Others' Feelings (9 Collections)
As blue as heart
2024-02-22 01:30:58
Junior two

Others' feelings (1)

Palestinian poet Dawesh said: "When you make breakfast, think of others/don't forget to feed pigeons..." You are not the only person in the world, but you, me and him. Before doing anything, we must think of others.

Thinking about others is a noble virtue. In life, there are many things worth thinking about for others, such as whether you consider others' feelings when stacking garbage in the corridor; When splashing water downstairs, do you think others will get wet by you... So, many things need to be thought of for others, then, how do I think of others? It was the first day of winter vacation. I went to my aunt's house with a happy mood to enjoy the winter vacation. When I got on the bus, the carriage was empty. Only a few people found a seat at random. When the bus came to the Century Plaza station, the crowd poured up, most of them were children. When the seats were full, some parents stood there with their children in their arms, My heart began to waver, and the fight began: let's step aside, it's hard for so many children and parents; Don't give up your seat. It's not easy for us to have a holiday. We have to have a good rest. What are you going to do if you give up! My heart began to tangle. Do you want to make room for those people? Hesitating, I stood up firmly and gave my place to someone who needed more than I did. This is to think about the feelings of others.

This kind of thing happens not only in the society, but also in schools. Let's talk about our math class. Teacher Zhou is eloquent and eloquent on the platform. However, few people are listening to the knowledge points explained by the teacher carefully. Some people just chat with other students and talk about their favorite topics, soul! I don't know where I flew; Some students seem to be listening carefully. In fact, they are just sitting there with a body. In fact, they don't know what they are thinking about, such as the scenes of computer games, the fragments of novels, and the disgusting cartoon plots. Anyway, their thoughts are on extra-curricular things, and they don't listen to the teacher at all. You talk very much, and you daydream very much, You are laughing very happily. You are so free... But, have you ever thought of the teacher's feelings at this time? Teacher Zhou tells us discipline again and again, don't be distracted, don't be distracted! However, this does not awaken your soul of learning, nor your body that has already lost its soul. At this time, Mr. Zhou's voice is hoarse, his head is big, and his heart is tired. However, you are still in charge of your own business. Even if you did not listen to the class, you have thought about what you have done in your spare time and how much it has affected the teacher's mood, Have you ever thought carefully about the feelings of teachers? How much you think about the feelings of others!

At the sports meeting, the students showed all their charm. It was really the Eight Immortals crossing the sea. However, when the girls' project came, the competition began. The students in their own class participated in the competition and struggled for the score. But oh, those boys who did not obey didn't shout cheers. Yes, they didn't shout cheers, but why did others try their best but fail to do anything, Why did some boys in our class or some boys in other classes shamelessly shout a shameless word: "garbage!" Have you ever thought about others' feelings before you said this? If you think you can say it, go ahead. It's really a good saying, "Bad words hurt people in June"! I really don't want to think about other people's feelings! When you can sit in the spacious and bright classroom to read and write, you don't cherish it, but you can think of others, those children in the mountains, if you don't study hard, those children, more than you need! When you can hold an iPhone 6s mobile phone, play with an advanced computer, watch an advanced LCD TV, eat advanced food, and live in a spacious and beautiful house, when you donate money, you are just throwing it away. Think of others!

I hope that people in this world, or respectable students, think more about the feelings of others!

Others' feelings (2)

On Friday, my mother and I went shopping at Wal Mart. My mother wanted to manicure her nails. I thought it was boring, so I kept on talking. In order to send me away, my mother gave me ten yuan to buy bread. I rushed downstairs excitedly and ran into the bakery. I quickly picked a sandwich, paid for it, and walked out of the bakery. I sat beside my mother, eating and watching her manicure. My mother asked, "Is it delicious?" I said, "Of course it is!" My mother asked, "Did you buy me one?" I was stunned. I didn't think of my mother at all. She helped me study, wash my clothes, and tidy my desk

She helped me too much, but I never thought about her. Maybe I should think more about other people's feelings.

Others' feelings (3)

There is a saying: "Help others to be happy." Then, do you know what it's like to be helped by others? Not to mention others, I have been helped by others. I know that feeling is very special.

It happened in the mountain area where my mother took me. There were mountains and water, but the mountains were high and deep. I was very afraid, but also very excited, because I had not climbed the mountain. The mountain was full of stones. At first, I was not afraid, because there was a guardrail to protect me and it was just a small bridge. But later, there was no guardrail, but a stone road. I was inadvertently afraid.

Just when I didn't know what to do, an uncle who had only seen one side gently held my hand like an angel and said, "Don't be afraid, let's go together." Suddenly, I felt like a small flower that had lost its warmth and vitality for a long time and was about to wither, suddenly getting sunshine and full of vitality. At that time, I smiled happily. Because the uncle I met for the first time led me out of the dangerous steep slope, out of the huge canyon, and through the gurgling water. In this way, we walked through mountains, valleys and rivers together. Finally, we reached the top of the mountain, because we worked hard, hand in hand, like going through ups and downs together, and finally saw the beautiful rainbow!

How meaningful it is to help others! As a person helped by others, I can feel the gratitude in my heart after being helped by others. It can't be seen or touched, but the world is full of happiness.

Others' feelings (4)

In these 11 years, I have been growing every day. In the past 11 years, there have been countless happiness, surprise, sadness and sadness for me... Every taste and every fragment of life have been printed in my mind sporadically. There are many things that make me realize the truth of life one after another. Today, I will choose one to talk about.

I remember last year, a group of American high school students came to our campus. I actively applied for American students to stay in our house temporarily. Finally, i got my wish, and i invited an excellent american sister: christine. I am very happy.

One afternoon, we went home from school as usual. But on the way, she met two friends who came to China with her. They want to go to Starbucks with us for coffee. The other two students from our school also readily agreed. Because I didn't tell my mother-in-law in advance that if I went there without permission, I was afraid that my mother-in-law, who was waiting for me at home after school, would be worried, but the other five people agreed. Because of my face, I had to grit my teeth and nod. Then we came to Starbucks. We ordered many delicious snacks and refreshing coffee. I forgot that my mother-in-law was waiting for us to go home. We talked happily together in English. Foreign sisters always praised our English.

After eating Starbucks' snacks and drinking Starbucks' coffee, we still had more than enough. We went to play four more games, playing badminton, playing dogs, and playing hide and seek... We were sweating and happy beyond description, but no one noticed that the clock was pointing to 7 o'clock. Finally, I subconsciously looked down at my watch. Surprised, God, it's already 7:00! I hurried to tell Christine and said hello to several other companions, so we hurried home. My heart beat faster all the way. I think my mother-in-law must be worried to death. Sure enough, I saw my mother-in-law at the gate of Phase 5. We hurried forward, getting closer and closer, and I saw the crystal tears in my mother-in-law's eyes. I know, that's because my mother-in-law

Worry about me. Suddenly, I felt extremely guilty. The words of apology were said side by side.

Now, I will always remember what my mother-in-law said to me that day: "Children, people should pay more attention to the feelings of their families, many things are like this. You should think about others from a different perspective, mother-in-law, I hope you will grow up quickly!"

Whenever I reflect on this sentence, I always feel my mother-in-law's deep love and expectation for me.

Others' feelings (5)

Dudu is a cute fat dog and lives a happy life every day. However, one day, the little master was fascinated by music, and the room was full of accordions, pianos

"Zizi", the little master began to play the harsh music again. He practiced with great interest, but Dudu wanted to find a hole in the ground to escape the sound of the piano. At night, the little master's snore was like thunder, and Doodle could not sleep. He thought to himself: It's all the fault of these zithers. Since the little master began to practice, I haven't had a good night's sleep. He went to the door, lay on the ground and slept, and had a strange dream.

Dudu dreamed that he was sitting on a red blanket, comfortable and quiet. Suddenly, it heard the piercing sound of the piano again. With a sound of "wow", a crystal violin appeared in front of it, and Doodle stepped back in fear. "Pa", it seems that it hit something. When it looked back, it barked. It hit a piano that was longer than the stairs. Then, the crystal violin and piano began to play automatically. The sound was even worse than that of the little master. The two kinds of zithers slowly approached, and Dudu was squeezed into the middle. "Wang", Dudu woke up with a start.

The little master also had a dream that when he was playing the violin, he scared everyone away. Even his best friend said, "Your piano sound is so harsh, you don't feel anything, do you know how I feel?" After that, he left with everyone, even Doodle, who has always accompanied him.

When the little master woke up, he realized his mistake, found Doodle outside the door, held it up, and said, "Sorry, I know I was wrong, and I will consider your feelings."

Doodle heard this and cheered loudly.

Others' feelings (6)

More consideration should be given to the feelings of others. Composition 800 (1)

Know how to share 800 words of composition

Know how to share 800 words of composition (1)

When the first ray of sunshine in spring shines in front of the window, don't forget the birds themselves>harvest>warm>happiness; When the first cool wind of summer blows across your face, don't forget to tell the cicadas the happiness of the gentle summer wind; When>the first fallen leaf of autumn is flying in the air, please remember that the warbler who sings gently shares the vicissitudes of life he has experienced in the fallen leaves; When every snow comes in winter, remember to bring blessings to friends far away. This is the joy of sharing.

For a long time, I have kept myself in a small world, where my joys, sorrows, my successes and failures, my ideals and pursuits hide everything. I am used to bearing everything and enjoying success alone. When I was sad, I quietly looked up at the stars in the sky that were not very bright, taking away my pain; When frustrated, listen to those sad tunes alone, let the beating notes take away my troubles; When I succeed, I always silently write down my happy mood in my diary,  I like to watch the rain quietly by the window and chew on my worries alone; Like to shout loudly, when the wind takes away troubles, crosses the Indochina Peninsula and falls into the Pacific Ocean; I like to wash away my dusty memory in the rain.

I don't know how to describe myself? Is it sentimental or neurotic? In short, I can't find suitable words to express it. I like to watch the sky and listen to the rain silently; I also like to make up some words from time to time to fill my heart and express my feelings. But those gorgeous words are often permeated with sadness and lamentation. Life is short and youth is fleeting. Because my neuroticism cannot be reconciled with the joy of others, no one shares the irrelevant words I wrote, and no one spends too much time thinking about my pessimism and looming sadness.

I grew up slowly in ignorance, I learned slowly in growth, I slowly turned back in change, I slowly became happy in communication, and I slowly separated in happiness. I know that what should be shared with others should be more happiness than endless melancholy. As a result, the haze in my heart was evaporated by the sun, and the sadness that my mind was constantly in disorder was also blown down by the wind. My happiness began to be shared. At this time, I felt it was good to have someone share with me.

The rain is still falling, the wind is still blowing, but just for a moment, the afternoon sun will shine through the clouds. Gradually the rain stopped, and the fresh world was frozen in the sunny smile.

The wound was blowing in the night wind, and the unprovoked darkness submerged the sadness I left behind. In the birdsong, the morning glow has become crimson, and I am still stepping on the morning dew, breathing the sad air that still vaguely remains, heading for the distance. The rising sun reflects my firm smile, and the dawn paves the road. I see that the road in the future is no longer rough, no longer so lonely, because someone has shared my feelings, which can comfort my uncertain emotions. composition

On the way of growing up, thank you for sharing my troubles with wind and rain, and thank you for sharing my happiness with friends. The dusty door gradually opened, and I learned that sharing is actually so simple.

Know how to share 800 words of composition (2)

When did I learn to share? Is it the time to share apples from your sister? It's from grandparents

The egg?

That time, the smile on her sister's face was as gorgeous as the sun and flowers. She took out a big green and red apple from her bag, wiped it with her sleeve, and then smiled and handed it to me. I took a big bite and gave it back to her. I stared at the apple and my sister's face nervously. When my sister took a gentle bite and handed it to me, I was relieved, and then took another big bite under her smiling eyes

I have lived in my grandparents' home since I was young. The life in the countryside is simple and plain, but there is also love and happiness in the simple life. In my memory, Grandma always left delicious food to me and Grandpa, but she always hated to eat. I remember one time, three grandparents and grandchildren had dinner together, and the atmosphere was harmonious and quiet. Dinner was very simple. One bowl of noodles for each person. My grandfather and I each had a poached egg in our bowl, but my grandmother didn't. After Grandpa found out, as usual, he used chopsticks to clip the eggs in his bowl into two halves and put the other half into Grandma's bowl. "You should eat more. You'd better eat." Grandma said as she put the half of the egg back into Grandpa's bowl. How could grandpa give in! So he picked it up and put it in Grandma's bowl. In this way, after a long time of humility, Grandma finally put the half piece of eggs into my bowl as usual: "You are growing up, you eat it."

Looking at my kind and thin grandmother, I felt that I should not accept this half of the eggs. My head was quickly thinking about how to send it out easily. Suddenly, an inspiration came to me. I remembered the trick I saw in the book, so I came up with a plan.

"The egg is so salty!" I took a small piece and tasted it, then shouted to Grandma.

"How salty?" Grandma looked at me in surprise.

"Don't believe it? Try it!" I said as I quickly transferred the half of the eggs to Grandma's bowl.

Grandma took a sip and was about to say something when she suddenly saw me laughing. She immediately understood my plan, "you little monster!" She was about to get the eggs back into my bowl.

"I only want half at most, otherwise I don't want any." I coquetry.

Finally, Grandma had no choice but to share that half of the eggs with me.

That night, it was the first time in my life that I took the initiative to share things with others. In the yellow light, we three ate quietly, but I think the air is full of love and care

On that day, for the first time in my life, I felt the joy and happiness brought by sharing!

Know how to share 800 words of composition (3)

"There may be many people worth appreciating when people are alive, but what you should appreciate most is yourself." I remember reading this sentence for the first time, but I didn't know what it meant until I understood the little-known side of my father.

When his father was in a bad mood, he was glad to play with some of his flowers on the balcony. When I am in a bad mood, I like the sunny day

Enjoy father's flowers on the stage. Father said that watering flowers, loosening soil and weeding is a kind of enjoyment, but I think flower appreciation is the best feeling.

My father's experiment project was changed. He was depressed for several days and went to the balcony to plant flowers when he was free. I loved my father's body and went to the balcony to see him. Father stared at a grass in the flowerpot, motionless. "Daddy, why don't you pull it out?" I asked. Father said, "It's too tender. It's a pity to pull it up!"! But my father murmured, "Isn't it worth my appreciation?" "Dad, do you appreciate the grass?" I was surprised. Father suddenly turned around and said, "No, I appreciate myself."

"Ah!" I couldn't help being stunned. My father, who has always been bookish, was a bit stern and firm beyond a scholar. My father suddenly said slowly, "I admire myself because I am as tough and unyielding as this grass. You see, this flowerpot is full of debris used to fix the seedlings, and the grass is hard to drill out of the debris. I am the same. My experiment project has been replaced, but I submitted an application to participate in the experiment yesterday. I want to participate in this experiment that I am not good at. I want to see my own ability. This alone is worth appreciating. " I looked at my father's eyes in shock. I believe that my father will succeed in this experiment. With his eyes, I believe.

My father paused for a moment and asked me lovingly, "Son, do you appreciate yourself?" I was stunned again. What a profound topic! Seeing that I didn't answer, my father smiled and said to me, "To appreciate myself, we must find our own shining point, be confident and optimistic. You are an adult, and you should understand." My father's words were very deep, but I heard them very well. I know that my father casts my character, character and personality with deep fatherly love.

Learn to appreciate your own cheerful self-confidence, your own wisdom and generosity, and your noble sentiments. All these were taught to me by my father. I finally understood the words I said before: "There may be many people worth appreciating when you are alive, but what you should appreciate most is yourself." After the sudden enlightenment, I want to shout to the world: "I appreciate myself most."

More consideration should be given to the feelings of others. Composition 800 (2)

Senior Three Composition Training III Writing Guidance

Lecturer: Feng Zhaolian

People do not live in a vacuum: they live in a society composed of "others". Everyone will "feel" what you say and do, and what you do.

Please write an article with no less than 800 words on the topic of "others' feelings".

Requirements: (1) Self selected angle; (2) Self determined; (3) There is no limit to the style except poetry; (4) The style is distinctive.

Writing Guidance

According to the materials, this composition topic is to guide students to think about whether "others' feelings" are important or not, or whether they care about it. This topic has three characteristics:

(1) There is a certain openness. You can establish such views as "others' feelings are important" or "care about others' feelings", or "others' feelings are not important" or "why care about others' feelings".

(2) Have strong speculation. No matter what kind of viewpoint is established, it is necessary to analyze the specific problems, and tell the circumstances and reasons. It should be noted that opinions cannot be absolutized, and arguments should be made at a certain level or conditionally. On this point, special attention should be paid to writing argumentative papers, giving examples and analyzing arguments. Because we can easily see whether your argument is dialectical or not from the examples and argumentation analysis in the article.

(3) It has strong practical pertinence. In real life, people tend to go to extremes. They either always look at others' faces and do everything based on their feelings and evaluations; Or they are self-centered, do not understand others, and do not consider others' feelings: as a result, they have lost the direction of life, and even have to pay a painful price for it. In fact, the topic of composition is to ask students to face these problems and think about life rationally.

Typical materials

1. Others' feelings

This incident happened in the resort village of Phuket, where I worked as an English translator and public relations officer. One day, in the hall, I suddenly saw a Japanese staff member with an apologetic face comforting a Western child about four years old. The frightened child was exhausted from crying. After asking why, I found out that the Japanese staff member, because there were many children that day, was negligent. After the children's tennis class, he counted one less and left the Australian child on the tennis court. When she found that the number of people was wrong, she rushed to the tennis court to bring the child back. The child was frightened and cried because she was alone on the remote tennis court. Now Australian mother appears and looks at her child crying miserably. If you were the mother, what would you do? Give the staff a good scolding? Or was he so angry that he took the child away and never joined the "Children's Club" again? Or protest directly to the supervisor? None of them! I saw this mother with my own eyes, squatting down to comfort the four year old child, and rationally told him: "It's all right. The Japanese sister is very nervous and sad because she can't find him. She didn't mean to. Now you must kiss the Japanese sister's cheek and comfort her!" At the moment, I saw the four year old child, putting up his heels, Kiss the face of the Japanese worker squatting beside him, and gently tell her: "Don't be afraid, it's all right!" When you feel sad and afraid, don't forget the feelings of others; When you help your friends, don't forget not to hurt others.

2. Lin Zhiling bends down to take a picture with a man

When Lin Zhiling was shooting the advertisement, the agent and assistant beside Lin Zhiling also kept busy until seven o'clock in the evening. At this time, Lin Zhiling and the staff beside her

Take a group photo and say thank you very gently. She wore a pair of flat shoes, but some men were not as tall as her. Lin Zhiling bent down very thoughtfully to take photos. Some people commented that she was very sweet, but "thank you" was very useful, and bending over was very appreciated. He is a very sensible, considerate person who cares about others' feelings and has the "style" of a star.

3. Two famous quotes of Jobs

Your time is limited, so don't live for others. Don't be limited by dogma, and don't live in other people's ideas. Don't let others' opinions influence your inner voice. The most important thing is to follow your heart and intuition bravely. Only your heart and intuition can know your true thoughts. Everything else is secondary.

Are you tired of living for others? Don't hesitate. This is your life. You have absolute autonomy to decide how to live. Don't be bound by what other people do. Give yourself a chance to cultivate your creativity. Don't be afraid, don't worry. Live the life of your choice and be your own boss!

Example 1: Other people's feelings

A single tree does not make a forest. Everyone is a tree and is a member of the forest family. In the society, everyone's words and deeds, every move, others will feel. Therefore, at any time, we should not only consider ourselves, but change

Others' feelings (7)

In this society, everything is good, the progress is fast, and the speed of the times is fast. In fact, many material aspects have mostly satisfied us, and our material life can almost be said to be very good. Keren are all creatures with desires. Some of us are always unsatisfied and want more. People are also highly intelligent creatures. When people really become unscrupulous, they are always terrible.

People, a selfish creature, sometimes we can't even compare with wolves. The wolf is cruel and ruthless, but this is just the surface of fighting against the enemy. I have never seen it in the zoo, even if the wolf is bad and cruel. Although they are ruthless against the enemy, their companions are very united. They want to help their companions even if they die, but their companions are all affectionate and loyal, so no wolf ever wandered into the zoo. Sometimes we really like wolves, because we may not be as good as wolves sometimes. It is said that husband and wife should fly separately with the forest birds in the face of disaster. Even the husband and wife are still like this, not to mention the human beings who originally have a layer of interpersonal relationship? Friends often become so vulnerable. People want to cover their inner ugliness with a beautiful canvas, but they become more and more hypocritical. It is said that people are high animals, but in the face of some noble qualities, where are we higher than some united animals like wolves?

The biggest aspect of human selfishness is that we often get the benefits we want, and don't care about other people's feelings. Human relationships, how can we not care? Our immediate interests are small, but we will regret losing our true friends all our life. The truth is that there are only a few people who really understand and can do it. When we really give up our own interests and care about others' feelings, there are really few people who can make up our minds to do it. Most of the time, we only care about how much we can gain from this thing, and seldom care about others' views on you and what you do.

It is precisely because people are sometimes selfish that we tend to lose more important interests than gains. It is said that people don't kill for themselves, and people have a selfish and biased heart. I admit that no matter who has it, we really have to give up some interests at an important moment. Future long-term friends are always more important than immediate interests. Seeking confidants in life is always more important than immediate interests, but few people understand the truth, We can only shrink and shrink our selfishness

Others' feelings (8)

In this society, everything is good, the progress is fast, and the speed of the times is fast. In fact, many material aspects have mostly satisfied us, and our material life can almost be said to be very good. Keren are all creatures with desires. Some of us are always unsatisfied and want more. People are also highly intelligent creatures. When people really become unscrupulous, they are always terrible.

People, a selfish creature, sometimes we can't even compare with wolves. The wolf is cruel and ruthless, but this is just the surface of fighting against the enemy. I have never seen it in the zoo, even if the wolf is bad and cruel. Although they are ruthless against the enemy, their companions are very united. They want to help their companions even if they die, but their companions are all affectionate and loyal, so no wolf ever wandered into the zoo. Sometimes we really like wolves, because we may not be as good as wolves sometimes. It is said that husband and wife should fly separately with the forest birds in the face of disaster. Even the husband and wife are still like this, not to mention the human beings who originally have a layer of interpersonal relationship? Friends often become so vulnerable. People want to cover their inner ugliness with a beautiful canvas, but they become more and more hypocritical. It is said that people are high animals, but in the face of some noble qualities, where are we higher than some united animals like wolves?

The biggest aspect of people's selfishness is that we often get the benefits we want, without caring about others' feelings. Human relationships, how can we not care? Our immediate interests are small, but we will regret losing our true friends all our life. The truth is that there are few people who really understand and can do it. When we really give up our own interests and care about others' feelings, there are really few people who can make up our minds to do it. Most of the time, we only care about how much we can gain from this thing, and seldom care about others' views on you and what you do.

It is precisely because people are sometimes selfish that we tend to lose more important interests than gains. It is said that people don't kill for themselves, and people have a selfish and biased heart. I admit that no matter who has it, we really have to give up some interests at an important moment. Future long-term friends are always more important than immediate interests. Seeking confidants in life is always more important than immediate interests, but few people understand the truth, We can only shrink and shrink our selfishness

Others' feelings (9)

Why insist on a mind without rivers and seas? It may be a wise choice to learn from the sages, go against their ways, and pay active attention to the feelings of others.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty didn't realize this, and he dug the canal regardless of the people's feelings of millions of laborers. As a result, life was ruined and the country was destroyed. Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty understood this, reduced taxes and taxes, recuperated, and made the country rich and the people strong and the world prosperous. Stephen Chow went his own way regardless of the actors' feelings, which caused public anger and was denounced by the media. Chen Kaige is considerate and kind to actors, which not only makes the box office permanent, but also wins a good reputation. Only by paying attention to the feelings of others can we "learn from others", know the gains and losses of our friends, and make a clear understanding of our own words and deeds.

Whose departure made the Indian people mourn? Whose departure can stand the high respect of flying the flag at half mast? Mother Teresa won the applause of the world with her lifelong attention to the poor people. He deeply felt the feelings of people in the slum, helped them with his ordinary hands and sincere heart, and brought them warmth in the cold.

it happens that there is a similar case. As a blind person, Sablia Tambeken deeply felt the loneliness and helplessness of the blind, so she founded a global mutual aid group for the blind, and brought her care into the hearts of every blind person. Based on their profound understanding of other people's feelings, they embarked on the road of contributing to society, bringing warmth to the world, and also spreading glory for their own lives.

The lack of attention to the feelings of others is a social sorrow. I will never forget the sound of gunfire echoing over Finland, or the lonely teenager who yearns for friends. "I can't decide my own origin, why no one makes friends with me?" Orvinen, a helpless teenager who went to ruin, ended his tragic life with the sound of a gun, which also triggered the world's alarm. Imagine if there was a friend around, how could he end this only nostalgia?

Friends, please pay attention to others' feelings, your life will be more exciting.