Letter to teacher (15 popular articles)
Cold winter fog
2024-02-03 06:53:15
junior middle school

Letter to the teacher (1)

Miss Liu:

How like our mother, you worry about our future all the time. No wonder everyone said: "We are the flowers of our motherland, and you are the diligent gardener. We travel in the ocean of knowledge you created for us."

Teacher, you are like a candle, burning yourself and illuminating us. In class, you will often teach us how to be a man. Teacher, it is you who taught me knowledge; You taught me honesty; You taught me to be grateful; You taught me how to be a man! I am proud of a teacher like you!

Teacher, I'm sorry I shouldn't talk or make small movements secretly in class. Today, I am ashamed of my behavior here. The teacher said, "I'm sorry, I will listen carefully to every class in the future!

Finally, I wish teachers all over the world good health and good luck

Letter to the teacher (2)

Dear Mr. Zhang
You are the teacher I admire most. Although you are harsh and criticize us sometimes, I still admire you very much. Your dedication to us is like a candle burning youth to shine on us.
You have taught us a lot of new knowledge, as well as many good learning methods, so that we can make progress bit by bit, and our life and learning are inseparable from teachers. I remember one time when a classmate in the class was sleepy in class, you walked up to him and touched his forehead, "Ah, fever!" You quickly contacted the parents, took him to the office to pour him water, and then directly sent him to the clinic to the parents and you hurried back to the school. Another time when you had a math class, you joked that Wu Haozhen went hunting and killed six sheep. I still remember that math class. I wonder if the teacher still has an impression? It's a bit like a history lesson. Everyone is very happy. Teacher, I want to tell you that you are really powerful. With your warm help and your teachings, we can grow healthily. Thank you very much, teacher!
You are very hard. Every time after class, you have to correct our homework. How hard it is! There are 76 students in our class. You have to correct 76 homework and worry about 76 students. It is because of your education and your teaching that we can have today's insight. It is because of your care that we flowers can grow healthily. It is because of your little teaching that we understand the truth of life. You, like our mother, make us feel extremely happy. You worry about our safety all day long.
Yes, people say that teachers are like gardeners, but I think they are more like our mothers! Thank you, teacher, for your seriousness and responsibility to us, for your concern for us, for your teaching us a lot of knowledge, and for your selfless dedication to us!
Best wishes
good health

Your student: Wu Haozhen
December 27th

Letter to the teacher (3)

Dear Mr. Huang

You may have thousands of peaches and plums in your life. I am honored to be one of your thousands. You planted me yourself. You nurtured me with knowledge. How can I forget your kindness?

Your humor is in my mind. You always say some words or stories in class, which makes the whole class laugh. For example, when two students are talking, you will say, "Eh? What are you whispering about? Do you want to share it with your classmates?" At this time, I think how humorous you are, which also makes the class more fun.

Your teachings are in my heart. In class, you stood on the three foot platform and worked tirelessly for us until we understood. You often talk about many extra-curricular things in your lectures, and often share your own stories with us. I listened with interest to your eloquence. When we encounter setbacks, you will give encouragement, let us regain confidence, fall and rise again; When we are lost, you can guide us and be our beacon...... ()

Your hard work is in my mind. Every morning, you would not have to go to school with us in the morning, but you insisted on "going to school" with us. You always have to take time out of your busy schedule to correct your homework. You always worry about our study, health, and personal situation. You silently pay, but do not expect return.

Teacher! You are a member of us, and you are our 46th classmate. Your hard work and sweat, I remember in my heart, your white hair white for us; Your wrinkles are born for us; Your throat is hoarse for us, and I can't repay you for these things. I only have to study hard and repay you with good results. I only have to thank you, thank you, thank you again!

Wish you

Always young and healthy

Your student: xxx

May 5, 2016

Letter to the teacher (4)

Dear Mr. Li


In a hurry, we are going to graduate in a twinkling of an eye, but in the past two years, you have clearly remembered my church and love. A good teacher can train good students. This sentence has been witnessed by you.

I remember that when I just came to this new class, I was at a loss in the face of this strange environment and strange faces. But when I saw your beautiful black hair and amiable smile, I fell in love with you.

At the beginning of school, my handwriting is very poor. You criticized me at the first parents' meeting. When I got home, my mother severely scolded me, which made my heart extremely uncomfortable. I thought to myself: the teacher didn't give me face, even criticized me in front of my mother, which made me spend an hour practicing calligraphy every day after finishing the successful class in the next time. However, I found later that the teacher did it for my good, and my words really improved. If you had not criticized me, my words would not have made progress; If you hadn't criticized me at the beginning, maybe you would lose a lot of marks in the future exam because of the untidy and scrawled characters; If you hadn't criticized me, I might have been laughed at. Here, I would like to thank you sincerely.

I still remember one time when I failed in my exam. I didn't dare to take the test paper home to my parents to sign it, so I cried on the table. You found my unhappiness, walked over and gently patted my shoulder, and said to me in a sweet voice: "Yueyue, don't be sad, one failure is not terrible, failure is the mother of success, I believe that this small setback is not difficult for you, I believe you." I thought: "Yes, it's still too late to work hard. I will sum up the mistakes in this exam and review them carefully." As a result, I got good results in the second exam. Thank you for encouraging me when I failed.

A short period of two years has passed quickly, and soon I will graduate. In the past two years, I am growing up with your love and encouragement. In the next study and life, I will repay you with my efforts and better results!

Wish you

Work is smooth!

Happy everyday!

Your student: Liu Yaqi

November 1, 2016

Letter to the teacher (5)

Dear Mr. Liu

Others say: One day as a teacher, one day as a father, and I think you are more like my big sister, because when I do something wrong, you will severely criticize me, and will not let me make mistakes. When I entered Class 61 classroom, you smiled at me, which comforted my nervous heart. You always treat others with a smile, not like other teachers. When I make a mistake, you always remind me, hoping I won't make it again. I remember one time, it seemed that I quarreled with a classmate and told you about it. The classmate lied that I scolded him first, but that was not the case. At that time, you seemed to be busy sorting out the courseware, so you didn't listen carefully and misunderstood me. I cried for a long time after returning, but when I saw a book, I knew what you meant. You let me know that a person must have a broad mind, and can't haggle over every small thing. The flowers repay the earth with their fragrance, while I can only repay you with learning.

I wish you good health, good luck and success in your work.

Letter to the teacher (6)

Mr. Ye: Hello, Mr. Ye. I'm your student Zhang Chunyang. You taught me hard in the fourth grade, but I was disappointed again and again in the exam. My father didn't sign up for my home cram school until they knew the score of the exam. Mr. Ye, you can rest assured that there are not only English lessons, but also Chinese lessons. There I focused on remedial English, because last semester's English final exam was more than 40 points. There I will make up for my Chinese lessons and use them to read, write homework and review Chinese. Before I came to my hometown, my father brought me several papers, but there was no Chinese paper, but my father brought me a copybook to write. In my hometown, I will improve my Chinese scores. Mr. Ye, I will make you look at me with new eyes next semester. I won't let you down. Good health

Letter to the teacher (7)

Dear Teacher Yi


Remember me? I was the little girl who threw steamed buns when I was two and a half years old in kindergarten.

How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye, we haven't seen each other for three years. I am now studying in the experimental school. I will be in the fourth grade after the school starts. I am the monitor, the representative of science and exploration class in the class, and the deputy team leader in the school. My spare time life is also very rich. I like zither, painting and calligraphy! Do you already feel that I have many awards? But I'm not proud.

I also filled up my time during the summer vacation. Swimming, calligraphy, zither, painting. This year, I took the Chinese zither test of Level 5, which was taken yesterday. Seven days later, I announced my results on the Internet.

Teacher, are you tired there? I think you must have lost a lot of weight. Let me tell you the story of these days! A week ago, I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. I dreamed that I would become a 4 - or 5-year-old child again, playing games with you in the kindergarten. Suddenly, you picked me up (Mom picked me up and undressed me) and put me down again. When I woke up, all my dreams disappeared. If only time could go back! I really miss you now!

There is a photo of me in the envelope. Is it nice? Look at me when you miss me! Can you answer a letter when you are not busy? Remember to bring your photos!

I wish your kindergarten will be better and better!

Letter to the teacher (8)

Dear Mr. Pan

As the saying goes, "One day as a teacher, one day as a father. Every word is a gift to my teacher." Yes, if there were no teacher, we would still be the ignorant child six years ago. Only children with innocence and no knowledge.

I was a child who lost everything when I was young, didn't take homework and didn't drop homework all day. Every time my homework is lost, you always give me your own homework book. I also love to ask questions. You always take the trouble to answer me and let me know the answers to many questions. You always tell us the truth of life one by one with your own or others' stories

In the past six years, you have taught me a lot about life and useful knowledge. How many six years does a person have in his life? Teacher, I don't know how many years you have devoted to the former students. But I know that your six years of hard work for us is real!

I have nothing material to repay you, so I have to try my best to make progress in learning to repay you!

Wish you

Good health, good luck.

Your student Xu Huaqing

Letter to the teacher (9)

Dear Mr. Liu Weilin

Hello, after reading your masterpiece County Magistrates Are Not Livable, I can't help but want to write to you.

I like this article very much. Fortunately, it is rich in content.

I want to share the eighth paragraph with you. Why did Zhang Guangling's nephew kill so many people, and the emperor doesn't care?

Teacher, how did you become a writer? Can you tell me more about it?

I like writing, but there are some words that I don't know how to describe. Can you teach me some skills?



Letter to the teacher (10)

Dear Mr. Xu

Hello, have you been in good health recently? Did you enjoy your work? I hope you will always be happy. Over the years, you have worked hard to cultivate so many students, and you have dedicated your life to them. You teach us to learn Pinyin, recognize Chinese characters, and write compositions. It is you who watch us grow up and cultivate us into talents day by day. It is in this long process that love blooms quietly

I clearly remember that you taught our class in the third grade, because I was not sensible at that time and my grades were not good. Everyone looked down on me and always bullied me and laughed at me. For such an environment, I have some inferiority and fear. I am always distracted in class and often do not write homework after school. You seemed to see my mind and called me to the office to talk. You taught me patiently like enlightening your own children. You taught me to be confident. You taught me not to lose heart and not to be discouraged. You also told the whole class to help me as much as possible. You don't know, you have planted the seeds of love in my heart since that heart talk.

You not only planted the seed of love in my heart, but also took good care of this seed to make it grow healthily and open beautiful flowers. At that time, I was timid and didn't feel like raising my hand to speak. Even if I had the correct answer in my heart, I didn't have the courage to express myself in front of the whole class. It seems that nothing can be concealed from your eyes. You have found my cowardly character, so you can help me. Whenever I have an answer in my heart, but I am afraid of wrong answer and dare not raise my hand, you seem to see through my mind and take the initiative to let me answer the question. If you answer correctly, you will praise me in front of the whole class. Gradually, I become bold and take the initiative to answer questions every time.

Mr. Xu, you gave me confidence and love. Now, the seed of love has blossomed. You pour love into the hearts of every student. This magical power has turned us into angels who sow love. Love has played its magical role, connecting the hearts of thousands of teachers and students, and making the world full of love.

Thank you, dear Mr. Xu. On behalf of our whole family, I sincerely wish you a happy New Year, good health, smooth work, and a world of peaches and plums!
Your student: Yu Yunjia

February 10, 20xx

Letter to Teacher (11)

Dear teacher:

Teacher, I have countless words of gratitude to you.

Because you always explain the questions we put forward with painstaking care, and you are eloquent when you begin to speak; Your analysis is concise and to the point. You must be a candle.

Because you care about students' learning and nurturing their growth. When we don't study hard, it is you who talk about the past and present, and inspire us with the model of learning from the past to the present. When a student is ill, it is you who ask for help. Sometimes when students are unhappy, it is you who have insight into everything, find students to exchange ideas, and let students feel your motherly love. You are the spring silkworm.

But who has ever noticed that over the years, students have gone away one by one, and the beautiful faces of teachers have quietly faded with the traces of years, wrinkles have climbed up on the forehead, and black hair has slowly turned white silently. The passage of time has changed the appearance of teachers, but it can not change their selfless heart and broad mind! Teachers teach us knowledge, teach us truth and teach us how to be human. How can we forget you? Time is gone forever, but the students' respect and love for you will never change!

Dear teacher, I will never forget your worried expression about your classmates' poor performance; I will never forget the happy smile on your face when you did well in the exam; I will never forget the scene of you working hard to prepare for our lessons... I can remember the past scenes clearly, and I will remember your earnest teachings to me!

When the wax torch turns to ashes, you are immortal; When the silk is exhausted, you will be forever! When I look back, I will string the steps of spring and autumn. My life will continue to move forward in your expectant eyes

How I would like to give you that long standing applause again. Thousands of words can not express my deep respect for you. How I want to say to you: "Teacher, you have worked hard!"



Grade 6: Pure Famous Rain

Letter to Teacher (12)

Dear Mr. Zhan

First of all, thank you for your talent cultivation from the fifth grade. Today, I wrote a letter to you. I hope you can read it patiently and listen to the voice of a student

In fact, in the thick book of life, I have quietly "stolen" a thought-provoking truth.

On the narrow and long way to learn the piano, I encountered many troubles. Yes, I was confused and painful, and I also thought about giving up. I don't know why I should spend my playing time on piano practice in the senior class, and why my mother would scold or even beat me if I didn't practice hard. I even forgot the reason for buying and learning the piano at that time, Just practice numbly. Practicing more seems to be one step away from the colorful world, one step closer to the gray world. I seem to see the vortex that will drag me into the dark world in my dream... Fortunately, with the help of my piano teacher, I slowly found the fun of piano practice. Gradually, I fell in love with piano practice, and the world seemed to be painted with colorful colors, To practice the piano is not unhappy, but happy. Recently, I found another good song: Birch Forest. I'll play it for you next time.

This long six years of piano years seems to have become my "guide". It is a rare truth that leads me to get a gift from life. It is also a firm belief that I persist in learning: nothing can be done halfway, and persistence is victory!

Here, I would like to thank you again for your patience in reading this.

I wish you good health and smooth work!



Letter to the teacher (13)

Miss Gao: Hello! I want to introduce me to you in detail. I am a very careless person with good grades. I often got to 97 or 98 in the first to second grades, but those questions were all wrong because of carelessness. If it was a Chinese test, it would be on the wrong words; If you take a math test, you make a mistake because you don't see the signs of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division clearly. In the third grade and now, my exam scores are only below 95 and over 80, and most of them are due to carelessness. Carelessness is my greatest enemy, but I will correct it. I have a wide range of interests: playing basketball, playing football, reading books, painting... Among them, my favorite and most skilled ones are painting. In the art class, I painted very well, and won the Bronze Bull Award in the painting contest last year. This year, I took part in the science fantasy painting competition, and handed in two works! This is the real me. Wish you a happy life!

Letter to Teacher (14)

Dear Mr. Shi

In this cool autumn season, we finally ushered in a beautiful festival - Teachers' Day! Mr. Shi, maybe you will forget, because you have done too much for us, which makes me unforgettable!

I remember when I was 7 years old, my mother sent me to school. When I stepped into the classroom, I saw you, Mr. Yu. You have a round face, a kind smile, and a pair of eyes shining with wisdom! At this time, you came up, took my hand, let me go to report, and said: "Mao Shihan, come on, play with other children first!" Your voice is so gentle, kind and amiable! So I fell in love with you at once. Although time goes by, your feelings with us are getting deeper and deeper. You not only impart knowledge to us, but also pour love into us. We are like lit torches. You are the one who ignites the torch, Miss Yu!

I remember one time, because I forgot to take my math book home when I came home from school, I sneaked into the school late at night, opened the door of the classroom, and then went in to take out the math book. Just as I was about to leave, I suddenly found a light on in Miss Yu's office. I walked closer to see that Miss Yu was seriously correcting our homework, At that time, I was moved by my tireless and painstaking spirit. It was like running to wipe my sweat for Teacher Yu at once, but I didn't dare to disturb Teacher Yu and walked away quietly. Although it has been a long time, I will never forget it. Thank you, Mr. Yu!

Wish you

Healthy body, smooth work, rejuvenate!

Your student Maomao

Day of a month

Letter to Teacher (15)

Dear Mr. Wu

Hello! I write this letter to you with reverence. Although you have only taught us half a semester, your image has been deeply impressed in the hearts of our classmates. Since our head teacher is ill, you have become a substitute teacher in our class. At the beginning, we were not used to your teaching method. We always compared you with the head teacher, Mr. Dai. Later, in teaching, I found that you are a strict person in class and a close friend after class. We all regard you as our big sister! We all want to hear you speak to us with that wonderful voice again. Students are looking forward to this day. Mr. Wu, when you left, you said you would come back to see us. You should keep your word! Because we all miss you very much. I remember one time, when Mr. Wu was ill and insisted on teaching for us, the teacher asked me a question. I thought it was very simple, so I boldly raised my small hand high. The teacher asked me to answer, but I was wrong, and all the students laughed. When the teacher said that students should not laugh at others when they answered wrong questions, because it would be good to raise their hands boldly to speak. Later, the teacher selected several students who did not answer the question, and then I realized that a question looks simple, but it is not simple at all. You need to think hard to get the correct answer. I love you, Miss Wu! Your lovely student June 2