Write a 600 word composition of the school (11 collections)
Listen to the wind and watch the moon
2023-10-24 04:24:39
junior middle school

Write a 600 word composition of the school (1)

As early as last semester, our teacher told us that we would move to a new school for classes next semester. I'd like to know what the new school is like, but I don't know where it is. August 31 is the registration date of the new semester.

I am so excited to finally see the new school! Early in the morning, my parents and I rode in the direction of the city. When we got to Qianchen, we turned left and drove into a newly poured cement road, and stopped at an iron railing. It suddenly dawned on me that several five storey buildings stood in front of me. Ho: This is the newly built Chengbei Primary School of Lanxi City. Our new school was originally here! The new school is surrounded by green trees. The air here is fresh, the vision is wide, and the scenery is pleasant. It is a good place to study. There are 4 buildings in the school, 2 of which are teaching buildings. The two teaching buildings look exactly the same. The new houses are all five floors. The new desks and chairs in the classroom are identical. The teacher asked me to take out the garbage that day, but when I came back, I walked to another building. It's funny!

Next to the teaching building is the canteen. The school canteen used to have only one floor, but now it has two floors. They were still full at dinner. The food in the canteen is very good. Each meal has four dishes and one soup. The same new tableware, the same food, my classmates and I are very happy to eat. I used to eat leftovers, but now I still want to eat after eating. In front of the canteen is a vacant lot. Now the playground has not been built. We do morning exercises and have physical education classes on this vacant lot. I think the playground will be more beautiful after it is built.

There are 6 grades in the new school; There are 4-5 classes in each grade, and there are more than 1000 students in the whole school. Students from the original four primary schools, namely, the intersection, the pavilion, the jujube tree, and the north of the city, have come here. Every morning and afternoon when school is over, there are many people coming and going at the school gate. What a bustle! Everything in the new school is new, new buildings, new classrooms, new teachers, new students, new courses, new tables, new chairs, and new LCD computers.

I feel very fresh about everything here and have a good mood every day. Our new school, Lanxi Chengbei Primary School, I like you!

Write a 600 word composition of the school (2)

My new school is a good place I really want to share with you. Since the first day I entered the new school, I have been thinking about how to share such a good place with you.

In my new school, I can already feel her momentum when I stand at the school gate. There is a sculpture of a running horse at the gate of the school. As long as you stand beside it, you can feel the power of "taking dreams as horses" and the school running philosophy of my new school. Although my new school is the one I just entered, it is an old school with a long history. My grandfather read books here, and my parents also read books here. Now I have entered this school as if I had entered the home where they were raised.

After entering the school gate, you will see the historic teaching building and square in the new school. The teaching building is a building built with red walls. The flower beds set at the intervals of each floor are covered with green leaves, making the red walls more beautiful, like the buildings that only appear in the movies. There are flower beds full of crape myrtle flowers and a sculpture of a great man on the square. The sculpture makes people work hard and those flower beds are gentle and tolerant.

These are just a part of my new school, and the rest is where I want to share them with you. There are many excellent students in my new school. They are among the top students in our city. Although I am also one of them, I have felt my own shortcomings in a few days. Stay with them, I want to study harder! Learn from their intelligence and hard work in learning, and also learn from their innovative spirit in life. The more I get in touch with them, the more I feel that a lot of my time in the past seems to be wasted. They spend their time cultivating their hobbies, while I spend a lot of my time in the past in a daze.

My new school is almost like this. If you are interested, you should see it in person, so that you can really understand and feel the good of my new school.

Write a 600 word composition of the school (3)

My new school is very beautiful. The first place to start is the big playground. Around the red runway are big trees supporting the sky. On the first day when I entered the new campus, this open scene has made me very fond of it.

When I got to know my new school, I liked it even more. The environment in the new school is very good. The trees are lush and luxuriant, which makes the campus more attractive. In addition, the flowers in the flower pond are blooming vigorously, and they are always in the corner of the campus.

In the days when I first came to the new school, whenever I had time, I would walk around the campus. Every time I visit a new school, I can almost make a lot of new discoveries. There is nothing to say about the environment in the new school, but the students and teachers in the new school are very worthy of my talk.

At first, there will always be a sense of alienation between strangers, which is inevitable. But as time goes by, the feelings between students become better and better. The estrangement in the hearts of students before has gradually been replaced by intimacy. Everyone is of the same age and has many interests. Therefore, when we get familiar with each other, we will talk more and more.

The familiar students are happy every day, having classes together, having meals together, and so on. Soon, students and classmates became good friends, and I also made many good friends. My new school has given me a group of new good friends, which also makes me more like my new school.

The new teachers in the new school are also very kind. Most of them are gentle, but they all have principles and bottom lines. As long as they touch the teachers' principled questions, they will become very strict.

For example, in a class, one of the students did not listen carefully, and the gentle teacher suddenly became extremely serious. After that, the student was naturally punished accordingly.

I will continue to study in my new school to find more beautiful things in my new school.

Write a 600 word composition of the school (4)

I sat by the window, looking at the cloudy sky, and I fell into the vortex created by memories. When I first came to the new school, I could not hide my eyes full of curiosity, and my eyes were rolling around, trying to catch the novelty of the new school environment.

On a sunny day, looking down from the third floor, although there are high-rise buildings around, they can't stop the steps scattered by the sun. The students who also play on the basketball court to sweat and compete with each other, it seems that it is raining cats and dogs now and they can't stop their love of basketball; In rainy days, the cloudy sky can't bear the accumulation of rain, and tears of pressure are shed from the gray cheeks. The campus is suddenly filled with heavy fog, but it seems as if you are in a deep mountain, with a unique poetic atmosphere, as if you are a mysterious poet living in seclusion in the mountains. The sound of reading came out of the classroom, floating into the rain like tears in the sky, brushing the rain, weaving into a beautiful melody, echoing in the rain for a long time.

In spring, small green buds quietly sprout from the bare branches, telling all living beings that spring has already come quietly, and the campus has also received the good news to enjoy the blooming flowers, and students' faces are full of ecstasy for the arrival of spring; In summer, the red sun is burning in the cloudless sky. The sun is like invisible hands, grasping the skin every inch of the body. The campus provides the shadow under the big tree to let students avoid the hot baptism; In autumn, the leaves falling from the trees talk about the pace of the season. The cool wind blows away the dry heat and irritability brought by summer. The campus is full of lazy atmosphere; In winter, the fallen green leaves speak of the deep cold. The cold wind is like an ice blade with no feelings. It scratches the skin inch by inch. The classroom in the campus drives away the haze atmosphere to provide warm embrace.

The change of weather, the change of seasons and the students' feelings change the appearance of the campus like gears, but neither can stop my special attachment to the campus landscape.

Write a 600 word composition of the school (5)

Rows of willows and willows dance gracefully in the wind. Colorful flowers blink their curious eyes in the flowers. In the "world" of trees and flowers, a green and white building stands in the middle. This is my new school - Chengguan Town Junior High School.

When entering the school gate, the first thing I saw was a huge white marble statue Chairman Mao. His kind eyes stared at every student who entered the school gate. He held a military cap in his right hand and waved his left hand slightly, as if waving to us. It seems that he sincerely said to us: "Children, you are the future of our country. You should study hard and make progress every day." Behind him, the bright red five-star red flag fluttered in the wind, showing the prosperity of our country. Going further, there is a green and white teaching building. It has four floors in total. The walls are made of white tiles, and the windows are light green. At a glance, the whole building, together with the surrounding trees, flowers and plants, is an integral whole, giving a fresh and energetic feeling. Our classroom is on the east side of the fourth floor. It is clean, tidy, spacious and bright. It is a good place to study. Looking out of the classroom, we can see the blue sky, white clouds, verdant vegetation, which makes people happy and happy. To the east of the building, there is a long tree lined path. There are many stone tables and benches on both sides of the path. This is a good place for us to study, rest and play after school. Behind the teaching building is a large playground, in which there are all kinds of sports equipment. The playground is surrounded by maple trees. Students can run, play ball games and take physical exercises here every day.

My head teacher is a kind and beautiful young female teacher. 93 students form a united, friendly and enterprising group.

How can I not work hard to study and live in such a beautiful environment? In the golden period of three years in junior high school, I decided to unite my classmates and establish a sense of striving to be the first in learning. I would be more conscious and hardworking than before, learn as much knowledge as possible, and welcome a new start with a good attitude.

Write a 600 word composition of the school (6)

My new school is full of sunshine, vitality and vitality. The gentle and careful teachers and the intelligent and elegant students form this beautiful school.

The scenery of the new school is evergreen all the year round! If nothing else, even in the cold late autumn and cold winter, the campus has green. 10、 The osmanthus in late autumn in November is still fragrant, the iron trees beside the playground in the cold winter of December, January and February, and the green apples in the classroom are still green, making people feel tenacious and unyielding. Not only that, the new school is also an inspiring Holy Land everywhere, and the most impressive thing for me is the red sun rising in the east behind the rostrum.

As soon as you enter the campus, you can see the magnificent picture of the red sun rising eastward: a round of red sun rising slowly reflects the eastern half of the sky. Anyone who sees this picture of the rising red sun in the east can't help thinking of the words of Chairman Mao, the great leader of our country: "Comrades, you are like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and the world is yours..." Look at the wisdom on the picture: today is the only day we can rely on. You must be deeply shocked! Yes, the meaning of this sentence is to let us cherish time and tell us that every day is different. As Yue Fei wrote in "The River is Red", "Don't wait for leisure. The young man's head is white, and he is empty and sad!"! Teenagers, while we are still young, let us study hard to become the pillars of the motherland and strive for the rise of China.

In the new school, there are not only pictures of the red sun rising eastward to inspire students, but also pictures of the young plants to remind teachers to care.

In the center of the teacher building, there is also a picture of protecting seedlings: a pair of huge hands carefully holding a young bud. I think that no matter any teacher sees this picture of caring for seedlings, he or she must think of his or her mission: to cultivate a better next generation for the motherland. No matter whether they are good or bad, they must be treated equally with love.

This is my new school, a beautiful campus; A lively paradise; An unforgettable holy place.

Write a 600 word composition of the school (7)

There is a big playground at the school gate. There is a basketball rack on the playground. The rack is sky blue and the baffle is transparent; There are also two white goals. On rainy days, I like to tread water on the playground with my friends. Usually, after school, I like to pile sand in the sandpit.

Walking up the steps on the left is a small playground. There is a beautiful flower bed, a dancing stage and a tall and thick poplar tree. I like catching earthworms with my friends in rainy days.

Go east and go up a step to see the overpass. There are several small trees with pink, purple and rose flowers along the road, as well as two grape stands. Below are stone tables and benches for teachers and students to rest. The grapes on the stands are large and small, green, and some of the vines are hanging to the ground. Opposite the grape trellis is the flagpole. Every Monday, all teachers and students in the school raise the national flag.

There is a blackboard and a white board in our classroom. The desks used by the students are blue and white, you can put your laptop in, and the stool is orange. There is a bookcase in the back corner of the classroom. There is a computer on the teacher's desk. What is on the computer will be displayed on the whiteboard. Write on the whiteboard with a special whiteboard pen. There are lots of chalk on the teacher's desk. There are pots of green hanging orchids on the windowsill, which make the classroom beautiful.

After school began, we issued new books. Every afternoon, the teacher told us stories. My favorite ones were Guess How Much I Love You, Rainbow Flowers, and Piglets Snoop. I also heard the bell ringing in the campus, including the bell for class, the bell for class, the bell for preparation, and the bell for school. What a lot of bells!

Write a 600 word composition of the school (8)

Before winter vacation, I heard that we were going to change to a new school. How about the new school? Can it be the same as now? On the first day of the new semester, with the expectation and longing for the new school, I entered the gate of Zhengma Primary School.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a brightly colored teaching building. In front of the teaching building is a wide playground. There are green grass growing in the lawn. They scramble to get out of the way, adding infinite vitality to the beautiful campus. There are two big stones standing on the lawn. The teacher told us that they were given to the school by the village committee. The name is very loud. It's called "Hiding Dragon and Crouching Tiger". I hope we can all become talents.

Entering the teaching building, the white walls, bright doors and windows, and even the ground seem to reflect the shadow of people (of course, this is not without our teachers' hard work every day). The first floor is Grade One and Grade Two, and our classroom for Grade Three is on the second floor. Go up the east stairs to our classroom. To the west of the classroom is the teacher's office, next to which is the book reading room. The new reading desk is full of books. We like reading here best.

At the beginning of school, the school facilities were not quite complete, and I was somewhat disappointed. Slowly, we had the flag raising platform, and the classroom was also equipped with multimedia and campus radio. Every day, we would hear our favorite songs on the radio, as well as the Three Character Classic and the Disciple Rules. Every time the radio sounded, the students would spontaneously sing along. According to the teacher, our school also needs to pave a plastic playground and add a lot of facilities. We really hope to pave it quickly so that we can exercise on the clean lawn.

On our growth record book, it is written that the school motto is to study, be reasonable, become a talent and serve the country. We will live up to the expectations of the school and teachers, and hope that the school will become better and more beautiful! I love here.

Write a 600 word composition of the school (9)

In a twinkling of an eye, my primary school life has ended, and I will begin my three years of study in junior high school soon. My mood is both happy and afraid. I was assigned to three classes, but I was afraid that I would not keep up with my study and make friends in the class. Maybe this is the reason why I am going to study in a new environment for the first time!

On September 2, when I started school, I became nervous. When I stepped into the school gate for the first time, I didn't look much or look around. I just walked with my mother with my head down, so I didn't know much about many places on the campus. When I got to the class, I sat on the seat and began to see that our class classroom was very large. There are two big windows on the left and right walls of the classroom. I just took a brief look at the classroom. Later I learned that this school is divided into two departments, one is primary school, the other is junior high school.

Our school also has a large playground. In the middle of the playground is the place to play football. Next to the football field is the runway, followed by the basketball court.

The school also has a lot of greenery, and many tall buildings. Suddenly, I fell in love with this school. There will be running time after two classes in the afternoon, and our courses are also very rich. In the middle of the junior high school, there is a round green area. When class is over, I like to walk there.

The teachers in the school are also very amiable. The students are also very helpful

I also hope to study hard in this new campus and adapt to the way teachers teach. Can quickly adapt to the new students in the class.

I like everything here, and I like this new school even more.

Write a 600 word composition of the school (10)

Time flies like an arrow. Soon, the freewheeling summer life changed. Next, new students, new teachers and new life beckoned to me. Of course, the new school is indispensable.

I used to study in Lantian Primary School, but now I have transferred to Sunshine Experimental School. In the summer vacation, I have been looking forward to my new school and want to see it immediately. The morning before yesterday, I was carrying a light schoolbag and full of excitement. At 7:28, I officially entered the new campus. In an instant, the teaching building with elegant environment and charming scenery came into my sight. When I think of the beautiful school, I always feel happy, curious and elated. Of course, the first thing I did when I entered the school was to have a good visit. If you also want to listen, please continue to read!

In my new school, the main thing is the teaching building, which is square. Spacious classrooms, bright corridors, perfect equipment, exquisite patterns, etc. are inexplicable strings that touch the soul, and inexplicable bright spots. In addition to the teaching building, the greening of this school is also extremely satisfactory. Although it is almost autumn now, the Sunshine Experimental School is full of spring and flowers: tall and green trees are guarding here like brave soldiers; One after another flowers are beautiful, like dancers dancing beautifully; Each grass is green and green, fluttering with the wind, as if dancing with flowers. The playground is no exception. It is wide and colorful. It not only has many colors, but also has many facilities, such as table tennis, rope skipping, etc.

In a word, in my heart, Sunshine Experimental School must be the most beautiful school!

Write a 600 word composition of the school (11)

Our school

Our school is located in Yuhong Lane, Xiyuan Street, where more than 3000 students are fed.

Once entering the school gate, the first thing I saw was the flower beds on both sides. There is a statue in each flower bed: one is a small deer and a mother deer. The deer seems to be learning to run on the prairie, and the mother deer is saying, "Be careful, son, don't fall." The other is a small peacock and a mother peacock. The mother peacock seems to be stretching her beautiful feathers, and the little peacock looks as if she is greeting children, It is also like a leisurely walk, or comparing with the flowers in the flower bed.

In front of the two flower beds is the No. 1 teaching building, where the children in grades 1, 2 and 3 learn knowledge. There is a line of bronze characters on it: rigorous teaching, tireless education, hard work and comprehensive development. This line of copper words inspires us.

Further inside, there are flower beds and the second teaching building. That is the place where the students of grade four, five and six have classes. My classroom is here. This teaching building is four stories high and magnificent. You can vaguely hear the sound of reading.

The outside of the flower bed is inlaid with red tiles. In the flower bed, there are roses, Qilixiang, and inverted elms - roses are red, white, and pink - red like a ball of fire, pink like the sunrise on the horizon, and white like winter snowflakes. Although the Qili Fragrance flower is the size of a grain of rice, it can spread far. No wonder it is called Qili Fragrance!

After passing through the second teaching building, you come to the office building. The office building is five floors high, inlaid with white porcelain pieces, and the green glass is shining by the sun. Every day, the teacher prepares lessons and corrects our homework here.

Walk along the office building to the east, and you will arrive at the Science, Technology and Art Building. There are many interest groups in the art building, including zither, table tennis, dance

The playground is to the south of the technology building. The track of the playground is made of plastic, with artificial lawn in the middle. After class, the students played games on the playground. The blue sky, white clouds, red runways and green lawns constitute an incomparable picture.

In this beautiful campus, you can enjoy the breeze, smell the fragrance of flowers and listen to the sound of books.

Our school

As soon as you enter our school, you can see the largest tree on our campus, the sour bean tree. This tree may be hundreds of years old.

Entering the campus from the gate, you can see the flower beds on both sides with beautiful flowers. Further inside, there are clumps of flowers and trees on one side. The flowers in the flower bed are set in front of the screen. They attract bees, attract butterflies, compete with each other, and make the screen more eye-catching. Behind the screen is the flag raising platform. In the middle of the platform stands a straight flag pole. The five-star red flag flutters in the wind. It is so red. When the wind stopped, it hung down and surrounded the head of the flagpole, like a standing red tassel gun or a towering torch. In front of the front is a four storey teaching building. The first floor is a second grade classroom, the second floor is a fourth grade classroom, the third floor is a sixth grade student, and the fourth floor is our multimedia computer room. It is there that we learn knowledge. There are tall trees on the other side, which can not only shelter from the wind and rain, but also allow people to enjoy the cool under the shade of trees.

The playground is used for our physical education class. Students can not only do activities on the playground, but also train their physical strength. In such a playground, of course, we can play, and from time to time, students laugh happily. After school, the playground became lively. The students chased and played on the playground. Smiling faces emerged in the playground, and laughter floated out in waves on the playground, flying to the sky, turning into many white clouds. In class, the playground was silent, except for the clear and loud sound of reading in the classroom, which floated to the playground and merged into a beautiful song. When it rains, the happy drizzle rushes down the playground, ticking, as if time is advancing; Parents' umbrellas, like flowers blooming in the rain, are also sucking small raindrops.

Our campus is like a beautiful garden. How beautiful and lovely it is. We thrive here. This is our campus. Is our campus very good?

Our school

Our school is in Taohualun, which is a beautiful place.

As soon as I got to the school gate, I could see a green gate. Beside it was a golden sign with the words "Yiyang Taohualun Primary School" written in big and vigorous characters. I couldn't help but look at it every day when I passed the school gate.

When I walked into the campus, I saw our basketball court at a glance. Many students practice basketball there. Our school's basketball team often goes out to play games. On one side of the basketball court is our teaching building. It is divided into two buildings. The one on the right is the classroom for junior children, and the one behind is where our senior students study. After passing through our teaching building, it is the back exercise ground. There are sandpits, ladders, climbing poles and runways in the back playground... There are a row of thick trees beside the runways. If students are tired and sweaty after running, they will feel very cool as long as they stay under the trees for a while. When the annual sports meeting was held, the swaying branches and leaves seemed to cheer for the runners.

The bunker is a very interesting place in the back playground. Many students who like long jump often jump into the bunker. Others like to play with sand in the sand pit. Don't mention that the students who play with sand are wrong. In fact, they are also doing good deeds! Don't you think they are helping the students in the long jump fill the sandbox?

If the layout of the school is beautiful, the changes in the four seasons on the campus will be even more beautiful!

In spring, trees sprout and peach blossoms open. The snow in the ditch melted, and they sang a cheerful song to the lower part of the stream.

In summer, the breeze blows gently and the sun shines brightly. The dog dozed in the shade, and cicadas chirped in the trees.

In autumn, the leaves withered and the playground was covered with a yellow blanket. Some students collected beautiful leaves and made bookmarks.

In winter, the north wind and snowflakes are floating in the air. The ground was covered with a white quilt, and the whole playground was like a huge cream cake. The children happily played a snow fight in the playground.

I study and grow in such a colorful environment every day. School is like my home. I love our school.