A 600 word composition about the sea (3 selected articles)
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2023-09-04 06:55:59
high school
describe the scenery

A composition of 600 words about the sea (1)

Dalian is a picturesque coastal city near mountains and rivers. There are many fascinating landscapes here, but what makes me linger most is the rippling sea.

In the morning, before the sun rose, I came to the seaside and sat on the scorched stone to watch the sunrise. A gust of sea breeze blew, making me feel relaxed and happy. I took a big breath of fresh air while looking at the place where the sea meets the sky. After a while, the sun was like a big fireball, rising from the east, shining in all directions, shining the sea red, as if the bride had put on a golden veil, looking particularly gentle.

At noon, the sea was calm, and a gust of sea wind blew, bringing ripples to the sea. I raised my eyes and looked at the junction of the sky and the sea. The blue waves were sparkling, white sails were dotted, and groups of seagulls were flapping white wings, sometimes rushing into the blue sky, sometimes circling around the sails. Unwilling to be outdone, the petrel spreads its black wings and shuttles between the blue sky and the blue sea. White sails, seagulls and petrels add vitality to the beautiful marine landscape.

In the evening, the sea seemed to get angry, and the sea rolled up rows of huge waves. Some, like thousands of white war horses, rushed to the shore side by side; Some are like a lion holding its head high and roaring; Some are like giant dragons, leaping and galloping on the sea. One after another, the big waves hit the rocks, splashing more than one meter high spray. This scene is really like Su Shi, the great poet of the Song Dynasty, who wrote in "Chanting Nujiao? Remembering the Past in Chibi": "The waves beat the shore and rolled up thousands of piles of snow".

I look at the waves, while enjoying the beauty of the sea, I constantly roll up countless waves in my heart, and want to turn into waves in the sea, and move forward bravely; I also want to turn into a white sail on the sea, riding the wind and waves; I also want to turn into a seagull and fly over the sea

A composition of 600 words about the sea (2)

The sun in summer hangs high in the sky, spreading its heat to the earth. For summer, I always have an unbearable feeling of joy.

Today, Dad decided to take us to the seaside. "Great!" I jumped three feet high with joy and ran back to the room to prepare things. I brought a small bucket and a small shovel.

Soon, my sister, my mother and I got on the bus and soon arrived at the seaside.

Looking around, the blue sea and the light blue sky join together. When the breeze blows, the blue sea wears a white lace skirt, gently caresses the golden sand beach, and makes a "whoosh whoosh" sound.

It's so comfortable to walk on the warm and soft beach! Looking back, a series of deep and shallow footprints were left on the beach. They were like flowers embedded in the golden beach, and a sea breeze blew -- oh! It's the taste of the sea, salty. Those beautiful shells on the beach emit colorful light under the sunshine. Look! From a distance, the small holes in the beach look like beautiful hair clips embedded in the beach, making the beach very beautiful.

The waves beat against the rocks and made a sound of "popping". The waves gently touched my feet. The seagulls flew in the light blue sky and made wonderful sounds from time to time.

"Sister! Come and make a sandcastle!" My sister is calling me to play! "OK!" I said and ran to my sister. I took a small bucket from one side, put the sand into the bucket, filled it, leveled the sand with a shovel, buckled it on the beach, and a small sand castle was completed. My sister learned from me to make a sand castle, and we looked at our own works, with a satisfied smile on our faces.

Playing, unknowingly it was dusk, the sun slowly went down the mountain, and the afterglow dyed the whole sky red. "Let's go home," my mother said, holding my hand. "Whooshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshoshosh.

The sea, I like you!

A composition of 600 words about the sea (3)

Sea Scenery Composition 600 Words 1

This summer, my parents took me to Xiamen to play. I like swimming and finally got close to the sea.

That day, the sun was burning like a big ball of fire. Before arriving at the seaside, the salty and cool sea breeze rushed in. From afar, I could see the endless blue sea looked particularly blue against the reflection of the blue sky, waves pounding the coast, splashing spray after spray, jumping to welcome us. "The sea, I'm coming" I cheered and couldn't wait to run to the embrace of the sea. The sea also opened its blue arms to embrace me. I ignored my mother's cry behind me: "Don't forget to apply sunscreen..." Then I dived into the sea like a fish in love with water. Wow, it's so cool. I feel very comfortable. A wave of sea came up. I couldn't dodge and drank a few mouthfuls of sea water. The sea water was salty and astringent, but this discordant little note could not reduce my enthusiasm for the sea in any way. I just wanted to blend into the world of the sea. In this boundless sea, I am leisurely and carefree, now dog crawl swimming, now backstroke, now breaststroke, now dive into the sea floor, enjoy the benefits of the sea

Tired of playing, I slowly walked to the beach, letting the soft sand touch my feet. I lay on the beach, digging sand with both hands, burying my body under the sand and enjoying sunbathing. Enough rest, I got up, picked up some shells, picked up handfuls of fine sand, and built my future castle. Eh, why is my sole itchy? I looked down and saw that it was an unknown animal that bit my toe. I mentioned this little guy carefully, full of joy. This may be a gift from the sea and the first little guest of my castle.

I had a free afternoon at the seaside. I didn't want to go home until the sunset kissed the waves and the sunset turned the sky red.

How happy children grow up at the seaside!

Sea Scenery Composition 600 Words 2

Today, we went to the seaside to play.

From a distance, the sky and the sea form a line, as if the beautiful fairy tightly connected them with strong glue and could never tear them off, or as if the light blue cloth and the dark blue cloth were tightly sewn together and could never be cut off. The sea looks deeper and bluer against the sky, and the sky looks lighter and brighter against the sea. I slowly walked to the seaside. When the waves came, they gently stroked my feet like small hands, and then walked back to wave their hands, as if saying, "Goodbye, good-bye!"

I put on my bathing suit and went into the sea. I began to swim slowly. I couldn't wait to smell the sea. A faint fishy smell came to my nostrils, like groups of small sea fish dancing around me. I said happily, "Take a taste, take a taste." I couldn't help but take a taste of the sea. Ah! It's so salty, just like I tasted a handful of salt!

How interesting the sea is! I play inflatable boats in the sea. The boat is running like a curved and bright moon in the Milky Way. I immediately swam to the moon to climb up and play. The moon is slippery, and I can't climb up no matter how I climb. I grabbed the handle and slowly climbed up. I accidentally fell into the water and fell on all fours. I climbed carefully again, and finally climbed up. I was sitting on the moon, bouncing happily, looking for osmanthus trees, rabbits and Chang'e. I read softly: "The immortal droops his feet, and the osmanthus trees are all together. The white rabbit makes medicine, and asks who to eat with." I came to the beach, lying in the warm sun, the sun was warm on my body, hot, comfortable. I had a brainwave and came up with a good idea. Slowly sprinkle the sand on my body. My mother and I worked together. I piled the sand on my body, and my mother piled the sand under her feet. Soon, I was buried deeply in the sand, revealing a small head, as if covered with a warm quilt, to fall asleep!

I had a good time at the seaside. I will come next time!

Sea Scenery Composition 600 Words 3

The sea contains a lot of "treasure", which is a resource rich "treasure chest" in the human mind!

Listen to my mother, the scenery of the sea is very beautiful. So I imagined in my heart the magnificent and surging scene of the sea; The scene was magnificent. I look forward to seeing the majesty of the sea! Finally one day, our family went to the seaside to travel, and let me really appreciate the magnificent scenery!

When you come to the seaside, you can see the endless blue ocean. Looking around, there are several white clouds floating in the boundless ocean, and the blue waves of the sea are rippling from time to time. The sea and the sky are the same color, the sea is boundless, watching the tide rise and fall, listening to the sound of the waves beating against the coast. I think it must be that nature is playing beautiful music for people on the coast on holiday, and people are also enjoying the style of the sea. Although there are not many people on the beach, it makes this golden beach more peaceful and less noisy. People chase and play on the shore, and have fun! They have already left their usual troubles behind. The wind at the seaside is very strong. My father and I jumped over the rocks one by one and enjoyed the feeling of barefoot on the rocks.

Walking on the beach, I feel as if I have been far away from the unpleasant things in the past, and only have the attachment to the sea. The attachment to the broad and selfless sea makes me feel revered for the sea.

There are many handicrafts sold on the shore, including shells of different sizes, wind chimes and so on. I liked one of the wind chimes made of small white shells. I grabbed my father's sleeve and asked him to buy it for me. My father agreed, and I was very happy! Now that wind chime is still hanging on the ceiling of my room.

The sea is really a beautiful and relaxing place. You can also go to the seaside to relax! During this trip, I learned a truth: a person should have a broad and selfless mind, not be haggard and selfish.

I hope all the people who go to the seaside can have a good mood!