Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (17 articles)
Happy life
2023-08-24 07:38:43

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (1)

During the summer vacation, my classmate asked me to go downstairs and play hide and seek with his brothers and sisters. I agreed.

Down the stairs, we selected the man we caught - Yi Yang's brother. At the beginning of the game, Yi Yang's younger brother said, "60! 59! 58! 57!...... 3! 2! 1! I started to catch!" While he was counting, I hid in a small bush, wondering where Yi Yang had gone. Yi Yang's younger brother walked outside the forest. I could see him, but he could not see me. I heard him say to himself, "Shit, where are all the people? I'll wait for them here to see if they can come!" I suppressed my smile and dared not move.

After a while, Yi Yang and other people passed by. As soon as they saw his brother, they shouted, "Run, let's catch him!" When his brother heard the voice, he immediately grabbed him. I quickly changed places and hid in the storeroom. Sure enough, the younger brother thought that Lin Zi was a good place to hide, so he caught me there. He missed me and caught all Yi Yang who passed by. I won.

We then played many times, and the result was that we won and lost. The whole community was full of our laughter.

This is really an unforgettable hide and seek!


Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (2)

In daily study, work and life, everyone has tried to write a composition. Composition is a kind of speech flow, which is highly comprehensive and creative. There are many things to pay attention to in composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is a 300 word composition about one thing in summer vacation collected by Xiaobian for everyone. It is for reference only, and I hope it can help everyone.

One thing in summer vacation Composition 300 words 1

On the last day of summer vacation, I had a wonderful time! Because my brother and I went to Uncle Wai's, we had a good time with our cousin. In the afternoon, we did a very interesting thing.

In the afternoon, my cousin and I played a game of chess. I lost. My cousin was very happy. In the cheers, my aunt said, "Let's go to the sunny garden to feed fish!" "OK!" My cousin jumped up excitedly, and my brother was also very excited. Our pockets were full of small steamed buns, all armed and ready to go. We followed the orders of our aunt and set out.

When I got to the pond, I looked down. The water was very calm and muddy. Sometimes a few dragonflies will stand on the dried reed. There is no fish in the water at all. My cousin took out a small steamed bun, crushed it and sprinkled it on the water. After a while, a spectacular scene appeared: many colorful small goldfish swarmed up from the bottom of the water to grab the cake. When I'm in a daze, I'll spread the cake.

There are more and more fish. Look! How beautiful that little black and white goldfish is! It is very alert and sensitive. It just ate a little food on the water and then disappeared into the water. Ah, that little yellow and white goldfish is really lively and lovely. It swims leisurely on the water surface and eats some food on the water from time to time. That, that! The little goldfish is golden, dazzling and charming. It is like a goldfish princess. The white circle on the top of the head is its crown. It's so beautiful!

Time flies. The sun has set. It's time for the little goldfish to go home, and it's time for us to go home.

This is really a happy day!

One thing in summer vacation Composition 300 words 2

Many things happened in my summer vacation, just like the stars in the sky, which can't be counted clearly and countless. But the most unforgettable thing for me is still the basketball match with my brother.

My brother gave me a basketball this summer vacation. I was very excited and trained every day. After more than ten days, although I haven't completely practiced many movements, I have basically mastered the skills.

A few days later, my brother came to me to play basketball, and I readily allowed him.

At the beginning, I immediately gave my brother a shot - a three-point ball. Then I tried my best to pull the score to 15-20. Later, my brother saw through my moves - first pretended to attack from the left, then crossed from the right, then shot, and my brother caught up with eight points. I immediately changed a trick I had seen on TV, and my brother saw through it.

Finally, my brother won. My brother smiled at me with pride: "Boy, you are not as good as me? You are far from me!" And I was like a defeated cock, hanging my head and could not say a word.

Through this competition, I summed up one truth: that is, there should be several backups for everything.

One thing in summer vacation Composition 300 words 3

One day in this summer vacation, the sun was bright and the sky was clear. I went to Mulan Tianchi with my friends and teachers.

As soon as we got off the bus, we jumped about excitedly. I rushed in first, "Pipa pa..." The people behind me also refused to be outdone and rushed in. I watched many scenes with my partners, which were incomparably beautiful and comparable to the place where the celestial immortals lived. But these scenes did not impress me, and I didn't watch them carefully until the Tianchi Lake. "Wow" came from afar, and my curiosity was greatly increased, I walked fast and ran past without stopping. I touched the water of Tianchi Lake with my foot, and said "cold"! When I walked inside again, the water here was actually hot. I was surprised and pleased. I asked my mother to take photos of me and the spring water. Later, I solemnly recorded this date, July 18. My partner is also happy to play here happily.

Finally, we went down the mountain. Although there was only one scenery that made me excited, I felt the happiness, friendship and wonder of Tianchi.

One thing in summer vacation Composition 300 words 4

Whoa! Whoa! When I heard this voice, I felt nervous when I sorted it out. I got up quickly, put on my clothes and hurried to the window to have a look! it's raining! This is too bad. Today's outdoor badminton competition for the whole family is going to be ruined.

Thinking of this, I had a brainwave. Isn't it possible to play badminton at home? I first brought two armchairs, and then I brought a long stick to put on two armchairs as a net. Then find a erasable pen to draw a few lines on the ground, and a simple court will be built. Finally, bring rackets and badminton, and the game can begin.

The first scene was my mother and I. I served a ball first. Because the ball was served too high, my mother shot me and put it on my head, which made me very angry. I immediately gave my mother a "shock gun". Before she could catch it with her racket, the ball fell behind her. "Judge" Grandma said, "One to one." I turned angry to happy when I was sorting out. When I was complacent, my mother immediately came to a "golden flame", but my mother's serve was just what I wanted. I dunked fiercely, making my mother look for teeth everywhere. After hard work, I finally defeated my father and mother and won the championship of indoor family badminton match.

I believe that my badminton skills will continue to improve.

One thing in summer vacation Composition 300 words 5

One morning in the summer vacation, when I got up, my mother said to me: "Xiaofen, today your father will come back from Jingzhou, and you can go to the food store to buy two jin of eggs." I took the money and basket from my mother, and took my sister out of the door.

When we went to the food store, we saw that people were crowded in front of the door, so we had to stand in line at the back. After standing for a while, I saw the saleswoman waving to us. I thought she was calling people behind, so she looked back. An uncle said to me, "They are calling you!" I said I am not familiar with her. The uncle said, "It's clearly you!" Then I remembered that she knew my mother, and must have greeted me when she saw my sister. I was about to move forward, and my outstretched foot retracted. The teacher often taught us to observe social order and not be selfish. How can I go? I quickly stood in place. The salesgirl aunt had to smile at me helplessly.

Soon it was my turn to buy. I handed over the money, and the aunt asked, "I called you just now, why didn't you come?" I said, "The teacher asked our pupils to observe social order, and I can't make special!" She turned red when she heard me say this, and smiled sheepishly, as if to say, "What a good child! It's right!"

I bought a good egg and thanked the aunt. People around me gave me encouragement and approval. I looked at the red eggs in the basket, just like a pair of smiles, praising me: "You did right!"

One thing in summer vacation composition 300 words 6

The sun was scorching, and the summer vacation that I had been looking forward to for a long time finally came. My Duke of Zhou had long wanted to date me, but my dream had not yet begun. My uncle and father said that they wanted me to learn to play basketball.

A few days after the holiday, my uncle dragged me to Changning No. 1 Middle School to learn to play basketball; "Practice your limb coordination."

After listening to my uncle's words, I came to the basketball court with half confidence, and the teacher came. First, let me run around the stadium for three times. I slowly run forward. First, I run on the road, then I run off the road. I'm still tired after running for one lap.

The teacher saw me stop, walked over and gave me a ball. He asked me to play while running like other teammates. In this way, I gradually became interested in the ball.

In the next few days, the teacher taught us how to play basketball. He asked us to make a half clenched fist instead of hitting the ball with the palm of our hand. The teacher also asked us to pass the ball at short intervals. Through a period of persistence, my basketball skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

I have learned a truth from playing basketball. If you insist on anything, you will win, and you will certainly have a harvest.

One thing in summer vacation Composition 300 words 7

Summer vacation is coming, my parents take me to Leshan Giant Buddha. It took us more than ten hours by train to reach Leshan City. We decided to go to Leshan Giant Buddha by boat. When I got to the place where I bought the tickets, I saw a long queue of people. After waiting in line for more than half an hour, we finally got tickets.

After driving on the rippling water for twenty or thirty minutes, I finally witnessed the Leshan Giant Buddha sitting facing the river. His expression was very stern, his hands were on his knees, his eyes were gazing lovingly in front of him, and there were many small Buddha statues beside him, all of which were equally lifelike.

I saw the hikers looking up at the Buddha's feet like ants. I'm glad we are watching the Buddha on the river, so we can see his full picture. The tour guide pointed and pointed back and forth, and kept telling stories about the Buddha. The weather slowly darkened, and the tour guide informed everyone that the boat was going back to the dock, but I really didn't want to go back, but the merciless boat still took us farther and farther. At the moment when the boat turned around, I turned to see the Buddha in the setting sun. He looked even more spectacular under the green mountains and waters, and my heart couldn't help but be excited, This is the crystallization of the wisdom of our ancient working people!

One thing in summer vacation composition 300 words 8

One of the happiest things for me in the summer vacation is to travel to Guilin. I have heard that Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, and Yangshuo's landscape is the best in Guilin. It's better to see than hear!

When I came to Yulong River, I couldn't wait to sit on the bamboo raft and put on my life jacket. This bamboo raft is about five meters long and one meter wide. It is made of ten moso bamboos. It is a real bamboo raft. "In the middle reaches of the small bamboo raft river, walk on both sides of the towering green mountains", and the rafting begins. Wherever the bamboo raft goes, it is full of colorful natural scenery. I appreciate the continuous mountains and dense bamboos on both sides of the river, touch the crystal clear water, observe the riverbed full of water grass, and catch floating water grass. There is a big waterfall drop ahead, and the bamboo raft goes down with the flow when it crosses the dam. In an instant, it feels like it has lost its center of gravity. The bamboo raft slid down the waterfall with the fast flowing water, splashing a lot of water, and my happy laughter rippled in the water

Later, I visited Guilin Lijiang River, Yinziyan, Dragon Ridge Terraces, Sun Moon Tower, Elephant Trunk Mountain Park and other famous scenic spots, each of which made me linger!

One thing in summer vacation Composition 300 words 9

In the hot summer vacation, my mother suddenly decided to let me learn swimming. Because swimming can not only exercise the body but also let the body cool down quickly. Under the urging and encouragement of my parents, I came to the swimming pool with trepidation. I saw two swimming pools bigger than the basketball court rising in front of me, one deep water area and one shallow water area. When I came to the shallow water area, I saw the children in colorful swimsuits playing in the water, splashing everywhere, which made me dizzy.

On the first day, I had to learn to hold my breath and went to the pool. A chill made me shiver uncontrollably. To hold your breath, you should take a breath first, then sink your head into the water, and then spit out bubbles before rising. Following the coach's slogan: "One two, one two..." The students all did it. After a while, the students were exhausted, but the cruel coach also let us continue to practice.

In the next few days, we will learn to pedal and row. When kicking, you should first close your feet, then push them quickly, and finally clamp them together. I learned it in one lesson. The rowers went to school on the shore, and I soon learned. From then on, I fell in love with swimming. Whenever I was free, my father would take my brother and I to swim.

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (3)

The life in the summer vacation is rich and colorful. There are many things happening in the summer vacation: happy, unforgettable, sad, but the most unforgettable is the total solar eclipse, which is not seen in 500 years.

It was 8:00 in the morning of July 22. I got up early and watched the total solar eclipse. Although this is not the best observation for us to observe the total solar eclipse, we can still observe it on TV. I sat in front of the TV early and the once in a lifetime total solar eclipse came to the Yangtze River basin at 8:00 on time. The maximum duration of this total solar eclipse was six minutes. There are five places where the total solar eclipse can be observed: Chongqing, Wuhan, Yixing, Hubei and Kunming. The total solar eclipse is divided into the initial loss, both food, food, light, recovery. According to experts, a total solar eclipse means that when the sun shines on the earth's surface, the moon moves between the sun and the earth, blocking the sun's light. The total solar eclipse has a process: the sun's light is covered until it recovers. It is the performance of the moon. It is predicted that there will be a total solar eclipse 26 years later, which will occur in Beijing and other places. I think I was 38 years old by then. Now I want to study hard and become an astronomer when I grow up. It seems that the technology of the country is more and more developed, and even the glasses for observing the total solar eclipse are professional.

The total solar eclipse, which happened once in five hundred years, ended in six minutes. It's really fascinating to think about it.

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (4)

Beautiful environment, birds singing and flowers fragrance are my dream places. This summer vacation, my parents finally took me to this place.

This is a beautiful park. When I saw such a beautiful scenery, I stood there numbly. Because I was thinking: Shenzhen has such a beautiful place!

After I went in, I came to a place full of flowers. The flowers had their own colors: red as fire, yellow as gold, blue as sky, white as snow, orange as dusk... There were green grass beside them, which further set off the beauty of many flowers. The birds on the branches are chatting and singing happily. Everyone is walking, chatting, doing sports in the park with a happy mood

Later, I came to a place where there was a fountain. The water in the fountain was very cool. Suddenly, a burst of cool water splashed over. I looked back and saw that it was several children who spilled the water in the fountain, making others and the ground wet. I was a little angry, so I went to him angrily and said, "Can you stop?" The little boy stopped and bowed his head, as if regretful. I smiled, touched his head and said, "This is good. The environment is protected by all of us. Don't make the same mistake again!" The little boy nodded and said, "I know, big sister!"

Mother saw it and praised me as a good child. As time went by, it began to get dark, and my mother and father were reluctant to take the bus home.

5 One thing in summer vacation

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (5)

Do you want to know anything interesting about my summer vacation? Let me tell you something interesting about watching butterflies in summer vacation.

That morning, my mother said that she would take me and my good friends Dangdang and Douding to a private museum in my uncle's house. What kind of private museum is it?

We arrived at our destination after a long mountain road. As soon as we got off the bus, we could see the rolling mountains and a small river flowing down the mountain. Then came an uncle who was a friend of his mother. He said he would take us to see his private museum now.

When we arrived at my uncle's house, we were shocked by the scene in front of us, because there were more than 1000 kinds of butterfly specimens at my uncle's house, which is really a "butterfly museum". There are also various insect specimens here, and I can't catch my eyes anymore. It seems that I have entered the world of "Fable Insects", Uncle told us: "The butterfly is a very magical species of nature. First, it is a small egg, then becomes a worm, and then grows into an adult worm. Next, it weaves a cocoon, transforms in the cocoon, and breaks out of the cocoon to become a beautiful butterfly. The wings of each butterfly are different colors, and there are beautiful spots or patterns on them, so it flies very beautifully It comes from butterflies. "

When we were about to leave, my mother bought me a butterfly specimen as a souvenir. I was very happy. Time goes by minute by second, and happy time is always short. It's really an unforgettable and interesting thing, don't you think?

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (6)

In my colorful childhood, the most interesting thing was that I went to my grandmother's house to catch crabs last summer. I remember that day, I took a car to my grandmother's house. As soon as I got out of the door, my grandmother ran out to meet me. She looked carefully for a while and said, "Oh, Kang Kang is tall!" Then she took my hand and walked toward the house, As he walked, he shouted: "Old man, Kangkang is coming!" Grandfather ran out of the house immediately. He wiped his clothes with his hands full of mud, and took my hand mysteriously to a stream. It was to catch crabs. Grandfather said, "You can see how I catch it first!"

With that, he lifted up his trouser legs and "pooped". Grandfather jumped into the stream. He moved a stone away. Sure enough, he saw a small crab. Grandfather quickly grabbed its back shell with his hands and put the small crab into the bucket. "I will, I will! I finally found a small crab. Just as I was about to catch it, it waved its sharp pliers, "Ah ---" I screamed, and blood flowed from my wound. Alas, it's so difficult to catch small crabs!

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (7)

This summer vacation, my parents and I went to Hainan to travel and play a lot of places, but what impressed me most was swimming in Dadonghai.

As soon as I came to the Dadonghai scenic spot, I was attracted by its blue sky, sea and beach. From a distance, many people were swimming, and I was also itching, but my swimming level was very low, so I had to rent a life buoy.

I looked around on the beach, but I found nothing. Just when I was depressed, I found a place to rent a life buoy. It was really "no place to find it if you wear iron shoes"! Now it is "everything is ready, only the east wind": waiting for the water.

I thought the sea was very hot under the sun, but I soon found that the water was cold, so I swam like a fish. From a distance, the water and the sky are the same color. The sun shines on the sea like a mirror covered with broken gold. When I was fascinated, I shivered. I was drifting to the far sea. I was scared out of my wits. I tried my best to swim back to the beach. However, I didn't know that it would be safe to swim back to the beach. He gave up the life buoy. Swimming by myself, I didn't know I was sunk in the sea. I just stood up and fell down again due to the shift of the center of gravity. I drank several mouthfuls of sea water, which was salty and astringent. It was really "dumb people eat yellow lotus - it's hard to say". Fortunately, Dad helped me up, otherwise I would be in danger.

This swimming emboldened me. In fact, swimming is not terrible.

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (8)

Seeing the little grey rabbit bouncing around, I breathed a long sigh of relief, and then my heart was really happy

Here's the thing. Last summer, my father caught a cute little gray rabbit for me when he went to pull saplings out of town. When I first saw it, I had the idea of keeping it for a long time. Its fur is arranged in an orderly way, soft and smooth, with long ears standing alert. With the three valves of mouth and short tail, it is not so cute. At noon that day, I was so excited that I didn't take a nap. I always teased it.

Later, I built a nest for Little Grey Rabbit with a cardboard box, which was lined with my small cotton padded jacket, and beside it was a small dish for food. Because I think it must be too hard for the little grey rabbit to live in the wild, so I let him enjoy the happiness in my home. When the nest was ready, I cut some carrot shreds and put them on the plate, and formally invited the little grey rabbit in. I thought he would jump around happily when he came in, but he didn't appreciate it at all. He didn't even look at his favorite carrot. Are you shy? I quietly left and returned to the house. When I saw it again in the afternoon, the carrot pattern was still intact, and the little grey rabbit looked listless and unhappy. At that moment, I seemed to understand that what Little Grey Rabbit needed was freedom and the embrace of nature. So I picked up the little grey rabbit, walked around the street, and ran up the mountain quickly

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (9)

This year, I spent the most enjoyable summer vacation in the countryside. The countryside in midsummer is so charming. Here, something happened that I will never forget.

One day after breakfast, Xiao Li, Xiao Ming and Xiao Wang and I were jumping rubber bands under the tree. A boy about five or six years old came to Xiao Li and said, "Sister Xiao Li, our corn is ripe. Mother said, we can pick it off and burn it for our mother to eat." Xiao Li said, "Why should we let her burn it? Can't we?"? Sisters, I invite you to eat my corn. " We all said, "OK."

Xiaoli then said, "Xiaoming, you go to find the wire; my brother and I go to pick corn. As for you two, we will go to find dry firewood and gather here in five minutes." "YES, sir." The three of us said together. Xiao Wang and I went to find some firewood, picked up two plastic bags and went back. "Just wait for you," said Xiao Li. We didn't say anything, but put the dry wood and the plastic bag down. Everyone started to light a fire, surrounded the corn with iron wire, and burned their own. About ten minutes later, the corn was ripe, and everyone's faces were filled with joy.

Everyone ate corn with relish, and the air was filled with the smell of corn. When I ate corn, I felt that it was more delicious than the flavorful peanuts and chocolate beans I had ever eaten before. What is the reason? I think, in addition to the smell of corn, it is more important to taste the sweetness of labor.

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (10)

Today, my father and I went to Guizhou Huangguoshu Waterfall. My father and I happily got on the bus. I quickly grabbed the best seat at the first place. My father sat behind me. The bus started. My father and I went to Huangguoshu Waterfall to play together.

An old lady on the bus didn't have a seat. He was holding the armrest by himself. He was right next to me. My father saw this phenomenon and said to me quickly, "My son, please give the old lady a seat." I said, "I won't let him. I robbed this seat. He was slow to get on the bus, so he didn't have a seat." The old lady listened to my words and said with a smile: "It's OK, is it a child? It's OK to be naughty." I said unconvinced: "Look, he said he was slow to get on the bus, so there is no seat." Dad looked angry and didn't know what to say.

The bus walked for 10 minutes and arrived at the Sea View Station. Some people got off and were very crowded. Some people were still on the bus, and the old lady was also on the bus. At this time, my father opened his mouth and said, "Look, this old lady has been standing for a long time, and her legs and feet are sore. You should give up your seat to that old lady quickly." After listening to my father's advice, I thought it was right, so I reluctantly gave up my seat. The old lady praised me

Finally, my father bought me my favorite toy, and we stayed there for three days before we left.

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (11)

Summer life is like a colorful kaleidoscope, full of fun and joy. It is inevitable that there will be some unforgettable scenes in the summer vacation. Let me tell you about one of those clips!

That day, it was a sunny day. It was already light, and I still felt I was in the dark. It was the curtain that had not been closed. The curtain had just been opened, and a warm sun shone into my eyes. I subconsciously closed my eyes. After washing, go out for a walk! As soon as I left the building, I heard birds chirping, mango trees emitting fresh fragrance, and vendors bargaining with customers. Everything is so harmonious and beautiful!

After walking, it was 9:30. According to my daily schedule, I was going to the bookstore to read. I hurried to the bookstore. At that time, the bookstore was already crowded. I squeezed for a while and finally got in. I came to the children's magazine. I found a fat man about the same age as me. I glanced at him, took a book and sat beside her, When I found that his pants would fall off, he had already got up to put the books, and then

This is my summer vacation life. He is full of happiness. I love summer vacation!

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (12)

August 1 this year is a memorable day. On the same day, Director Mu informed the University Brigade Committee to express condolences to his uncle firefighter. I signed up for this activity.

Early in the morning, the cadres of the brigade gathered on the campus. Everyone lined up and marched forward to Angang No. 6 Fire Brigade step by step.

Along the way, the sun burned us, and we kept walking while brushing. After a long walk, we came to six districts, and victory was in sight. We quickened our pace. When the fire brigade existed, we couldn't wait to take off suddenly. We soon went to visit the brave firefighter uncle, and soon gave us gifts and the warmest 'sympathy.

We finally got to the fire brigade. The uncles of the firemen are waiting for us. Watching the performance of firefighters' uncles, our team applauded loudly. The performance of the soldiers opened our eyes. After the soldiers climbed the rope, let's climb up too. Where can I climb up? Students come back again and again. Finally, several students were appointed. They just slipped up and down. Fortunately, they didn't call me. Otherwise, I would make a fool of myself in public. Then, we can't provide the firefighter uncle with sweet and delicious watermelons. It's time to say goodbye. We reluctantly left the fire brigade.

When I grow up, I want to contribute everything to the motherland like firefighters and uncles.

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (13)

What you experience in summer vacation is like shells on the beach. You can't count them, nor can you finish picking them. Today, I picked up a shell and told a story:

It was a sunny day. Students in the third year of the junior high school went to Chongwu Ancient City to play, and I followed them. Once we got to our destination, we went to the seaside. After drinking the mineral water, we caught crabs. After catching a few, there were only four. I caught two of them, but their feet were pulled out. I just wanted to have a good look, but I said I wanted to go to the beach, so I had to go to the beach again. As soon as we got there, the tide just came in, and Wang Tingting (a friend of my sister) and I went to build a "sand mountain". After a while, Zou Mianzhi and I (another friend of my sister) saw the horse for the first time. We were very curious. We paid the money and sat on the horse. Don't listen to Matt. I'll turn him wherever I tell him. When I got down, I was very reluctant, but I had to get down.

It's time for dinner. We went to the table and looked at many delicacies on the table, including shrimp, carp, shark roots, conch... After dinner, we played for a long time. The school bus is going to pick us up and go back to school. Although I am very tired, I am very happy.

Ah! This trip is really good. I wish I could go again.

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (14)

During the summer vacation, my classmate asked me to go downstairs and play hide and seek with his brothers and sisters. I agreed.

Down the stairs, we selected the man we caught - Yi Yang's brother. At the beginning of the game, Yi Yang's younger brother said, "60! 59! 58! 57!...... 3! 2! 1! I started to catch!" While he was counting, I hid in a small bush, wondering where Yi Yang had gone. Yi Yang's younger brother walked outside the forest. I could see him, but he could not see me. I heard him say to himself, "Shit, where are all the people? I'll wait for them here to see if they can come!" I suppressed my smile and dared not move. After a while, Yi Yang and other people passed by. As soon as they saw his brother, they shouted, "Run, let's catch him!" When his brother heard the voice, he immediately grabbed him. I quickly changed places and hid in the storeroom. Sure enough, the younger brother thought that Lin Zi was a good place to hide, so he caught me there. He missed me and caught all Yi Yang who passed by. I won.

We then played many times, and the result was that we won and lost. The whole community was full of our 'laughter and laughter'.

This is really an unforgettable hide and seek!

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (15)

The game began. Pan Lu was the challenger in the first round. She ran quickly and passed me. I quickly touched her. "I win" I shouted. In the second round, I got the chance to be a challenger. When I caught the gap, I started to rush into the battle and was caught by Zhang Runze accidentally. I lost in frustration. In the third round, Zhang Runze took advantage of his small size and flexible movements to rush out of the "zombie" array. Everyone laughed happily.

This game is really fun! Through this game, I learned that we should be patient in doing things, and we can always succeed by seizing opportunities.

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (16)

Little author: Chen Fentong

The summer vacation passed in a hurry, but that place still haunts me! That's Yuanming New Garden in Zhuhai.

It was an early morning after the rain. Walking through the "Golden Water Bridge", it was like entering a "fairyland" immediately; The lake is green and clear, the distant mountains are green and luxuriant, and the pavilions appear and disappear in the rain. There must be "immortals" living here.

We walked across the "Jiuzhou Qingyan", went boating on the lake, and fed the "gluttonous ghost" goldfish on the boat.

Arrived at the "Emerald Palace" and saw the "Emperor" wearing a pearl cap; There are so many thugs under this guy. He is "domineering" there.

Finally, we entered the "Children's Paradise" and climbed onto the "Ferris Wheel" in fear. God! How beautiful the scenery is! Then, my brother and I competed with each other to "spin the mushroom", and both of us became dizzy! Finally, we flinched in front of the "haunted house"!

Happiness is too short. Fortunately, I can go back to my old dreams when I sleep and relive "happiness" again!

[The happiest thing in summer vacation]

Little author: Ji Jianlin

This summer vacation was wonderful and unforgettable. The most happy thing for me was that our family went to Yangjiang Hailing Island for tourism.

The car ran fast on the highway. The adults talked and laughed. My cousin and I sang while listening to the songs. After more than three hours' journey, we finally arrived at the destination - Hailing Island.

We can't wait to get off the bus and run to the beach. The sea is beautiful and boundless! The sun is reflected on the beach, like a golden field. The sand at the foot is fine, soft, and smooth. Occasionally, one or two strange shells can be seen. Waves of waves rush in, cool, refreshing, and very comfortable. Without saying a word, we started our excavation project with beach tools. My cousin and I were responsible for digging holes, and my cousin was responsible for adding water. We played from noon until sunset. We were about to go back, and we were reluctant to leave. Mother said we could come tomorrow, so we reluctantly left.

The two-day trip to Yangjiang Hailing Island has added a colorful touch to our summer vacation, and we look forward to a more wonderful summer vacation next year.

[The happiest thing in summer vacation]

Little author: Hu Yating

One of the happiest things for me in the summer vacation is to travel to Guilin. I have heard that Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, and Yangshuo's landscape is the best in Guilin. It's better to see than hear!

When I came to Yulong River, I couldn't wait to sit on the bamboo raft and put on my life jacket. This bamboo raft is about five meters long and one meter wide. It is made of ten moso bamboos. It is really a bamboo raft. "In the middle reaches of the small bamboo raft river, walk on both sides of the towering green mountains". The rafting started. Wherever the bamboo raft went, it was full of colorful natural scenery. I appreciate the continuous mountains and dense bamboos on both sides of the river, touch the crystal clear river, observe the riverbed full of water grass, and catch the floating water grass. There is a big waterfall drop ahead, and the bamboo raft goes down with the flow when it crosses the dam. In an instant, it feels like it has lost its center of gravity. The bamboo raft slides down the waterfall with the fast flowing water, splashing a lot of water, and my happy laughter ripples in the water

Later, I visited the Lijiang River, Yinziyan, Dragon Ridge Terraces, Sun Moon Tower, Elephant Trunk Hill Park and other famous scenic spots in Guilin. Each scenic spot made me forget to leave!

[The happiest thing in summer vacation]

Little author: Wu Zongxian

In such a long summer vacation, I have many happy things, one of which makes me happy most.

At the end of July, my mother and sister and I went to Shenzhen Dameisha Beach for a trip. It was a sunny day. After more than an hour's drive, we finally arrived at the base Dameisha Beach.

I walked to the edge of the beach with a relaxed and happy mood. At a glance, the boundless sea. When the sun reflects, the beach is like a real heap of gold on the ground. The moment was suddenly bright, and a warm current flowed from the bottom of my heart. I stood at the beach, the sea breeze blew to me, cool, refreshing and very comfortable. We put on our swimsuits. My mother took my hand and stepped into the golden beach to the sparkling sea. My mother helped me put on a swimming circle. I took various positions in the sea, and waves washed me back to the beach every time. Looking at the blue sea, I accidentally drank a little water. Bah, Bah, Bah, how bitter and salty the sea is! When I came to the beach, I played with my sister and made sand models, such as castles, planes, frogs, leaves

Time passed quickly. We reluctantly left Damei Mountain. As I walked, I thought: Next time I must see the beautiful sea under the moonlight.

[The happiest thing in summer vacation]

Little author: Wang Zirui

At the end of July in the summer vacation, our family went to Qinghai and Gansu together and visited many scenic and historic tourist attractions.

Among them, the most exciting and happy thing for me is to enter the big desert named Sand Mountain. First of all, we put on the lovely orange shoe covers, which are used to prevent sand from entering the shoes. After putting on the shoe covers, we rode a cute camel into the desert. Suddenly, I was shocked by the scenery in front of me. The vast sand and golden hills were rolling. At this time, I could not wait to get down from the camel and came to the sand skating ground. This is a slide of more than 100 meters. Suddenly, my heart was full of fear, and I wanted to ski alone. When I started to ski, the skateboard suddenly turned a corner, This turn almost scared me, and then this skateboard went all the way in an oblique state. Although it was a bit dangerous, it was very exciting and very happy! When we went back, we saw the beautiful Crescent Lake. I can't believe there was water in the desert.

After visiting the Mingsha Mountain in the desert, I remembered a poem by Li He, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: "The desert sand is like snow, and the Yanshan moon is like a hook."

[The happiest thing in summer vacation]

Little author: Zhu Sijia

In the hot summer vacation, my mother suddenly decided to let me learn swimming. Because swimming can not only exercise the body but also let the body cool down quickly. Under the urging and encouragement of my parents, I came to the swimming pool with trepidation. I saw two swimming pools bigger than the basketball court appeared in front of me, one in deep water and the other in shallow water. When I came to the shallow water area, I saw the children in colorful swimsuits playing in the water, splashing everywhere, which made me dazzled.

On the first day, I had to learn to hold my breath and went into the pool. With a chill, I could not help but shiver. To hold your breath, first take a breath, then sink your head into the water, and then spit out bubbles before rising. With the coach's slogan: "One two, one two..." The students all started. After a while, the students were exhausted, but the cruel coach also let us continue to practice.

In the next few days, we will learn to pedal and row. When kicking, you should first close your feet, then push them quickly, and finally clamp them together. I learned it in one lesson. The rowers went to school on the shore, and I soon learned. From then on, I fell in love with swimming. Whenever I was free, my father would take my brother and I to swim.

[The happiest thing in summer vacation]

Little author: Huang Honghao

During the summer vacation, I felt very happy. One of the happiest things was that my mother took me to the pond to see the lotus.

Wow! The pond is full of lotus flowers and leaves! The pink lotus swayed happily on the pond, beautiful and dripping, looking white and red. The full pool of lotus reminds me of "the endless green lotus leaves meet the sky, and the lotus flowers look red in the sun". The dewdrops are very shy and naughty. The fish are dancing in the water. It seems that they wave to me. It's very polite! There are many different animals, such as tortoise, yellow croaker, water snake, goldfish... It's wonderful! The first time I saw you, I was really happy and elated.

Composition One thing in summer vacation 300 words (17)

A meaningful thing in the summer vacation

The summer vacation began, and I made a colorful arrangement for my holiday life: I went to my mother-in-law's house to play, went to the book store to see my favorite books, and traveled with my parents on weekends; Do homework every day, go swimming in the afternoon, and

In this way, when I was living a comfortable life every day, one day I saw from the TV news that East and South Sichuan were hit by torrential rain and floods. Millions of people lost their lives and property at different levels. When the flood hit on the TV screen, people didn't have time to rescue any property and watched their hard built houses destroyed by the flood. At that time, I really hated the rain. The arrival of "you" was so fierce that many people were displaced. Those children my age and their schools are also facing collapse and will be out of school under the attack of this flood. Their food was washed away and their houses were destroyed. How they need our care and help.

The "Rainbow Action" launched by Sichuan TV has had a great impact in our community, and people have donated money and materials. I also hurried home to find some good clothes, school supplies, and more than 70 yuan of pocket money that my father and mother usually give me to donate to the community. I didn't donate enough. What the people in the disaster area need is our support. With this support, they will be able to overcome difficulties and rebuild their homes.

I wanted to buy toys with my pocket money and donated it to the disaster area. I don't regret it at all. It makes me feel that I have done something really meaningful.