Taste of Life Composition (Collection of 16)
Start from scratch
2024-05-26 06:32:43

Taste of Life Composition (1)

Campus life is full of various flavors, including sour, sweet, bitter and spicy

Sour words: "Ha ha, Liu Chang, you have finally crossed the line. You should be beaten!" My deskmate Xu Minghao. "You think you bought this place!" I retorted immediately. "Xu Minghao, don't talk, deduct a Chinese card!" Li Jiadi, the monitor, snapped. Although the monitor didn't criticize me, I was still very ashamed.

Sweet Peach: Looking at the impressive red armband on my sleeve, I can't help thinking of my promise to my classmates when I was campaigning: "If I become a member of the team on duty, I will work hard!" Finally, with my excellent performance, I won the trust of my classmates.

The bitter Huang Lian: In the physical education class, the students had a relay race. Although I tried my best, I was too fat, so our group's ranking fell from the second to the fourth. Although my classmates didn't blame me, I still felt very guilty.

Hot pepper: My deskmate lost my eraser, and he has been saying sorry to me. But I still didn't give up, chasing him around the classroom without reason. It happened that Mr. Cheng saw this and severely criticized me. I lowered my head in shame.

Campus life is full of joy, and these flavors make campus life more beautiful!

Taste of Life Composition (2)

Taste of life In the six years of primary school life, I have tasted all kinds of tastes in life.

A sour feeling

Alas, I must have failed the exam this time because of the annoying composition and the annoying mathematical olympiad. When the results were announced, the teacher's smile was sour, and our nose was sour, as if everyone was chewing a green olive. "What's the use of crying? I don't believe in tears." The teacher said to the students. Yes, dry your tears, find yourself, and move forward bravely. A failure is nothing. Maybe it will be the green olive that will make us memorable in the future!

Sweet enjoyment

"Wow..." Applause sounded in my ears. I was very happy and finally got the first place in the exam. Listening to my classmates' congratulations, I felt a sweet feeling in my heart. On the way home from school, the birds chirped so clearly, the flowers bloomed so brightly, the river flowed so happily, and they were also sweet with me. I quicken my pace. I want to bring this sweetness to my parents as soon as possible.

Bitter taste

There is a sweet taste, and a crying taste more. Life at the end of the semester is a bitter feeling. The key sentences left by the Chinese teacher have just been copied, and the math teacher has brought the examination paper. It's really "endless homework, not only exam papers rolling in"! Few students do not stretch their tongues to lengthen their faces!

Spicy taste

"Wow, it's so reliable!" The students said with a trace of bitterness. I looked down at the bright red score on the test paper and didn't know whether I was happy or sad. Some of them glanced at the mouth of their boots and squinted; Others looked at me in doubt... I buried my head lower, and I didn't want to see the hot eyes of my classmates. But my face was unusually hot, like being wiped with chili sauce. In the end, I mustered the courage to grasp the paper with the dishonorable score and walked to the teacher.

Life is like a cup of tea. You can experience it carefully, and sometimes there will be ups and downs. In the future study career, I don't want to experience the spicy taste; I will study hard to make every day of my life full of sweet breath.

Taste of Life Composition (3)

In our life, everything and everyone's appearance have their own meaning.

It's just that whether the meaning of it exists or not, and whether it is important or not, depends on how individuals feel about it.

Recently, I gradually understand this truth.

Originally, many things would be entrusted to fate. Let it be, but gradually found that the reason why they happened and why they appeared was really not accidental.

Maybe it's to teach us something, maybe it's to pay something silently on our way of growth.

Some things, some people, get to understand, get to understand, really tears.

It may be mixed with the taste of life, which may be joy, anger, sadness, and annoyance, but when you know how to feel them, you may also have a little more gratitude.

Tears include happy tears and sad tears, but the salt left in your mouth makes you gradually understand the taste of life.

Some bitter, let people bite their lips, even think about how to hysteria, but silently swallowed it.

So, I gradually learned to be grateful. I tasted it carefully, even though it was full of bitter taste, and then told myself that one day I should taste sweet.

Taste of Life Composition (4)

Watching the goldfish swimming lazily in the aquarium, the replay of the TV series is playing on the TV at home, and the sound of the clock ticking can be heard clearly in the quiet home. After dinner, although my mother tried her best to change every day, she was still the same in my eyes, and suddenly came to the leading English, the same environment, the same style, watching Smile's lectures, I felt the content was boring, and I couldn't help falling asleep. Somehow, I found that I had changed. The originally happy summer vacation was so boring and disappointed in my eyes.

Ding Lingling, we finally got the books we bought online. Eh, what is this? Oh, it's a gift. It's an inspirational magazine. At this time, the above sentence attracted my attention: "When you look at the world with different eyes, the world will change." I will try.

Sure enough, there are many flavors of life, and the specific flavor will be tasted by yourself. The world has changed. When I walked into the building leading English again, I found that it was actually good. Smile's class was much more interesting under our requirements. When my uncle came to pick me up after school, it was so refreshing and free to watch the bicycle that rose because of its speed. In a twinkling of an eye, I got on a plane again and drove to my destination and my yearning for life. However, life is like this. The faint fragrance and happy laughter make us look forward to

Taste of Life Composition (5)

Thin will be thick, tasteless will be sweet, light, natural, ordinary will be faint and tireless, long and tireless. Every grain of soybeans becomes a fundamental and essential believer, and life is like bean fragrance in the air, disappearing in people's hearts.

Sprinkle the beans on the soil. There is no noise of the city, only the fragrance of the rustic soil, the green of the mountains, the vitality of the fields, and the memories of childhood are recalled. Grandpa is holding me, he is busy working, and he is harvesting. Occasionally, when I think of my hometown on a moonlit night, I still remember it vividly. I remember there was a graphite beside the well at the door. Seven year old man stood there, guarding the old house and locking the taste of life.

Seven years old, a year of innocence, became the flower of my childhood, fragrant the whole child. Grandpa spread yellow soybeans with a sieve, washed them with water, and waited for water to naturally flow into the air. Pick up a load of water and pour it on the stone mill. The earthy gray graphite is energetic and more robust. The afternoon sun hits the graphite, and the crystal water drops are restless and jumping. The graphite breaks away from the graphite and immediately works.

A bunch of beans were thrown on the graphite grinding plate, rotating and dancing, and finally fell into the small hole. Grandpa scattered beans with one hand, pushed the handle with the other hand, pushed, rotated, pulled, and exerted himself. The mill was so alive that his left hand grasped, grasped, and threw into the grinding plate in a moment; The beans float, turn and fall, and disappear in the exit tube under the stone mill; The soya bean juice is first-rate. It pours into the bottle with a sound. I held the bottle in my hand, afraid of a splash, smelling the bean juice reverberating into fragrance, watching the beans disappear into juice, listening to the juice flowing into music.

He held a full bottle and stared at it carefully for a long time. He smoothed my hair and immediately understood. He said, "Go, boil the bean juice." He smiled, smiling like the sun. I smiled, watching my grandfather sweat slowly. At that time, happiness, satisfaction and joy were discovered again. The bean juice was drunk in his mouth and slipped into my heart, The pure taste immediately involved me in the bean flavor stream, which was long and mellow.

The second drink of soybean juice is only sweet, but also thick and sweet, without the budding fragrance and implicit and lasting sweetness. Maybe time has changed the taste, or maybe it is man-made. In any case, the flavor has been achieved, and soybean juice can become a feast with the help of seasoning.

Thinking, only endless thinking. In my opinion, for me, the taste of life is not a simple smell, nor is it a conventional sour, sweet, bitter and hot. On the contrary, it is an attitude, a kind of pure thing hidden in people's minds in the process of change, which can be touched and rendered. The beauty is always fleeting, pure and fundamental, all need to diffuse in our hearts, implicit and thick to float away.

Taste of Life Composition (6)

What is the taste of students' life? Some people say it is sour; The life of study has both bitter and sweet. Some people say it is sweet; I have shed many happy and brilliant times for myself. Some people say that life is bitter; Only hard work can lead a sweet life. Some people say it is hot; It's like spicy soup. Although a mouthful of it drips tears, it's very hot. Some people say that life is

In the middle school life, life has been filled with information. Is it just for the envy of students and the recognition of teachers? No, my life doesn't want to be like this. Such a life is like a glass of boiled water; There is no taste after drinking. You can only be yourself after you put aside your data. Only then has own real future. Our future can only be realized by our present little by little.

But I don't want learning to bury me. In addition to learning, there are many things in my life to enrich myself. Painting; Add color to my life. music; I was completely relaxed after my intense study. game; Add spice to my life. Network; Let me feel the smallness of the whole world.

In short, I don't want learning to bury me. Learning is important, but modern society needs versatile people. I don't want to be a person with high marks but low abilities. Such people will be eliminated by the fierce society sooner or later.

Students' life is certainly bitter, but the taste of success after hard work is sweet. Let your life be full of flavor. Never let learning bury you.

Taste of Life Composition (7)

We were gradually diluted by the test paper and lost by the score. Who will remember the famous dishes my mother cooks every night, and who will be shy to say a few good words? We gradually left the taste, the taste of life.

In my eyes, the taste of life is a bowl of porridge and dishes that my mother hurriedly makes for me every morning. The taste of life is a few interesting things we talk about when we go out to buy lunch with our classmates at noon every day. The taste of life is sweet and delicious food just baked on the table when you come home at 9 o'clock every day. I can't remember what I ate, except that I ate hurriedly and hid in my room hurriedly.

Why is my life so monotonous? Why can't my life taste slow down?

Yes, my rhythm is so fast. I am so busy after getting up in the morning. But I just wash, wash and eat. I am so busy after school at noon every day, but I only buy food 35 minutes later. I am so busy every night, just doing a little homework late at night. Maybe I forgot to stay at school for 14 hours every day, then spend 1 hour on the road, and then sleep for 6 hours. How many are left?

Find the reason and stop complaining. Everyone knows why. Will the taste of life fade? Just now, not now. It's just a different perspective. If you regard the taste of life as the taste of class, you will find that the taste is actually much better. Maybe I should have adapted to the fast taste of life long ago.

I hope to keep the best taste. When I taste it again in a few days, it will still be as wonderful as today. Taste the taste of life.

Taste of Life Composition (8)

The taste of life is the fragrance that is used to and integrated into life.

-- Title

It was a sunny weekend, and the whole family was free, so we went to grandma's house in the countryside.

Grandma is a very clean person. Although the house is small, it is very clean and bright. There is no wrinkle or dirt on Grandma's clothes, which makes you totally unable to associate her with the mother-in-law who works in the field. In fact, she is a good farmer.

Grandma's cooking skill is excellent. It's the first time that I found that I can eat two bowls at a time. After all, the wonderful lunch time was over. My father and mother followed my grandmother to the fields, and I wandered around the yard alone in boredom. From time to time, Gu Xiang came into the yard from outside. Out of curiosity, I pushed the gate open and ran out.

The fragrance outside the hospital was even stronger. The sweet grain fragrance surrounded me. After walking a few steps, I saw the road, which was different from that: the road was yellow. Still out of curiosity, I flew away.

The road is not yellow, but the color of the grain paved on it. Several grannies hold pickpockets to push the rice apart and close it until they become a flat piece. Seeing that the old woman was kind, I went up to her and asked, "Did you sell your millet after drying it?" The old woman grinned, "How much can you sell it for? Keep it for yourself." I was a little puzzled: "Why not buy it? It's so troublesome." The old woman smiled: "It's not easy for me to loaf around at home without farming. What's more, the ones planted by my own family are always more delicious and healthy than those of other families." The words of the old woman were brief and clear, but I benefited a lot: labor is an attitude towards life, not for profit, but because it is a part of life. This reminds me of Grandma, who could live with us, but she refused. Now I understand that the most difficult thing for Grandma is the land she has cared for for decades and melted into her countless sweat drops. Letting her leave it is equivalent to cutting off a part of Grandma's life.

The taste of life is a golden sea; It is a piece of green grass; It is grandma's hard to part with the smell of the field.

Taste of Life Composition (9)

If life has a taste, then the taste of life is warm.

In fact, I am a small new leaf, but it grows in the wrong season, and I can only wander alone on the branches in winter.

This winter is really too cold. The cold winter wind blocked my only perception - leaf vein, freezing me in this cold season. I just felt a thick layer of ice on my body, which numbed me. The wind blows me back and forth, swaying, but I can't feel it at all. Maybe the wind is tired of me and turns me into a small circle without even looking at me. My green coat was also worn out under such aggression. Is life such a cold taste?

At this time, I saw a vague shadow. When he walked in, I found it was a little boy. Is this little boy going to break me down and end my short life?

I can't help but lower my head. Just wait for a while, and I will never smell the taste of life again. The wind seems to be blowing harder. The voice of "Hua Hua" kept thinking in my ears.

Suddenly, I felt a trace of warmth. I opened my eyes in surprise. Looking back, I saw that the little boy was covering my body with a thin napkin. Thin and narrow napkins are like thick and wide quilts, wrapping my whole leaf. He rubbed the tip of my leaf as if to convey warmth to me. He patted my veins as if to wake me up. He also smoothed the napkin with his fingertips, as if to touch something special. In his back and forth stroking, I felt particularly warm. It seems that a warm angel has also lived in my heart, sowing warm seeds and the taste of happiness on my new nest.

The little boy later left me a precious quilt. But if we must say that life has a taste, then the taste of life is warm, like honey. (Author: Feng Zixin)

Taste of Life Composition (10)

There are many flavors of life, including sour, sweet, bitter and spicy. People can experience the meaning of life from these flavors.

When I was very young, July was the hottest month in Beijing. One night, a sudden sound of thunder came from the far horizon. The wind rustled the shutters, followed by a flash of lightning, and a storm was coming. I lay alone on the small bed in the room and watched the strong wind blow down the leaves of the foliage plants on the table again and again. Not to mention the door. The crazy sound of "bang bang". I quickly pulled the quilt from my chin to my head, but the wind was so strong that it made a ghostly cry. I was so scared that I cried. At this time, I heard a familiar sound of footsteps coming from the corridor. It was Grandpa, my savior. He came in, quickly closed the window, then pulled my quilt off my head, picked me up, touched my head and said, "Silly girl, are you afraid? Don't worry, there's grandpa out there. Don't you hear the thunder outside like drums?" I nodded in surprise, and grandpa then said, "My dear child, this is the symphony of nature! Let's listen to it, OK?" I nodded again. "Listen, another flute has been added to the band. Can you hear it?" "I think it's a piano", I replied. At this time, I saw a happy smile on his old man's face, and he said, "My child, you can listen to it yourself, close your eyes and travel with the music!" So I fell asleep until I woke up the next morning. It was a magical sleep!

My grandpa is just an ordinary middle school Chinese teacher. He can't play any musical instrument, even can't play five notes. However, he taught me the songs of life. Whenever I encounter setbacks, or when I get sick, I will tell myself to be optimistic and find happiness from suffering.

A few months ago, I suddenly received the news that my grandpa had passed away. I looked at the wall and could not speak for a long time. In the February wind, everything is so bleak, how I hope this is not true. But grandpa really left and will never come back. I looked a little desperate. I sat all day with the little bear that Hou grandpa gave me when I was young. Then my mind became clear and I told myself that people must be strong.

I returned to life again... When I smiled, I seemed to hear the voice from heaven. An old soul was saying something to me. I turned on the stereo and listened to the music of nature. My mood was much better at once

The taste of life depends on how you taste it. For the same half cup of tea, the optimist will say: there is still half cup of tea! The pessimist said: there is only half a cup of tea left. As ourselves, we certainly don't want to suffer too much in life. I suddenly learned a truth from my grandpa's stories - never be sad.

Taste of Life Composition (11)

There are many flavors in life. Some flavors refer to the sense of taste, while others refer to the taste of words. There are many flavors on the tip of the tongue, all kinds of flavors. What I can't forget from beginning to end is the flavor of life.

I still remember that it was last semester. At that time, I was a junior high school freshman full of curiosity about the new world. At that time, I just entered junior high school life and was curious about everything here, the restaurant, the dormitory and everything! But junior high school is different from junior high school. There is not much time for you to be curious. The curriculum is very tight. Before we really understand the school, we begin to enter a tense learning state. And that time, we also ushered in the first mid-term exam of junior high school.

19 days before the mid-term exam, everyone began to review nervously. And I, at that time, probably because I was too curious about school and didn't feel nervous, I often looked at this, played with that, made small movements in class, sometimes slept secretly in class, wandered around in math class, made small movements in English class, they reviewed me and played, they recited the text and I was still playing, they were doing everything related to learning, I'm still playing. As expected, I won't play with you.

My score dropped from 55 to 79. When I heard my ranking, my mood was like a bolt from the blue. It took me half a class to recover. After class, the teacher called me to his office and asked me seriously: What's wrong with you recently? Do you know how much the score has dropped? I just couldn't say a word. Listen, it's not junior high school now. It's junior high school now. The curriculum is tight and there's not much time for you to play. After the mid-term exam, there is still one month to go. If you want to get good results, you will pay 10 times more than others! After listening to the teacher's instructions, I also analyzed my own reasons. In the days that followed, I worked hard and worked hard, and I made more than 30 progress in the monthly exam after the midterm!

The taste of life may be bitter, but after suffering, it is sweet! How can you get the fragrance of plum blossom without a cold bite. Although learning is very tiring, as long as you work hard and persist, in retrospect, the taste is bittersweet! Let's work together to taste the sweetness of life!

Taste of Life Composition (12)

The door of junior high school urged us, and the assembly number also sounded. The smell of primary school - childishness and ignorance had not completely fallen off, so I hurried into junior high school.

Once I entered the school, I was intoxicated with it. A breath of fresh air comes to your nose, making you feel fresh and refreshing. Green trees surround the school, like standing soldiers defending the safety of the school. The birds chirped, as if to say: "Welcome, welcome, warm welcome". Sister Xiaohua is also unwilling to be outdone. She flutters with the wind and shows off her beautiful dance moves. Although facing these strange faces, she does not feel lonely and lonely. Instead, she feels lucky and sweet because she thinks she can learn in such an elegant environment later.

The original taste of school is not all sweet. One Sunday afternoon, I was dressed in "eye-catching" clothes. As soon as I arrived at the dormitory, someone said, "Oh, how can you wear such clothes? When you first came in, I thought you were an alien? Ha ha..." People beside me could also laugh until Meng came up and said, "Oh! I can't do it. If I laugh again, I'll have a stomachache. You'd better change your clothes! No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor enough to wear such strange clothes! I was very sad at that time. I didn't expect that the students would change because of a piece of clothes for such a long time. It was very cold. But I still firmly believe that a person's beauty and ugliness do not depend on the quality of a dress.

Ah! The hard life in junior high school is not a fuel saving light, especially for our junior three students. We have to take the sports high school entrance exam, which is really tiring us. In summer, the hot sun is scorching the earth, the water in the land is also evaporating, and the cicadas on the trees are constantly chirping, but we still have to insist on training in the hot sun, running, jumping and jumping every day. It's very hard, but we are willing to do it.

Junior high school life is a delicious food, sweet and bitter, everything, junior high school life enriched my life!

Ah! The unforgettable junior high school life!

Taste of Life Composition (13)

The Indian once said, "If you go too fast, please stop and let your soul wait."

In this era of rapid economic development, people are increasingly emphasizing material needs, while gradually ignoring their own spiritual needs. However, a person without spiritual thoughts is an empty shell without a soul. Even if the delicacies of mountains and seas are in front of you, what can you taste? Even if you have a great fortune, it is just to add some vanity to the empty life.

In life, it is not difficult to find such a tragedy: the occupation of XX company died of fatigue due to continuous overtime for many days; The students of XXX school died of fatigue because they studied day and night. Most of them have studied hard in their school days. Even if they have a stable job, they can work hard in order to get more, even at the expense of their rest time. Few of them should have their "soul" stopped, or even left the world before they could catch their breath.

We also often do such silly things: precious holidays, we rarely find some time to play, take the fastest means of transportation to the destination, simply browse the famous local scenery, then take a few photos at random, and then take the fastest means of transportation to catch up. However, do you really enjoy this journey, or do you really relax your "soul"? In fact, from the moment we set out, we should let go of all our worries, enjoy the whole journey, and feel the relaxation of our "soul" brought by the journey. This is the meaning of travel.

The length of one's life depends on oneself. Some people feel that their life is short and in a hurry; Some people think their life is very meaningful. The former doesn't have much time to enjoy life because of the fast-paced life, and the latter thinks that the world is beautiful and life is meaningful after carefully tasting every bit of life. The value of man lies not only in the value he creates for society and the world, but also in the value he creates for himself.

I want to say that if you live too fast, why not slow down your pace, relax, and feel every bit of life. Every place in life should be beautiful, as long as you taste it carefully, you can feel it.

My friend, life is like a cup of tea. If you can drink it in 15 minutes, please don't drink it in 5 minutes, because there are still many flavors you need to taste.

Taste of Life Composition (14)

Looking at the calendar, day after day, year after year, they are so similar to me. In my opinion, I only remember that the road is the distance between two points and a line, no longer winding and winding; The sky is not as bright and beautiful as I remember. It's dark and dark... Alas, what's the taste of life? But two things really made me feel the flavor of life.

My good friend, whom I met again after a long separation, invited me to her home. Entering the community where she lives is like entering a carefully carved 'garden'. The trees and grass on both sides blend with each other to set off the beautiful scenery. Through a section of forest path, an artificial lake appears in front of us. The sky, clouds, trees and grass are reflected in the "mirror" water. The fish in the water mischievously design a silver belt, which ripples, blends and expands with the water and grass in the lake. All shadows and objects are reflected here and spread, like summer clouds. It is extremely beautiful. When I arrived at her home, her mother, an authentic Korean woman, greeted me with a smile, and then held me in her arms. The faint fragrance and warmth were woven all over my body, and I felt the warmth of a long lost home. My friend laughed when he saw me surprised. She told me that every day when my family came back, they gave each other hugs and washed away the tiredness and troubles of the day with family affection. When I walked into her house, I was facing the artificial lake. When I opened the window, the breeze mixed with the fragrance of flowers blew into my face, which immediately made me relaxed and happy. The original life could be so beautiful, and the taste of life could be so sweet and warm. In my eyes, a friend's family is so harmonious and beautiful, just like white jade with continuous fragrance. And they will bloom the beautiful flowers of happiness to awaken my sleeping memory and taste the happiness and sweetness of life.

In the afternoon, I went shopping with my friends and passed a shopping mall where we were holding a donation event. A woman came to the donation box with a girl of six or seven years old. The woman took out a 10 yuan note and put it in. She bent down and asked the girl what she could donate. The girl was very embarrassed and at a loss. Suddenly she cried. The woman was busy comforting her that what she could donate was not necessarily money. The girl stopped crying and thought carefully for a moment and said, "Can I donate a smile, But a beautiful smile will show the true feelings of the world without reservation, give each other spiritual help, make them confident in life, and appreciate the warmth of life.

The taste of life can be as sweet as coffee and as refreshing as scented tea. And love makes the taste of life more pure and memorable.

Taste of Life Composition (15)

"What is the taste of life?"

After dinner, the whole family sat around the table and peeled walnuts. Inadvertently, a question passed through my brain. Without thinking, I asked.

Immediately, my mouth was stuffed with a walnut as the answer: "The taste of walnuts."

Shaking my head, I didn't answer my mother's words. I chewed the walnuts in my mouth with force, so that the fragrance overflowed my mouth. "Please use an adjective to describe it for me." I knocked the table with the shelled walnut in my hand intentionally or unintentionally, making it crisper and crisper.

"Let's put it this way, life is 25% sweet, 25% bitter, 25% salty, and 25% walnut." Answering my question, my father did not stop, but peeled the nuts in a delicate and fast way.

I was obviously amused by the answer full of mathematical thoughts: "So what is the taste of walnuts?"

Before they answered, I chewed the walnuts in my mouth, as if the whole mouth was surrounded by the same feeling, with an inexpressible warmth and sweet smell lingering on the tip of my tongue. Reaching out my hand, I pushed away the pile of walnut shells piled up in front of me, and I stopped talking. Out of the window came the faint roar of the autumn wind.

Every day after dinner, my parents and I would sit around the table and peel walnuts. In her mother's words, "eat walnuts to nourish the brain". Although I don't think that eating two nuts that are similar to the shape of the brain can have any obvious effect on intellectual development, I always have no objection to eating. So half an hour after dinner every day became our regular "walnut time". Gradually, I began to like this time when my family could sit together and chat. The three people sat around the table, blocking the autumn wind and cold outside, and surrounding the warmth and happiness in their hearts.

The walnut shell is very hard, and my nails can not always insert into the small gap and peel off the hard shell. Every time I look at the smooth and hard round fruit, my father always takes the walnut from my hand, peels off the shell quickly, and then throws two intact nuts to me. I've always been interested in such a magic trick, but no matter how I experiment, I can't peel the shell without damaging the fragile walnut inside. Mother is obviously not good at peeling walnuts, and the nuts are always small pieces.

Although they peel walnuts several times faster than me, there are always piles of fragments mixed with whole walnuts in front of me. Whenever I push the walnuts back to them, they always pretend to be disdainful and tell me that these things they give me are only a small part of the walnuts they peel. They peel the walnuts much faster than I expected, and then quickly throw them to me.

Of course, I am not willing to eat the walnuts that my parents always peel, so the walnut time often evolves into a walnut peeling contest between three people. Of course, I always lose the game.

"The punishment for losing is to eat so many walnuts." Mother pushed all the walnuts to me and said.

When I thought about it, I found that a high pile of walnut shells had been piled up in front of them. Immersed in the question of "what is the taste of life", I unconsciously lost today's game.

With a grin, I grabbed a walnut and threw it into my mouth.

Sweet, with a touch of warmth.

I know, Dad is wrong. Life is not 25% sweet, 25% bitter, 25% salty, 25% walnut. Life is 100% walnut flavor. The sweetness and warmth in walnuts can make all the bitterness in life sweet, all the pain become enjoyment, and all the scars become beautiful patterns in life.

Because, that is the taste of love, the taste of life.

The rain outside the window stopped, and the autumn wind no longer roared.

Taste of Life Composition (16)

Taste of life

On Saturday, everyone came to school to prepare for the final exam. I was very nervous at first, then I took a deep breath, and then I vomited out.

When I was taking the exam, I was very serious, because my mother said that I could buy a beloved bike for me only if I could get 90% in Chinese and 95% in math. In the exam, I calculated every question carefully. I think I can reach the standard, so I feel 'beautiful', like eating honey, very sweet.

On the day when I got my report card, I jumped to school and took out my notebook to copy my summer homework. The teacher finally came to hand out the report card. I got a look at the Chinese test paper and reached the standard. "Oh yeah!" At that time, my mood was even sweeter than eating honey. But as soon as the math papers came out, I couldn't help but lower my head, because I didn't reach the standard. I sighed and said to myself, "Alas! The bike is going to disappear."

I wanted to ride a bike and tell everyone that I learned it by myself, but it was just a dream. I had to go home dejected and tell my mother the news. My mother was ridiculous: "Now I can save money. Ha ha ha..." I was almost angry with my mother! A sour smell came to my heart.

The taste of life is really diverse!

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