Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (15 Collections)
Clouds and rain drifting
2023-08-18 06:25:08

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (1)

Today, my mother bought me a very beautiful shuttlecock. It is made of two pieces of iron with holes in the middle and red and white silk thread.

After finishing my homework, I took out the shuttlecock and played. At first I could only kick one. Whenever he was ready to kick the second one, the shuttlecock always went to other places playfully. After kicking for several times, I was worried and suddenly stretched my legs. The shuttlecock failed to kick, but I fell on the ground at once. I stood up angrily, threw the shuttlecock and said, "I won't play anymore!"

At this time, my mother came over, picked up the shuttlecock and kicked it. Shuttlecock seems to listen to his mother very much. The shuttlecock follows the mother wherever she kicks and kicks several splines from time to time. I was attracted. "It's so beautiful, so great! Can you teach me?" I said eagerly.

"I can teach you, but you must be patient." I promised. Mother said, "When kicking shuttlecock, first of all, bend your right leg to raise the question." I tried to kick one. Mother looked at it and said, "No, the feet should be kicked flat. When the shuttlecock is half a meter away from the feet, it should be stretched out quickly and kicked again." After saying that, mother demonstrated one. I followed the way my mother told me to kick, once, twice... I finally learned.

Slowly, I fell in love with kicking shuttlecock. As long as I have free time, I will take it out to play. The shuttlecock listened to me like a bird on my feet.

The small shuttlecock has brought me so much happiness! I like to kick shuttlecock.

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (2)

Children, do you know what color shuttlecock is?

Don't know! Let me tell you!

The shuttlecock has many colors, like countless stars in the sky, including red, yellow, purple, and green... It is simply colorful, just like a skirt worn by girls. Many shuttlecocks are gathered together, like a beautiful and beautiful rainbow.

The impression of kicking the shuttlecock is that the foot is regarded as a "racket", and then the shuttlecock is thrown into the air, and then kicked higher with the foot. When the shuttlecock is about to land, the shuttlecock is kicked higher than the original one. How difficult! The waist should be very good and the feet should be flexible.

Hope, hope, hope, finally it's the day to kick shuttlecock! Mr. Chen divided boys into groups and girls into groups. Gradually, the game began! We quickly lined up, and then Mr. Chen whistled, and the boys and girls could not wait to step onto the stage. In the first few games, girls won, but in the last few games, boys won. When I was coming, I saw a classmate kicked the shuttlecock on Mr. Chen's head, and kicked it two meters away. Mr. Chen was frightened and worried. After a while, Mr. Chen gave him a thumbs up.

When I came, my heart was pounding, so I clenched my fists and thought: I must surpass him! Then, when I kicked, although not as far as he did, I was also very happy.

In a twinkling of an eye, the game was over, and we won. We cheered and danced happily. Suddenly, the classroom became boiling.

A small game, let me understand a truth: playing games as long as you are not afraid, you can succeed!

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (3)

On Friday, I saw my classmates kicking shuttlecock. When I got home in the afternoon, I told my mother about it. Then my mother went to the market and bought a very beautiful shuttlecock. It is made of five iron plates with holes in the middle, a plastic model and red, yellow and green feathers.

After finishing my homework, I took out the shuttlecock and kicked it like my classmates. However, when it came to my hand, it did not obey, just like a naughty boy. As soon as I kicked it, it fell to the ground. I kicked it several times, but the shuttlecock always went to other places playfully. At this time, I was worried. Suddenly I stretched my legs, but the shuttlecock didn't kick, but I fell on the ground. I don't believe I can't conquer you. So I quickly stood up, picked it up and kicked it. Thinking about the essentials of others' kicking, I kept groping. Finally, a breakthrough of "zero" was achieved. Slowly, I could kick four or five. From then on, I fell in love with kicking shuttlecock! As long as I have free time, I will take it out to play. The shuttlecock listened to me like a bird on my feet.

The small shuttlecock has brought me so much happiness! I like to kick shuttlecock.

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (4)

"I can finally kick shuttlecock, oh!" I shouted happily, as excited as the athletes. At this time, I thought of the past.

Once, Shi Si asked me to kick shuttlecock with her. I smiled awkwardly and said, "But I can only kick shuttlecock once!" She said, "I just want to help you kick shuttlecock!" I was stunned. How can there be such a good person in the world! I said hurriedly, "Go, go!" So we two came to the playground. The practice of kicking shuttlecock officially kicked off.

First of all, Shi Si said to me, "It's not easy to kick shuttlecock! Only people with quick movements can kick shuttlecock well." I patted my chest and said with confidence, "No problem." So she began to teach me. At the beginning, she made a movement of holding the shuttlecock in her hand. I saw that it was very simple, so I followed her. But she did not speak. She threw the shuttlecock up again, and I also threw it up. At this time, she said, "The next move is extremely difficult!" After that, she bent her knee and kicked the shuttlecock for ten times. I looked at her admiringly, with her mouth wide open and her eyes as big as copper bells. Shi Si smiled and said, "See it! Try it." So I bent my feet to take the past tense, The feet were stretched out unconsciously, but they could not be changed. The shuttlecock was like a bird with open wings, and I could not kick it. I was like a deflated ball, and my head hung down with anger. However, I had to kick the shuttlecock today. I repeated that action for about 30 times. Suddenly, Shi Si threw the shuttlecock in. An incredible thing happened. I kicked the shuttlecock eight times. The students gave me thumbs up. At that moment, I didn't need to mention how happy I was. I didn't believe it was true, so I tried again. Hey, this time, I kicked more. There were ten times. The shuttlecock was like a dancing butterfly. It went up and down, left and right. I was like a beautiful dancer dancing lightly, and my heart was as sweet as honey.

I can finally kick the shuttlecock. In this matter, I also understand one truth: as long as you work hard, success will always belong to you.

Later, I relied on this principle to study hard and my grades improved.

Now, no matter what I do, I only have one idea in my mind - work hard!

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (5)

"Come on! Come on! Come on..." The sound of cheering came into my ears unconsciously from the playground. Oh! Our school ushered in a fierce and interesting shuttlecock game.

We all held our heads up in the sixth grade, stood upright, walked wide, and practiced on our own ground with confidence. The students in the fifth grade were in no order. They were in charge of each other like a group of birds just out of the cage. It seemed that our momentum in the sixth grade had overwhelmed that of the fifth grade.

The commander (Teacher Fan) held the microphone and shouted: "Boys in Grade 5 came to the venue to kick shuttlecock for one minute!" Some boys in Grade 5 were elated, some were staggering, some prayed to God with their hands, and some... Boys in Grade 5 stood respectfully on the venue and listened only to the commander's order to "start"! The colorful shuttlecock is up and down. As I was about to face the reality (competition), I was unprepared. My heart was like a shuttlecock on the leg of a fifth grade boy. Sweat seeped from his forehead, and his eyes looked straight at the shuttlecock, sometimes still shining golden. It is commonly known as "Fire Eye Gold Essence". At the critical moment, I remembered a proverb: the winner is not necessarily the fastest runner. It is the most durable person. Where there is wisdom, there is success. Be super peaceful, cheer up and meet the challenge. "Stop!" The fifth grade competition ended at that moment.

After a while, it was our turn to start the sixth grade girls' competition. I stood silently on the cement floor of the teaching building. My face was tight, my eyes burst out anxious eyes, and I stared with bated breath. My lips were like two thin leaves, trembling and talking, as if I was cheering for myself. My hands tightly grasped a shuttlecock. I stood upright on one leg and bent inward on the other leg, which was level with my knee. The shuttlecock in my hands was gorgeous and moving, shining in the sun, It presents colorful light. This scene is simply a delicate and perfect sculpture. At this time, just listening to the commander's "start", I threw the shuttlecock high up in my hand, and the shuttlecock got up and jumped up. It fell down with a beautiful curve. I stepped forward to catch the shuttlecock, and a happy smile appeared on my face. At this time, I sent the shuttlecock up again. The shuttlecock jumped over my head. Oh, I can't find the shuttlecock. Ah! My upper lip bit my lower lip and left a faint tooth mark. I immediately calmed down and took a deep breath. Think: As long as you have the courage to pursue, all your dreams can come true. Chaoning, you must believe in yourself. This is the secret of success! My neck turned red to my face, and sweat slid down my cheeks. At this time, I was so calm that I found the shuttlecock. I stepped back a few steps. It was too late. At that time, I quickly lifted my leg and finally got it. Ah! When I received it, a stone in my heart landed on the ground, and I patted my beating heart again and again. I think: there is nothing difficult in the world, just for those who have a heart, a good start is half the success, and make persistent efforts. The shuttlecock came and fell lightly on my leg, just like a colorful butterfly, flying in the air and conveying my inner joy. At this time, my sweat fell down to the ground along my cheek, and the shuttlecock also fell to the ground with a sound of "Chi", but left a beautiful halo at that moment.

When the commander took the statistical table to count the scores, the blue sky had covered the whole earth, and things had reached the stage of white deterioration. The tense atmosphere suppressed my inability to breathe, and there was no way to comfort my tired heart. The commander approached me step by step with the statistical table, and my heart was pounding faster, as if it would jump out of my mouth. Some of the students around me were dejected and some were in high spirits, while I was in a daze. I didn't know what honor 81 students would get When the commander counted my score, I hesitated to tell him my score. At this moment, the students surrounded me and the commander in groups, and looked at me with strange eyes, which made me even more "Monk Zhang Er - confused". In order to know my score is the number one in the whole school, I struggled desperately in the crowd of "huge crowds". I really want to stun the commander with a stick, grab the statistical table, and have a look.

After a while, the statistician counted that I won the "third prize" for shuttlecock kicking, which made me jump three feet high. I couldn't help humming the song "Sunshine always comes after rain, please believe there is a rainbow......"

The joy of success permeates every corner of the school. The shuttlecock kick competition ended successfully when it was full of laughter and joy!

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (6)

Our class held a shuttlecock race this afternoon.

Before the game started, I was so nervous that I felt like a deer was pounding in my heart. I tried to calm down, but my heart could not help but get nervous again.

When I came to the match site, there was a light wind blowing my face, and I secretly complained that it was easy to blow the shuttlecock away when there was wind. But before I finished thinking, it was our turn to play.

With a short and powerful whistle, the game began. The rule is to see who plays the most times in one minute. For the first time, I kicked seven or eight times, which made me a little complacent. As a result, I accidentally kicked the shuttlecock a few meters away. I hurried to pick it up with some regret, and at the same time, I encouraged myself to play to my due level. Slowly, I calmed down. This move really worked. I scored 52 points when the final whistle sounded.

Then I watched Xiong Chang kick. When the first whistle sounded, she kicked slowly. Although her move was slow, it was steady. I saw shuttlecock flying happily around her feet like a bird. At last, we became more and more excited because Xiong Chang didn't have more than 60 kicks! This is an unbelievable number.

Next, I counted the number of Yang Qianying's kicks. As soon as the whistle sounded, she kicked up in a hurry. As a result, she was too impatient to eat hot tofu. As soon as she kicked the shuttlecock, it flew far away. But after she picked it up, she did not learn a lesson. As a result, "haste makes waste." Looking at it, I was a little worried about her. She only kicked 28 shuttlecocks at last.

At the end of the game, I was still thinking that kicking shuttlecock was really an interesting sport.

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (7)

Today, our class had a shuttlecock race, and the playground was already boiling up. The "tap" sound of shuttlecock kicking, and the shouting sound, became a whole crowd. It's like a vegetable market. With the whistle of Mr. Deng, everyone finally quieted down. I saw shuttlecocks flying and falling like birds.

Zeng Yuhang began to dance, and I was worried about him. He stared at the shuttlecock carefully, and did not dare to relax. It seemed that he was nervous. Although the teacher said not to make any noise to affect them, some people could not help but feel excited. They counted "31, 32, 33..." loudly, and the whistle sounded. We blurted out "52." I thought to myself, "Zeng Yuhang is very powerful. He is so nervous that he can jump 52. He has great ability."

In a moment, it was my turn. I felt uneasy. At this time, many students gathered around to watch me dance. I think: Haha, it seems that they think I am very good! I can't let them down. I will jump hard to surpass Zeng Yuhang. I started to dance, hey! The first time I didn't kick well, I only kicked two. The crowd immediately sighed with regret. I secretly read in my heart: there must be more than 52. I soon found the feeling and kicked it. At this time, I kicked 48 shuttlecocks, "Flutter, Flutter", and the shuttlecock fell off again. My good friend Yuhao immediately shouted "yeah!"

"Come on! More than Zeng Yuhang."

"49, 50, 51, 52, 53."


The students burst into cheers. I think I am sure of winning.

In the end, I played 60 times, and my Kung Fu training over the past few months was not in vain. It's not a bad thing for those who want to play Kung Fu!

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (8)

Recently, the school requires to strengthen physical exercise. Every Thursday afternoon, after school, is the time for our class activities, such as rope skipping, shuttlecock kicking or running. I bought a shuttlecock a few days ago and began to learn to kick shuttlecock. At first, badminton didn't work. After two or three kicks, I sweated. After a kick, I felt weak all over, even at night.

After my mother's advice, I slowly mastered some essentials and can play more than ten times. I am determined to practice this skill. So every afternoon I go home and practice for half an hour with my sister. The more you practice, the more energetic you will be. At first, my sister was better than me. She can play more than 40 times at a time, and I can play more than 20 times. I'm not convinced. I think she can play so much, I can, I must surpass her.

After more than a week of hard work, a miracle really happened. When I played with my sister again this afternoon, I played 52 badminton games in a row, exceeding my previous record of 45. My sister stopped at the initial 48, and I exceeded her with my own actions. I really have a sense of victory and achievement. Hehe, I like to kick shuttlecock. And found a trick, want to play for a long time to try to maintain a position, hip, hip, waist movements should be coordinated with the arm swing. The advantage of this is that it can keep the movement stable, and because it is based on the strength of the upper limbs, it can save effort, but not kicking a few times will lead to leg and waist fatigue. I really find that kicking shuttlecock can exercise and make people smarter. I will continue to work hard, and the more I kick, the better.

Through this campaign, I came up with a truth that as long as everything has goals and positive actions, there will be progress and achievements.

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (9)

Do you understand? Recently, kicking shuttlecock has become popular in our class! You may ask: Why are boys so keen on kicking shuttlecock? This is because the teacher said to us: "The school is going to hold a shuttlecock kick competition, and can give the class points." So we began to practice kicking shuttlecock.

I watched the students playing happily, and also bought two shuttlecocks. I joined them happily. These are two shuttlecocks of different colors, one is yellow and the other is green. There are many iron pieces of different sizes under the feathers. In activity class, I came to the playground in a hurry and watched the shuttlecock of other students like a little rabbit bouncing around, but never leaving their feet. I was a bit eager to try. When I started kicking, I picked up the shuttlecock and threw it into the air. I couldn't wait to lift my right foot, but as soon as I touched the instep, the shuttlecock flew out. I tried again and again to imitate the appearance of my classmates, but the shuttlecock still didn't listen, always left and right, but refused to fall on the instep continuously. As a result, I only kicked two at most after the activity class that day. When I got home, I was discouraged and told my mother, "I don't want to learn to kick the shuttlecock. It's too difficult to kick, and I can't always kick it." My mother thought about it for a while, but said to me, "Don't be angry. You can kick the shuttlecock well with more practice. When the shuttlecock falls, you should stand firm with your left foot, bend your right leg and try to pull it in as far as possible, and don't kick it too high, and you should master the location of the shuttlecock." After that, my mother picked up the shuttlecock, A demonstration was made. Everything comes to him who waits! After hard work, I can finally play several games in a row.

Kicking shuttlecock made me understand that I should not be impatient in everything, and I should deal with it calmly.

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (10)

The cold winter comes to us unconsciously. The weather is cold, but we have more outdoor sports, among which kicking shuttlecock is the most popular. When the bell rang again after class, the students rushed out of the classroom, just like the caged birds rushing to the playground, kicking shuttlecock in groups of three and five.

Watching shuttlecocks passing around at the students' feet and flying in the air like butterflies, I was extremely envious. But I'm not at all. I'm only an "audience". For a long time, I can't resist the temptation of shuttlecock. If others can learn it, I will also be able to do it. No one is born to kick shuttlecock. So I decided to learn to kick shuttlecock.

It is difficult at the beginning. At the beginning of learning to kick the shuttlecock, I threw the shuttlecock up and kicked it with my feet raised. As soon as my feet landed, I just heard the sound of "smack" and the shuttlecock was firmly seated on the ground. It really made me laugh and cry. A few times down, only two or three kicks, but a sweat. I stopped to have a rest while thinking about why? The foot falls first, and the shuttlecock falls after it. Then the shuttlecock is still high, and the foot is lifted early. I suddenly realized and started again.

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (11)

Yesterday, alas, because my leg hurt, the shuttlecock failed to kick, but it was the shuttlecock that hit me.

I have been beaten by shuttlecock this week. At first, when a classmate was kicking shuttlecock, shuttlecock was very competitive and often stood around me. Later, one of them became a group, and their count was not worth mentioning. When the shuttlecock was in the air, they all shouted, "Help, who can help me?" It was really connected with me! After a while, I withdrew this sentence, and it began to hit me. It was neither light nor heavy. I really wanted to scold it: "Can you respect me, can you focus..." Just thinking, a brisk step flew over again. Yes, it was "shuttlecock". Just when I was about to get angry, a classmate made up a knife: "Look, someone seems to owe her one million yuan." Suddenly, My face is red and green. Others are laughing and laughing. I could only follow suit. At this time, I had a grudge with shuttlecock.

Gradually, the shuttlecock stopped beating me. It went to beat the steps. The steps were beaten without saying a word. I was so impressed that I almost bowed to the guard.

Alas, I really admired and angry yesterday!

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (12)

In recent days, I am crazy about kicking shuttlecock. After each class, I went out to kick shuttlecock. Since I didn't have shuttlecock, I had to watch the students play happily. I envy them very much. The next day, I finally couldn't help but take out one yuan from my pocket to buy a red shuttlecock.

During the big break activity, I couldn't help but take out my shuttlecock and play with Xu Minqiu. We can play two shuttlecocks at most, so it's fair. We owe you one later, and I owe you one later. It's fun. Some of the students who can kick six or seven at a time always find the students who are worse than themselves and win easily. Once, Liu Yan found me with a classmate who was worse than her. I think she must die. As expected, I lost all my money. I swear that from now on, I will practice kicking shuttlecock every day. Kung Fu pays off. I have become very powerful.

After the class ended, 49 students swarmed out. The girls held colorful shuttlecocks, and the boys played with colorful yo yos. The students laughed. I declared war to Liu Yan at ten minutes between classes. First, I combed the shuttlecock's hair. With one hand, I held the handle and threw the shuttlecock into the air. When the shuttlecock fell, I kicked it up with my left leg. "One, two, three..." I counted to myself. yeah! I kicked five, broke the record, broke the record! Xu Minqiu saw that I kicked five times at a time and clapped her hands. I was as happy as if I had drunk honey. I learned a truth from it: Kung Fu pays off.

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (13)

Today, our third grade held a shuttlecock race.

It's not easy for me to kick shuttlecock. It's good to play two shuttlecocks at a time. The record is six. Before the game, I felt very nervous and afraid, and my teeth trembled slightly, because that was my weakness.

In the afternoon, the teacher took us to an open space. We practiced for a while. The teacher asked us to gather and walk into the competition field in a neat line? Football Field.

According to the rules of the game, 8 people will enter each round, and each player will play 4 times to count the total number. In the fourth round, I ranked second. I played 20. Lei Ting, the best player in our class, stepped onto the stage. He is a good shuttlecock player in our class. Look! He picked up the badminton and gently threw it into the air. When the shuttlecock fell half a meter off the ground, he kicked it up and down. He is like a light swallow. Sometimes he kicks back and forth, and his body always rotates flexibly with the shuttlecock. Everyone cheered for his skill.

With the participation of each student, the wonderful and vivid shuttlecock kick competition ended in a happy atmosphere. As a result, the total number of students in our class won the first place. The students in our class were very excited and happy!

In the future, practice kicking shuttlecock more, and win honor for Class 025 next time, so that Class 025 will always be the first!

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (14)

kick shuttlecock

Today, it was sunny. When I finished my homework in the morning, I took out the shuttlecock and asked my sister to teach me how to kick it.

I came to my sister's home with the shuttlecock happily, and saw that my sister had just finished her homework and wanted to play for a while. I think the opportunity is just right. So I opened my mouth and said to my sister, "Sister, please teach me how to kick shuttlecock. At the same time, I also want to ask you to show me some superb skills of kicking shuttlecock to open my eyes. OK?" My sister smiled and agreed.

My sister took the shuttlecock in my hand and came to an empty place outside the house. Then, she held the shuttlecock in her hand, and then she weighed the shuttlecock. Then, my sister threw the shuttlecock upward, and then she bent her right foot and lifted her leg suddenly, kicking the shuttlecock that had just fallen. In this way, my sister's eyes were fixed on the shuttlecock, her head was swinging rhythmically, her feet were falling together and moving constantly, kicking the shuttlecock upward. She kicked steadily one after another. The shuttlecock kept flying up and down on her chest, just like a blooming chrysanthemum. The shuttlecock also made a sound of "Da Da Da" when it touched her sister's foot. At the same time, my sister kept counting: "...... 21, 22, 23......" The shuttlecock suddenly ran forward as if it did not obey. The elder sister quickly took a big step forward, leaned back and stretched out her right foot to hook it with her toe, and the shuttlecock obediently returned to her

My sister kicked fifty-two at one time! Standing aside, my excellent composition focused on the writer, and I was stunned!

Next, my sister taught me the methods and steps of kicking shuttlecock, and let me learn from her slowly. Soon I learned the simplest action of kicking shuttlecock.

Composition of Kicking Shuttlecock (15)

"Wow, wow, wow! I finally succeeded, I kicked ten times, yeah!" Excited cries came from the corridor on the second floor. yes! Recently, kicking shuttlecock is popular.

There are many styles of shuttlecock, such as plastic shuttlecock, feather shuttlecock, etc. The advantage of plastic shuttlecock is that it is easy to kick, and the colors are various. Red, green, blue and purple are emerging in endlessly. Chicken feather shuttlecock: light and flexible, you can kick high and high, but the difficulty must be different! The feather shuttlecock is very popular. Its fur is very soft and comfortable to feel. It is not only very soft, but also colorful, yellow, pink, golden yellow, sky blue everything, of course, pure white can not be ignored, attractive.

There are many ways to kick shuttlecock. If you want, with some hard training, it's almost enough. Because plastic shuttlecock is easy to grasp, it can make a lot of patterns: ordinary kicking, left and right bow, shuttlecock rises and falls one after another, which is a challenge! If you are highly qualified, you can kick one on the left, one on the right, one on the right and one on the other. The feather shuttlecock can be kicked very high, which is very flexible and difficult to grasp. It is suggested to try again after practicing plastic shuttlecock. If you master it well, the feather shuttlecock can also play a lot of tricks. The feather shuttlecock can also participate in the collective play. Two to two, one foot for you and one foot for me are extremely fun. Sweeping legs, shadowless feet, high kicks, killing the ball, etc. are emerging one after another, and the moves are changeable, making the enemy's civil defense impossible.

Maybe we are tired of playing with the single color feather shuttlecock, so a new generation of self-made products came out - colorful shuttlecock. Exchange feathers with each other, or stare at the ground in front of you after class, so you can often pick up many feathers discarded by others, and you can gain a lot without paying the price. However, your neck will get sore.

In this PE class, the plastic shuttlecock, feather shuttlecock and colorful shuttlecock on the playground began to dance up and down again, one after another!