Word Composition of Poor People 3

Look, they are here. " Sonna opened the tent.

"Hey! Sona, I thought you didn't want to bring Simon's child!" The fisherman said with surprise and joy, but he immediately frowned and said in a heavy voice: "But we have to live a harder life in the future, but we can always get through it. These two children are very poor. It's unfair for God to lose his mother at such a young age!"

After hearing this, Sonna looked at the two children with loving eyes and said sympathetically, "Well, you are right. These two children are really poor, so we should treat them as our own children."

The fisherman and Sangna turned their eyes to the two children, and there was another silence

In the early morning of the next day, the storm stopped, and the fisherman went out fishing with his mended fishing net. Sana is doing housework at home while waiting for the children to wake up.

Soon, the children woke up one after another. They found two strange children lying beside them. They opened their curious eyes and asked Sonna, "Mom, who are they?" Sonna just smiled and said, "You should treat them well!" The children nodded, and then played with Simon's children. Sonna smiled happily when she saw all this.

That night, the fisherman returned with a full load. After they finished their dinner, they gave all the delicious food to the children, and they ate the leftovers themselves, but they still felt very happy.

Life is just like this day by day

Continuation of the Excellent 600 Word Composition of Poor People 4

"Look, they are here." Sonna opened the tent.

"Oh, Sona, you have already brought them here. You have done a good job. Why didn't you tell me just now?"

"You've had enough of our five children. I'm afraid you won't agree to adopt them."

"How could it be! How could it be if the two children were not taken care of? As long as we work harder, we can always survive and support these two poor children."

The next day, it was sunny and sunny. The old clock struck four times with its thick, hoarse voice. In the morning, the surging waves still beat on the beach, and the weak sunlight shone into the fisherman's cabin. The fisherman went out fishing before dawn.

The children also divided their work. The eldest son and the second daughter went to the seaside to find some small fish and took them home to feed their younger brothers and sisters; The third daughter is responsible for helping Sona with the housework. They are careful not to break a bowl; The fourth daughter told them stories... Sana could not go out to work because she had to take care of the children, so she knitted sweaters at home. When fishermen can't go fishing, they go to the market to sell sweaters. They live like years, but enjoy it. Every day has passed like this.

One day, a big ship, a dilapidated ship, stopped in front of Sona's house. Suddenly, a faint groan came. Without much thought, Sona ran to the sound source. She saw a man struggling in the ruins. Sonna removed the weight from his body and pulled him out. The man was covered in bruises and bleeding. Sonna carried him home. There was no bandage at home, so Sona took down the tent again, cut it into small pieces, used it as the ribbon left by flowers, and fixed the gauze on the wound of the wounded. After a few days, the wounded were almost healed. Who knows that he is a millionaire in the city. He took Sona's family to the city, found a job for the fisherman, paid well, and gave them a house to live in.

From then on, they lived a happy life

Continue to write the excellent 600 word composition of The Poor 5

So you have already brought them back! " "Unexpectedly, I will go one step ahead of you." They smiled knowingly.

The next day, Sonna put the black bread on the table and picked up the children. The fisherman has gone fishing. Simon's two children cried for food when they got up. Sonna hurriedly gave them more than half of the food and left the rest for her children. Simon's child laughed, while his own child cried because he was not full. In fact, Sana and her husband did not eat for their seven children. At this time, a strong wind blew outside, and the sea rolled up huge waves. As soon as Sona left the house, she was blinded by the wind. She returned to the house and lost herself in thought. Her husband fought with the waves every day. She had to keep her hands and feet busy to barely fill her stomach. Now she has two more children, what should I do? At this time, the husband came back, he was wet all over, and the net was broken again.

"Why, the net is broken again?" Sonna asked. "Yes, my husband murmured that the wind was not stronger last time than today, which was really frightening." Sana said anxiously, "I was scared to death, too. Just wanted to go out to see you, the wind blew me back."

For several days, there was a strong wind on the sea, and the fisherman had to stay at home in a daze. Sonna thought in horror: There is only one meal of brown bread left at home, and my husband doesn't go fishing. Am I? What should I tell him? God, what should I do? It was time for dinner again. The fisherman asked Sonna, "Is dinner ready

Sonna said, "There are still seven dollars, and two people want to eat." "Then," said the fisherman, "I decided to let Simon's two children." "No!" Sonna cried, "Don't say any more, I beg you to let Simon's two children eat! I would rather not eat." "I think you misunderstood." The fisherman said, "My idea is that we should go on a diet and let Simon's children eat." Sangna laughed at this and said, "I never thought we would meet again."

Continue to write the excellent 600 word composition of The Poor 6

The fisherman saw the two children there. They were so young. As a result, the fisherman's determination to support them was even greater, and Sona's heart was calm.

A few years later, the child grew up and could read and read. However, they also want to be able to go to school like their children of the same age. They also know that their families are not well off, so it is good to survive. The fisherman and Sangna seemed to see what was on their minds and asked, "Wait, children. Your father and I will let you go to school, certainly." The two children cried. Yes, they lost their mother at a young age. The fisherman and Sangna adopted them. Now, the fisherman and Sangna are going to make efforts to let them go to school. Who doesn't cry about these things?

Sona and the fisherman became thinner, and they worked together from morning to night. The fisherman is the pillar of the family. During the day, he goes out to the sea to fish. At night, he goes to the field to work. Others work at sunrise and rest at sunset, while he works hard day and night. A few days later, his eyes were sunken and covered with blood. When the two children saw the fisherman's appearance, they felt as if they had done something wrong. Sangna is not idle at all. She is busy working day and night, because she feels that she must do what she promised her child.

A few months later, the two children went to school as they wished, but they were not happy because their father and mother were in bed. Although Sana is very ill, she still insists on cooking and washing for the children.

More than ten years later, the children are taller than Sonna. They have grown up and are able to support themselves. However, as soon as they thought of the fisherman and Sangna, they shed tears. They thought it was time to repay the fisherman. The two young men bought a gift and walked to the warm and comfortable fisherman's cabin. All the way, they recalled their memories. However, when they came to the door, they saw a sentence on the door: "The owner moves, and this house is for sale."

Continuation of Excellent 600 Word Composition of Poor People 7

"Hey! Sona, I thought you didn't want to take Simon's two children back!" The fisherman said with surprise and joy, but he frowned again and said in a heavy voice: "But we have to live a more difficult life, but we will get through it. These two children also listen to pity, and lost their mother so early, hey!"

After listening, Sonna looked at the two children with kind eyes and said sympathetically, "Well, you are right. These two children are really poor. We should treat them like our children."

At the same time, the fisherman and Sonna turned their eyes to the two children, and there was another silence.

It was another cold night, and Sonna was sitting beside the stove, mending the broken rain nets. The room is still so clean, the tableware is shining on the shelf, and the fire in the stove has not been extinguished. The old clock struck dumb ten or eleven times... The fisherman hasn't come back yet. Sonna listened to the voice of the storm: "Where is he now? God, bless him, save him, and be merciful!" She said to herself as she crossed her chest.

Suddenly, the door creaked, and the fisherman came back. The burly and swarthy fisherman dragged the wet fish net and said, "Hey, Sona, I'm back. Look how many fish I caught today." Then he lifted the fish up.

"I caught so many fish today, which is the most fish I have ever seen. God is finally merciful." Sonna said happily.

"Yes, God is finally willing to be merciful, and the children don't have to go hungry these days." The fisherman put the rain net beside the fire and said to Sona, "Go to bed early, and cook more food for the children tomorrow, so that they can replenish their nutrition."

"You go to bed first. I'll tidy up the fish, and then fill some rain nets, and then go to bed," said Sangna.

From that day on, fishermen will catch fish every day, and if something happens, they will fish out several cultural relics. Slowly, their family became richer and richer. They changed from fishermen to businessmen

Continue to write the excellent 600 word composition of The Poor 8

When Sonna opened the tent, the fisherman saw the two orphans sleeping soundly, and felt very warm in his heart, like a warm current seeping into my heart, which made me have a lot of memories.

The next day, Sonna looked at the seven small heads in front of the bed and hesitated. She didn't know how to explain to them when they woke up. Suddenly, the oldest child opened his eyes in a daze and rolled over to the left, only to meet Simon's two orphans. He woke up completely, jumped up immediately, and asked his mother: "Mom, who are those two little brothers?" Before Sona could explain, the child said: "I know, it's our new baby brother that our mother gave us at night." After that, he woke up the remaining children immediately to amuse Simon's two orphans. Sonna thought: Let them always think that the two poor orphans are my children.

In the evening, the fisherman came back. "How was the fish?" Sona went to comfort her. "There are too many people fishing today. My fishing net is too broken. All the big fish have broken the net and escaped. This is the only thing left --" said the fisherman, pointing to the bucket in his hand -- only a few small catfish left. At dinner, the fisherman took these little catfish and divided them, which was not enough. Finally, the fisherman and Sonna saved it for the two orphans.

The days passed by like this.

As time goes by, more than ten years have passed in a twinkling of an eye. The children have grown up and have made contributions to their careers. It is up to them to show filial piety to the fisherman and Sangna.

So they took turns living at the home of seven children, and the children were also filial to their parents. When it was the turn of the two orphan families, the fisherman and Sangna felt that they had grown up and should not hide from them any more, so they called them and said meaningfully to them, "Son, actually you are not my own son." They were stunned, and the fisherman and Sangna told them the truth. They were silent.

After a while, they said, "Mom and Dad, no matter when, you will always be the father and mother who gave birth to me and raised me!"

600 words for the poor (8)

One day, after Sona and the fisherman adopted Simon's two children, life became more difficult. Every day, the fisherman had to go out to catch enough fish; Sana takes care of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of seven children every day. Although the children are very sensible, hardworking and obedient, Sana still has to work hard and is exhausted every day.

In this way, the days passed day by day, and Sangna and the fisherman became poor day by day. Finally, one cold morning, they were forced to sell their house and wander around with their seven children.

One day, they came to a big city. On the way, it was cloudy, and no one helped them. They were exhausted and sallow. So they went begging from door to door. However, it is God's will that others either kick them out or pour cold water on them, which is really horrible. At that moment, a white haired old man with broken hands and lame legs limped up and said, "Good man, give alms, save my poor old man? We have nothing to eat. How can we give it to him? What about our seven children? " The husband said slowly, it seemed that he could not decide. "Our child... forget it... let it be... Don't worry about it. The old man is too poor. After all, he is an old man. He has lived for most of his life and has to endure cold and hunger. How can he do that?" Sonna turned to the old man and said, "Come on, we only want this black bread. Take it! ”The old man nodded hurriedly, thanked again and again, and hurried away.

In the next few days, they had no clothes and no food. They thought that as long as there was food, no matter pig food or dog food, they would be satisfied if they could eat it... In this way, their family starved and frozen for three days and three nights, and finally fainted on a snowy morning

"...... Oh......" Sana and the fisherman woke up and saw the old man and a young man who begged for them that day. It turned out that the old man was a rich man and wanted to find a kind-hearted housekeeper. So he disguised himself as a poor man and went begging, only to meet them

In this way, Sangna became the butler of the millionaire's family, and the family lived a happy and happy life

600 words for the poor (9)

Several years later, although Simond's two children have grown up, the Sonna family has always lived a hard life. The seven children are not small, and they have shared the pressure for the two parents. But the amount of food for the seven children cannot be ignored. This has brought a lot of pressure to her husband and Sonna.

The husband worked from morning to night, but still could barely fill his stomach. Life was very hard and the furnishings were very simple. Every morning, three men and their father go fishing. The smaller ones go to the market with their mother to sell fish and vegetables. The youngest child can only stay at home.

In the winter of that year, everyone went out to work, leaving only the youngest child, Sibella (who started by himself). The cold wind whistled that night, and it snowed heavily. The whole world seemed to be engulfed by the storm. Only the sound of the raging wind knocked on the window. Sibella listened to the cold wind while waiting for her family to come back. She said to herself, "God, please bless my family and let them come back safely." She thought for a while, opened the door, and a strong cold wind came to her face. She shivered out of the door. At this time, a dark shadow suddenly appeared. He put something on the ground and hurried away. She walked in and exclaimed in surprise, "Ah, it's a child!" What should I do now? I'd better take it back first. She picked up the baby and hurried home. She looked at the child and felt uneasy: What would everyone say? Is this for fun? It's enough for everyone Everyone is back No, not yet Why did you bring him back Everyone will scold and blame me! That deserves it. I do things by myself Well, give me a scolding!

Then the father came back and said, "I'm back." "Oh, you're back." She replied with a guilty heart, and then said, "Just now, a noble threw away a newborn baby, maybe it's a face." "Oh, really?" The father frowned, became solemn, worried, and Gary was filled with tension. "Well, it's a problem. I have to bring him back. It's really hard to feel cold and snowy!" "Why, Sibella, don't you want to go?" "Look, here are the special people." She opened the tent and looked at her father who happened to be the same, laughing happily.

600 words for the poor (10)

At this time, a sudden change occurred, and a crack appeared in the fisherman's net! The last scene the fisherman wanted to see appeared, and the fisherman thought: Am I going to die No, I can't die! My wife and my seven children are still waiting for me to go home for dinner! I must not die! I will defeat that hateful big fish But, but... can I really defeat it? God Jesus, bless me! Just when the fisherman thought he was going to be buried at the bottom of the sea, the natural enemy of the big fish ran out, and the big fish was surprised and caught. And the natural enemy of the big fish was also stunned, very surprised how the "food" suddenly disappeared? As a result, he was caught by the fisherman when he was stunned. The fisherman looked at the two big fish he harvested today, and he could hardly close his mouth! Meanwhile, Sangna has been mending the dilapidated tent at home without stopping.

After the tent was repaired, Sonna used those extra silk threads to weave cloth. Sonna weaves the cloth carefully one stitch at a time. Every stitch strives for perfection, hoping to sell it at a good price. However, careful Sangna accidentally pricked her hand. Two drops of blood fell from her fingers. Two drops of blood fell on the white one and turned into two gorgeous and dazzling plum blossoms. The white cloth set off the red plum blossom, which was very beautiful. Seeing that the trick had turned out to be a perfect one, Sangna added a few more words and turned it into a gorgeous and dazzling "Blood Plum Diagram". Sangna saw that the plum flowers in the blood plum picture were exquisite and vivid, and the delicate petals seemed to be fragile and tottering, making people love them more. Looking at the masterpiece she accidentally made, Sonna was very happy and thought that the painting would certainly sell for a good price!

The couple sold today's achievements. The fisherman sold two big fish and a few small fish and got more than thirty silver coins. Sangna also sold the "Blood Plum Diagram" she met. Just as a lady saw that she liked it very much, she gave thirty silver coins to buy it. In such a day, I earned sixty or seventy silver coins! This is the living expenses of their family for a whole year! Therefore, they bought a shop that specializes in fish and cloth, and their business gradually prospered and their family became rich. However, although they are rich, the fisherman and Sangna still do not forget to do charity, and they have opened several orphanages and hope primary schools! In this way, the fisherman and Sangna could not help making their families rich with their own hands, but also helped more poor orphans to live a happy and healthy life

600 words for the poor (11)

"So you have already" brought them here! " There was a smile on the fisherman's mouth. " "Yes, I thought you would mind." Sonna took a shabby quilt and covered Simon's two children.

The next day, Sana and the fisherman got up early in the morning. The fisherman drove the boat to the sea. Sana sewed and mended at home, and took the sewn things to the city for some black bread. In this way, when going out to sea to catch fish every morning and returning at night, Sana takes care of the children and sews and mends, life gets harder and harder.

Unconsciously, it has passed, although the children have been able to help the fisherman and Sonna do a lot of things. However, the fisherman and Sonna's faces are at least covered with lines like knives, and their hands and feet are not very flexible. Simon's two children are also as tall and burly as other children, and life is still difficult.

Until one day, the sun shines into this small house, and the house is warm and comfortable. The ground was swept clean. Sona's five children went fishing, while Simon's two children went to buy black bread. Only the fisherman and Sona were left at home.

"Tomorrow is Simon's death day, and it's time to tell them the two true identities," said Sonna.

"Well, they are not even 16 years old, which is cruel to them," said the fisherman, adding wood to the stove.

"Are we going to cheat them forever? They are Simon's children!" Sonna was a little excited.

Suddenly, the door creaked. The last thing Sona and the fisherman wanted to see happened. Simon's two children rushed to embrace Sona and the fisherman. "So you raised us as your own children." Simon's two children left tears of gratitude.

After listening, Sonna hugged more tightly, and then slowly talked about the past. The past was like smoke. Simon's two children did not leave after listening, but stayed, only from then on

The sun shines higher and higher, illuminating this moving moment

600 words for the poor (12)

"Hey! Sona, I thought you didn't want to take Simon's two children back!" The fisherman said with surprise and joy, but he frowned again and said in a heavy voice: "But we have to live a more difficult life, but we will get through it. These two children also listen to pity, and lost their mother so early, hey!"

After listening, Sonna looked at the two children with kind eyes and said sympathetically, "Well, you are right. These two children are really poor. We should treat them like our children."

At the same time, the fisherman and Sonna turned their eyes to the two children, and there was another silence.

It was another cold night, and Sonna was sitting beside the stove, mending the broken rain nets. The room is still so clean, the tableware is shining on the shelf, and the fire in the stove has not been extinguished. The old clock struck dumb ten or eleven times The fisherman has not returned yet. Sonna listened to the voice of the storm: "Where is he now? God, bless him, save him, and be merciful!" She said to herself as she crossed her chest.

Suddenly, the door creaked, and the fisherman came back. The burly and swarthy fisherman dragged the wet fish net and said, "Hey, Sona, I'm back. Look how many fish I caught today." Then he lifted the fish up.

"I caught so many fish today, which is the most fish I have ever seen. God is finally merciful." Sonna said happily.

"Yes, God is finally willing to be merciful, and the children don't have to go hungry these days." The fisherman put the rain net beside the fire and said to Sona, "Go to bed early, and cook more food for the children tomorrow, so that they can replenish their nutrition."

"You go to bed first. I'll tidy up the fish, and then fill some rain nets, and then go to sleep," said Sangna.

From that day on, fishermen will catch fish every day, and if something happens, they will fish out several cultural relics. Slowly, their family became richer and richer. They changed from fishermen to businessmen

600 words for the poor (13)

Opening the tent, seven children were sleeping soundly! The room was silent. "It's OK, just eat less! It's no big deal. We can get through it!"

The next day, Cent (her husband's name) came to the seaside. On one side of the sea, it seems that someone is walking towards the deep sea. The husband hurriedly walked away. It turned out that it was a man who was committing suicide. Cent hurriedly pulled him back to the shore. The young man insisted on going to the sea. In this way, Cent saved him twice.

After talking with him, Senter learned that this young man was a billionaire, and he came here to commit suicide. The young man said to Cent, "You saved my life. In order to thank you, I can satisfy your wish!" Cent said, "If you really want to thank me, you can build a factory that belongs to me.".

Cent said goodbye to the young man and told Sona the good news. Sonna was very happy. Within a few days. Cent received a letter:

Hello, sir. I am Mr. Huote, the housekeeper of the young man you saved that day. Please come to Hong Kong with your family to run your own factory. The train ticket is ready for you. Please come here quickly.

Cent felt below, there were nine train tickets. They immediately packed their things and prepared to go to Hong Kong

Twenty years later, seven children of Cent became famous figures. And Cent has become one of the top entrepreneurs.

One day, Cent and two of his "children" went to play on a high mountain together. When he came to the cliff, Cent sat on the edge. The two "children" sat next to their "father Cent".

"In fact, I shouldn't call you a child. You are actually Simon's child..." Senter said, and the cliff was silent.

Long time. The two children left in silence, feeling speechless in their hearts

Five years later, one day, when the happy Sent couple were reading the newspaper, "two chairmen of Shanghai's first entrepreneur appeared in the media". They looked closely at Simon's children

600 words for the poor (14)

The Poor continued 600 words

[Chapter 1]

"Look, they are here." Sonna opened the tent. The fisherman smiled at Sona, but then frowned again. "But how can we support these seven children?" Sonna said as if she had seen through her husband's mind; "Why don't I go and work as a maid for others?" The fisherman didn't say anything. "Don't worry, I won't ignore the children." Sonna continued. The fisherman frowned and said, "Tell me more."

In the early morning of the next day, Sana's little daughter Sally woke up and saw two little brothers saying, "Why is the neighbor's little brother here.

In this way, the two children lived in Sona's house, but as the days passed, the problem became more and more serious. The fisherman's income from fishing was very small, and it was difficult to support the family. Sona and the fisherman left all the food they could eat for the children, and they often went hungry.

In summer, an old man came to the beach. When he walked on the beach, he could not open his eyes because of the strong sunlight, and the sand under his feet was also emitting heat. As he walked, she suddenly fainted on the beach. Sonna saw him, immediately carried the old man into the house, helped him drink some water, and gave him the only pieces of black bread at home to fill his hunger. When the old man woke up, he took some banknotes out of his pocket and handed them to Sonna, who resolutely put them back into the old man's hands. The old man was puzzled and asked: "You are so poor, why don't you keep it?" Sangna said: "We are poor, but saving people is a moral right of a person. We can't ask for your money. We will be happy to see you wake up." "Would you like to be my housekeeper?" The old man asked.

It turned out that the old man was very rich and was the owner of a large manor nearby. He wanted to find a kind-hearted housekeeper to help him take care of the manor, and he also proposed to buy a lot of fish from fishermen.

In this way, Sona and her husband have been helping the old man take care of his manor, and gradually changed their very poor living conditions. They learned a truth: no matter how hard life is, no one can become poor in thought. Only poverty in thought is real poverty.

[Chapter 2]

Sangla opened the tent. The fisherman picked up the lantern and saw two little orphans with golden hair and round faces.

"So you have brought them back?" the fisherman asked in bewilderment.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I took it upon myself to bring back Simon's child without your consent. Oh, I'm afraid you will beat me!"

"How come? You did a good job. How could I beat you, Sona?"

After listening to this, Sonna looked at the fisherman affectionately, as if she had put down a heavy stone, smiled slightly, and stroked the two children gently.

"Don't worry, Sona, as long as we fish harder, God will bless us. I believe the days will not be very hard, and we will survive."

"Well, yes."

"Well, you are also tired. Go to bed quickly." The fisherman patted Sonna on the shoulder. Sonna put down her work, turned off the light, and went to sleep in peace. In her dream, she saw the fisherman go out to sea and return with a full load. The children lived a healthy and warm life.

The next morning, the soft sunlight fell into the hut, and the room looked very warm. The children woke up. When the two orphans saw that they were in a different place and their mother was missing, they burst into tears. Sanna had to coax them into saying, "Be good, honey, your mother has gone to work in other places to earn money. You should be good, you know." The two children seemed to understand that and immediately calmed down.

The fisherman rowed a small fishing boat and waved to Sona and the children: "Don't worry! Children, Sona, I will not disappoint you, wait for my good news

Sana takes care of the seven children, tidies up the house and cleans it completely. The tableware is shining on the shelf. She patiently waits for her husband to come back

The naughty sun was tired of playing and hid behind the mountain quietly. Sona lingered outside the door, anxiously waiting for her husband to return.

"Hi, Sona, I'm back!" The fisherman was coming from afar. He smiled, and the fish on the boat were alive and kicking, too many to hold any more. "You see, we have succeeded. God bless us. Let's take it!"

"Ha ha ha." The family smiled happily. The fisherman picked up the two orphans with one hand, looked at them, and smiled happily

The red sun is witnessing everything. He also smiled kindly. How bright and warm the smile was, which meant that their family would be more happy.

[Chapter 3]

The fisherman said to Sangna, "Sangna, you have brought them here long ago!"

Sonna smiled: "I'm afraid you'll beat me! It's good that you and I want to go together."


The old clock growled in a hoarse voice for twelve times. Sana and her husband cleaned up and slept happily beside the children.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning walked on seven children, calling for a beautiful day. The fisherman carefully got out of bed for fear of waking his wife and seven children.

When we came to the coast, the sea water walked calmly. There was no trace left by yesterday's storm on the calm sea. Under the dawn, yesterday's scene was just like a nightmare. As soon as I woke up, everything would be fine.

The fisherman put on his fishing net and set sail again.

When so many people woke up in the room, seven small heads surrounded Sonna. Sonna asked, "Today, are you listening to the story of Fisherman and the Demon King, or are you listening to the story of Farmers and Rabbits?

Simon's son beat him to "talk": "ah ah ah ah!" The other children listened, clapped their hands and shouted, "Listen to the little brother, he called twice, let's listen to the second story!"

Sonna smiled knowingly, and her sweet voice began to ring in the hut

In the afternoon, the fisherman came back early. Sangna was a little disappointed and asked in surprise: "His father, can't he catch fish? Why did he come back so early?"

The fisherman's smile could no longer be concealed. He said happily, "Ha ha, dear, I'm lucky today. I caught nets of fish one after another! I sold the fish at the market for a lot of money!" The fisherman raised his purse and shook it. The crisp crash of the coins was really exciting. "Look, I left a lot of fish for the children!"

Sonna ran towards the fisherman's open bag. The plump fish were bouncing up and down. Her face could not help laughing. She said to the fisherman, "Ha, there are so many! Why don't you reward the children and make a meal of braised fish? Yes, that's it!"

Due to the scarcity of seasonings, children can't remember when they last ate braised fish in brown sauce. So, as soon as we saw the braised fish tonight, everyone rushed to grab the delicious fish.

After a full meal, everyone went to bed in the light sound of the old bell. A ray of moonlight shines through the window lattice on the sweet sleeping faces of the family of nine

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600 words for the poor (15)

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"Look, they are here." Sonna opened the tent. The fisherman was surprised and said, "I knew you wouldn't abandon them, but..." The two were lost in thought: now there are two more children, how can we live in the future? "That's right!" Sonna suddenly said: "Our neighbor Simon is still..." "That's right!" The fisherman patted the back of his head and said: "Maybe we should bury her at sea!". The fisherman picked it up and put it on the beach. "Just let her float away with the sea, she is really poor!" The sauna said, and he also drew a cross on his chest. "May God bless her!" said the fisherman.

The next day, a red sun rose slowly, and the fisherman and Sana were awakened by the cry of the "wuwu" child. It was Simon's child. When one child was crying, the other six children were awakened. The children all cried, and the cry was deafening. The fisherman quickly took out a fist sized piece of black bread from the kitchen, and each one just divided a small piece of black bread. Fortunately, those children were very sensible. Although they had just been able to fill their stomachs, they didn't make any noise. One of Sonna's older children asked questioningly, "Mom, why is Aunt Simon's child in our house?" Sonna could not bear to tell the children the news of Simon's death, so she said to the children: "My child, Aunt Simon is going out for a few days, will you play with them later?" "OK!" The children answered in unison, and their childlike faces smiled. At this time, it's time for fishermen to go fishing. Everything seems to be the same as usual, but a little different.

A few years later, the tsarist system has been abolished, and the life of the peasants has gradually become rich. Sona's children have grown up, but the fisherman and Sona are old. Fortunately, their children are also very diligent, and Simon's two children also help Sonna clean and mend all day long. Gradually, Sangna's family became more and more affluent. Every year, in addition to the necessary expenses, there was still money left. From then on, their family lived happily together.

Grade 6: Li Shumin

600 words for the poor (16)

The first thing I saw when I opened the tent was seven children, two of whom had light yellow and curly hair and round faces. They were the children of the deceased Simon. Their breathing was even and calm, and apparently they were sleeping soundly. The children's world is always unique, and no one can guess their thoughts. However, their two children will face a severe test. From then on, they became orphans

At dawn the next day, the fisherman dragged his old fishing net to catch fish. Time passed slowly until evening, when a familiar voice broke the silence of the evening. Sonna, I'm back. Today's harvest is really great. I've caught a lot of fish. Now the children have a good taste. " The fisherman smiled and said, "Great, now the children have something to eat." Sonna said happily.

The dinner was ready. Sona, the fisherman's five children and Simon's two children were happily eating a light dinner. Although it was not very good, it was the most delicious dinner in their hearts. The seven children ate contentedly. The fisherman and Sonna saw this scene and smiled knowingly. The old clock struck again and again hoarsely. It was not until very late that the fisherman and Sonna took care of the seven children before they fell asleep at ease

Day after day, year after year, and in the twinkling of an eye, more than twenty years have passed. They have grown up and each has his own work. The eldest, the second, and the third have become the big boss of selling fish, the fourth and the fifth have become doctors, the sixth and the seventh have become scientists. The seven of them are as kind as fishermen and Sona, and often help others, They made an appointment to go home to visit the fisherman and Sona every Father's Day and Mother's Day.

One day, seven of them went to visit the fisherman and Sana together, and helped the fisherman go fishing. They cooked a lot of dishes for the fisherman and Sangna. Although they did not do a good job, it contained their seven hearts and love. Nine of them were sitting in the living room happily enjoying a delicious dinner. From then on, the fisherman's family lived a happy and happy life.

600 words for the poor (17)

Since Sona and the fisherman raised these two children, life has become more difficult. Every day, the fisherman has to shoot more fish to support his family. But he has less rest time. Less than four hours of sleep time makes his body weak and gaunt day after day. Every day, he sits on the boat looking forward to the fish surfing the Internet. And Sangna is not idle. She also goes out every day to look for materials for making fishing tools, prepares enough fishing nets for her husband to catch fish, has to worry about her husband's safety, and has to manage seven children.

When the savings of a day are not enough, Sonna often sighs: "It's my fault. If it wasn't for me, could I become what I am now? But I can't go against my conscience!" The fisherman always says to her: "Although it's hopeless to become like this, bear with it, the day will pass, and we can save a little!" This sentence always inspires Sonna, She is also trying hard to get used to this lifestyle.

Day by day, Sana and the fisherman are getting old, and their children are growing up to become knowledgeable college students. Simon's two children have become promising under the careful care of Sana and the fisherman. Sana has never told them this secret, so that it can be kept forever

600 words for the poor (18)

"What a lovely child!" said the fisherman, looking at Simon's two orphans. "Yes, such lovely children... Alas, they are so small, but they have such a sad fate. Fortunately, Simon Zhang Luo is good, and the children are still healthy. In addition to being cold and hungry, they are a little thin." Sonna followed the fisherman's words, and was silent again. Suddenly, Sangna sat on the chair weakly, covered her tearful face with her two hands that had been rough by life, and said: "We... what should we do?... what should we take... what should we give them to eat, what should we take care of them?... how can we... how can we raise them up? ... You should know how poor we are... "She could not say any more. The fisherman patted Sangna on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry. I'm standing by. You and I can feed them both with a little food. All right, don't cry, don't cry, we will get through it! There are always more ways than difficulties." "Well, in order to feed them, we must hold on!" At the same time, their eyes were shining with hope, no no no That is a firm look, not to be defeated by life ambition!

The next day, just after dawn, the fisherman drove his boat out to sea against the sea fog. Sonna's children woke up, and two orphans were crying to find their mother. Sonna came over, held the two children in her arms, and comforted them, saying, "Don't cry, don't cry, I'm your mother!" Sonna's five children wisely broke the black bread into small pieces and fed them into their mouths. Sonna looked at her sensible children, Showed a bright smile

600 words for the poor (19)

In the future, Sangna's family will be more difficult. In order to feed her seven children, Sangna and her husband often have a hard time. On this day, the cold wind outside the house was howling, and the surging waves beat against the shore, splashing waves. The sea was blustery, and it was dark and cold outside. Sona's hair was messy, and her eyes were full of panic and anxiety. Her husband had not returned home for two days, and the seven children also felt unprecedented fear. She thought uneasily: He must not be busy! Is this for fun? What about seven children The children are too young to work. I can't support them alone He must not be busy!

Sonna stood up, wrapped a thick scarf around her head, and went out with the lantern. He stood on tiptoe and looked at the sea desperately. She wanted to see if the light on the lighthouse was on and if her husband's boat could be seen. Suddenly, a small boat floated on the dark sea. Sonna shouted happily, "Husband!"! Husband! This! Shouting and waving to the boat. The boat drifted closer and closer, and Sona felt uneasy. Suddenly, he saw that there was no one in the boat. Her smile froze there and began to tremble. She was sure again that it was her husband's boat, and it was indeed. Like a thunderbolt, she was wandering in the happy clouds just now, but now she fell into the bottomless abyss. She threw herself to the ground, pounded the ground with her fists, and many big tears fell on the ground. She cried: "Death! Don't hurt my husband..." Unconsciously, it began to rain cats and dogs, and raindrops hit her body, What a "miserable" word!

She walked home and sat on the chair, looking dull, thinking about the future of life. The morning sun penetrated the window, and she was still immersed in the sadness of losing her husband. She started a hopeless life again.

In the days after that, Sonna found a job and locked the children at home every day to survive. Later, when the children reached the age of school, Sonna worked hard to earn money and let the children go to school for decades.

In a twinkling of an eye, twenty years later, Sona has white hair, and the children have grown up. The children have achieved something, and she can enjoy it. Sonna sat in the rocking chair, wearing a pair of glasses, doing sewing. At this time, she remembered the past and could not help feeling. Ah! It's really happy now!

Sonna and the children finally lived a happy life.

600 words for the poor (20)

The next day, Simon's little son woke up. His cry woke up the fisherman and Sana who had worked hard all day, and also woke up the other six children. Sonna got up quickly and held the baby in her arms. Simon's eldest child also got out of bed. The two children looked at her with a few threads of fear, doubt and anger in their eyes. Sonna said to them gently, "Your mother has gone to a far, far place. Now, take me as a mother first!" The two children nodded vaguely.

After breakfast, the fisherman went fishing again. Sonna let the children play in the house. She came to Simon's house and buried him. In front of the neighbor's tomb, Sonna planted several nameless white flowers.

On the fisherman's side, he hit an ancient bottle, which contained the devil. After a struggle, the fisherman successfully subdued the devil, and sealed the devil in the ancient bottle again, which was later compiled into a story called Fisherman and the Devil. After another fishing, my uncle caught a lot of fish.

The children had a good time in the house. Even if there were only some grass and flowers, they still had a good time.

Before lunch, the fisherman went home early. He selected some big fish and made a pot of fish soup. Simon's little son suddenly yelled, pointing at a big fish and wriggling his body. The fisherman fished the fish out. As a result, he just opened the fish's belly and a big gem fell out. The jewel rolled on the ground and smelled of fish soup.

At this time, the tsar was furious: "Where is my heart of the sea?" The ministers were frightened.

A few days later, the fisherman exchanged precious stones for a lot of money from the czar. The money was enough for them to build a mansion in the original place and live a rich life!

Decades have passed, and the seven children have grown up. One morning, Sonna drank a bowl of fish soup. After she had eaten, she fell asleep peacefully