The beginning and end of topic composition (4 articles)
Mature physical and mental exhaustion
2024-01-07 09:19:47
topic of conversation

Topic composition beginning and ending (1)

A greeting carries deep maternal love; An umbrella carries infinite care; A photo carries an eternal friendship. Looking at the happy picture, I remembered the funny thing.

"The lotus leaves are infinitely green on the sky, and the lotus flowers are very red in the sun." Spring girl walked with light steps, ushering in the hot summer. When the sun came out in the morning, he used his huge flame thrower to scorch the earth. At this time, the game place is the lotus pond in Waigong's backyard. My cousin and I were bored when we were free, so we went to the lotus pond to enjoy it.

From a distance, the huge lotus pool looks like a gem, and the lotus in the middle looks like fairies, which are usually planted in pavilions. "It comes out of the mud without being stained, and it is clean without being demon. It is straight from the middle to the outside, and does not spread.". Some are in bud, delicate and ready to drop, while others are full of charm and fragrance. The water drops on the lotus leaves, gently blown by the breeze, like broken pearls, have tumbled into the water. Poetic realm, painting aesthetic feeling. We are deeply intoxicated with such beautiful scenery.

Suddenly, a large lotus canopy caught my eye. "Sister, there is a big lotus canopy." After saying that, I reached out to pick it. "Be careful!" As soon as the voice dropped, I accidentally slipped and sank. My sister immediately grabbed me and almost fell down. Fortunately, I pushed her up hard and she didn't fall down. She will run when she gets up. I have just come to my senses to stop her, but she has already run far away. When I looked at her back, I felt lost and wondered if she was afraid? How could she leave me alone?

My pants were soaked in mud and my shoes were full of mud. My lotus seeming to say; "Let you pick, let you not pick". The lotus leaves swayed from side to side as if they were laughing at me. When I was depressed, a figure ran towards me from far and near. Yes, that's my sister. She is holding the bamboo pole, "Sister, pull it well, I will pull you up". Because my feet were stuck in the mud, it took a lot of effort to pull me up. When we saw each other in a mess, we all laughed and walked back happily.

This scene was just seen by Grandpa. He took the camera to take a picture of this moment. I can't help thinking of that funny thing when I saw this photo so far. It bears the deep friendship between my sister and me. This photo let me find that beautiful memory, which is worth my taste and collection.

Topic composition beginning and ending (2)

A composition with friendship as the topic begins and ends with 1

Having lived in this beautiful campus for six years, many interesting stories have happened. In the class, there are many stories about friendship, recording the progress and happiness of our class.

Last semester, the students in our class participated in the "serial pass" in the Qiqi Sports Meeting - two people in a group, with both sides' feet crossed, doing sit up passes, in ten groups, one team, each ball from beginning to end, lasting two minutes. I'm the penultimate group. In the afternoon, we began to practice. Everyone passed the ball very fast, but the ball came to my group and stopped slowly. Yu Yingwen's group behind me was too slow to catch the ball. When I handed her the ball, she always lay there, stunned for a moment before reaching out to catch it. After several times of practice, Yu Yingwen still did not make progress. I was very angry: "Yu Yingwen, you should catch the ball faster. I couldn't resist my anger and shouted at her, "Are you making a mistake? You are still so slow!" She was also very angry and quarreled with me. Several students met and came to fight. They taught Yu Yingwen to pay attention when passing the ball, catch the ball quickly and hand it over to the next person immediately. Yu Yingwen listened patiently and soon understood that she had made great progress in practice.

When it was time for the game, the commander gave orders and everyone quickly passed the ball. When Yu Yingwen catches the ball, she reacts quickly and is much faster. After the game lasted more than one minute, everyone was sweating hard, and their shirts were already wet. In the shouting of everyone, the game ended. This time, we got the second place. Ah! It is friendship that makes us help each other. It is friendship that makes us win this game. Friendship is a bridge between us. It communicates feelings between hearts and creates a happy world for us. Friendship is a spring breeze, which makes us appreciate the beauty of spring in the cold winter and the warmth of the world.

The composition with friendship as the topic begins and ends with 2

Happy time is important to me. Happy time is my sunny morning; Happy time is the beautiful rhyme of my flowing water; Because the happy time gives me a rare memory of campus.

I spent many times on campus with my classmates in the spring of peach blossoms and willows, in the summer of luxuriant flowers and leaves, in the autumn of maple blossoms and chrysanthemums, and in the winter of green pines and white snow. After three years of studying and living together with my current classmates, I have had a deep friendship. Reading in this scholarly campus, I grew up happily and freely. With the help and guidance of excellent teachers and good students, I greedily sucked the nutrition of knowledge, received many supplements, and my academic performance also improved.

When I was just studying on this campus, I encountered problems in my study. I was very upset. I couldn't solve them. I didn't dare to ask my classmates. At that time, I was still very strange to my classmates. I didn't dare to find a teacher. It was helpless. I was afraid that when I was going to cry and homesick, female classmates came to teach me how to solve and how to solve them, so that I could solve my learning problems, They are also more harmonious in communication. Gradually, we girls have become good friends who talk to each other and help each other.

Because I like to play with curious things, I hurt my leg many times, and got the care and concern of my classmates and teachers after the injury. I insisted on walking on my own, but there were still some difficulties. I almost fell one more time when I didn't hold the railing. However, intentional male and female classmates came to help me down the stairs to avoid more serious problems. My heart is really happy, so happy, and I feel extremely warm.

Even if our classmates will be separated sooner or later, we should cherish the youth and friendship we have today, and use our true feelings to water the flowers of our campus friendship!

The composition with friendship as the topic begins and ends with 3

I started a very long journey, and I experienced many difficulties and dangers along the way. I cross the desert where nothing grows, and friendship brings me a rain; I cross the fast flowing river, friendship has set up a boat for me; I walked through the great canyon with broken walls and ruins, and friendship built a bridge for me; I walked through the rainy tropical rainforest, and friendship held up a small umbrella for me... Along the way, friendship accompanied me and escorted me, which was such a wonderful journey for me.

On the tree lined path on campus, it rained cats and dogs, and the flowers and plants were all bent over and destroyed. I didn't bring an umbrella, so I had to wait for the coming of clear sky quietly with other students. Looking at a small umbrella in front of me, my desire to go home grew stronger in my heart. Suddenly, a familiar smell came, and a small red umbrella opened in my Toushan. I looked up and saw a smiling face. I was trying my best to reach for my umbrella. "Let's go together, we are on the same road". Her voice sounded like nature. I was very moved. I nodded immediately, and walked to the station hand in hand with her. There are so many people in the station. Yuanyuan and I are huddled in the only empty space, extremely embarrassed. The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and there is no sign of termination, but why is my clothes not wet at all? When I turned around, I hit the umbrella sideways from afar, and half of my clothes were soaked. I felt so guilty that I pushed the umbrella, but Yuanyuan still wanted to push it back. I threatened her that I would go to the rain, and she gave up.

After a cup of tea, the car had already arrived. We put away our umbrellas and were about to step on it. When I touched my pocket, it was broken and the monthly ticket was lost. I hurried back to the station, but it was not called Yuanyuan. After a while, she found that I didn't get on the bus. She rushed out of the bus, regardless of having swiped the card. I cried and told the story. Yuanyuan immediately comforted me and turned over her schoolbag. Finally, 1 yuan came to the surface, but it can only take an ordinary car. We sat on the roadside with umbrellas. From watching the sunset to the moonlight, the traffic lights changed again and again. When the passengers changed, the buses came one after another. I leaned on her in despair, but she was not in a hurry and kept telling me jokes. Finally, we had to wait for the bus to come, and I hurried to greet Yuanyuan, only to find that her umbrella had been held obliquely, and her wet shoulders explained everything. It was very late and the shops were closed. There were few pedestrians. Looking at Yuanyuan's tired figure, there was a kind of flower called "moved" blooming in my heart.

After getting off the bus, Yuanyuan escorted me home and was ready to leave. I asked her where she was going, and she said to change trains at the station. tranfer? That means it's not the same way, but I haven't had time to say thank you to her. Looking at Yuanyuan's receding back, my heart began to ache. I must cherish this friendship.

Spring has gone and autumn has come. Three years have passed, and the song has ended. But this heavy friendship in my heart is like a rain in the desert, a boat on the river, a flying bridge on the canyon, and a thin umbrella in the rainforest, which deeply warms me. Yuanyuan, your favorite lotus is in bloom. Let's go and see it together

Topic composition beginning and ending (3)

Ending: several spring flowers and autumn moon, share lingering in my heart. Sharing is not only between people, but also between people and nature. Let's learn to share and share what we have for nature, OK?

[II: Sharing]

Start: Life is a colorful world. Talk to others and share the beauty of nature.

Conclusion: The beauty of the four seasons is full of vitality, the elegance of spring, the boldness of summer, the rhythm of autumn, and the purity of winter. I love the beauty of the beautiful four seasons.

Share the beauty in your eyes, and others will share their happiness with you. Watch carefully and learn to share.

[III: Sharing]

First: Sharing is a kind of happiness, a kind of spiritual relief. Whenever you have something happy or unhappy, tell your friends, and they will feel the whole person is happy. In fact, to share every bit of life with others is to convey the feelings between each other by heart.

Conclusion: By sharing your own things, the ice wall between you and others will gradually melt, making people feel the great pleasure of sharing. If you don't share anything with others and close yourself in a "secret room", your heart can only be a closed and lonely space, and you can't live in the same world with others. And every kind of happiness and pain in life needs to be shared with others to make it valuable.

Sharing is the foundation of fraternity, and those who do not share their feelings with others are doomed to loneliness. Let's take action and learn to share with others. The shared world is beautiful!

[IV: Enjoy]

Beginning: It was Thursday in the twinkling of an eye. I was thinking about what to do at the Chinese evening self-study meeting tonight, and the Chinese teacher walked into the classroom.

Ending: The music is ringing, class is over. I finished reading the composition. It seems that my mind has been cleaned, and my thoughts have been improved more than ever before. While enjoying myself, I also feel unprecedented pressure, because there are too many people crouching tigers and hiding dragons, and there are too many people who show their skills at critical moments. Let me play a twelve point spirit to meet new challenges!

Topic composition beginning and ending (4)

When the rain fell at night, I read the poems of the Song Dynasty and listened to Yan Shu, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty, chanting: "When the swallows came to the Spring Society, the pear flowers fell behind the Qingming Festival.". After turning over a few pages, I heard Yan Shu, the seventh son of Yan Shu, sighing several times: "Dance smoke, sleep in the rain and pass the Qingming Festival". A sudden surprise came to my heart. The Spring Festival Club was over, and the Tomb Sweeping Day was coming again.

It's Tomb sweeping Day again. When we saw the Monument to the People's Heroes again, our hearts were shocked and we were once again educated in patriotism.

The happiness of Tomb Sweeping Day in my memory has long gone. The Tomb Sweeping Day without grandpa is gray even in the sky. The endless drizzle made me sad from the heart. Cold wind, please tell the heartbroken man that grandpa who loves his granddaughter like that will never come back.

The car is bumping along. On both sides of the road, there are undulating rape flowers, and some wild flowers that are not beautiful are also clustered together. Looking around, Nanshan Cemetery has appeared in front of us, and the tombstones standing in the mountains make people respect.

In the past Qingming Festival, there was always a drizzle in the sky, which seemed to be mixed with our indelible sadness.

This year, however, it was quite different. The weather was excellent, and the cemetery was no longer lifeless. Many people brought colorful flower baskets, most of which were white chrysanthemums and yellow chrysanthemums. Some also put on gorgeous camellias and elegant carnations.

The sun is still shining, but it is very dim in my eyes; The sky is still blue, but it is very dark in my eyes. That's because Qingming is coming again.

The end of the composition about Qingming Festival topic

It's Tomb Sweeping Day again. "Men don't shed tears easily". I can't shed tears. It's just a light rain for Qingming. I hope she will arrive as scheduled, even if it's the tears that people want to shed but cannot shed

The dead are gone and can't be recovered. Please cherish the person in front of you. In front of the Tombstone of the Tomb Sweeping Day, infinite sadness will be expressed, the tears of the worshippers will string into wet memories, and the warm spring breeze will not clean the eyes. The long journey of life does not stop. The continuation of the lineage is a series of bold ellipses. The white hair of the elderly is the most striking question mark of the Tomb Sweeping Day. Filial piety and support are the right choice, and the interpretation of the Tomb Sweeping Day by the Chinese people. Let the heart of filial piety live day by day, and insist on being kind to your parents and the elderly. On a clear day in warm spring and April, standing in the wind blowing thousands of sorrows, we will not face the lifeless tombstone, empty and quiet lamentation and endless remorse, and bear a cold heart wailing in the wind.

Today, our Chinese nation is still at the most dangerous time, which requires us to correctly understand the current practical difficulties under the new situation, unite, continue to carry out the new Long March of social construction, use our actions, responsibilities, and love to hand in an answer to our motherland, and let the spirit of heroes forever become our strength to learn and work, With the power of construction, our motherland will always be the booster of our progress.

My grandpa has gone. I miss him and wait for him. I grow up day by day. Finally, I understand that the swallow can fly back again, and my grandpa can't come back when the willows are green again. What I spend with me is the constant yearning and the annual Tomb Sweeping Day.

The car was bumping along. Looking back, the martyr's tomb was gradually gone, but its shadow had been deposited in my heart, which I could not forget.

Qingming in adults' eyes should be a "heavy" festival. But children have the right to "indulge" themselves, even mischievous, even mischievous. As I grow older, will "Tomb Sweeping Day" become a "heavy" festival for me?