I changed it (20 required)
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2023-12-13 02:31:03
Grade 6

I changed it (1)

Everyone is not perfect. In ancient times, someone said, "No one is perfect, no gold is barefoot." I have a careless bad habit, which has caused me a lot of trouble.

One day when I was taking an exam, I deducted a score because I wrote one decimal point less.

Another time in the final exam, I forgot to bring my pen. Fortunately, a classmate lent me a pen. Otherwise, I would be miserable. This bad habit has brought me a lot of trouble! So I decided to get rid of this bad habit.

Every time I go out, I check whether I have all my things with me. After finishing my homework, I will definitely put my things in my schoolbag.

So half a year passed, and I tried to get rid of my carelessness slowly.

After a period of hard work, this troublesome problem has finally been solved, and it will not give me so much trouble in the future. If you have any bad problems, you should also know your mistakes and correct them!

I changed it (2)

Previously, I had a bad habit of laughing at others. My mother often criticizes me, but I can't change it.

On Sunday morning, my mother took me to the department store to shop. As soon as I entered the door, I saw an aunt with purple face and wrinkled skin. I hugged my mother's waist and said, "Mom, that person's face is like an orangutan in the zoo. It's really ugly!" Maybe that aunt heard my words and hurriedly lowered her head and walked out of the building.

My mother scolded me and said, "My aunt's face may be the scar left by the scald of water. She is already suffering enough. Don't you add insult to injury by talking like this? One day, you will also experience the taste of being laughed at by others!"

It's really a coincidence that I was laughed at that afternoon.

It was in the park. I heard a little girl behind me excitedly say, "Look, he is as thin as a matchstick, and a gust of wind can blow him away." When I saw her pointing at me, I was so angry that I really wanted to beat her. But I held back my tears.

My mother comforted me and said, "It's wrong for my little sister to laugh at you. But if you laugh at others, won't others laugh at you? This is also a good thing. It can make you feel the pain of being laughed at by others. You should learn a lesson from this. You should first get rid of the bad habit of laughing at others."

After listening to my mother's words, I learned a truth: "No one is perfect, no one is perfect." No one in the world is perfect. We should not laugh at others, but should treat others with a sincere heart.

I changed it (3)

I used to drink soda, but an article made me get rid of this bad habit.

That day, I was watching the news on the computer. Suddenly, a topic caught my eye, Why Are More and More Children with Leukemia. I will open this link. It was said that the children with leukemia were used to drinking drinks and snacks every day. As a result, carcinogens took the opportunity to get sick of leukemia... After reading it, I was so scared that I didn't dare to drink soda anymore.

After not drinking soda, although I didn't feel refreshed every day, I was praised by my parents and became more comfortable every day. I really earned money without soda!

One day, I watched other students holding soda in the cram school. I hurried up to him and told him the article. He was as scared as I was, and he never drank soda again.

I finally got rid of this bad habit.

I changed it (4)

In the past, my wrong way of grasping the pen made me lose my roots at the beginning of the fourth grade.

At that time, I was left behind by my teacher for several days in a row. My head teacher, Mr. Zhang, also found that my slow writing speed was caused by my incorrect pen holding posture. Teacher Zhang told my mother about the consequences of slow writing. We must get rid of this bad habit. Previously, my parents told me the correct position to grasp the pen, but I didn't listen. I still go my own way. That's why I write slowly. When I got home, my mother asked me to copy the text. My mother first asked me to learn the correct posture of grasping the pen, and then began to let me practice calligraphy. At first, my mother did not ask me to write at the speed, but only asked me to grasp the pen correctly. At the beginning, I was very slow in practicing calligraphy. I felt I was not used to it, and I gave up. With my mother's encouragement, I wrote faster and faster. Now, I feel that my pen holding method is much easier than before.

I changed the way I grabbed the pen. I'm very happy. Through this event, I understand that we should stick to everything and not give up because of a little difficulty.

I changed it (5)

People always have habits. Good habits are like rosy clouds at dusk. They are beautiful! Bad habits are like garbage in the dump, annoying. In the night sky where I grew up, there was a shining star, which recorded the process of changing my bad habits.

I remember a Chinese test, I was doing a reading question. After reading the passage, I began to do the first question. When I looked at the topic, I was dumbfounded. Why is it so difficult! What should I do? What should I do? What on earth should we do! I raised my head and looked around. The whole class was seriously "working hard". No one looked around like me.

Suddenly, I saw the "rescuer" in my eyes. It's you! Xiao Ting. I patted her on the shoulder, and she turned around and said softly to me: "Xiao Ning, what are you doing?" "Xiao Ting, I can't do the first question of reading, 5 points! Please help me! Show me." "No, Xiao Ning, you have to figure it out by yourself." "But I've been thinking about it for a long time, and I can't figure it out at all." I said hurriedly. "All right!"

I changed it (6)

I used to have a bad habit of eating very slowly. For this reason, my parents have made great contributions, and now they are getting better.

I used to like to talk when I ate. As soon as someone said something, I immediately stopped working with my mouth, listened to the voice of others with my ears, and then used my vocal cords. At this time, whenever my mother or father sees me, he will scold me. However, this did not destroy my idea of eating and speaking. Every time when they are away, I talk to my sister or salesperson. When they came, I whispered.

One day, I talked to the salesperson very well! When they finished eating, I didn't even finish 1/3 of them. This is right. Mom has come to wash the dishes. I heard her footsteps, so I had to cram for the moment. I ate with a big mouth. When I was half eaten, my mother came. I thought she would scold me for sure, but my mother actually laughed and said to me in Wenzhou dialect: "Son, why do you eat so slowly? It's winter now, and the food is cooling fast. Don't you feel uncomfortable when you eat the cold food to your stomach?" So I quickly ate the rice and returned to my room. I thought: Mom has paid so much for me, but I can't change it. Is it her son?

By now, I have got rid of this bad habit, and my mother doesn't have to worry about it.

I changed it (7)

Everyone has bad habits, of course, I also have a bad habit. My bad habit is to make small movements. Every day when I go home to do my homework, I will do small movements. Every time when I do my homework, I will touch east and west. If my father finds out. My father would say to me: "Bingbing, you should do your homework faster, and go to bed earlier at night!" I listened and began to do my homework, but I was very slow. I didn't go to bed until nine o'clock. I decided to break this bad habit.

Last week, I wanted to go to the cinema with my brother, so I stopped doing small movements. I started doing my homework, and my movements accelerated. I finished it in a few minutes, and I went to the cinema with my brother.

I will do my homework quickly in the future, and I will insist on changing the bad habit of doing small movements.

I changed it (8)

Everyone has problems of one kind or another. For example, some students are sloppy in their homework, some lack good hygiene habits, and some students procrastinate... I am no exception. I have a problem of being picky about food.

Before I went to primary school, I was very picky. I often didn't eat vegetables when I had meat, noodles when I had beef, or soup when I had fish. Therefore, my parents worried about my appetite. Finally, my clever mother came up with a way to practice "devil training" for me. But my mother is determined to let me get rid of my pickiness. Hearing the news, I was scared to cry. But my mother said quietly, "I don't want to ask you to eat. Don't be afraid." But who knows, this is a big challenge for me! At that moment, I was more worried.

The next morning, there were bread, milk and bitter gourd porridge on the table. After I finished eating bread and milk, I left bitter gourd porridge. With a sad face, I said to my mother, "Mom, can I stop eating bitter gourd porridge? It's so bitter! I really can't eat it!" My mother hesitated for a moment, smiled and said to me, "Then don't eat it." I couldn't believe my ears. I was so happy that I jumped three feet high and ran to Xiaomei to play happily.

By noon, my stomach had already sung the "empty city plan", and I hurried home. Unexpectedly, what was waiting for me was bitter gourd porridge. I tried to use that wonderful plan in the morning, but my extremely clever mother saw through my little abacus. She touched my forehead with her hand and said solemnly, "You little girl, what do you want to do with your mother? You have to eat this bowl of porridge. If you don't eat it, you will be hungry." After listening to my mother's words, I had to be obedient and obedient, thinking of the words "eat it", As a result, I really drank all the bitter gourd porridge.

In the next few days, although I was very resistant to some food, my mother never gave in. There was nothing on the table except the food prepared by my mother. Even my favorite snacks disappeared. As I was hungry, I had to try to eat the food I didn't like. I didn't feel particularly bad when I ate it. Gradually, I began to adapt to this "devil training" and became less picky. Mom and Dad's frowns on weekdays gradually spread out, as if I heard the canary in the birdcage singing a happy song. How beautiful! It seems that I am happy for my success, applaud for my overcoming difficulties, and applaud for my change from being picky. Suddenly, I felt a wonderful warm current coming into my heart, and I smiled happily. From then on, I got rid of the problem of being picky about food, and I owe it all to my mother.

I am happy and proud because I am no longer picky about food.

I changed it (9)

I used to study carelessly, always skipped classes, didn't like to speak, and couldn't keep up with the teacher's ideas, and I was always criticized for these shortcomings.
The teacher criticized me again and again. After a long time, I had some pain in my heart. I didn't know what to say, so I felt that I needed to change my stink. Since then, I have asked my parents to help me preview some content that the teacher might say tomorrow every night. In the next day's class, I could almost answer all the questions raised by the teacher, and I got rid of the problem of not listening carefully in class and not raising my hand to speak.
After five or six days of persistence, I finally heard the teacher say to my classmates: "Shi Yuexi has spoken countless times in these days, go, and stick to it." Hearing this, I walked to the front of the ranking list with a bright smile, and stuck a smiling face on the speech column of the Eagles Squad. Although I think the word "young eagle" is not suitable for us, the teacher said that the name of the team is not important. The real thing is to win by your own strength, which is the most important. After returning home, I told my mother that I had been praised by the teacher. My mother smiled for a while and said, "My child, the teacher wants to encourage you, let you increase your confidence, and hope to do better in the future!" After listening to my mother's words, my heart lit up with hope, "You have to work harder!" I said, and then asked my mother and father to help me preview the course.
In the future class, there will be most Chinese classes, and I will raise my hand in every class. In one class, the teacher praised my performance in front of the whole class these days. My face often turns into red apples.
I feel that I have changed. I have become a student who listens carefully in class, speaks actively, is diligent and inquisitive, and has more and more knowledge. I can enrich myself from all aspects and get rid of bad habits. I will work hard to stick to it and become an excellent talent when I grow up.

I changed it (10)

I have a bad habit that I hold the pen incorrectly every time I write.

Once, when I got home, I opened my schoolbag and began to do my homework. However, my writing is like a caterpillar crawling on the paper. When my mother saw that my handwriting was ugly, she said to me seriously; "Li Qingzhuo, look at your handwriting. Is it beautiful.

Once, in our Chinese exam, I wrote in the way my mother taught me to sit and hold a pen. Before long, the results came down. I got 100 points in the exam, and the teacher praised me for my good handwriting. I was very happy. When I got home, my mother said to me happily; "That's great. We should continue to work hard in the future."

From then on, whenever I write, I will follow the way my mother taught me. Over time, I also changed my bad habit.

I changed it (11)

I finally got rid of the bad habit of lazy bed and felt very happy.

One morning, when I was still sleeping in a daze, I heard my mother yelling: "Get up, lazy worm! Otherwise, I will hit you and can't sleep again!" My mother shook me while talking, and I complained to my mother: "It's still dark, why do you call me to get up? It's still early!" My mother did not listen to my complaints, but still nagged me, one after another, I am bored to death. I continue to lie down.

At this time, my mother was a little angry, and her voice was much louder: "If we don't get up again, I will hit you with a stick, get up quickly, hurry up!" I thought to myself: Mom, you can let me go, let me sleep a little longer, just a little longer... But I thought again: the teacher asked us to get up on time, not sleep late, and recite the text, the text, and the ancient poetry after getting up, Write English words! I gritted my teeth and made up my mind to get up.

Mother opened the curtains. It turned out that it was already very bright, and the sun showed a smiling face, which made me unable to open my eyes. The golden light spilled on the distant mountains, on my room, and on the tree tops. The birds chirped as if they were whistling, singing, performing tricks and arguing about something. Some birds sing melodiously. The singing of birds played the prelude of the day.

Then I thought: The sun is so high, the birds are so hardworking, I haven't got up yet, really shouldn't! I am very ashamed. Yesterday, the teacher repeatedly told me to get up on time, not to sleep late, and to write English homework. Mother still complained: "Do you have to listen to the teacher? If you don't listen to the teacher, the teacher will criticize you. Then why don't you listen to what I said? Is it so difficult to get up on time?"

After listening to my mother's words, I got up with a burning face. After reading the text several times, I recited several ancient poems, wrote several English copybooks, and read extracurricular books for a while. It's strange to remember things in the morning, especially fast and clear. From then on, I secretly decided not to sleep late again. Later, I really never slept late again.

One day's work is in the morning. The time in the morning is very valuable. We should not sleep late. I am very happy to finally get rid of the bad habit of sleeping late!

I changed (12)

I suddenly feel like computers these days! But I often make my father angry for the computer, and often quarrel with my father, but I still can't change my obsession with the Internet! One day, I saw on TV that computer addiction will cause children to learn computer games, and eventually may kill people. At this time, the whole family looked at me, and my heart was afraid. But after thinking about it, how could I become like that?

My father seemed to understand what I was saying in my heart: "Will you become like that?" "I should not!" My father was still worried: "If you really become like that! I will send you to the police station or drug rehabilitation center!" I was blinded. It was difficult for me to become like that. I was afraid, and I decided to change this bad habit in the future!

I changed it (13)

Everyone will make mistakes. We should know our mistakes and be able to correct them. We are afraid of making mistakes again and again. Let me tell you the story of my mistakes! (The beginning of the article is concise and fascinating, attracting readers)

In the past, I especially liked watching TV. I loved watching all kinds of cartoons, and I thought they were very good looking. One day, my father went out to work and I was alone at home. I wrote my homework for a while and found it boring. I wanted to have a rest, but my eyes fell on the TV. Suddenly, I felt as if the TV was waving to me and said, "Come and watch it, I am a magic TV that can let you see your favorite cartoon!" I could not resist the temptation, picked up the remote control to turn on the TV, sat on the bed, and watched it with relish. Suddenly, the door opened with a squeak. No, my father came back. I quickly turned off the TV, sat down on the chair and pretended to do my homework. But my father found out and scolded me. In my left ear, out of my right ear, I still watch TV stealthily. Later, my father was very angry and beat me. I thought to myself: Is it worth being beaten just to watch TV for a while? I will change this bad habit in the future.

Later, when my father was not at home, I tried not to watch TV. After finishing my homework, I read a book and practiced calligraphy. I warned myself that I must not watch TV again. Slowly, I have stopped watching TV. My father praised my progress, and I was very happy! (The ending is concise and to the point, detailed and appropriate, highlighted, and excellent)

I changed it (14)

When I was a child, I had a very bad habit, that is, when I walked or wrote, my posture was very bad. If you don't believe me, I bow my back, bend my waist, and lie on the table. My mother often said that I was like a "little shrimp".

Once, I watched others play basketball on the court. One of them was a brother with glasses. He was in a hurry on the court. He had to protect his glasses while keeping a close eye on the movement of basketball. He had to hold the mirror frame with his hands at irregular times, so he lost many chances to get the ball. Suddenly, a fast passing ball hit him directly in the face. He was at a loss and could not avoid it. He heard a "clang", and his glasses fell to the ground, smashed, and had to go down in despair! Seeing this, I thought to myself: "We must change the bad habit of incorrect posture, or we will become myopic like this brother in the future, and it will be miserable if we cannot participate in sports activities!"

Since then, every time I read and wrote, I kept reminding myself that I must take care of my eyes and pay attention to my posture, and gradually changed this bad habit. Students, if you are like this, you should correct your posture quickly!

I changed it (15)

I succeeded in getting rid of my bad composition

Whether in school or in society, people can no longer understand composition. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is my composition that I successfully corrected my bad habits. Welcome to share.

Shortly after the start of school, the Handbook of Civilized Etiquette Cultivation was issued. I was very upset. The Handbook of Civilized Etiquette Cultivation was filled in every two weeks. Every time I filled it out, my mother would add the item "I will take care of my own things", and always marked "O". Every time I saw this symbol, I always felt uneasy.

Do you know why I am upset? Because the article "I will eat my own things" has some difficulties for me. Whenever I put the things on my desk in order and the books in the kitchen are neatly arranged. My heart is very happy, but when I need to use books and pens... I always take them out and will not put them in again. I just piled them on the desk and piled all kinds of things together. When I saw how messy my desk was, I felt a bit awkward. I would think, "Stop, no, it will be messy again.". So in the end, I chose the latter. Whatever, my mother will help me clean up sooner or later... It's almost a habit after a long time.

Once, my sister-in-law came from her hometown to live in my house for a while. The first day she came to my house, she was "attracted" to my desk. She looked at the large and small objects on the desk, looked at me, and then touched my head and said, "Chen Wei, when will you make your desk as clean as you?" After listening to my sister-in-law's words, I thought for a long time, Only then did I realize that since others pointed out my shortcomings, I should correct them. In fact, it's not difficult to have a look at my desk and bookcase... It's just that I refuse to do it myself. Since it has been pointed out, I will never let this shortcoming exist.

After that day, I always shouted silently in my heart, "Do you want your shortcomings to still exist?" Slowly, my shortcomings - disorderly placement of goods were eliminated, which was not as difficult as I thought at first.

Since then, I have added a sparkling "☆" to my Handbook of Civilized Etiquette Cultivation, and I have gained more confidence in myself.

I changed it (16)

In this vast world, no one is perfect. Everyone has their own bad habits, and I am no exception. My bad habit is believed to be that most students are slow in doing things.

The bad habit of doing things slowly has given me many disadvantages. For example, this bad habit makes me often do homework until midnight, which leads to insufficient sleep and interferes with the daily life of my relatives around me. In addition, my homework is easy to accumulate, resulting in more and more homework I have to complete, which will form my pressure invisibly. Therefore, I am determined to launch "remedial action" to change my bad habits.

If I want to get rid of bad habits, I must find out the root of bad habits. I don't know how to allocate time. I always spend more time eating, drinking, playing and having fun than doing homework. When doing homework, I am easily distracted by the things around me. Gradually, I got into the bad habit of working slowly.

I decided to be a shrewd "time manager". So I began to draw up a detailed plan and timetable. I will finish my homework before I go to have fun, so as not to cram for it at the last moment. In addition, I will do my homework in a quieter environment so as not to be disturbed by things around me.

After maintaining this plan for some days, my bad habits gradually improved. I am more relaxed than before. I believe that as long as you are willing to work hard, you can definitely practice the plan to change your bad habits. It is the so-called "Nothing is difficult in the world, just for those who want to".

I changed it (17)

I got rid of my bad habits

I got rid of my bad habits

Meng Shuang, Grade 3, Hongyan Foreign Language School

In life, everyone will have their own habits, which can be divided into good habits and bad habits. I have a bad habit of writing incorrectly. This has brought me a lot of harm, but I can't change it, making my eyes a little short-sighted.

My mother was very worried and tried to help me change it. Once, when I was doing my homework, I unconsciously fell on the table again. My mother reminded me, but I ignored her words. My mother was very angry. So my mother took a long rope and tied one end of the rope to my long hair and the other end to the nail on the ceiling. As soon as I lowered my head and deviated from the correct track, the rope would pull my hair. It hurt! This was repeated several times. When I combed my hair the next morning, I felt my scalp itchy and painful. I didn't dare to tie my hair up that day. I think my mother is too cruel to me.

Since then, when I write every day, I always use the archaize head hanging beam, but not for my diligence. Every time I bow my head, I will grimace with pain. Don't mention the suffering! I can remember it clearly. It's really unforgettable!

However, such a cruel day finally brought me light! My sitting posture is correct and my eyesight is better! I must persist, because it is not easy to break this bad habit!

I broke a bad habit

I broke a bad habit

Everyone has bad habits, of course, I also have a bad habit. My bad habit is to make small movements. Every time I do my homework, I feel around. If my father finds out. My father would say to me: "Bingbing, you should do your homework faster, and go to bed earlier at night!" I listened to this and started to do my homework as soon as possible, but I was very slow. Every time I had to go to bed at nine o'clock, I decided to get rid of this bad habit.

Last week, I wanted to go to the movies with my brother, so I restrained myself from doing little moves when I was doing my homework. As expected, my speed of doing my homework was accelerated. The homework was completed in a few minutes, and I could go to the movies with my brother.

I will do my homework quickly in the future, and I will insist on changing the bad habit of doing small movements.

I broke a bad habit

I broke a bad habit

Everyone has bad habits, and of course I am no exception. I tell you, my bad habit is to leave three things behind. Sometimes when I go to school, I always forget to wear the red scarf, and I am always deducted points.

I am determined to get rid of this bad habit and write a warning on the door, hands and toys when I get home at noon every day. Every time I come home from school, I put my red scarf in my schoolbag, and I will never forget it.

After changing this bad habit, I tasted the sweet. I will never be delayed by the deduction of points to the class again. I am so happy!

I changed a bad habit

I changed a bad habit

Everyone has a bad habit, and I also have a bad habit, that is, I am not careful in class.

Once in class, I was playing around under the table. After being scolded by the teacher, my tears came out. I am determined to get rid of this bad habit. However, after thinking about it, the problem comes again. How can I get rid of the bad habit? Oh, yes, just stick to it every day.

In class today, I looked at the words on the blackboard and listened carefully to every word the teacher said. I also spoke actively! After class, the teacher praised me.

I'm so happy today. I can get rid of the bad habit of not paying attention in class and become better.

Today, I also learned a lot of knowledge. I have to stick to it if I want to change my bad habits.


I changed a bad habit

Everyone has a bad habit, and I also have a bad habit, that is, I am not careful in class.

Once in class, I was playing around under the table. After being scolded by the teacher, my tears came out. I am determined to get rid of this bad habit. However, after thinking about it, the problem comes again. How can I get rid of the bad habit? Oh, yes, just stick to it every day.

In class today, I looked at the words on the blackboard and listened carefully to every word the teacher said. I also spoke actively! After class, the teacher praised me.

I'm so happy today. If I can get rid of my bad habit of not paying attention in class, I can become better.

Today, I also learned a lot of knowledge. I have to stick to it if I want to change my bad habits.

I changed a bad habit

Everyone has a bad habit, and I also have a bad habit, that is, I am not careful in class.

Once in class, I was playing around under the table. After being scolded by the teacher, my tears came out. I am determined to get rid of this bad habit. However, after thinking about it, the problem comes again. How can I get rid of the bad habit? Oh, yes, just stick to it every day.

In class today, I looked at the words on the blackboard and listened carefully to every word the teacher said. I also spoke actively! After class, the teacher praised me.

I'm so happy today. I can get rid of the bad habit of not paying attention in class and become better.

Today, I also learned a lot of knowledge. I have to stick to it if I want to change my bad habits.

drop bad habits

The new semester has arrived, and I have come to a new school. The name of this school is Kebei Primary School. The environment of Kebei Primary School is very good. There are many green belts and tall and straight trees. The playground here is also very big. I like this school very much.

Since this is a new semester, there is a new plan. The new plan is to get rid of the bad habit of poor writing and computer playing.

I don't know why I always write poorly. No matter how anyone reminds me, I can't change this bad habit. Sometimes I can only stick to it for a while, and the words behind it will become worse, so I have always been troubled by this problem. Until one day, my teacher criticized me for my poor handwriting, and my mother scolded me. After training, I decided to write well in the future, but later I only changed a little. But this time I will completely change this bad habit.

There is also my bad habit of playing computer. Several times I even played until I didn't know when the air conditioner was turned on, but now my mother has controlled the time I play computer, so I believe I will change it.

The above are all my major problems. In fact, I also have some minor problems, such as doing small actions and watching TV. I am determined to change them this semester.

I broke a bad habit

Everyone has bad habits, of course, I also have a bad habit. My bad habit is to make small movements. Every day when I go home to do my homework, I will do small movements. Every time when I do my homework, I will touch east and west. If my father finds out. My father would say to me: "Bingbing, you should do your homework faster, and go to bed earlier at night!" I listened and began to do my homework, but I was very slow. I didn't go to bed until nine o'clock. I decided to break this bad habit.

Last week, I wanted to go to the cinema with my brother, so I stopped doing small movements. I started doing my homework, and my movements accelerated. I finished it in a few minutes, and I went to the cinema with my brother.

I will do my homework quickly in the future, and I will insist on changing the bad habit of doing small movements.

I changed it (18)

I used to be lazy and picky when eating. Sometimes I can eat for an hour. My parents don't know how many ways to do this, but I am still slow to eat. In fact, I want to correct myself, but every time I arrive at the table, I become the same. I don't know why. Since I fell ill last Spring Festival, as long as the weather changes greatly, I will catch a cold and have a fever. My parents are worried. My family held a family meeting on how to help me correct this bad habit. At the meeting, they analyzed the important reasons for my illness: unbalanced nutrition, long-term cold meals, insufficient food, and poor physical resistance! At the end of the meeting, I thought to myself: This is terrible. Mom and Dad are serious. As expected, from the next day on, every time I had a meal, my father set the amount of food for me, and they took turns watching me eat. Alas! Thinking about the pain of my recent illness, I also tried hard to eat. One week, I was late three times, and was criticized and educated by the teacher. I cooperated with my parents even more. Every time, I stopped eating until I felt uncomfortable. A week later, it seems that it has really become faster. Every day when I see my father looking at me at noon without rest, I decide to have a good meal. My parents are now cooking more and more rich.

Now, I don't hesitate to eat any more. I also eat a little of everything, and the speed is getting faster and faster. It seems that if you pay, you will be rewarded!

Instructor: Hu Changqing's composition habit about good habits becomes natural composition composition about habits

I changed it (19)

In my childhood, I played video games as many times as the stars in the sky, so I liked playing video games. But one year, I didn't even mention the word "video games". I also liked reading books.

One day, the sun shone brightly on the earth. I was playing with my computer in the game room, and time ran away like water. Suddenly, my mother was beside me, I didn't know, but my mother caught me. In the evening, I was watching TV at home, and vaguely heard a conversation. My mother said to her grandparents and father-in-law, "Why don't you send Si Chao to Fuding to study?" When I heard this sentence, I thought: "With my personality of playing video games since childhood, how can I bear not to go out to play computer games?"

However, I still haven't changed my habit. Every day, I am so intoxicated with playing computer. As the saying goes, time never forgives. Now it's summer vacation. Speaking of summer vacation, it seems to be my paradise, because during this time, I can play many computer games. But this wish could not be realized. My mother wanted to send me to study in Fuding. Like a captured rabbit, I escaped anyway, so I had to study in Fuding.

When I came to the classroom for the first time, I was shocked. I didn't even have the courage to speak loudly, but under the teacher's education, I was no longer shy. But the habit of playing video games has never changed. So my mother was very strict with me. Under the teacher's patience education, I read good books every day, and I got 90 points in Chinese during the half term exam! The habit of playing computer has vanished in my mind, and sometimes I make faces to it when I see it! However, I typed the composition myself. Now I often write compositions for my classmates.

This is my bad habit of playing video games in Internet cafes. I like reading, but whose credit is it? It is my mother and teachers who have made great contributions. I have to thank them.

Part II: I Break a Bad Habit

Everyone has a habit, which, like us humans, is divided into good and bad. He likes to be lazy in bed and drool when sleeping. He always wants to watch TV when eating. He has to read some books before going to bed. hey! Have fun! Well, to get to the point, in short, there are countless types of habits. Of course, a person can't be perfect. I have many habits, both good and bad. They are like a group of "followers" who appear beside me all the time and follow me like a shadow. Recently, I found that my bad habits had a great impact on my growth and learning. I began to "fight" with myself and slowly "conquer" bad habits. Source: Zhou Ji Daquan

It is possible that I am naturally active. My father told me that when I was just born, I was very dishonest when I was still in swaddling clothes. In addition to sleeping well, I was active all the time. In kindergarten, I liked watching Altman, learning his movements, punching and kicking; Not only that, but I also like holding a gadget in my hand every moment, talking to myself and having fun with myself. When I went to primary school, I still didn't get rid of this problem. Some time ago, I suffered from this habit.

On November 25, without telling my father, I brought a transformation device of "masked knight FORS" bought for me by my grandmother to the school. At noon, I hurried to finish my lunch, then ran down from the playground to hide in an unobtrusive corner. After seeing that there was no one around, I carefully took the toy out of my pocket and began to play nervously. When I was in high spirits, a voice broke my thinking: "Li Kexun, why are you still here? Go to the Hope Cup tutorial class!" I suddenly looked back, ah! It's Zhu Tianran. I casually put the toy into my pocket: "My horse... go up!" Then, like a gust of wind, I rushed to the classroom on the third floor, pulled out the pencil box, and then quickly rushed to the fifth floor, hurried into the tutoring room to catch up with today's tutoring. Oh, today's test! Simple, look at me! I finished the test paper after three times and five times, and checked it three times. I got rid of the scar again and forgot the pain. I took out the toy and daydreamed. I thought this time, it was either the first or the second. hey! At this time, the teacher came over, took my paper, looked at it, and then returned it to me, saying: "Li Kexun, why didn't you do the second side?" What, there is another side!!! When I heard this, I felt like a thunderbolt. I was stunned at that time, and quickly picked up my pen to work hard. Unfortunately, the class was over before much was done, and the teacher took away the test paper without mercy. I regret that I was too fond of playing.

That night, I kept reflecting on my shortcomings. Yes, if it goes on like this, I will not fall behind in my study!!! I made up my mind to change this bad habit from now on. To this end, I made a plan for myself: from Monday to Friday night, no one is allowed to approach the toy room; On Saturday and Sunday nights, you can play with toys for half an hour. Three weeks have passed, and this method has come into effect. I like it! I'm happy! I cry! (Tears welled up in her eyes.)

Everything comes to him who waits. This is really good. No matter in our study or daily life, as long as we have perseverance, ambition and hard work, we are not afraid of any obstacles, obstacles or bad habits!

Bad habits, we want to say goodbye to you!

Chapter 3: I Break a Bad Habit

Recently, my uncle, aunt, father and mother all said that I was not as lively and lovely as before, and the children did not play with me. I was very unhappy and puzzled. Later, my father found me and talked with me, so I knew why. It turned out that in my daily life, I gradually developed some bad habits, which changed everyone's view of me.

Dad helped me carefully analyze my problems, mainly including:

Fewer polite words are used. Do not like to greet people and use polite language; They don't respect their elders. They are not big or small. They often act excessively with their elders, which embarrasses their parents; When talking with others, they like to make faces, talk back and talk loudly. When others see them, they shake their heads.

There is less love. They don't have enough love for animals such as flowers, trees, insects and chickens. If they rise up for a while, they don't care whether they live or die. They just play and play; He didn't take much care of his younger brothers and sisters. When you are upset, you love to hit them, love to hurt them, and scold them, regardless of their feelings; I didn't know how to take care of books, stationery, toys, and things were thrown about. I didn't know how to collect them after using, reading, and playing. When I needed them, I loved to look for and throw things at the same time, and these things were damaged at once.

Lazy and playful. I love watching TV. I don't know how to finish my homework, diary, calligraphy practice and reading on time. When I have to hand in my homework, I have to rush around; Do not like to do things within reach. When watching TV and having fun, my parents ask me to do some small things. I always try to push off or lose my temper; Not neat, shoes, clothes, pants, books are always in a mess.

No hygiene. I like to bite anything in my mouth. I also have some bad habits, such as spitting everywhere in public places, not throwing garbage into the garbage can in time, often forgetting to wash hands before and after meals, washing my face and mouthwash before going to bed in the morning, not closing the door when urinating and defecating in the toilet, wearing shoes indiscriminately or running around with dirty feet at home.

Of course, I have many problems. Sometimes I tell lies, sometimes I'm not brave enough, sometimes I like to hit people, sometimes I'm careless. I like to forget to turn off the light after turning on the light, and I'm afraid of hardship. When exercising with my father in the morning, I always play smart to avoid practice, and I prefer to eat vegetables rather than vegetables. I don't think I'm a good boy. I cried, crying very sad, I was afraid that my parents would not want me. At this time, my father came to me and said: "You can recognize your own shortcomings and shortcomings, and have the courage to correct it. You are still a good child, and your parents will still love you as always."

My father said, "Do you have the courage to correct these shortcomings?" I nodded. My father asked me to speak louder. I mustered the courage to speak out loudly: I will correct these shortcomings! I don't want bad habits. I want to be a good child.

Dad said that he was very satisfied with my performance, and he also said that if I can't do it sometimes, he will help me correct it. I looked at my father, wiped my tears and smiled. I think I will be a good child.

Chapter 4: I Break a Bad Habit

A person's habit is doomed to a life's fate. Good habits, the interest of using it, and bad habits, can never repay its debt. Recently, I have a pleasure - -- I have changed my bad habits!

Since I started school, there has been a devil like shadow haunting me, making me restless for a moment. This shadow sometimes holds me tightly, but sometimes it is very loose. It is careless. I am most afraid that it holds me tightly when we take an exam. If I do not do well in the exam, my parents will blame me. However, I do not get 100 points every time. I really hope to get 100 points to make them happy, Be happy. As I grew up, I began to think about why I failed in the exam-------- I finally understand; In fact, the test is not to test intelligence, but to test whether you are serious. If you are absent-minded, there will be no right. If you concentrate, there will be good results! I made up my mind to get rid of the bad habit of carelessness. There is a good saying: flowers bloom again, and people are no longer young. If I don't get rid of this bad habit now, I will regret it for life in the future.

I have made up my mind and started training. At the beginning, do ten calculation questions. One mistake adds ten. At first, I restrained myself, thinking that if one of the ten ways was wrong, I would be fined ten more. When I did it the other day, it was all right. Haha, the accuracy rate reached 100%. After a while, I was a little lax: I made a mistake, and my parents did not check. I could not do it. Since I had this bold idea, the accuracy rate began to decline. Cunning people always show their tails. It seems that Mom and Dad have seen something, and I also have feelings. I said to myself, "This kind of exercise is good for me, but it's not good for my parents. I must speed up my horsepower, learn quickly, and remember to be serious. I have a new goal for myself. I made one mistake and another 50 mistakes in the 20 questions and four mixed questions a day, and I must let my parents check. That's right~

Finally, it's time for me to take up the challenge. I work carefully and conscientiously in the examination room. The exam score is 100 points. Ah, I finally broke the record. My sweat over the past few months has not been wasted. I looked at the bright red 100 points, smiled and shouted: I finally got rid of the bad habit of carelessness!!

I changed (20)

One morning, when I was still sleeping in a daze, I heard my mother yelling: "Get up, lazy worm! Otherwise, I will hit you and can't sleep again!" My mother shook me while talking, and I complained to my mother: "It's still dark, why do you call me to get up? It's still early!" My mother did not listen to my complaints, but still nagged me, one after another, I am bored to death, and continue to lie down.

At this time, my mother was a little angry, and her voice was much louder: "If we don't get up again, I will hit you with a stick, get up quickly, hurry up!" I thought to myself: Mom, you can let me go, let me sleep a little longer, just a little longer... But I thought again: the teacher asked us to get up on time, not sleep late, and recite the text, the text, and the ancient poetry after getting up, Write English words! I gritted my teeth and made up my mind to get up.

Mother opened the curtains. It turned out that it was already very bright, and the sun showed a smiling face, which made me unable to open my eyes. The golden light spilled on the distant mountains, on my room, and on the tree tops. The birds chirped as if they were whistling, singing, performing tricks and arguing about something. Some birds sing melodiously. The singing of birds played the prelude of the day.

Then I thought: The sun is so high, the birds are so hardworking, I haven't got up yet, really shouldn't! I am very ashamed. Yesterday, the teacher repeatedly told me to get up on time, not to sleep late, and to write English homework. Mother still complained: "Do you have to listen to the teacher? If you don't listen to the teacher, the teacher will criticize you. Then why don't you listen to what I said? Is it so difficult to get up on time?"

After listening to my mother's words, I got up with a burning face. After reading the text several times, I recited several ancient poems, wrote several English copybooks, and read extracurricular books for a while. It's strange to remember things in the morning, especially fast and clear. From then on, I secretly decided not to sleep late again. Later, I really never slept late again.

One day's work is in the morning. The time in the morning is very valuable. We should not sleep late. I am very happy to finally get rid of the bad habit of sleeping late!