Leshan Tour Guide (18 required)
bon voyage
2023-12-24 04:15:55
fourth grade
practical writing

Guide to Leshan (1)

hello everyone! I am your tour guide. Now I will take you to visit Leshan Giant Buddha, a world famous heritage. It is located at the confluence of Minjiang River, Qingyi River and Dadu River in the east of Leshan City. It is a sitting statue of Maitreya carved according to the cliffs of Qixia Peak in Lingyun Mountain. It is said that it was first chiseled in the first year of Kaiyuan in the Tang Dynasty and took more than 90 years to complete. Its purpose is to reduce flood and benefit the people. It is called "the mountain is a Buddha, and the Buddha is a mountain". It is the largest stone carved Buddha in the world.

Look, the giant Buddha, with a well proportioned body, magnanimity and solemn spirit, is carved near the mountain and sits precariously near the river. It is magnificent. The head of Leshan Giant Buddha is at the same level as the mountain, and the foot steps on the river, and the hands touch the knees. The overall height is more than 70 meters, and the head height is about 15 meters. A round table can be placed on the head. The ear is 7 meters long and the eye is 3 meters long. 3 meters, two big men can stand between the ears. Shoulder width is 28 meters, which can be used as a basketball court. It can also seat more than 100 people on its instep, and is a real giant. There are 1021 snails on the top of the Buddha. From a distance, the bun and head are integrated, but in fact, they are inlaid with stones one by one.

Follow me, everyone. To the left of the Buddha, go down the "Cave" to the beginning of Lingyun Plank Path. The big family should be careful. The road is narrow and there are many people. Caution! Look, the plank road is nearly 500 meters long. The right side is Jiuqu plank road. A few years ago, some tourists found that the Lingyun Mountain where it is located is also like a giant sleeping Buddha. The Leshan Giant Buddha was just built in the heart of the sleeping Buddha, with more profound implications. Its majesty is one of the best in the world.

Tourists, now let's look down the narrow and high plank road. Hehe, do you think the tourists below look like little ones? Ok, everyone follow me. Now we are at the foot of the Buddha. We looked up, and the Buddha stood up to heaven and earth! You see, why can tourists touch his nose, face and eardrop with those photos? Oh, do you understand? In fact, if you choose a good angle, you can construct it! Follow me, everyone. Hehe, touch the face of the Buddha. Take a picture! Ok, disband on the spot and take a picture! Gather here in twenty minutes.

Grade 4 of A Fang Road First School: Li Zhenghan

Guide to Leshan (2)

Hello, everyone. I'm glad to be your tour guide. My name is Zhong Junhao. You can call me Junhao Tour Guide. This time we go to see Leshan Giant Buddha, a world heritage site. Let's not talk about it, let's go!

Tourists, this is our destination "Leshan Giant Buddha". Please look at the giant Buddha opposite Leshan. It has a big body, a big and strong head, long ears, elephant ears, sharp nose and small mouth. There is a red dot as big as a bean in the middle of the eyebrow. There are several different giant Buddhas on a Leshan Mountain, and each one looks different. The Buddha is 71 meters in height, 24 meters in shoulder width, 10 meters in head diameter, 7 meters in ears, 3 meters in neck height, 8.3 meters in finger length, 5-6 meters in eyebrows and nose, 3.3 meters in mouth and eyes, and 1021 hair roots on the head. Look! Leshan Giant Buddha really deserves its reputation!

Let's stop talking nonsense. Next, let's invite tourists to visit the Giant Buddha in Leshan carefully. Please don't throw rubbish when you play and do something bad for the scenic spot.

Guide to Leshan (3)

Hello, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Zhang Liangying. Now let me lead you to see Leshan Giant Buddha.

Do you know where the Leshan Giant Buddha is? Now let me tell you! In the southwest of Sichuan Province, there is a big river flowing from north to south, called Minjiang River.

The current of Minjiang River is fast and the waves are rough, which often overturns the boats on the river and drowns passers-by. It is said that more than 1200 years ago, there was a monk named Haitong who wanted to use the power of God to protect the safety of the ship, so he started to build a giant Buddha. Since then, countless stone masons have chiseled and hammered on the stone wall on the bank of Minjiang River in Leshan for 90 years, and finally carved a large stone Buddha. This is the largest stone Buddha in China - Leshan Giant Buddha.

He is 71 meters tall and his head is 14 meters long. 7 meters, 3 eyes long. It is 3 meters long, and the two are 6 meters long. With 3 meters of big ears, two people can get into each ear. The feet are 8 wide under the clothes hanging obliquely. 5 meters. The more the river wind shouted and the river roared, the Buddha showed its majesty, as if he could hold it when the sky fell.

Go and see for yourself when you have time!

Guide to Leshan (4)

Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area for sightseeing. I'm your guide Zhang. I'm responsible for your schedule today. What we see now is the world-famous millennium ancient Buddha Leshan Giant Buddha. The Leshan Giant Buddha standing in front of us is the largest stone Maitreya Buddha in the world. It is 71 meters high, 24 meters wide in the shoulder, 10 meters in the diameter of the head, 7 meters long in the ear, 3.3 meters long in the mouth and eyes, 28 meters wide in the eyebrows from the knee to the instep, 8.5 meters wide in the feet, and 1021 buns on the head. Leshan Giant Buddha is magnificent. People describe it as: "The mountain is a Buddha, and the Buddha is a mountain."

Now please take a look at the rocks on both sides of the Buddha. Please be careful not to move your hands. This kind of rock is called red sandstone, which is loose and easy to be weathered. The Leshan Giant Buddha is carved on this rock. Leshan Giant Buddha is a miracle. It has stood here for more than 1200 years. No wonder it can be included in the World Heritage List by the United Nations.

Now you can move freely. Attention: don't litter, don't destroy the world heritage, don't spit, and pay attention to safety. have a nice trip.

Guide to Leshan (5)

Dear tourists

Welcome to Leshan Giant Buddha. I'm the tour guide of Kaixin Travel Agency. I hope my explanation can satisfy you. Here I wish you all a happy, happy and full time.

Leshan Giant Buddha is located in Shaoleshan City, Sichuan Province. It has been sitting on the cliff at the confluence of Minjiang River, Qingyi River and Dadu River for 1200 years. It is also called Lingyun Giant Buddha. It has beautiful scenery and is the largest stone Buddha in the world. The statue of Buddha was excavated in 713 AD and completed in 803 AD, lasting 90 years. It was once praised by the poet as "a mountain is a Buddha, and a Buddha is a mountain".

Now please look behind me. This huge Maitreya Buddha is Leshan Giant Buddha. The length of Leshan Giant Buddha's eyes and mouth is 3.3 meters, the length of its eyebrows and nose is 5.6 meters, and the width of its feet is 8.5 meters. A banquet can be arranged on one toe of Leshan Giant Buddha. So there is absolutely no mistake that Leshan Giant Buddha is the world's largest Buddha, because it is three times higher than the highest Buddha in Yungang Grottoes in Datong, Shanxi, and 18 meters higher than the former first Buddha, Pamiyang Buddha in Afghanistan.

How did the Giant Buddha come about? What's the purpose of building this giant Buddha? Please take this question and listen to me tell a story:

In ancient times, at the confluence of the three rivers, the water was very fierce, and accidents often occurred to passing ships. A monk named Haitong showed great compassion and prepared to build a Maitreya Buddha to stop the flood, so he begged for alms every day. After a few days, I spent a lot of money. But there was a local official who was open to money. Seeing Haitong had so much silver, he wanted to extort a sum of money. Unexpectedly, Haitong said, "You can cut your throat with your own eyes. Buddha's money is rare." It means I can dig my eyes out, and you can't get a penny. The official said that Haitong should have a try, so Haitong dug out his eyes with his hands. The official was scared to death, and never bothered Haitong again. Haitong then settled down to organize the practice of Buddha. When Haitong died, the Buddha repaired his shoulder. Because Haitong died, the Buddha did not repair it. It was not until later that two people donated a lot of money that the Buddha was repaired off and on.

Well, after listening to this story, you already know the answer. Now, let's go to Leshan Giant Buddha with excitement. But please pay attention to your safety!

Guide to Leshan (6)

hello everyone! My name is Cai Yuchun. You can call me Cai Dao. Welcome to Leshan Giant Buddha, a world heritage site in China. Today, let me introduce Leshan Giant Buddha to you. Please take care of it.

Look, Leshan Giant Buddha is ahead.

The Giant Buddha is located in Leshan City, Sichuan Province. The Buddha is 71 meters high and its head is 14 meters high. With a head width of 10 meters, there are 1021 hair buns, which are inlaid with polished big stones. The Giant Buddha's ears droop over his shoulders, with ears 7 meters long and nose 5 meters long. 6 meters and 5 eyebrows. 6 meters, mouth and eyes are 3. 3 meters, 3 meters long neck, 24 meters wide shoulder, and more than 100 people can sit on their feet. Leshan Giant Buddha is the largest stone Buddha statue in the world. Except that the ear and nose bone of the Buddha are made of wood, others are carved from red sandstone. The Buddha stroked his knees with both hands, sat upright and looked solemn. Leshan Giant Buddha was started in the early years of Emperor Xuanzong's reign.

The Buddhist scriptures mentioned that Maitreya would be "peaceful in the world" when he was born, so people in the Tang Dynasty especially believed in Maitreya. At that time, the Minjiang River, Qingyi River and Dadu River, which converged at the foot of Lingyun Mountain, ran like ten thousand horses and hit the mountain wall every summer. The tragedy of ship destruction and human death often occurred. When Shi Haitong, a monk of Lingyun Temple, saw this situation, he could not bear it, so he decided to raise money to build the statue of Maitreya, and wanted to use Buddha's strength to control water and protect the safety of ships.

After the introduction of Leshan Giant Buddha, you can enjoy the rest of the time. Civilized tourists should not litter or paint. And pay attention to safety. Thank you for your support and cooperation! Welcome to come again next time.

Guide to Leshan (7)

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Leshan Scenic Area. My family name is Fu. You can call me Fu Guide. I hope my service can make you more happy, and I hope you can have a good time.

Leshan Giant Buddha is the largest Maitreya Buddha in the world. It is 71 meters high from head to foot, 24 meters wide from shoulder, 10 meters long in head diameter, 7 meters long in ears, 3.3 meters long in mouth and eyes, 5.6 meters long in eyebrows and nose, 3 meters high in neck, 8.3 meters long in fingers, 28 meters long from knee to instep, and 8.5 meters wide in feet. There are 1021 buns on the head.

Who brought us this wealth? Please come to Haishi Hall with me. The Leshan Giant Buddha was built in the early years of the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty (713 A.D.) and completed in the year 803 of the reign of Emperor Zhenyuan of the Tang Dynasty.

Look at the statue in the middle. He is the first generation of Xiuleshan Giant Buddha. Why build the Giant Buddha? Because Leshan is located at the junction of three rivers, the water is very strong, and ships are often destroyed and people are killed. Zen Master Haitong couldn't stand it, so he wanted to build a giant Buddha to stop the flood. But he had no money, so he begged for alms everywhere. A corrupt official wanted to extort money from him, but Zen Master Haitong said, "You can dig out your own eyes. Buddha's money is rare!"

The corrupt official asked him to dig out his eyes and stop asking for his money. Zen Master Haitong took a knife in one hand and a plate in the other. He really cut out his eyes. The corrupt official was so frightened that he ran away quickly. But when the Leshan Giant Buddha reached his shoulder, Zen Master Haitong died.

After ten years, Zhang Qiu Jiannan, the envoy of Xichuan, donated a salary of 200000 yuan. He repaired the Leshan Giant Buddha to his knee and was transferred to the capital as an official. The project stopped again.

After forty years, Wei Gao, the governor of Xichuan, Jiannan, donated a salary of 500000 liang to continue to build the Giant Buddha, which was completed in 803.

After listening to my explanation, we have a preliminary understanding of Leshan Giant Buddha. Let's go to the foot of Leshan Giant Buddha through the Nine Curve Plank Path!

The Jiuqu Plank Path has 173 steps, the widest of which is 1.45 meters and the narrowest of which is only 0.6 meters. Along the steps, you can see various Buddhist niches on the cliff walls, with different and lifelike expressions. The Buddhist niches were built at the same time as the Giant Buddha.

This is the end of the morning trip. I wish you all a happy trip! Thank you!

Guide to Leshan (8)

Tour Guide to Leshan Giant Buddha

Hello, everyone. I'm very happy to be your tour guide. My surname is Liu Xiyue. You can call me Xiao Liu, Liu Dao. This time we are going to see the world heritage Leshan Giant Buddha. Let's not talk about it, let's go!

Tourists, this is our destination "Leshan Giant Buddha". Please look at the giant Buddha opposite Leshan. It has a big body, a big and strong head, long ears, elephant ears, sharp nose and small mouth. There is a red dot as big as a bean in the middle of the eyebrow. There are several different giant Buddhas on a Leshan Mountain, and each one looks different. The Buddha is 71 meters in height, 24 meters in shoulder width, 10 meters in head diameter, 7 meters in ears, 3 meters in neck height, 8.3 meters in finger length, 5-6 meters in eyebrows and nose, 3.3 meters in mouth and eyes, and 1021 hair roots on the head. Look! Leshan Giant Buddha really deserves its reputation!

Let's stop talking nonsense. Next, let's invite tourists to visit the Giant Buddha in Leshan carefully. Please don't throw rubbish when you play and do something bad for the scenic spot.

Guide to Leshan (9)

Hello, everyone. Today, I'm honored to be with you to come to Leshan Giant Buddha, one of the world cultural heritage sites. I'm your tour guide. My surname is Yu. You can call me Xiaoyuer. I hope to have a pleasant journey with you.

Now, as we sit on the bus, I will tell you a story about the origin of Leshan Giant Buddha. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a Hezun called Haitong. Before the construction of Leshan Giant Buddha, the water at the confluence of Minjiang River, Qingyi River and Dadu River was very fierce, which often led to the tragedy of ship destruction and human death. Haitong traveled all over the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River to collect money and build Leshan Giant Buddha. On the way, he met a greedy man and asked Haitong for money. Haitong told him, "I can't give you money, I would rather dig out my eyes for you!" The man didn't believe it. Haitong really dug out his eyes and gave them to the man. Later, people learned that Haitong was dead, and they were very sad. More than 100000 people built the Leshan Giant Buddha together... Well, after the story is finished, it's time to get off the bus.

Now, we are walking towards Leshan Giant Buddha. It was originally 108 meters high, but now it is only 71 meters after being weathered by rain and nature. In the past, three years of natural disasters occurred. Many bodies of starving people flowed into the confluence of the three rivers. The river was full of bodies. The Buddha could not bear to look at them. He closed his eyes and shed tears.

This is Leshan Giant Buddha. If you are interested, you can take a look along the plank path. Be careful when you go down. Only one person can pass through the narrowest part of the plank path. Tourists with children, please take care of your children. Elderly people with hypertension should not go down. Also, tourists should never touch the foot of the Buddha when going down, otherwise, the staff will fine 300 yuan and let you catch the next person who touches the foot before leaving. Please enjoy the following time freely. I hope to meet you next time. I wish you a pleasant journey and goodbye!

Guide to Leshan (10)

hello everyone! I am your tour guide. Now I will take you to visit Leshan Giant Buddha, a world famous heritage. It is located at the confluence of Minjiang River, Qingyi River and Dadu River in the east of Leshan City. It is a sitting statue of Maitreya carved according to the cliffs of Qixia Peak in Lingyun Mountain. It is said that it was first chiseled in the first year of Kaiyuan in the Tang Dynasty and took more than 90 years to complete. Its purpose is to reduce flood and benefit the people. It is called "the mountain is a Buddha, and the Buddha is a mountain". It is the largest stone carved Buddha in the world.

Look, the giant Buddha, with a well proportioned body, magnanimity and solemn spirit, is carved near the mountain and sits precariously near the river. It is magnificent. The head of Leshan Giant Buddha is at the same level as the mountain, and the foot steps on the river, and the hands touch the knees. The overall height is more than 70 meters, and the head height is about 15 meters. A round table can be placed on the head. The ear is 7 meters long and the eye is 3 meters long. 3 meters, two big men can stand between the ears. Shoulder width is 28 meters, which can be used as a basketball court. It can also seat more than 100 people on its instep, and is a real giant. There are 1021 snails on the top of the Buddha. From a distance, the bun and head are integrated, but in fact, they are inlaid with stones one by one.

Follow me, everyone. To the left of the Buddha, go down the "Cave" to the beginning of Lingyun Plank Path. The big family should be careful. The road is narrow and there are many people. Caution! Look, the plank road is nearly 500 meters long. The right side is Jiuqu plank road. A few years ago, some tourists found that the Lingyun Mountain where it is located is also like a giant sleeping Buddha. The Leshan Giant Buddha was just built in the heart of the sleeping Buddha, with more profound implications. Its majesty is one of the best in the world.

Tourists, now let's look down the narrow and high plank road. Hehe, do you think the tourists below look like little ones? Ok, everyone follow me. Now we are at the foot of the Buddha. We looked up, and the Buddha stood up to heaven and earth! You see, why can tourists touch his nose, face and eardrop with those photos? Oh, do you understand? In fact, if you choose a good angle, you can construct it! Follow me, everyone. Hehe, touch the face of the Buddha. Take a picture! Ok, disband on the spot and take a picture! Gather here in twenty minutes.

Guide to Leshan (11)

Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area for sightseeing. I'm your tour guide Li. I'm responsible for your schedule today. What we see now is the world-famous millennium ancient Buddha Leshan Giant Buddha.

The Leshan Giant Buddha standing in front of us is the largest stone Maitreya Buddha in the world. Please look up. It is 71 meters tall, which is equivalent to the height of a 20 storey building with a height of three meters. The width of the shoulder is 24 meters, the diameter of the head is 10 meters, the ears are 7 meters long, the length of the mouth and eyes is 3.3 meters, the length of the eyebrows and nose is 5.6 meters, the height of the neck is 3 meters, the length of the fingers is 8.3 meters, the width of the feet is 8.5 meters, and there are 1021 buns on the head. Leshan Giant Buddha is magnificent. People describe it as "a mountain is a Buddha, and a Buddha is a mountain".

Now please take a look at the rocks on both sides of the Buddha. This rock is called red sandstone, which is loose and easy to be weathered. The Leshan Giant Buddha is carved on this rock.

Now we can move freely. We should not litter or spit. We should protect the world heritage.

Guide to Leshan (12)

Dear tourists

Hello, I'm Guide Zhong. Welcome to Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area for sightseeing. Now we see Leshan Giant Buddha, the world-famous ancient Buddha the year before last.

Let me introduce this Buddha statue to you first. It is the largest stone carved Maitreya Buddha in the world. It is 71 meters high, 24 meters wide in the shoulder, 10 meters in the diameter of the head, and 7 meters long in the ear. Two people can stand side by side in the ear. The length of mouth and eyes is 33 meters, the length of eyebrows and nose is 5.6 meters, and there are 1021 buns on the head.

The building of Leshan Giant Buddha began in 713 A.D., so you can calculate that it has been 2000 years since the Giant Buddha was established here.

Come and have a look at the rocks on both sides of the Buddha. There is a kind of rock called red gauze stone on which Leshan Giant Buddha is carved. Behind the Buddha, there are drainage caves connecting the left and right. The design of Leshan is very scientific, and a 13 story pavilion has been built. The following guests can be dismissed, but pay attention to the following points: Do not scribble or otherwise affect the viewing of other tourists, do not litter, affect the environment, do not spit anywhere, which will affect health.

Guide to Leshan (13)

Hello, tourists! I'm Hu Xiaoyu, your guide. Today we are going to visit Leshan Giant Buddha, the world's largest stone seated Buddha. I hope you have a pleasant journey.

The Leshan Giant Buddha built near the mountain is located in the east of Leshan City, Sichuan Province. The Buddha is 71 meters high and its head is 14 meters high. It is 7 meters wide and 10 meters wide. There are more than a thousand buns on the head, which can seat 100 people. The ear of the Giant Buddha is 7 meters long, which can accommodate two people to have a heart to heart talk. The shoulder of the Giant Buddha is 24 meters wide, one nail is like a large round table top, and the instep of the Giant Buddha is surprisingly large, 10 meters long. 5 meters wide and 9 meters wide, it is a small square! Aunties can dance square dance here.

When you approach the Buddha and look up, you will find that there are many holes on the head and body of the Buddha. What's the role of these holes? These are hidden drainage systems to avoid water erosion.

There is also a touching story about Leshan Giant Buddha. In the Tang Dynasty, a monk named Haitong saw the confluence of Minjiang River, Qingyi River and Dadu River, where the water was deep and the waves were surging. He often engulfed boats and endangered people. Haitong was very impatient when he saw the ship destroyed and people died. He thought: "The water situation in the three rivers is so rampant that there must be water monsters in the water. If you carve a Buddha statue on this rock mountain, you will be able to subdue the water demon and make the passing ships no longer be injured." He gathered human and material resources to repair the chisel. After several generations of hard work of stone masons, after 90 years, the giant Buddha carved against the mountain was finally built.

The Buddha's face shows mercy, his ears droop, his hands are flat on his knees, and he looks graceful and grand.

For more than a thousand years, the Leshan Giant Buddha has seen so many spring scenes in the world, and experienced so many changes in dynasties that it is still solemn, kind and unshakable.

Our great motherland, scenic spots and historic sites are colorful, and these beautiful pictures are deeply imprinted in our memory. The following is your free tour time. Please pay attention to safety, protect cultural relics and protect the environment.

Guide to Leshan (14)

Li Songmin

Hello, tourists! Welcome to Leshan, a famous tourist resort in China. I am the tour guide of Happy Travel Agency. My name is Li Songmin. You can call me Li Daomin.

You will see later that Leshan Giant Buddha is a world-famous ancient Buddha. It is the largest stone Maitreya Buddha in the world, with a total height of 71 meters, a shoulder width of 24 meters, a head diameter of 10 meters, ears of 7 meters, mouth and eyes of 5.6 meters, a neck height of 3 meters, fingers of 8.5 meters, and 1021 hair bands on the head. Leshan Giant Buddha is magnificent. People describe it as "a mountain is a Buddha, and a Buddha is a mountain".

Leshan Giant Buddha was built in the first year of Emperor Xuanzong's reign (713 A.D.) and completed in the 19th year of Emperor Zhenyuan's reign (803 A.D.). How many years has Leshan Giant Buddha been standing here? It has been 1200 years.

This magnificent project is a great miracle not only in the history of China, but also in the history of the world! Well, you can enjoy it and sigh about its magic and greatness.

Dear tourists, please be a civilized person, and remember not to litter fruit peel and paper scraps, or scribble and carve on cultural relics!

Guide to Leshan (15)

Hi, Hello, I'm the tour guide of Xinran Travel Agency. Now, let's go to visit Leshan Giant Buddha.

Dear tourists, this Leshan Giant Buddha is located in Leshan City, Sichuan Province, where Minjiang River, Qingyi River and Dadu River converge, facing Leshan City across the river. The Giant Buddha was chiseled from the cliffs of Qiluan Peak in Lingyun Mountain on the east bank of Minjiang River. It was called the Stone Statue of Maitreya in Lingyun Temple in Jiazhou, and it was the sitting statue of the ancient Maitreya Buddha. Leshan Giant Buddha is one of the artistic masterpieces of the Tang Dynasty's Moyan statues, and is the world's largest stone seated statue of Maitreya Buddha. The posture of the Buddha sitting with his hands on his knees is solemn, the drainage facilities are hidden, and the design is ingenious. The statue of Buddha was carved in the first year of Emperor Xuanzong's reign (713 AD). It was initiated by Zen Master Haitong to reduce the water potential and save all living beings. After the death of Zen Master Haitong, the project was forced to stop. Many years later, it was continued by Zhang Qiu and Jiannan Xichuan envoys and Wei Gao. It took 90 years to complete the project in the 19th year of Zhenyuan (A.D. 803) of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty. It was praised by modern poets as "a mountain is a Buddha, and a Buddha is a mountain". Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area is composed of Lingyun Mountain, Mahao Rock Tomb, Wuyou Mountain and other landscapes, with an area of about 8 square kilometers. The scenic spot is within the scope of Mount Emei Scenic Area, a national 5A level scenic spot and a well-known scenic resort. In ancient times, there was a saying that "up to Emei, down to Lingyun".

The head of Leshan Giant Buddha is level with the mountain, and the feet step on the river, and the hands touch the knees. The giant Buddha is symmetrical, solemn, chiseled against the mountain, and sitting on the river. The Buddha is 71 meters high, 14.7 meters high, 10 meters wide, 1051 buns, 7 meters long ears, 5.6 meters long nose and eyebrows, 3.3 meters long mouth and eyes, 3 meters high neck, 24 meters wide shoulder, 8.3 meters long fingers, 28 meters from knee to instep, 8.5 meters wide instep, and can seat more than 100 people on the foot. It is the largest Buddha statue in the world. On the cliffs along the river on the left and right sides of the Giant Buddha, there are two stone carvings of Dharma Protector's Heavenly King, which are more than 16 meters tall, forming a pattern of one Buddha and two Heavenly Kings with the Giant Buddha. All visitors are amazed.

This giant Buddha is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient Chinese people, from which we can see the extraordinary courage of the ancient Chinese people.

Guide to Leshan (16)

Dear tourists

hello everyone! Welcome to Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area. I'm the tour guide of the scenic spot. My name is Wei Chunyun. You can call me Wei Dao. I will show you around today. I hope you will be civilized tourists!

First of all, let me give you a general introduction to the scenic spot. Leshan Giant Buddha is the largest stone statue of Maitreya Buddha in the world. It has a long history. It was built in 713 AD. It has stood here for more than 1200 years! It was built by many craftsmen for 90 years. Next, let's talk while walking.

Leshan Giant Buddha is located in the southwest of Sichuan Province in China, surrounded by Minjiang River, Qingyi River and Dadu River, which are collectively called "Leshan Three Rivers". Sitting on the boat and looking at the Buddha from the front, you will find that the Buddha is located on the shady slope on the west side of Lingyun Mountain, surrounded by dense trees and stable geological structure. Therefore, although there are red sandstones around, the Buddha is still not completely weathered. However, the state often allocates special funds to wash the face of the Buddha.

People say it: the mountain is a Buddha, and the Buddha is a mountain. The Buddha is 71 meters high; Shoulder width: 24m; Ears are 7 meters long, and each ear can penetrate two people; Its eyes and mouth are 3.3 meters long; The length of eyebrows and nose is 5.6 meters. Surprisingly, the diameter of its head is 10 meters, which is as high as five floors! Its fingers are 8.4 meters long. Its total length from knee to instep is 28 meters, and its foot width is 8.5 meters. If people stand next to each other, each of its feet can stand more than 100 people! There are 1021 buns on the head of Leshan Giant Buddha. How about it? How awesome!

It is said that Leshan Giant Buddha was initiated by a monk named Haitong. At that time, the Minjiang River was so turbulent that passers-by were often drowned. Haitong Monk couldn't bear to watch it, so he raised huge money to build Leshan Giant Buddha, hoping it could withstand the surging river. At that time, a rich man wanted to get this huge sum of money, so Haitong Monk said to the rich man, "I would rather dig out my eyes than give you the money." Seeing that the rich man didn't believe it, he dug out his eyes with both hands. The moneyman was scared out of his wits, so he gave up the idea. Later, Haitong called on many people to build Leshan Giant Buddha. At that time, there were no modern tools, such as excavators and forklifts. They were all built by hand with one hammer and one chisel. It took 90 years to build successfully.

Well, that's all for today's introduction. I hope my introduction will leave a deep impression on you. Thank you for coming. Leshan Giant Buddha is the crystallization of the wisdom of our working people. I hope you can introduce this spectacular scene to more friends. Thank you!

Guide to Leshan (17)

After saying goodbye to the two Buddhas, we came to the "Tibetan Buddha Cave" again. Why is it called Tibetan Buddha Cave? Because in ancient times, there were several "Buddha exterminations", people destroyed cultural relics, burned temples, massacred monks, and many Buddha statues were also destroyed. In order to protect these statues and cultural relics, monks hid them in a cave and moved them out after the storm subsided. In these disasters, all monks who hid Buddhas were spared. Until a long time ago, someone accidentally found this cave with several Buddhas and hundreds of cultural relics. When entering the cave, the first thing I saw was a thousand handed Avalokitesvara with a serious look. There were countless hands. Each hand had a magic weapon, and a pure bottle was held in the chest with several willow branches inserted inside. On both sides of the Bodhisattva are two patron deities of the Buddha, one holding a Buddhist staff and the other holding a magic weapon. They look serious. It seems that if anyone dares to disrespect the Buddha, he will give him a blow.

Out of the Tibetan Buddha Cave, we walked around the pavilions and came to the top of the mountain. You see, there are so many people here. Here, we can see the head of the Giant Buddha. You see, there are countless spiral buns. The cracks are covered with moss, which can be seen that they are very old. At the foot of the mountain, we can see the "true face of Mount Lushan" of the Giant Buddha. We can't help sighing: What a giant Buddha! The head of the giant Buddha is level with the top of the mountain, and he looks solemn. His ears are more than three meters long, longer than a car. The Buddha sat upright, facing the river, with his hands flat on his knees, and could stand more than a dozen people on his hands! Big? No wonder people say that Leshan Giant Buddha is great, but it is really "the Buddha is a mountain, and the mountain is a Buddha".

Leshan Giant Buddha is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient working people. How many people's sweat and wisdom have condensed into this magnificent Leshan scenery! Well, today's tour is over. Have a nice day!

Guide to Leshan (18)

Look, the giant Buddha, with a well proportioned body, magnanimity and solemn spirit, is carved near the mountain and sits precariously near the river. It is magnificent. The head of Leshan Giant Buddha is at the same level as the mountain, and the foot steps on the river, and the hands touch the knees. The overall height is more than 70 meters, and the head height is about 15 meters. A round table can be placed on the head. The ear is 7 meters long and the eye is 3.3 meters long. Two big men can stand between the ears. Shoulder width is 28 meters, which can be used as a basketball court. It can also seat more than 100 people on its instep, and is a real giant. There are 1021 snails on the top of the Buddha. From a distance, the bun and head are integrated, but in fact, they are inlaid with stones one by one.

Follow me, everyone. To the left of the Buddha, go down the "Cave" to the beginning of Lingyun Plank Path. The big family should be careful. The road is narrow and there are many people. Caution! Look, the plank road is nearly 500 meters long. The right side is Jiuqu plank road. A few years ago, some tourists found that the Lingyun Mountain where it is located is also like a giant sleeping Buddha. The Leshan Giant Buddha was just built in the heart of the sleeping Buddha, with more profound implications. Its majesty is one of the best in the world.

Tourists, now let's look down the narrow and high plank road. Hehe, do you think the tourists below look like little ones? Ok, everyone follow me. Now we are at the foot of the Buddha. We looked up, and the Buddha stood up to heaven and earth! You see, why can tourists touch his nose, face and eardrop with those photos? Oh, do you understand? In fact, if you choose a good angle, you can construct it! Follow me, everyone. Hehe, touch the face of the Buddha. Take a picture! Ok, disband on the spot and take a picture! Gather here in twenty minutes.