Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (15 refined articles)
Floating dream
2024-01-14 05:06:51

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (1)

The flower knows that without the earth, it will not be beautiful, so it will send the flowers back to the earth after it has opened, and it knows how to be grateful. When the coming year comes, the earth will send the nutrients that the flowers need to it, and the earth will know how to be grateful. Do you, I know gratitude?

Have you ever thought of being grateful for your parents' meticulous care? Have you ever thought about thanksgiving in the face of teachers' painstaking education? Do you want to be grateful for your friends' sincere help?

Flowers are grateful for rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The goshawk is grateful to the sky, because the sky lets it fly; Inspirational article Mountain Thanksgiving earth, because the earth let it towering; I want to be grateful to my teacher, Zhang Yongqing; I want to be grateful to my parents.

A woman, whether she is beautiful or ugly, whether she is a highly educated intellectual woman or an ordinary rural woman, as long as she is a mother, she deserves the title of great!

Everyone's life comes from his mother, who is the carrier of our life and our permanent boundless harbor.

A new life is born from October to the first day of delivery. The mother has endured the hardships of pregnancy and labor pains, because she is a mother and has no regrets.

This is the most primitive and greatest personality manifestation of motherhood. They bear the great responsibility of reproduction and promote the development of the whole human history.

A mother should not only bear the pain of childbirth, but also bear the hardships of raising children. Every one of us, from scientists, celebrities to ordinary people, which one did not grow up in deep maternal love? Every start, every run, and every progress we make is permeated with mother's tears and sweat. The so-called mother of a thousand miles away worries!

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat on the wandering son's body, the close contact before leaving, and the fear of returning late are all portraits of the mother's kindness. Mother's entrustment and concern accompany us to study hard at night, and accompany us on the long journey of life. No matter how great our achievements and achievements are, they are insignificant in front of our mother. No matter what we do, we can't compare with her love.

Mother is the deep sea, and our children are the waves jumping in the deep sea!

Mother is the earth, and our children are the small trees and grass sprouts on which to live!

Mother is the immortal sun, giving us all the warm sunshine!

Mother is a whip, teaching us to distinguish between right and wrong!

Mother is everything, she gave us everything! No mother, no us, no everything. Therefore, we should all be grateful to our mothers and their love.

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (2)

There is one person who loves us most in the world. She is a loving mother. Mother gave us those bright eyes, let us see a better life. I made a perfect decision to repay my mother.

The first step of this perfect decision: doesn't mother usually do a lot of housework? Today, I'll do it for her. It's tiring to do housework! As I worked, I remembered one thing: when I was 6 years old, I should have eaten too much yogurt, had a fever and vomited. I vomited until two o'clock in the morning. Because it was winter, my mother had to hold me and send me to the hospital for doctors to see me. At that time, it was snowing heavily, and the road was muddy, with biting wind. Mother is careful and careful, she will slip if she is not careful. My mother took great pains to send me to the hospital. I took injections and medicine. But my mother stayed with me until dawn.

I also made a card for my mother: the top left corner of the front is a bow made of ribbons, the bottom is a rainbow, and the bottom of the rainbow is a heart with wings. Inside the left half is a poem I dedicated to my mother. On the right side is a heart cut from shiny colored paper. Inside, I wish my mother a happy Mother's Day, good health and good luck! Below is a little girl making a wish.

In order to express my mother's deep love, I sang a song for her, "Thanksgiving Heart". After singing this song, I saw my mother's eyes glittering with tears.

In fact, it's not just on the day of mother plot. We should always care about and respect our mother. After Mother's Day, we should learn to be grateful for maternal love!

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (3)

Mother is like a clear spring, which moistens our hearts. Mother is like a bright lamp, which lights our way. Mother is like a mirror, which can see our mistakes clearly. My dear mother, you are my forever safe haven. Unconsciously, you have accompanied me for 14 years. Here I want to sincerely thank you!

Mom, thank you very much for your upbringing. You gave me life so that I could live in this colorful world, enjoy the joy he brought me, and enjoy my joy, anger, sorrow, and joy there.

Mom, thank you, thank you for taking care of me. I still remember that time, I got a bad cold because of playing. It was you who asked for leave to go home to take care of me, made me my favorite food and fed me one mouthful, coaxed me to take medicine, told stories to let me sleep, and stayed up late to take care of me. Your face is full of fatigue, but you didn't cry tired. When I recovered from my illness, you lost a lot of weight. Although I didn't say, I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart.

Mom, thank you very much for your education. When I was young, I always played and wrote while I was doing my homework. You always said something about me, but I refused to mend my ways. Since then, as long as I do my homework, you will accompany me and look at me. At the beginning, I didn't like you. I always contradicted you but didn't say anything. I still looked at me. After a long time, I found that I not only improved my efficiency in doing homework, but also improved my efficiency in doing things.

At this moment, your daughter has grown up and is no longer a child who can do nothing under your protection, nor a noisy child who nestles in your arms. My daughter understands your wish, which is just an ordinary wish: I hope my children can learn well and live well in the future. Your daughter will study hard for your wish and will never let you down.

Mom, too many words are in silence. You and I both know that we love each other, but we don't want to express too much. But the memories of the past and the insignificant actions are only for you. I deeply understand that where there is so much love, your wish is the goal of your daughter's struggle, and she will do her best to fulfill your wish, In the end, I still sincerely hope that you, my beloved mother, will always be young!

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (4)

'Mother' is such a kind word. Mother is a cotton padded jacket, which brings us warmth when it is cold; Mother is a lamp, which brings us brightness when we get lost in the dark; Mother is an unknown signpost, pulling us when we are going to rebel and guiding us in the right direction. This is what everyone often calls "maternal love".

Speaking of maternal love, I think of that winter night. Indeed, I watched cartoons with relish in bed, and my mother came to the room as always to wash my face and kiss my forehead. Mother suddenly lost her head, like an ant on a hot pot. My mother put on a padded jacket and raincoat for me. I looked at my mother's cold sweating forehead and thought, "Why are you going out so late? Why are you so nervous?" I didn't know what happened when I was young, but I just listened to my mother. It was raining hard outside, and the north wind made the leaves rustle. My mother carried me on her back and ran out without even wearing a raincoat, regardless of her own safety. The road is rough and muddy, and my home is 2 miles away from the hospital. Mom runs very fast. The north wind cut my mother's red face and disordered her black and beautiful hair. The raindrops hit her heavily and wet her clothes. I stuck on my mother's back and heard her rapid heartbeat. I felt funny and asked my mother: "Mom, why should we run so fast? Where should we dare to go?" My mother gasped, "silly child, you have a high fever. My mother is taking you to the hospital..." My mother was too busy talking to me, and her feet slipped. They turned into two "clay figurines" who kept looking at me and asking me: "Did you fall?" I kept shaking my head, and my mother took me on her back and ran to the hospital. Finally I arrived at the hospital, which was already closed. Mother kept ringing the doorbell, and the doctor on duty was awakened. I was put on the hospital bed... Because I had to hang three bottles, my mother stayed with me all night. I will wash my face and wipe my hands later... The next morning, I opened my hazy eyes and my mother slept beside the hospital bed. I saw a trace of white hair on my mother's hair, and my mother's clothes were still wet. My eyes were red instantly. Mother woke up and touched my forehead. With a sigh of relief, her heart could finally be put down. My mother smiled and asked me, "Are you hungry? Mom will buy you food?" I shook my head, hung the bottle, and my mother carried me home

This is the great "maternal love". Every wrinkle on the parents' forehead is for our happy life, and the white hair on the hair is for us to worry about our lungs. I want to say loudly to my parents: "Thank you, I love you."

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (5)

Motherly love is like the rain in spring, quietly moistening our hearts; Motherly love shines on us like the warm sun; Motherly love is like a boat; To carry us through difficulties; If mother is blue sky, we are birds, flying happily. If mother were a forest, we would be happy fawns, running carefree.

I remember one time when I hurried to the school. As soon as I entered the classroom, I heard the sound of "boom", and then it began to rain. I saw the dark sky like ink, and the rain poured down like a hanging spring waterfall. In my heart, I felt as if I had knocked over a bottle of Schisandra, and I was glad that I had arrived earlier than the rain; Regret for the mistake of not carrying an umbrella

The time was like flowing water. Soon it was time to finish school, and other students were picked up by their parents one after another. I just stood there foolishly with my mother. My father was working outside. My mother could not do without taking care of my grandmother in the hospital. Just as I was running home, I saw a very familiar figure. She was my mother.

She came to pick me up with an umbrella! On the way home, I shed tears of gratitude and excitement.

It is not an earthshaking event for parents to send an umbrella to their children, but it is insignificant. But can these not reflect the most selfless and sincere maternal love?

Yes, the sweetest simple word in the world, "maternal love", is so good and precious to us!

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (6)

Ms. Bing Xin believes that maternal love is the theme of eternal eulogy, and it is the holy beauty that needs gratitude from birth. I learned from urination that I was unconsciously influenced and infected, until one day, I also thoroughly understood.

The day in memory is already late autumn, and everything wants to sleep. My friend and I agreed to go to the provincial exhibition hall to see the painting exhibition, but also because my mother was not around, I indulged without consulting her. The frost like world on the road was covered with a pale white paper. My friend and I took a taxi and rushed into the exhibition hall. Oil painting, ink painting, sketch, all kinds of works of art can not help but intoxicate me. Every beautiful scenery, every realistic picture, every perfect outline, and every touching emotion make me unable to help but gasp in admiration. The whole exhibition hall was silent as I walked and tasted with the accompanying girls. Suddenly my mobile phone rang, I looked around hurriedly, and then carefully pulled out and pressed the answer button.

"Where have you been, son?"

Before I could speak, my mother's urgent voice had already reached my ears.

"I..." The second time I looked around, I ran to a corner, pouted and explained: "I came to the provincial exhibition hall..."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Mom..." I sighed with a hint of unhappiness. "It's really not the right time for you to call..."

There was silence at the other end of the phone for a few seconds, then she smiled again, "OK, I won't disturb you, be careful, and come back early." After that, she hung up the communication.

I pressed the screen of my mobile phone and took back my bag. My doubts rippled around in my heart. When my friend saw my silly face, he smiled and said, "You are so happy. My mother cares about you so much that I don't even have a message."

I shook my head and walked away. The painting is still so elegant, full of fragrant beauty. I can't help thinking of my mother, the woman who would rather suffer herself and work for me all her life.

As I walked along, I was confused and suddenly saw an oil painting with a huge layout. The content layout is even and pleasing to the eye: a woman with a gentle smile is holding a bunch of beautiful flowers and is about to give them to an old woman with white hair like snow in front of her; On the blue sky with bright background, there are some red clouds of sunset. A pure white pigeon is holding a heart-shaped colorful stone.

Why is such a poetic picture lingering in my eyes. I looked closer and found the name - "Thank you for your grace". thank you? Why thank you? Thank who? My hands were in the air and I didn't know what to do next. In my mind, I saw my mother's back. At the moment when she turned her head, there was still a familiar smile on her face that would never disappear.

When I got home, my mother still looked at me with a smile.

"Hungry? Come on, let's eat."


I turned and closed the door, tears in my eyes.

She still had her usual dark brown wavy hair behind her. She just selflessly paid for me, letting time pass her 'beauty'. She was always behind me, silently staring at me, and took a note of my growth.

One day, I will stand behind my mother and watch her grow old and her shadow lengthen with the setting sun.

——Thank you.

——Thank you? Why thank you? Thank who?

——I want to thank you, my mother.

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (7)

People should be grateful to be a qualified person. Of course, I am also a grateful person. I want to thank my mother for everything she has done for me.

In the process of my growth, there are people who need to care more about me and have helped me, but in my heart, my mother is always the person who cares most about me. It was she who helped me immensely when I was growing up, who sent me to the hospital for treatment when I was sick, and who helped me to share my worries when I was sad. In short, my mother is the person who cares about me most in the world. I will never forget her, let alone what she has done for me.

No matter what delicious food, my mother always thinks of me first. Whenever I get sick, you always send me to the hospital very quickly. I remember once when I was ill, you sent me to the hospital in time. You can rest assured when the doctor says I'm OK. At night, when many people went to bed, you were still watching me at the bedside.

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (8)

Mother love is the earth, it is she who nurtures all things; Motherly love is the sea, which provides us with the source of life; Mother love is God, she gave me life

Today is Mother's Day. Every bit of what my mother did for me in ordinary times, the moving scenes reappeared before my eyes.

It was in a cold winter. On that night, numerous snowflakes fell silently to every corner of the earth, giving the mother earth a white coat. As usual, I was packing my things to go to cram school. My mother's hoarse voice came from behind: "Do you want my mother to send you?" I was just about to say yes, when I suddenly remembered that my mother was half killed by the recurrent stomach disease in the morning. Now it is better. I really can't bear to make her more tired, so I had to say no. But the mother said, "My dear, I'll change my clothes. Hurry up!" Then she walked downstairs with a heavy step and a tired body.

Memory is like a thin piece of rice paper, but mother's love is like rain on this paper!

Thinking of everything my mother has done for me on weekdays, I decided to lighten her burden - help her do housework. I swept the floor first, then mopped the floor, and finally tidied up the room. Looking at the fruits of my work, although it was hard, I was very happy because I reduced the burden for my mother. I also wrote a letter to my mother:


Happy Mother's Day! You taught me honesty; You made me know this colorful world; You make me have a grateful heart; Only with a grateful heart can we care and help others; With a grateful heart, you will study hard and love yourself; You can learn tolerance, win true love, and win friendship! Thank you very much!

Love your daughter

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (9)

Mother's Day is coming, how should I thank my mother?

I can't buy jewelry for my mother. This gift is too expensive. On the contrary, my mother will not like it. Besides, there is not so much money.

What can I give my mother? How can we reflect the atmosphere of Mother's Day? By the way, I thought of a good idea right away. Isn't the mid-term exam coming soon? I studied hard to get a good score and gave it to my mother as a gift to thank her for bringing me up.

But we can't just talk without doing. Can't be a giant in words and a dwarf in action.

So I took the time to review, and I will get a good result. In order to give my mother this gift, I didn't play my favorite basketball. Every Saturday morning there is almost no time for computer games. I'm afraid that I can't keep up with my study, that I will fail in the exam, and that my mother will be disappointed with me. I am not good at studying in class. Can I do it? My mind keeps turning.

In life, I didn't forget to have fun while reviewing. Of course, I am grateful to my mother for helping her do some housework. My back is sore, and I will continue, although I don't get paid.

As time went by, I was getting closer and closer to the exam. Although I was nervous, I tried to do what I could do. I also carefully checked what I could not do. I was afraid that where I would do it, I would lose it in front of my eyes.

I still turned this wish into a kind of motivation. Work hard to realize your wish. Although the exam is over, I am looking forward to my good results.

Finally, happy Mother's Day!

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (10)

I can't imagine how my mother will react after I say it. Is she ecstatic? Are you crying with joy? Or embrace me? Or do I have a fever? After much thought, I finally decided to say it again.

When I came home from school, I saw my mother cooking. I thought to myself: I will tell her later, and by the way, I will be prepared. After dinner, I quickly ran upstairs to do my homework, but in my heart I was wondering why my mother didn't come up yet? That sentence seems to be a stone hanging in my heart. I wish it had landed earlier, but I don't know when it will land? "Dong Dong Dong......" The familiar footsteps were getting closer and closer. I knew it was my mother coming upstairs. So I took a deep breath and said quietly, "Mom, come here, I have something to tell you." Mom came up to me and said impatiently, "Tell me something."

"Well, this is..." I hesitated for a long time, but I couldn't spit out a word. At this time, I secretly looked at my mother's expression with my spare light, and seemed more impatient. Suddenly, I closed my eyes and shouted, "I love you!" Then, my heart was like fifteen buckets -- seven up and eight down, "plop, plop" and jumped more and more violently. At this time, my mother felt very strange. She didn't smile or cry, as if she was scolding me again. I was worried again: "Mom, do you understand? Do you want me to say it again? Or......", I hesitated and asked again, "Mom, do you understand what you don't understand when downloading courseware? I will say it again in Chinese." Unexpectedly, Mom's expression has changed, she seems to be a little pleased and surprised. I was even more flustered when I saw it. The monk was two feet old. Suddenly, "I, I, I love you!" I mustered up the courage to say it again to my mother. "Ha ha, you were cheated by me. I can't understand your mother's English, but I can understand this sentence." My mother touched my head and smiled sweetly. At this time, my heart is as sweet as honey. I can feel her pride from her 'smiling face, and I can feel her comfort from her smiling face. It was the first time that I said "I love you" to my mother since I was young. In fact, it felt good to say it!

Some people say that maternal love is like a ray of sunshine, which can make your heart feel warm even in cold winter. Some people say that maternal love is like a stream, which moistens children's young hearts. I said that maternal love is like a colorful umbrella, which can protect children from wind and rain, get rid of the burning sun and protect their healthy growth.

Now, I have spent 14 colorful years. Although my teacher gave me rich knowledge and my classmates gave me sincere friendship, I think my mother is the most deserving of my gratitude. Mom, do you remember? The score sheet of the Duan exam was handed out that day, and I did a terrible job in the exam. When I got home, I threw myself at the head of the bed and cried bitterly. You walked into the room, patted my back gently, and said to me kindly, "What's going on? Tell my mother, will you?" I thought: If my mother knew, she would not only be sad, but also scold me. I didn't answer my mother. After a while, you said to me again: "Don't be sad, my child. This is just an exam. Let it pass. As long as you work hard, your grades will improve." Did mother know that when she saw the report card, she was not angry, but comforted and encouraged me. After a while, you said, "Children, you must remember that there are more beautiful scenery waiting for you, and you can't stop moving forward." After listening to the words of comfort and encouragement one after another. I no longer feel sad, sad, but let me feel how warm and happy.

Motherly love is a harbor, let us stay away from the wind and waves, enjoy peace.

Motherly love is the charcoal in the snow, giving us warmth; It is the bread when we are hungry, which gives us nutrition; It is the kinship when we are lonely, which gives us comfort; It is encouragement when we fail, which gives us courage and confidence.

Whenever the setting sun miserably takes away the last ray of sunshine, my mother always illuminates me with the sun in her heart; Whenever I stumble and stumble along the thorny, stormy paths, my mother will always hold my hand and walk to the bright road. To be grateful to our mother is what everyone should do. So on Mother's Day this year, I gave my mother an unexpected surprise.

On the Sunday night of Mother's Day, my mother pushed the door open and lay on the sofa exhausted. I walked over and said, "Mom, today is Mother's Day, let me beat your back!" Mom smiled happily. Although I stood behind her, it seemed that I could see her mother's face with a bright smile, and the traces of years that gently appeared on her cozy face.

After my mother went to the room to change clothes, I crept to the bathroom, took out the water basin, filled it with warm water, and took it to the living room. Mother came out. When she saw me, she asked curiously: "What's wrong?" "Today I decided to wash your feet." "Wash your feet!" Mother said in surprise. "Yes. Don't be surprised. It's my honor to serve you." I said like a waiter. But my mother was still surprised.

I took a small bench, sat in front of my mother, put her feet into warm water, and gently washed away the dust for her feet with a towel. From top to bottom, I will not miss every tiny place. I seem to feel my mother's feeling of enjoying the love of her children. But I saw my mother's thick cocoon on the soles of her feet when she ran for me. I looked at the cocoon on my feet with heartache. How I wish time would stay at this moment forever and let my mother enjoy my care for her. Suddenly, a drop of water splashed from the basin. I looked up and saw my mother looking at me with red eyes, at my sweaty forehead, and at me who was already sensible. I know that my mother's tears just now are not sad tears, but happy tears, and moved tears. She is pleased that I have grown up, and moved that I know how to be grateful.

"Every drop of water will repay each other." But when can I repay my mother's deep love for me? So, from now on, I want to thank my mother for her love and offer her a cup of hot tea to make her feel warm and moved. Maybe this is the best reward for mother.

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (11)

"Grateful heart, thank you......" Since I first heard this song, I have firmly remembered its lyrics. Yes, we should all learn to be grateful to those who have paid for you.

My father and mother have been running around all day for me. I decided to be grateful: Is it a smile? Or pour a glass of water? I hesitate.

One day, it was raining cats and dogs outside the house. My mother took off her shoes and socks as soon as she got home. She kept complaining, "Oh, the shoes are leaking!" After listening to my mother's words, I thought to myself: Mom's feet must be cold. Why don't I wash them for her? Just do it. I brought a basin of cold water, added hot water, and tried the water temperature with my hands. I walked up to my mother and made a gentlemanly gesture, "Please." My mother smiled and put her feet into the water. I wetted the towel in my hand and wiped it on my mother's feet. Only then did I find that many calluses had grown on her tender feet. I touched her feet with heartache, and tears filled my eyes: my mother spared no pains to save food and money in order to let me have delicious food, beautiful clothes and good schools. But I don't like it here or there... When I think of it here, my tears can't help flowing down. When my mother saw me like this, she asked with concern: "What's wrong with you?" "Nothing, the water splashed into my eyes." I tried to restrain the tears in my eyes and said. I stirred the towel dry and wiped my mother's feet dry, even between my toes. After washing my feet, my mother looked at me and smiled happily. I thought my back was aching, but when I saw my mother's smiling face, I didn't feel tired.

I benefited a lot from washing my mother's feet this time. In the past, my mother always washed my feet, but until now I have realized the hard work. The greatness and selflessness of maternal love are sublimated in this time and again of foot washing! I must learn to be grateful, and I quietly made a decision in my heart: in the future, I should help my mother more and be a dutiful daughter.

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (12)

Although it is winter, the weather is very sunny, and the sun shines freely on the world. It is warm and touching. Everything greedily enjoys the comfort of the sun, which makes people's hearts open. Today, I want to use my actions to thank my mother for her love!

Today is a special day - my birthday. Usually, birthdays are my own happiness. Today, I want my mother to celebrate my birthday with me.

Finish your homework early, listen to your mother, finish your exercises obediently, and wait for the night to come.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the stars are nestled beside the moon like water, just like my mother and I.

When the cake was served, my mother wiped the sweat on her forehead with her thin but not white hands. She was about to insert a candle. Wait a minute, I shouted to my mother. Do you know what day it is today?

My mother was stunned for a moment, and she couldn't respond for a moment; The father with the camera blinked his eyes and soon smiled without saying anything. Today is your birthday! Mother said softly and doubtfully. I took a step forward, bent down to my mother and made a deep bow. When I looked up, my eyes were filled with tears and I said loudly: Mom, today is my birthday, and it is also your birthday. Twelve years ago, how much did you suffer to bring your son to this world; Over the past 12 years, you have gone through many hardships to raise your children. Thank you mother, you gave me life; Thank you, my mother, for helping me when I was down; Thank you, my mother. It was you who advised me not to be complacent when I achieved excellent results. I can never repay you for your love. The mother of children who travel thousands of miles worries, but I know that no matter how far I go in the future, I will not walk out of the square of your heart. What a child can do is to be grateful: to be grateful for the mother's love, to be grateful for the mother's love, and to be grateful for her 12 years of teaching her son! Twelve years ago, today is your day of suffering; Twelve years later, let me celebrate your birthday!

After saying that, I found that my mother's eyes also had a layer of fog.

I don't know when my father lit the candle. Warm, candlelight; Warm, grateful to my mother!

The moment of gratitude is short and long; The moment of gratitude is ordinary and great. It made me understand the greatness of maternal love and taught me to be grateful whenever possible. Thank you for your mother's love!

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (13)

The whole family sat around the table, talking and laughing. Mom had just finished working and sat down. Suddenly, she got up and walked to the bedroom, as if there was something important. "What are you doing? Why don't you eat? The food is cold!" Dad said with concern. "Mom, come to have a meal quickly. I'm busy after dinner!" In my impression, my mother is always busy, and she has never had a safe meal seriously. When she was about to finish the meal, she asked us to prepare for dinner. Then she put all the food on the table and began to get busy again. When we were about to finish the meal, she put down her work and sat down to eat. Just a few mouthfuls, she went back to work. Look, she left the table again. My father and I have told her many times that she just can't change her lifestyle. Maybe my mother pretends to be a family's food, clothing, housing and transportation problems, and takes care of my father and us carefully. I am very happy to have this hardworking mother. Usually, both my father's socks and my mother's clothes are in good order. She used her father like a child.

"Here we are, here we are!" Mother ran out of the bedroom and said happily with her mobile phone. "What is it?" My father and I were puzzled and asked curiously. Mom quickly turned on her mobile phone and let Dad see, "My salary!" Mom danced happily like a child. I looked over my head and said, "Five thousand yuan is transferred through WeChat". It's Mom's salary! These days, my mother has been nagging about this matter. She looks forward to the stars and the moon, and finally looks forward to the salary. Now the New Year goods that need to be handled have been settled.

Poor mother, she worries about her family all day long. All day long, I get up early and go to the dark, wind and rain, earn that little salary, and have to be deducted some unnecessary money by the boss.

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (14)

When I was very young, I didn't know what maternal love was. I thought that my mother loved me when she gave me food and clothing. As I grow older, I gradually understand that although my mother is short tempered, she still loves me very much. Tomorrow is Women's Day. Today is Sunday. I decided to give my mother a surprise.

It's only half past six now. As soon as I changed my habit of sleeping late in the morning, I quickly dressed, brushed my teeth, washed my face, took some money with me, and quietly left the door. Tell you, I'm going to buy my mother's favorite omelet. I trotted all the way to the center of Guidu's neighborhood. There were four or five people in front of the waffle stall. After a while, it was my turn. I bought three waffles and walked home humming a tune.

When I opened the door gently, I found that my parents had just got up, and I hid the cake behind me. Smiling, I asked, "Mom, what do you want to eat this morning?" My mother said, "Eh, what's the smell?" I took out the egg skin cake and said, "Mom, I just went out to buy it. I hope you can be happy." My mother looked at me in surprise and kissed me heavily on the face, "Thank you, my dear daughter." I felt very happy, but I sacrificed my sleep and walked for 10 minutes to buy it. Dad cooked soy milk, and our family had a delicious breakfast.

The crow still knows how to repay kindness, let alone us? Today, I also did a lot of housework. I want my mother to have a happy and unforgettable holiday in March 8.

Composition Primary School of Gratitude for Motherly Love (15)

Who brings us light, but takes away our burden and makes us bear it? Who brings our troubles to make us suffer? That's our mother, our great mother!

Mother, thank you for encouraging me when I failed in the exam; You comfort me when I am sad; You tell me what to do when I get into trouble; It's you

There is a story: there is a delicate eagle, it can not learn to fly, the mother eagle thought of a top way. One day, the mother eagle took the baby eagle to the sky. Just when the baby eagle wanted to experience the feeling of flying, the mother eagle threw the baby eagle down and flew to a mountain. The baby eagle desperately shouted for help, but the mother eagle had no intention of saving the baby eagle. The little eagle thought: I can't die like this. I want to live, I want to fly!  

The eagle struggled desperately, its wings were torn, and drops of fresh blood were in the sea. With his belief in life, he finally reached the highest peak.  

Can't it be seen that a mother loves her children?  

Mother has paid so much for us. There is only mother in the world! We can't do anything for our mother now, and only by studying hard can we give her the greatest return.  

Mother, is always worth our love.  

Mom, I love you!

Maternal love composition:

·Maternal love composition material

·Maternal Love English Composition

·Composition in praise of maternal love

·Silent composition of maternal love

·I harvest the most precious gift - maternal love