() It is also a kind of enjoyment 600 words (6 articles in total)
Don't worry too much
2023-09-16 04:24:33

() It is also a kind of enjoyment 600 words (1)

Enjoyment in life is colorful - it is a kind of enjoyment to have a cup of tea quietly and carefully; Listening to beautiful music when tired is a kind of enjoyment; It is a kind of enjoyment to talk with a close friend when you are wronged. But for me, learning is a kind of enjoyment.

The study of Chinese lessons made me understand what is poetic and picturesque; The study of mathematics class has trained my mind carefully; The learning of English class gave me a taste of the western world; The study of history course makes me familiar with the past and the present; The study of the political lesson made me know the world's affairs without leaving home

When you put on your school uniform, it means that you have taken on the mission of a student - learning. Learning is equal to everyone. We all stand on the same running line to meet the gunshot, but everyone's attitude towards learning is quite different.

Some students think that behind learning is the pressure of mountains, piles of homework, and a sea of topics; Some students also believe that learning is better than everything else. Score is the absolute principle, the spokesman of learning, and the tool to satisfy vanity. However, in my opinion, learning is a kind of enjoyment and should also be a kind of enjoyment.

When learning the classical Chinese of "A Book with Zhu Yuansi", I realized the beauty of nature from the word space, the author's yearning for the beauty of nature and his contempt for those who pursue fame and wealth from the emotion, and the author's idea of indifferent to fame and wealth and not being contaminated with the secular world from the description. More than that, I also learned the translation skills of classical Chinese, learned the flexible use of parts of speech in classical Chinese, learned the descriptive techniques in classical Chinese, and learned the classical sentence patterns in classical Chinese

Enjoying learning is like enjoying a good life; Enjoying learning is like enjoying hard won happiness; Enjoying learning is like enjoying a different journey.

Learning is a kind of enjoyment, a kind of perfect enjoyment.

Grade 6: Ge Guiying

() It is also a kind of enjoyment 600 words (2)

This article "Frustration is also a kind of enjoyment composition 600 words" is organized by this site for reference only. If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Frustration is also a kind of enjoyment

In the eyes of ordinary people, frustration is a stumbling block on the road to success. Many people retreat in fear when they encounter setbacks. And I want to say, you don't have to be afraid. Because setbacks are sometimes a kind of motivation.

One's life cannot be rain or shine. One's life is to try, give up and try again. When encountering setbacks, turning them into motivation is a wise life.

The former King of Yue, Gou Jian, once reigned in the world, has become a smoke of gunpowder, a thing of the past. In a twinkling of an eye, the country broke down and his family died, and he was reduced to a prisoner of the King of Wu. Without power, silk, delicacies, and thousands of people to serve him, he worked for the King of Wu all day under the whip and abuse of others, which was the biggest setback in his life. But he did not give up his country. He had to taste the gall every day to urge himself to remember today's pain and rebuild the country of Yue. Finally one day, he overthrew the State of Yue and realized the dream of national restoration.

Because of setbacks, the King of Yue would forge ahead. That is to rise up after setbacks and stand up after heavy losses.

Look again: if the scholar Zhang Ji did not feel the pain of losing his first place, he would not be able to recite such a beautiful poem as "The moon goes down, the clouds cry, the frost is all over the sky, and the river maple and the fishing fire are worried about sleeping"; If Su Dongpo had not been reunited with his younger brother, there would have been no "people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has ups and downs", which has been popular for thousands of years. If Fan Zhongyan had not been slandered, he would not have written the generous verse "worry about the world first, and enjoy the world later".... How many great men in ancient times created this brilliant verse without the stimulation of setbacks? Therefore, we should face setbacks squarely, tolerate them with an open-minded mind, drive them with wisdom, and turn setbacks into an inspiring medicine.

Frustration is like a double-edged sword. If you only face it and defeat it, it will be your motivation. Life is like a ups and downs, rising and falling. As students, our achievements are naturally the same. "How can we see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain?" Let's use setbacks to weave a solemn and eye-catching rainbow to add a driving force to our life.

() It is also a kind of enjoyment 600 words (3)

The annual sports meeting comes slowly in our hard practice and urgent mood, and the tug of war competition that most excites us is coming. We have won the first place in tug of war competitions in the past years, and this time we are sure to be sure, because our opponent Class 4 has been our loser for four years. We swaggered to the battlefield and looked down at our opponents. Hum, even the physical education teacher praised us as "professional players" in tug of war. What's your class (4) compared with us?

At the referee's command, we held the rope tightly and were ready to fight. "Whew --" The whistle blew, and we all gritted our teeth and pulled the tug of war rope with ferocious faces. At the beginning, the two sides could still stand still for a while, but when they suddenly made efforts, they seemed to have beaten chicken blood and caught us off guard.

Why did their strength suddenly become so great? This question is constantly echoing in my mind. No, I can't do two things at once. I must hurry back to the state of the game and not be distracted! So I quickly put this issue behind me.

I yelled: "Come on, boys and girls! Let's push back together, and the players behind us should keep their balance..." We held the hemp rope tightly, leaned back, and pedaled on the ground to prevent us from being dragged by the other side bit by bit. But my shoes are not up to scratch, and I still move forward bit by bit. I wish I could take off my shoes and socks, so the friction is still greater. However hard we tried, we still lost to our defeated generals. We really underestimated their strength this time!

At the end of the game, we all covered our faces and cried bitterly, limping back to class. Looking around, almost everyone is crying. This tug of war, we have experienced the feeling of losing and what is called "pride must lose".

Yes, life can not only win, it will be very lonely, losing is also a kind of enjoyment, so we will learn to really reflect.

() It is also a kind of enjoyment 600 words (4)


A few years ago, I was still in primary school. When it comes to the weekend, I don't do anything. I play crazy with a group of friends. I completely forget about the time and everything. When I go home, I will be overwhelmed... When night falls, the moon climbs up, and I can't sleep alone in my bed. Sitting up, lying on the windowsill, looking at the moon, counting the few stars in the sky: "One, two, three, four, five, one, two..." Half an hour later, feeling tired, he lay on the bed and closed his eyes. The next morning, when I got up suddenly, I was surprised to find that I was asleep!


Earlier, I felt like a vase. I couldn't do anything, and I had to rush to do something. I picked up the broom and walked around the room, making the room even dirtier than before. Finally, my mother had to do it herself to save the whole situation. At that time, I remember that when I wipe the table, I can break the cup, and when I brush the dishes, I can break the plates. In a word, that is "stupid".


In fact, my mouth is the most intolerant thing for parents. They always say that my mouth looks like a broken machine gun. They talk endlessly all day long, and they always ask irrelevant questions, which makes it difficult for people to respond. I'm thinking about it. Who do you want me to be? Where can I get so much nonsense? It has become a chatterbox. Do you feel tired all day long? "It's not idle to eat. It's not good to eat. What are you talking about? It can't stop your mouth!" "It's good to eat. It's delicious. Why should you stop my mouth with it..."

Back, lean on the chair, close your eyes, and recall the sweetness and bitterness of childhood.

The album in hand has been turned to the end unconsciously. Close the album, put it back where it was, take a look at it from time to time, and enjoy the innocence and pleasure.

() It is also a kind of enjoyment 600 words (5)

We began to learn from an early age and formed an indissoluble bond with knowledge. As time passed, learning knowledge became a kind of enjoyment. The sea of knowledge is boundless and extremely vast. There are treasures in the sea of knowledge. Therefore, we made great efforts to explore, roam in the sea of learning, and find the way forward in the vast sea. The seemingly bland words in the book reveal irresistible magic, slowly infecting us and infiltrating beauty into our soul. When reading, I seem to enter the author's inner world, hear his thoughts, catch the spark of his wisdom, and deeply enjoy the beautiful situation in the book

Learning Chinese, I feel different beauty. In the world of Chinese, it is full of poetry, emotion and sadness. Here, I saw the heroism of "drawing a carved bow like a full moon, looking northwest, shooting Sirius", I touched the melancholy of "I'm afraid that the two streams can't carry many sorrows", and I heard the cry of "who has never died since ancient times, stay loyal to history".

Learn Chinese common sense, and feel the infinite sadness of Daiyu's funeral flowers in A Dream of Red Mansions; Feel the bold and unconstrained "the Yangtze River flows eastward, and all heroes of the past" in Romance of the Three Kingdoms; I admire Liu Bei for his eagerness for talents. Learning makes people bright. It is not only a kind of spiritual enjoyment and satisfaction, but also teaches us many philosophies, making our life colorful and full.

In a sober and broad text, I read Yu Qiuyu's philosophy; In the melancholy sentences, I read Zhang Ailing's helplessness; I read Xie Wanying's true love from one pure and meaningful poem to another... A book of cultural classics, a sentence of apocalyptic philosophy, has become a vast sea of books. We can read widely, learn both Chinese and Western, and enjoy the fun of learning.

Schools can sprout our learning ability; Books can let us learn more knowledge. Learn to learn, learn to enjoy, your life will be better!


From learning Chinese and common sense of Chinese, the young writer wrote his own fun of learning. Many students regard learning as a kind of hard work because they have no learning goal in mind. In this paper, it is valuable that the author can enjoy the process of learning knowledge.

Teacher: Xu Wenping

() It is also a kind of enjoyment 600 words (6)

Books are the ladder of human progress; Books are the reflection of the common aspiration of mankind; Books are the crystallization of human wisdom. Reading enables us to overcome the obstacles of time and space; Fly over the gap between reality and dream; Closer the distance between each other.

After a hard day's work, I took a book and lay quietly in bed to read it. To feel Li Yu's helplessness to the life of "flowing flowers and going to spring"; To taste what kind of melancholy Li Qingzhao's "free flowing flowers" is; To learn about Li Bai's natural and unruly manner of "laughing up to the sky and going out, we are not Penghao people". How pleasant it is!

In the sunny afternoon, sit alone under the window, pour a cup of tea, let the aroma flow, hold a book, let the aroma of tea and books spread everywhere. The body and mind rise together with the soul... In How Steel Was Tempered, I looked at Paul's tragic experience and thought that everything had come to an end, but it made me understand that we have a strength called strong! In Dream in a Wheelchair, I learned that even in the cold, as long as I never give up, I can live a wonderful life. There is a way called persistence!

Really, I love reading. I love the incisiveness and profundity of Lu Xun's essays; I love the freshness and meaningfulness of Bing Xin's prose; I love Sima Qian's rigidity and tenacity; I love Li Bai's boldness; Du Fu's depression... I yearn for the Tang Dynasty and hope to return to the Song Dynasty to feel the style of Tang poetry and Song poetry; I hope to search up and down with Qu Yuan; I hope to explore the vast sea with Captain Nemo; I hope to become a moth with Ba Jin and fight the fire bravely

I love reading, so I enjoy reading. Reading brings color and interest to my lonely and monotonous life; Bring the poor people the hope of adequate food and clothing; Bring warmth to the cold people. Reading is also a kind of enjoyment. It cleanses our soul, purifies our soul and sublimates our spirit

Enjoy it - the sun slowly flows in the afternoon, drink a cup of tea, hold a book, and enjoy it