Neighbor Composition (17 practical)
Listen to the sound of drizzle
2024-05-23 04:27:01

Neighbor Composition (1)

My neighbor is a grandmother. She always likes to sit on the bench of the community with a dog and stare at the distance.

The world is undergoing various great changes every day, but the only constant seems to be my neighbor.

In fact, she doesn't look too old, her hair is gray, and her body looks very tough, but compared with her peers, she is different: people often go to the park to dance, play mahjong, or take their grandchildren to enjoy family happiness; But except for walking the dog, she just stayed at home. I never saw her having any social activities. Even if she walked the dog, she mostly let the dog play by himself, sitting on the chair and staring at the children in the community laughing and playing

I used to see her sitting on the chair again and again after school: sitting upright in the chair, spreading the rope that tied the dog to let it play freely. Although her clothes were a little shabby, they were still neat and not messy at all. The emotion in the eyes is like waiting and expectation. The afterglow of the setting sun reflected on her face through the leaves, emitting a loving light. When she was tired, she picked up the tea cup, took a sip of tea, whispered the dog's name, and soon the dog ran back quietly. In the setting sun, the old man and the dog walked slowly home "leisurely".

There was a time when the old man no longer sat on the bench all day long, but was busy every day: sweeping the floor and cleaning the windows, making the clean house even more spotless; Even the handrail of the stairs has been wiped. Mother teased: "It's not the Spring Festival yet, and you are always cleaning up!" Grandma smiled happily, but said nothing. Later, she learned that her son and daughter-in-law would come back to see her, so she cleaned up early to meet them. In the days after the children and grandchildren came back, the old man was always happy. My parents and I are curious. Why are my children and grandchildren so happy when they come back? Once, when my family went out for a walk, I slowly learned something about the grandmother from the population of the property management office——

A few years ago, the old man still lived with his children. Later, because his grandson was going to school in other places, the whole family moved to take care of the children near the school. The son also asked the old man to live with them, but the old man thought the school district was too cramped and crowded, and she was reluctant to leave the old house, so she stayed. As for the dog, her son bought it for her, but the old man must still be lonely in his heart. No matter how good and expensive the dog is, it can not be worth the happiness of the family with children!

When her children and grandchildren came to visit her on New Year's Day, the old man would be busy. Although busy, she was happy every day. But after the children and grandchildren left, they seemed to take away all her happiness at once - she was not busy, but her smile was gone.

If the weather permits, she still shows up in the community with her dog every day, but still lets the dog play freely, and she still stares at the direction of her children and grandchildren

Neighbor Composition (2)

Early this morning, God had a stiff face, which made me depressed. After I lost in the poetry contest yesterday, I was in a bad mood. It seemed that I was more upset, and I didn't like anything.

In the kitchen, my mother is cooking delicious food, but I have no appetite now. After getting up, I just ate two mouthfuls at random and watched TV aimlessly.

It began to rain outside. Inside, my mother washed dishes and began to do housework. It began to rain heavily outside. Raindrops as big as soybeans hit the old trees, lotus leaves and red lotus in the pool.

I couldn't help turning off the TV, standing on the balcony, watching the downpour outside the house, falling on the ground. Gradually, the rain on the ground became more and more. In the pool, there were red lotus like fire planted by my mother and lotus that came out of the mud but did not stain. In the eyes of ordinary people, these are just two ordinary plants, but in my eyes at this moment, they are more like friends and neighbors. In the rain wash, the rain drips on the red lotus, but after that, no rain drips again, because the lotus leaf is like an umbrella, blocking his head, shielding it from the wind and rain. I am fascinated. On weekdays, the lotus leaf and the red lotus are like two neighbors, helping each other, and the two plants often talk together. Today, when I saw this scene, my depression gradually dissipated. Inside, my mother was calling me to do housework, and I ran quickly.

In the afternoon, the rain gradually stopped. When I went to see the two "neighbors" again, they had already started chatting with the wind.

In the evening, two "neighbors" had fallen asleep safely, and I also climbed into a soft bed. At this time, I thought to myself: Although these two plants have no human wisdom, they have the same body, life, spirit and emotion as human beings. They can make friends and neighbors like human beings, and they can also help each other and talk happily

At this time, I have entered a sweet dream, and my family has regained the peace of the past.

Neighbor Composition (3)

Chunchun and I have been together for four years. Her impression on me is unforgettable. A round face, a pair of bright big eyes, always like to blink and shine with joy and gentle light, the small nose, slightly upward, a mouth, no small size, long on the round face, speaking in an orderly and convincing way. She is very slender.

The face is goose egg shaped, with a pair of bright and clean eyes. The eyes are arched, like painted eyebrows. A small, straight nose, a round, angry mouth. Her complexion is not very good, she is always a little pale. Standing in front of the mirror, I saw me in the mirror: not tall, with short hair and shiny black ears. The round little face, like a red apple, was smiling sweetly, and a few irregular white teeth were exposed in the slightly opened mouth. The burned young woman had a bandage wrapped around her head, her face was as white as a piece of paper, her cheekbones were high and protruding, and her eyes were dull. His triangular face was pale in the moonlight, his cheekbones protruded pointedly, and his eyes rolled up, which was very terrible.

Her lively smiling face is like the blooming flowers in spring. His face was covered with haggard fatigue and deep sadness. The red face was shining like a ripe apple in September. His hands shook violently, and his swollen face looked like a piece of yellow paper without any blood. The glow reflected on her face, revealing pink red, like a layer of rouge. His face was dark and ugly, as black and purple as eggplant leaves beaten by frost. Her big eyes suddenly became bright, and her face was as bright as the clear sky in spring. She was so happy: a pair of black jewel like eyes, shining brightly under her long eyelashes; There were two smiles on the cheeks that were red and purple from the summer sun. Her ruddy melon seed face, reflected by the red light of the setting sun, is particularly bright, just like a peach blossom in full bloom with dewdrops facing the March sunrise.

Xiaofei is ten years old. He has a round face and a pair of big round eyes under his slender eyebrows. My sister's grin was like a pomegranate; His face looks so natural and comfortable. Under the fluorescent lamp, he seems to be a jade lotus in the moonlight. His face was very stiff, like a tight drum skin. His face was white and thin, showing a sad and melancholy look. Just now, my face was like a clear sky. Suddenly, dark clouds were gathering and my smile disappeared. Her white face was frowning and locking, as if dark clouds were gathering, and her eyes were like ice hockey, shooting cold light; His lips moved, but he could not say a word.

Neighbor Composition (4)

Recently, I have searched for a long time, but I can't find such a "neighbor" anymore.

My neighbor is not a man but a bird. It moved here a year ago. Its moderate size and long tail feathers immediately attracted me. Whenever it uses that clear and moving voice to express its happiness, I can't help but stretch out my head to look at it friendly, and it will also raise its tail and dance to greet me. We became good friends in silent communication.

I remember one time, it was about 6 o'clock in the morning, but my disappointing alarm clock also followed me to sleep soundly, and was not responsible at all. I lingered in my dream without realizing that I would be late for school. Suddenly, a bright voice came into my ears. I woke up with a start. I put on my clothes and opened the curtains. My neighbor was looking at me angrily, as if blaming me for not getting up on time to say hello to it!

Another time, when I was doing my homework, I met a "roadblock" and tried all kinds of methods, but I still couldn't solve it. I was very upset. "This question is so difficult!" I couldn't help shouting out. But even though I shouted out, I still didn't solve the problem. I don't know how long it took to compose the composition, but suddenly a beautiful song came out of the window. I turned to see my neighbor jumping on the tree outside the window, as if he was constantly encouraging me to cheer up and try to overcome this problem quickly! Listening to its singing, my mood became relaxed. Looking at this topic again, it seemed that it was not so difficult. Finally, with my unremitting efforts, I successfully defeated this roadblock.

My bird neighbor is really human!

However, the weather is unpredictable and the bird has its own fortune. Unexpectedly, its home was destroyed.

When I came home from school that day, I suddenly heard the sound of "bang, click" behind the building. I followed the sound and found that a construction team had cut down the trees behind the building! How can they destroy my neighbor's home in order to build more parking spaces? The few trees have been destroyed, and the community has gradually become a cage!

When I got home, I was very sad to think that I would soon pour cement on this land to make it a home for cars. We humans can only live with inanimate objects in the end, and let the spiritual animals away from us. I can't help sighing silently: My neighbor, we don't know whether we can meet again!

Neighbor Composition (5)

Every time when there is a happy event in a family, everyone will congratulate it, and when there is a funeral or someone is sick, everyone will also care about it. For example, a very old uncle was ill recently. Everyone took some money and bought medicine for him. Another time, when we saw a neighbor's car was going to be towed, we went to inform the person quickly, and the car was not towed.

Another time, my mother took me to school, because the house was being built at the entrance of the alley, and there were many fine sands, the car slipped at the entrance of the alley. The neighbors saw it and quickly helped me and my mother up, asked if we were injured, and also helped us apply medicine! After more than a week, suddenly the opposite aunt found someone moving things in the neighbor's house, and it was sneaky. When everyone knew it, they rushed in. It was a thief, so everyone took a stick and hit him in the back. From now on, the thief never dared to come again.

I have such a good neighbor. It's my anger. I hope everyone will stay together forever. Have fun!

Rong, because we have been together for more than 20 years, and we are even closer than our relatives!

Every time when there is a happy event in a family, everyone will congratulate it, and when there is a funeral or someone is sick, everyone will also care about it. For example, a very old uncle was ill recently. Everyone took some money and bought medicine for him. Another time, when we saw a neighbor's car was going to be towed, we went to inform the person quickly, and the car was not towed.

Another time, my mother took me to school, because the house was being built at the entrance of the alley, and there were many fine sands, the car slipped at the entrance of the alley. The neighbors saw it and quickly helped me and my mother up, asked if we were injured, and also helped us apply medicine! After more than a week, suddenly the opposite aunt found someone moving things in the neighbor's house, and it was sneaky. When everyone knew it, they rushed in. It was a thief, so everyone took a stick and hit him in the back. From now on, the thief never dared to come again.

I have such a good neighbor. It's my anger. I hope everyone will stay together forever. Have fun!

Neighbor Composition (6)

It is common to encounter trouble, but that time, a kind of warmth flowed in my heart, which moved me and surprised me.

I remember that time, I was going to school by bike. Unfortunately, the front wheel of my bike was jammed by the pedal of a bike, and I couldn't get it out. This worried me badly. Time has passed by minute by second, and the class time has arrived, but the pedal has not moved a minute. In desperation, I can only resign myself to fate: Hi! Never mind being late. At this time, my neighbor came out. He was tall and thin, with a few strands of white hair on his head and wrinkles on his face. It was obvious that he was getting older. When he saw me breaking the pedal, he strode forward and said softly, "Let me have a try." God bless me, my savior finally came. Suddenly, I was overjoyed. He grabbed the wheel with his left hand and broke it with his right hand. Beany sweat drops dropped from his head. His hands still made a creaking sound from time to time, and his mouth still breathed heavily from time to time. Seeing this scene, I was deeply moved. At the same time, I was also a little worried, afraid that he would miss something. "Bang Deng" once, the pedal was finally broken, and my heart was finally put down when I mentioned my voice. I thanked him again and again, but he said: "Hey, this little thing is nothing, you are welcome."

Looking at the distant back of the neighbors, I think it is not easy for an elderly person to put others first, regardless of his own health. I think it is because of such people that our world is so harmonious and beautiful.


The little writer has created a good neighbor image for us who is willing to help others. Through his own personal experience, he wrote about the help of his neighbors, so that he was not late, used materials for life, and wrote smoothly with complete structure.

Neighbor Composition (7)

"The wind brings flowers to the ground, while the rain brings spring trees to the sky." The world is beautiful, not only because of the smoke and waves in spring, the morning clouds and evening rolls in summer, the brilliant clouds in autumn, and the cold weather in winter, but also because of the kind nourishment, love care, understanding support, and happy company. However, nowadays, people seem to regard "everyone sweeps the snow in front of the door, never mind the frost on others' tiles" as the truth, and the tradition of "at the beginning of human life, human nature is good" has been forgotten. But after that, I changed my mind.

I remember that time, because I kicked the quilt in the middle of the night, I caught a cold and felt bad all over. After school, I dragged a heavy step and finally got home. I felt in my pocket. Alas, I forgot my key. Mom is going to work overtime today. Dad is out to work.

What can I do about it? I felt more and more uncomfortable, dizzy, and vomited all over the floor with a "wow". Coincidentally, the neighbor aunt was just coming home. Seeing my uncomfortable appearance, she immediately came to my side and patted my back gently. She patted me and comforted me: "It doesn't matter, it will feel better after vomiting." Then she took out a handkerchief from her coat pocket, wiped the stolen goods from my mouth, and let me go to their home to rest.

My aunt asked me to lie on her sofa and covered me with a towel. Then quickly called a basin of hot water, with a warm towel to dry my face, and then my aunt took the essential balm and gently smeared it on my temples. Looking at my uncomfortable appearance, my aunt sat down beside me and gently massaged my temples. It seems that I am lying in my mother's warm arms, and I fall asleep

When I woke up, I felt much more comfortable. "Quiet, you wake up, come and have something to eat." The friendly voice sounded in my ear, and the neighbor aunt brought a bowl of steaming noodles to my side. At this time, my stomach is hungry. After receiving my aunt's noodles, I took a big bite of them and thought they were the most delicious food in the world.

Soon, it was time for Mom to get off work. My aunt sent me to my home again, waiting for my mother with me. In the evening, there was a little wind. I felt a little cold because I hadn't fully recovered. I held my shoulders tightly with my hands. My aunt saw that and was so busy that she took off her coat and gently put it on my shoulders. Feeling the light body temperature on the clothes, my nose was sore and my heart was very warm.

Although it has been a long time, it taught me that there are many good people in this society. Let's keep our goodness. Keep our hearts, care for each other, help each other, and make the society better!

Neighbor Composition (8)

Neighbor is a very familiar word, but in today's high-rise buildings, the neighbors are so strange. Closed doors separate the neighbors who accompany you day and night. In fact, as long as you knock on the door, the people who appear behind the door are still so enthusiastic, really.

I have met such a thing. One afternoon last autumn, it was time for me to go home for dinner after piano lessons. It was windy. I walked home while humming a song, wondering what I would eat for dinner. In front of the door of the downstairs unit, I was puzzled. The door that always opens to me was locked. No matter how many times I pressed the doorbell, there was no response. It's over! Grandma and grandpa haven't come home yet. It seems that I can only wait here. I thought to myself. The wind is blowing. It's cool. My mind is no longer on dinner. Alas, my mother told my grandparents before she left. Why haven't they come back yet? It's probably a traffic jam.

It was getting dark, and I walked aimlessly back and forth in front of the door. Two figures appeared in the distance. I was happy when they came near. I found that they were not my grandparents, but my neighbors. I was disappointed and happy. After all, I didn't have to stay outside to cool the wind. Although there was no comfort in the corridor, it was at least warm. The door opened, and the neighbor walked in while saying hello to me. I gently followed him upstairs. What happened? Going to school on a day off? The neighbor aunt looked at my schoolbag and asked, "I didn't expect that she would care about me like that, taking piano lessons and extracurricular activities.". I answered casually, why don't you go home? The aunt looked back and asked with concern that there was no one at home. My aunt was opening the door. Hearing my answer, she turned around and said to me with a smile: Come to our house first! She smiled so kindly and kindly that I was pulled into the door before I knew it.

My grandparents came back very late that day. My neighbors asked me to have dinner at their house. Although the food she cooked was not as delicious as Grandma's, I still had a good taste. While taking vegetables for my little sister, my aunt put the fish in my bowl, just like my mother.

As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. I am very happy to have such a good neighbor. I hope all people in the world will have a good neighbor, so that our life will be sunny and happy.

Neighbor Composition (9)

I live in a warm and beautiful courtyard, and the neighbor aunt next door is a warm-hearted person. Why do you say that? If you want to know, go on and look down!

It was one night, I was alone at home, very bored, looking at the boring textbooks, doing the most impressive homework. Why did this day make me feel so long? I really want to leave the textbooks and have a good time. However, the teacher is so ruthless. How can he finish so many homework! While complaining, I suddenly felt a little headache and vomiting. Find the thermometer and take the temperature. My goodness, it's 39 or 5 degrees. I have a fever! I want to call my mother, but I'm in arrears at home. I was so worried that I knocked on my neighbor's aunt's door like an ant on a hot pot. The door opened, and I gave her directions and told her my situation in a few words. After listening to this, my aunt took me to see a doctor immediately, accompanied me to check, prescribe medicine and inject, and then called my mother to tell her. Mother was so worried that she hurried over. My mother came, but my aunt still refused to go. She accompanied me to go home after the injection.

The next day, I met my aunt on my way to school. Looking at my aunt's dark eyes, tears have been circling in my eyes. The aunt seemed to see my mind, smiled slightly and said, "It's OK, are you better?" I nodded, and the aunt said, "That's all right, I'll go to work first." Looking at the distant figure of the aunt, I cried

As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world

Neighbor Composition (10)

A year ago, my neighbor moved to a new house. I seldom see them as adults, but I often see two children go out to play. My sister is very young, about three years old, and my sister is about my age, nine years old. One day, I passed her house and heard a cry from the house. Then came the comforting voice of my little sister: "Don't cry now, my sister will cook right away." Then came the sound of pots and pans banging. Later I learned that his name was Huang Xiaohong.

One morning when I went out, I happened to see her go out. Her hair was messy, she was wearing a special sweater, with various colors of wool mixed, and she also put out threads everywhere. It could be seen that this was made of leftover materials. When she saw me, she blushed and bowed her head and hurried away. On this day, her father and mother were not at home, and her sister shouted to go out to play, but it was snowing outside, and her sister was so cold that her teeth were chattering and fighting. Without hesitation, she took off her sweater and put it on for her sister. She was so cold that her knees were high and her face was blue. She hugged her sister, shrinking her neck, and constantly sniffing and shivering into a ball. Every time we played, she looked at us from afar, her eyes full of expectation and a touch of sadness.

She is always silent. Her "silence" sometimes makes us sympathize and sometimes makes us admire. One day, several friends came to my house to play and peeled the melon seed shells on the ground downstairs. I said sweep it. But they said, "It's OK. The cleaners have to sweep anyway." We went to play. Suddenly, it occurred to us that I had left my things at home, so we went back to get them. Huang Xiaohong happened to meet her. She took a short broom, bent over, and was sweeping a piece of melon seed shell backwards. I was thinking that she had a crooked head and stretched her arms to sweep. The shell under the stone crack was very narrow. She inserted the broom bar into the dustpan obliquely, and checked it carefully again. She stopped and gasped for breath with the broom. Ah, her fingers were like carrots, and there were cracks on them. No wonder I heard her washing clothes every night. When she saw me, she blushed and went home quietly with a broom.

She is such a silent person, silently making people sympathize and admire.

Neighbor Composition (11)

Today, a popcorn popper came to our community. I saw him and wanted my mother to pop. My mother said, "If you can finish your homework quickly and well, we will go to the explosion." I finished my homework quickly with my mother's encouragement.

My mother and I went there happily with the materials of popcorn. There are already three or four neighbors there. In the process of popping popcorn, I found the friendship between neighbors.

1、 The first few aunts are all finished. When loading rice flowers, my mother always hurries to help them load them together with a happy smile on her face. When the aunts left, they gave me some rice cakes.

2、 An aunt said to her mother, "Mother Haoyu, I still have some peanuts here. Take them and put them in the rice. It's delicious." Mother thanked her and put peanuts in the rice. When I eat the rice cake with peanuts, the peanuts I usually eat are very sweet.

3、 An aunt is exploding popcorn. She said to her mother, "Mother Haoyu, I have taken so much corn, you can also give Haoyu some popcorn." Mother said, "No, thank you!" My aunt used a small plastic bag to fill me with some popcorn and let me go home to eat. I was very moved.

4、 When the aunt in front talked with her mother, she knew that my homework had not been checked, so she had to let her mother come to her front and let her mother explode first. My mother stood in front of her, embarrassed. Both my mother and I felt happy.

5、 An aunt saw that her mother had only two small plastic bags, and said: "How can you do with such two small bags? You can use my big bag. I have one in my house. I'll go back to get another." She stuffed the bag to her mother, and hurried home to get a big bag. We used my aunt's big bag to carry rice cakes home at once.

When we got home, we ate sweet rice cakes, watched good TV dramas, and thought about what had just happened. I think: the neighbors are very kind to us, and I will respect them in the future; If people like our neighbors help each other and love each other so much, the world will certainly become a better place!

Neighbor Composition (12)

After the last repositioning, I finally left the ghost place where I had to be basked in the sun and frozen in the cold - the fifth in the seventh group.

His new neighbor was Zhang Yan, who was famous for being slow and tardy, so his teacher gave him a loud and interesting nickname - "Zhang Tuo Tuo". But I gave him a honorific title, "Brother Zhang", because I thought it was very impolite to call him "Zhang Tuo Tuo". If he didn't annoy me, I wouldn't call him that.

Brother Zhang's funny actions, rich expressions and a casual joke will make us laugh. Maybe he is a little fat! This also makes it possible to often see the smiles of people around us in the tense junior high school life.

One day, Zhang Yan, who likes collecting jokes, heard a joke that he said was quite funny at a classmate's place, and then came back cheerfully, laughing and telling it to the students around him. Let's not say that we had a lot of trouble to listen to him from the gap between his laughter. The problem is that after hearing a quarter of his jokes, no one felt funny and laughed out loud. As time went by, the people who listened to the jokes were silent, staring at Zhang Yan closely, as if expecting the following. He also looked at us. "Ah, ha ha, good, the cold joke really chilled us, and it's good to apply for the Guinness Book of Records." I spoke first, followed the people around me and said, "It's a cold joke..." Brother Zhang was silent for a while, then he bowed his head angrily and said softly, as if whispering, "It's not a cold joke." Then he turned to do his homework and never looked up again. After that, we didn't know why Brother Zhang thought the joke was funny. Maybe it verified a sentence in the political book: "Most of the students' emotions are rich and strong, with great fluctuations and instability..."

When the teacher announced that New Year's Day would be off for three days, Brother Zhang laughed the most and his eyes narrowed with joy. I asked, "Are you so happy. "Well, then, reading has shortened your life?" He glanced at me and said nothing.

The new neighbor relaxed the tense learning atmosphere. Thank you for him.

Neighbor Composition (13)

A big cake like face, a pair of bright eyes, a protruding yellow teeth, and a plain dress: a flowered shirt on her slightly bloated body looks a bit inappropriate, and a pair of checkered pants look a bit tight on her round thighs. This is my neighbor, Aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang is a local. She is the resident opposite my house. She has one characteristic - she likes to meddle in her own affairs. As for how she meddles in her own affairs, please listen to me carefully!

It was a summer afternoon. Aunt Wang was still wearing her white washed clothes and was going to the river to wash clothes. Suddenly, there came the cry of a child. Aunt Wang put down the bucket and ran to the source of the crying. She ran to the child and saw a stranger beating the child. The child kept crying. Aunt Wang walked forward, grabbed the child and began to scold: "Who are you? He is still so young, can't you fight? Besides, has he offended you?" Before the words fell, the stranger said: "I hit him because he ran into my turnip field to steal turnips! I thought he would forgive him if he admitted a mistake, but he didn't admit it!" Aunt Wang looked at the radish tassel in the child's hand and said to the child, "Did you really take this man's radish?" At first, the child refused to admit it, but looking at Aunt Wang's kind face, he admitted it. Aunt Wang said to him, "If you know your mistake, you can change to a good boy. You should apologize to the uncle quickly!" The child looked up at his uncle, "Yes... I'm sorry, I shouldn't take your radish." The uncle smiled kindly and said, "It doesn't matter. This time it's over, but it can't be another time!" After that, he touched the child's head and turned away. Aunt Wang looked at his back and let the child go home.

Although my neighbor Aunt Wang is a bit nosy, she is very enthusiastic and likes to help others, so I like her very much!

Neighbor Composition (14)

My neighbor Uncle Wang used to be a strange man in my eyes, my neighbor. He is always seen wearing faded overalls all year round. Although he was washed clean, he always felt that he was rustic, rustic and eyeless compared with others. Last year, there was a "decoration style" in our building. Every household pasted wallpaper, built tiles, laid carpets, and engaged in family construction. It was really busy and prosperous, but Uncle Wang's family was as stable as a mountain and did not move. He was asked, urged and recommended cheap factory decoration materials. But Uncle Wang smiled faintly and said, "What's the trouble? Isn't it good to be clean and simple like this?" People secretly called him "Wang stingy". It is also true that his family seldom buys the newly listed vegetables, and often buys the cheap road vegetables and "Tuotui vegetables". He is strict with his son Xiaogang. Xiaogang has never seen pocket money in his pocket. Even Xiaogang told us that Uncle Wang is "stingy" behind his back.

On that day, the postman sent Uncle Wang a letter from the China Children's Welfare Foundation. Wow, the stamps are so beautiful! "Yes, I went to deliver the letter and asked him for this stamp. However, Uncle Wang is so stingy, can you give it to me?" I thought, and went upstairs to Uncle Wang's house.

Uncle Wang was not at home. Two boys of twelve or three years old with a southern accent let me in. I was curious. After chatting, I knew they were poor children in Dabie Mountains. The transportation there is inconvenient, the economy is backward, and the grain harvested is not enough for one year. Both of them have elderly people who are ill. They buy books and pay tuition fees by collecting firewood. Catch up with a flood, life has become a problem, how can you afford to go to school? I had to drop out of school. Since the launch of the "Project Hope" activity, Uncle Wang has volunteered to help the two dropouts for two years. They told me that they were really lucky. Uncle Wang sends them 50 yuan a month. Send them clothes. Encourage them not to be afraid of hardship, but to be ambitious, determined to become talents, learn skills, and use scientific knowledge to change the backward face of their hometown in the future. With that, the two men also took out the new "cowboy schoolbags" that Uncle Wang bought for them in Beijing this time, a dozen or so copies of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" and a brand new "Cihai" to show me, and said: "Uncle Wang also took us to visit the Great Wall, the aviation museum and the nature museum this time when we came to Beijing! He really treats us better than his own son!" I found their eyes filled with crystal tears.

My nose suddenly soured and I almost cried. What an admirable Uncle Wang! He is stingy and harsh towards himself, his children and his family. It seems "strange" and "stingy" to break a penny into two. But isn't this just a virtue that others can't compare with Uncle Wang? How deeply he loved the mountain children he had never met before, and how generous he was to help the out of school teenagers! With a high sense of social responsibility, he silently and consciously contributed; With his limited power, he practiced the call of "changing backwardness and defeating ignorance with scientific knowledge". I said goodbye to the two boys, put Uncle Wang's letter on his desk and walked out of his house slowly.

From then on, I really understood my neighbor Uncle Wang. It often makes me feel deeply guilty, but also makes me wake up and understand a lot.

Neighbor Composition (15)

One morning, I hurried to school with my schoolbag on my back. When I saw the bus slowly parked in front of me, I managed to squeeze into the bus and quickly took out my hand in my pocket. Oh, no! I forgot to take the bus card with me. I thought to myself: What should I do? If I go back to pick it up now, I will be late for school. I won't get off the bus. But the driver's eyes were so straight that I was worried and afraid. Then I heard a familiar voice behind me: "What's wrong with Jia Yanjie?" I looked back. It was Grandpa Chen, who also took these two buses to send his grandson to school. I said, "I forgot to bring my bus card." Grandpa Chen came to me and said, "You go to the back and sit with your brother, and I'll help you swipe your card." After swiping the card, Grandpa Chen touched my head and said, "You careless king, don't forget to bring your bus card next time!" I quickly nodded and said, "I will remember your words when I know Grandpa Chen!"

As soon as I got to the school gate, I heard the bell ringing. I took my little brother's hand and ran to the school. Suddenly Grandpa Chen called me behind his back and said, "Come on, give you one yuan for lunch." I took the money and said, "Thank you Grandpa Chen, you are my savior!"

After returning home, I told my mother about it. My mother said, "We are lucky to have a neighbor like Grandpa Chen!" I love Grandpa Chen very much because he has a hot heart.

Neighbor Composition (16)

My family lives in the Triangle Garden of Zhangfang Village, which is a harmonious, warm and beautiful place: neatly trimmed flowers; The laughter that wafts every day makes the whole garden a beautiful picture. My neighbor is a humorous aunt.

Aunt has a dark, shiny skin, short hair, narrow eyes, a high nose, and a mouth that often laughs. Aunt has a high culture. She once recited nine English books and went to two universities. His son and daughter are more knowledgeable. Sister Tian Tian (Aunt's daughter) was admitted to a famous university, and brother Xiao Hu (Aunt's son) was admitted to the best high school in the county. Aunt's contribution can't be underestimated, because Aunt is teaching us a group of children to go to school every day, so that we can learn better and make progress every day!

Aunt is very humorous when talking and chatting, as if she doesn't have any troubles. When I was doing my homework in the house, there were bursts of laughter from time to time outside the house. Nobody said, who is laughing? Everyone knows that she is my neighbor's aunt. Aunt always praises me as a future female writer because I am good at writing, while my younger brother is good at painting. Aunt also praises my younger brother as a future painter! She said to her mother, "Your family is very good. You have a painter and a writer." Her mother laughed happily and said, "Your family is not cowardly. You have two college students." Aunt even laughed happily.

After listening to my introduction, you must envy, envy and hate me for having such a good neighbor, right?

Neighbor Composition (17)

There is an aunt named Zhang Hua next door to my house. She has a good relationship with her mother. Therefore, our two families often help each other. Once, my father and mother would go to their hometown together, and they would not come back until three or four days later. My diet is in the charge of Aunt Zhang. She makes delicious food for every meal. What kind of big ribs, chicken wings?? have everything that one expects to find. Aunt Zhang always smiles happily when I eat with such relish. In the evening, Aunt Zhang knew that I was afraid of darkness and loneliness, so she waited for me to go home after I fell asleep. When my mother came home, I told her clearly what had happened in the past few days. After listening to this, my mother said repeatedly to Aunt Zhang: "Thank you, thanks to you these days!" "Don't thank you." Aunt Zhang scolded deliberately, "What kind of polite words do we say?" I like Aunt Zhang very much. There is another family next door to my house, and the man is not hygienic and unreasonable. He spit a lot of phlegm in front of my house when he passed by. These sputum are disgusting and make people want to vomit. I reasoned with him and told him that this kind of behavior was unhealthy and could spread bacteria. But he frowned with a look of indifference. I hate him very much. I often think that if there were more people like Aunt Zhang in the neighborhood and fewer people who were not social minded, our home would be better.