Malaysia Airlines Lost Communication (6 compilations)
Happy Stars
2023-12-30 07:11:18

Malaysia Airlines lost contact (1)

A few days ago, there was a shocking news that Malaysia Airlines (MH370) lost contact with 239 passengers. About two hours after MH370 left the airport, the plane disappeared in the air as if it had never existed.

The loss of the Malaysia Airlines MH370 has spread rapidly to all parts of the world. Some people say that the plane was kidnapped by aliens, such as UFOs, but UFOs have never been confirmed. Some people think the plane exploded in midair. But we need more empirical evidence to prove it.

Now, the saddest people are the families of the passengers on the plane, who have been anxiously waiting for

Now, how we hope that the plane can be found and the passengers on the plane can get together with their families as soon as possible.

Malaysia Airlines lost contact (2)

The loss of connection of Malaysia Airlines' "mh370" event has attracted worldwide attention. Countries have sent various advanced instruments, aircraft and even nuclear submarines. Netizens said, "It's time to show off. Let's show up and attack."

The United States, a military power and the "world leader", must contribute to the search work and successfully light up new weapons.

But in the past few days, when the search for the black box became more and more intense, the United States began to think about other things. The Huangyan Island incident worsened again, and the Diaoyu Island incident became deadlocked again. All this could not be without the help of the United States. The dispute between Japan and China failed, and Philippine boats entered the Ren'ai Reef. It could be said that one wave did not end, and another wave rose.

All kinds of signs show that the United States does not like China. China's rapid development has threatened the continuation of the United States' shadow hegemony around the world, and because China is not too strong at this time, the United States will seize every opportunity to squeeze China.

As a Chinese, I should be very angry. As a global person, I hate a series of hegemonic activities in the United States.

Not only that, but I often find some information about China and China on the Internet. I picked up a message in a drifting bottle these days. It's like this: Chinese people are going to show the demeanor of the sick man of East Asia again. If you want to escape to America, please! We can't help getting angry.

This is true of China, not to mention other small countries. Recently, the situation in Ukraine has also become a focus. The United States has also been involved, accusing Russia of inciting propaganda violence in Ukraine, and threatening the United States to deal with Russian energy. Banks and mining departments took further sanctions.

Peace and friendship are the mainstream of the world, but I have seen a lot of non peace. I have turned from anger to meditation. Is it possible that China will not be bullied by other countries when it becomes stronger? Is there generally no war in the strength of countries?

Malaysia Airlines lost contact (3)

The news that Malaysia Airlines MH370 lost contact recently is a highly concerned news. After this incident, everyone worried about the flight. As a middle school student, I am also very worried and anxious about so many compatriots on the plane. From this incident, I think that the world is unpredictable. We need to always put forward the possible risks, and we need to know how to cherish the people around us.

We all know that although human science and technology have been very advanced in this era, many times, man-made and inhuman things will often bring us anxiety, sadness and helplessness. This time, the Malaysia Airlines plane lost contact. The plane disappeared for unknown reasons, and so many passengers on the plane disappeared. The relatives of the passengers were extremely anxious, and their relatives were missing. How sad it was. Many passengers had contact with their families before they disappeared. Those who were in good communication hours ago did not know where they were going after a few hours, which is a great impact on anyone. More worrisome is that most of us are powerless and in a helpless mood in the face of such a situation.

Therefore, through this event, I was more fully aware of the unpredictability of the world, the value of life, and the fact that life was full of so many crises. As a knowledgeable, idealistic and aspiring youth in the new era, we must consciously cherish life from childhood, understand the value of life, do more meaningful things in our limited life time, establish and cultivate good behavior and morality, establish a sense of hardship, care more about and help people around us who are worthy of help, love and protect students, and be considerate of parents, teachers elder.

In short, we must cherish life and time, so that life will not regret.

Malaysia Airlines lost contact (4)

Today, when I went to watch TV, I saw a helpless news, that is, "Malaysia Airlines passenger plane is missing, praying for miracle release". After watching it for a while, I knew the seriousness of this news.

The flight carried 239 people, most of whom were Chinese. There were talented painters, elderly travelers who loved traveling, a happy family of five, young post-80s employees who had just started their careers, and babies in their arms... They should have flown Kuala Lumpur to the motherland by MH370, but their lives are still uncertain.

Seeing the astronomical number of missing people, I couldn't help taking a breath. Just after we learned about the Kunming terrorist case, we made a joke again with the Malaysia Airlines flight. I pray for the Malaysia Airlines MH370, who has been lost for too long, and hurry home. How many people are waiting for you!

Malaysia Airlines lost contact (5)

One flight, 239 lives, 154 compatriots, we are anxious, we are waiting, we hope.

Nine days have passed, and tears are flowing on your face and in my heart. Every minute, do your best and prepare for the worst. No matter what the result is, we will take responsibility together. Looking forward to peace! My compatriots, hold on! Malaysia Airlines mh370 Come on!

Malaysia Airlines lost contact (6)

Malaysia Airlines Lost Union Junior Middle School English Composition 1

Several days ago,a shocking news broke out.A Malaysian airplane (MH370) with 239 passengers just disappeared after its departure from the airport. Almost two hours later,the plane just vanished into air,as if it never existed before.

Rumors about it's disappear have spread fast around the world.Some people said that the plane was kidnapped by the space aliens,the so called UFO.It has never been proved or confirmed true.Some people claim that the aircraft exploded in the midair before landing.This might be true to some extent,but we still need more confirmative proof.

The people who care most about the passengers are the family members of the passengers.They have been anxiously waiting and even getting desperate after waiting hopelessly for almost four days.What tortures them most is not the sad news of their beloved ones' death, but the newsless.They could get no news from anywhere or anybody about the life or death of their son,daughter,grandson or sister.This has been driving them into craziness day by day.

We hope these people on the plane will soon be found well and safe,and with their family members they could get together and reunited.

Malaysia Airlines Lost Union Junior Middle School English Composition 2

Signs of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane point to an oil slick in the Gulf of Thailand. The 12-mile-long streak of oil could be a clue as to what happened to the Boeing 777-200 that was carrying 239 passengers early Saturday morning. Flight MH370 wound up lost after departing Kuala Lumpur for Beijing.

New York Times reports March 8 that Malaysia’s prime minister, Mr. Najib, said 15 aircraft and nine ships were out searching for the jet.

It has not been confirmed that the MH370 flight lost crashed, but fuel tanks were limited in the distance it had. The possible Malaysia Airlines oil slick discovered, would benefit crash survivors if it landed in the Gulf of Thailand due to shallow waters in that area versus deep waters in the Atlantic.

Suspicions of foul play showed up when authorities learned that two foreign citizens who stole passports from Asia were on flight MH370. One was an Italian and another an Austrian.The Italian man is identified as Luigi Maraldi. An Austrian spokesperson did not identify the Austrian. An anonymous U.S. official want to make clear that this does not mean an act ofterrorism occurred.

“We are not ruling out anything,” said chief executive of Malaysia Airlines, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, Saturday night.“As far as we are concerned right now, it’s just a report.”

According to the report from Malaysia Airlines, passengers on the plane included "two infants, and an all-Malaysian crew of 12. The passengers included.

Malaysia Airlines Lost Union Junior Middle School English Composition 3

Malaysia Airlines’ primary focus at this point in time is to care for the families of the passengers and crew of MH370. This means providing them with timely information, travel facilities, accommodation, meals, medical and emotional support. All these costs are borne by Malaysia Airlines.

We have deployed teams of caregivers consisting of trained MAS staff and volunteers from Mercy Malaysia and Tzu Chi Foundation. These caregivers are stationed at five different locations at Beijing and four different locations in Kuala Lumpur.

As of now, we have 115 family members in Kuala Lumpur and they are taken care of by 72 different caregivers. At least one caregiver is assigned to each family together with a Mandarin translator for the families from China.

The caregivers have been keeping the families updated on the search and rescue efforts as well as provide emotional support.

Equal amount of initial financial assistance are being given out to all families of passengers and crew over and above their basic needs. This amount is extended to families of all crew and passengers in Malaysia as well those from other nations.

We regret and empathise with the families and we will do whatever we can to ease their burden. We are as anxious as the families to know the status of their loved ones.