600 words composition on respecting the old and loving the young (7 required)
Half white lotus
2024-02-20 09:08:19

600 words composition on respecting the old and loving the young (1)

The family style is the family rules, the atmosphere of the family, or the style of doing things. There is a kind of inheritance of the family style and family motto. The style and attitude of the elders, as well as the education methods for children, have a subtle impact on children. Therefore, the family style is related to the harmony of the family or the rise and fall of the family.

Speaking of respecting the old and loving the young, I immediately thought of this sentence: "The old and the old, the young and the young", which has been respected since the era of Confucius and Mencius. Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.

Speaking of respecting the old and loving the young, there are many stories. In ancient times, there were stories about Dong Yong selling himself to bury his father and Huang Xiang warming his bed for his father. In modern times, there are also touching stories about going to school with his mother behind his back. I think these people and things are great and touching. I am a primary school student, and I would like to start from the ordinary

Sometimes I watch the news on the computer with my parents. I always see some people's comments saying that "people are indifferent now". Later, I heard from my mother about the "university student bus station hit the old lady event" a few years ago. Now, sometimes, "the old people on the bus scold the young people for not giving up their seats". These things set the old people against the young people, Some people are afraid to help their grandparents when they see them fall down, and they are reluctant to give up their seats on the bus. I often go out with my parents. When I see elderly people having difficulty walking, my parents always help me. I will also help them. These grandparents will thank us and praise me as a sensible child. On the bus, too. When I sit on the seat, I see grandparents who get on the bus also give their seats to them. They sometimes say, "You sit, my grandpa has good legs". I finally gave my seat to them. My grandparents were very happy, and I was very happy.

People are very busy now. Many people leave their hometown to work outside. So is our family. So we can't live with grandparents. There are many old people like them. The popular name is "empty nest old people" or "left behind old people". Because in different cities, we can only care about them by making a phone call to greet them. Every time when they receive our call, Bengtito is happy and always has words to say. Maybe this phone call can also solve their loneliness.

My mother joined a group to look after and help the elderly. I also went to see the elderly living alone with my mother, sent them some production supplies and helped them clean up. These grandparents were also very happy and grateful for the help of volunteers. In the future, I will follow my mother more and do my best to help the elderly in need, so that they can have a happy old age, and also let the family tradition of respecting the old and loving the young spread.

600 words composition on respecting the old and loving the young (2)

The elderly are the people who need to be cared for and respected most in this society. Caring for the elderly reflects one's quality and cultivation. The Double Ninth Festival is coming, so everyone should buy a gift for the elderly, chat with them about family habits, and start respecting, loving, and respecting the elderly together!

Respecting the old is simply to be polite to the old. Although the old people speak slowly in life and always ask you to be careful, we don't think they are wordy and annoying, and sometimes they want to hurt others. It is also the greatest respect and comfort for the elderly to listen to their words and advice patiently. Once, adults had a ceramic bottle after drinking wine. I thought it was beautiful, so I filled it with water to play with. But Grandpa said be careful to cut his hand. I didn't believe that the ceramic bottle was so sharp. I still went my own way. As a result, I really cut my hand, which is the result of not listening to the elderly.

Before talking about loving the old man, I would like to tell you a story. There was an old man in a family. Everyone except the old man's grandson hated the old man. They always gave the oldest bowl to the old man. They always let the old man eat leftovers. The old man's body deteriorated day by day. The old man's grandson was anxious to see the old man, One day, the child heard his mother scolding and sneering at the old man. He hurried to the "crime scene". It was the old man who broke the broken bowl. The child said sadly, "Grandpa, why did you break the broken bowl? I have to wait for my parents to use it when they are old!" His parents were extremely ashamed and hurried to serve good food to the old man. Have you benefited a lot from this?

Care for the elderly is something we should do. For example, on the bus, young and strong people often sit in the love seat, while the elderly and infirm people hold the handrail and stagger in the car. Seeing this, even "cold-blooded animals" can't stand it. Every day I go to school by bus. As long as an old man gets on the bus, I will give up my seat. How happy it is to hear the grandparents say "thank you"!

At home, I love my grandfather very much. He is an old playboy. In my childhood, in addition to my mother, my grandfather and grandmother, every time my grandfather wants me to visit and chat with him, I always agree. I often take newspapers for my grandfather and teach him English. Elderly people are usually easy to be satisfied. They will be moved if you beat their backs and make room for them.

Let's respect, love and respect the old together to make them feel warm and happy, which is also the virtue of inheriting our five thousand years of Chinese history!

600 words composition on respecting the old and loving the young (3)

Life is like a dream, time flies.

Youth is fleeting, black hair turns white in the twinkling of an eye.

Every day we are busy in every corner of the city, engaged in similar but different occupations. How do we define this kind of life when darkness falls? Is harvest, then I would like to sincerely bless you, because you have found the perspective to develop your potential; Is melancholy, then I want to remind you that although there is no lack of blandness in life, excessive blandness will lead to a lack of morale and morale! If it is Gao Mi, then I want to define your life. If the helmsman who controls the direction of travel in the vast sea doesn't know where the boat will go, then the boat will be very likely to arrive at the island!

Every day, when we travel through the bustling cities and sit on the bus, when we see the ancient and rare people, what will come to your mind?

Although life is short, the days are long. Human life, to say, is just so short. But the days are accumulated by dozens of 365 days. Life is like a clock, every minute and every second is a part of our life. Our elders, before we came to this world, were suffering from the hardships of life. They pay for future generations, love care, The care of the heart, the meaning of life, all these great things shine on the elders. Every time I face the elderly, I will feel childish and shallow, just like a small tree. In front of the big trees in the sky, when the wind blows, I will shake around, and I will be extremely weak. I am still young, and I have time to improve my shortcomings. It is not difficult to find a reason. Maybe, Some of us can't stand this endless test, but the old people we see every day, they did it, and gave us some warnings. The potential of life is endless. Every day, we should learn to surpass the self of yesterday, live and struggle!

Love yourself and others, then love our predecessors! They are really cute. Learn the rules of life from them, because they are our fresh textbooks in the society. How precious they are!

I would like to dedicate this to the lovely elders. During my stay in Jinan, I often asked some elders for directions, because they gave me a very solid feeling; On the bus, I will follow social morality; When I see them faltering, I feel uneasy; When I see them marching like flies, I will be inspired to run!

600 words composition on respecting the old and loving the young (4)

My home is in a remote mountain village in Langu Township, Wuyishan City. There are few families, but there are many moving stories there.

Let's start from that day. It was a sunny evening. The sun had already set. I finished my homework and went out for a walk. When I came to the river and listened to the beautiful singing of the stream, my heart was intoxicated. When I heard half of it, suddenly another voice came from the village warehouse. I hurried to see it and was shocked. It turned out that my cousin, who was several years older than me, hit a grandmother on his bike. The grandmother looked very old. The crow's feet at the corners of her eyes were gathered together, and her eyes narrowed into a slit, showing a lonely look, like an old man over seventy. Grandma's hand was hit by a car. It was very serious and bled a lot. The cousin said, "Grandma, you are bleeding, dare to hurry to the hospital. I also followed them into the hospital.

After treating the wound, the doctor came out and said, "The patient has lost too much blood and fainted. He needs blood transfusion urgently. Who is the patient's family?" But the grandma's son and his wife have died, and she has no relatives. " The doctor asked, "Who is willing to transfuse blood for the elderly? The patient is type A." "Doctor, let me come! I am type O," said the cousin. After examination, my cousin's blood was of type O. Grandma woke up after blood transfusion. After two days of observation in hospital, Grandma can leave the hospital. In these two days, my cousin took care of my grandma. After a few days, the old granny was fine, and she was as cheerful as before.

Since this happened, my cousin has gone to my grandma's house every day, and has brought food and food with him every time. Grandma is also very good to her cousin. One day, my cousin asked me to go with him to visit her. When I got to Grandma's house, I saw that Grandma had a cold. My cousin said, "Grandma, don't be afraid when you are ill. I will take good care of you and accompany you like my grandson." After hearing this, I finally understand why my cousin runs to Grandma's house every day

Yes, respecting the old has been a virtue of our Chinese nation since ancient times. Both teachers and parents have always taught us that caring for the elderly is caring for ourselves tomorrow. Then, let's start from ourselves, from the little things around us, and from now on.

600 words composition on respecting the old and loving the young (5)

They have silver hair and wrinkles, but they always show a kind smile; They are still strong with crutches in their hands. They are old people. It is now advocated to respect and care for the elderly, but why are there old people and beggars everywhere in the street? Once, I happened to see an old man and a beggar writing on the ground: "I was weak and sick, and my children saw that I was old and useless, so they drove me out of the house."

Seeing this, I can't help feeling ashamed of those children's behavior! Supporting the elderly is a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. If the elderly are ill, they should go to the hospital for medical treatment. This is not only the kindness of the elderly to their children. When they were young, they worked hard for the next generation. As children, they not only did not repay, but also did such a shameful thing. How much harm it did to the elderly! It should be condemned by the society. As a Young Pioneer, I have the obligation to respect and care for the elderly.

I remember Mencius said a famous saying: "The old man is the old man, and the young man is the young man."

Now, as long as I see the elderly in trouble, I will take the initiative to help. One day at the weekend, I was sitting on the bus, preparing to go to my grandmother's house. There were many people getting on the bus. At this time, I saw a white haired old woman crowding up from the door. When I saw him, I quickly got up to make way. Unexpectedly, an uncle who had been waiting for a long time sat down on the seat. I pulled my uncle's sleeve and said softly, "Uncle, can you give up your seat to that grandma?" My uncle pretended to ignore me. I was very angry, and said to him: "Uncle, you see the old woman is so old, her legs and feet are unstable, what should I do if she falls down? Look at you again, you are so strong, you should give your seat to the old woman." My uncle was a little reluctant to give his seat to the old woman.

Another time, my classmates and I took a walk in the park. Suddenly I found an old grandpa, Zhu, walking carefully on crutches. Suddenly, my foot slipped and I fell down. Fortunately, it was on the sidewalk, otherwise the consequences would not be imagined. We hurried over to help Grandpa up and sent him home. Grandpa smiled and said, "Thank you." "You're welcome. This is what we should do."

I thought to myself: under the leadership of our Young Pioneers, there will be more people who will take the initiative to help the elderly, know how to respect the elderly, and take care of the elderly is something everyone should do. Therefore, I advocate: "Respect the old, love the old, start from me!"

600 words composition on respecting the old and loving the young (6)

Big trees respect the land, so they are always with them; The stars respect the sky, so they repay it with the most brilliant light; We respect the elderly. So they are always happy.

A warm word, a kind smile and a friendly gesture can show our respect for our elders. Whitman said, "If you don't respect others, you don't respect yourself first."

Respecting the elders is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and it is also the 'foundation' of our life. Everyone has an old age. If you don't respect the elderly today, you will be treated the same way someday. Only now respect and care for the elderly, and only when everyone acts, will the world be harmonious.

In ancient times, people regarded respecting and loving children as the standard to measure a person's morality. Now, as the successor of the new generation, we should carry it forward. Once, I accidentally saw a news: a 10-year-old girl lost her parents when she was young and lived with her elderly grandparents. One day Grandma was sent to the hospital because she was ill. She earned money through hard work every day to support her grandfather. After reading this news, I have a deep feeling that she is a really excellent teenager and a qualified successor!

In life, we can easily find advertisements advocating respect for the old and love the young. People are also carrying forward this traditional virtue with practical actions, offering seats for the old and children on buses; When crossing the road, help the elderly, and spend time with grandparents during the holidays. Although these are minor matters, it is just this bit by bit that will finally make the flame of respecting the old and caring for the young pass on from generation to generation and never extinguish.

Use practical actions to respect the old and love the young, help others with heart, care for children, and make the world a world full of love. Let the seeds of respecting the old and loving the young spread over the land of China, and let the flowers of love on the land of China compete to open.

600 words composition on respecting the old and loving the young (7)

Zhang Sizhen's mother suffered from rheumatic arthritis and was bedridden after giving birth to him. Later, his father died of cerebral thrombosis. The burden of the whole family was all on his young shoulders. Every morning before 5 o'clock, he had to get up and cook. After feeding his mother one mouthful at a time, he could grab a few mouthfuls of food to rush to school;

When he came home from school, he went to see his mother first, then did housework, and then reviewed his lessons. Every night, he could go to bed after 11 o'clock. After entering high school, in order to study, I had to use a flat car to pull my unattended mother to school together. Compared with Zhang Sizhen, some students don't know how lucky they are. They have to be urged three or four times by adults to get up in the morning. When they return home from school, they throw away their schoolbags and grab a handful of delicious snacks in the food cabinet, which is called homework and reluctance. They are often dissatisfied with their mother's verbosity and their parents' demands on them, but they don't know how many times happier they are than Zhang Sizhen.

At present, the Outline for the Implementation of Civic Moral Construction, which is being implemented throughout the country, points out that "the family is the earliest place where people receive moral education, and noble morality must be cultivated from childhood, starting with children. When children are sensible, they should carry out moral enlightenment education in simple terms. In the process of children's growth, they should be guided to distinguish right from wrong, and distinguish good from evil. In family life, we should influence each other, improve together and form a good family style through every member's speech and behavior. " "Vigorously advocate family virtues with respect for the old and caring for the young, equality between men and women, harmony between husband and wife, thrifty housekeeping, and neighborhood unity as the main contents." These have pointed out the direction for us to vigorously carry forward the fine tradition of respect for the old and caring for the young.

There is an old Chinese saying: "Filial piety comes first.". It means that filial piety is the first of all virtues. If a person does not know how to respect his parents, it is hard to imagine that he will love his country and people. The ancients also said: "The old, the old, and the young, and the young.". We should not only respect our own parents, but also respect other old people, care for young children, and create a kind and honest custom of respecting the old and caring for the young in the whole society, which is our common responsibility.