Beginning composition (15 required)
Happy my brother
2024-05-11 06:42:52
topic of conversation

Beginning composition (1)

When the stars in the sky gradually fade away, when the first ray of sunshine comes into sight, there is a round red sun rising in the far east, all of which are urging us to welcome a new festival - New Year's Day. There are 365 days in a year, each day is different, and the meaning of each day is also different. New Year's Day represents a new beginning, a new symbol, and a new hope.

The rising sun not only reminds us that this is a new day, but also reminds us of the tasks and responsibilities of this day. From this day on, we should face the sun, work harder, and work harder and forge ahead.

I still remember that when I was young, the most eagerly awaited festivals were New Year's Day and Spring Festival. When the New Year's Day and the Spring Festival come, we always put on the new clothes bought by our parents, dress up beautifully, and then play with our friends. How happy it was then! Now, the reason why I like New Year's Day is that on New Year's Day, my family can get together, eat steaming food around the table, and enjoy the happiness of our family.

Now, I am a senior high school student. I have started my senior high school life. I want to fight for another turning point in my life. This is a new starting point. I need to cheer up and start again!

Let's summon up our courage and take confidence to welcome the new year and move towards a new beginning!

Beginning composition (2)

The flower, withered, symbolizes a new bloom; Leaves, falling, symbolize the new prosperity; The cicada, no longer chirping, symbolizes the new vitality. The end of everything in nature symbolizes a new beginning.

When a small tree emerges from the ground, it ushers in a period of prosperity. Then it turns yellow and gradually dies. But before dying, there is always a new life - a lush tree. At this time, I always think of a poem by Liu Yuxi, "A thousand sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, and ten thousand trees spring in front of the diseased tree." The end of life does not mean that everything is over, but after death, it will still glow with new vitality. The end is a new beginning.

A person's failure in doing things is just like the end of everything in nature is indicative of a new start. After experiencing the trials and tribulations in things, although he failed, he got a kind of self training in the trials and tribulations. After a new start, it must be a sky of success, just like the saying "The sword edge comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold." In human life, It also flashes the laws of nature. The end is a new beginning.

When the waves of the sea hit the golden beach, there will always be a time of retreat, but there will always be a new climax; The moon in the night sky lights up the dark yellow earth. There will always be a time when it will disappear, but it will always bring a brighter night sky; The trees in the city are greening our city. There will always be a time of aging, but they will always bring a more green and beautiful city. The end is a new beginning. Yes, behind any end, there will always be a beginning. At the end, don't give up the new beginning easily, but find the new beginning hidden behind the end. Always remember that the end is a new beginning!

Beginning composition (3)

In a bitterly cold winter, the cold wind whistled and hurt the children's hearts.

But with the end of the final exam, the students' cold hearts were suddenly frozen by a stream of heat, ushering in a happy New Year.

The sound of gongs and drums was accompanied by the exam scores, while candy and rice cakes brought back the joy of being abandoned by children. People ate candy boxes and rice cakes and opened their mouths and laughed loudly. Their smiles were drawing the New Year step by step. The closer the New Year was to them, the happier they would smile.

Finally, the day of the New Year is coming. When we celebrate the New Year, the morning is full of the taste of New Year greetings. That taste is what our family said when we spoke from the heart. Although it may be only a few words, it is very intimate. At noon, we ate delicious food to welcome the arrival of the evening.

Finally, in the evening, every family sat on the table eating food and setting off fireworks. Those bundles of fireworks, accompanied by all the sadness and difficulties of the year, slowly went away and became a trace of joy flowing into our hearts. How brilliant and wonderful the beautiful color of fireworks was.

The children's sadness dissipated with the fireworks, while the laughter accompanied the children to sleep.

Beginning composition (4)

Today should be the beginning of the three years of high school life in the true sense. Although I went to the transition class during the summer vacation, I still couldn't adapt to the new life of senior high school so quickly after having no classes for so long. Fortunately, the teachers did not put too much pressure on us at the beginning because our class was the best class in the year. We are familiar with English, math, Chinese and physics teachers, so we started the class directly. Other teachers, such as geography, history, and politics, introduced us to a class about learning methods in high school.

When I went to school in the morning, almost all the classes were noisy, and only our class in the corner seemed particularly quiet. No wonder, Class One was full of learning bully, so where could it go. The learning atmosphere in our class is very good '. Like the former junior high school class, the early reading class is noisy, and we can't calm down to read. Moreover, the English teacher always makes us read words, which is really boring. Now it is much better. Everyone consciously takes out new concepts or other books to memorize. The whole class is full of reading. No wonder our head teacher is so relieved of us. Only a few words each time, I can go to his business with confidence.

The teacher said that people who can adapt to high school faster will get better grades. I will work hard to live up to my parents' expectations!

Beginning composition (5)

The new semester came again in the twinkling of an eye. On the morning of September 1, when I stepped into the door of the experimental middle school, junior high school life had begun. In the first week of school, standing on the new starting line of life, everything we saw and heard showed a "new" word:

——New environment. The school building is towering, with beautiful trees, green grass, singing birds and fragrant flowers. The teaching building, the experimental building, the art building, the library, the track and field field, and the basketball court are scattered, and modern educational facilities are available. Even our classrooms are equipped with multimedia teaching equipment. The campus environment is so beautiful that it is the palace of knowledge that I yearn for.

——New teacher. At the opening ceremony, I met President Yu, who was in his prime of life. His speech entitled "One Heart, Write a Beautiful Chapter" was full of passion and charm, which deeply touched the hearts of more than 1000 students in the school and won waves of stormy applause. Mr. Yin, the head teacher, was the first teacher I knew. He came to the class several times a day, and he was conscientious and caring for us all the time. With the advancement of the curriculum, teachers of various subjects come into our view one by one. They are different in gender, age and teaching style, but they have one thing in common: with a heart of love, they burn themselves and illuminate others.

——New students. As far as the whole school is concerned, I have more than 1000 new students; In the seventh grade, I have more than 400 new students; As far as our class is concerned, I have forty classmates. "Today we are fragrant with peaches and plums, and tomorrow is the pillar of the society". Our common ideal is calling us. Our friendship has just begun. Some of us do not know their names, but I firmly believe that after a long time together, we will become good friends and good partners, just as the headmaster called us to: work together to write a beautiful chapter!

——New courses. Compared with primary schools, junior high schools have added new courses such as politics, history, geography and biology. The original courses such as Chinese, mathematics and English have not changed, but their depth and breadth are quite different. No pains, no gains. The new curriculum requires more efforts and sweat. In the first week of school, I have made enough mental preparations.

At this point, I heard the headmaster's earnest instruction at the opening ceremony: "When you enter the beautiful campus and face the high-quality educational resources, you are the master of the school and the master of learning. You should cherish the good learning time and study hard. Learn to learn to learn, learn to behave, learn to cooperate, and learn to do things.". I believe that with the hard work of teachers and your unremitting efforts, you will be able to reap joy and fruits in the coming year. " In the new junior high school learning career, I will work hard to live up to the hopes of my parents and teachers, and use practical actions to add luster to myself.

Beginning composition (6)

I have three days to report for school. This summer vacation is really interesting, but it passes quickly. School is about to start in the blink of an eye. I know that once school starts, I am not a primary school student, but a junior high school student. I have more homework than primary school students, and it is also very hard. I have to work harder and harder than primary school students, because I am already a junior high school student, There are more courses in junior high school than in primary school, so I will study every subject harder. The new semester, the new beginning, I have new plans, everyone has their own goals and ideals, but we are all working hard to learn, to the goal, to the ideal. For the sake of my goal and ideal.

First of all, I will make a study goal and a study arrangement.

Learning objectives

1、 The Chinese score should be 89 to 95 or above, which is not enough to copy the examination paper twice in the evening.

2、 Maths must have a score of more than 89 points and not less than 70 points.

3、 English must reach 95 points above and 88 points at most

This is my learning goal.

Learning schedule

1、 Remember to read after school at noon, and memorize what you want to memorize, not only by heart but also by heart, which should be useful.

2、 After finishing the homework after school in the evening, we must review and preview the next new content.

This is my new goal for the new semester.

Beginning composition (7)

When the light green sprouts, it is the arrival of spring. When the fine water stays, we will understand that the ice and snow leave······

After waiting for a long winter, I finally waited for spring. I remember last year, when I was 15 years old, I agreed with Spring that it would bring me miracles as long as I was willing to wait. As a young man, I still had a little childish, faint smile, silly and so on. When spring came, maybe 16 years old, it was a vulnerable age, so I needed the breath of spring to bring us light green, Let's see more hope.

I don't know if I need a reason not to despair, so I love this green season deeply. A prairie full of spring breath, an endless sky, under the clear blue sky, suddenly remembered a story: as long as you are willing to listen quietly, you can hear the voice of spring. I bent down, closed my eyes gently, and at the moment when I slowly squatted down, I found that everyone had their own spring, which was just their own. The noise around disappeared, leaving only the winding song of birds, and······

I was stunned. Is this the flower? I never found it. It seems that I can see it. The flowers are slowly blooming. At that moment, I thought that I stopped at the moment when the flowers were blooming. Suddenly, I came to my mind. All kinds of things happened when I was a child. I found that I had changed. I didn't have the happiness of the past, but I still looked at the troubles. Only then did I know that the agreement between childhood and spring was actually a breach of my promise.

When the color of winter fades, the color of spring slowly covers, bringing us what I expect together. I can't hold the passage of time, but I can still make good use of time, I can listen carefully, I can enjoy this comfort, I can cherish the company around me more, and I can do not let myself regret or regret. So when spring comes, it is the beginning of hope again. We should take good advantage of what we have!

Spring is the beginning of hope, the time I love most, the time I can stop and listen, and we can have a good start of our 'everything.

Beginning composition (8)

This Saturday, I returned to my hometown, Guangzhou, for a happy holiday. My first impression of Guangzhou is that the city is not as wide as Beijing, but there is no imagined scene of densely covered buildings, which makes visual pollution. There are many interesting places in Guangzhou. Such as Zhengjia Tianhe Square, Wildlife Park, the city zoo, which is a 15 minute walk from my home, and countless places that I can't say are famous.

I like to drink the fragrant and delicious herbal tea with a long history in Guangzhou. Among them, I like "Huo Ma Ren" best. It is a kind of medicinal material, milky white with light coffee, which tastes like tea and a cup of delicious drink. If you are constipated and have a drink, soon you will feel a little pain in your stomach and want to go to the toilet. This is the function of herbal tea. Seeing this, people will think that you like to drink hemp seed. Do you often have constipation? Actually not. Cannabis seed can cure constipation, clear intestinal toxins and relieve heat. The important members of herbal tea must mention "Guiling Paste". It is boiled with tortoise shell, poria cocos and other Chinese medicinal materials, and put osmanthus honey on it. It tastes cold, bitter and sweet. Its function is not very different from the herbal tea in the shop, but the taste is slightly different.

The weather in Guangzhou is always muggy. You always take an umbrella when you go out. It often rains heavily in the afternoon, and the whole city seems to be surrounded by a huge cover. The color is gray. This rainy day brings great inconvenience to people's travel. If you are a boss who often goes out, you have to buy a car. Otherwise, it is difficult to get a taxi. You feel like a boss, like an ordinary white-collar worker. It rains all the time, which also makes children lose many opportunities to play. However, this humid climate makes you feel less dry than in the north, nor lack of water like in northern cities. The trees here grow luxuriantly without artificial watering. There is sufficient rain here, which makes mango trees on both sides of the road full of fruits.

Cash so anything can not be perfect, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Beginning composition (9)

"Now let's invite Liu Yuqiu and Lin Ruyu to sing" Express Love "for us. Xia Donglan from Class 17, Grade One, please get ready."

I was still asleep, suddenly woke up. I saw that two of my classmates had gone up, and I was the next one. I quickly walked to the corridor to wait, just as my heart was pounding, as if it was about to jump out.

I have prepared a singing contest for 4 years! This is the first time I am so nervous! Facing the rain outside the window, they are so lovely. They are playing happily with the leaves, but the sun has hidden into the clouds. I'm afraid the rain will never stop. Like I always think: Can I enter the finals?

"Now let's invite Xia Donglan to sing Cherry Grass for us." Hearing the announcer's voice, I quickly walked up, picked up the microphone and sang along with the music. Unfortunately, I sang a song that was so lively that I felt sad. My laughter, which usually likes to laugh, was blocked outside the door. Even the beautiful melody was misplaced by me. "Well, it's OK." The announcer seemed unable to stand it, and said this sentence mercilessly, stabbing my heart. I have no face to stay any longer! I opened my umbrella and ran out of the meeting room. Inside, I left traces that I had scratched before I left.

Across the playground is the lotus pond. There was only one lotus flower left in the pool. It was swayed by the strong wind and finally hung its head. In the face of this situation, I seem to be the same. What's the use of waiting for several seasons, but never waiting for the moment of budding? The rain did not subside, the wind kept hitting my face, blowing me shivering, and the rain kept hitting my umbrella. At the moment, my heart has been buried by the storm. The raindrop is no longer so cute, but it makes me more annoying. Walking on campus, but there is no place to go, like a wandering child, everything is so terrible

The next day, the earth seemed to change into a new dress. The rain stopped, the fresh air continued to float, the leaves were green and shiny, the birds were singing, the sun shone on me, warm. I went out to the dormitory door and walked to the lotus pool. The lotus bloomed unexpectedly, with white petals and many dewdrops jumping on it. My opinion yesterday was wrong! All of a sudden, a gentle breeze came and touched my face. Suddenly, I understood that the years waiting for us are still long, and there is no need to frown on this matter! If not this year, it can be next year, if not next year, it can be the next year. Why soak in pain?

"Sunshine always comes after rain, please believe there is a rainbow......" I hummed a song, and my bad mood also flew to the sky. Yes, when the sun rises, it will be a new day, a new beginning. The past is past and cannot be retrieved. What is more important is to grasp today and pursue tomorrow.

Beginning Composition (10)

I took the notice and sighed. I looked at the tree in the Math Building and remembered the words: "When the tree in front of the building blooms, you should leave." The tree does not bloom, but we have smiling faces on its rings. I said silently in my heart, I left, if I had a chance, I would come back to see you - me under the tree.

"You have entered middle school, and you can't just play like others do." My mother kept pulling my ear and scolding me. I didn't say anything. I saw me in the reflection of the window, but why is it not like me in childhood at all? It's obviously the same person and the same dress. Am I grown up?

I don't remember the day when I passed the primary school gate again. I inadvertently looked at the playground. I seemed to see that I had a hot little life, and I seemed to see that I was chasing boys happily. I walked to the river and suddenly stopped. I was here to talk to someone!

I sighed again. The childhood me under that tree did not even leave a shadow, turned into foam silently, and flew to the high blue sky. This is not good or bad.

I started to walk in my world. Although I tried hard, I could not get rid of the handcuffs - it did not allow me to walk in my world, even if I could go out for a step, that was a good start.

Beginning Composition (11)

With the sound of a school bell, I ran back to the dormitory with several seeds.

I just got some newly sprouted 'wheat seeds from the biology teacher, and the teacher told me to cultivate them well.

There is no distinction between high and low in life. Even a tiny life has its own world.

On Thursday, we had a few more small lives in our dormitory - malt. A few little things are petite and cute, and their mouths have just sprouted, which may prove their existence. Ordinary wheat sprouts are so surprising to us. Maybe it's because we haven't seen them before, forcing us to take care of them.

Jordan found a box for chocolate, spread several layers of paper towels on it, and then soaked it with water. I carefully put the three of them on. It seems that the wheat sprouts are drying up because of lack of water. Now that there is water, they should drink too much.

On Friday morning, Jordan added two drops of water to them. They also saw that they were much stronger, and that the buds had grown a little. Kong Yue said, "Don't forget to put it on the balcony to bask in the sun when you come back at noon. Plant growth needs photosynthesis.". Honey and milk are also good. I said my thoughts out loud. I thought they would agree, but they were almost dizzy. Pan Ying cried bitterly, "You treat them like human beings!" Then Kong Yue started her long speech again.

"Forget it, forget it, no matter what, but the fruit will grow on that day?" Just after the words fell, Jordan said, "It's good that you can keep it growing leaves, not to mention the results", said Xie Yue, "It will take half a year for the wheat to mature, and then I'm afraid you will have to wait for the flowers to wither." I was disappointed and said, "It will have to result in a dream."

The dormitory is full of life.

Beginning Composition (12)

In the morning, the sun rises slowly from the east. It is round, big and red, like a big fireball. Fog shrouds flowers, trees, tall buildings, and the earth is hazy, just like a fairyland. Morning Glory and Bauhinia opened their petals and greedily sucked the morning dew. The morning light is colorful, with red, yellow, golden yellow, pink and other different shapes. How beautiful! In the park, a drop of dew hangs on the top of the grass leaves, and the sun shines on it. They are like shining pearls.

In the morning, before it was dark, the old man came out to play a kind of traditional Chinese Taijiquan and do other sports. On the street, you will see many cars coming and going, sometimes there will be traffic jams. Some people came out to run, and some people took their dogs for a walk. Some people think that the food in the morning is relatively fresh, so they take their baskets to the market early in the morning to buy vegetables.

The students came to the school one after another. Some of them are cleaning the campus, some are exercising, and some are studying early. The teacher hurried to the classroom with books in his hands. Birds chirp in the air, as if to say: "Good morning, good morning!"

So the day began.

Beginning Composition (13)

There is nothing wrong with the saying "time flies". The weekend that I had been waiting for for a long time has just passed! I was still in a drowsy mood. This is this morning, I didn't wake up!

Every morning, my alarm clock is always "doing my best", calling me the "lazy pig" on time, and getting up. But I, each time, failed to win, my eyes didn't open, so I mercilessly turned off the alarm clock! Ha ha, I started to lie down again, with the mentality of "one more minute of sleep will not delay much anyway". Alas! I have really convinced myself!

This morning, I came to the class early in the morning, and it was still so cold and cheerless - everyone hasn't come yet! Because today's school has a "group meeting", of course, we are all happy. Five hours of classes a day, four hours of meetings, we not only removed the heavy homework, but also played away the vexed schoolbag. Just the weight of a Latin book! relaxed! (I have to get 6 thick books every day. I'm tired. It's hard to be so relaxed. I want to fly! Happy!)

For several days, my deskmate who had something to do at home asked for four days' leave. The original one would not come today, but when I was leaving the teacher, she came with her schoolbag on her back! (Excited) I haven't seen you for a long time. First, we immediately gave a hug. Then we started to talk about our recent situation. Alas, we talked a lot. We talked for a long time without stopping!

In the last section, we had a Latin class, and the teacher taught new content today, so we didn't have an oral exam. This gives us a sigh of relief!

This is today's day, simply!

Beginning Composition (14)

Time is like a fleeting meteor. Listen carefully, the footsteps of the New Year are near. Look up to the east. A busy day is coming in the time tunnel. Let's wave to her gently: New Year! Hello! Let her accompany us through the bright beginning of 20xx.

I stood at the southernmost end of the street, looking around, it was a scene of prosperity. The stalls were crowded with people, big and small, hawking, bargaining, and children's laughter. Is this the sound of the New Year? That pair of eyes rippling with joy, is it not my mood that twinkles? All the good things in the year are on this day.

Holding the candied haws, I watched the busy street market. Try the odds and ends of candy from the next stall. Sometimes you can smell the elegant fragrance. Is this the 'taste' of the New Year?

Back home, my cousin excitedly pulled me to the living room. Show me to sit on the chair and take out a small washbasin. Bring two small blue and white porcelain bowls. Hand me a rolling pin and say, "How about we make dumplings today.

I first made a "surprise attack", and the round pieces of noodles were pressed into round dumpling skins by me in a short time. The elder sister took a rolling pin in her left hand to further process the dumpling skin. The rolled dumpling skin looked more mellow when facing the light.

Making dumplings is my favorite step. After filling, put it on the tiger's mouth and squeeze it. One by one, dumplings can be cooked. In the evening, we tasted the fruits of our own labor and watched the special New Year's party, which was the most brilliant program of 20xx. Listening to the beautiful songs, experiencing the new melody and tasting the different dumplings, I realized that this is the flavor of New Year's Day.

The New Year is the starting point of time, and New Year's Day is the first milestone of the New Year. On this day, we more often look back on the past and imagine the future. Those businesses that are about to be completed and the bright prospects that are coming are waving to us in the front. We are lured by mysterious dreams and endless happiness. So confidence and hope came back to us. Don't worry about fatigue and pain, but also go through the storm without turning back. Time is like a never - ending river, which flows through people in a hurry and quietly. A memorable 20xx year slipped away unconsciously. Ushered in a new era, people began a journey.

Standing on the white starting line of the New Year, towards tomorrow, towards the rising red sun in the east, let's release the doves in our hearts and welcome the bright day with a lilies like mood. Sincerely say: New Year! Hello!

Beginning Composition (15)

"One year old on firecracker New Year's Eve", we have grown up another year. As the saying goes, "If you want to be poor, you can go to the next level." For us who are in adolescence, this encourages and stimulates our growing morale, and also marks a new beginning.

The new semester began. When entering the campus, the first thing I saw was a new teaching building. The old teaching building standing in the middle of the playground turned into ruins, and several leafy trees were cut down, leaving two big trees living side by side. Of course, this marks a new beginning for the campus.

"It's not cold to blow the face with willow wind", yes, the spring wind is touching your face with the smell of soil, flowers and straw. The whole campus is changing its appearance. The planned campus divides a large terrace into left and right sides. The left side is a runway and football field paved with plastic, the right side is the rostrum, basketball court and badminton court, and the middle school road leads directly to the new teaching building. Green trees are planted on both sides of this school road. If chairs are placed below, how poetic it is to see the sunset here!

The classroom is filled with "new" pictures, and students are becoming more and more "beautiful". In class, the teacher raised questions, and almost every student raised their hands to express their opinions or suggestions, such as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea to show their magic. The current classroom atmosphere is very active, not only the competitiveness has been improved, but also the students' interest in reading has been growing. Compared with the past, what a world of difference! This will be a new beginning.