Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (17 recommended)
Contentment is bliss
2024-01-09 00:00:57

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (1)

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring is a warm season. In spring, everything recovers and birds sing and flowers smell; Summer is a hot season, we usually eat cold drinks; Autumn is the harvest season, we can eat delicious fruit; Winter is a cold season. We usually turn on the air conditioner and watch TV at home. Among them, I think autumn is the best season in the four seasons. Next, I will tell you why I think autumn is the best season in the four seasons.

Autumn is beautiful, everything is beautiful. In autumn, the fields are full of golden rice ears, which are extremely beautiful.

As soon as you enter the field, you will be impressed by the beautiful scenery in front of you. When I first entered the field, what I saw must be a high, rolling mountain. As soon as you climb up the mountain, you can see the endless fields as beautiful as fairyland, as well as the most conspicuous thing - golden rice ears. When you see the golden ears of rice, you must go to see them closely. They are so beautiful. All of them are like students who haven't graduated, some of them are too high; Some are short and exaggerated

What you see are golden rice ears, but you don't know how much hard sweat there is behind these rice ears! You don't know how hard the farmers worked when the rice ears were not ripe. Every day, I got up early and ran to work in the fields for four or five hours. I still refused to leave. It is conceivable how hard it is!

In fact, the campus scenery in autumn is also beautiful. The graceful willow trees, the indomitable pine trees... will certainly open your eyes. Your indomitable pine trees are guarding our school like a strict soldier; The slim willow tree looks like a shy girl washing her hair.

The beautiful scenery and orchard in autumn, where all the fruits are sweet and delicious.

This is the autumn in my eyes. Now it's your turn. What is autumn like in your eyes?

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (2)

Autumn, gradually cool, wind with frost. Several autumn winds rustled, more floating.

I arrived at my grandma's house in the countryside by bus last night. In order to enjoy the morning scenery of the mountain village, I got up early this morning and set foot on the field path behind the village with good mood.

Surrounded by the smell of soil, mixed with the fragrance of flowers and plants, it is refreshing. The dewdrops on the grass leaves are like crystal, round and bright, which makes people can't help touching them. At this time, they are like naughty children. Some of them jump onto my trouser legs, some of them get into my shoes and play hide and seek with me. After walking across the ridge, I looked down and found that my pants and shoes were all wet.

"One grain of millet planted in spring, and ten thousand seeds harvested in autumn." The autumn wind brushed the rice fields, fruit trees, and people's mood. Large golden waves in the rice fields fluctuate. Bursts of rice fragrance spread to the distance. The orchard is heavy, and the aroma of fruit and rice is brewing together.

Unconsciously, I came to the small river at the foot of the back mountain. I looked at the clear river. There were water plants floating in the river. The large washing stones beside the river were very friendly. I remember that when I was in primary school, every summer vacation, I would go to my grandma's house on time for vacation. At that time, the most enjoyable game I played with the children in the village was catching fish and crabs in the river.

"The withered vines, the old trees, the crows, the small bridges, the flowing water, and the people." The autumn wind was bleak, and the fallen leaves reluctantly left the branches, falling in two pieces, swaying on the water like that, which made my eyes bright. I looked at it slightly, and the veins of the leaves spread freely among the leaves. I understood the meaning in a moment, which is the interpretation of complete life

After saying goodbye to the river, I set out for the mountains again. The sun rushed into the forest, shining dew and mist. The breeze led me to the top of the mountain warmly, holding my sleeve.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the river looks like a long white scarf, elegant and dusty; The fields are green and the farmers are busy; The village is shaded by green trees and smoke curls from the kitchen. What a mountain village landscape painting!

Autumn in my hometown, you are in my eyes and also in my heart.

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (3)

Unconsciously, autumn has quietly come to our side.

The fallen leaves danced and fell from the air to the Mother Earth. It turns into green manure, moistens big trees and makes them more prosperous.

Autumn is the season when fruits mature. In the garden, the apples have already turned red. It seems that they are angry that people have not yet come to pick the pool. The sun shines through the leaves, which is more attractive; The orange is not willing to be outdone. Its golden face is hanging on the branches, attracting people.

Autumn is a cool season. In the sky, white clouds are floating and the cool wind is blowing, which makes the blue sky more blue, like the sea, vast and broad. People no longer hold fans and fan desperately. The cool wind has driven away the heat.

Autumn is the season when animals return to the south. Dayan, you have packed your luggage. Spread your wings, jump your legs and fly to the sky, starting the journey of returning to the south. Swallows also fly to the south and drive into their hometown.

Autumn is the harvest season for farmers. The sorghum had already bent over and bowed humbly to the people. The farmer uncles were cutting wheat with knives, as if they had smelled the smell of bread. It is a harvest season for rice to put on a golden coat and drag a long flower skirt and stand firmly in the field.

Autumn girl came to the woods, the orchard, the fields, and everything became busy: the leaves were busy falling, the farmers were busy picking fruit, busy cutting rice,... Although busy, it was all happy and happy.

Autumn is a happy season. Peasant uncles are enjoying the joy of harvest, their faces are filled with happy smiles, and the fallen leaves are enjoying the joy of nourishing the mother tree. The children are bathed in the sun, swinging in the sun, enjoying the warmth and tenderness of the sun. Happiness is a kind of joy.

Running in the sun, enjoying the cool under the eaves, green leaves falling, the weather turns cool, picking fruit, autumn, so happy, leisurely, busy.

Autumn is very short, I do not know when, and quietly left, but also so happy.

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (4)

Autumn, with fallen leaves and withered branches, seems to be a very bleak season, but if we look and listen carefully, autumn is actually a popular season, a harvest season.

It is said that autumn is the time when plants wither. Indeed, autumn is not as colorful as summer, and it is not as colorful as spring, but it is still vibrant. In autumn, osmanthus bloomed, yellow, hiding in the trees, vaguely see a shape, like a golden butterfly hidden in the flowers; Maple leaves connect one by one. They are as red as flowers in February. Maple leaves flutter in the breeze, adding a beautiful landscape to nature and decorating it.

In autumn, the wind is very cool and quietly passing by us, bringing a fresh feeling. In the autumn wind, heavy fruits tremble on the branches, and maple leaves are full of vitality. The autumn wind brought silence, which finally calmed everyone's excited mood. There were no cicadas to disturb, and no children's voices. After the noise of spring and summer, all of a sudden everything was quiet, as if the earth had made an appointment, waiting for something, people must seize this rare quiet, do their own things better, and make themselves stronger.

After a short pause, the nature concerto suddenly ushered in a new climax, Dafeng received it! Wheat and millet, golden, laughed in the breeze, and bent over with laughter. The field was golden. The farmer uncle smiled happily, holding the cigarette, looking at the field and smiling happily. The farmer uncle was busy in the field, his sickle kept flying, and the farmer's hard work was brewing in bags of wheat and millet.

We have just passed a scorching summer, and we are looking forward to entering Wenzhou No. 7 Middle School, ushering in a new semester and junior high school career together. Yeah! Autumn is the harvest season. It has harvested the fruits of hope I planted in primary school. Autumn is a season of hope. We are reaping success, but at the same time, we are also working hard to plant new hope for tomorrow.

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (5)

The first cloud emerged from the crisp blue sky in autumn; The first place from the cool breeze; The first leaf falling from the crisp rain; From the first field touched by the warm sunshine, autumn came running with light (skillful) steps.

After the blue sky in summer, autumn adds a mystery. The light blue sky is stirred by the breeze, sometimes with a lovely white rabbit veil; Sometimes I put on the screen of galloping horses; From time to time, it shows the spectacular scene of the seven heroes competing for hegemony in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period; From time to time, the symphony of Lei Gong, Dianmu and Raindrop Baby played on the stage... The sky director led Yun'er's excellent actors, leaving only my unstoppable amazement.

Ah, the symphony begins. Let's take our seats quickly. The clear raindrops moisten the soul of the earth; The blue sky is washed clean and bright. This extraordinary rain brought joy to the flowers and took away the sweltering summer.

Look, those colorful chrysanthemums are competing to open? Red is like fire, pink is like rosy clouds, white is like snow, purple is like jade, so beautiful. This is not only a visual feast, but also the bouquet of fragrance that strikes people, refreshing, expelling troubles, bringing joy, and making people happy.

The autumn frost gilded the leaves, but the evergreen pines and fiery red maples had not changed at all, and they were still a pair of proud bones. The gilded leaves whirled with the autumn wind, dancing the finale of life, and kissed the earth goodbye leisurely. I think I will remember both the green summer leaves that are ready to shelter from the wind and rain, and the golden autumn leaves that are sad to leave.

Spring is beautiful, but too gorgeous; Summer is warm, but too hot; Winter is pure, but too cold. Only autumn, with golden dresses, beautiful and moving appearance, warm and loyal heart.

I love autumn, I love the comfortable and pleasant autumn, I love the selfless autumn, I love the colorful autumn, I love the sentimental autumn!

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (6)

Who lit the torch to burn the east mountain red? Grandma said, "That's a fire. It's a persimmon forest." "The persimmon forest?" So I asked him with curiosity and He Wang to go straight to the mountain like two happy fawns.

A thick fragrance came to me from a long distance. I can't help licking my lips, yo! Even the air is sweet! A gust of mountain wind blew, and the leaves shook their colorful colors, leaving the embrace of the trees and flying in the air, just like a dancing butterfly. The red persimmons hid in the cracks of the leaves like shy; Show it to the big square. I pushed you when you were next to me. It was so lively and lively. They bent the branches as if they were teasing me. I could not help standing on tiptoe, opening my mouth wide, staring at the biggest one.

"Hey, are you still in a daze? Do you still want it to fall into your mouth? Don't act quickly." I came back to my senses and climbed up the tree, but my brother stopped me: "This can be climbed. The branches are very crisp. Look at me." My brother raised the bamboo pole, aimed at it, pinched the branches and twisted them. A bunch of persimmons came down, like several fat dolls. I burst into cheers, "Fei" grabbed it and put it in my mouth. Oh, it's sweet, cool and greasy. A sweet and mellow fragrance ran in my mouth. I closed my eyes and fell silent in the inexpressible sweetness and fragrance.

The setting sun is going down, and the sunset clouds and fiery persimmons are burning the clouds red in the sky. It seems that autumn is drunk with wine, and the beauty is fascinating to me.

My brother and I carried a basket of persimmons on the ridge of the field singing, skylarks were flying high and singing, and sheep were calling home "baa baa". What an idyllic scene.

"Brother, is it dried on the rock slab?" "It is peeled persimmon, which is made into persimmons after drying." "This process is required for the persimmons Grandma sends you every Spring Festival."

At this time, I saw several farmers' roofs and mats covered with persimmons. Under the eaves hung hot peppers and golden corn. Seeing the scene of grain harvest, I could not help singing: autumn wind is drunk, persimmons are red, and the happiness of Tujia people is ripe

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (7)

Gently and slowly, autumn comes to us inadvertently.

The wind is blowing, a little cold. Once green, thick leaves turned yellow, becoming a unique, beautiful and beautiful scenery, giving the unique charm of the beautiful autumn scenery, decorating the vast land.

Look! Ginkgo biloba leaves turn yellow and fall down like a golden waterfall. The golden leaves, like stars in the sky, are scattered in the corners of alleys, decorating and dressing the world. Observe the gingko leaves carefully. They have fine lines. Large areas are golden and the corners are still green. These leaves look very comfortable, like precious works of artists. Each leaf is particularly beautiful, embellishing our life.

Look! Maple leaves are red, like stars in the sky. The fallen leaves are like red butterflies flying in the blue sky, singing and dancing. That kind of intoxicating red, hit two rolls, and then hopped down. This is a deep, mature red, refreshing.

Look! So is the orchard over there. Hung red and red, tied on the tree, like the pink cheeks of naughty children. The orange trees are also full of small golden orange lanterns, making people happy. The corn hung its head and buried the golden grains in the green leaves. Autumn is a harvest orchard, bringing many surprises to people.

"When a crane flies on the clear sky, it will lead poetry to the blue sky". In autumn, the swallows spread their wings in the shape of a "man" and flew south through the clouds. The autumn sky is like the paint in the artist's hands. It is blue and blue, which makes it very quiet. The spring water is also ding dong. The water sets off the mountain, the mountain sets off the sky, the sky sets off the beauty of nature, the beauty of autumn!

My friend, when autumn comes, you should not feel the sad beauty of autumn, but patiently enjoy the beautiful scenery behind it. What a beautiful autumn!

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (8)

Autumn is a beautiful season. It is the end of life and the beginning of life.

Today is Saturday, about half past four in the afternoon. I was so bored at home that I went to play with my classmates. She carried me on an electric bike, and we walked around Zhujia Village eight or nine times. At the beginning of the turn, we started from the Zhuzhuang Brigade. First, we left the Brigade, and you would see the square. Then we drove out of the square, and you would see three forked roads. We drove from the right intersection first. You walked straight ahead about ten meters, and saw pine trees on both sides. Pine trees, unlike other trees, lost all their leaves, The pine trees are as bare as summer, but the color is heavier. Further on, this area is full of pine trees. We turned a big circle, and finally returned to the square. We drove to the left road. Turning left, we saw a ginkgo tree. This ginkgo tree had a special preference for autumn, and it turned into a beautiful and charming golden yellow in autumn. Every autumn, I always came here, Pick a few beautiful golden ginkgo leaves and put them into a book. Then take out one after another beautiful and charming ginkgo leaf specimens, and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. So I like autumn very much. This is another round, and we begin to turn the third round.

On the third lap, I turned from the road ahead. I always walk straight on this road. This road is covered with beautiful clothes by leaves. Looking at it, a piece of golden yellow covers a piece of fiery red, and a piece of green covers a piece of golden yellow. Whenever I walk here, I will enjoy the beautiful scenery. Cycling is the most enjoyable thing, and there will always be a rustling sound under the car.

The third circle was soon completed. We went back and forth to the square and were ready to look around again. Then the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh circles began again.

Autumn in my hometown is beautiful!

Autumn is a season full of vitality!

I love autumn!

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (9)

The beauty of autumn is mature - it is not as warm as spring, hot summer and cold winter; The beauty of autumn is rational - it is not so charming as spring, so exposed in summer, and so reserved in winter.

Some people say that autumn is desolate, while others say that autumn is joyful and charming. I was confused.

I walked into the park with confusion. This is a maple forest, and the beautiful maple leaves are dazzling in the autumn. I am watching these wandering and beautiful maple leaves silently on the narrow path. Looking at the countless autumn leaves, full of spring, summer hope to reach the boiling point of life. Oh, the beautiful autumn leaves, deep, shallow and light, used to greet the bright sunshine with different attitudes, but now they are dyed all over the world with different levels of beautiful golden yellow. This reminds me of the poem "Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February".

Autumn is also a harvest season. The rice in the fields has matured, and the golden rice adds a beauty and dignity to Qiuping. The fruitful gardens also add a mature joy to autumn. The refreshing pear, the lovely red apple, the agate like grape, the small lantern like tomato... They also decorate the earth with their colorful brightness, and depict the lovely autumn sky with mature and harvest thick ink!

It began to rain. It was very small, very small, like fog, like a layer of yarn. The sound of "rustling" rain sometimes comes like a steed galloping forward, sometimes it goes away quietly like a raging wave. It is a melodious tune. Its beautiful notes jump happily in the fields and echo in the orchards... The autumn rain is the symphony of autumn

In autumn, everything begins to wither, but the chrysanthemums are blooming. They are as white as snow and as yellow as sunshine. They are very beautiful. In this withering autumn, chrysanthemums add a bright color to autumn.

Oh, autumn, it is full of passion, it is beautiful, I love autumn!

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (10)

Autumn is golden, fruitful, joyful and busy.

Autumn is the farmer's season, autumn is the season of chrysanthemums, and it is the warning bell of plum blossoms.

The smell of ears of wheat drifted across the field, the figure of purple cloudworts became sporadic, and the field became a golden ocean. Although there were not many flowers, I still liked autumn, the taste, feeling, and color of autumn.

Autumn is colorful. Passing the orchard, red apples show brilliant smiling faces, lanterns like persimmons sing carols, and plums are too proud to extricate themselves, making people intoxicated with its fragrance. Peach said that my color is the most beautiful.

Entering the park, golden leaves swayed in the autumn wind, like yellow butterflies flying in the sky and falling slowly. The bleak message spread all over the grove, where everything was withered and yellow, and even the green grass lost its green and softness. On the stone bench in the distance, a pair of old people with long legs were resting on crutches, trying to bring more warmth to the sunset.

Hearing the news of autumn, chrysanthemums burst into a smile. Look, the purple chrysanthemum has just sprouted flowers; Look here, the yellow petals are all unfolded, revealing the stamens. There are white, red... colorful chrysanthemums, and the golden leaves deduce a paean of autumn.

The geese are flying south in groups. They want to say goodbye to autumn. The bear yawned and ate food, which might be the last meal in autumn. Small squirrels are flexible in jumping up and down the pine branches, looking for the winter pineapple. Ah! The sound of magpies is still so loud. They carry branches and wet mud to prepare for nesting in winter. Everyone is so busy, everything is so beautiful. But we can no longer hear the croak of the little frog, because it is going to hibernate.

I love autumn, and I also like its clear air and clear sky; I like its freedom. I always like autumn.

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (11)

Autumn is a harvest season. Our farmers are the busiest in this season. They farm, harvest, and make money. Many farmers like this season.

In many places, the fruits in the greenhouses are smiling. They are rushing to show us a smile, hoping to bring us a sweet taste and make us have a different autumn.

On campus, autumn has come to an end. It breathed a sigh of relief and turned the maple trees on campus red, like red lanterns; Blowing away the poplar leaves in the campus, like snowflakes flying all over the sky, it is very beautiful; Blow away the willow leaves in the campus, like a bald Dongshi. Although there is no beautiful and long hair, it is still beautiful; Dye the grass in the campus yellow, like a long and big yellow blanket, extremely soft; The persimmons on the persimmon tree in the campus become mature, like red lanterns hanging on the tree. Colored many plants on campus, and they became very beautiful.

By the side of the field, I looked at the rice, wheat, and other crops of the farmer uncle, and people would rather admire them. Seeing their achievements, I felt waves in my heart. The farmer uncle took pains to plant the wheat, They seemed to say, "Uncle Farmer took the trouble to raise us so well. Although I don't want them to work, I will use myself to repay Uncle Farmer and let him earn more money. I am a trivial thing. The only way I can repay Uncle Farmer is to grow well, and those who grow well can repay them!" Wheat and rice also have the heart to repay, let alone us? We should also learn from them.

By the pond, the leaves fall on the river, which has a poetic beauty. The fish are playing freely in it. They are very happy. The shrimp are joining in the fun and playing with the fish, as if they are talking about the beautiful autumn, seeing the beautiful scenery and increasing their knowledge. They talked happily, as if they were friends.

Autumn, I can never forget it, I will always remember it, remember the good times I spent with it! Ah! I won't forget it in autumn.

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (12)

Autumn, in people's eyes, is always filled with joy, exudes joy, and means a bumper harvest. Maybe different people have different opinions. I always feel that autumn is a kind of desolation.

When I walk in the woods, I am always moved by the scene of autumn. When the wind blows, thousands of leaves dance in the wind, just like a butterfly in the interpretation of the last beauty of life. It is heartbreaking to concentrate and do our best. As for the branches, they stand alone in the wind, letting the wind destroy their gray bodies, making people feel a bit lonely.

"I don't prefer chrysanthemums among flowers. This flower has no flowers at all." In autumn, all the flowers withered, leaving only chrysanthemums swaying in the cold wind. Against the pale autumn scenery, chrysanthemums will also appear very energetic and bright. But compared with other autumn scenery, chrysanthemums seem very lonely, don't they? Maybe he has the pride of standing up, but more of it is lonely in the cold autumn. He yearns for a vibrant spring, a warm summer and a snowy winter. However, he has become accustomed to the bleak autumn and his pride.

Red maple and wild goose are symbols of autumn. "The mountains are red and the forests are stained". The fiery maple leaves, like a fire, illuminate the bleak autumn. But when the afterglow shines on the maple trees and the sunset clouds fill the sky, it makes people feel fleeting and can't help but feel sorry. When the geese flew across the sky neatly, people realized that autumn was coming and the weather was getting colder. In order to survive, geese have to cross mountains and rivers to find a warmer home. But who knows how many lives will wither unexpectedly in this long journey. Every time I think of these things, it always makes me sigh and sad.

It is said that in autumn, "the sky is clear" and "there is no cloud". The clean sky can really make people relaxed and happy, and purify people's hearts. But isn't the blue sky too dull? The empty blue sky always makes people think of goshawks and feel desolate.

Autumn is full of the aroma of melons and fruits, and the smell of withered grass; It radiates golden light, but also permeates with gray charm; She is beautiful and gentle. I think she is beautiful and cold.

What a clear autumn!

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (13)

Autumn is a season that many people like. It will alert people, give people happy clouds, give people happy music, and give people happy greeting cards. He will let everyone get what they want to know.

First of all, when he first came, he would bring people cool, let us enjoy the infinite cool. In autumn, she is a gust of wind in the campus, giving us the best medicine for relieving the summer heat after class. We can also get together, enjoy the mangroves and watch the sunset rise in the east and fall in the west, making people fall into romance. When he came to the campus, he would move his next goal to the big trees, making the maple leaves turn red, and the maple trees linked up like torches. It was so wonderful. When the sun set, he would be more beautiful and shining when the sun set. He made the leaves of the ginkgo tree look like a fan, and small fans were combined to form a huge fan. It's as cool as a fan around you at any time. It's as cool as staying beside the air conditioner, and it won't hurt your body and make you catch a cold. When you face the scorching sun in summer, you hope that a strong wind will blow to you, so that you can get the wind that can rush the whole court with only one deep breath, and you can realize your wishes in autumn. When he finishes watching these maple trees, he will go to see the golden rice fields. He will use his god's power to ripen all the grains in the fields, so that farmers can enjoy the harvest. That will be the happiest three months for farmers.

When autumn comes, it also means that winter is coming. It means that the small animals in the forest should be ready for winter, transporting food, digging holes for hibernation, and digging holes for hibernation. Let them get through the cold winter.

In the golden autumn of September, there are many fruits.

In the golden autumn of September, peaches and plums are fragrant.

On this autumn day, we will also present fragrant bouquets to our teachers and wish them a happy Teacher's Day. Autumn is the greatest thing in the world.

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (14)

"Shattering, rustling", the raindrops outside the window are falling ceaselessly, which brings us a "Variations of Autumn" that is sometimes soothing and sometimes joyful.

Thin raindrops light shed down from the sky. They fell sideways with the fresh wind, as if the leaves in late autumn were slowly swirling in the air, like a fairy in the sky, dancing gracefully, and came to the world.

The light rain at this time looked like a thin fog from a distance. The scenery in the rain became slightly hazy, as if covered with a layer of huge gauze. This kind of scenery looks like a dream. Pedestrians on the road have opened their umbrellas, so the road will open one after another colorful flowers.

The soft rain attracted me. I lay in front of the window, quietly, staring at everything in the rain. The rain drops fell on the green leaves. It took the leaves as a slide and skittered across the whole leaf mischievously. Finally, at the tip of the leaf, it turned into a pearl like round bead of water, which dropped.

The rain drops fell on the green grass, slipped down and fell into the soil, so the grass greedily sucked the nectar, then stretched out and became more green. The rain drops fell on the bright petals, and the petals seemed to want to keep it, so they held the rain drops like a small hand. Soon, the rain on the petals accumulated a lot, and it had to put the rain down to continue to meet more "rain friends" behind. All plants in the rain are washed by the gentle rain and become more vigorous than before.

I couldn't wait to rush into the rain curtain, and suddenly felt the air around me became cool and fresh, and was filled with a faint smell of soil. The rain is still falling. This rain, it not only brought refreshing, but also brought autumn.

Autumn is a harvest season. In autumn, we entered a new semester. I think that as a junior high school student, we should also harvest heavy fruits in this golden autumn, and these fruits are not just knowledge for us? So, from now on, grasp the moment and concentrate on your study!

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (15)

The rain is gentle, wonderful, cozy and moving... The spring rain is as thin as cattle hair, the summer rain is light and bold, the autumn rain is cloudy and unbroken, and the winter rain is cold to the bone. However, I only love the melancholy autumn rain.

Rain is the beauty of "leaving the residual lotus to listen to the sound of rain", the pleasure of "sleeping in the small building to listen to the rain at night", the natural and unrestrained of "listening to the spring rain at night in the small building, selling apricot flowers in the deep lane in the Ming Dynasty", the free and easy of "letting rain rain for life", the melancholy of "rain falls one after another in the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to die", and the joy of "rain at home in the Huangmei Festival, frogs everywhere in the grass pond", It is the misty "the light rain in the sky is moist as crisp, and the grass color is far away but not near", and it is the wonder of "good rain knows the season, when spring comes"

However, only autumn rain, prepare for a rainy day, and be disappointed for a long time. Autumn is often accompanied by melancholy, sadness and loneliness, which makes the autumn rain a little sad.

In autumn, I went for a walk alone in the countryside. The leaves were falling and the path was paved. Even the bird was full of sadness, and there was silence around. Suddenly, there was a kind of inexplicable sadness around my heart. Suddenly looking back, I felt my face wet and looked up. Oh! It's rain! It's autumn rain! But how can this autumn rain know my heart? Inevitably, he was filled with regret.

Walking in the rain, I feel lonely in the rain alone. It is easy to wither because of the heavy hatred of leaving, and even more, it seems that life has come to an end and there is no hope. Suddenly, a chrysanthemum stood proudly in the wind and rain. Cherish the spring and choose the remnant red. This makes me see the vitality of life. All of a sudden, the sadness in my heart disappeared, and I showed my vitality and vitality again.

Autumn rain is lonely and lonely, but full of hope. The rain at this time will bury the fallen leaves, hide the sadness, and bring hope and vitality.

The night rain is drizzling, the golden wind is fine, and the leaves of plane trees fall. Lying in bed, listening to the rain outside the window, it is as beautiful as a song, as pleasant as a poem, like flowing clouds and flowing water, like a charming girl whispering. Is this autumn rain? Yes, it is. But it is no longer the sad autumn rain, but full of hope. Just like life, there are sadness and happiness. This road may have a bleak scenery, but perhaps at the next turning point, a new scenery will be seen: drizzle, clouds, red paths, green fields, green green, green leaves, and red curtains across the swallow

Learn to experience life from different angles and different feelings. It will be a different scene. Autumn rain, is "sentimental", after sorrow will be happy. Face life happily, and life will be full of hope. Green everywhere, play drunk, never lose your youth!

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (16)

I like autumn, and I prefer autumn rain. The rain in spring is gentle and sentimental, the rain in summer is timely and warm, and the rain in winter is deep and solemn, but the rain in autumn is continuous and poetic.

Autumn is a good harvest season. It is full of fruits everywhere, which can always bring people endless joy of harvest. Therefore, people always like to call autumn "golden autumn". Naturally, I like to call autumn rain "golden rain". The golden rain loves the night. At night, it often comes to us unconsciously. The continuous golden rain seems to hang a curtain of rain between heaven and earth. Until the morning, the curtain was torn off by the light of the morning, and the rain stopped.

I remember when we were young, when the rain stopped, my friends and I always liked to shake trees. After the rain, the leaves are extraordinarily bright, and crystal raindrops hang on the green and yellow leaf tips. After a light wind, the rain drops rustled down on the ground, on our shoulders, on our 'faces, with a trace of coolness. Together, we shook down a tree of crystal rain and dew. Although the whole body was soaked, the feeling in my heart was cool and comfortable. At this time, a series of curved rainbows are hanging in the distant sky, reflecting each other, red, yellow, blue, green... a lot. Its bright and colorful, let me how also countless, although only a short stay, but in my heart can not erase.

The autumn rain stopped and stopped. I don't know when it began to rain again. Listening attentively, like a beautiful song, has a special taste. Sometimes, I especially want to have fun in the rain, and let the rain keep falling, but I can't hide from my parents' scolding. Sometimes, it always rains lightly in the boundless sky. At night, through the rain curtain, the street lamp emits a bit of yellow light in the fog, and everything looks hazy, like a beautiful and attractive landscape painting.

Autumn rain is so ordinary, but it is so charming. It has accompanied me through more than ten years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and accompanied me to grow.

Composition Autumn Rain 600 Words Junior High School (17)

Rain is the most common in the world. It falls from the sky to the earth, like white silk threads woven into screens, filtering out the miscellaneous thoughts one by one, making people forget the customs and calm down when hearing it. Of all the rain, my favorite is the autumn rain.

The autumn rain is the most gentle. It is entangled, like smoke or fog, or down, or stop, intermittent next three or two days, a little bit, gently slip. It is like cattle hair, like flower needles, like filaments, dancing in the umbrella tip, on the leaves, between the eaves, in the grass, warm and beautiful. If the spring rain moistens things silently, the summer rain storms, and the autumn rain is dripping, dribbling, with some sadness, like lilacs, a girl with sorrow, walking slowly in the ancient rain lane.

The autumn rain is cold. Cool, cold, slowly seeping in. It falls in the morning mist, and has lost its temperature. It touches the skin drop by drop, like a naughty ice spirit, and kisses you coldly when you are unprepared. Listen to the cold rain, pattering and sobbing. What is it telling? What makes you cry?

Going back to history, did the autumn rain fall like this? Is it the solitary courage of Jing Ke who stabbed Qin in those days, "the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the heroes will never return"? Is it Xiang Yu's solemn and heroic feelings of "dying in the east of the Yangtze River", surrounded by Haixia, besieged on all sides? Or is Yue Fei on his deathbed, singing a long song while crying, and expressing his grief and indignation, with no regrets, and "getting angry, and letting the rain subside"? It was Qu Yuan who finally threw himself into Jiang Mingzhi, a hero's useless tears

The autumn rain is damp. Wet and greasy, especially pleasant. The rain fell from the sky, nourishing everything. The rain falls from such a high place, what makes it have such power that it can still be gentle, still sprinkling. The ancient town, the river and the boat are particularly suitable for it. It likes to play in the world, quietly falling on the green tiles and playing among the branches, just like a southern song, closely woven into a dream in the south of the Yangtze River. Yes, autumn rain does not have the warm rhythm and drumbeat of summer rain, but it is a serenade played by the violin, which is in harmony with the breeze and flowing water, with its own languor.

The autumn rain is sentimental. Whenever people walk on the street in a foreign country, accompanied by cold rain, there is always a feeling of homesickness. Listen to the cold rain, there is still something special in my heart.