Composition Little Teacher (18 in general)
Live well
2023-08-08 06:01:54
first grade

Composition Little Teacher (1)

Everyone will experience countless difficulties and setbacks in his life, and will also meet countless "timely rain" teachers. Every time I meet a teacher, I will have a harvest, a truth, a story, and even a life change.

Fish is the story of water; Flowers are stories of leaves; The bird is the story of the sky; Amber is the story of the forest. The student is the teacher's story, just like the reflection of the whole forest has stayed on the bright amber surface. Every stage of my growth is condensed with the teacher's hard sweat.

When I first went to kindergarten, I had just left my mother's arms, so I cried all the time. I couldn't stand the crying teacher throwing salt into my mouth, which made me cry even more; On the first day of the first grade, I was punished by the teacher because I couldn't write my name in Pinyin. I was competitive and got 100 points in the final exam; The encouragement of the second grade teacher's "Come on, the teacher trusts you" made me win the second place in the dance competition held in the school; The third grade was happy that he won the first prize of the "National Primary and Secondary School Students Calligraphy and Painting Competition", and was heartbroken that the painting given to the teacher on Teacher's Day was thrown away by the teacher as waste paper; The fourth grade teacher in charge of the class got cervical spondylosis because of our forgetfulness of sleep and food, but he still persevered and worked hard. Every student in our class was touched and worked hard to become the best class group in the school; 5、 In the sixth grade, I transferred to Beijing. Because the teacher is strict with Chinese, I gradually fell in love with literature, like writing, and got the only full score in the graduation exam.

In the seventh grade, which is the first day of the junior high school, I met another "heart" teacher - the head teacher, Mr. Li, in the three days in the experimental class of the Earth University.

The first day when I saw Miss Li, the head teacher, she was wearing a pure white dress, with long curly hair in a ponytail behind her, which looked like a white lotus from a distance. When standing in line, I was disturbed because I couldn't stand the dazzling sunshine and heat. "Don't move, keep your hands straight", the teacher said kindly. "Oh," I replied softly, my mouth dry. At that time, I thought she was a very strict teacher, but she seemed kind behind her. I can be sure that she was a good teacher, and the deepest impression was that she was particularly like the Milan teacher in Yang Hongying's writing. Just feel, feel

In the following two days, under the leadership of the head teacher, Mr. Li, we received the entrance education and held a series of meaningful activities, and played one game after another with profound philosophy with parents. After each activity and game, Mr. Li asked us to speak freely first, and then summarize. "Homelessness" shows that leaving the collective is like an incomplete piece of music, without beautiful melody, and people who leave will feel lonely, lonely and even have a sense of inferiority - as if they are redundant. "Working together in the same boat" proves that unity is strength, and unity can overcome difficulties. Faced with a vast ocean, our group of students stuck together in a small "sailing boat" in order to survive, for others and for themselves by holding together and stepping on each other's feet. This game seems simple, but it seems to represent the truth of "friends in life and death, sharing weal and woe" between friends. It can also tell us not to be selfish, and sometimes not to give up the most important feeling in your life - friendship for personal interests. Everything is external. Only friendship can hold a person's heart and dominate a person's life... At this time, I gradually realized that a good environment and a good teaching method are very different from students' thoughts, and my feelings about Teacher Li are more and more profound.

In the short three days at the Affiliated High School of Guangzhou University of Science and Technology, I sketched the beautiful prospect of my junior high school for three years. I gradually fell in love with this ordinary school in the eyes of others. Her scale is small, without the magnificent facilities of key middle schools, but she is happy and has a good teaching method. Where there is a will, there is a way. I like this school, and I prefer the teachers here. I believe that under the education and cultivation of Mr. Li, there will be a new me to show myself and realize my beautiful ideal! When I look back three years later, I will have a voice of "heart" again

Fish is the story of water; Flowers are stories of leaves; The bird is the story of the sky; Amber is the story of the forest; We are the teacher's story. I told myself again and again in my heart, silently, silently


Composition Little Teacher (2)

Dear students, have you ever been a teacher? If not, please listen to my story!

In the composition class yesterday, Mr. Gu said, "We will work in groups to make me a little teacher." I was so happy that I jumped three feet high. I had long wanted to be a teacher.

It never occurred to me that I would be the first teacher. I generously walked onto the platform and shouted, "Class!" "Students" said in unison, "Stand up!"

At the beginning of class, I drew a ten square chessboard, put a black chessboard on it, and put three white chessboards around the black chessboard. I asked, "What about this black chess?" There was silence. I told them, "The black chess has no way, that is, the dead chess. We should take it down." Then I taught some basic knowledge, and time passed quickly. Soon, the bell rang, and the tension disappeared!

After becoming a little teacher this time, I learned about the hard work of teachers and the fun of being a teacher.

Composition Little Teacher (3)

There are 52 people in our class. I don't know how many people can be my teachers. But the one I admire most must be the knowledgeable one.

He, who is not tall, is always arranged in the first row, which makes him very inconspicuous among many people. A round and big face, a pair of modest eyes, dark, intense, the most important thing is that the eloquent mouth, can talk a lot of wisdom. He likes to wear a black dress with a penguin on the hat; Walk; Shake it up and down, it really looks like a cute and cute "little penguin"!

The rich knowledge buried in the little head of this "little penguin" can make me feel sincerely admired.

At ordinary times, we often talk about some topics with great interest. He can always tell accurate data about some phenomena, but I can only have a vague and general impression of the data. Once, he asked me a question: "How many kilometers is Mars from the sun, I had to say hesitantly: "The perihelion distance is 206.7 million kilometers, and the aphelion distance is... I don't know.". The books he brought to the class to read are also popular science and history books, which not only let him review those knowledge, but also let everyone increase a lot of knowledge. As a result, I often go to his seat and look through his books to help myself retrieve some forgotten knowledge and accumulate more knowledge. When everyone discusses things, he can always express his own unique views, which makes me admire him even more.

He is Lin Xinze in our class. I think he can be my teacher, because I want to travel in the vast sea of books like him!

Composition Little Teacher (4)

My wish is to be a teacher. Today, my wish finally came true. I became a little teacher once. Don't mention how happy I am!

In the morning, I followed my mother to work in the kindergarten. Seeing my mother giving lessons to children, I really want to be a little teacher and give them a lesson! Mom said, "Well, you can have a try!"

At first, I was a little embarrassed. I didn't know what to say? My mother encouraged me to say, "It's OK. You know a lot of these children. Being a teacher should be generous!" So I went to the children and said, "Now, I will be a teacher to teach you, OK?" The children said, "OK!" I said, "Class!" The children stood up neatly and shouted, "Good teacher!" I was so excited that I quickly said, "Hello, children, please sit down!" The children all sat down neatly again.

First, I teach children to recite poems. I told them: when learning poetry, I said one sentence, and they followed. I first taught them a poem "Two Wonders on the Pool" (second), but I said the first sentence, some children have recited several sentences, and they have learned this poem. I also taught them to recite the painting. Some children can also recite the poem. I also taught them to recite "The Joyful Rain on a Spring Night". There were still children. Forget it. I taught "The Reclusive Never Encounter" again. This time there was no meeting. The children followed me seriously. The children in Mom's class are really smart! I just learned it three times. I asked them to recite it once, and they recited it skillfully.

I taught them to read Pinyin again. I took the teaching stick and taught them to read the initials "b" one by one three times until "h". After teaching, I asked them to read it together again. They read very skillfully and pronounce very accurately. I said, "Mom, the children in your class are so smart!" Mom said that the children in their class have learned 23 initials and can recite them! Really? I just learned Pinyin this semester! I asked them to recite them on the ground in groups. Unexpectedly, they all recited them skillfully and correctly. I think they are all excellent. After each group is finished, I will take the children to applaud them.

Finally, I asked the children what else they want to learn? They said they wanted to recognize watches, so I taught them to recognize watches. I first asked them to recognize the whole point, and then asked them to recognize the half point, but they can all, because my mother said they had learned, I decided to let them recognize the difficult. I set my watch to 2:15. OK, they are silent this time. However, a little boy still knew him and said the right time. He is so smart. I will give him a small sticker. The children all want to learn, so I will teach them the way to recognize the clock: the short hand is the hour hand, the long hand is the minute hand, the short hand is the time when it points to, the long hand starts from 12, each box is 5 minutes, when it points to 1, it is 5 minutes, when it points to 2, it is 2 5 minutes, it is 10 minutes, and then when it points to 2, it is 5 minutes. As I spoke, I set the minute hand on my watch for them to watch. However, some children understand, and some children still do not understand. I think that when I was on the big shift, I also knew about optics. Maybe they are too young. They will understand when they grow up.

How fast! It's time to finish class. I said, "class is over." The children stood up neatly and said, "Goodbye, teacher!" I said, "Goodbye, children!"

I think I am a good teacher today, and the children's performance is also great! They all like me very much and listen to my lectures very carefully. When I ask questions, they all raise their hands and answer questions loudly. Next time, I want to be a little teacher!

Composition Little Teacher (5)

My little teacher is really a little teacher. She is less than three years older than me, but her grades are good enough to be my little teacher.

My little teacher is the child of my mother's friend. She originally came to our house. Her mother was not at home and asked her to come to our house to play. But my little teacher asked me if I had finished my homework when she came into my house. I was watching cartoons in front of the TV and told her "not yet". She immediately turned off my TV and asked me to take her to my room to do her homework.

My mother was overwhelmed by her appearance when she came to my house, but when she saw that she was going to help me study, she brought us water and snacks as if she had not seen them, and she closed the door for us. To tell the truth, the first time I stayed in the study with my little teacher, I was so nervous that I was about to cry. She looked more severe than my teacher, like a police officer.

She moved the snacks her mother had prepared for us from my desk, asked me to understand my homework, and understood which subject I learned better. Then she began to sit beside me and watch me write my homework. She asked me to write the subject I am good at first, and then she checked it after writing it. The best subject is the best subject. After finishing the homework, she nodded her head and asked me to do other homework that is not good. When I finished my math homework, I began to bite my pen. She knew what problem I was facing at first sight. She said, "Don't worry about the correctness of your work. After you finish all these things as you will, I will tell you how to learn math." Her voice was not like a sister three years older than me, but more like my teacher, So I secretly regarded her as my little teacher in my heart.

After my math was finished, she read it once and began to fill it up for me from the beginning. It changed from accidentally coming to my home to doing homework with me after school every day and helping me fill it up. After getting along for a long time, I gradually found that, except for being very strict in learning, she was very good in other times. Even now, after school, she would come to the door of my classroom and wait for me to go home together, talking and laughing with me about some interesting things that happened in the school.

This is my little teacher, a person who was supposed to come to my house to play with me, but has become a teacher and friend with me.

Composition Little Teacher (6)

Miss Yang asked several children with poor literacy and several children with good literacy to form a literacy group. One child was a teacher and one child was a student. I've also been chosen. Guess what I've become? Tell you what, I became a little teacher. Ha ha——

The child I taught was Hong Li. He ran away when he saw me. I was a little sad. I told Mr. Yang that after Mr. Yang told him, Hong Li followed me to read the words carefully. We got three stars for two consecutive days. How excited! But a few days later, Hong Li saw that I had escaped again, and I came up with a good idea. As soon as the class was over, I went to ask him, "When will we read together?" He promised me the next class, and I said to him, "Sure, don't run away." He also promised, but after the next class I went to find him, and he ran away again, which made me angry. I really envy the other children in the literacy group. Some of the disciples seriously go to the teacher with a book after class to say hello and read. Alas——

Next week, I saw Hong Li and told him that if we can read well, we will get the encouragement card from Miss Yang. I hope he won't run away from me again next week. It's not easy to be a little teacher!

Composition Little Teacher (7)

Today, Mr. Ge asked me and He Yichen to be primary teachers to explain the poem "To Wang Lun". When I was speaking, I also called "class", which made me feel like a real teacher. At first, I was a little nervous, but I adapted to this environment slowly. First, I said: "The author of" To Wang Lun "was Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty. "Let me ask you:" Which student knows what "gift to Wang Lun" means? "I asked a classmate to answer. After the classmate answered, I said," This classmate answered very well! "Then, I asked the students questions, explained, and read the poem with emotion.

Finally, I say to everyone, "Thank you! I'm done.

I think it's very interesting to be a little teacher. I look forward to being a little teacher next time.

Composition Little Teacher (8)

Whenever I see children playing, I will think of the fun of childhood.

It was a day of summer vacation. It was sunny and cloudless. The sun was burning on my body. Our parents told us not to go out. It would be heatstroke in that weather. We could not go out to play. I was bored playing with several children. Suddenly, I said mysteriously: Yes, let's play games. They looked at me curiously, not knowing what medicine I was selling in the gourd. I said: Let's play the game that the teacher teaches the students. They said: OK. I prepared a small bench for each of them. A piece of white paper. A colored pen and learning tools are ready. Use a small board as a blackboard and hang it on the window. Let's have a Chinese class first, and I'll teach them how to write big. Small. A few words, they seriously write, I walked around them, like a real teacher. After they finished the homework I assigned, they scrambled to change it for me. I gave them 100 points, and they were very happy. After the first class, take a ten minute break. Class is coming, I whistled, and they sat on their seats in order to start the class. We began to have the second math class. First, I taught them how to count and how to calculate formulas. Then I gave three questions, 1+1=, 1+2=, 1+3=, and they worked hard. Some wrench fingers, and some counting sticks. At this time, a student was very impatient, and did not sit or stand. I stopped. I went to him and said, "You are right now. When you go to school, you will be smarter than others.". He listened to me and obediently wrote the homework I assigned. I gave him 100 points. He was very happy.

I think it's interesting to be a little teacher.

Composition Little Teacher (9)

Today, the teacher asked us to write about the happiest thing, but I had too many happy things. I thought about it, and then I thought of one of the happiest things - I became a teacher named Xiao Zhao.

There was a question that the students could not, and I could not, so the teacher told us, let's follow the teacher. The students did not learn, I learned, I bravely raised my hand, the teacher really called me, I said the right question. The teacher asked the students to encourage me, and the students called me "Little Miss Zhao" in unison, which made me very happy.

When I got home, I told my parents about it, and they supported me to be "Little Zhao Teacher". I'm so happy. In order to be "Little Zhao Teacher" next time, I will study harder. I hope that one day, I will really become a little Zhao teacher.

Composition Little Teacher (10)

"Do your own things, and learn to do the housework at home." In school, I learned a lot, but when I came to practice, how could I... When I returned home that time, I was in a mess, with toys and clothes scattered everywhere. I watched TV with indifference, but where was my "little teacher"? He frowned a few times and said in a soft voice: "The house is so messy, like a mouse nest, I want to clean it up..." I was amused. At first, I thought he was joking, but later I found that the "little teacher" really began to pack up: he "sent home" toys one by one, and folded clothes one by one... Looking at the busy figure of the "little teacher", my face was hot, and the "little teacher" was telling me with his actions: "How can you sweep the world without sweeping the house?"

My "little teacher", although you are not as senior as the teachers in the school, you are so convincing and benefit a lot! I will never forget what you taught me. Thank you, "Little Teacher"! Thank you, dear brother

Composition Little Teacher (11)

At school, I am a primary school student in grade one. At home, I am a little teacher. This is the seal my mother gave me, because I have a student, he is my brother.

I often give my brother lessons and read ancient poems to him. My brother can recite several ancient poems. I taught him to count. My brother is very fluent and can count to 50. When I started learning Pinyin, my younger brother also paid close attention to me. Now, apart from being unable to write Pinyin, my younger brother can basically spell just one word, elephant, earth, train, sun, refrigerator... Many younger brothers read it very standard. My mother said I was reading it, and my younger brother was also listening attentively, so he learned well. I am a little teacher. I not only learned Pinyin myself, but also taught my brother.

Composition Little Teacher (12)

Wednesday, March 1, 20xx Strong wind

Today, there was an accident. Because the teacher wanted to find some little teachers to be assistants, he finally divided the whole class into nine groups and gave each group a loud name.

The name of our group is: "Dragon and Tiger Pioneers!" The slogan is: "Pioneers, Pioneers, Climb the Peak!" Ha ha, our name and slogan are so magnificent. I am a blogger in this team. My team members are: Li Weiqi, Zhang Xinyu, Liu Zhuozhuan, Li Runting, Zhao Mingxuan. Among them, Li Weiqi is our team leader.

We agree with the teacher's idea. Our group has many students who are good at learning. We should learn from each other!

Composition Little Teacher (13)

In primary school, there will be class committee election, Young Pioneer leader election, primary teacher election, etc. The following is a 400 word essay written by Xiao Biandun, a young teacher running for election. Welcome to read it for reference

400 word essay for primary teacher election 1

Dear teachers and students.

hello everyone!

It is my great honor to attend this grand election. Thank you for giving me an invaluable opportunity. I ran for "Little Teacher".

I want to be a little teacher. I don't want to be a powerful person. I can write down the students who don't like me in my book. I don't want to let the students listen to me because of my power. I want to do my best to keep the order of the class. I want to make the class more quiet without noise, They will only record the names of those who have said many times but do not correct them in a small book, give him a little lesson, and then cross out his name when he is not noisy.

The reason why I am determined and confident is that I believe that I can do a good job, relieve teachers' worries and make teachers smile freely! If I become a "little teacher", I will not let the teacher see the noisy classroom, will not let the classroom become noisy, will not let the teacher worry, and will create a high-quality work and learning environment for teachers and students.

At this moment, I am very excited and touched by thousands of feelings. I am not the timid little girl who has just arrived. I have experienced many storms. The joy of success and the lessons of failure have made me thrive. No matter what the election results are, I will be excited from the bottom of my heart!

If I lose the election, I will not be discouraged. But if I win the election, I will "keep my word and act accordingly". No matter what the result is, I will continue to improve myself, do my best, let the teacher trust me, and I will actively cooperate with the teacher, not let the teacher down, and greet every beautiful day in a more positive state! I hope you can vote for me!

Composition for running for primary teacher 400 words 2

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

Today, I am honored to stand on the platform and make a speech to you. I want to run for the position of Little Teacher. Why do I want to run for a junior teacher? Because this position is very important, junior teachers should check the work of team members and manage their discipline well. For me, if I want to manage others well, I should first do well in myself. So this position is a responsibility and an incentive for me.

As a candidate, I have some advantages. First of all, my academic performance is OK. Secondly, I work very carefully and honestly. I am ready to help others. I will help anyone who has a problem without discrimination. Of course, the most important thing is that I have a sense of responsibility.

If I become a little teacher, I solemnly promise to everyone here: First, be a good teacher's assistant and share some work for teachers. Reduce the pressure of teachers. Kuang helps teachers manage the discipline of students in class and the extracurricular flow after class, so that teachers can be the same as those who are not, and become a truly civilized class. 2、 Be a good waiter for your classmates. When students encounter learning troubles, I will try my best to help them and help them with the title question of how they can't do it. If I can't do it myself, I will ask the students together until they understand. When my classmates encounter troubles in life, I will persuade them how to face and solve problems.

In a word, the reason why I ran for junior teacher today is to be a good teacher's assistant and a good friend of my classmates. I hope you can give me a valuable vote.

Thank you!

Composition Little Teacher (14)

Since I was sensible, I have envied my teacher very much. I dream of becoming a teacher. I am a "little teacher".

When I was in the third grade, I began to teach "pupils". I have four or five "students", all of whom are my relatives. On Saturdays and Sundays, I would call them in and ask them to sit at our front door with some small stools. In front of them, there were some high stools, which were regarded as desks, with white paper and pencils for personal use. At the beginning of class, I carefully wrote six letters "a, o, e, i, u, ü" on a white board Six letters, and then pointed to the first letter and said: "This is to say 'ah -'", "ah -", my "student" then opened his mouth and followed. I pointed to the letter and said in the teacher's voice, "a, it's a circle like an egg. Add a" fishing hook "at the lower right corner of the circle. Understand?" "Got it." The students answered in unison. In this way, I taught the six pinyin letters once and asked them to copy them down. When they were writing, I walked around them to see which student was not serious and criticized her severely. She couldn't help crying. I squinted at her. Shuyan dared not cry any more, but her face showed a very aggrieved expression. After they copied the letters, I gave them marks and awarded each "student" a prize - just a piece of bubble gum. When awarding prizes, I deliberately took a bite of bubble gum at Ge Shuyan. She took the bubble gum and looked at others. She found that other people's bubble gum was relatively large, and tears flowed from the corner of her eyes.

Now, I am a fourth grade student, and I know more. Of course, I also know that teachers should not only point out students' shortcomings, but also encourage students to make faster progress. Only such a teacher can be loved by students.

Composition Little Teacher (15)

As soon as I entered the eighth grade, I was honored to be elected as an English teacher and the head of the English teacher group of Class 81. This is a very proud thing for me, but at the same time, I have to think: How can I be a teacher of others if I can't learn well? Therefore, I must set an example. I remember just after the election, Mr. Cui Xiaoying told us a story, which gave me a lesson: You must learn before you can teach others! With the goal set, let's start to implement it!

Confucius said: What is the ritual of a man without benevolence? How happy is it to be unkind? What's the use of etiquette for a man who has no benevolence? As a man, if he has no benevolence, what's the use of music for him? Indeed, I saw such a student when the little teacher was doing activities: he was lying on his desk, and it was a single desk, his eyes were helplessly scanning the words in the textbook, and the little teacher and students were doing their own work, no one paid attention to him. Seeing this situation, I went to him and said, "What's wrong? Why don't you read it?" "I was specially approved by the teacher, so I don't need to read it." He said without looking up, "Are you stupid?", I said, "Since you are not stupid, why don't you prove it to them?" He bowed his head and said nothing. "Well, let's ignore them. I'll help you in this class." He nodded. In this way, in one class, I taught him half of the text. Although only half of the text, it was great progress for him. In fact, sometimes we really need a heart of benevolence to treat everyone, everyone is equal, we need to care and love!

When we were young teachers, we could gain more than we paid. More than one foreign teacher once asked me, "Will your participation in this activity not affect your learning?" Whenever I asked this question, I would always smile and answer, "No, not only no, but also our organizational ability, language expression ability and learning ability will be improved here! So we are very willing to be one of the young English teachers. "

Confucius said: Those who know are inferior to those who are good, and those who are good are inferior to those who are happy! Only those who like it can regard it as happiness! Yeah! "Interest is the best teacher, and happiness is the teacher" This sentence must be familiar to everyone. Only when we really like it, can we do it best. I believe that every little teacher likes his career and can do his best. Let's work together and contribute to the future glory!

Song Wanqing, Grade Two, Chahe Middle School, Fengrun District, Tangshan City

Composition Little Teacher (16)

Six years of primary school life, let me grow up a lot; Six years of primary school life has made my life colorful; In the past six years, I have met many teachers and classmates. However, what impressed me most and made me admire him most is Mr. Du.

Our little teacher Du, with medium stature, bright black hair, and a pair of silver white glasses on his straight nose, looks gentle, knowledgeable and intelligent. When he stopped smiling and closed his mouth, people were afraid and scared. However, he is kind-hearted and loves us very much. He is a man of noble character, considerate, humorous and knowledgeable! Each of us worships him very much.

When I first saw Mr. Du, I thought he was just a very serious teacher, no different from other teachers. However, after getting along with him for a long time, I found that he was a great teacher!

Once, Miss Du told us a text called "Call". This is a cross talk text: A calls B and asks B to go to the movies together. However, A wasted a lot of time talking nonsense on the phone. At last, the film began to show, and they had not yet reached the gate of the cinema! While giving us a lecture, Mr. Du imitated the conversation between A and B in the text. The dialogue was lifelike, and some funny words were added to make the students bend over!

Mr. Du is a learned person. He often tells us some extra-curricular knowledge. We all admire him very much. We regard him as a living Encyclopedia, and often ask him many kinds of questions, such as life, study, medicine, history, music... No matter how busy Mr. Du is, he always finds time to help us solve them, and he always answers them accurately. We all admire and respect him from the bottom of our hearts.

Mr. Du is kind-hearted and never hurts others. He only pays in silence to love and help others without seeking any return. He always thinks of others. He never cares about personal gains or losses, but only cares about whether others are happy or not. Especially when he treats others, he only delivers medicine and medicine, and never takes any money.

Mr. Du is a "magician". He created "Xiaodu CD" and "Xiaodu Bookmark" with "magic". Both CDs and bookmarks are exquisitely made, which in our mind is the artistic masterpiece signed by stars and idols! This is the patent of our class. Other classes don't have it!

It's a happy time to be with Miss Du. It's so wonderful! Miss Du used to wear herself out for our class and was hospitalized. At that time, every one of our students was very anxious, thinking about him every day, thinking about his illness every day. Many students called and sent messages to Miss Du, and some students took their parents to the hospital to visit.

Our hearts are really bad. It's like a child losing his mother. It's really pathetic! How lonely and helpless we are! It was not until the day when Mr. Du came back that we became relaxed. We were very happy and excited to see Mr. Du coming back safely! It's like a long lost mother coming home! Every student was immersed in the incomparable happiness, and everyone's faces were filled with happy expressions. Mr. Du is as funny and humorous as he used to be. He talks and laughs with us, which makes the students more happy. None of us would let Miss Du leave us.

Since then, we have never dared to be so naughty. Because we are afraid of tiring Miss Du!

As the saying goes, "One day is a teacher, and one day is a father." Teacher Du, like my parents, has been helping me, teaching me, and making me more sensible and mature.

Now, I am about to graduate. I really hate to leave Mr. Du. In the less than three months left, I must work harder, study hard, and use my best results to repay the kindness of teachers!

Miss Du will always be in my heart, and I will never forget our Miss Du!

Composition Little Teacher (17)

After dinner, I said: "It's time for class, please go to the sofa and do it well." My grandparents immediately went to the sofa. I took out my grandmother's mobile phone and demonstrated it while saying, "First open WeChat, then click a person who wants to send WeChat, and then use text or voice mode to input what you want to say, and then you can send it." I asked my grandfather to try it. My grandfather took the mobile phone, clicked it a few times, and said, "I forgot how to order it, and you can teach me again." I then patiently taught it again, But they still can't. I think they are too slow to learn. They are not as good as primary school students. I am a little impatient. But before the task was completed, I taught them from beginning to end in detail. They finally learned it, and I felt very happy!

At this time, I suddenly felt the teacher's hard work in class. They taught us knowledge again and again on the platform until all the students met. Sometimes the students can't do the questions. The teacher is not angry, but more patiently tutors us. It's really great. I must be more serious in class in the future. If we all learn, the teacher will be very happy!

Composition Little Teacher (18)

Little teacher, big trouble

□ Xu Zixuan, Class 6 (1), Primary School Affiliated to Nanjing Xiaozhuang University

During the summer vacation, several children in the neighborhood tried their best to run, jump and play outside. They were tired of playing. They quarreled and shouted that they would come to my house to play. I couldn't get these rascals, so I had to "invite" them in.

I was bored to watch these children "making noise" in my home. Suddenly, a golden idea came out: I want to be a teacher for them! I called all the children over. Behind my hands, I frowned and said, "I will be your teacher and give you lessons.".

The first lesson was math. I coughed a few times on purpose and began to teach. I took out a pen and wrote a question on the blackboard: 1 + 1 =? Just after I finished writing, the little boy with big eyes and pockmarks on his face jumped up and couldn't wait to answer loudly: "I know! It's 2! It's 2!" I asked him to sit down with a stiff face and told everyone to raise their hands to speak.

At this time, a long, white, tender, lovely and quiet boy raised his hand straightly. I saw that he obeyed the discipline, and his raised eyebrows suddenly bent down, his mouth turned up again, and the frowned eyebrows suddenly disappeared. The whole person was like a flower, very different from what he had just seen.

"You come!" I said to him with a smile. He stood up and said confidently, "It's 0." I tried to enlighten him, "If you have an apple and your mother gives you another apple, how many apples do you have?" "0!" The child said innocently, "Because I ate them all."

I was so surprised that the children under me kept laughing. Some laughed with their stomachs covered, some stamped their feet, and some even rolled on the ground. At this time, another child shouted: "It's 11!" "It's Wang!" "It's 10!" All kinds of answers jumped into my ears, like bombs hitting me, making me angry. "Enough!" I yelled angrily, and the children restrained.

Being a little teacher has so much trouble. I understand the hard work of teachers more clearly. I will study hard in the future to repay my dear teacher.

Comment: The description of the characters is vivid and interesting, and the end points out the center and sublimation theme.
