Wind High School (15 Collections)
cool breeze
2024-02-10 08:24:53
high school

Wind high school (1)

A day used to listening to the wind

McKinley said: Time is the soil of all achievements in the world. Time gives pain to dreamers and happiness to creators.

Shakespeare said: "He who gives up time, time will give up him."

Bacon said, "To arrange time reasonably is to save time."

Most of the time, I just feel that time flies, birth, growth, death, just a few decades, the growth ring of life in our memory marks a scar, and then drifts away with the wind, but many times, I don't know how time actually slipped away, so I have been looking for, looking for those days listening to the wind

In class

Sometimes, I have to say that the classroom is a large showroom, where there are all kinds of people. When we were listening, time slipped away from our ears; When we are taking notes, time will slip away from the tip of our pen; When we turn over books and play with mobile phones, time slips through our fingers

In class, we always feel that 45 minutes is long and short. Sometimes, in some classes, we always have a happy mood, and 45 minutes pass carelessly. "The original time is long and short!" In fact, the length of time depends on how we treat it. If we can take each day and class seriously and give our all, we will have a wonderful and meaningful day!

In the canteen

When the bell rang, the teacher said, "Class is over," and the students flew to the next station, the canteen. At this time, we finally understand that time is not only money and life, but also rice that can fill our stomachs.

If you fall behind the team on the way to the canteen, you can't choose the kind of food you want to eat in the canteen. Therefore, students like to speed up so that they can choose their food as soon as possible.

Many times, I think the competition in the canteen is like the social competition. If we don't grasp the time and work hard for the goal, we can only follow the pace of others! The importance of time is self-evident to us now.

In the dormitory

The dormitory is a place where time is wasted most, and it is also a place where time is fully used. The dormitory is where we arrange our time. In the dormitory, although it is not the same as in the classroom, we cannot see the students' various behaviors, but they are also different. For example, different personalities treat time differently. At this time, I suddenly remembered a word: some of us were playing games, some were reading, some were resting... But we forgot those days when we used to listen to the wind, so quiet and beautiful.

Time is a train with only a starting point but no ending point. It never stops moving forward;

Time is a flowing river, which will never return;

Time is a book full of memory rings. It is becoming more and more rich and turns into history.

Please cherish your precious time and every wonderful day in Chengdu Airlines!

The wind and rain fall between the strings

In my dream, there was such a graceful and graceful woman who played the piano alone in the quiet bamboo forest. The clanking sound of the piano made me listen to it once. Although I didn't understand what kind of music she played, I couldn't help but shed tears from the sad and lingering sound of the piano. I don't know why I still cry for this, just like a circle of loneliness left by the sunset over the mountain.

She has a sad face. If she frowns because she is not beautiful, I don't think the peach blossoms will bloom every season that year, because the peach blossoms are not as beautiful as her appearance. But why does she play this sad song?

I didn't ask her why she didn't feel tired playing that sad song. As if I saw that her fingers had been ejected with blood, was she waiting for someone, because she didn't wait to bounce down for a long time? She didn't seem to be aware of my mistake. If she plays for me, she should be aware of my arrival.

When I slowly approached, the music she played became very ups and downs, and I vaguely heard her crying from the noisy voice. I didn't understand why she was like this, and I didn't think I knew her. I didn't know what kind of woman she was, and how she was a person who kept playing and singing in the wake of the wind and rain. Before she looked back, I was close to her.

The music suddenly broke off, she stopped playing, and my footsteps became the only accompaniment at that time. I was worried and confused that she was so familiar with me, but I just couldn't remember where I had seen her, in the poems of the Tang Dynasty or the words of the Song Dynasty? Is it in my fantasy or the real world?

At the end of the world, it turned into a very short distance. The moment I came to her side, I found rain falling in the sky. However, I found that the rain only fell on her sleeve, between her strings, and I suddenly realized that it was not rain that fell, but her tears that had just fallen. Maybe there was temperature in the tears, but it fell between the strings and disappeared, I only saw many fluttering butterflies flying out of the strings and around us. The butterflies were very bright, most of which were light red.

She closed her eyes, and I gently pushed her, but she still didn't have any attitude to me. At this time, her tears were bigger, and more and more butterflies flew out of the strings, almost surrounded us. I thought maybe I was too sorry for her, or she wouldn't shed so many tears, or she wouldn't play the piano for me until her fingers bled, but I was confused, What kind of words should be used to comfort her?

At that time, it was raining in the sky. The rain was flowing down with her tears. It was strange that the butterfly suddenly disappeared. She seemed helpless and lonely, as if she was scolding me for not coming. I took her hand, and she looked at me sadly. The rain wet her long hair. I knew her. I knew her in the rain of the ancient eaves. After meeting and parting with her that day, It has been many years since I saw her.

She still hasn't changed. She is still the way I knew her. I blame the impermanence of the world. I could have met her many times, but I didn't go to the place I met and abide by that agreement. I broke my promise.

I found that I was not the person she was waiting for. When the wind and rain increased, I left quietly to listen to the sad melody she played.


You have the sound of grass

Flowery language

You are the laughter of rain

You're upset

But it's the sound of nature

You brushed the waves

The sea's eyes

You ran across the field

There is a land exhortation

You fly across the sky

Body temperature with sun

You are everywhere

Never stay

You are free

It's happiness

It's wisdom

It's a dream

It's my mind

cold wind

In the middle, I wrapped up my heavy coat tightly, breathed unevenly, walked with trembling steps on the way home. The bleak night can not confuse my firm direction. The dim street lights illuminate the distance to go. The cold wind cut my face, leaving no obvious scars, but brought cold pain.

The warm light scattered on my body, scattering the cold air, and my body shook unconsciously. The tightly closed window did not leave any cracks, and the cold wind was blocked out of the window, and I began to breathe symmetrically. It's really warm at home.

I thought I would not feel pain in my warm home. I smiled sweetly and turned my eyes to the boundless night sky. Suddenly, I felt my own insignificance. A kind of inexplicable sadness and loneliness lingered in my mind and gradually occupied my heart. The smile was forced to freeze, and tears rolled in my eyes, vaguely, I thought of her, thought of her once loved, stroked my chest, but tears betrayed my missing.

I close the curtains, stop looking at the vast night sky, close my eyes to let myself sink into sleep, but it is difficult to fall asleep. What is more painful than this? Simply put on your coat and go to the yard to feel the cold wind. Cold wind, please take away my missing for her! I knelt down on the earth, looking up at the night sky, and saw only the misty and empty space in the distance. The night sky is so big, there is only one place I can stay. The light from the stars is weak, but it deeply hurts the injured heart.

Once I said to you: You are the angel in my life, and you are the eternal guardian in my life. This is my words to you. I am so firmly convinced that love is sacred, and I am not allowed to be half blasphemous. I foolishly believe that the flowers in happiness will not wither in the cold wind.

Once you said to me: I like you because you want to get out of your sadness in the mirror of poetry, which is the reason why you want to break up with me. I feel that the ladder of faith has collapsed. You want me to get out of sadness but make me more sad. I shake my head and deny the happiness of love. The decaying flowers will not bloom even in the gentle spring breeze.

When I recall some things, I feel very painful, even more painful than the cold wind cutting my cheek. The cold wind outside the window roared on my body, numbing the pain in my heart.

Time has torn the cracks of life, and I will always live in time, feeling the pain of the cracks being mercilessly torn!

spring fever

Silk rain has gone

Leave moisture

Lights on the other shore

Reflected in shallow puddles

Independent window

Spring wind is intoxicating

A lavender oil paper umbrella

A light purple robe

Only the graceful outline

Slowly dispelling the night

Low and soft footsteps

Filled with intoxication in the spring breeze

The lavender paper umbrella covers my face

A waterfall of black hair

Pink silk handkerchief in hand

The water pool ripples in the heart

The most comfortable gentleness when I bow my head

Stuck in the spring wind and intoxicated

The lavender faded away

around the bend

The slate road is green and gray

The pool is still calm

The curl of lavender

This spring night

Spring wind blows

When I woke up again, everything outside the window was different from the past. It seems that the sky is bluer, the air is clearer, and the camphor tree is more alive... The sound of wind moving flowers and leaves is more beautiful.

The sky was just beginning to light up, and the distance was still filled with wisps of gentle morning fog. The distant mountains are misty, frost flows in the air, and the morning sun is bright. A light wind blows from the face, which is soft and cool. The thorough spring breeze has brought me a lot of comfort and comfort, as well as the comfort that is hard to come by.

The spring breeze moistens every corner, and all living beings are revitalized because of her. New shoots, weeping willows, peaches and plums, flying birds... all exude strong vitality. In the new spring of everything, I always feel that the spring breeze has the meaning of "spring".

Just imagine, if you go to the place where peach blossoms and pear blossoms are dancing when the spring breeze is booming, and read a volume of poems silently, you can deeply feel the warmth, delicacy and beauty of the spring breeze. In this situation, the impetuous thoughts suddenly disappeared. And bring a brief and beautiful peace.

Who likes the spring breeze like me?

Li Bai, he must like the spring breeze. His poems are as romantic as the spring breeze, and his life is as natural and unrestrained as the spring breeze; Wearing a wide robe and white shirt, riding the clouds and bathing in the rosy clouds, you can travel all over the world, sing long songs and paint the world, and write hundreds of poems about fighting wine. Probably, he often finds a remote village, sits and meditates, imagines a bamboo forest, a courtyard of yellow chrysanthemums, and chants an unknown eternal quatrain. Then lie down on the spot, look at the mountain and the water, the spring breeze caresses the clothes, and feel at ease! If Chuang Tzu were, he might turn into a butterfly.

Orchids should also like spring. It always blooms in spring. The elegant fragrance in harmony with the spring will follow the spring breeze everywhere, and people will be intoxicated when they smell it. The simple design and color, like the faint fragrance, together show the nobility and purity of the orchid itself.

I think my mother is also fond of the spring breeze, and she has the same feat as the spring breeze benefits the earth. From childhood to adulthood, I spent every moment in her love for me. Mother has the quality of spring breeze, warm and kind.

Who doesn't love the spring breeze?

Who doesn't love the purest sound in the world?

The quality of spring breeze is just like this, romantic, natural, noble, pure, kind, warm

However, the most beautiful spring breeze with these qualities is not always felt, but even if it is only for a moment, it is also the luckiest in life?

Another autumn wind

"The sky is blue with blue clouds, and the ground is yellow with yellow leaves. The autumn scenery is rippling, and the cold smoke is green on the waves." The sad charm of autumn also makes the cold river and autumn water cool. When flowers and leaves fall, you will realize the splendor of ancient charm!

——- Title

It was another year when the autumn wind began. In this season of "sad and lonely autumn since ancient times", the branches suddenly blown by the dry autumn wind cut the pale sky. The crows flew by, a few hoarse, a few pathetic sounds, just like the mood of the autumn watchers - disappointed and bleak.

A thousand miles of solitary graves, where there is no desolation.

A cup of tea, a round of moon, you just want to get drunk cold moon light princes; Sing all the way, drink all the way, you just ask for a drink; A pot of turbid wine, a pen, and elegant. This is a hard road, this is a bumpy road, this is a helpless road, you have no depression, no loss, but there is a "wind and rain of life" life.

At the time of "missing the moon and hanging sparse trees", at the moment of "missing people's first quiet", we sipped a little wine and let the autumn wind like water break the endless thoughts. Su Shi's singing in a low voice haunted our ears like countless beautiful fireflies. Although it was implanted in the bone marrow, what burst out was the heroic "river going east" and the tragic "thousands of miles of solitary graves, where there is nowhere to talk about desolation". I remember that when you hold a cup in your hand and wave it in the air, you are "passionate but heartless"; Remember that you "expect to be heartbroken every year, bright moon night, short matsuoka" affectionate; I have never forgotten your lofty ambition of "life is like a dream, and you can also sprinkle the moon on the river"! Let the bitter autumn wind, let the life like duckweed, the night has been cold, "pick all the cold branches will not habitat", only sigh that it is another year of autumn wind.

Miluo River Plain Clothes Shop.

By the Miluo River, the autumn wind is crying and the sky is weeping. In the era of "Qing Qing Zi Jin, my heart is carefree, even if I am not here, I would rather not issue a voice", in the troubled times of war and feud among princes, Qu Zi's "independence" made him come out of the dust. He was "clear in governing chaos", "skillful in diction", and "caring for the Chu State, and caring for the king", he bowed his head in sorrow in the long ancient road, sighing only the vastness of life, I only sigh the hot and cool world. Looking at the broken bridge and the waning moon in the piercing autumn wind, it seems that the lingering autumn rain can comfort this frustrated person. Another year, when the autumn wind blew, the Miluo River was lined with plain clothes.

When the west wind blows, people are lonely, and the flowers in autumn fall.

"Don't say it doesn't kill your soul. The curtain rolls the west wind, and people are thinner than yellow flowers." And she is the most beautiful one in the hunting autumn wind - Li Qingzhao. "Three cups and two glasses of light wine, how can we defeat him? The wind is strong at night." The pain of the autumnal equinox messed up her hair, leaving a place to cut the plum blossom. It is no longer the time of "looking back at the door and smelling the green plum", and there is no longer the wanton leisure of "being intoxicated and not knowing the way back". Break a weak chrysanthemum and bury a flower soul on the ground. The second half of her life, drifting in the autumn wind, ends in loneliness. Yi An's beauty is unique to autumn. It is a bit dry, but it seems as if tears are squeezed out. When the wind blows the fragrances, it also has the sad rhyme of the autumn festival. It comes like the yellow leaves rolled by the autumn wind. After the dust settles, it is as sad as water. The last sigh was another autumn wind.

The wind brushed the window lattice and made a rustling sound. The dust rolled up a beautiful half arc and fell down safely. It was another autumn day, another time to taste the splendor of autumn songs. At the dim lights, among the branches of the bright moon, the autumn wind came, with a touch of sadness

Sunshine always comes after the rain

"I am willing to share all the joys and sorrows along the way of life. It is inevitable that I fell down and waited for you. I should be brave to look up... The sun always has a clear sky on the dark clouds after the storms, and cherish all the touches. Every hope is in your hands. The sun always has a rainbow after the storms, and I will always be around you..." When I hear this wonderful song, Many people always appear in my heart. There are Edison and Madame Curie... However, no matter who they are, they all have one common feature, that is, they are all great men who have made contributions to mankind after numerous failures or frustrations.

Edison was a great inventor who really invented the electric light and made it bright. However, most people now only enjoy the light that the electric light brings to mankind, but who cares about the difficulties of the invention of the electric light?

Edison, the American inventor, was the child of railway workers. He was an extremely diligent man. He liked doing various experiments and making many ingenious machines. He was particularly interested in electrical appliances. Since Faraday invented the motor, Edison decided to make electric lights to bring light to mankind.

After carefully summarizing the failure experience of predecessors in manufacturing electric lamps, Edison formulated and issued a detailed test plan, and carried out tests in two aspects: first, classified tests on more than 1600 different heat-resistant materials; The second is to improve the evacuation equipment to make the bulb have a high vacuum degree. He also studied the new generator and circuit shunt system. However, after testing more than 1600 different heat-resistant materials, he found that among the more than 1600 materials, only platinum wire has good energy, but platinum is so expensive that it must be replaced by more suitable materials. So he continued his research and finally decided to use carbon filament as the filament. He sprinkled a piece of cotton yarn with carbon powder, bent it into a horseshoe shape, put it into a crucible for heating, made it into a filament, put it into a bulb, and then pumped the air out of the bulb with an air extractor. When the light was on, it could be used continuously for 45 hours. In this way, the world's first carbon filament incandescent lamps came out. However, he didn't think his experiment was successful. He wanted to find a heat-resistant material that was more durable than carbon filament to make the filament. So Edison continued his research. After he invented carbon filament as the filament, he experimented with more than 6000 kinds of plant fibers in succession. Finally, he chose bamboo filament, burned it in a high temperature closed furnace, and then processed it to get carbonized bamboo filament, which was put into the bulb, The vacuum degree of the bulb was improved again, and the lamp could be lit for 1200 hours continuously.

Among the scientists who shared a common destiny with Edison was Madame Curie, a Polish born French female physicist and radiation chemist. 1903 and her husband Pierre. Curie and Henri Becquerel jointly won the Nobel Prize in Physics and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911 for their achievements in radiochemistry. Marie Curie is the first female scientist who won the Nobel Prize for Science twice.

All unknown worlds are mysterious. At the beginning of the research work of separating new elements, they did not know any chemical properties of new elements. The only clue to find a new element is that it is highly radioactive. They created a new method of chemical analysis. But they have no money, no real laboratory, only some simple instruments purchased or designed by themselves. In consideration of work efficiency, they carried out research separately. The characteristics of radium were determined by Mr. Curie's experiment; Madame Curie continued to refine pure radium salt.

At the end of 1902, Madame Curie extracted one tenth of a gram of extremely pure radium chloride and accurately measured its atomic weight. Since then, the existence of radium has been confirmed. Radium is a kind of natural radioactive substance that is extremely difficult to obtain. Its form is shiny white crystal like fine salt. Radium has a slightly blue fluorescence, which is a beautiful light blue fluorescence, and it integrates a woman's beautiful life and unyielding belief. In spectral analysis, it is different from any known spectral line element. Radium is not the first radioactive element discovered by human beings, but it is the most radioactive element. With its strong radioactivity, many new properties of radiation can be further identified. So that many elements can be further applied in practice. Medical research has found that radium rays have a great effect on various cells and tissues

In the same way, those cells that reproduce quickly are destroyed after being irradiated by radium. This discovery made radium a powerful tool in the treatment of cancer. Cancer is composed of cells that reproduce abnormally fast. Radium rays can destroy it much more than the surrounding healthy tissues. This new method of treatment developed rapidly in countries around the world. In the French Republic, radium therapy is called Curie therapy. The discovery of radium has fundamentally changed the basic principles of physics and is of great significance in promoting the development of scientific theory and its application in practice.

Although there are not a few people with this will, it is still very small compared with our 6 billion human beings on the beautiful earth. Not because they do not have the spirit of scientific experiments, but because some people do not have the courage to accept difficulties. If everyone in the world can have the courage to accept difficulties and overcome difficulties, Then our earth will definitely change completely.

"I am willing to share all the joys and sorrows along the way of life. It is inevitable that I fell down and waited for you. I should be brave to look up... The sun always has a clear sky on the dark clouds after the storms, and cherish all the moves. Every hope is in your hands. The sun always has a rainbow after the storms. Please believe that there are rainbows, wind, rain and rain, and I will always be around you..." Whenever I hear this song, I always have an inexplicable feeling. I would like to say that if you experience hardship, you will not succeed, but if you do not experience hardship, you will not succeed. I would like to give everyone in the world a piece of advice: please remember the name of this song. Its name is Sunshine Always After Wind and Rain

I met you in the breeze

In the long river of years

We count the fleeting years with the laughter of the sunset

Not all the past is beautiful, and there are many scars that we want to erase but cannot erase

Unexpectedly, a year has passed so quickly, and 2013 will become the next history. I don't know whether we should say that we are another year old or have taken a step towards the zero of youth.

We are wandering along this path. The scenery along the way is beautiful, moving and sad. I think the most beautiful scenery along the way is still the lovely you. With your company, the word "loneliness" has never appeared in the world, but I just don't know how long Tao can stay with you, two years? three years? Or a lifetime? To be honest, this semester is over again. I always feel that it is not long before school starts, but now it is time for a holiday. This year is coming to an end. Junior high school may be our happiest day, but we have already passed half of it, and can still stand several "year after year". What I want to say is that we should cherish our junior high school and cherish our student days, Cherish whatever we are already enjoying. Looking at photos and sincere smiles, I can't help feeling why time passes so fast, but it is also so fast. Maybe we are growing up forever, but we have never grown up.

Drunken city, the old dream, but the past has become empty, memories are floating in the dim night sky, wandering around their own heart, the night is quiet, the beauty is relieved, in the misty field, melancholy, whirling, charming dust outlines the starting point of thin memories, confused.

Today's sky is ordinary and quiet, and a faint blue color smears the whole arc; Gently, there was a breeze blowing. On a warm day in this winter and on the 31st of December, we enjoyed the warm sunshine. It rippled in every corner, soft as golden water, but warm, it comforted every corner it could reach; The sun, hitting our faces, moistened our blushing cheeks and made us close our eyes, but then the world became orange, full of love and warmth; You are like the sunshine, and the sunshine is like the friendship that is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Dreams are not illusions. Dreams are great. Each of us should have our own dreams. Whatever they are, we should stick to them. In the new year, we should work harder to pursue our dreams.

Perhaps, a person for a long time, it is easy to be moved by the small details of life. A rainy day I haven't seen for a long time, a sunny morning, a stray dog running out of the road, and a street lamp suddenly lit in the evening will make me feel a little happy.

Every season has its own flavor. Summer is filled with a mixture of soil and vegetation, which makes people intoxicated. I want to close my eyes lazily to feel the flavor of summer, but I can't wait to see the world where grass flourishes, trees flourish, clouds gently brush the sky, and the music of cicadas and birds crowing. I always feel that the air conditioner is cold at home, And then wrapped in a quilt so comfortable.

At that time, we were very young.

The air in winter is just slightly full of the burning smell of straw, and the cool air when dry and cold air flows into the nose is also interesting; In this season, our greatest enjoyment is to hold a cup of warm water in a warm place, look at the book, rub the time, listen to its voice quietly flowing in the ear, no computer, no mobile phone, just a real self.

We are young at this time.

Now I am looking at the sun coming in, and his light is gently reflected in a corner of the wall after being blocked by the flowers and leaves on the windowsill; Looking out of the window, the elongated shadows divide the land into pieces of waste. Everything looks so quiet, as if the whole city is sleeping at this time. The breeze was blowing through the window, blowing the place where I was sitting, and the paper on the desk was vaguely rubbing. The wind was cold, but fresh.

Now we are very young.

This quiet afternoon is the last thing 2013 has brought us. It is so peaceful and quiet; In this ordinary period, I spent an extraordinary time, I feel very happy, do not know what you are doing at this moment, I hope you can receive my blessing; Time is always young, and we are growing up, but I believe that as long as we love each other, nothing will be more dignified here. Your sunshine shines on my land, and you stand in front of my door all day, turning my tears, sighs and sorrows into clouds, and bringing them back to your feet. It is so soft, so fluttering, soft, and dim with tears. Therefore, you cherish it. You, a solemn and faultless person, have ever remembered whether we were together in that starry night, Make that dream like promise together

In the new year, we are still young.

Time has never been old, and we have never been separated. May our youth never be old, and our years be with you and me.

——As the new year approaches, to all the people I love and love me

Walking in the spring breeze

In a complex society, there is always a spring breeze around us. It is silent but earth shaking. It infects us and warms us in a unique way. Walking in the spring wind, my heart will fly with it.

I remember that it was an afternoon when the wind blew fiercely, my shoe was broken, and the wind got into my shoe. It was so cold. I had no choice but to ask the village shoemaker for help. "Grandpa, fix my shoes for me!" I looked at him with begging eyes. Grandpa hurriedly put down his work, took my shoes without saying anything, quickly took out tools, and repaired them in less than five minutes. I felt in my pocket and suddenly found that I had forgotten my money. He saw my mind and said kindly, "It's getting late, son, go home quickly!" At this time, I suddenly found that his hand was punctured by a needle and kept bleeding out. Suddenly, my heart was filled with admiration.

It's amazing that an ordinary shoemaker should have such a broad-minded and optimistic mind. His work is ordinary and even looked down upon by others, but he has helped many people and brought convenience to everyone.

I remember once I passed him. I saw him fixing his shoes attentively, and his face was filled with a bright smile. After a while, a fashionable middle-aged woman with a pair of open rubber shoes came straight to him. The middle-aged woman threw the shoes at him and said with a fierce face, "Hey, old man, fix my shoes!" The old man replied with a smile, "OK, put them here, and I'll fix them for you right away.". Then the middle-aged woman said in a sharp voice, "Hurry up, I'm still waiting to wear it!" The grandpa quickly picked up the shoes and smiled, "Mm-hmm. It will be repaired soon.

Seeing this, my heart was full of anger. I thought to myself, what's the conscience of this middle-aged woman when she treats an old shoemaker like this!

"Well, here you are!" I saw the master trembling and handed the shoes to the middle-aged woman, who reached out to pay for them. What was puzzling was that the old man said, "No! This little problem doesn't need to pay. The middle-aged woman was stunned, and then turned around and walked away.

I hurried to the old man's side and asked him kindly, "Old man, this man treats you with such an attitude. You are not only not angry, but also smile. And you don't collect money, why?" The old man only said to me: "Only a smile can calm down in the face of life's trivia."

Ah! What a simple and optimistic shoemaker!

The spring breeze is warm, and people's hearts are even warmer. I walk in this warm and blooming world, surrounded by the warm spring breeze.

Wind high school (2)



It's been blowing for a long time.

"Huh huh" blowing on the grassland, flying freely.

A few leaves fell from the tree, and some withered branches and withered leaves could not withstand the force of the wind.

"Huh, huh, huh" blew across the blue sea, stirring up waves. The fish flew out of the water when there were waves, looking very happy!

The wind is not strong, so go hula hula and keep blowing.

The flowers and plants on the prairie fluctuated like water with the rhythm of the wind.

Hula hula wind, like waves, comes from the other end of the grassland. Hula hula, hula hula, ripple back and forth in order.

Put on a straw hat, walk on the endless grassland, listen to the wind Buddha on my face, on the grassland, on cattle and sheep The whole grassland is like a stage of "music in the wind".

The wind gathered from all directions and formed a strong current, like a leader of cattle and sheep, or a naughty child.

Suddenly, a very big cloud floated over, and naughty children bumped into it. The cloud also changed its direction.

"Hula," "hula," all the wind ran again. Running on the grassland and in the desert, it seems that the earth is a playground, and the wind can compete in running.

The wind, soft and soft, like cotton, unconsciously brings cool to the earth.

The adults said that this is the spring breeze. When the spring breeze comes, spring will come.

I like the spring breeze. She is selfless and brings coolness to the earth.

I open my hands, let the wind blow on me, cool! It's still a little warm!

Wind high school (3)

The wind blew through the muddy new soil, and through the layers of withered grass with filth, he silently spied on everything in the world. He slowly pushed away the dead branches and dust on his body, and stepped on his own salvation: looking for inner peace.

A layer of ripples gradually appeared on the mirror like lake surface, and the wind quietly walked on the lake surface, taking a light step, slowly rolling up a vortex. The wind, with its tender hands, pushed the water slowly forward, and the ripples in the middle of the lake rose again, layer by layer. The spray moved slowly, without making any sound, but the wind was breathing heavily. It brushed a drooping willow, and the slender branches began to dance their graceful posture. The wind finally chose to let go, watching the layers of water created by itself swing to the distance. He took a deep breath. It seemed that he felt calm in his heart, but at the same time he knew better about finding peace - it was time to give up something that worried him.

The bloody setting sun dyed the clouds in the sky red, and there were no wind footprints on the lake. The wind hid beside a candlelight. The warm light made him yearn for it, but he did not dare to leave the lush flowers. He lingered anxiously in the flowers. Several petals fell lightly in his hands, It spread from his fingers to his cold body. The candle gradually became indistinct, and the wind was fascinated. It never found that the petals left him quietly. When he came back to his senses, only his face was filled with regret and loneliness. He yearned for the beauty he had never owned in the future, but let the beauty near at this moment pass away. The candle went out, and the wind fell into loneliness and meditation again.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning breaks through the layers of fog and scatters among the withered branches and withered leaves one after another. The wind gently blows away the haziness in the forest to make yourself more sober. He walked on the mud, his feet covered with incomplete dead leaves. He took a deep breath - well, the smell of time. The leaves are blown up one by one, floating in the forest. After drawing a beautiful arc, they quietly sink into the warm embrace of the earth and silently end the curtain call. No matter how beautiful the front is, these withered leaves are always unwilling to leave their hometown. They are tired of drifting with the tide, and choose to give up all the glory. They are silent in the ocean of memories and bathed in the ancient years.

The wind found inner peace, learned to give up the prosperity, learned to feel the life of every minute, and more importantly, it chose a curtain call, chose peace

Wind high school (4)

Man is an animal that combines sensibility with haircut, so living in the world, people need to communicate with each other.

So, what is the tool for mutual communication? That's language. If communication is grass, then language is the warm spring breeze, making grass greener and stronger; If communication is night, then language is the bright stars in the night, making the sky clearer; If communication is the sail, then language is the wind, sending the boat between people to a better future.

Indeed, language is great. It can melt the iceberg of communication between people like sunlight; It can awaken a cold and lonely heart like a harmonious note; It can nourish people's feelings like the wet spring rain, making it more solid and deeper.

Professor Qian Zhongshu once politely refused a reporter who wanted to meet him: "If you eat an egg that tastes good, will you want to see the hen who laid it, This sentence did not make Professor Qian's communication with the reporter fall into a stiff and indifferent atmosphere, on the contrary, it made the reporter more respect the profound old man.

Mother Teresa Less has saved many people in despair and pain in her life. When people wondered why she could save some people with such small personal strength, she only said one sentence: "I didn't do anything, I just kept expressing my concern and my blessing to them in words." In this way, with the language of love, Les broke the copper walls of communication one after another. In the years of war, she used her words to comfort those injured hearts and let them out of pain; In the era of plague, she used her words to encourage those who fought against the disease and let them have the courage to overcome difficulties.

The same is true of Carnegie, a famous psychologist who wrote The Weakness of Human Nature. He pays attention to the communication between people and encourages people to break down barriers with language. At the same time, he also constantly encourages others with confidence.

It can be seen that the power of language is great, just as Hugo said: "Language is a bridge for people to communicate, it can resolve all misunderstandings and make people closer." Indeed, clever language can bring people closer; Encouraging language makes you and others more confident; The language of love makes the world full of sunshine!

Therefore, language is the wind and communication is the sail. Only when communication raises the sail and language blows the wind can the sail sail further; Only by making communication and language, people and talents can get closer!


This article adopts argumentative writing method, which is accurate in examining the topic, quick in entering the topic, and clear in the structure of the total fraction. Substantive arguments and vivid language are the highlights of this article. The three facts and arguments in the article are novel and appropriate, the discussion is advanced layer by layer, and the reasoning is convincing. In terms of language use, the examinees are good at using figurative methods, and the language is smooth and natural. This article can fully demonstrate the examinee's good thinking ability and language literacy. Although some sentences in the article are not very appropriate in expression, but the flaws do not hide the merits, this article is indeed a masterpiece.

Wind high school (5)

In real life or work and study, many people have written a composition. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and ideas stored in their memory in written form. There are many considerations for composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is the collection and sorting of the wind I want to tell you the composition of high school students, welcome to read and collect.

Don't be too lonely. I have a holiday. I can come to fulfill our promise.

I wonder if I have received the letter from Yue to you?

The letter I wrote to you for the third time is still on the semi diary. Suddenly, we have known each other for two years. You know me, but I half seem to know you. You know anything. I envy you. I hope to be with you every day. You talk about your envy and I talk about my pain.

Remember I asked you, does everyone finally want to belong to nature?

You just smile, don't talk, just smile away.

It can be seen that she is bitter. It seems that she asked you. Don't be too sad for her. After all, she has left you and gone to another country. She will find you and her acquaintance in those years. She will not be lonely there. Although it is thousands of miles away, her delicate steps are scattered in the world.

Don't always be alone, don't always be so sad, didn't you teach me to face everything strongly?

The loneliness in your heart means that you are isolated from the world. You don't want to see more and more dust every day. You don't want to hear the lamentation from nature. You have had enough of all the causes and fruits. You can reincarnate through the world. It's engraved on the stone plate. Wait.

You have been floating on the earth for thousands of years, seeing through the world of mortals, and what remains on the earth forever is the unchanging oath. Where is great because of what is ordinary, it is called ordinary, so it is called ordinary people. They do not have the ability to go to heaven and earth, but use an intelligent brain to create miracles. They love life and cherish the hard won. This is people. The wind, since you have been floating for thousands of years, why is it only cold that suits you? Snow, this year, it came very hard, but you were not enthusiastic at all. Until the words before the snow left: stay with it more, since it can't walk out of the shadow, you are the only friend around it, try to feel its heart, to warm its frozen heart for thousands of years.

Once you said that although friends are trustworthy, they will betray after a long time.

I have always believed in you because I experienced it once in the past. I didn't know where I was without sadness. Although that was not a major blow, I was very depressed at that time, stabbed very hard, and didn't care about anything. I only knew that I would keep my promise, try to defeat you, and I would prove that I was not weak, but afraid. I do not have any courage to face all, can only imagine the consequences, I am cowardly, can not bear any blow. No one knows how lonely I am. At last, you appear - stand up and don't kneel. This is just the beginning. Since you have experience, the ones behind will not cause you too much damage. Since then, no one can bully you. Stand up and learn to be calm and strong. This is what you said to me at that time. I still remember it and never forget it. I remember that when I took the final exam, I wrote down my own strong answers. You stayed with me and became my friend until that day

The day before you entered the gate of No. 2 Middle School, you suddenly said these words, which really shocked me - you have entered middle school, don't be alone, try to get close to them, but don't expose your heart, go, don't attach to nature for a long time, nature is the creator, but it must be separated.

friend? Do you really want to go? It seems that this is the so-called choice.

Indeed, I did find one, and she became my friend.

Feng, since you have helped me, now I want to help you, to make you happy, is the agreement between you and me, cherish each other, are friends.

Wind high school (6)

I am a light and happy wind. As for me, there are two main tasks. One is to bring vitality to the earth, and the other is to send rain to places where it is needed.

Every day, I fly in the blue sky. I swept the hot earth to cool everything. I walk across the frozen snow field, awakening the sleeping spring.

One day, I came to a calm sea. At this time, the sunset fell on the blue sea, and the golden glow made the sea look like a dark blue silk. I watched silently for a long time, watching the boats coming and going in the sunset. Suddenly, I could no longer control myself. On a whim, I danced on the sea, which made the sea excited with me. Suddenly, a joyful sea wave turned three meters high, and a boat was overturned. The sea and I did not see it. We continued to turn over one wave after another. The sea began to be windy and rough. A large ship carrying many tourists was blown over by me. Looking at the tourists who fell into the water, I suddenly woke up and stopped dancing

The next day, I heard people talking on the dock. "Do you know? The strong wind overturned the boat yesterday, and many people died." I suddenly trembled to escape, but I didn't know where to go. I bumped left and right, and many houses trembled and tottered.

My heart could not be calm for a long time. After hiding for several days, many places were hot and dry. Rain came to me and said, "You haven't come out for several days, and nobody has helped me." I had to take her out.

I sent the rain over a small village.

It began to rain, but it was very small. The local villagers looked very happy. It seemed that they had not seen rain for a long time. When the rain became complacent, he cheered himself on: "It's hard to come here, bigger, bigger." As a result, the crops were almost submerged, and the villagers were worried.

"Ah, the crops are flooded." The villagers' roar woke me up playing hide and seek in the rain curtain.

It couldn't rain any more, so I hurried to push her away.

I felt guilty again for a long time, but I didn't hide like last time. I continued to do my work, sometimes bringing cool to places where I needed, and sometimes bringing warmth to cold places. I have always controlled myself, can't bring disaster to people, I want to do a conscientious wind!

Wind high school (7)

You see, in a flash, it flew past me, rolling up the maple leaves that took off, red and yellow, like fluttering tassels.

The wind, which comes and goes without trace, can always leave a chill. It is a traveler who rides the speed of light. You see, it overlooks Paris from the Eiffel Tower; It stopped to rest on the Tiananmen Tower; It waved to Yang Liwei outside the window of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center; Its naughty bungee jumping on Mount Everest; It surfs happily in the Pacific Ocean. The wind is naughty, free and lovely.

"The sound of firecrackers is one year old, and the spring breeze warms Tusu." The spring breeze brings a kind of warmth and a new hope. The wind is the messenger of serving the country, giving people a new feeling. Whenever I take off my winter coat, a warm spring breeze blows, and my body recovers like the earth. The wind whispered to me in my ear: "The plan of a year lies in spring." "The spring wind also turns the south bank of the river green." In fact, the north bank of the river has also been turned green by it. When the spring breeze passes the green belt of our community, it says, "Don't sleep, wake up!" At this time, the grass stretches and the small trees shake up. It flew past me and I heard the song. I just love it - the wind, no matter what season the wind likes.

On the summer night, "The moon leaves the magpie and the breeze blows cicadas in the middle of the night." The wind blew quietly on my chair, and the warm summer wind came in bursts, as if it felt hot too! Then why don't you go to the Dragon King of East Sea to have some rain? I said, and it ran out of the window.

One autumn morning, it came and shouted, "Harvest, harvest!" It was like an excited monkey jumping up and down. It didn't have time to talk to me, nor did it pay attention to the maple leaves beside it, and kept flying to report good news. But the maple leaf reached out and grabbed its skirt and chanted: "I want to go back with the wind, but I'm afraid of the Qionglouyuyu. It's too cold at high..."

The wind is busy, but it brings poetry and imagination to people's lives.

Wind high school (8)

If I were the wind, I would fly around the world first.

I want to be a spring breeze, bringing life to all things and reviving them. Xiaohua will open her bleary eyes. She uses her eyes to explore the beauty of the world, and uses her heart to understand the mystery of the world. Grass will come out of the soil and see the beautiful world. He saw flowers, saw grass, he saw free flying birds, and I -- the wind. I am helping the people who are sailing Yang Fan; I also chase and fight with innocent children... even if they can't see me.

I want to be the summer wind. Bring coolness and happiness to those sweating workers. Send fragrant flowers to those who are in a bad mood, and let them face the world optimistically. For those who can't sleep in the night, send cool, let them sleep in peace and face a new tomorrow. Even if they can't see me.

I want to be autumn wind. I will fan away the summer heat with a fan, and then paint the sky blue with a blue watercolor pen to make the lake spotless. At the same time, I am also a fashion designer, and the fruits in the orchard are said to be tired of wearing clothes. As a fashion design, I am duty bound. Soon, I made a big red robe for the shy Apple girl; Put yellow coat on just pear; He made a thick purple cotton padded jacket for the grape brothers who were afraid of the cold; They also made thorny armor for the weak Durian, so that she would not be bullied... They all appreciated me, even if they could not see me.

I want to be a cold winter wind. I will let the sky snow. Let it last three days and nights. Let the children all come out to make snowmen and have snowball fights. Look at their bright smiling faces, look! How like the little suns in winter! I smiled and laughed happily, even though they could not see me.

I want to bring life to all things; Bring people cool; Bring clothes to the fruit; Bring happiness to children... even if they can't see me.

Wind high school (9)

One day, on the way home, a bright light hit me, and I unexpectedly had the super ability to travel through time and ride the wind and clouds.

I came to the Three Kingdoms period, which is the era of heroes competing for hegemony. The battle of Chibi is about to begin. Suddenly, I saw a military strategist holding a feather fan, stroking his beard and meditating. He just heard him chant: "Everything is ready, only the east wind is needed." Oh! It turned out that he was Zhuge Liang, a wise and legendary military strategist. His "east wind" laid the foundation for Sun Liu alliance, and also achieved the tripartite confrontation of the three countries! How I admire his talent, how I want to be friends with him, and listen to him talk about the changes of that era.

Huh -- A gust of wind blew, and I was in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. At that time, Chang'an City was full of flowers and bright colors; Compete for novelty and beauty, and open up. They are surrounded by clear white marble railings, which make them appear modest, compact, free and beautiful. A young man dressed in silk and satin, embroidered with three dragon colored clouds and nine foot cloud fur inlaid with jeweled Jinshi clothes, ran wildly in Chang'an City. He chanted: "Today I finally won the gold list!" He could not help but write - "The spring breeze is triumphant, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an every day." That "spring breeze" was the thought boiling when I finally entered the new world after experiencing failure and finally winning fully and delightfully. I really admire Meng Jiao's ups and downs in the previous 55 years, and I am sincerely happy for him!

When I came to the Yuan Dynasty again, I saw a bleak scene. Crows were barking on the dead wood again and again. The river under the small bridge gradually dried up until it was filthy. Maybe the upstream dye house was working again! At this time, a horse galloped across the ancient road. The sun was falling into the western mountain, which dyed half the sky red. While sighing about the beautiful scenery at this time, a message came from the hut: "withered vines, old trees, crows, small bridges, flowing water and people's homes, the old road, the west wind, thin horses, and the sunset. The heartbroken people were at the end of the world." I saw Ma Zhiyuan in tears, as if disturbed by some major difficulties, and I wanted to care about him, But the west wind in his writing may be more able to bear his depression and frustration, so I have to walk away quietly

When I came to the late Qing Dynasty, people were living in poverty under the evil rule of Empress Dowager Cixi. Yuan Mei angrily scolded: "How can we serve the world? How can we compare with the heaven? The people can't, and the wind comes against us!" This poem was a harsh scold to greedy rulers. How patriotic and brave Yuan Mei is, and his family and country are like Mount Tai. This wind blew away the wealth and prosperity of the Qing Dynasty, and brought aggression and poverty. With a sigh, I strengthened my determination and confidence to study hard and study for the rise of China.

Listening to the story of wind and watching the interpretation of wind, Chinese civilization has a long history. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of the sages and sages. We must carefully understand it and keep this precious wealth in mind.

Wind high school (10)

The wind is our most common thing. And the wind is obvious to us. As long as something is shaking and floating, it is the wind. Some things shake slightly, that is, the breeze. If the quilt number shakes violently, it is gale. So the wind is very common, and we can also predict whether it is strong or weak.

But do you know where the wind has gone? Many people have questions: Yes, after the wind blows away, does it float back to the sky? In fact, this may also happen. But most of the wind blows around one thing. For example, if he blows past us, he may fly back and blow again like a spiral. Some winds may fly to other places.

Have you ever observed the wind? Then someone suggested that the wind is transparent. How can we observe it? This question is very good, but we know whether the wind is coming or not. If something shakes violently, it is the wind. Although we cannot see the wind, we can feel it. We all know that the wind has no color, but the power of the wind is very strong! If you think about it, the wind can sway the tree back and forth. Let's try our best not to shake such a big tree! If you think about it, the wind can make the quilt so thick float. Do you want us to blow the quilt with our mouths! Is the wind super magical?

Besides these, can you make your own wind? On hearing this question, many people said: Of course, it can create wind! For example, for the first kind, is it windy to blow with your mouth? When you ride the battery car fast forward, do you feel the wind floating away from your fingers when you hold your hands straight? Even if you can turn around, your hands can feel the wind. This is making wind, because when there is no wind, we can't feel the wind, but as long as we move, we can feel the wind by shaking the wall. There is also one of our most common electric fans and fans, which are used in summer and can also make wind. By the way, there is another thing, which is a necessary air conditioner in summer. The wind from large air conditioners is a little special, Because the wind from the air conditioner is extremely cold and ice, the wind from the air conditioner is the real manufacturing wind, so this is what we call manufacturing wind.

But the wind we make is far less than the real wind. The wind we make can neither shake the trees nor toss the quilts. But as long as we feel cool and interesting, is the wind amazing? Then go outside quickly to see if there is wind, or try to make wind yourself!

Wind high school (11)

At night, the soft moonlight came into my bedroom with a smile.

I felt sleepy, staring at the dusty white ceiling on my head.

Suddenly, the moonlight seemed to gently say to me, "Come on, I'll take you to see something fun."

I suddenly stood up and followed the moonlight to the window. "Ready, it's coming." The moonlight tried to restrain the excitement.

It finally came

It is like an eagle that has no interest but is ready to start, or a magic wand with infinite charm and power. It comes quietly

Everything outside the window looks ferocious and scary. All the scenery was covered with a dark shadow.

Suddenly, the dark trees swayed slightly. I looked eastward. In the endless east, there seemed to be a kind of vortex like object.

Suddenly, I suddenly heard something gently knocking on the window glass, making a sound of "wuwuwuwuwuwu". I tried hard to look out of the window. There was nothing in the dark night, but the sound was still ringing.

At this time, amid the sound of whining, there was a kind of sound of Shua Shua. The vortex like object in the east is getting bigger and clearer, and the whine is getting louder and louder. I now know that the so-called "it" is the wind!

The wind is blowing in the east, and it is very fast. It ranges from small to large. The crown of the tree shook slightly and made a sound of Shua Shua.

Suddenly, I just heard a loud "bang", and I could not help but take a few steps back. I was so frightened that I was staggered and could not stand steadily.

At this time, the moonlight appeared from nowhere. It smiled and said, "Oh, you are so timid. Go to the window and see what scared you like this!" I was very unconvinced by its mockery and returned to the bed.

I looked out and saw that the wind made a loud noise again and hit the window "bang". A few seconds ago, the wind was gentle, but now, the wind is so strong!

I was surprised. The wind grew louder and louder, the trees swayed, the sand and rocks flew, and the clouds and fog dispersed. When I looked more closely, I saw that the wind of the vortex was turning faster and faster, and the sound was becoming louder and louder. The wind sent out a bunch of triumphant laughter, "whooshed" to the earth, shook the trees, threw stones, and blew away the clouds; Closer, I saw it desperately hit the window glass, brave and strong, nothing to stop; It lifted fallen leaves and hit the house. In the sound, it blew fiercely, so that I could not see the bright silver moon. It is crazy and dancing wildly. It is angry and roaring.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of "wu -", and the dancing wind suddenly became smaller; There was another loud noise, and the wind became bigger and bigger. All around was vague and silent, except for the loud sound of wind. The wind is as fast as light. It is ferocious and crazy. It laughed wildly and beat. It is angry and roaring. It roared from time to time, and the sound was deafening. The leaves are flying, the sand is rolling, the trees are shaking, the wind is roaring, and the whole world is in chaos

At this time, the moonlight smiled and said to me, "It's getting light. Go to bed. I let the wind go back before dawn." After saying goodbye, it slipped out of the window. It gradually fills in the wind. The wind seemed to give a sigh and disappeared.

I lay in bed, but couldn't sleep for a long time.

Wind high school (12)

Just got off the bus and set foot on this elegant and quiet land. With some anticipation and excitement in mind, Jiao Yang rushed into the air-conditioned car. It is separated by a layer of glass, but the beauty outside the window cannot be separated; The hand woven sun hat with large brim, the bohemian skirt with broken lace and sparkling scales, and the casual but funny flip flops... The expression on the tourists' faces is pleasant and natural. As if I had a little nap in the busy life, my dream drifted to the blue sky, the sea and the land with the wind. Gently and quietly hide the shadow in the twisting alley, linger in the corner of my heart where I miss most, scatter footprints on the sand to let kelp go, and open the laughter on the small flower tips of Gulangyu... Then, "Bo" sounds like colorful soap bubbles, gently breaking, and people do not wake up. If you recall the past little by little, is that the expression on the tourists' faces?

At this time, a gust of sea wind blew off the sun hat, talked about the long skirt, and blew the flip flops askew. The wind, stained with the smell of Xiamen, rushed to the unknown front.

[Food Paradise]

Before coming to Xiamen, many people will make a food strategy to ensure that they can eat all the classics of Xiamen in a few days without leaving any regrets. To those who have this idea: You are so naive!

Xiamen snacks can be found everywhere, and the street corners are full of classics. Although Zhongshan Road and Zengcuo'an are the most famous places, they are just a combination of street snacks. However, after eating these classics for three days and three nights, and eating more than 30 houses, the stomach is full every day - still not enough. Eight mother-in-law burning fairy grass, Zhang Sanfeng milk tea, Miss Zhao's shop... Just a glance at the corner of the eye, all felt extremely attractive.

My favorite is mother-in-law eight burning fairy grass. Honey flavor, milk tea flavor, I only love milk tea flavor. Peanuts, burnt grass, coconuts, and some very elastic particles about one centimeter square are very chewy. It's hot in Xiamen, and when you walk in the streets of Xiamen, you will sweat profusely. At this time, if there is an eight mother-in-law burning fairy grass, it is like walking to the Flaming Mountain and grabbing the plantain fan. The burning immortal herb has the function of reducing fire, relieving heat and clearing blood. One cup of it can only make you feel comfortable and cool. The most important thing is that the price is not expensive, usually 5~8 yuan, which is not expensive compared with the ordinary milk tea shop. The pure milk tea and cool burnt immortal grass taste sweet but not greasy, refreshing.

Although it is not a favorite, it is the most unforgettable snack. People who are timid and afraid of nausea had better not look down - people say that it is best not to know what it is before eating it again or they will really be unable to eat it. According to Min Xiaoji, "I often eat bamboo shoot jelly in Fujian, which has a very fresh taste, but I smell that it is born on the seashore and looks like an earthworm, that is, a sand Sunda." To put it simply, the sand worms that can be dug out on the seashore look like earthworms. Of course, they are much fatter than earthworms. At that time, Zheng Chenggong attacked Taiwan's food shortage for food. The sand worm is gray white, crystal clear, tender, crisp and elastic. With the seasoning and water, the collagen that is more than pig skin will melt into the water and be boiled out in one pot. When it cools down, it will become the local bamboo jelly seen in the city. If you can resist the hatred in your heart and taste it boldly, you will find that the taste is really good!

If the first two foods are snacks, then this food is closer to the staple food. Oyster omelet frying, also known as oyster frying, was a substitute food invented when people could not eat enough, and was once a symbol of poor life. It is said that the cooking skill of Xiamen Bride, oyster frying, is compulsory. In order to eat Hailijian, I stood there and fried. I didn't know how long I had to wait. Finally, the pot came out of the oven and shoveled a small plate. Before I got to the table, my saliva was dripping. The oysters are scattered in the eggs, and they are tossed on the pan with the seasoning. Then they are added with salt and oil, and what should be added. When they are cooked, they are fragrant and tender, and some of the bones of fried rice with eggs are poured. However, this oyster is unusual, not only fresh but also nutritious, which is known as "deep sea milk". Without this oyster, oyster frying will lose soul. If you are lucky enough to come to Xiamen, even if you are not hungry, please try this rare delicacy.

What makes Xiamen attractive is not its elegance, but its elegance. Maybe these snacks are not as good as red wine and seafood, but they are surprisingly happy.

Xiamen cuisine is numerous, and the above is just personal preference. Such as: peanut soup, braised pork dumplings, pork jerky, shrimp jerky... These delicacies often surprise people. Please taste the mystery of them.

[Hometown of Literature and Art]

Walking along the road, you can see many overpasses at the crossroads, beside which are two rows of blooming sunflowers; The train bridge is tall and large, which seems to hold up half the sky of Xiamen, while the climbing wall on the pillar stretches from bottom to top, and the wind passes like waves; Walking on the sidewalk, I will occasionally be confused and blocked by the huge tropical plant leaves that weave cattail fans unexpectedly out of the grassland. It's really annoying! The city is not tidy at all, but tidy. The soft green leaves seem to be left unattended, but they are so messy that people feel they should be there. Just the arbitrary extension of a flower and a grass makes people feel comfortable. With such green shade, why fear summer?

Xiamen is not big, and you can reach the seaside after another walk. Xiamen is surrounded by the sea road, just like the silk around the waist of a fairy. A row of coconut trees are lined on both sides of the road, guarding this beautiful coastal city. The beach is covered with a fine layer of sand. Small shells adorn it, soft but not prickly. Where there are waves, there are often children swimming, playing in the water, or climbing on the reef to explore the wind. The dark reef is covered with shells of shellfish. A closer look can find many small crabs hiding in the gap. Standing on the shallow shore, looking back at Xiamen. Xiamen is like a playful child who strays into the forest and cannot find his way back. It is gratifying that his innocent face cannot find a trace of the earth.

Gulangyu is the essence of Xiamen. "I remember when the grass was green and the tide was heard on the sunshine rock." Because there was a rock more than two meters high on the beach in the southwest of the island with caves in it, when the tide rose, the waves hit the rock, making a sound like a drum, so it was called Gulangyu. People often go up to Sunlight Rock to look at the other side of the sea. Gulangyu is the favorite of heaven. It not only gives her superior terrain, but also gives her an elegant name; People have settled here one after another and tourists have stayed here one after another.

A two-story ferry arrived at Gulangyu Island in a few minutes. On Gulangyu Island in the wind, you can see the roof that looks like black and white piano keys. It is said that people on Gulangyu Island in the past had pianos in their homes, and the sound of pianos kept rising and falling on the island, so the "island of pianos" and "hometown of timbre" came from it.

Only when you really enter Gulangyu can you understand why people like her so much. Gulang Island is like a bustling town isolated from the rest of the world. It runs on an island that people cannot reach. It is like a wild lily in the valley that opens up alone without praise and applause. Black bricks and black tiles, black roofs and white walls. The green leaves are lined with red flowers, and the small windows are built with western-style buildings. Walking in the alleys paved with bluestone slabs, even a red apricot flower sticking out of the wall at the corner can make people feel excited. "Just watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court, and sit and watch the clouds roll in the sky." Is that what you mean? After passing through several wooden huts, I slowed down. The wind brought down several golden leaves. At the turning, the brides held their skirts and smiled like flowers. With a click, they remembered more beautiful things.

There are many people in the alley, so you can feel the joy from afar. Blue, white and yellow shops are scattered in the field of vision, with faint fragrance. Travelers stop here to choose beautiful gifts for their loved ones. The path is winding and winding.

The white light drops down, and the sunlight beats on the water surface, and halos out. What should I see when I look down on Xiamen from the top when my soul is pulled away? The more the bustling crowd moved away, the more sensitive the five senses became: leather shoes rubbed against the ground without rhythm, and all kinds of shiny bags wandered with the crowd. People take a little time out of their busy lives just to relax. But isn't it a pity that the noise in the street is more than the laughter in the forest?

People often give a definition to the scenery they see: Beijing is resplendent, while Shanghai is full of red and white; The western regions are filled with desert and the south of the Yangtze River is picturesque... Different cities have different customs. I have come and gone to many places, and I also have a lot of experience. At the beginning, when I came to a city, I just had a taste. Hey, it's really like what people say. But over time, the city will be infected with its own flavor. At that time, the feeling has just begun: the city seems to be a little different from what people say... Everything is my color when I see it. The first time I contacted Xiamen, I felt at home

Sunny is happy, rainy is sad. I have a feeling. "The flowers bloom and fall on purpose, and the tide comes and goes without trace." This is Xiamen.

When I vaguely remember that poem, I might want to write: "Xiamen is good, and the scenery has been familiar with before. At sunrise, the river flowers are more red than fire, and in spring, the river water is as green as blue. Why not remember the south of the Yangtze River?"

Probably so.

Wind high school (13)

Look, the dead tree branches trembling in the cold wind, the dim cold moon on the night, or the sun that is listless even at noon, all have a sense of movement.

Look at the street, it seems that there is a lot of loneliness, people are greedy for warmth and hide in their homes; Even the few people on the street covered themselves like rice dumplings, and everyone was in a hurry. What do you feel? Is it desolate? Are you snubbed? But I regard winter as my favorite season. Not only because I like the unique style and free artistic conception of winter, but also because I am attached to the snow like ice and jade.

The creator gave snow to winter, making it alive in desolation and fun in silence. Winter is no longer a boring season. It becomes lively, and like old wine, it is sweet, bitter and sweet.

Indeed, we will find that the world becomes so crystal clear, like a piece of jade; Snow obliterates everything, making the world so white and spotless; The whole world seems to have become a crystal palace, which is particularly enchanting, but my whole heart seems to be immersed in the crystal.

Take a closer look at the familiar still life around them. The snow gives them a unique smell. All red brick houses used to look dull and lifeless; The snow covered their originally cold gray cement roof, making them white, plump and hairy. In addition, the house suddenly became more attractive and lovely against the red bricks. When the bare branches shook helplessly in the cold wind, people could not help but feel pity. Now, the dark brown branches are covered with silver snow, just like white flowers in a bun, standing up vigorously, as if growing. Even the normally listless sun is happy, so the sun is much brighter in the snow.

Laoshan always sits alone in the north of his hometown, holding his back in the biting cold wind, but he still makes people feel lonely just now. However, the considerate snow always breaks the loneliness and puts on a striped coat of white and green countryside for the mountain. With the shining light, its loneliness is broken in an instant.

Snow always comes in silence, gradually containing the village, making it white, beautiful, elegant and lovely, and making my hometown full of fairy tale color.

The high school diary about the winter wind is a good exercise

Wind high school (14)

Once upon a time, I could write like flowing water. It was easy to open the book and write; Now, a small composition with the theme of "filial piety and love" has left my mind stranded, and my heart has inexplicable emptiness.

I have been taught by everyone since I was a child to have seniority and inferiority, "father, son and son". I really feel the tearjerker affection in gratitude. Every time I saw the touching family scenes on TV, I would cry like a rain of tears and blush. At that time, I felt that I had grown up a lot and began to reflect on how much I had done and how sensible I was. I think since I'm so emotional, why can't I say a word for a long time? When I felt dizzy, my stretched arm hit the heat my mother put aside. The steam, which was rubbed into the mother's fragrance, rose up hotly, stroked my face and filled my eyes.

I stood up and looked out of the window at the yellow flowers piled up all over the floor. It seemed that I could not bear the many worries, and they were scorched and then fell. I saw the relentless washing of time and the fragile and perishable life. Even if it is simply broken after death, it will fall back to its roots. I like to see our parents to our death, we are not centrifugal vows of eternal love. It dawned on me that "parents are the hardest under heaven".

I think people should be born to repay their kindness, and more importantly, they should build up this upsurge.

What is your bragging capital? Is it the fading lime wall or the polished stone bench in the courtyard? Although they show the vicissitudes of the past, you still feel the passing of time for them. However, it is more ignorant. I am tired of listening to my parents' nagging and reading. I feel like the sea is surging and boundless. And you stand on the coast without making a sound, and never panic. However, people do not know that "the parents who gave birth to me, the parents who raised me, and filial piety should be the first priority in life". Even if parents make up for their lack, they take it for granted.

However, you can easily experience this "ice heart" in person when he is a lime stone inside the house and a stone outside the house. But you don't. When you are young, you will feel that "life is too short to be sentimental", ignore the "filial piety" that you feel is worthless, and let the rising wind ring in your ears. Not to mention filial piety, it is said that there were proprieties, righteousness, integrity and shame in ancient times. If you lose one of them, you will be reviled. Today, there are three major items: games, mobile phones and pocket money. If you lose one of them, you will feel inferior to others. This is your capital to show off.

I turned around with my heart full of overflowing lake water. After absorbing the moonlight of the night, I looked very satisfied.

I thought of what my parents said to my children: "The sea is dry and the rocks are rotten and will never change", "Love is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea". But now, the sea is not dry and the rocks are not rotten, and the wind has long been unable to blow into many people's hearts. Li Qingzhao "The yellow flowers all over the ground are piled up and withered. Who can pick them now", and Du Qiuniang of the Tang Dynasty "If you have flowers, you should fold them straight. Don't wait for no flowers and empty branches." I thought of the terrible scene when my parents died away from me with dazed eyes, and I couldn't help but curl up.

The rising wind is blowing, and I have written so much in the twinkling of an eye. My mother didn't complain when the water was cold.

It's not in vain for me. I just want to raise the wind.

Wind high school (15)

At that time, I was as happy as the sun.

When my strength becomes stronger, I can push the so-called "rocking chair" on the roof. As far as I know, the small rocking chair on the roof is the place closest to the sky. Every time you shake it, it will be a little closer to the white clouds. I think that if you sit on the rocking chair, everyone can fly. Every time I think of this, I push harder and feel more fulfilled. I was tired of shaking. I was walking in the sky, and a group of children were running below. A butterfly shaped kite fell into my arms. I took the kite with me and started to run. The farther I ran, the higher I flew. The string of the kite straightened, and I reluctantly let go of my hands. The children below clapped their hands and chased each other. The laughter and laughter broke through the clouds and flew to me. Later, the kite went home. I watched the butterfly kite return to the ground, and I also went home.

At that time, it seemed that I had cotton to eat every day, which was torn from the clouds.

Later, I began to grow up. One day, I would leave this small mountain and wander with adults. I know that sugar is not eaten every day. Yes, I don't want to go. But I also know that the mission of the wind is to wander around the world. It seems that wandering is doomed without discussion. In rainy days, I have to go out to patrol with an umbrella. Wind and rain, wind and rain, are actually a pair of cousins.

At that time, I was not so fond of laughing. My heart made of clouds was always wet after the rain.

I have been to the desert, rolled up the sand all over the sky, and almost lost my eyes; I have been to the hills, bumping between the cliffs; I also went to the sea, rolled up ten meters of spray, almost knocked over a fishing boat.

Of course, I also sent dandelions, some cool things for African children, and blew away a bad guy's purse!

Then, when I was tired, I went back to the place where I was a child, but I didn't like the game of kites anymore. I saw with my own eyes the driest place in the world and the poorest corner in the world. I had tears. Sometimes it became a light rain, and sometimes it became a child's favorite snowflake.

That night, I strolled in the street and walked into a house. There was a little girl lying in the house. She was the child whose hair I had blown before. Now, she seems to have grown up. Maybe she pulled the quilt subconsciously when I came in. I could see that she was having a beautiful dream because she was laughing. The whole world is asleep, dreaming, some dreams, and the smell of cotton! I walked out of the girl's room. The sky is scattered again.

It seems that I have been here before, and it seems that I have never been here before