600 words composition of What Moved Me (3 in a collection)
bright moon and cool breeze
2023-09-08 03:53:09

What Moved Me? 600 words composition (1)

The fire is hot and the oil is soaked in sugar and vinegar. The diners laugh loudly at the table, but the fish cry in the plate

When I saw the video of "Eat Fried Fish Live" on TV, my heart was deeply touched. The poor fate of the fish on the plate made me cry, and the laughing diners at the table made me deeply disgusted and sad.

We can imagine the feeling of that fish. When its fresh body is stir fried by the cook in hot oil, when its weak life is suffering from unbearable abuse, when it complains about such cruel behavior of human beings, who will relieve its pain?

Mencius once said, "Everyone has compassion." But in today's bad environment of a harmonious society, where did those people go? Mercy, as the bottom line of human beings, is the most basic human nature. If this kind of kindness is missing, it means that the glory of human nature will no longer exist, and we are no different from people in the primitive society. For the event of "eating fried fish alive", eating fish is justifiable, but abusing food will lose humanity, which is a disregard for nature and life.

But in retrospect, are such incidents still rare? Fudan master students tortured and killed kittens, Tsinghua university students splashed sulfuric acid on black bears, illegal traders or took bear bile... Each is so shocking. In the face of endless animal cruelty incidents, we should reflect on ourselves while reprimanding others.

Do not do evil because it is small, and do not do good because it is small. Eating abuse is not a "small evil". Just imagine that if you enjoy eating abuse today, you may enjoy it tomorrow. If human civilization develops to that point, then how dark the world will be and how far away a harmonious society will be.

"Compassion is the end of humanity." With compassion, we have the seeds of kindness, and we have the glory of humanity; The world will be more beautiful with the glory of goodness. That scene deeply touched my heart, and I hope that such a "tragedy" will not be staged again.

What Moved Me in Your Composition 600 Words (2)

Smile is a raincoat in rainy days; Smile is a small act; Smile is a warm word—— Epigraph 1: It was a rainy day. I was walking on the road. I didn't have an umbrella at that time, so I had to run home in the rain. I saw a cleaning aunt cleaning on the road. How I envied those who had umbrellas at that time. Suddenly, a car came by. Seeing that the rain was about to splash on me, the cleaning lady ran over to help me block the splashing rain. I looked at her and asked her if she was OK, but she smiled. The smile was reflected in the rain, as if she had stayed at that moment. She gave me her raincoat again... This smile, like a raincoat on a rainy day, deeply touched my heart! (Original contribution) Scene 2: I forgot to bring my umbrella when I was at school. I thought no one would pick me up. When I was anxious, a huge figure came straight to me. When I looked closely, it was my mother. I held my umbrella in my arms and quietly moved it toward me. When the soybean like raindrops dropped on my mother's shoulder, I found that most of her clothes were wet, but my mother's smile could never be wiped off. It was also very bright, as if rainy days turned sunny. This move of my mother deeply touched my heart. On the third shot, I played games outside for almost several hours without telling my family. As I ran home, I thought of being scolded by my mother, and I was very afraid. When I saw my mother at home, I thought she would be scolded, but her first sentence was: "Where have you been? I'm so worried about you." This moved me. I looked up and saw the happy smile on my mother's face. I felt that my mother was worried about me. This smile touched my heart. It is these smiles that deeply touched my heart and let me see the beauty of the world. Class 1 of the Tenth Primary Five Year Plan Name: Wu Runzi

What Moved Me? 600 words composition (3)

As usual, after finishing my homework, I was ready to go to the library to find my close friend - book. I quickly went downstairs, came to the station, hummed a tune, and waited for the car to arrive.

Before I knew it, there was an old woman beside me. She was leaning on crutches, and her body was not very sharp. The wrinkles were on her face. It should be a weather beaten old man who arrived at the station. The door slowly opened, and I rushed into the car. I was hoping to get a good seat, but it caused embarrassment. I looked in the left pocket and then in the right pocket. Where's the money? Where does the money go. At this time, I was a bit upset, and the driver kept urging me: "Hurry up, do you want to take the bus or not?"

Just as I was getting ready to get off the bus, the old lady walked slowly and said, "Come on, young man, here is one yuan for you. Put it in quickly, or everyone will tell you again." Maybe I am very grateful to her. After I put it in, I slowly helped her to two empty seats. It seems that her act just now has melted the barrier between us. We soon began to talk. "Grandma, how can you come out alone? Where are your children?" I said, and she seemed sad to say, "They! Alas! I'm old and useless, so they don't want me. My wife left early, and I live alone, helpless." At this time, tears seemed to come out of her eyes. "But that's the only way. It's useless for me to say that they have to live. I can live a good life myself. I live a good life by collecting waste every day." My eyes are full of determination. The wrinkles on his face seem to have disappeared. At the halfway stop, she said that she was getting off the bus. I looked at her face and her white hair carefully, but I didn't dare to look at her eyes. I had something left in my heart, but I was ashamed of myself. An old man, whose children don't care about her, has a hard life, but she still lives actively and can devote herself to helping others when they need help. Although I don't have to worry about life, I always live a poor life. I always consider myself first when doing anything.

She touched my heart and gave me the most sincere warmth in the crowd. She also changed me, let me learn to give warmth when others have difficulties.