Love is a composition (18 popular articles)
A tree of crabapple
2024-05-23 06:19:17

Love is composition (1)

Mother's love is a bright light, guiding our direction; Mother's love is an encouraging look, full of hope; Mother's love is a kind greeting, which always makes people feel warm; Mother's love is a busy figure for me every day.

One day when I got up from school, I found a short skirt and a short sleeved T-shirt. When my mother saw how little I was wearing, she said to me, "You should be cold again when you get to school later. Obedient, take your coat with you." I said to my mother carelessly, "It doesn't matter. I saw the weather forecast yesterday, and the maximum temperature today is 27 degrees Celsius!" But my mother was worried, I was forced to take my coat and told me to put it on when it was cold, take it off when it was hot, and never get cold. I have to take it with me. In the afternoon, it suddenly began to rain heavily, and the strong wind was blowing. I put on the coat my mother asked me to take. I thought: Fortunately, my mother asked me to take my coat, otherwise I would freeze to death today. I shouldn't say such words this morning, alas! After returning home, my mother asked me with concern: "How about it? Is it cold today? Is it frozen..."

Mom, although I can't see your meticulous love for me sometimes, I can feel your meticulous love for me sometimes. Thank you, Mom, I love you!

Love is everywhere, but we haven't found it. Love makes us happy; Love makes us feel the warmth brought to us by the world; Love encourages us

Today is May 13 - Mother's Day. I want to say to you: "Mom, your daughter will always love you. You have worked hard!"

Love is composition (2)

When all things in the world trace back to their roots, remove all the warning and masks, and return to their original appearance, do they know what love is? When they begin to have their own opinions and self-awareness, do they know what love is? Do they know what love is when they can stand alone and surpass ten thousand miles?

Love is a vague concept. No one knows what love really is, but people have many different interpretations of it with their own understanding. Some people may never feel it seriously in their life, so they will never understand what love is until they die; But some people can find and feel love with their own understanding. They may feel puzzled, but one day they will become clear, complete and mature.

There was a girl who had doubts about this vague concept.

past times

The young daughter said to her mother, "I love my mother!" The mother gently stroked her dear little daughter's head, smiled and asked, "Really? What is love for you?" The daughter scratched her head, thought for a long time, but could not answer. She said, "Some people do not know that feeling, like it very much, and it is very special." The mother said, "Maybe love is: Are you all I love?" The daughter tilted her head and looked at her smiling face, wondering about the question her mother threw back.


The daughter swept all the books off the table, as if she wanted to vent all her emotions. She loudly accused her mother, "You don't love me at all!" The mother asked her, "Why do you think so?" "Because you don't care about me at all!" The mother just shook her head, The tone seemed helpless: "Love has no form limit, it is just saying 'love' in its own way." Looking at the daughter's confused expression, the mother just smiled bitterly.


The daughter helped her old mother walk in the garden and sat down on the stone bench beside the path. The daughter felt sad when she looked at her mother's white sideburns and white hair covered with green silk. She said solemnly to her mother, "Mom, I love you. From now on, I will spare more time to accompany you. I will not offend you as thoughtless as before, nor ignore your thoughts, nor forget you." After listening, her mother shook her head and said, "Love is not a memory in the brain, but a kind of spiritual follow and progress." The daughter nodded thoughtfully and looked at her mother firmly.

In the future, she may finally understand her mother's love, but when she really understands "what love is", the hourglass of time is almost over.

Love is to move forward for the people you love, take your own steps for them, and deeply remember the "love" in your heart, but not the "memory" in your brain. Don't rush to seize the opportunity when you finally realize that time has passed in a hurry. It's too late to be true "love".

So, what do you think love is?

Love is composition (3)

I had a high fever for two days, but I was refreshed in the afternoon of the third day. In the morning, I was dizzy on the way to the hospital, but in the afternoon, I felt energetic and back to my side. When I fell into a high fever and dizziness like fog, I really felt powerless and helpless, as if the sky had fallen, and people fell into a panic. In the afternoon, I finally recovered a lot of physical strength, so that I had the vitality of life. I felt the sky was also much brighter. Although it was still raining outside, the air was also particularly fresh. When I escaped from the disease, I would feel that the world was a beautiful place. I was still alive well, as if life had been firmly held in the palm of my hand. It was really great.

Today Monday, I asked for a day of sick leave. I let myself sit quietly on the bed, holding a novel in my hand, and a kitten with big palms lay in front of my book. There was only a quiet sound of turning books in the room. The cat was a quiet animal, and it would lie down quietly beside me without any sound. I stayed in a book and let a book move my mind. The story in the book is very simple. It is so simple that a person with complex experience will hit the bottom of the text in the book and feel that the content is ignorant, pale and silly. However, it is just like the name of the book: There will be an angel to love you for me. Maybe we all don't believe in angels. The ups and downs in life have dimmed the beautiful wings that were once pure as water. "Xiaomi, what is love? Love is happiness. Because you love someone, you can do anything for her as long as she is happy. You want her happiness. When you see her smile and feel her happiness, you are the happiest person who loves her.". Maybe you won't understand. Since you said you love me, my sky and stars are bright. " "Even if I'm gone, Xiaomi, I will find an angel and let it love you for me!" In a book, a pair of people who loved deeply died because of a car accident. The girl went to guard him because she heard that his heart was implanted into another boy. So, when the other boy was dying of a heart attack, It is amazing that the girl's persistence and the girl's inability to forget the pain and helplessness of her lost lover describe the sweetness and purity of the girl's angel. It is amazing that there will be beautiful things in this world.

If even the beautiful things in our hearts have disappeared, then what hope do we have? We can't sink into the heavy fog of the last two days like a vast and merciless sea, without grasping a trace of straw, without good expectations in our hearts, without rosy illusions in life, without giving ourselves a trace of sunshine, and the confusion in this disease will fall into a deeper abyss, Will be unable to extricate themselves. Although I no longer believe in fairy tales, I still hope that we can write fairy tales. That is a trace of transparent vulnerability that remains in our hearts. We should always keep some of it, otherwise the task of living will only be painted black constantly, which is as dark as the darkness on the eve of a rainstorm, with the smell of destruction; The rolling black made a thunder and lightning come on as soon as possible; The light black ink that sweeps away the last glimmer of glow is like drops of ink immersed in clear water, destroying the bright and clean luster layer by layer, and gradually becoming dark and depressing color, which is the price of growth. If it is true in my heart, it is also a kind of sorrow.

Yeah! Life is constantly lost and gained. However, when we turn around, what we lose is as pure as pearls, and what we pick up is really something we can't afford to cherish. We should also be more distressed. Life is like this, nothing happens, just let yourself come with a hot heart, and then leave with a cooling heart. Just like I was alone in the disease, without more care in my ears. In the end, he resisted the disease and made his elderly parents worried. Life is like "I'm helpless for myself, but I can't save others' sorrow." When I got out of the pain, I opened the book and let a transparent and beautiful story enter my mind.

"What is love?" "Love is to make yourself well, and love is to take care of the person you care about most with your best self!"

Love is composition (4)

The world is not lack of love, but lack of eyes to find love.

"Go out quickly, don't disturb my homework." "Bang"

I don't know how many times this scene has happened. I only remember the helpless eyes of my mother when she turned around, full of sadness.

Every Friday is the most exciting time for students because they are going home soon. I, however, can't be happy. What does going home mean? It represents the "homework like a hill" and the mother who sees so many things again.

On the way home, it happened to be the north wind. You can imagine that you were riding through the headwind. I am struggling to pedal in the wind, but I am gasping for breath

"Back", my mother said with a smile at the door. I glanced at her blankly and walked straight to the room. She snatched the bag in my hand quickly, and I pulled it back, but my mother didn't complain. After putting down the bag, go to the tap and drink cold water. My mother said anxiously, "It's easy to catch a cold when you warm up. I'll get you some tea." "I like cold water, can you manage it?" I said sarcastically. Find it, and my mother won't say anything.

After having dinner, I went into my own "small world" and began a difficult journey of homework "Ding" With the sound of the watch, it was ten o'clock. There is still a lot of homework, so I can only continue to do it. At this time; Mother pushed the door and came in. He came to me with a glass of milk in his hand. "My hot milk, drink it quickly," said the mother. "Got it". I answered.

Mother still has no intention of leaving, stay by my side. "Go away quickly, I have to work on the problem." Mother just left. "Remember to drink it." "Got it.". So many things.

On the eve of the senior high school entrance exam, I was studying hard for fear of failing the first exam. I was still reviewing until 11:00 p.m. As usual, my mother came into my room with a cup of tea in her hand. "Put the tea here, you can go. By the way, don't come into my room in the future." Mother left with tears flashing. At the moment of turning around, I saw that there were several white hairs on her head.

Sure enough, my mother will not come to my room in the future, but I feel that something is missing. My heart trembled when I remembered what I had said to my mother the day before yesterday and the strands of white hair on her head.

Murphy, this is my mother's love for me.

I rushed out to find my mother and stood in front of her for a long time

Love is composition (5)

When all things in the world trace back to their roots, remove all the warning and masks, and return to their original appearance, do they know what love is? When they begin to have their own opinions and self-awareness, do they know what love is? Do they know what love is when they can stand alone and surpass ten thousand miles?

Love is a vague concept. No one knows what love really is, but people have many different interpretations of it with their own understanding. Some people may never feel it seriously in their life, so they will never understand what love is until they die; But some people can find and feel love with their own understanding. They may feel puzzled, but one day they will become clear, complete and mature.

There was a girl who had doubts about this vague concept.

past times

The young daughter said to her mother, "I love my mother!" The mother gently stroked her dear little daughter's head, smiled and asked, "Really? What is love for you?" The daughter scratched her head, thought for a long time, but could not answer. She said, "Some people do not know that feeling, like it very much, and it is very special." The mother said, "Maybe love is: Are you all I love?" The daughter tilted her head and looked at her smiling face, wondering about the question her mother threw back.


The daughter swept all the books off the table, as if she wanted to vent all her emotions. She loudly accused her mother, "You don't love me at all!" The mother asked her, "Why do you think so?" "Because you don't care about me at all!" The mother just shook her head, The tone seemed helpless: "Love has no form limit, it is just saying 'love' in its own way." Looking at the daughter's confused expression, the mother just smiled bitterly.


The daughter helped her old mother walk in the garden and sat down on the stone bench beside the path. The daughter felt sad when she looked at her mother's white sideburns and white hair covered with green silk. She said solemnly to her mother, "Mom, I love you. From now on, I will spare more time to accompany you. I will not offend you as thoughtless as before, nor ignore your thoughts, nor forget you." After listening, her mother still shook her head and said, "Love is not a memory in the brain, but a kind of spiritual follow and progress." The daughter nodded thoughtfully and looked at her mother firmly.

In the future, she may finally understand her mother's love, but when she really understands "what love is", the hourglass of time is almost over.

Love is to move forward for the people you love, take your own steps for them, and deeply remember the "love" in your heart, but not the "memory" in your brain. Don't rush to seize the opportunity when you finally realize that time has passed in a hurry. It's too late to be true "love".

So, what do you think love is?

Love is composition (6)

There was an umbrella for a long time, but after the rain stopped, he still refused to receive a bunch of flowers. After a long time of withering, he also refused to lose a kind of love. He hoped that it would last forever... Even if the green hair turns white, he can still keep it deep in his heart... love... there is no tolerance and understanding between right and wrong

The person who really loves will not say that, eleven years ago, with the pain of my mother, a small life came to this world, that is me. I grew up from a crying child to a teenager in the National Day, and I can't do without my mother's care and care.

In ordinary life, my mother would get up early to cook breakfast for me, and then wake me up. When you eat, you are always afraid that I will burn. You always blow dry before I eat. When I go out, you always don't want to remind me to pay attention to the car and walk carefully. Although it is winter, the weather is also cold and strange. There is a layer of ice on the road. You take me to school. When your cold hand touched my cheek, I walked and hid in my mother's bosom. seem? Power filter? Dead end? Carved at home?? Wei Jiu?

Recall that the greatest love in the world is not maternal love. Every blood vessel in our body is nourished by mother's blood. You have concentrated a lot of energy on me even if I am hurt a little, because you have a very pure heart.

I remember one night, I came back late. When I opened the door, I found my mother was sitting on the sofa crying. As soon as she saw me, she held me tightly in her arms, as if she would never let go. The whole family couldn't find me anywhere, and they were worried about me. At that time, my father was still outside looking for me everywhere. My grandparents had been watching the phone. The food on the table had already cooled, and no one had a bite.

When you enter the school, someone will take your new schoolbag, hold your folding umbrella in the rain, and wipe your tears. Ah, this person is my mother. She is the one who gives me life. No matter where I go, I will never forget this family, my parents who gave birth to me and raised me. I love you. Ah, warm maternal love, great maternal love. In the busy world, you hold the warm world in your heart. Ah! Maternal love, ah! Maternal love. You are the one who wipes my tears when I cry; You are the one who covers the quilt at night; You are the person who took me to see a doctor when I was sick; You are the one who wakes me up in the morning. A mother's love is like an idyllic poem, which is secluded, pure and elegant; Motherly love is a landscape painting, washed away the lead carving, leaving fresh and natural; Motherly love is like a soulful song, melodious and gentle, singing softly; Maternal love is a warm wind that blows away the snow and brings infinite spring.

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body. Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. The kind mother held a needle and thread in her hand to make new clothes for the children who traveled far away. Before leaving, she was busy sewing the clothes tightly, worried that the child would come back later after leaving. Who can say that a son's filial piety like grass can repay his mother's kindness like the spring sun!

"The thread in the mother's hand and the coat of the wandering son's body are sewn closely before leaving, and they are afraid of returning late. Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded with three spring rays". Meng Jiao, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, experienced hardships, poverty and sadness, but his mother's smile always haunted his dreams. When he learned of his mother's future, he could not hide the smile on his face and the joy in his heart. He shook off his clothes and went to meet his mother. This poem is full of maternal love.

With my mother, I will never be lonely.

Love is composition (7)

A small sip, silky mouth, warm and then melt in the teeth, light rice fragrance with the sweet taste of malt tantalize the taste buds of sleep, when I slowly opened my eyes, grandma smiled like a flower, began a beautiful day.

"Soak millet for a night, stew it slowly with a small fire, and stay for an hour or so, the porridge will become" I have never forgotten the way my grandmother told my mother to cook porridge before she left. She has been nagging: "I have a bad stomach, and I should not be careless in breakfast. I should cook this porridge for him. This porridge is warm, sweet, and love.

The taste of porridge is a kind of warmth from the slow fire. The taste of porridge is Grandma's quiet love before the sun rises. The taste of porridge is the care that nature gives to the world. The porridge is carrying Grandma's heart to swim in the slow fire, and under the catalysis of time, it gradually integrates into the heart of every grain of rice.

"Drink slowly, drink slowly, there are still some in the pot." Grandma stroked my head with one hand, and rowed down my spine with the other hand on my back, while I always drank with a bowl in my hand, fearing that someone might compete with me. When going out, she always stood at the door waiting for my back to be covered by the traffic and refused to return to the house. She could not go far away. She came from the countryside and did not know anyone. After getting lost that time, she could only commit to being imprisoned in this small apartment.

After high school, the first morning of boarding life, I hesitated to drink the school's porridge in the morning. There was no sweet taste, no smell of rice, or even no stickiness. I thought that the taste of porridge should be sweet and fragrant. I didn't know where to eat the bowl of porridge. A week later, before the morning class started, the window student called me inside. I looked at the white man in coarse cloth clothes with sad hair on her face. It's clearly my grandma! Now I have forgotten how to finish the bowl of porridge, and I can't know how Grandma found the school. Since then, I have never drunk porridge made by Grandma.

"Soak millet overnight, simmer it slowly over low heat, and wait for an hour or so, then the porridge will be ready."

"I have a bad stomach. I can't be careless in breakfast. I want to cook this rice porridge for him."

After a night of rain, I got up outside the window and the wind blew and the white gauze floated. My mother said that as early as two months ago, the neighbors had seen my grandmother often take out white cloth to dry on sunny days. I thought she was going to make shoes or something. No pain, no dying seems to have been prepared, seems to be a kind of relief, that kind of pain is not physical pain, then heartache.

It began to rain again, and the gray haired old man appeared confused in the modern city and hesitated at the traffic lights. The car roared in her ear, and the fashionable young people avoided her. She wanted to pull one person to ask the way down. People were in a hurry, and no one wanted to stop to ask about the intervention of an unknown person. Everyone is a small part of the social machine. The pace of development is accelerating, and they have to make themselves turn faster and faster. They are worn out and consumed during contact and are no longer needed by the society. The abandoned parts are old people, a group of outdated old people, a group of old people who have also moved with the society.

With the sound of firecrackers, grandma's urn was placed next to grandpa's ashes. There was always a strong sense of sadness in the alternate cemetery. The sun always failed to shine through the clouds into this sad wasteland. When will I come back next time?

Where did the time go? Grandma gave time to my parents, my parents gave time to me, my time to high school, and who has time to grandma? This porridge is not only a bowl of porridge, but also full of worries.

Love is composition (8)

"The weather is cold, please wear more clothes!" "The soup is getting cold, please drink it while it is hot." "You have been watching the computer for several hours, please have a rest!"...... "Got it." "All right, all right." "All right, don't make any noise first."

These dialogues can be heard in almost every family. But are they just moms nagging and fussing? Maybe we feel that we have heard it many times and repeated it for many years. Already bored, already numb, began to answer perfunctorily with impatient tone. But mothers still repeat and repeat those dialogues that may be a little boring, but they have not been tired of them for more than ten years.

Why? Because of their love. It's cold, I'm afraid we'll be frozen. The soup is cold. I'm afraid it will hurt my stomach. Watching too much computer is bad for your eyes. These are not all the manifestations of maternal love? But some people don't know how to appreciate and taste. It is not separation in life or death that can reflect the greatness of maternal love. More maternal love is permeated in the details of ordinary life, silent, colorless and tasteless. Only those who appreciate it carefully can appreciate its moving and great from its insipidity.

Love likes to hide in small places. A pile of tiny things can be pieced together to create extraordinary love. Love is the shoulder you rely on when you are sad; Love is a cup of warm drink delivered when it is snowy; Love is the hands that reach out to you when you wrestle; Love is the quilt tucked in for you in the middle of the night; Love is a stern scolding when iron hatred is not steel... If these are not love, what is it?

All these beautiful and warm details that are easy to be ignored need us to carefully appreciate the taste and feelings. Only by learning to appreciate love can we feel the existence of love and have a world full of love. Don't say that there is no love in this world. As long as we learn to appreciate it, we can find our own share and those who love you.

Learn to appreciate love, understand love. We will also learn to love. For ourselves, for parents, for friends, for lovers, for all the beautiful things around us, give them back in the way they give us. In this way, it has been circulating and spreading all the time. Between people, things and things, it is interwoven into an invisible and dense net, which covers us. We have love around us. We can see and appreciate it. Everyone gives love to others without stint. In this way, love is expanded to a higher level, becoming a habit and a force.

Appreciate love, understand love; Only then has the qualifications to have others' love for us, only then has the ability to give others their own love. Our world will become more and more beautiful.

Love is composition (9)

Love is Grandma getting up early and preparing delicious breakfast for me; Love is that my mother opens her bloodshot eyes early in the morning and sends me to school; Love is grandpa riding a bike after school, taking me to fly in the cold wind... Love is everywhere, but we don't know that every day, they pay too much attention to our healthy and happy growth!

I remember one time after the composition class, the teacher asked to type the written composition on the computer. I had already entered a sweet dream and woke up in the middle of the night in a daze. Unexpectedly, my mother, who had just returned from a business trip, was struggling with fatigue to write a composition for me in the room. Until late at night, even the moonlight was dim, as if to urge my mother to go to bed quickly. My mother insisted on typing all her compositions before going to bed. The next morning, I got up and looked up. My mother had dark circles under her eyes.

Every morning, my mother sent me to school. When I arrived at the school gate, my mother waved to me and said "goodbye" to me, but I held my classmates' hands without looking back and walked to the class laughing and talking. Arrived at the class, I looked at the school gate from the window, ah! Mom is still standing at the school gate looking in the direction of my class!

I still remember the last time, after playing badminton, I went to live at my aunt's house. Because I had English lessons the next day, but my English schoolbag was still at home, what should I do? Then I had to go to English class empty handed. Just when I was in a hurry, Grandpa unexpectedly came home, hurriedly picked up my schoolbag and flew it to my school. Although grandpa was panting, he smiled when he saw my happy smile. But I didn't say "thank you"!

Last week in the perfect art class, the teacher asked to be a "hedgehog". "Hedgehog" has so many thorns, one at a time, and they are all sharp, which is too difficult to do. Mother sacrificed her precious time to help me make hedgehogs. With my mother's help, I soon finished the job. My mother sighed for her hard work, but I didn't notice at all. I didn't even say "thank you". I just admired my "hedgehog" and happily loaded it into my schoolbag.

What is love? It was my mother's tired figure when she was writing for me late at night; It was my mother who saw me off when she sent me to school; It was my grandpa who was breathless after delivering my schoolbag to me in a hurry... In my growth, there was so much love around me, and I will repay them in the future!

Love is Composition (10)

Looking at more and more crude love movies, most of them are called "youth idol dramas", but in fact, they are a combination of dog blood and vulgarity, which makes people's definition of love more and more vague, but it seems that I gradually understand from people around me.

Grandma was seriously ill last year, so she was unable to move and needed someone to take care of her. So my grandpa took up the job. You know, grandpa has never done any housework before, but now he can buy vegetables, cook vegetables, do sanitation...... His proficiency is amazing. Once after lunch, we went for a walk together. I led my sister in the back, and Grandpa helped Grandma in the front. The backs of the two old people have bent slightly after years of baptism. The sunset has drawn a long shadow of the two old people... It will be the 40th anniversary of their marriage next year, and the two old people have gone through 40 years together. It is not easy to have ups and downs. Perhaps they have forgotten that for forty years, they have witnessed the changes of the times and their love beyond family ties. For them, love is to help each other.

As for my parents, although they always have small quarrels, their feelings can always be reflected in life.

Once when my parents were off the evening shift, my mother suddenly fell ill, which frightened my father. I hurriedly stopped a taxi and went to the hospital for emergency treatment. Looking at his mother who was lying on the hospital bed, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, my mother told me this, and she smiled when she spoke. For parents, love is the care that is kept in the heart.

Yes, the love of the previous generation is so simple and simple. It's not like people nowadays talk about love all day long and do nothing. In the eyes of the previous generation, love is that you are remembered and cared for in your heart, but without words. It is enough for two people to stay together for a lifetime.

I think that love can be like boiled water, which is insipid and contains deep concern; Like coffee, love can select the best coffee beans, grind them carefully and slowly, and emit mellow fragrance; Love can be like Longjing green tea. After the baptism of wind and rain, the more you brew it, the more fragrant it becomes

Love is Composition (11)

What is love? Love is selfless dedication. From childhood to adulthood, we get the most love from our parents.

From the beginning of kindergarten, I remember my mother picking me up and sending me to school rain or shine. I remember one day, when my mother sent me to school in the morning, the weather was still sunny to cloudy, but in the afternoon, it became cloudy and windy after school. I wore very little that day, and my mother forgot to take my coat when she came to pick me up. At this time, she quickly took off her own coat and put it on for me, and then picked me up. She kept asking me if I was cold. I shook my head and said, "Not cold." I asked my mother, "Mom, are you cold?" My mother shook her head and said to me, "Not cold, adults are not afraid of cold!" But, I secretly touched my mother's hand. It's so cold! Thank you, Mom. You let me know the greatness of love.

Now that I'm in the fourth grade, my mother is very strict with me. After finishing my homework every day, I want to watch TV for a while, even if it's only ten minutes! But my mother just didn't want to. I quarreled with her about this. But every time when I worked out the math problem, I saw the smile on my mother's face and the excitement in her eyes. I finally knew that all she did was for my good. I wanted to say to you, "Thank you, Mom!"

What is love? Love is selfless dedication, and parents' love is the greatest. Let's study hard and repay our parents with practical actions!

Love is Composition (12)

The growth and development of all things follow certain natural laws. As advocated by Laozi and Zhuangzi, "Tao follows nature, let nature take its course, and govern by doing nothing." The nature of things is the foundation of things, and only by following the nature of things can we achieve something.

Guo Tuocao, an ordinary and simple tree planting expert, is praised by people because he can follow the nature of wood. Ligularia camela plants trees, and the soil is even and dense, and the roots are stretched. Once they leave, they will ignore them as if they were abandoned. In Guoliguo's view, this is the nature of trees, that is, the most basic natural law of their growth. When the trees grow up, they will be tall and dense and bear fruit early. On the contrary, some people plant trees, either because the roots cannot be spread or the soil is not enough, which deviates from the nature of natural growth of trees day by day, resulting in poor quality of trees and even failure to survive. Guoliguo trees conform to the nature of wood. People's praise, admiration and imitation of the trees are the greatest reward for their height, prosperity and density.

The reason why a cook can deal with oxen with ease is that the Taoist is his favorite. Rather than using a knife to cut a cow at will, a cook should follow the nature of the cow according to its body structure and characteristics. Appraise the big Xiu, guide the big one, and be careful. The soft place will be swept by, while the hard place will be slightly attacked. After repeated operations, the whole cow will be like a land appointed by the local government. The cook is skilled in solving cattle because he understands the structure of cattle according to the laws of nature before he starts to use his knife. Pao Ding Jie Niu complies with nature, so he is also famous for centuries and has been handed down to this day.

All things have their own objective laws. If we don't follow them, we can only reap the consequences. The result can only be achieved in the harvest season of others, but nothing can be achieved by oneself; More haste, less speed. In return, things will turn against each other when they reach the extreme. Therefore, only by following nature can we achieve something.

If one wants to become a strong person in life, the most basic thing one does is to follow the laws of nature. For thousands of years, people have been trying to transform the world. To this day, due to people's over exploitation and over logging, it has caused very serious ecological and environmental problems. Why? It is because people's unreasonable demands on nature go against the law of natural growth. Therefore, we should conform to nature and live in harmony with nature.

We should act according to the natural principles and grasp the objective laws. Only in this way can we achieve a win-win situation.

Love is Composition (13)

What is love? Some people say that love is human; Some people say that love is something that accompanies you; Others say that love is a kind of injury. But what is love?

Love is everywhere, it is beside you. I read a composition called {A Child's Appeal}. It is about a child whose parents work outside and are alone at home. He always pretends to be sensible. When his parents come home for the Spring Festival, they give him many gifts and send money back every month. But once, his classmate said that his family was poor, and he thought, 'Hum, look! This year I will become a millionaire. ', After the New Year, his parents came back and gave him many gifts, but he was disappointed. These gifts were a piece of cake for his classmates who had more money. In fact, parents have already spent a lot of money on buying gifts for him. They still need to earn money to support a family and provide for his schooling. The child tore up all the money and said that he was a child lacking love. If the little boy were me, I wouldn't think so. He has already calculated. That can't meet his needs. Love is extremely simple: a phone call, a cup of hot tea, a kiss. That's enough.

So, what is love? Love is the most beautiful thing in the world. Love is everywhere, right beside you.

Love is Composition (14)

A long time ago, when I was young and ignorant, I didn't know anything, and I thought I was right every day. Now I think it's really funny.

At that time, we thought that love was just a simple favor to people, and that it was love.

I remember once reading a story about a grandpa and a grandma, who are both over 80 years old, sometimes they are unconscious, and even their children and grandchildren do not recognize them. Several times they pointed at each other and asked each other, who is this? They stayed beside me all the time. After a while, she seemed to wake up again. Grandma said, "You, old man, the sheepskin you gave me that time, I used it to make a jacketed jacket. It hasn't been rotten yet.". I don't know if grandpa has heard clearly. He took over the conversation and said, "Old lady, you gave me two green apricots that day. I still have sour teeth.".

The two old men repeated these words as if they were alone, looking calm and calm as if nothing had happened.

Until now, I understand that youth and frivolity at that time were just foolishness, and true love could not be passed away in years. Even a little, as long as true love is, it means everlasting.

How many people can really do it by holding the hand of their children and growing old with them.

I'm afraid you don't remember me now.

To you, I am just a passer-by who comes and goes in a hurry in your life, leaving no trace.

For me, you are a bright mark in my memory, which can not be erased.

I have nothing to do with it since then. Goodbye, I'm sorry.

Love is Composition (15)

What is love?

It is the joy of tears when I was born:

"Baby, welcome to this world."

What is love?

My mother helped me step by step.

If you fall down, lift up again.

Encourage me: "Baby, you are great!"

What is love?

My mother taught me to speak word by word:

"Grandpa, Grandma, Dad, Mom."

What is love?

They are the beautiful clothes in my wardrobe.

"Baby, you are my mother's beautiful angel."

What is love?

It was my mother's anxious mood and meticulous care when I was ill.

"Baby, get better soon."

What is love?

It is my mother who brings out all kinds of delicious food from the kitchen.

Spare ribs, chicken wings, mushroom and vegetable heart, braised beef.

What is love?

It was my mother's reluctance and expectation to send me to school on the first day:

"Baby, you are a pupil. Listen carefully and listen to the teacher."

What is love?

It is the time for me to achieve excellent results.

A happy smile on her mother's face.

"Baby, don't be arrogant, continue to work hard!"

What is love?

It's when I do something wrong.

Mother's harsh criticism.

Teach me the principles of my life.

What is love?

I have a mother who gives me life, loves me and teaches me how to be a human being.

Grade 3 of Shijingshan Experimental Primary School in Beijing: Sun Yidan

Love is Composition (16)

What is love

What is love? This is an eternal topic.

A new year is coming, and the atmosphere of New Year is everywhere. "Mom, I'm going to the Children's Paradise to play!" My daughter, who has just learned to walk, kept pulling at the corner of my coat and pleaded bitterly. However, I was finally "moved" by her and decided to take her to the "Children's Paradise". We came to the gate of the park, ready to line up to buy tickets. I told my daughter again and again that she must pull my clothes obediently and not go away. After I bought the ticket, I found my daughter was missing! I ran and jumped like a madman, shouting my daughter's name all over the street, hoping to hear her response. I ran, shouted, and found. He ran like a rabbit in the crowd, and his eyes were always blurred. I don't know how long it took me to find it. I was tired from running and stopped panting in the middle of an intersection. I bent over, put my hand on my knee and put my weight there. Despite the cold weather, the sweat on my forehead has been rolling and sliding to my face, as big as a soybean. I looked around, wondering which way to go.

Suddenly, I heard a child crying behind me - that was my daughter! So I quickly turned around -- a little girl fell to the ground, and the middle-aged man beside her was holding her up and said, "Xiaoyan, good! Don't cry!" -- that was not my daughter! The last light in my heart also went out completely. The head did not know how to bury it.

"Mom!" I don't know where, such a childish voice came out. I dare not look up again for fear that this time my hope will be lost again. But the voice is getting closer to me - another "Mom"! I had to look up, only to see my daughter in the middle of the crowd!

No matter how far away I am from my daughter and how many people are separated, I can only see my daughter in my eyes! At this time, it seems that she also saw me, opened her arms and ran towards me; I also held her tightly in my arms.

In fact, I am not the mother in the story, but the daughter many years later. After many years, I still remember that at that moment, I embraced love!

Love is Composition (17)

What is love

Love is when you are hurt.

Give you love;

Love is a smiling face.

Smile when you are weak;

Love comes from water.

You wait for him in the water;

Love is fire.

You wait for him in the ashes;

Love is giving.

Pay without regrets.

Paying without return.

What is love

Love is the breeze in spring.

Like father's eyes, gently caressing us;

Love is the sunshine in winter.

Like mother's embrace.

Wrap us tightly;

In fact, love is very simple.

It is the care hidden around us.

What is love

Love is the purest and warmest thing in the world. What is love. Love is selfless. Love is immortal. Everyone has love. Family and friendship will also bring us infinite happiness and laughter. One of the lyrics of a song, I still remember: love is a light, so wonderful. Yes, love is a ray of light. It is the most beautiful thing in the world. It lights up all of us all the time. Encourage us to move forward and never die.

We should cherish the priceless love that money can't buy around us.

Love is perfect and flawless. Love gives us happiness and warmth.

We should also pass on love to others, and let others feel the happiness and warmth of love. How painful is it when a person needs care and needs help from others, but no one pays attention to him? We need to know, what is love? In fact, love is very simple. Love is sharing. When someone needs your help, you reach out to help him. This is a love for strangers. When you concentrate on your career, this is your love for your career. When you throw a piece of garbage into the garbage can, or pick up a piece of paper, a piece of garbage, and throw it into the garbage can, this is your love for the environment and the home we live in. When your family comes home, thirsty and tired, you bring a glass of water and help him or her to beat his or her back. This is your love for your family. When you meet stray cats and dogs on the street, instead of avoiding them, you give them food or adopt them. This is your love for stray animals. Even if your parents come home and you bring a cup of hot water, it is also a love, a love you have for your parents!

Love, in fact, is very simple. It is ubiquitous in the real society. It depends on whether you find it and give it to others. "Give roses and leave a lingering fragrance in your hands."

Love is not only what others give you, but also what you give to others.

What is love

What is love? I have pondered this question for a long time. Now, I finally feel love from the people around me.

In fact, love is very simple.

It is a kind of love for teachers to help students teach texts.

It is a kind of love for my classmates to help me.

It is a kind of pure love that my parents nurture me.

It is a kind of love that I give money to the disaster area.

There are many kinds of love, including love and friendship. Love is one of them. Love is an old man and his wife grow old together, or a young man and a girl in love. However, my favorite love is friendship.

What is friendship? Friendship is a coin with temperature falling into the hands of beggars.

What is friendship? Friendship is helping you when you are in trouble.

What is friendship? Friendship is the care of parents for their children.

What is friendship? Friendship is a strong support when getting on the bus.

What is friendship? Friendship is a slight greeting when you are ill.

Do you remember the Sichuan earthquake. In the earthquake, a mother would rather go to heaven to protect her child for the sake of her own body, but she was happy to look at her child. This is maternal love.

What is love? Love is your careful irrigation of flowers; Love is the loving care of parents for their children; Love is the meeting of hearts. In the bath of love, flowers bloom freely; Under the care of love, children thrive.

What is love

Love is the purest and warmest in the world. Love is selfless. Love is immortal. Everyone has love. Family and friendship will also bring us infinite happiness and laughter. One of the lyrics of a song, I still remember: love is a light, so wonderful. Yes, love is a ray of light. It is the most beautiful thing in the world. It lights up all of us all the time. Encourage us to move forward and never die.

We should cherish the priceless love that money can't buy around us.

Love is perfect and flawless. Love gives us happiness and warmth.

We should also pass on love to others, and let others feel the happiness and warmth of love. How painful is it when a person needs care and needs help from others, but no one pays attention to him? We need to know, what is love? In fact, love is very simple. Love is sharing.

When someone needs your help, you reach out to help him. This is a love for strangers. When you concentrate on your career, this is your love for your career. When you throw a piece of garbage into the garbage can, or pick up a piece of paper, a piece of garbage, and throw it into the garbage can, this is your love for the environment and the home we live in. When your family comes home, thirsty and tired, you bring a glass of water and help him or her to beat his or her back. This is your love for your family. When you meet stray cats and dogs on the street, instead of avoiding them, you give them food or adopt them. This is your love for stray animals. Even if your parents come home and you bring a cup of hot water, it is also a love, a love you have for your parents!

Love, in fact, is very simple. It is ubiquitous in the real society. It depends on whether you find it and give it to others. "Give roses and leave a lingering fragrance in your hands."

Love is not only what others give you, but also what you give to others.

What is love

I didn't know what love was when I was young

As long as I see my mother is good to my sister

He ran into the house and cried alone

And now I know that love is in my heart

Not all day long

It's not a solemn pledge

Just light, light

Calm and turbulent

I didn't understand until today

Maybe I'll never understand

What is love

Just light

Calm and turbulent

Haiwei, 2nd Senior High School, Wenshu High School, Yuzhou City, Henan Province

Love is Composition (18)

Love is Eternal Composition 1

Love is the most beautiful word of human beings, symbolizing romance, warmth, and eternity... Loveliness, loveliness. What is it? I am looking for love hard

It was on a crowded bus. An old couple with gray hair stood in the aisle. Crowds of people came and went, but the old man surrounded his wife with his hands and fended off the heavy pressure of people behind him with his thin body. It was a hand with blue veins, and his arms were no longer the plump muscles of his youth. However, he took care of his wife carefully. The arm that is not strong is full of peace and warmth. Showing deep love. My nose is sore. It turns out that love is so thick.

I remember that my mother and I bought clothes in the shop at noon that day. We just came out of the shop and saw this scene. Across from us came a pair of father and daughter, who were only six or seven years old, looking greedily at the person selling candied haws. The father glanced at his daughter. He took out two crumpled fifty cents in his trouser pocket and bought a string of candied haws. He tore the wrapping paper and carefully handed it to his daughter. Strangely, the little girl smelled and smelled it, but suddenly raised the candied haws and said, "Dad, you eat first, I don't like it. I must ask you to eat it!" The father could not beat his daughter, bent down and bit it in his mouth. The daughter then ate the candied haws with relish. The father kissed her, said it was delicious, and then took her forward.

I was stunned. Love is mutual. Along the way, I saw many similar pictures appear in front of me. I learned to love, it is life, and taught me how to love. Love is eternal, even if it is a willing look, a cup of hot coffee, a caring greeting, as long as it is from the heart of the truth. It is a precious treasure.

This is the essence of love. I know that love is eternal, love will never change.

Love is Eternal Composition 2

"Mom", this is a simple and familiar greeting. At the moment when we were born, she cheered and took care of us meticulously. We were able to walk and get into trouble everywhere. She still worked hard. We were in primary school. Facing all kinds of difficulties and pressures in learning, she still taught us. When we entered junior high school, we became sensible and rewarded her with our achievements. We will find that mother's face is full of wrinkles. Only then did I realize that my mother was getting old because of her long tiredness.

It was an evening at dusk. For some reason, I wore a single coat and hurried out of the house because of the urgency of time. Because I was in a hurry at that time, those who did not come and told their parents went to a friend's house. After talking with my friends for a while, I suddenly found that the sky was gradually darkening and the night was dim. At that time, I didn't realize it. After a while, it suddenly occurred to me that I hadn't told my parents where I was. So, what should I do? My parents must be worried about me! I must have been looking for me everywhere. Countless daydreams interrupted my thoughts. I quickly turned around and ran out of my friend's house.

At this time, I could not see my fingers. It was very quiet around. I only heard the wind blowing, making the leaves rustle. On such a night with high dark wind, the silence was gloomy and terrible, which made people feel a sense of fear and fear from time to time. Walking in the rain, in a twinkling of an eye, I became a drowned rat. I felt cold all over. I shrunk, and fear crept to my seat. When I was in trouble, a burst of light lit up my way at night. My eyes looked far away and found my mother. I rushed to the arms of the only person who could give me warmth. I cried and burst into tears. Because she silently dedicated and paid for me, and risked herself for me

Mom, I love you! You are the one who comforts me and gives me happiness when I am helpless. You are the one who encourages me and gives me confidence when I encounter setbacks. You are the one who taught me when I encounter difficulties. You are the one who carefully bandages my wounds when I am injured; It is you who slowly coax me to sleep when it is dark at night... The love you give me is great, selfless, eternal, and I will always remember it!