It's not easy to say I love you 600 (15 recommended)
A prodigal son in the end of the world
2023-08-29 07:41:03
Junior three

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (1)

Complex clues and tantalizing scenes;

The sound from the far valley is magical.

In your full body, there are many puzzles and answers that attract people to seek knowledge. You are the messenger of civilization, the spiritual food of generations, and countless treasures

Red leaves fly together, small bridges run water, green willows droop, mountain vultures.

When I am depressed, I hold you in my hand, and then I get great comfort in my heart; When I was sad and sobbing, you held me and made me suddenly see a ray of light.

When you open your old pages, the dinosaurs of the Jurassic era will be the first to hit you, followed by Yuanmou people and Beijingers, then the Yellow Emperor and Yan Emperor, and then turn back. Tang poetry, Song poetry, and Yuan opera will come to your eyes one after another, making you dizzy. You are the spiritual history of ancient culture and the bridge for the development of modern science and technology. You carry on the past, guide the future, dispel the darkness and bring light.

I love to read you, but I'm afraid to do so. You are so profound that I often fall into meditation. Reading you, I don't choose the way, just like a headless fly, like a cocooned silkworm, often trapped in it, full of confusion. I am crazy about admiring you, but I dare not do so. You are so sacred and inviolable. I'm afraid that a small act or a small idea of mine will stain you and cast an indelible shadow on you. In that case, I will regret all my life and never forgive myself.

In front of you, I am just a small molecule, one of your hundreds of millions of connoisseurs. You can look at me disdainfully with the jewels of the bright world, look at me provocatively with priceless gold and silver, or teach me earnestly, shake your head and sigh at me. As for me, I always look at you piously and listen to your advice patiently. But you are too profound and difficult to understand. The only thing I can do is shake my head and sigh helplessly and sadly. How I want to go deep into your spiritual treasure!

Books, it's not easy to say love you! But I swear, I will use my spare heat to understand you. I hope I can stare at you and play with you one day!

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (2)

Time is like water and life is like a song. In a twinkling of an eye, we sent off another tense semester and welcomed a happy summer vacation. At this time, I lay in the cool air-conditioned room, looking out of the window at the hot sun, and began to look forward to the summer vacation.

I hope my summer vacation is easy, let those homework, cram school go to hell. Every day when I sleep, I will wake up naturally, without my mother's annoying nagging: "Hurry up, hurry up, I will be late!" During the summer vacation, I will carry my luggage and explore the wonderful world. To understand the ancient culture of China, to see the great mountains and rivers of the motherland... to broaden my horizons. "Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles"!

During the summer vacation, I will go to the library and read all kinds of books. Talk about the past and the present with Zhuge Liang; Study the art of war with Sun Bin; Recite poems and fu together with Li Bai; Fight demons with Monkey King. I will use this summer vacation to recharge my batteries and enrich my knowledge. "Poetry and calligraphy are in your belly, and you can read thousands of books before you become fluent"!

During the summer vacation, I will also strengthen my sports. I'm a big basketball fan. At ordinary times, my mother is also very nervous about learning. If I want to play basketball, I have to sneak around.

During the summer vacation, I will call some friends to play some games happily. Let the coach help me refine my football skills to win honor for our school. Sports make people healthy, happy and smart!

But the ideal is very plump, and the reality is very skinny!

As soon as the summer vacation ended, my mother applied for various remedial classes for me. From Monday to Wednesday, from morning to afternoon, I have a full schedule. I went out early and came back late. I even had to go to school at night. I was even busier than going to school, which made me listless all day. When my little partner asked me to go out to play, I could only decline. What's more annoying is that I have to finish all kinds of homework every day, which is more than the homework at school. Is it like summer vacation? What a nuisance!

I really want to tell my mother; Mom, learning knowledge is important, but the more knowledge you have in the cram class, the richer you will be! Life is the source of knowledge! You can learn knowledge in play.

Mom, please give me a summer vacation I want!

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (3)

One night, my mother was signing for the express package, and I rushed forward to open it. Aha, Harry Potter is here! You know, this set of books is my dream. I'm so excited! So I sat on the sofa and began to browse.

But my mother said, "It's time to do homework. You can't read the extra-curricular books until you finish your homework!" Alas, it's really disappointing. I reluctantly walked to the desk and put the book on the desk.

As I wrote, my mind drifted to Harry Potter involuntarily, eager to know how the story developed.

At this time, a little elf seemed to say: "Oh! If you want to read a book, then read it! Just read a few pages, why not?" I couldn't resist the temptation of the book, reached for the book, opened it gently, and thought: "Mom is in her room anyway, and won't find it. I'll steal it!"

At this time, another elf's voice seemed to ring in his ear: "No! It's time for homework now, so don't be distracted!"

I couldn't help laughing and thought, "Just look at a few pages..."

When I was intoxicated with the book, the elf came to remind me: "Don't you just say a few pages? Stop reading!"

The previous elf came out again to make amends: "He only read two pages, let him see another page!"

I continued reading. Suddenly, someone seems to be walking outside the door. It must be my mother who has come to supervise me. I quickly closed my book, grabbed my pen and began to write my homework.

After a while, I listened carefully and found that my mother did not come - maybe I was too nervous and had a hallucination. So I picked up the book "Harry Potter" and read it with great interest.

I was so fascinated that I didn't find my mother standing beside me. I hurriedly closed the book and held it, very embarrassed.

Mom said angrily to me: "Look at you, reading extracurricular books is like being a thief! The extracurricular books are your own father? What's wrong with that? Don't be distracted from anything! Now it's homework time, and you can't read extracurricular books. In this case, I will lock up all extracurricular books..."

I didn't dare to speak, so I had to pick up my pen and continue my homework. Ah! Extracurricular books, it's not easy to say I love you!

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (4)

Examination is a painful and boring process for me, especially Chinese, which is often the most frequent.

"Jingle, jingle", the harsh bell rings. The Chinese teacher walked into the classroom seriously, his face was gloomy, and the classroom was silent. Then, the teacher "Zila" tore open the roll bag with a sound, which sounded like instant noodles were crushed. It was very clear in the quiet classroom.

When the test paper was handed out, I just looked at the topic carelessly, and the whole person was dumbfounded! "What a pointless question! -- Give you a sentence, and then let you answer what it means. This is a sentence from the teacher. How can I know what it means?" My heart is full of grievances and helplessness. My heart is anxious like an ant on a hot pot, and my forehead is already covered with a layer of sweat. When I looked around, I felt a sense of security. It turns out that my seat is very convenient and friendly. There are many school bullies around me. They surround me like a square array. I pretended to throw the pen cap at my desk carelessly, and maybe I could see the answers to several questions in the name of picking up the pen cap. I went ahead as planned, but I didn't expect that my deskmate seemed to have seen through my tricks, and covered the answers with many pencils and erasers, which made me completely invisible. It seems that the cover is "white", and I have no choice but to do the test independently.

After the examination, the Chinese teacher seemed to become an octopus, and he read eight papers with eight hands at the same time. It was only one day's work, and the whole class's papers had been corrected. From the teacher's gentle eyes in class, my score should not be very bad this time. I sighed for a long time, and the stone hanging to my throat finally landed.

"Zhang Xiaohua has 80 points, and still needs to work hard. Li Xiaoping has 95 points, good boy, please keep it up! Ma Mingxiang has 95. 5 points, this time the progress is very great, and the score is higher than that of the monitor. Everyone should learn from him!"...... In the applause of everyone's encouragement, I bowed my head in embarrassment, knowing that this time it was thanks to luck!

Alas, how are you, Examiner! Why is it so hard for me to love you? It's like a roller coaster, swinging up and down, but in the end it's all plain sailing... (public account: octopus country)

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (5)

Snack is the most popular thing in primary school, and books are not popular. In the past, I always liked to go to the canteen every day, but now I have to say to snacks: "Snacks, it's not easy to say I love you."

First point: empty pocket (no money). I watched everyone take colorful food out of the canteen and taste it with relish. I was not hungry, but my stomach was already protesting. I can't help it. My belly brother, it's not that I don't cooperate. I'm really short of money! Out of sight is clear. I'd better go!

Second point: My weight has soared due to my "eating abstinence". One morning, I bit a chicken leg, came to the scale, stood forward, and lost five jin! I hummed happily and wanted to go to the supermarket with my mother to take some snacks home. Suddenly, I suddenly saw that the "family daily diary blackboard" wrote: the scale is broken, if you want to measure the weight, please measure it first, and then add five kilograms. I immediately uttered a cry of "startle the world, cry ghosts and gods": Brother Zhang, don't be too heartless, save face for me! Alas, I can't help it. For my slim figure, I tighten my belt and say "Beybey" to snacks!

Third point: Snacks are good, but we should know how to discern. If we buy fake and inferior products, we can "lose our body and lose our money." A while ago, many students bought a batch of shiny drinks in the canteen to satisfy their cravings. The next day, there were virtuous friends vomiting and diarrhea in the school. In addition, it is also the peak period of influenza, which makes us panic. Fortunately, I didn't take care of it, otherwise, I would also have "canteen syndrome". I shudder at the thought of the bright needles in the hospital. God bless me, thank God, God and God.

Alas, these three reasons are enough for me to give up "eating addiction", for my pocket, body and health. Snack, bye! I can only eat rice and vegetables.

Snack, it's not easy to say I love you!

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (6)

It's not easy to say love in English. Here, I can't find the worry of "just getting on the eyebrows, but getting on the heart", the emotion of "cutting off the water, the water flows more", the scene of "when the wild geese return, the moon is full in the west tower", and the true feeling of "thinking about the monarch but not seeing the monarch every day, drinking the long river together"

Alas! How difficult it is to read you! The obstinate pronunciation makes me sad, and the disordered words make me die and die, and the obscure meaning makes me lose my head... It's hard to say how to cry for you!

But I was indulged in TV with relish. The touching words, the crystal clear tears, the reluctant pictures... I could not help but burst into tears. "Read English!" said the mother.

"Mom! Come on! It's going to end!" I begged.

"No! There's no time to delay! You can't delay a minute! Baby, listen! Don't waste your precious time and beautiful youth watching TV. Now the competition is fierce, and if you don't pay attention, you will lose your reputation. Then you will regret it again..." My mother "spattered" and started a long speech! Alas, it's really a hoop curse!

But the "mother"'s life is hard to violate, so I can only go back to the room three steps at a time, and read the boring English with frustration. The TV plot is playing repeatedly in my mind, and I throw English out of my mind. Indulge in imagination and try to imagine the "next episode preview" of the film.

Once again, my task was to remember the "box" (box). My tongue was almost rotten, and I still couldn't remember it. There was nothing I could do, so I had to use the accent. I racked my brains and couldn't find the right words, so I had to live under the "doctor".

For this reason, I was elated for a while, but the scenery did not last long. I killed a "Cheng Yaojin" on the way, and my mother suddenly came to a "temporary inspection". I was ready to deal with it with confidence for a long time.


"It's too simple. Will it be a joint venture soon? 'Doctor'." I read aloud without any trouble.

"It's a mess, what a 'doctor'! I'm crazy to want to be a doctor! It's box! Stupid!" Mother said viciously, taking the opportunity to laugh at me.

As a result, it is conceivable that I was scolded for being bloody.

English, I can't find happiness in you. You are the mantra on my head. It's not easy to say I love you!

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (7)

"Ding Ling Ling - Ding Ling Ling -" The bell of Chinese class rings. There was an ominous feeling in my heart. With my sixth sense, I thought: "Not good! There may be an exam today!" If it was true, the Chinese teacher rushed in and said in a panic: "There will be a monthly exam for Chinese tomorrow. Today, there is no homework. Everyone will go home and review carefully!"

When we heard the news, we immediately gathered black clouds on our heads, and soon a big black cloud was formed. It felt like a storm was coming tomorrow! Then the math and English teachers also announced that they would take the monthly exam tomorrow. Please prepare for the battle. Our hearts seemed to be weighed down by a heavy stone, and we could not help sighing: "What? Tomorrow will be a monthly exam! Alas, today will be 12 o'clock sleep!"

When I got home, I rushed into the room without looking back and began to review nervously. I picked up the Chinese test paper first and worked hard. "Shuashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashashash. I finally finished a Chinese test paper like squeezing toothpaste, followed by a math test paper full of calculation questions. The numbers on it seemed to run down from the test paper, dancing in front of my eyes, making me dizzy. After drinking a glass of water, I sobered up my mind and said to myself, "In order to get a good score, do it!" Thinking about it, I gritted my teeth and picked up a pen to write. When I could do half of it, I really couldn't do it. So I switched to English again. Unexpectedly, the English letters on the test paper were more naughty than the numbers. They ran around in front of me, making me unable to write. I held the pen and remained stunned for a long time. At this time, my mother came in and said, "Daughter, Mr. Wang asked you to recite your composition. It's getting late. Don't do the test paper. Just recite it quickly! Just be careful during the exam." I nodded and hurriedly agreed. So I recited the composition, and it was almost 10 o'clock after reciting it. I also went to bed early at the urging of my mother.

In the examination room, I was like a warrior rushing to the battlefield, "killing" the enemy camp without looking back, and fighting side by side with my companions. The classroom was extremely quiet, only the "rustling" sound of writing and the sound of the teacher's high heels... I hope this "war" will end soon.

Test, I want to say that love you is not easy!

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (8)

The network is no stranger to everyone. Indeed, it has brought us a lot of convenience, but excessive addiction to online games will also bring many harm to people.

In the class team class on Friday, Miss Li showed us Rule of Law Online. The main content is about a 13-year-old boy in the second year of junior high school. His name is Zhang Xiaoyi. He used to be a child whose achievements were among the best in his class. It was because he was addicted to online games that he became addicted to the illusory network all day long. It made him become bored and irritable, and his academic performance dropped sharply. So we can't distinguish online games from real life. In the end, he walked up to the 24th floor in a daze and chose to jump to commit suicide.

After watching Rule of Law Online, I deeply felt that the network is a virtual world, and we should treat it correctly. Addiction to online games is an important factor that can lead to the degeneration of teenagers. The online game is like a sticky spider web, once it meets, it is difficult to get out. Many people can't help being trapped in mud and can't help themselves. The same is true of Zhang Xiaoyi, who is addicted to online games. He has become impractical, and his mind is full of memories of online games. He even thinks he is the main role in the game. Finally, he lost his reason and jumped off a building to commit suicide.

Are there few such examples? The newspaper once published such a news: a 12-year-old student, who was originally smart and excellent in both character and learning. But since I became addicted to online games, my performance has plummeted and my physical condition is not as good as usual. Spiritual depression, irritable and eccentric personality. It's like being possessed by fire. Every day after school, I ran to the Internet cafes. After a long time, I ran out of money to play games. I went to the society to steal, rob, and finally started to commit crimes. What a terrible fact.

It can be seen that indulging in online games will not only harm yourself, but also the people around you. Therefore, we should correctly understand the network and use network information to help us learn. Shield the dross of the network, absorb the essence of the network, and let the network really be used by us.

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (9)

When I was a student, what was the most difficult? Of course, it is composition, which is very boring, and has constantly produced upgraded versions. From the number of words and pictures, the whole body has been completely "transformed" once. Recalling the past, that experience was really "horrible".

In grade one, I read pictures and write words. It's very simple! It's just a matter of one or two sentences, but things are always "everything goes wrong". Originally, a giraffe was drinking water. The background was a sunset picture, but I saw the giraffe lying in a pool of blood. As a result, I don't need to say. Of course, the score was "unattractive". The teacher left a string of red letters beside him, which was very dazzling: "seriously off topic, rewrite!" I felt as if I had been hit by a thunderbolt on the spot, and was stunned.

In grade two, one picture and text were upgraded to multiple pictures. My God? I'm too hard! It was not easy to write a good article after racking one's brains. With a happy and confident mood, I hold a picture and write words to my mother. But the ideal is very beautiful, the reality is very skinny, and the beautiful fantasy is like colorful bubbles, very beautiful, but soon burst. My mother looked at my pictures and wrote words. She was furious, and even hit me with ten thousand points of my composition "Fencui"! KO!

In the third grade, where's the picture? Why even the picture disappeared! Three hundred words more! You tease me, how can it be? I lost my confidence. It seems that I will never escape from the "writing devil" in my life! Who did I offend in my last life. He was sent to hell on earth! However, I still have two "supreme magic weapons" - composition selection and punctuation. I chose "Change Your Face" for my composition. Ha ha, a composition came out. Since then, composition selection has been my "golden cudgel". Even so, my mother still gave me a composition class, alas, I am too difficult!

By the fourth or fifth grade, six paths of rebirth had gone through hell again and again. Even if I have a "golden stirrup stick", it can never let me return to heaven and can only barely support my "survival". However, I also have a "magic weapon" - mobile phone. Can find the answer on the homework help; You can find compositions on Baidu. But I still have to work hard to reach the standard, because these "magic weapons" cannot support me for a long time, not to mention the exam, I'd better learn composition honestly!

I think every day: "If only I could have a magic pen, it would be good. It can write by itself without thinking. But it's good to think about it. Hard work is the best" magic weapon "for learning.

Alas, composition, don't torture me anymore, it's too difficult to love you!

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (10)

Lost, lost, and determined. Until now, I wonder if I have the right to say I love you, calligraphy.

Writing is my biggest problem in primary school. Every exam will lose points because of scribbling. My father and teacher have repeatedly told me to write well, but I really don't know how to control the disobedient pencil. I can't seem to concentrate on controlling the power on the tip of the pen.

Therefore, my father asked me to practice calligraphy with a calligraphy teacher.

In fact, at the beginning, I resisted. It bound my nature. How could I sit in front of the class for an afternoon? It's more difficult than going to the sky. But this is my father's order. I can only obey it.

But when I was in Cao Ying and in the Han Dynasty, all I thought about in the calligraphy class was how to be lazy and how to be more fun. Every class break, I always go out to fight with a group of "like-minded" friends, and will be punished when I go back. Therefore, after an afternoon, I got nothing.

I fell in love with calligraphy, thanks to my calligraphy teacher.

He is square and upright, just like his hairstyle. He is not tall, but his face is red, his earlobes are fat, and his clothes are simple. At the first glance, what you see is not his face like heavy dates, nor his handsome eyebrows, but his square flat head, which looks like a square frame on his face when his hair is green and white. It makes people think: Well, this man must be a calligraphy teacher. Look at this hairstyle, it's square!

What happens when a naughty boy who is lazy all day meets an honest and strict teacher? As a result, I was forced to compromise and study hard.

In the daily contact with calligraphy, I gradually changed my concept, from the initial resistance to a sense of achievement. Whenever I learned a word and was praised by the teacher, my sense of achievement became stronger. I attentively appreciate the beautiful palace built in a vertical and horizontal way, and then use it on the tip of my pen.

It was really a wonderful feeling: the pen touched the paper, leaving traces, and the ink slowly flowed out. During the filling period, the faint smell of ink made me more intoxicated. By then, I found it not so difficult to concentrate on one thing. Calligraphy has affected my study, and my academic performance has been improving.

I finally fell in love with calligraphy. With the increase of age and life experience, I am no longer a childish urchin. I have learned more about the philosophy of life in many Chinese characters. When the teacher saw that I was enlightened, he also talked with me about how to be a man and how to do things from time to time, which benefited me a lot.

Now, the heavy academic pressure makes me unable to breathe, so I have to bear the pain and give up calligraphy, my hobby. However, it has a lifelong impact on me.

I know it's not easy to say I love you, but I still want to shout bravely: "Calligraphy, I love you!"

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (11)

Ah, I really want to say I love you, but it's not easy!

Because once the test scores are low, I will suffer skin and flesh.

Today, I went to an English remedial class. As soon as I entered, I remembered that we had a test paper here last time, but it hasn't been handed out yet. Today, there is a 99% chance that we will hand it out. If I fail in the exam, my flesh will suffer. I don't want that. What can I do? At the moment, there seems to be fifteen buckets of water in my heart - seven up and eight down. So I prayed silently in my heart that the sky was bright and the earth was bright, and God Lao Jun would show up quickly, hoping that the score of this exam paper would not be low!

After a while, class began and the teacher handed out the test paper. I took a look and saw a number - "9" Hey! Not bad, it must be more than 90 points. I opened the test paper with confidence, ah! Only 92 points, I was a little depressed. Look at my deskmate, he is a really good student! How much did he take—— 93 points! Now my heart calmed down. I thought that he could not blame me for not doing well in the exam.

When I got home, I showed the test paper to my mother. Sure enough, her eyes were ablaze and she said, "Why didn't you do well in the exam? Reflect on yourself!" As she said that, she felt the burning pain on her buttocks, and tears could not help flowing down.

In the next few days, I began to hate this paper. I really wanted to tear it to pieces - it was because of you that my mother hit me! Do you know? The good student in everyone's mind is 1 point more than me, but I will pay a painful price for you! Test paper! It's not easy to say I love you!

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (12)

I remember when I was a child, I couldn't jump rope. I was envious of my brothers and sisters when they were jumping rope. Silly, I always throw the rope over first, but I can't jump up. In the big class of kindergarten, I slowly learned to skip rope under the guidance of my teacher. After entering primary school, rope skipping became my daily homework, and my performance was improving day by day.

In my opinion, rope skipping is a happy thing. The experience of skipping rope on the highway is still fresh in my memory. On that day, when we went back to our hometown for a wedding party, we ran into a traffic jam on the expressway, which became a parking lot. Mother suggested: "Let's get off the bus to exercise our muscles and bones and jump rope!" I took the rope and jumped up as usual. After a while, uncles and aunts in the car all got off to watch me jump rope. Some took out their mobile phones to take photos, some gave me thumbs up to praise them, and others said, "I saw the little girl jumping rope on the highway for the first time. The key is that she jumped so fast and so well." Hearing their praise, my feet seemed to be equipped with a small spring, jumping lightly on the ground, and the pink rope jumped up and down in the air, feeling like I was dancing on the highway. Suddenly, my mother said: "Time is up, 205". I can't believe my ears. I can break through 200 in one minute. I was so happy that I danced and cheered. The depression of traffic jam had already been forgotten.

But sometimes skipping is a nuisance. During the summer vacation, my mother said that in order to grow up, she had to jump more than 1000 ropes every day. Several times, I was sweating profusely, my hands were abraded, and my arms were marked again and again. I really didn't want to jump. But my mother still let me continue to jump, and I thought: rope skipping is really annoying and annoying!

Skipping rope makes me love and hate, but it makes me learn to insist. Every time when I don't want to jump, my mother will touch my head and patiently say to me: "If you can't jump, don't want to jump, when you want to give up, try to think that hope is in front of you, and if you persist for a while, you will win!" Under the encouragement of my mother, I insisted again and again, constantly surpassing myself, and got praise and affirmation from my family.

Skipping rope is not easy to say that I love you, but I will continue to jump and stick to it!

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (13)

Once upon a time, we longed for: in the future world, teachers would come out to teach at the touch of a button without going to school. This dream came true during the epidemic in 20XX

Because of the epidemic situation, the winter vacation continues to extend, and the students are bored at home. They often lose their breath. When they chat with the teacher, they will ask with trepidation: "When will school begin?" The voice is like throwing a grain of sand into the sea, and there has been no response for a long time... But we still have to face online classes with a sunny smile every day, and look across the screen from the teacher, which is called "no suspension of classes".

As a result, it has become a routine to open "nails", open textbooks and take out notebooks every morning. Fortunately, online classes don't need to go out and spend time cleaning up. It's the most suitable for me, a "curtily" girl.

After class, I listened to the voice of a strange teacher. Even though she spoke in a beautiful way, like a trickle, I was still unaccustomed to it. Gradually, my knowledge became more and more profound. Listening to online lessons like listening to the Buddhist scriptures, I accumulated as many problems as a mountain after a few days. I wanted to ask the teacher, but this is an online class. They can't see it! The mood was immediately shrouded in fog, unable to find the direction. Looking straight at the computer is like a hunter staring at an unreachable target; Holding the pen tightly, I seem to take notes at any time. In fact, only I know that I have been confused. The situation of the epidemic is serious. In addition to this confusing online course, it's really cool in my heart!

Moreover, the teacher did not interact with us during the online class, which made me have no enthusiasm at all. It is often the computer side of the teacher carefully talked about, I was lying on the table to dream. When I come back from a errand, I will be surprised. Eh, where did the teacher talk about? The second half of the class is like listening to the Heavenly Book. In the end, I only understood the sentence "How about meeting on campus when the epidemic is over?" I would say like a puppet: "OK!" Every time after class, I could not help rubbing the swollen temples, massaging the eyes running toward 600 degrees, looking at the blue sky outside, and sighing to myself: If you give me three days of bright classes

Admittedly, it's not easy to say I love you online! But now that the online course has issued a challenge, why not fight? Although there is still a long way ahead, looking back, it is March, and the swallows are back

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (14)

If you use your mobile phone for more than five hours every day, the risk of obesity will increase by 43%. If you sit there for a long time and play with your mobile phone without enough exercise, the energy your body takes in every day will not be consumed in time. As time goes by, the weight on your stomach will become more and more, which will lead to obesity. A long-term lack of exercise will also lead to heart disease, diabetes, joint discomfort, and serious damage to the spine in the long run.

Playing with mobile phones for a long time every day will also make the brain in a state of tension, too much information intake can not be digested in time, as time passes, the brain will be in a very tired state, unable to focus when we need to focus, and the speed of thinking will also decline, which has a great impact on our learning.

Playing mobile phones can also distract attention when driving across the road. If an emergency comes, it will not be able to respond in time, thus greatly increasing the risk of traffic accidents. According to statistics, in recent years, traffic accidents caused by playing mobile phones have been growing in China, and various ways of playing mobile phones have also emerged in endlessly. For this phenomenon, Only by starting at ordinary times and not relying on mobile phones can we ensure that we are not prone to traffic accidents when walking on the road.

Playing with mobile phones will cause us both mental and physical harm. Only by starting from small things, trying to get rid of the shackles of mobile phones on life, and using its advantages to avoid its disadvantages, can we say "I love you with mobile phones".

It's not easy to say I love you 600 (15)

In the class team class on Friday, Miss Li showed us "Rule of Law Online". The main content is about a 13-year-old boy in the second year of junior high school. His name is Zhang Xiaoyi. He used to be a child whose achievements were among the best in his class. It was because he was addicted to online games that he became addicted to the illusory network all day long. It made him become bored and irritable, and his academic performance dropped sharply. So we can't distinguish online games from real life. In the end, he walked up to the 24th floor in a daze and chose to jump to commit suicide.

After watching Rule of Law Online, I deeply felt that the network is a virtual world, and we should treat it correctly. Addiction to online games is an important factor that can lead to the degeneration of teenagers. The online game is like a sticky spider web, once it meets, it is difficult to get out. Many people can't help being trapped in mud and can't help themselves. The same is true of Zhang Xiaoyi, who is addicted to online games. He has become impractical, and his mind is full of memories of online games. He even thinks he is the main role in the game. Finally, he lost his reason and jumped off a building to commit suicide.

Are there few such examples? The newspaper once published such a news: a 12-year-old student, who was originally smart and excellent in both character and learning. But since I became addicted to online games, my performance has plummeted and my physical condition is not as good as usual. Spiritual depression, irritable and eccentric personality. It's like being possessed by fire. Every day after school, I ran to the Internet cafes. After a long time, I ran out of money to play games. I went to the society to steal, rob, and finally started to commit crimes. What a terrible fact.

It can be seen that indulging in online games will not only harm yourself, but also the people around you. Therefore, we should correctly understand the network and use network information to help us learn. Shield the dross of the network, absorb the essence of the network, and make the network truly used by us.